@article{faugere_transactions_2000, langid = {french}, title = {Transactions monétaires en pays kanak}, url = {http://www.recherches-nouvelle-caledonie.org/IMG/pdf/Elsa_Faugere_Geneses_2000.pdf}, number = {41}, journaltitle = {Genèses}, urldate = {2016-05-17}, date = {2000-10}, pages = {41-62}, author = {Faugère, Elsa} } @thesis{campbell_phenomenon_1987, title = {The Phenomenon of Spreading in {{Fa Tiéta}}, a Language of {{New Caledonia}}}, author = {Campbell, Maryline Ebeth}, date = {1987}, institution = {{The University of Texas at Arlington}}, location = {{Arlington}}, type = {Master's thesis} } @book{comrie_aspect_1981, title = {Aspect: {{An}} Introduction to the Study of Verbal Aspect and Related Problems}, author = {Comrie, Bernard}, year = {1981}, series = {Cambridge Textbooks in Linguistics}, number = {2}, edition = {3}, publisher = {{Cambridge University Press}}, address = {Cambridge; New York} } @book{epps08hup, title = {A Grammar of {{Hup}}}, author = {Epps, Patience}, year = {2008}, publisher = {{Mouton de Gruyter}}, address = {{Berlin}} } @incollection{guiart_clans_1981, title = {Clans {Autochtones}: {Situation} Pré-Coloniale}, booktitle = {Atlas de La {{Nouvelle}}-{{Calédonie}} et {{Dépendances}}}, author = {Guiart, Jean}, editor = {Sautier, Gilles}, year = {1981}, pages = {69--71}, publisher = {{Éditions de l'Office de la Recherche Scientifique et Technique Outre-Mer}}, address = {{Paris}} } @article{lichtenberk_oceanic_2009, title = {Oceanic Possessive Classifiers}, author = {Lichtenberk, Frantisek}, year = {2009}, journal = {Oceanic Linguistics}, volume = {48}, number = {2}, pages = {379--402} } @incollection{overall_typology_2017, title = {A Typology of Frustrative Marking in {{Amazonian}} Languages}, booktitle = {The {{Cambridge}} Handbook of Linguistic Typology}, author = {Overall, Simon}, editor = {Aikhenvald, Alexandra Y. and Dixon, Robert M. W.}, year = {2017}, location = {Cambridge}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press} } @article{lynch_historical_2000, title = {Historical Overview of Central {{Pacific}} Possessive Markers}, author = {Lynch, John}, year = {2000}, journal = {Sprachtypologie und Universalienforschung}, volume = {53}, number = {3-4}, pages = {233--242} } @incollection{lichtenberk_possessive_1985, title = {Possessive Constructions in {{Oceanic}} and in {{Proto}}-{{Oceanic}}}, booktitle = {Austronesian {{Linguistics}} at the 15th {{Pacific Science Congress}}}, author = {Lichtenberk, Frantisek}, editor = {Pawley, Andrew and Carrington, Louis}, year = {1985}, series = {Pacific {{Linguistics}}}, number = {88}, pages = {93--140}, publisher = {{Australian National University}}, address = {{Canberra}} } @incollection{bril_ownership_2012, title = {Ownership, Part–Whole, and Other Possessive–Associative Relations in {{Nêlêmwa}} ({{New Caledonia}})}, booktitle = {Possession and Ownership}, author = {Bril, Isabelle}, editor = {Aikhenvald, Alexandra Y. and Dixon, R. M. W.}, year = {2012}, pages = {65--89}, publisher = {{Oxford University Press}}, doi = {10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199660223.003.0002}, location = {Oxford} } @unpublished{demmer_nationalisme_2003, langid = {french}, title = {Nationalisme kanak et génération : une approche du changement social en Nouvelle-Calédonie}, url = {http://www.recherches-nouvelle-caledonie.org/IMG/pdf/Nationalisme_kanak_et_generation.pdf}, urldate = {2016-05-17}, date = {2003}, author = {Demmer, Christine} } @book{sand_temps_1996, title = {"{{Le}} Temps d'avant": {{La}} Préhistoire de La {{Nouvelle}}-{{Calédonie}}}, publisher = {{Editions L'Harmattan}}, date = {1996}, author = {Sand, Christophe} } @incollection{zalcberg_kanak_2013, title = {The {{Kanak}} Indigenous Peoples of {{New Caledonia}}: Decolonization and Self-Determination in Practice}, isbn = {978-1-139-24895-2}, booktitle = {Statehood and {{Self}}-{{Determination}}: {{Reconciling Tradition}} and {{Modernity}} in {{International Law}}}, publisher = {{Cambridge University Press}}, date = {2013}, author = {Zalcberg, Jacqui} } @article{salaun_colonialisme_2010, langid = {french}, title = {Un colonialisme "glottophage"? L'enseignement de la langue francaise dans les écoles indigènes en Nouvelle-Calédonie (1863-1945)}, volume = {128}, issue = {octobre-décembre 2010}, journaltitle = {Histoire de l'éducation}, date = {2010}, pages = {53-77}, keywords = {colonialism,French education,history}, author = {Salaün, Marie} } @article{lercari_pour_2002, langid = {french}, title = {Pour une didactique des langues Kanak}, volume = {32-33}, journaltitle = {Hermès}, date = {2002}, pages = {543-550}, author = {Lercari, Claude and Sam, Léonard} } @article{legeard_catholiques_2008, title = {Catholiques et Protestants à {{Lifou}}: Un Conflit Récurrent}, volume = {6}, journaltitle = {Histoire et missions chrétiennes}, date = {2008}, pages = {107-118}, author = {Legeard, Luc} } @book{lynch_oceanic_2002, title = {The {{Oceanic languages}}}, abstract = {This new volume of the Language Family Series presents an overview of the Oceanic subgroup of the Austronesian languages, spread across a region embracing eastern Indonesia, Melanesia, Polynesia, and Micronesia. It provides sufficient phonological and grammatical data to give typologists and comparativists a good idea of the nature of these languages, and of how much typological variety there is in this single subgroup. The references will allow those interested in particular topics, geographical areas or specific languages to delve further. Divided into two major parts, the first five chapters of the book place the Oceanic languages in their geographic, demographic and social context. Both the place of the Oceanic subgroup within the wider Austronesian family, and the internal subgrouping of Oceanic itself are dealt with. A typological overview of Oceanic languages is provided, as well as an outline of the reconstructed phonology and morphosyntax of Proto Oceanic. The second part of the book consists of grammar sketches of 43 Oceanic languages that are not at all well known in the linguistic literature. For many of these languages, the sketch in this volume is the first grammatical treatment to appear in print.