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New perspectives on cohesion and coherence: Implications for translation
The contributions to this volume investigate relations of cohesion and coherence as well as instantiations of discourse phenomena and their interaction with information structure in multilingual contexts. Some contributions concentrate on procedures to analyze cohesion and coherence from a corpus-linguistic perspective. Others have a particular focus on textual cohesion in parallel corpora that include both originals and translated texts. Additionally, the papers in the volume discuss the nature of cohesion and coherence with implications for human and machine translation.
The contributors are experts on discourse phenomena and textuality who address these issues from an empirical perspective. The chapters in this volume are grounded in the latest research making this book useful to both experts of discourse studies and computational linguistics, as well as advanced students with an interest in these disciplines. We hope that this volume will serve as a catalyst to other researchers and will facilitate further advances in the development of cost-effective annotation procedures, the application of statistical techniques for the analysis of linguistic phenomena and the elaboration of new methods for data interpretation in multilingual corpus linguistics and machine translation.
Cohesion and coherence in multilingual contexts
Discourse connectivesFrom historical origin to present-day development
Possibilities of text coherence analysis in the Prague Dependency Treebank
Applying computer-assisted coreferential analysis to a study of terminological variation in multilingual parallel corpora
Testing target text fluencyA machine learning approach to detecting syntactic translationese in English-Russian translation
Cohesion and translation variationCorpus-based analysis of translation varieties
Examining lexical coherence in a multilingual setting