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Overall and Rosa Vallejos and Spike Gildea}, location = {Amsterdam}, pages = {1--49}, publisher = {John Benjamins Publishing Company}, title = {Nonverbal predication in {A}mazonia: {{T}}ypological and diachronic considerations}, year = {2018} } @incollection{Overall2017, address = {Cambridge}, author = {Simon E. Overall}, booktitle = {The {C}ambridge Handbook of Linguistic Typology}, citeseerurl = {https://www.cambridge.org/core}, doi = {10.1017/9781316135716}, editor = {Alexandra Y. Aikhenvald and R. M. W. 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Dixon}, pages = {782--814}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, title = {The {K}ampa Subgroup of the {A}rawak Language Family}, year = {2017} } @incollection{Michael2014b, address = {Leiden}, author = {Lev Michael}, booktitle = {Negation in {A}rawak Languages}, editor = {Lev Michael and Tania Granadillo}, pages = {241--300}, publisher = {Brill}, title = {A Typological and Comparative Perspective on Negation in {A}rawak Languages}, year = {2014} } @incollection{Michael2014a, address = {Leiden}, author = {Lev Michael}, booktitle = {Negation in {A}rawak Languages}, editor = {Lev Michael and Tania Granadillo}, pages = {184--215}, publisher = {Brill}, title = {Negation in {N}anti}, year = {2014} } @incollection{Mendoza2015, address = {La Paz}, author = {Mendoza, José G.}, booktitle = {Lenguas de {B}olivia}, editor = {Mily Crevels and Pieter Muysken}, pages = {23--54}, publisher = {Plural Editores}, sortname = {Mendoza, Jose G.}, title = {El castellano de {B}olivia}, volume = {IV: Temas nacionales}, year = {2015} } @incollection{Mel’cuk2000, address = {Berlin}, author = {Igor Mel’\v{c}uk}, booktitle = {Morphologie: {{{E}}}in internationales {H}andbuch zur {F}lexion und {W}ortbildung}, date = {2000}, editor = {Geert Booij and Christian Lehmann and Joachim Mugdan and Wolfgang Kesselheim and Stavros Skopeteas}, location = {Berlin}, pages = {523--535}, publisher = {Walter de Gruyter}, sortname = {Igor Mel'cuk}, title = {Morphological processes}, volume = {1}, year = {2000} } @incollection{Matisoff1975, address = {Stanford}, author = {James A. 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Alden Mason}, booktitle = {Handbook of {S}outh {A}merican {I}ndians}, comment = {Smithsonian Institution Bureau of American Ethnology bulletin, no. 143, chapter 3}, editor = {Julian H. Steward}, pages = {157--317}, publisher = {Bureau of American Ethnology}, title = {The Languages of {S}outh {A}merican {I}ndians}, volume = {6}, year = {1950} } @incollection{Magio1880, address = {Paris}, author = {Antonio P. Magio}, booktitle = {Arte de la Lengua de los indios baures de la provincia {M}oxos, conforme al manuscrito original del padre {Antonio} {M}agio}, editor = {Lucien Adam and Charles Leclerc}, pages = {1--53}, publisher = {Maissonneuve und Cia, Libreros Editores}, title = {Gramática de la lengua de los indios baures de la provincia de {M}ajos}, year = {\lbrack1749\rbrack 1880} } @incollection{Lehmann1988, address = {Amsterdam}, author = {Christian Lehmann}, booktitle = {Clause Combining in Grammar and Discourse}, date = {1988}, editor = {John Haiman and Sandra A. Thompson}, pages = {181--225}, publisher = {John Benjamins Publishing Company}, title = {Towards a typology of clause linking}, year = {1988} } @incollection{LangerHavinga2015, address = {Bern}, author = {Nils Langer and Anna D. Havinga}, booktitle = {Invisible Languages in the Nineteenth Century}, editor = {Anna D. Havinga and Nils Langer}, pages = {1--34}, publisher = {Peter Lang AG}, title = {Invisible Languages in Historical Sociolinguistics: {{A}} Conceptual Outline, with Examples from the {G}erman–{D}anish Borderlands}, year = {2015} } @incollection{Lambrecht2001a, address = {Berlin}, author = {Knud Lambrecht}, booktitle = {Language Typology and Language Universals: {{A}}n International Handbook}, date = {2001}, editor = {Martin