}, publisher = {{Psychology Press}}, date = {2002}, keywords = {Foreign Language Study / Oceanic & Australian Languages,Language Arts & Disciplines / Reference}, author = {Lynch, John and Ross, Malcolm and Crowley, Terry}, adress = {Oxon} } @incollection{hammarstrom_mainland_2020, title = {Mainland {{New Caledonian}}}, author = {Hammarstr{\"o}m, Harald and Forkel, Robert and Haspelmath, Martin and Bank, Sebastian}, year = {2020}, booktitle = {Glottolog}, publisher = {{Max Planck Institue for the Science of Human History}}, address = {{Jena}}, url = {https://glottolog.org/resource/languoid/id/main1286.bigmap.html\#9/-21.0742/165.3305} } @article{ozanne-rivierre_structural_1995, eprinttype = {jstor}, eprint = {3623111}, title = {Structural Changes in the Languages of {{Northern New Caledonia}}}, volume = {34}, number = {1}, journal = {Oceanic Linguistics}, date = {1995}, pages = {44-72}, author = {Ozanne-Rivierre, Françoise} } @book{stern_colonies_1943, location = {{New York}}, title = {Les Colonies Françaises: {Passé} et Avenir}, publisher = {{Brentano's}}, date = {1943}, author = {Stern, Jacques} } @article{goapana_college_2016, entrysubtype = {newspaper}, title = {Collège : Un Enseignement Des Langues Kanak plus Structuré}, url = {http://la1ere.francetvinfo.fr/nouvellecaledonie/college-un-enseignement-des-langues-kanak-plus-structure-343245.html}, journaltitle = {La 1ère}, date = {2016-03-23}, author = {Goapana, Nadine} } @misc{vice-rectorat_carte_2016a, title = {Carte de l’implantation Des Établissements}, url = {https://www.ac-noumea.nc/spip.php?rubrique45}, date = {2016}, editora = {Vice-Rectorat}, editoratype = {collaborator} } @article{couhia_pascal_2008, title = {Pascal {{Kalewaik Couhia}}, de {{Tiendanite}}}, author = {Couhia, Pascal Kalewaik and Maepas, Bernard Kalene}, year = {2008}, volume = {62}, pages = {61-63}, journal = {Mwà Véé: Revue culturelle kanak} } @online{alk_fagauvea_2019, title = {Fagauvea}, url = {https://www.alk.nc/aires-coutumieres/iaai-fagauvea}, journaltitle = {Académie des langues kanak}, urldate = {2016-09-10}, date = {2019-10-07}, author = {ALK} } @misc{unc_preparation_2014, title = {Préparation Au Concours de Recrutement de Professeur Des Écoles ({{CRPE}})}, url = {http://www.univ-nc.nc/sites/www.univ-nc.nc/files/07-2014_-_fiche_espe_crpe_-_rose_-_presse.pdf}, publisher = {{Unpublished}}, urldate = {2016-09-10}, date = {2014}, author = {UNC and ESPE} } @incollection{vernaudon_langues_2011a, location = {{Paris}}, title = {"{{Les}} Langues Kanak Sont, Avec Le Français, Des Langues d'enseignement et de Culture En {{Nouvelle}}-{{Calédonie}}." {{Et}} Après?}, booktitle = {Langues et Cultures Régionales de {{France}}. {{Dix}} Ans Après. {{Cadre}} Légal, Politiques, Médias}, series = {Logiques Sociales}, publisher = {{Editions L'Harmattan}}, date = {2011}, pages = {129-150}, author = {Vernaudon, Jacques and Salaün, Marie}, editor = {Clairis, Christos and Costaouec, Denis and Coyos, Jean-Baptiste and Jeannot-Fourcaud, Béatrice} } @online{vernaudon_langues_2011, title = {Les Langues Kanak à l'école En {{Nouvelle}}-{{Calédonie}}: Un Long Cheminement}, url = {http://blog.sorosoro.org/les-langues-kanak-a-l%E2%80%99ecole-en-nouvelle-caledonie-un-long-cheminement}, journaltitle = {Sorosoro}, urldate = {2016-06-15}, date = {2011-09-29}, author = {Vernaudon, Jacques} } @inproceedings{small_rise_1996, location = {{Sydney}}, title = {The {{Rise}} and {{Fall}} of the {{Ecoles Populaires Kanak}} in {{New Caledonia}}}, url = {http://ir.canterbury.ac.nz/bitstream/handle/10092/4718/12615459_EPK%20Conference%20Paper%2c%20Sydney%201996b.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y}, eventtitle = {The {{Ninth World Congress}} of {{Comparative Education Societies}}}, urldate = {2016-06-03}, date = {1996-07-01/1996-07-06}, keywords = {EPK,Kanak education,kanak languages}, author = {Small, David} } @book{schiffman_linguistic_1998, location = {{Hove, UK}}, title = {Linguistic Culture and Language Policy}, publisher = {{Psychology Press}}, date = {1998}, author = {Schiffman, Harold F.} } @inproceedings{sam_school_2009, title = {School and Linguistic Diversity in {{French Oceanian Collectivities}}}, url = {http://cnep.univ-nc.nc/IMG/pdf/Article_PSI_Eng.pdf}, eventtitle = {The 11th {{Pacific Science Inter}}-{{Congress}} and of the 2nd {{Symposium}} on {{French}} Research in the {{Pacific}}, {{Papeete}}}, publisher = {{Unpublished}}, urldate = {2016-05-17}, date = {2009}, author = {Sam, Léonard Drilë and Paia, Mirose and Vernaudon, Jacques and Nocus, Isabelle and Salaün, Marie and Fillol, Véronique} } @inproceedings{salaun_francophonie_2005, location = {{Washington, DC.}}, title = {La {{francophonie}} en contexte post-colonial: {L'exemple} de la {{Nouvelle}}-{{Calédonie}}}, abstract = {Bringing the Past into the Present}, eventtitle = {{{AAA}} 104th {{Annual Meeting}}}, date = {2005-12-04}, author = {Salaün, Marie} } @incollection{salaun_identite_2010, location = {{Paris}}, title = {Identité Restituée, Identité Instituée? {{L}}'{{Académie}} Des {{Langues Kanak}} et Les Enjeux de La Normalisation Linguistique En {{Nouvelle}}-{{Calédonie}}}, url = {http://www.projetpluri-l.org/publis/Salaun%20-%20Identite%20Restituee%20Identite%20Instituee.pdf}, booktitle = {La {{Nouvelle Calédonie}}, Vers Un Destin Commun?