Proofreading queue

At Language Science Press, we rely on the community for proofreading. This means that all manuscripts are offered to community proofreaders, who can volunteer to read a chapter in "sneak preview" on Paperhive. All chapters should be read by at least two community members. The volunteers are listed in our Hall of Fame. If you would like to join our community of currently 529 community proofreaders, you can sign up at The following list gives the books which are currently being proofread, and the next ones up in line. The queue moves at the rate of 1 book every other week. This list is current as of 2024-06-24


  1. Language and computers by Markus Dickinson, Lelia Glass, Chris Brew and Detmar Meurers

  2. Syntax, semantics, and lexicon: Papers by and in honor of Ilse Zimmermann edited by Łukasz Jędrzejowski, Uwe Junghanns, Kerstin Schwabe and Carla Umbach

  3. Rarities in phonetics and phonology: Structural, typological, evolutionary, and social dimensions edited by Natalia Kuznetsova, Cormac Anderson & Shelece Easterday


  1. Elementa universalis linguae Slavicae : Translated with commentary and introductory essays by Raf Van Rooy and Alexander Maxwell by Alexander Maxwell and Raf Van Rooy

  2. Post-predicate elements in the Western Asian Transition Zone: A corpus-based approach to areal typology edited by Geoffrey Haig, Mohammad Rasekh-Mahand, Donald Stilo, Laurentia Schreiber and Nils Schiborr

  3. West meets East: Papers in historical lexicography and lexicology from across the globe edited by Geoffrey Williams, Mathilde Le Meur and Andrés Echavarría Peláez

  4. A grammar of Mandan by Ryan Kasak

  5. Foundations of language contact: A comparative survey edited by Francesca Di Garbo Eri Kashima Kaius Sinnemäki

This order is not set in stone and can change depending on circumstances. If you would like to join community proofreading for one of these volumes, register as a proofreader at