Research on Comparative Grammar

4 Titles

Chief Editor

Martin Haspelmath

Editorial Board

  • William Croft
  • Seppo Kittilä
  • Andrej Malchukov
  • Susanne Maria Michaelis
  • Vladimir Plungian
  • Bernhard Wälchli
  • Alena Witzlack-Makarevich

Aims and Scope

This book series publishes book-length studies in the area of broadly comparative typological linguistics that takes into account the world-wide diversity of human languages. The series stands in the tradition of the earlier series Studies in Diversity Linguistics, but focuses on comparative grammar.

Procedure for publishing an edited volume

In the RCG series, quality control for edited volumes is largely delegated to the volume editors. They organize the reviewing and revising and decide on the selection of papers. The series editor's task is to select the best proposals and to oversee the reviewing. The process consists of the following 5 stages.

  1. Submission of proposal
    The volume editor submits a proposal (a single PDF document) to the series editor, consisting of a table of contents, a prose description of the volume content in a few pages, and abstracts of each chapter. Affiliations of all authors should be included.  After at most two weeks, the series editor takes a decision. If it is positive, the volume editor can initiate the next stages.
  2. Reviewing and revising
    Each paper of the volume needs to be read and commented on by at least two readers (one of whom may be the volume editor). Reviewing need not be anonymous, and it need not be external, i.e. reviewers of volume contributions can be the other contributors. This process must be documented, so that the series editor knows that it did take place. Decisions on which revisions are mandatory, and on which papers are eventually included, are taken by the volume editor.
  3. Submission of revised version
    The volume editor submits the revised version to the series editor, along with documentation of the reviewing and revising process (first and revised versions of each paper, plus at least two reviews of each paper; these may be reviews consisting mainly of margin comments). The series editor makes no quality judgment at this stage, but merely controls whether the reviewing and revising process went according to the rules. If the submitted version diverges substantially from the original proposal, e.g. by including several new chapters or by removing several of the original chapters, a new approval is required.
  4. Typesetting
    The volume editor makes sure that the volume is typeset in LaTeX according to the Language Science Press requirements, with some limited assistance from the LangSci office.
  5. Proofreading
    After the typeset version has been approved by the series editor, the LangSci office approaches the volunteer proofreaders, so that each chapter is proofread by two people. The volume editor is asked to help with this process by finding at least one volunteer per chapter, e.g. among volume contributors or student assistants. The proofreading stage takes about six weeks.
  6. Publication
    After the proofreading comments have been taken into account, the final version is published.



Online ISSN 2749-781X
Print ISSN 2749-7801

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