How to comment on our PDF files

Read comments

Highlight those passages in the text that have been commented on

Click on the crossed eye on the right edge of your screen to highlight the passages that have been commented on.

Click on the uncrossed eye to remove highlighting.

Read all comments and replies on comments

Click on the arrow on the right edge of your screen to open and close the sidebar. The comments and replies on comments are listed here.

If a subset of comments has been selected you can restore the complete list with 'Clear selection'.

You can sort the list of comments according to the comments' date of orign or their position in the document.

Replies on comments may not be visible, unfold them by clicking on the arrow.

Search/read a specific comment

If you want to read the comment associated with a highlighted passage in the document, click on the selection icon to the right. The number in the icon shows the number of comments that will be selected.

You can also search the comments with the full-text search at the top of the sidebar.

Find the passage in the document a comment refers to

To find the passage in the document a comment refers to just click on the comment (any place in the comments' box will do).

Sort comments

You can sort the comments according to their date of origin or according to their position in the document.

You'll find the sorting function at the top of the sidebar.

Make your own comments

Sign in with

To make your own comments, you must be registered with If you don't want to create an account of your own, contact us to use our LangSci guest account. However, we encourage you to create your own account, as with the LangSci account any other guest can edit and delete your comments.

Comment on a specific text passage

To comment on a specific text passage, mark the passage and click on the comment icon that automatically appears ('New Note').

The sidebar will open and a text editor for your comment appears. Save your comment when you have finished typing.

You can edit and delete your comments any time you want.

If you want anyone to be able to read your comments, make sure your comment is public.

Make a general comment (without reference to a specific text passage)

To make a comment that does not refer to a specific passage in the text, click on the comment icon in the sidebar.

You can then continue as described in 'Comment on a specific text passage'.

Reply to a comment

You can reply to comments and replies.

Delete a comment

You can delete your comments any time you want.