}, series = {Karapaa}, publisher = {{Editions Karthala}}, date = {2010}, pages = {81-100}, author = {Salaün, Marie}, editor = {Merle, Isabelle and Faugère, Elsa} } @article{romaine_impact_2002, title = {The {{Impact}} of {{Language Policy}} on {{Endangered Languages}}}, volume = {4}, url = {http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=}, number = {2}, journaltitle = {International Journal on Multicultural Societies}, date = {2002}, pages = {194-212}, author = {Romaine, Suzanne} } @inproceedings{pons-desoutter_quelle_2014, location = {{Montpellier}}, title = {Quelle Formation Continue Pour Les Enseignants Du Primaire En {{Nouvelle Calédonie}}?}, url = {http://www.aref2013.univ-montp2.fr/cod6/?q=content/18-quelle-formation-continue-pour-les-enseignants-du-primaire-en-nouvelle-cal%C3%A9donie}, eventtitle = {{{AREF}} 2013}, booktitle = {Actes Du Congrès {{AREF}} 2013}, publisher = {{Université de Montpellier 2}}, urldate = {2016-06-15}, date = {2014-08-08}, author = {Pons-Desoutter, Martine} } @report{nocus_impact_2011, location = {{Nantes, France}}, title = {Impact Du Dispositif « Langues et Culture Kanak » Sur Le Développement Du Langage, La Réussite Scolaire et Le Développement Conatif d'élèves de {{CP}} Suivis Au {{CE1}}, Résultats d'une l'évaluation Psycholinguistique Réalisée à {{Lifou}} et à {{Houaïlou}} En {{Nouvelle}}-{{Calédonie}}}, number = {ANR-08-BLAN-001-02}, institution = {{University of Nantes}}, type = {Unpublished}, date = {2011}, author = {Nocus, Isabelle and Guimard, Philippe and Florin, Agnès and Vernaudon, Jacques and Colombel, Claire} } @online{milin_langues_2016, title = {Les Langues Kanak}, url = {http://www.sorosoro.org/les-langues-kanak/}, journaltitle = {Sorosoro}, urldate = {2016-09-10}, date = {2016}, author = {Milin, Rozenn and Zhan, Yihui} } @online{leclerc_revolution_2016, langid = {french}, title = {La Révolution française: la langue nationale (1789-1870)}, url = {http://www.axl.cefan.ulaval.ca/francophonie/HIST_FR_s8_Revolution1789.htm}, type = {CEFAN, University of Laval}, urldate = {2016-06-28}, date = {2016}, author = {Leclerc, Jacques} } @online{leclerc_nouvelle_2015, langid = {french}, title = {Nouvelle Calédonie: (5) La politique linguistique}, url = {http://www.axl.cefan.ulaval.ca/pacifique/ncal5pol_ling.htm}, journaltitle = {Aménagement linguistique dans le monde?}, type = {CEFAN, University of Laval}, urldate = {2016-05-22}, date = {2015-12-28}, author = {Leclerc, Jacques} } @misc{vice-rectorat_carte_2016, title = {Carte de l’enseignement Des Langues Kanak}, url = {http://www.ac-noumea.nc/spip.php?article3161}, urldate = {2016-09-09}, date = {2016}, editora = {Vice-Rectorat}, editoratype = {collaborator} } @report{insee_recensement_2014, title = {Recensement de La Population}, institution = {{INSEE}}, date = {2014}, author = {INSEE} } @incollection{nocus_introduction_2013, location = {{Nouméa, New Caledonia}}, title = {Introduction Des Langues Océaniennes à l’école Primaire : Bilan d’étape Du Programme {{Ecolpom}}}, url = {http://www.projetpluri-l.org/publis/Nocus%20Salaun%20&%20Al%20-%20Introduction%20des%20Langues%20Oceaniennes.pdf}, booktitle = {Educations Plurilingues. {{L}}'aire Francophone Entre Héritages et Innovations}, publisher = {{Presses Universitaires de Rennes}}, date = {2013}, author = {Nocus, Isabelle and Salaün, Marie and Fillol, Véronique and Vernaudon, Jacques and Colombel, Claire and Paia, Mirose}, editor = {Omer, Danielle and Tupin, Frédéric} } @report{dme-cminternational_bilan_2011, title = {Bilan de l'{{Accord}} de {{Nouméa}}}, date = {2011-12}, author = {DME-CM International} } @online{_vice-rectorat_2015, title = {Vice-Rectorat}, url = {http://www.nouvelle-caledonie.gouv.fr/layout/set/print/Services-de-l-Etat/Enseignement-superieur-et-recherche/Vice-rectorat}, journaltitle = {Les services de l'État en Nouvelle-Calédonie}, date = {2015-03-09} } @online{unc_license_2016, title = {License {{Langues}}, {{Littératures}} et {{Civilisations Etrangères}} et {{Régionales}}, Spécialité {{Langues}} et Cultures Océaniennes}, url = {http://www.univ-nc.nc/formation/catalogue-des-formations/licence-langues--litteratures-et-civilisations-etrangeres-et-regionales--langues--oceaniennes}, journaltitle = {University of New Caledonia}, urldate = {2016-09-09}, date = {2016}, author = {UNC} } @inproceedings{geneix-rabault_lecole_2012, location = {{Nouméa, New Caledonia}}, title = {L'école Plurilingue Dans Les Communautés Du {{Pacifique}}}, url = {http://www.alk.gouv.nc/portal/page/portal/alk/ress_docu/lecoleplurilingue}, eventtitle = {L'école Plurilingue Dans Les Communautés Du {{Pacifique}}}, booktitle = {Actes Du Colloque "{{L}}'école Plurilingue Dans Les Communautés Du {{Pacifique}}"}, publisher = {{édition ALK}}, date = {2012}, author = {Geneix-Rabault, Stéphanie and Vernaudon, Jacques} } @unpublished{denc_chiffres_2016, title = {Chiffres et Effectifs Des Écoles Primaires Publiques de {{Nouvelle}}-{{Calédonie}}}, url = {http://www.denc.gouv.nc/portal/page/portal/denc/pgm_outils/chiffres}, urldate = {2016-09-09}, date = {2016-05-28}, author = {DENC} } @online{lassauce_promouvoir_2016, title = {Promouvoir Les Métiers de l'enseignement Auprès Des Jeunes Kanak}, url = {http://la1ere.francetvinfo.fr/nouvellecaledonie/promouvoir-les-metiers-de-l-enseignement-aupres-des-jeunes-kanak-386931.html}, journaltitle = {Nouvelle Calédonie 1\textbackslash{}textsuperscript\{ère\}}, urldate = {2016-09-09}, date = {2016-08-08}, author = {Lassauce, Bernard} } @article{hadj_vingt_2012, title = {Vingt Ans de Politiques de Rééquilibrage En {{Nouvelle}}-{{Calédonie}} : {{Démocratisation}} de l’école Mais Persistance Des Inégalités Ethniques}, volume = {120}, url = {https://formationemploi.revues.org/3855}, journaltitle = {Formation Emploi}, year = {October-December 2012}, pages = {101-125}, author = {Hadj, Laure and Lagadec, Gaël and Lavigne, Gérard and