Open Review

What is Open Review?

Before being officially published, our authors have the chance to send their manuscripts to our Open Review process. In this process, anyone who visits our website can comment on the book or on selected parts of the book.

How can you participate?

Anyone who visits our website and signs up to can participate in our Open Review process.

Read our user guide to get acquainted with the software.

You can view and try out the software on our test site.

How is it set up?

We use to realize an easy way to make comments and communication possible. is a non-profit organization building an open platform for discussion on the web. It's free, open and aims to be neutral. The software is based on the Annotator project. The annotation standards for digital documents are being developed by the W3C Web Annotation Working Group.

Annotations can be freely reused by anyone for any purpose.

What can be reviewed?

Feel free to comment on anything you see fit (content, grammar, spelling, missing references, unclear explanations, unclear relation between text and additional material, ...). Positive feedback is also welcome.

Books currently under Open Review

Stefan Müller: Grammatical theory, preliminary version part 1 and part 2.