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Linguistic Association}}, editor = {Melinda Heijl}, title = {{Aspectual microvariation: {{T}}he case of {Slavic} imperfectives}}, url = {http://homes.chass.utoronto.ca/~cla-acl/actes2010/CLA2010_Rivero_Arregui.pdf}, year = {2010} } @inproceedings{RitterWiltschko2005, address = {Somerville, MA}, author = {Ritter, Elizabeth and Martina Wiltschko}, booktitle = {Anchoring Events to Utterances without Tense}, editor = {John Alderete and Chung-hye Han and Alexei Kochetov}, journal = {Proceedings of the 24th {West} {Coast} {Conference} on {Formal} {Linguistics}}, pages = {343--351}, publisher = {Cascadilla Proceedings Project}, title = {Anchoring Events to Utterances without Tense}, url = {http://www.lingref.com/cpp/wccfl/24/paper1240.pdf}, year = {2005} } @inproceedings{Ritter2014, author = {Ritter, Elizabeth}, booktitle = {Nordlyd 41(1): {Special} issue on features}, doi = {10.7557/12.3315}, editor = {Peter Svenonius and Martin Krämer}, pages = {103--124}, publisher = {University of 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Coutinho and Maria Lobo}, pages = {303--313}, publisher = {Colibri}, title = {Complexidade e omissão de clíticos: {{O}} caso dos reflexos}, year = {2007} } @inproceedings{Costa-Lobo2007a, address = {Amsterdam}, author = {Costa, João and Lobo, Maria}, booktitle = {Clitic omission, null objects or both in the acquisition of {{European}} {{Portuguese}}?}, doi = {10.1075/cilt.291.06cos}, editor = {Sergio Baauw and Frank Drijkoningen and Manuela Pinto}, journal = {Romance {Languages} and {Linguistic} {Theory} 2005: {Selected} papers from {Going} {Romance}, {Utrecht}, {December} 2005}, publisher = {John Benjamins}, title = {Clitic omission, null objects or both in the acquisition of {{European}} {{Portuguese}}?}, year = {2007} } @inproceedings{Castilla-etal2008, address = {Somerville, MA}, author = {Castilla, Anny P. and Pérez-Leroux, Ana Teresa and Eriks-Brophy, Alice}, booktitle = {{{BUCLD}} 32: {Proceedings} of the 32nd {Annual} {{Boston}} {University} {Conference} on {Language} {Development}}, editor = {Harvey Chan and Heather Jacob and Enkeleida Kapia}, pages = {72--83}, publisher = {Cascadilla Press}, title = {Syntax and the lexicon in early omission of {Spanish} clitics}, year = {2008} } @inproceedings{Carmona-Silva2007, address = {Lisboa}, author = {Carmona, Jaqueline and Silva, Carolina}, booktitle = {{{XXII}} {Encontro} {Nacional} da {{APL}}}, editor = {Maria A. Coutinho and Maria Lobo}, pages = {199--210}, publisher = {Colibri}, title = {A aquisição de clíticos dativos em {{PE}}: {{T}}este piloto}, year = {2007} } @inproceedings{Cardinaletti-Giusti1992, address = {Turin}, author = {Cardinaletti, Anna and Giuliana Giusti}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {{XVII}} {Meeting of Generative Grammar}}, editor = {Elisabetta Fava}, pages = {121–141}, publisher = {Rosenberg and Sellier}, title = {Partitive \emph{ne} and the {{QP}}-{Hypothesis}: {{A}} case study}, year = {1992} } @inproceedings{Bošković2008, address = {Amherst, MA}, author = {Bošković, Željko}, booktitle = {Proceedings of {{NELS}} 37}, editor = {Emily Elfner and Martin Walkow}, pages = {101–114}, publisher = {GLSA Publications}, title = {What will you have, {{DP}} or {{NP}}?}, volume = {1}, year = {2008} } @inproceedings{Boskovic2013, address = {Ann Arbor, MI}, author = {Bošković, Željko}, booktitle = {Formal {Approaches} to {{Slavic}} {Linguistics} 21: {The} {Third} {Indiana} {Meeting} 2012}, editor = {Steven Franks and Markus Dickinson and George Fowler and Melissa Whitcombe and Ksenia Zanon}, pages = {1--25}, publisher = {Michigan Slavic Publications}, title = {Adjectival escapades}, year = {2013} } @inproceedings{Boskovic2008, address = {Amherst, MA}, author = {Bošković, Željko}, booktitle = {{{NELS}} 37: {Proceedings} of the 37th {Annual} {Meeting} of the {{North}} {{East}} {Linguistic} {Society}}, editor = {Emily Elfner and Martin Walkow}, pages = {101--114}, publisher = {GLSA Publications}, title = {What will you have, {{DP}} or {{NP}}?}, volume = {1}, year = {2008} } @inproceedings{Bobaljik1995, address = {Cambridge, MA}, author = {Bobaljik, Jonathan D.}, booktitle = {{{MIT}} {Working} {Papers} in {Linguistics} 27: {Papers} on minimalist syntax}, editor = {Rob Pensalfini and Hiroyuki Ura}, pages = {41--64}, publisher = {MITWPL}, title = {In Terms of Merge: {Copy} and Head Movement}, year = {1995} } @inproceedings{Bobaljik1994, address = {Cambridge, MA}, author 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