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Annotation, exploitation and evaluation of parallel corpora: TC3 I
Exchange between the translation studies and the computational linguistics communities has traditionally not been very intense. Among other things, this is reflected by the different views on parallel corpora. While computational linguistics does not always strictly pay attention to the translation direction (e.g. when translation rules are extracted from (sub)corpora which actually only consist of translations), translation studies are amongst other things concerned with exactly comparing source and target texts (e.g. to draw conclusions on interference and standardization effects). However, there has recently been more exchange between the two fields – especially when it comes to the annotation of parallel corpora. This special issue brings together the different research perspectives. Its contributions show – from both perspectives – how the communities have come to interact in recent years.
Building and querying parallel treebanks
Enriching Slovene wordnet with domain-specific terms
Empty links and crossing linesQuerying multi-layer annotation and alignment in parallel corpora
On drafting and revision in translationA corpus linguistics oriented analysis of translation process data
Computerlinguistik in der Dolmetschpraxis unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Korpusanalyse