Ris, Catherine} } @article{ferguson_impact_2007, title = {The Impact of Poverty on Educational Outcomes for Children}, volume = {12}, url = {http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2528798/}, number = {8}, journaltitle = {Paedriatics and Child Health}, date = {2007}, pages = {701-706}, author = {Ferguson, H B and Bovaird, S and Mueller, M P} } @article{courdescomptes_systeme_2016, title = {Le Système Scolaire En {{Polynésie}} Française et En {{Nouvelle}}-{{Calédonie}} : Un Effort de l’{{État}} Important, Une Efficience à Améliorer}, journaltitle = {Annual Public Report}, date = {2016-02}, author = {Cour des Comptes} } @article{bolis_petite_2014, entrysubtype = {newspaper}, location = {{Paris}}, title = {Petite Histoire Du "Vieux" {{Eloi Machoro}}}, url = {http://www.lemonde.fr/societe/article/2014/06/13/petite-histoire-du-vieux-eloi-machoro_4438061_3224.html}, journaltitle = {Le Monde}, date = {2014-06-13}, keywords = {FLNKS}, author = {Bolis, Angela and Fifita-Ne, Marc} } @inbook{cummins_language_1991, title = {Language {{Development}} and {{Academic Learning}}}, booktitle = {Language, {{Culture}} and {{Cognition}}}, series = {Multilingual {{Matters}}}, publisher = {{Clevedon}}, date = {1991}, author = {Cummins, James}, bookauthor = {Malavé, Lilliam M. and Duquette, Georges} } @book{cummins_language_2000, location = {{Clevedon}}, title = {Language, {{Power}} and {{Pedagogy}}: {{Bilingual Children}} in the {{Crossfire}}}, publisher = {{Multilingual matters}}, date = {2000}, author = {Cummins, James} } @article{rekacewicz_nouvelle-caledonie_1996, title = {La {{Nouvelle}}-{{Calédonie}} Divisée}, journaltitle = {Le Monde Diplomatique}, date = {1996-01}, author = {Rekacewicz, Philippe} } @book{hardy_histoire_1947, location = {{Paris}}, title = {Histoire de La Colonisation Française}, edition = {5}, publisher = {{Larose}}, date = {1947}, author = {Hardy, Georges} } @article{romaine_planning_2006, title = {Planning for the {{Survival}} of {{Linguistic Diversity}}}, volume = {5}, url = {http://www.serwis.wsjo.pl/lektor/1783/R10%20ROMAINE%20Planning%20for%20diversity.pdf}, doi = {10.1007/s10993-006-9034-3}, journaltitle = {Language Policy}, date = {2006}, author = {Romaine, Suzanne} } @article{gay_elections_2009, title = {Les Élections Provinciales de 2009 En {{Nouvelle}}-{{Calédonie}}}, volume = {94}, url = {http://mappemonde.mgm.fr/actualites/elecNC.html}, number = {2}, journaltitle = {Mappemonde}, urldate = {2016-06-08}, date = {2009}, author = {Gay, Jean-Christophe} } @misc{institutlouisharris_dens_2006, title = {{{DENS Étude}} 2005 {{Bassins}} Linguistiques {{Langues Kanaks}}}, publisher = {{unpublished}}, date = {2006}, author = {Institut Louis Harris} } @article{moyse-faurie_nouvelle-caledonie_2014, title = {La {{Nouvelle}}-{{Calédonie}} et Le Statut Des Langues Kanak: Quelques Repères Historiques}, number = {26}, journaltitle = {Langues et cité}, date = {2014-11}, pages = {10}, author = {Moyse-Faurie, Claire} } @article{haudricourt_richesse_1961, title = {Richesse En Phonèmes et Richesse En Locuteurs}, volume = {1}, number = {1}, journaltitle = {L'Homme}, date = {1961}, pages = {5-10}, author = {Haudricourt, André-Georges} } @thesis{barbaro_lecture_2007, location = {{Nouméa, New Caledonia}}, title = {La Lecture En Tribu: {{Propositions}} Pour Un Désenclavement Documentaire En {{Nouvelle}}-{{Calédonie}}}, institution = {{ École nationale supérieure des sciences de l'information et des bibliothèques}}, date = {2007}, author = {Barbaro, Agnès} } @report{benoit_18_2013, location = {{Nouméa, New Caledonia}}, title = {18\% Des Adultes En Situation d'illettrisme}, number = {29}, institution = {{ISEE}}, type = {Synthèse}, date = {2013}, author = {Benoit, Jacques and Denis, Thomas}, editorb = {Gautier, Alexandre}, editorbtype = {redactor} } @incollection{lewis_sishee_2016, location = {{Dallas, Texas}}, title = {Sîshëë. {{A Language}} of {{New Caledonia}}}, edition = {19}, url = {http://www.ethnologue.com/language/sih}, booktitle = {Ethnologue: {{Languages}} of the {{World}}}, publisher = {{SIL International}}, date = {2016}, editor = {Lewis, M. Paul and Simons, Gary F. and Fennig, Charles D.} } @book{dauphine_pouebo_1992, location = {{Paris, Nouméa}}, title = {Pouebo: {{Histoire}} d'une Tribu Canaque Sous Le {{Second Empire}}}, publisher = {{L'Harmattan, Agence de Développement de la Culture Kanak}}, date = {1992}, author = {Dauphiné, Joël} } @article{perrot_politique_1997, title = {La Politique Linguistique Pendant La {{Révolution}} Française}, volume = {52}, number = {1}, journaltitle = {Mots}, date = {1997}, pages = {158-167}, author = {Perrot, Marie-Clémence} } @incollection{sallabank_language_2015, location = {Cambridge}, title = {Language Ideologies, Practices and Policies in {{Kanaky}}/{{New Caledonia}}}, booktitle = {Policy and Planning for Endangered Languages}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, date = {2015}, pages = {31-47}, author = {Sallabank, Julia}, editor = {Jones, Mari C.} } @incollection{thieberger_lexicography_2015, location = {{Berlin, Heidelberg}}, title = {The Lexicography of Indigenous Languages in {{Australia}} and the {{Pacific}}}, url = {https://minerva-access.unimelb.edu.au/bitstream/handle/11343/55705/lexicogPacificAustralia.pdf?sequence=1}, abstract = {The Australia and Pacific region is home to nearly a quarter of the world’s languages. Wordlists of a few of these languages date back to the first European explorers, while detailed dictionaries have been prepared for somewhere less than 5 \% of them. Where an indigenous language is the official language of a country of this region it is more likely to have a dictionary and ongoing administrative support for lexicographic work, and, in a few cases, a corpus from which terms can be sourced. For most indigenous languages dictionaries are prepared in the course of language documentation efforts by researchers from outside of the speech community, using modern lexicographic database tools and resulting in structured lexicons. As a result, it is possible to produce various output formats of these dictionaries, including print-on-demand, multimodal webpages, and mobile devices as increasingly popular methods of delivery. A major use of these dictionaries can be to support vernacular language programs in schools. This region was a test bed for computational bilingual lexicography, and is home to the two largest comparative lexical databases of indigenous languages.