Forthcoming: Language and computers

Markus Dickinson   Lelia Glass   Chris Brew   Detmar Meurers  


This book offers an accessible introduction to the ways that language is processed and produced by computers, a field that has recently exploded in interest. The book covers writing systems, tools to help people write, computer-assisted language learning, the multidisciplinary study of text as data, text classification, information retrieval, machine translation, and dialog. Throughout, we emphasize insights from linguistics along with the ethical and social consequences of emerging technology. This book welcomes students from diverse intellectual backgrounds to learn new technical tools and to appreciate rich language data, thus widening the bridge between linguistics and computer science.


Markus Dickinson

Markus Dickinson (Ph.D. from the Ohio State University, 2005) was an Associate Professor of Linguistics at Indiana University before leaving academia for the oddities of leading a college ministry and having more free time. He used to research corpus annotation, the automatic analysis of second language learner data, and various bits and bobs related to those areas. He still enjoys dipping into computational linguistics when he can.

Lelia Glass

Lelia Glass (Ph.D. from Stanford, 2018) is an Assistant Professor of Linguistics and the Coordinator of a growing linguistics program in the School of Modern Languages at Georgia Institute of Technology. She studies meaning and variation in language, with diverse projects on NLP-informed lexical semantics and sociophonetics unified by their emphasis on corpus data and social context.

Chris Brew

Chris Brew (D.Phil from the University of Sussex, 1992) was an Associate Professor of Linguistics and Computer Science at the Ohio State University before moving into industry in 2011. He is a passionate fan of all things NLP. His current main interests are the use of large language models for summarization and question-answering. He works as a Principal Data Scientist at LexisNexis Legal and Professional, where he designs and builds AI-based components for their legal information systems. He recently rejoined Ohio State part-time, where he teaches one computer science class per semester.

Detmar Meurers

Detmar Meurers (Ph.D. from the University of Tübingen, 2000) is a Professor of Computational Linguistics and the Head of the Theoretical Computational Linguistics group at the University of Tübingen, with prior appointments at the University of Tromsø and The Ohio State University. He studies the use of linguistic insights in intelligent computer-assisted language learning; the intersection between computational linguistics and empirical education science; and corpus approaches to syntactic theory. He is a mentor to several start-ups for computer-assisted language learning. Detmar is committed to teaching computational linguistics in a way that combines current technology and research insights with the fundamentals of the field.

book cover


May 29, 2024
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Cite as
Dickinson, Markus, Glass, Lelia, Brew, Chris & Meurers, Detmar. Forthcoming. Language and computers. (Textbooks in Language Sciences). Berlin: Language Science Press.


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