Advances in formal Slavic linguistics 2016

Denisa Lenertová (ed), Roland Meyer (ed), Radek Šimík (ed), Luka Szucsich (ed)


Advances in Formal Slavic Linguistics 2016 initiates a new series of collective volumes on formal Slavic linguistics. It presents a selection of high quality papers authored by young and senior linguists from around the world and contains both empirically oriented work, underpinned by up-to-date experimental methods, as well as more theoretically grounded contributions. The volume covers all major linguistic areas, including morphosyntax, semantics, pragmatics, phonology, and their mutual interfaces. The particular topics discussed include argument structure, word order, case, agreement, tense, aspect, clausal left periphery, or segmental phonology. The topical breadth and analytical depth of the contributions reflect the vitality of the field of formal Slavic linguistics and prove its relevance to the global linguistic endeavour. Early versions of the papers included in this volume were presented at the conference on Formal Description of Slavic Languages 12 or at the satellite Workshop on Formal and Experimental Semantics and Pragmatics, which were held on December 7-10, 2016 in Berlin.


  • Doubly filled COMP in Czech and Slovenian interrogatives
    Julia Bacskai-Atkari
  • Russian datives again: On the (im)possibility of the small clause analysis
    Tatiana Bondarenko
  • Imperfective past passive participles in Russian
    Olga Borik, Berit Gehrke
  • Event and degree numerals: Evidence from Czech
    Mojmír Dočekal, Marcin Wągiel
  • A thought on the form and substance of Russian vowel reduction
    Guillaume Enguehard
  • The Russian perfective present in performative utterances
    Anja Gattnar, Johanna Heininger, Robin Hörnig
  • The nature(s) of syntactic variation: Evidence from the Serbian/Croatian dialect continuum
    Peđa Kovačević, Tanja Milićev
  • On the lack of φ-feature resolution in DP coordinations: Evidence from Czech
    Ivona Kučerová
  • Surviving sluicing
    Franc Marušič, Petra Mišmaš, Vesna Plesničar, Tina Šuligoj
  • The markedness of coincidence in Russian
    Emilia Melara
  • Head directionality in Old Slavic
    Krzysztof Migdalski
  • Perception of Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian sibilants: Heritage U.S. vs. homeland speakers. A pilot study
    Kristina Mihajlović, Małgorzata Ćavar
  • General-factual perfectives: On an asymmetry in aspect choice between western and eastern Slavic languages
    Olav Mueller-Reichau
  • Gender encoding on hybrid nouns in Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian: Experimental evidence from ellipsis
    Andrew Murphy, Zorica Puškar, Matías Guzmán Naranjo
  • Extract to unravel: Left branch extraction in Romanian/Serbian code-switching
    Vanessa Petroj
  • Unifying structural and lexical case assignment in Dependent Case Theory
    Zorica Puškar, Gereon Müller
  • Transitivity Requirement revisited: Evidence from first language acquisition
    Teodora Radeva-Bork
  • Number agreement mismatches in Russian numeral phrases
    Elena Titov
  • Russian case inflections: Processing costs and benefits
    Maria D. Vasilyeva
  • A puzzle about adverbials in simultaneous readings of present and past-under-past in Russian
    Ekaterina Vostrikova
  • How factive is the perfective? On the interaction between perfectivity and factivity in Polish
    Karolina Zuchewicz



Denisa Lenertová, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Denisa Lenertová (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) specializes on syntax, information structure and prosody, her research interests include corpus-based and experimental methods. She has worked on the syntax and information structure of the left periphery, embedded root phenomena, the typology of Slavic reflexives and impersonals, clitics, and infinitival structures.

Roland Meyer, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Roland Meyer is professor of West Slavic linguistics at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. He works on synchronic and diachronic morphosyntax, pragmatics, intonation, corpus linguistics and automatic processing of Slavic languages, with an emphasis on empirical methods and the relation between empirical data and linguistic theory.

Radek Šimík, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Radek Šimík (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) specializes in theoretical and experimental syntax, semantics, information structure, and their interfaces. His particular research interests include wh-constructions, definiteness in articleless languages, and formal expression of information structural categories such as givenness.

Luka Szucsich, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Luka Szucsich is professor of East Slavic linguistics at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. He works on morphosyntax of Slavic languages and its interfaces, esp. argument structure, case, relative clauses, and cross-clausal dependencies. His research interests also include heritage languages, bi- and multilingualism, and areal linguistics.


January 8, 2018
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Cite as
Lenertová, Denisa, Meyer, Roland, Šimík, Radek & Szucsich, Luka (eds.). 2018. Advances in formal Slavic linguistics 2016. (Open Slavic Linguistics 1). Berlin: Language Science Press. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2546440


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