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On reconstructing Proto-Bantu grammar
This book is about reconstructing the grammar of Proto-Bantu, the ancestral language at the origin of current-day Bantu languages. While Bantu is a low-level branch of Niger-Congo, the world’s biggest phylum, it is still Africa’s biggest language family. This edited volume attempts to retrieve the phonology, morphology and syntax used by the earliest Bantu speakers to communicate with each other, discusses methods to do so, and looks at issues raised by these academic endeavours. It is a collective effort involving a fine mix of junior and senior scholars representing several generations of expert historical-comparative Bantu research. It is the first systematic approach to Proto-Bantu grammar since Meeussen’s Bantu Grammatical Reconstructions (1967). Based on new bodies of evidence from the last five decades, most notably from northwestern Bantu languages, this book considerably transforms our understanding of Proto-Bantu grammar and offers new methodological approaches to Bantu grammatical reconstruction.
An introduction to Reconstructing Proto-Bantu Grammar
Double reflexes in north-western Bantu and their implications for the Proto-Bantu consonant system
Sorting out Proto-Bantu *j
Tense in Proto-Bantu
Reconstructing the development of the Bantu final vowels
The relevance of Bantoid for the reconstruction of Proto-Bantu verbal extensions
Causative and passive high tone in Bantu: Spurious or proto?
Reconstructable main clause functions of Proto-Bantu applicative *-ɪd
Reconstructing suffixal phrasemes in Bantu verbal derivation
Predicate structure and argument indexing in early Bantu
On reconstructing the Proto-Bantu object marking system
Agreement on Proto-Bantu relative verb forms
On subject inversion in Proto-Bantu relative clauses
Predicate partition for predicate-centred focus and Meeussen’s Proto-Bantu “advance verb construction”
Proto-Bantu existential locational construction(s)
Diachronic typology and the reconstruction of non-selective interrogative pronominals in Proto-Bantu