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- 2004-08-20 Martin Haspelmath posts a message on LinguistList regarding open access publishing in linguistics
- 2012-06 Stefan Müller, Adele Goldberg, Anatol Stefanowitsch and others meet at an undisclosed location in the Berlin Tiergarten, discussing how the publication system is broken. They decide to set up a community-run publisher.
- 2012-08-26 Stefan Müller contacts Martin Haspelmath about setting up a community-run publisher
- 2013-02-28 Submission of grant proposal to DFG
- 2013-04-24 www.langsci-press.org online, starts with 7 series (SIDL, TBLS, EOTMS, LV, IG, TGDI, TMNLP)
- 2013-09-19 8th series accepted (ALGAD)
- 2013-09-22 9th series accepted (MCNC/NCCS)
- 2013-10-21 10th series accepted (SILP)
- 2013-12-04 first book accepted (Prosodic detail in Neapolitan Italian)
- 2013-12-20 DFG proposal granted. 587k€ seed funding.
- 2014-02-24 Sebastian Nordhoff starts as the coordinator
- 2014-03-05 First book published (A typology of Marked-S languages)
- 2014-04-16 LangSci starts using writelatex/Overleaf
- 2014-06-01 Business economist hired for the development of the business model
- 2014-08-22 11th series acceped (CMLE)
- 2014-08-24 12th series accepted (CFLS)
- 2014-08-28 13th series accepted (SCL)
- 2014-08-31 regular publication of download stats starts
- 2014-10-08 14th series accepted (CAL)
- 2015-01-15 101 expressions of interest to publish a title with LangSci
- 2015-05-13 15th series accepted (MI)
- 2015-06-02 community proofreading starts with hypothes.is as a platform
- 2015-09-02 16th series accepted (Classics)
- 2016-01-01 LangSci transfers from Freie Universität to Humboldt Universität
- 2016-01-08 17th series accepted (OGS)
- 2016-02-23 publication of regular transparency reports starts
- 2016-03-01 150th expression of interest to publish a title with LangSci
- 2016-04-16 First meeting with Knowledge Unlatched
- 2016-04-27 LaTeX packages available on CTAN
- 2016-10-14 Community proofreading setup switches to PaperHive
- 2016-12-25 18th series accepted (PMWE)
- 2017-07-14 19th series accepted (OSL)
- 2017-10-09 300th expression of interest to publish a title with LangSci
- 2017-12-05 LangSci receives funding from OpenAire for the publication of the Open Access cookbook
- 2018-2020 First three year funding via Knowledge Unlatched
- 2018-01-01 Offices move to xHain hackspace
- 2018-01-23 LangSci wins the OA award of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft
- 2018-03-29 20th series accepted (HPLS)
- 2018-09-06 21st series accepted (EUROSLA)
- 2018-07-11 Cookbook for Open Access books released
- 2018-10-31 22nd series accepted (LOC)
- 2019-01-09 1000 public supporters reached
- 2019-01-29 transparency reports start including sections on finances, CO2
- 2019-03-26 23rd series accepted (CIB)
- 2019-03-26 24th series accepted (CAM)
- 2019-05-23 100th book published (Form and Formalism)
- 2020-04-15 25th series accepted (OGL)
- 2020-05-05 26th series accepted (ORL)
- 2020-05-30 first book with more than 50k downloads
- 2020-10-20 27th series accepted (TPD)
- 2020-10-31 more than 1.000.000 pdf downloads
- 2020-12-20 600th expression of interest to publish a title with LangSci
- 2021-2023 second funding cycle via Knowledge Unlatched
- 2021-03-09 200 submissions
- 2021-03-25 28th series accepted (CoGL)
- 2021-03-25 29th series accepted (RCG)
- 2021-03-25 first book >1000 pages published (A grammar of Japhug)