}, booktitle = {International {{Handbook}} of {{Modern Lexis}} and {{Lexicography}}}, publisher = {{Springer Verlag}}, urldate = {2016-06-17}, date = {2015}, author = {Thieberger, Nick} } @book{moseley_enyclopedia_2007, title = {Enyclopedia of the {{World}}'s {{Endangered Languages}}}, date = {2007}, author = {Moseley, Christopher} } @online{_preparation_2010, title = {Préparation Au Concours de Recrutement de Professeur Des Écoles | {{Université}} de La {{Nouvelle}}-{{Calédonie}}}, url = {http://www.univ-nc.nc/formation/catalogue-des-formations/preparation-au-concours-de-recrutement-de-professeur-des-ecoles}, urldate = {2016-06-15}, date = {2010}, file = {C\:\\Users\\ingo_\\Zotero\\storage\\TERH2KUG\\preparation-au-concours-de-recrutement-de-professeur-des-ecoles.html} } @incollection{fillol_toutes_2011, location = {{Mont-Saint-Aignan}}, title = {Toutes Les Langues à l'école. {{Enseignement}} Des Langues Kanak et Éveil Aux Langues de La Région {{Asie}}-{{Pacifique}} à l'école Calédonienne}, booktitle = {Plurilinguisme, Politique Linguistique et Éducation: {{Quels}} Éclairages Pour {{Mayotte}}?}, publisher = {{Publications des universités de Rouen et du Havre}}, date = {2011}, pages = {203-214}, author = {Fillol, Véronique and Vernaudon, Jacques}, editor = {Laroussi, Foued and Liénard, Fabien} } @book{bernard_larchipel_1894, location = {{Paris}}, title = {L'archipel de La {{Nouvelle}}-{{Calédonie}}}, publisher = {{Hachette}}, date = {1894}, author = {Bernard, Augustin} } @book{guiart_chefferie_1963, location = {{Paris}}, title = {La {Chefferie} En {{Mélanésie}} Du {{Sud}}}, publisher = {{Institut d'Ethnologie}}, date = {1963}, author = {Guiart, Jean} } @incollection{bril_coordination_2004, langid = {english}, title = {Coordination Strategies and Inclusory Constructions in {{New Caledonian}} and Other {{Oceanic}} Languages}, url = {https://halshs.archives-ouvertes.fr/halshs-00006064/document}, booktitle = {Coordinating Constructions}, series = {Typological Studies in {{Language}}}, publisher = {{Benjamins}}, date = {2004}, pages = {499-533}, author = {Bril, Isabelle} } @article{fillol_ecole_2004, title = {Une École Plurilingue En {{Océanie}} Francophone?}, volume = {40}, url = {http://documents.irevues.inist.fr/bitstream/handle/2042/9562/HERMES_2004_40_294.pdf;jsessionid=5127B92D5BC198BA41221A7BA421866A?sequence=1}, date = {2004}, pages = {294-299}, author = {Fillol, Véronique and Vernaudon, Jacques} } @book{bryman_social_2012, location = {{Oxford}}, title = {Social Research Methods}, edition = {4th}, publisher = {{Oxford University Press}}, date = {2012}, author = {Bryman, Adam} } @article{harang_lentretien_2016, entrysubtype = {newspaper}, langid = {french}, location = {{Nouméa, New Caledonia}}, title = {L'Entretien}, edition = {170}, issn = {2260-491X}, url = {18-20}, journaltitle = {Local}, date = {2016-05}, author = {Harang, Émilie and Bearune, Suzie} } @book{ray_comparative_1926, location = {{Cambridge}}, title = {A Comparative Study of the {{Melanesian}} Island Languages}, publisher = {{Cambridge University Press}}, date = {1926}, author = {Ray, Sidney H.} } @inreference{_sishee_2016, title = {Sîshëë}, url = {http://www.ethnologue.com/language/sih}, booktitle = {Ethnologue}, date = {2016-05-28}, keywords = {kanak languages} } @online{amiot_peuplement_2009, title = {Du Peuplement Austronésien à l'émergence de La Civilisation Kanak - {{Vice}}-Rectorat de La {{Nouvelle}}-{{Calédonie}}}, url = {https://www.ac-noumea.nc/spip.php?article101}, urldate = {2016-05-27}, date = {2009}, author = {Amiot, Isabelle and Jacquier, Yves}, file = {C\:\\Users\\ingo_\\Zotero\\storage\\VVW8IEB7\\spip.html} } @incollection{sand_reconstructing_2000, location = {{London; New York}}, title = {Reconstructing "Traditional" {{Kanak}} Society in {{New Caledonia}}: The Role of Archeology in the Study of {{European}} Contact}, number = {38}, booktitle = {The {{Archaeology}} of {{Difference}}: {{Negotiating Cross}}-{{Cultural Engagements}} in {{Oceania}}}, series = {One {{World Archeology}}}, publisher = {{Routledge}}, date = {2000}, pages = {52-80}, author = {Sand, Christophe}, editor = {Clarke, Anne and Torrence, Robin} } @book{philcat_revolte_1989, location = {{Nanterre}}, title = {La Révolte Des {{Poyes}} En {{Nouvelle}}-{{Calédonie}}}, publisher = {{Académie Européenne du livre}}, date = {1989}, author = {Philcat, Alex} } @book{dauphine_spoliations_1989, location = {{Paris}}, title = {Les Spoliations Foncières En {{Nouvelle}}-{{Calédonie}} (1853-1913)}, publisher = {{L'Harmattan}}, date = {1989}, keywords = {unread}, author = {Dauphiné, Joël} } @book{matsuda_pacific_2012, location = {{Cambridge; New York}}, title = {Pacific Worlds: A History of Seas, Peoples, and Cultures}, publisher = {{Cambridge University Press}}, date = {2012}, keywords = {unread}, author = {Matsuda, Matt K.