Dative constructions in Romance and beyond

Anna Pineda (ed), Jaume Mateu (ed)


This book offers a comprehensive account of dative structures across languages –with an important, though not exclusive, focus on the Romance family. As is well-known, datives play a central role in a variety of structures, ranging from ditransitive constructions to cliticization of indirect objects and differentially marked direct objects, and including also psychological predicates, possessor or causative constructions, among many others. As interest in all these topics has increased significantly over the past three decades, this volume provides an overdue update on the state of the art. Accordingly, the chapters in this volume account for both widely discussed patterns of dative constructions as well as those that are relatively unknown.


  • Dative constructions across languages: An introduction
    Anna Pineda, Jaume Mateu
  • Datives as applicatives
    María Cristina Cuervo
  • The puzzle of Russian ditransitives
    Svitlana Antonyuk
  • Ditransitive constructions
    what sets Brazilian Portuguese apart from other Romance languages?
    Ana Regina Calindro
  • Putting objects in order
    Asymmetrical relations in Spanish and Portuguese ditransitives
    Paola Cépeda, Sonia Cyrino
  • Ditransitive constructions with DOM-ed direct objects in Romanian
    Alexandra Cornilescu
  • The Romance Person Case Constraint is not about clitic clusters
    Michelle Sheehan
  • Aspectual datives (and instrumentals)
    Ludovico Franco, Paolo Lorusso
  • The modal side of the dative
    From predicative possession to possessive modality
    Egor Tsedryk
  • Datives and stativity in psych predicates
    Antonio Fábregas, Rafael Marín
  • The lexical underspecification of Bantu causatives and applicatives
    Mattie Wechsler
  • When the applicative needs the antipassive
    David Basilico
  • Dative objects with novel verbs in Icelandic
    Jóhannes Jónsson, Rannveig Thórarinsdóttir
  • Microvariation in dative-marking in the Romance and Greek varieties of Southern Italy
    Adam Ledgeway, Norma Schifano, Giuseppina Silvestri
  • Romance a-phrases and their clitic counterparts
    Agreement and mismatches
    M. Rita Manzini
  • The accusative/dative alternation in Catalan verbs with Experiencer object
    Carles Royo
  • Ways of being a dative across Romance varieties
    Teresa Cabré, Antonio Fábregas



Anna Pineda

Anna Pineda is a post-doctoral researcher specialized in Catalan and Romance linguistics. After completing her PhD at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (2014), she has been investigating Romance syntactic variation at Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (France), University of Cambridge (United Kingdom), Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona) and currently Sorbonne Université (France).

Jaume Mateu

Jaume Mateu is Associate Professor of Catalan language and linguistics at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Most of his work is on the syntax and semantics of argument structure in Romance and Germanic languages. His current research is focused on the syntax of word formation and the structure of participles in Latin.


January 7, 2020
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Pineda, Anna & Mateu, Jaume (eds.). 2020. Dative constructions in Romance and beyond. (Open Generative Syntax 7). Berlin: Language Science Press. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3744254


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