Frame-Based Approaches to Semantics

1 Titles


  • Voula Giouli (Institute for Language and Speech Processing, ATHENA Research and Innovation Centre / National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece)
  • Ana Ostroški Anić (Institute for the Croatian Language, Croatia)
  • Alexander Ziem (Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Germany)

Next to the general LangSci guidelines, please note the particular guidelines for this series.

Editorial Board

  • Hans C. Boas (The University of Texas at Austin, USA)
  • Lars Borin (University of Gothenburg, Sweden)
  • Oliver Czulo (Leipzig University, Germany)
  • Mirjam Fried (Charles University, Czech Republic)
  • Marie-Claude L'Homme (University of Montreal, Canada)
  • Kyoto Ohara (Keio University, Japan)
  • Jan-Ola Östman (University of Helsinki, Finland)
  • Sebastian Pado (University of Stuttgart, Germany)
  • Michael Roth (University of Stuttgart, Germany)
  • Tiago Timponi Torrent (Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Brazil)
  • Sara Tonelli (Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Italy)

Aims and scope

The book series focuses on both Frame Semantics as well as issues related to FrameNet development, also from a global and multilingual framenet perspective. A special focus is on research based on, or inspired by, Frame Semantics as introduced by Charles J. Fillmore, ranging from so-called interpretative frames to semantic frames as implemented in the Berkeley FrameNet project and many other FrameNet projects in other languages. The series covers both theoretical aspects as well as practical and computational approaches to Frame Semantics, including but not limited to the following subdisciplines:

  • semantics
  • cognitive linguistics
  • computational linguistics and natural language processing
  • psycholinguistics

We invite books addressing core topics such as:

  • Frame semantics and cognitive aspects of the lexicon
  • Lexicography and Frame Semantics
  • Computational approaches to Frame Semantics
  • FrameNets in Natural Language Processing Applications
  • Frame-based language resources and applications
  • Frame-based approaches to constructions
  • Constructicons and FrameNets
  • Cross-linguistic studies on frames and FrameNets
  • Frame alignment across languages
  • Application of Frame Semantics in language learning and teaching
  • Frame Semantics and specialized knowledge
  • Frame Semantics and discourse analysis
  • Psycholinguistics and Frame Semantics
  • Diachronic approaches to frames and Frame Semantics


We invite proposals for both monographs and edited volumes comprising: the proposed title, a description of the overall content and aims of the volume and an overview of the volume’s structure (i.e. chapter titles, or titles of papers and authors’ names if any). Proposals for monographs should also include a short description of each chapter (100–200 words per chapter). For edited volumes, editors should prepare their proposals in accordance with the Editors’ Handbook for this series. Proposals should provide short abstracts of each contribution (about 100 words per contribution) and the details of the expected timeline, ensuring a satisfactory level of reviewing (see the general Language Science Press proofreading guidelines and indicate which process you would prefer).

Your proposal will first be discussed by the editors of the series. If accepted, the proposal proceeds to a full manuscript in accordance with the appropriate review process. Monographs are assessed by at least two reviewers. Edited volumes are reviewed according to the LSP proofreading guidelines.

Open Science 

We strongly encourage authors to make their research data available to editors, reviewers, and readers without restrictions wherever possible. Authors are also encouraged to consider the FAIR Data Principles when depositing data, or to share their data via public data repositories, e.g. the CORE repository of Humanities Common, Zenodo,or GitHub.