} } @book{kirch_road_2000, title = {On the Road of the Winds: An Archaeological History of the {{Pacific Islands}} before {{European}} Contact}, publisher = {{University of California Press}}, date = {2000}, author = {Kirch, Patrick Vinton} } @book{robie_blood_1989, location = {{London}}, title = {Blood on Their {{Banner}}: Nationalist Struggles in the {{South Pacific}}}, publisher = {{Zed Books Ltd}}, date = {1989}, author = {Robie, David} } @book{lyons_totem_1986, location = {{Kensington, Australia}}, title = {The Totem and the Tricolour}, publisher = {{New South Wales University Press}}, date = {1986}, author = {Lyons, Martyn} } @book{henningham_france_1992, location = {{Honolulu}}, title = {France and the {{South Pacific}}: A Contemporary History}, isbn = {0-8248-1305-7}, series = {South {{Sea Book}}}, publisher = {{University of Hawaii Press}}, date = {1992}, author = {Henningham, Stephen} } @book{neill_colonialism_1966, location = {{New York}}, title = {Colonialism and {{Christian Missions}}}, publisher = {{McGraw-Hill}}, date = {1966}, author = {Neill, Stephen} } @mvbook{thobie_histoire_1991, location = {{Paris}}, title = {Histoire de La {{France}} Coloniale - {{L}}'apogée}, volume = {2}, isbn = {2-266-07045-2}, volumes = {3}, series = {Agora}, publisher = {{Armand Colin}}, date = {1991}, author = {Thobie, Jacques and Meynier, Gilbert} } @book{oppenheim_questionnaire_1992, location = {{London}}, title = {Questionnaire {{Design}}, {{Interviewing}} and {{Attitude Measurement}}}, publisher = {{Bloomsbury Publishing}}, date = {1992}, author = {Oppenheim, Abram N.} } @article{horowitz_its_2008, langid = {english}, title = {"{{It}}'s up to the Clan to Protect": {{Cultural}} Heritage and the Micropoitical Ecology of Conservation in {{New Caledonia}}}, url = {http://www.recherches-nouvelle-caledonie.org/IMG/pdf/2008_SSJ.pdf}, abstract = {This case study from New Caledonia explores the motivations of local people in initiating co-managed conservation projects on customary lands. Kanak villagers viewed “conservation” largely as a means of reinforcing their cultural identity through preservation of their cultural heritage, grounded in the landscape. However, at the same time, they hoped to promote economic development. Ironically, thus, they found it necessary to welcome outside influences—to seek visits from non-Kanak tourists and to request financial and technical support from the provincial government, which had been created by the colonial power. Meanwhile, although a desire to reinforce customary authority structures formed an important part of this search for a unifying cultural identity, the quest for a stable, traditional, shared “past” created new, micropolitical instabilities within the community, conditioned by expectations of financial gain and by sources of social status. A “micropolitical ecology” approach revealed that a conservation program grounded in customary authority would be the only acceptable solution, although it would be difficult for villagers to agree on who filled customary roles. This study indicates the importance of gaining a clear understanding of intra-community dynamics and of community members’ perceptions of external groups, in order to design appropriate strategies for co-management.}, number = {45}, journaltitle = {The Social Science Journal}, urldate = {2016-05-25}, date = {2008}, pages = {258-278}, keywords = {unread}, author = {Horowitz, Leah S.} } @article{demmer_nouvelle_2007, langid = {french}, title = {Une nouvelle stratégie kanake - autochtonie, nickel et environnement}, volume = {39}, url = {http://www.recherches-nouvelle-caledonie.org/IMG/pdf/nickel_autochtonie.pdf}, number = {2}, journaltitle = {Vacarme}, date = {2007}, pages = {43-48}, author = {Demmer, Christine} } @article{doumenge_terroir_1982, title = {Du Terroir... à La Ville: {{Les Mélanésiens}} et Leurs Espaces En {{Nouvelle}}-{{Calédonie}}}, author = {Doumenge, Jean-Pierre}, year = {1982}, journal = {Travaux et Documents de Géographie Tropicale}, volume = {46}, } @article{mokkadem_kanaky_2013, langid = {french}, title = {Kanaky ou Nouvelle-Calédonie, souveraineté et indépendance dans l’ère post-coloniale}, issn = {808-997-90}, url = {http://www.reseau-terra.eu/article1284.html}, abstract = {Cet article examine la question politique de l’indépendance en Nouvelle-Calédonie. Colonie ou émancipation en cours, le texte décrit la complexité depuis le traité de paix civile entre le peuple kanak, les communautés calédoniennes profrançaises et la France.}, number = {11}, journaltitle = {Revue Asylon(s)}, urldate = {2016-05-17}, date = {2013-05}, author = {Mokkadem, Hamid}, file = {C\:\\Users\\ingo_\\Zotero\\storage\\XR7AMG2G\\article1284.html} } @incollection{ozanne-rivierre_verbal_2004, title = {Verbal Compounds and Lexical Prefixes in the Languages of {{New Caledonia}}}, booktitle = {Complex Predicates in {{Oceanic languages}}: {{Studies}} in the Dynamics of Binding and Boundness}, author = {{Ozanne-Rivierre}, Françoise and Rivierre, Jean-Claude}, editor = {Bril, Isabelle and {Ozanne-Rivierre}, Françoise}, year = {2004}, pages = {347-372}, address = {Berlin}, publisher = {{Mouton de Gruyter}} } @book{ross_proto_1988, title = {Proto-{{Oceanic}} and the {{Austronesian}} Languages of Western {{Melanesia}}}, author = {Ross, Malcolm}, year = {1988}, publisher = {{The Australian National University}}, address = {{Canberra}}, series = {Pacific {{Linguistics}} 152} } @book{ross_lexicon_1998, title = {The Lexicon of {{Proto Oceanic}}: {{The}} Culture and Environment of Ancestral {{Oceanic}} Society}, volume = {1: {Material culture}}, editor = {Ross, Malcolm and Pawley, Andrew and Osmond, Meredith}, year = {1998}, publisher = {{The Australian National University}}, address = {{Canberra}}, series = {Pacific {{Linguistics}}} } @book{lyons_definiteness_1999, title = {Definiteness}, author = {Lyons, Christopher}, year = {1999}, publisher = {{Cambridge University Press}}, address = {{Cambridge}}, series = {Cambridge {{Textbooks}} in {{Linguistics}}} } @book{aikhenvald_classifiers_2000, title = {Classifiers: {A} Typology of Noun Categorization Devices}, author = {Aikhenvald, Alexandra Y.