Haspelmath and Ekkehard König and Wulf Oesterreicher and Wolfgang Raible}, location = {Berlin}, pages = {1050--1078}, publisher = {De Gruyter Mouton}, title = {Dislocation}, volume = {2}, year = {2001} } @incollection{Krajinovic2019, address = {Tübingen}, author = {Ana Krajinović}, booktitle = {Proceedings of {T}riple{A} 5: {{F}}ieldwork Perspectives on the Semantics of {A}frican, {A}sian and {A}ustronesian Languages}, date = {2019}, editor = {M. Ryan Bochnak and Miriam Butt and Erlinde Meertens and Mark-Matthias Zymla}, pages = {106--121}, publisher = {Universitätsbibliothek Tübingen, Publikationssystem}, sortname = {Ana Krajinovic}, title = {The Semantics of Perfect in {N}afsan and Implications for Typology}, url = {https://publikationen.uni-tuebingen.de/xmlui/handle/10900/93789}, year = {2019} } @incollection{Koenig2007, address = {Cambridge}, author = {Ekkehard König and Peter Siemund}, booktitle = {Language typology and syntactic description}, date = {2007}, edition = 2, editor = {Timothy Shopen}, pages = {276--324}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, sortname = {Ekkehard Konig and Peter Siemund}, title = {Speech act distinctions in grammar}, volume = {I: Clause structure}, year = {2007} } @incollection{Kaufman2007, address = {London}, author = {Kaufman, Terrence}, booktitle = {Atlas of the World’s Languages}, edition = 2, editor = {R. E. 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Greenberg}, booktitle = {Morphologie: {{{E}}}in internationales {H}andbuch zur {F}lexion und {W}ortbildung}, date = {2000}, editor = {Geert Booij and Christian Lehmann and Joachim Mugdan and Wolfgang Kesselheim and Stavros Skopeteas}, location = {Berlin}, pages = {770--783}, publisher = {Walter de Gruyter}, title = {Numeral}, volume = {1}, year = {2000} } @incollection{GomezVoort2014, address = {Leiden}, author = {Gale Goodwin Gómez and Hein {v}an der Voort}, booktitle = {Reduplication in Indigenous Languages of {S}outh {A}merica}, editor = {Gale Goodwin Gómez and Hein {v}an der Voort}, location = {Leiden}, pages = {1--16}, publisher = {Brill}, sortname = {Gale Goodwin Gomez and Hein van der Voort}, title = {Reduplication in {S}outh {A}merica: {{A}}n Introduction}, year = {2014} } @incollection{Givon2012, address = {Amsterdam}, author = {Talmy Givón}, booktitle = {Relative Clauses in Languages of the {A}mericas: {{A}} Typological Overview}, date = {2012}, editor = {Bernard Comrie and Zarina Estrada-Fernández}, pages = {3--25}, publisher = {John Benjamins Publishing Company}, sortname = {Talmy Givon}, title = {Toward a diachronic typology of relative clauses}, year = {2012} } @incollection{Givon1985, address = {Amsterdam}, author = {Talmy Givón}, booktitle = {Topic continuity in discourse: {{A}} quantitative cross-language study}, date = {1985}, editor = {Talmy Givón}, location = {Amsterdam}, pages = {1--41}, publisher = {John Benjamins Publishing Company}, sortname = {Talmy Givon}, title = {Topic continuity in discourse: {{A}}n introduction}, year = {1985} } @incollection{Gijnetal2011, address = {Amsterdam}, author = {Rik {van Gijn} and Katharina Haude and Pieter Muysken}, booktitle = {Subordination in Native {S}outh {A}merican Languages}, date = {2011}, editor = {Rik {van Gijn} and Katharina Haude and Pieter Muysken}, pages = {1--23}, publisher = {John Benjamins Publishing Company}, title = {Subordination in {S}outh {A}merica: {{A}}n overview}, year = {2011} } @incollection{Galeote2014, address = {La Paz}, author = {Jesús {Galeote Tormo}}, booktitle = {Lenguas de {B}olivia}, editor = {Mily Crevels and Pieter Muysken}, pages = {259--303}, publisher = {Plural Editores}, sortname = {Jesus {Galeote Tormo}}, title = {Chiquitano (bes{\textbari}ro)}, volume = {III: Oriente}, year = {2014} } @incollection{Falkinger2002, address = {Leiden}, author = {Sieglinde Falkinger}, booktitle = {Current studies on {South} {American} Languages}, date = {2002}, editor = {Mily Crevels and Simon Van de Kerke and Sérgio