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Formulaic language: Theories and methods
The notion of formulaicity has received increasing attention in disciplines and areas as diverse as linguistics, literary studies, art theory and art history. In recent years, linguistic studies of formulaicity have been flourishing and the very notion of formulaicity has been approached from various methodological and theoretical perspectives and with various purposes in mind. The linguistic approach to formulaicity is still in a state of rapid development and the objective of the current volume is to present the current explorations in the field. Papers collected in the volume make numerous suggestions for further development of the field and they are arranged into three complementary parts. The first part, with three chapters, presents new theoretical and methodological insights as well as their practical application in the development of custom-designed software tools for identification and exploration of formulaic language in texts. Two papers in the second part explore formulaic language in the context of language learning. Finally, the third part, with three chapters, showcases descriptive research on formulaic language conducted primarily from the perspectives of corpus linguistics and translation studies. The volume will be of interest to anyone involved in the study of formulaic language either from a theoretical or a practical perspective.
Predictability and prefab statusThe case of adjective + noun sequences in English
Cascading collocationsCollocades as correlates of formulaic language
Exploring the valency of collocational chains
Paths to formulaicityHow do L2 speakers internalise new formulaic material?
Formulaic sequences with ideational meanings in L1 novice and expert academic writing
Reading discourses through their phraseologyThe case of Brexit
Grammar patterns as an exploratory tool for studying formulaicity in English-to-Polish translationA corpus-based study
God, Devil and ChristA corpus-based study of Russian formulaic idioms and their English and Finnish translation equivalents