}, year = {2000}, publisher = {{Oxford University Press}}, address = {{New York}}, series = {Oxford {{Studies}} in {{Typology}} and {{Linguistic Theory}}} } @article{ozanne-rivierre_proto-oceanic_1992, title = {The {{Proto}}-{{Oceanic}} Consonantal System and the {{Languages}} of {{New Caledonia}}}, volume = {31}, doi = {10.2307/3623014}, number = {2}, journal = {Oceanic Linguistics}, date = {1992}, pages = {191-207}, author = {Ozanne-Rivierre, Françoise}, editor = {Bender, Byron W. and Rehg, Kenneth L. and Collins, James T.} } @incollection{dryer_order_2013, location = {{Leipzig}}, title = {Order of {{Subject}}, {{Object}} and {{Verb}}}, url = {http://wals.info/chapter/81}, booktitle = {The {{World Atlas}} of {{Language Structures Online}}}, publisher = {{Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology}}, urldate = {2016-05-22}, date = {2013}, author = {Dryer, Matthew S.}, editor = {Dryer, Matthew S. and Haspelmath, Martin} } @incollection{grace_indirect_1981, location = {{Auckland}}, title = {Indirect Inheritance and the {{Aberrant Melanesian}} Languages}, booktitle = {Studies in {{Pacific}} Languages and Cultures in Honour of {{Bruce Biggs}}}, publisher = {{Linguistic Society of New Zealand}}, date = {1981}, pages = {255-268}, author = {Grace, George}, editor = {Pawley, Andrew and Hollyman, Jim} } @incollection{demmer_nouveaux_2010, langid = {french}, location = {{Paris}}, title = {Nouveaux enjeux fonciers et évolution du nationalisme kanak après l’accord de Nouméa, Nouvelle-Calédonie. Un éclairage sur des projets de société successifs}, isbn = {978-2-8111-0312-5}, url = {http://www.recherches-nouvelle-caledonie.org/IMG/pdf/Foncier_et_citoyennete_Demmer_NC_375-402_2_.pdf}, booktitle = {Politique de la terre et de l’appartenance. Droits fonciers et citoyenneté locale dans les sociétés du Sud}, publisher = {{Karthala}}, urldate = {2016-05-17}, date = {2010}, pages = {375-402}, author = {Demmer, Christine}, editor = {Jacob, Jean-Pierre and Lemeur, Pierre-Yes} } @article{guiart_lorganisation_1954, title = {L'{Organisation} Sociale et Coutumière de La Population Autochtone de {{Nouvelle}}-{{Calédonie}}}, volume = {87}, journaltitle = {South Pacific Commission Technical Paper}, date = {1954}, pages = {17-43}, author = {Guiart, Jean} } @misc{rivierre_projet_, title = {Projet de Dictionnaire Thématique En Langue de {{Tyéta}} ({Hmwaveke})}, author = {Rivierre, Jean-Claude} } @book{haudricourt_langues_1979, location = {{Nouméa, New Caledonia}}, title = {Les Langues Mélanésiennes de {{Nouvelle}}-{{Calédonie}}}, number = {13}, series = {Eveil}, publisher = {{DEC}}, date = {1979}, author = {Haudricourt, André-Georges and Rivierre, Jean-Claude and Ozanne-Rivierre, Françoise and family=Fontinelle, given=Jacqueline, prefix=de la, useprefix=true} } @unpublished{haudricourt_projet_, title = {Projet de Dictionnaire Du {{Vamale}} et Des Langues de {{Voh}}-{{Koné}}}, type = {unpublished}, howpublished = {unpublished}, author = {Haudricourt, André-Georges} } @incollection{haudricourt_new_1971, location = {{Paris}}, title = {New {{Caledonia}} and the {{Loyalty Islands}}}, number = {8}, booktitle = {Linguistics in {{Oceania}}}, series = {Current {{Trends}} in {{Linguistics}}}, publisher = {{Mouton}}, date = {1971}, pages = {359-396}, author = {Haudricourt, André-Georges}, editor = {Sebeok, T.A.} } @book{spencer_clitics_2012, location = {{Cambridge; New York}}, title = {Clitics: {An} Introduction}, publisher = {{Cambridge University Press}}, date = {2012}, author = {Spencer, Andrew and Luís, Ana R.} } @unpublished{ozanne-rivierre_dictionnaire_, title = {Dictionnaire Thématique Des Langues Pwaamei Hnaakâ, Pwaamei Yaak et Pwapwâ ({{Nouvelle}}-{{Calédonie}})}, type = {unpublished}, howpublished = {unpublished}, author = {Ozanne-Rivierre, Françoise} } @unpublished{ozanne-rivierre_dictionnaire_2007, title = {Dictionnaire Thématique Des Langues Pwaamei Hnaakâ (1), Pwaamei Yaak (2) et Pwapwâ ({{Nouvelle}}-{{Calédonie}})}, shorttitle = {Dictionnaire Thématique Des Langues Pwaamei et Pwapwâ}, author = {{Ozanne-Rivierre}, Françoise}, year = {2007}, type = {Book} } @incollection{bril_complex_2004c, title = {Complex Nuclei in {{Oceanic}} Languages: {{Contribution}} to an Areal Typology}, booktitle = {Complex Predicates in {{Oceanic}} Languages: {{Studies}} in the Dynamics of Binding and Boundness}, author = {Bril, Isabelle}, editor = {Bril, Isabelle and {Ozanne-Rivierre}, Françoise}, year = {2004}, number = {29}, pages = {1--48}, publisher = {{Mouton De Gruyter}}, address = {{Berlin, New York}}, series = {Empirical {{Approaches}} to {{Linguistic Typology}}} } @book{dixon_grammar_1988, title = {A Grammar of {{Boumaa Fijian}}}, author = {Dixon, Robert M. W.}, year = {1988}, publisher = {{University of Chicago Press}}, address = {{Chicago}} } @phdthesis{bearune_lexpression_2012, title = {L'expression Linguistique de l'espace En Nengone ({{Nouvelle}}-{{Calédonie}})}, author = {Bearune, Suzie}, year = {2012}, address = {{Paris}}, school = {INALCO} } @book{zuniga_grammatical_2019, title = {Grammatical {{voice}}}, author = {Zúñiga, Fernando and Kittilä, Seppo}, year = {2019}, publisher = {{Cambridge University Press}}, address = {{Cambridge; New York}}, series = {Cambridge {{Textbooks}} in {{Linguistics}}} } @book{berman_modern_1978, title = {Modern {{Hebrew}} Structure}, author = {Berman, Ruth}, year = {1978}, publisher = {{University Publishing Projects}}, address = {{Tel Aviv}} } @incollection{bril_noun-phrase_2011, title = {Noun-Phrase Conjunction in {{Austronesian}} Languages: {{Additive}}, Inclusory and Comitative Strategies}, booktitle = {Topics in {{Oceanic}} Morphosyntax}, author = {Bril, Isabelle}, editor = {{Moyse-Faurie}, Claire and Sabel, Joachim}, year = {2011}, number = {239}, pages = {235--286}, publisher = {{De Gruyter Mouton}}, series = {{Trends} in {{Linguistics}}}, address = {Berlin} } @article{hollyman_polynesian_1959, title = {Polynesian Influence in {{New Caledonia}}}, author = {Hollyman, Jim}, year = {1959}, volume = {68}, pages = {357--389}, journal = {The Journal of the Polynesian Society}, number = {4} } @article{pawley_problems_1973, title = {Some Problems in {{Proto}}-{{Oceanic}} Grammar}, author = {Pawley, Andrew}, year = {1973}, volume = {12}, pages = {103--188}, journal = {Oceanic Linguistics}, number = {1/2} } @book{grace_proto-oceanic_1969, title = {A {{Proto}}-{{Oceanic}} Finder List}, author = {Grace, George William}, year = {1969}, address = {{Honolulu}}, number = {2}, series = {Working Papers in Linguistics}, publisher = {Department of Linguistics, University of Hawaii} } @inbook{rivierre_contact_1994, title={Contact-induced phonological complexification in New Caledonia}, author={Rivierre, Jean-Claude}, editors = {Tom Dutton and Darrell T. Tryon}, booktitle={Language contact and change in the Austronesian world}, pages={497--522}, year={1994}, publisher={De Gruyter Mouton}, adress = {Berlin} } @book{ozanne-rivierre_iaai_1976, title={Le iaai: langue mélanésienne {d'Ouvéa}, {Nouvelle-Calédonie}: {Phonologie}, morphologie, esquisse syntaxique}, author={Ozanne-Rivierre, Françoise}, langid = {french}, number={20}, address={Paris}, year={1976}, series={Langues et Civilisations à Tradition Orale}, publisher={SELAF}, pages={10-64} } @book{kemmer_middle_1993, title = {The Middle Voice}, author = {Kemmer, Suzanne}, year = {1993}, publisher = {{John Benjamins}}, number = {23}, location = {Amsterdam}, series = {Typological {{Studies}} in {{Language}}} } @book{kirch_growth_2017, title={The growth and collapse of {Pacific} island societies: {Archaeological} and demographic perspectives}, author={Kirch, Patrick Vinton and Rallu, Jean-Louis}, year={2017}, pages={306–325}, publisher={University of Hawaii Press} } @incollection{bril_noms_2004, title = {Noms Composés En Nêlêmwa}, booktitle = {Le nom composé: {{Données}} Sur 16 Langues}, author = {Bril, Isabelle}, year = {2004}, pages = {185--220}, publisher = {{Presses Universitaires de Lyon}}, address = {{Lyon}}, editor = {Arnaud, Pierre} } @incollection{lynch_southern_1999, author = {Lynch, John}, title = {Southern {Oceanic} linguistic history}, booktitle = {Le Pacifique de 5000 at 200o Supplements a l'histoire d'une colonisation}, publisher = {Institut de Recherche pour le Développement}, editor = {Jean-Christophe Galipaud and Ian Lilley}, address = {Paris}, year = {1999}, pages = {423-449} } @incollection{lynch_linguistic_2000, author = {Lynch, John}, title = {Linguistic subgrouping in Vanuatu and New Caledonia}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Second International Conference on {Oceanic} Linguistics}, publisher = {Pacific Linguistics}, editors = {Bill Palmer and Paul Geraghty}, address = {Canberra}, pages = {155-184}, year = {2000} } @incollection{koch_associated_2021, title = {Associated Motion in the {{Pama-Nyungan}} Languages of {{Australia}}}, booktitle = {Associated Motion}, author = {Koch, Harold}, editor = {Guillaume, Antoine and Koch, Harold}, year = {2021}, series = {Empirical {{Approaches}} to {{Linguistic Typology}}}, number = {64}, pages = {231–324}, publisher = {{De Gruyter Mouton}}, address = {{Berlin/Boston}} } @article{bril_semantic_2005b, title = {Semantic and Functional Diversification of Reciprocal and Middle Prefixes in {{New Caledonian}} and Other {{Austronesian}} Languages}, author = {Bril, Isabelle}, year = {2005}, volume = {9}, pages = {22--75}, journal = {Linguistic Typology}, number = {1} } @incollection{bril_reciprocal_2007, title = {Reciprocal Constructions in {{Nêlêmwa}} ({{New Caledonia}})}, booktitle = {Reciprocal Constructions}, author = {Bril, Isabelle}, editor = {Nedjalkov, V.P. and Geniušien{\.e}, E. and Guentchéva, Z.}, year = {2007}, volume = {71}, pages = {1479--1509}, publisher = {{Benjamins}}, series = {Typological {{Studies}} in {{Language}}} } @incollection{creissels_non-verbal_, title = {Non-Verbal Predication in the World's Languages: {An} Overview}, author = {Creissels, Denis and Bertinetto, Pier Marco and Ciucci, Luca}, booktitle = {Non-verbal Predication in the World's Languages}, pubstate = {in press}, series = {{Comparative Handbooks of Linguistics}}, publisher = {{Mouton De Gruyter}}, } @article{zuniga_anti_2014, title={({Anti}-)cliticization in {Mapudungun}}, author={Zúñiga, Fernando}, journal={Morphology}, volume={24}, number={3}, pages={161--175}, year={2014}, publisher={Springer} } @inbook{ozanne-rivierre_phonologie_1982, address = {{Paris}}, title = {Phonologie comparée des langues de {{Hienghène}} et du {{proto}}-{{océanien}}}, number = {242}, booktitle = {Dictionnaire Thématique Des Langues de La Région de {{Hienghène}}}, publisher = {SELAF}, date = {1982}, author = {Ozanne-Rivierre, Françoise}, langid = {french}, editor = {Haudricourt, André-Georges and Ozanne-Rivierre, Françoise} } @incollection{dotte_modes_2010, location = {{Paris}}, title = {Modes d'exploitation et d'intégration Au Sein Des Territoires {{Kanak}} Précoloniaux Des Ressources Végétales Forestières ({{IIe}} Millénaire Ap. {{J}}.-{{C}}.): {{Approche}} Ethno-Archéo-Anthracologique En {{Nouvelle}}-{{Calédonie}}}, url = {http://books.openedition.org/psorbonne/5942}, booktitle = {Territoires et Économies}, publisher = {{Editions de la Sorbonne}}, urldate = {2019-10-07}, date = {2010}, pages = {155-189}, author = {Dotte, Émilie} } @book{haudricourt_dictionnaire_1982, location = {{Paris}}, title = {Dictionnaire Thématique Des Langues de La Région de {{Hienghène}} ({{Nouvelle}}-{{Calédonie}}) - 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