Meira and Hein {v}an der Voort}, location = {Leiden}, pages = {43--56}, publisher = {CNWS Publications}, title = {Diferencias entre el lenguage de hombres y mujeres en {C}hiquitano ({B}esiro)}, year = {2002} } @incollection{Evans2000, address = {Berlin}, author = {Nicholas Evans}, booktitle = {Morphologie: {{{E}}}in internationales {H}andbuch zur {F}lexion und {W}ortbildung}, date = {2000}, editor = {Geert Booij and Christian Lehmann and Joachim Mugdan and Wolfgang Kesselheim and Stavros Skopeteas}, location = {Berlin}, pages = {208--732}, publisher = {Walter de Gruyter}, title = {Word classes in the world’s languages}, volume = {1}, year = {2000} } @incollection{EriksenDanielsen2014, address = {Cambridge}, author = {Love Eriksen and Swintha Danielsen}, booktitle = {The Native Languages of {South} {America}: {{O}}rigins, development, typology}, editor = {Loretta O'Connor and Pieter Muysken}, pages = {152--176}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, title = {The {A}rawakan Matrix}, year = {2014} } @incollection{Epps2012, address = {Amsterdam}, author = {Patience Epps}, booktitle = {Relative Clauses in Languages of the {A}mericas: {{A}} Typological Overview}, date = {2012}, editor = {Bernard Comrie and Zarina Estrada-Fernández}, pages = {191--211}, publisher = {John Benjamins Publishing Company}, title = {Between headed and headless relative clauses}, year = {2012} } @incollection{Ebert2001, address = {Zürich}, author = {Karen H. 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Aikhenvald}, location = {New York}, pages = {1--47}, publisher = {Oxford University Press}, title = {Complement Clauses and Complementation Strategies in Typological Perspective}, year = {2006} } @incollection{Dixon1999, address = {Cambridge}, author = {{R. M. W.} Dixon and Alexandra Y. Aikhenvald}, booktitle = {The {A}mazonian Languages}, comment = {edited by Ninon}, editor = {{R. M. W.} Dixon and Alexandra Y. Aikhenvald}, groups = {Lena:6}, pages = {1--21}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, title = {Introduction}, year = {1999} } @incollection{DixAikh2003, address = {Cambridge}, author = {{R. M. W.} Dixon and Alexandra Y. Aikhenvald}, booktitle = {Word: {{A}} cross-linguistic typology}, date = {2003}, editor = {{R. M. W.} Dixon and Alexandra Y. Aikhenvald}, pages = {1--41}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, title = {Word: {{A}} typological framework}, year = {2003} } @incollection{DerbyshirePullum1986, address = {Berlin}, author = {Desmond C. 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Pullum}, location = {Berlin}, pages = {1--28}, publisher = {Mouton de Gruyter}, title = {Introduction}, volume = {1}, year = {1986} } @incollection{Danielsen_et_al2011, address = {Boulder, CO}, author = {Swintha Danielsen and Michael Dunn and Pieter Muysken}, booktitle = {Ethnicity in Ancient {A}mazonia: {{R}}econstructing past identities from archaeology, linguistics, and ethnohistory}, editor = {Alf Hornborg and Jonathan Hill}, pages = {173−195}, publisher = {University Press of Colorado}, title = {The Spread of the {A}rawakan Languages: {{A}} View from Structural Phylogenetics}, year = {2011} } @incollection{Danielsen_Granadillo2008, address = {Oxford}, author = {Swintha Danielsen and Tania Granadillo}, booktitle = {The Typology of Semantic Alignment}, editor = {Mark Donohue and S{\o}ren Wichmann}, pages = {396--411}, publisher = {Oxford University Press}, title = {Agreement in two {A}rawak languages: {{B}}aure and {K}urripako}, year = {2008} } @incollection{DanielsenTerhart2015, address = {Madrid}, author = {Swintha Danielsen and Lena Terhart}, booktitle = {New Perspectives on {H}ispanic Contact Linguistics in the {A}mericas}, date = {2015}, editor = {Sandro Sessarego and Melvin González-Rivera}, location = {Madrid}, pages = {121--151}, publisher = {Iberoamericana Vervuert}, title = {Borrowed Clause Combining Patterns in Two {A}rawakan Languages: {B}aure and {P}aunaka}, year = {2015} } @incollection{DanielsenTerhart2014, address = {La Paz}, author = {Swintha Danielsen and Lena Terhart}, booktitle = {Lenguas de {B}olivia}, editor = {Mily Crevels and Pieter Muysken}, pages = {221--258}, publisher = {Plural Editores}, title = {Paunaka}, volume = {III: Oriente}, year = {2014} } @incollection{Danielsen2014a, address = {Bogotá}, author = {Swintha Danielsen}, booktitle = {Incremento de valencia en lenguas amazónicas}, date = {2014}, editor = {Francesc Queixalós and Stella Telles and Ana Carla Bruno}, location = {Bogotá}, pages = {285--312}, publisher = {Universidad Nacional de Colombia}, title = {Multiple valency derivation in {B}aure ({A}rawakan)}, year = {2014} } @incollection{Danielsen2012, address = {Mendoza}, author = {Danielsen, Swintha}, booktitle = {Lenguas Indígenas de {A}mérica del {S}ur {I}: {{F}}onología y Léxico}, date = {2012}, editor = {Marisa Censabella and Cristina Messineo and Hebe A. González and Beatriz Gualdieri}, pages = {151--171}, publisher = {Editorial FFyL-UNCuyo and SAL}, title = {Afijos compuestos y su lexicalización en el baure (arawak)}, year = {2012} } @incollection{Danielsen2011a, address = {Amsterdam}, author = {Swintha Danielsen}, booktitle = {Subordination in {S}outh {A}merican Languages}, date = {2011}, editor = {Rik {van Gijn} and Katharina Haude and Pieter Muysken}, location = {Amsterdam}, pages = {79--108}, publisher = {John Benjamins Publishing Company}, title = {Clause embedding strategies in {B}aure}, year = {2011} } @incollection{Croft2000, address = {Berlin}, author = {William Croft}, booktitle = {Morphologie: {{{E}}}in internationales {H}andbuch zur {F}lexion und {W}ortbildung}, date = {2000}, editor = {Geert Booij and Christian Lehmann and Joachim Mugdan and Wolfgang Kesselheim and Stavros Skopeteas}, pages = {257--263}, publisher = {Walter de Gruyter}, title = {Lexical and grammatical meaning}, volume = {1}, year = {2000} } @incollection{ComrieThompson2007, address = {Cambridge}, author = {Bernard Comrie and Sandra A. Thompson}, booktitle = {Language Typology and Syntactic Description}, date = {2007}, edition = 2, editor = {Timothy Shopen}, location = {New York}, pages = {334--381}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, title = {Lexical nominalization}, volume = {III: Grammatical categories and the lexicon}, year = {2007}, } @incollection{ChappelMcGregor1996, address = {Berlin}, author = {Hilary Chappell and William McGregor}, booktitle = {The Grammar of Inalienability: {{A}} Typological Perspective on Body Part Terms and the Part-Whole Relation}, editor = {Hilary Chappell and William McGregor}, pages = {3--30}, publisher = {Mouton de Gruyter}, title = {Prolegomena to a theory of inalienability}, year = {1996} } @incollection{Chafe1988, address = {Amsterdam}, author = {Wallace Chafe}, booktitle = {Clause combining in grammar and discourse}, date = {1988}, editor = {John Haimann and Sandra A. 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Pullum}, location = {Berlin}, pages = {225--439}, publisher = {Mouton de Gruyter}, title = {Warekena}, volume = {4}, year = {1998} } @incollection{AdmiraalDanielsen2014, address = {Amsterdam}, author = {Femmy Admiraal and Swintha Danielsen}, booktitle = {Word Formation in {S}outh {A}merican Languages}, date = {2014}, editor = {Swintha Danielsen and Katja Hannß and Fernando Zúñiga}, location = {Amsterdam}, pages = {79--112}, publisher = {John Benjamins Publishing Company}, title = {Productive compounding in {B}aure ({A}rawakan)}, year = {2014} } @incollection{Adelaar2008, address = {Recife}, author = {Willem F. H. Adelaar}, booktitle = {Topicalizando {M}acro-{J}ê}, date = {2008}, editor = {Stella Telles}, location = {Recife}, pages = {9--28}, publisher = {Nectar}, title = {Relaç{\~{o}}es externas do {M}acro-{J}ê: {{O}} caso do {C}hiquitano}, year = {2008} } @incollection{OhalaOhala1993, address = {San Diego, CA}, author = {John J. 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