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Beckman and Fangfang Li and Eunjong Kong}, doi = {10.1016/j.wocn.2018.07.008}, eprint = {https://osf.io/5pj49/}, journal = {Journal of Phonetics}, pages = {147--161}, title = {{Bayesian} data analysis in the phonetic sciences: {A} tutorial introduction}, volume = {71}, year = {2018} } @article{R-Rcpp_a, author = {Dirk Eddelbuettel and Romain Fran\c{c}ois}, doi = {10.18637/jss.v040.i08}, journal = {Journal of Statistical Software}, number = {8}, pages = {1--18}, sortname = {Dirk Eddelbuettel and Romain Fran\c{c}ois}, title = {{Rcpp}: {{S}}eamless {R} and {C++} Integration}, url = {http://www.jstatsoft.org/v40/i08/}, volume = {40}, year = {2011} } @article{kaye1992you, Author = {Kaye, Jonathan}, Citation_Identifier = {Kaye 1992}, Journal = {SOAS working papers in Linguistics and Phonetics}, Pages = {293-313}, Publicationstatus = {Published}, title = {Do you believe in magic? {{T}}he story of {s+C} sequences}, Uuid = {BB4C40E6-AF7D-4A6D-BADF-0B6D7B4B82E8}, Volume = {2}, Year = {1992}} @techreport{itu2015algorithmssk, author = {{ITU-R}}, collection_description = {BS Series: Broadcasting service (sound)}, description = {Recommendation ITU-R BS.1770-4}, school = {Radiocommunication Sector of International Telecommunication Union}, tags = {Loudness/ Intensity;NAP\_paper}, title = {Algorithms to measure audio programme loudness and true-peak audio level: {{ITU}-R {BS}.1770-4}}, year = {2015}, } @report{burknerModelingMonotonicEffects2018, author = {Bürkner, {Paul-Christian} and Charpentier, Emmanuel}, doi = {10.31234/osf.io/9qkhj}, school = {{PsyArXiv}}, title = {Modeling monotonic Effects of Ordinal Predictors in {{Bayesian}} Regression Models}, type = {preprint}, year = {2018}, } @phdthesis{zhang2001effects, author = {Zhang, Jie}, google_scholar_bibtex_export_key = {3P8pD4qVwh8J}, school = {University of California, Los Angeles}, tags = {NAP\_paper}, title = {The Effects of Duration and Sonority on Contour Tone Distribution: {{T}}ypological Survey and Formal Analysis}, 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@phdthesis{hayes1980metrical, author = {Hayes, Bruce}, school = {Massachusetts Institute of Technology}, tags = {NAP\_paper}, title = {A metrical theory of stress rules}, year = {1980}, } @phdthesis{goldsmith1976autosegmental, author = {Goldsmith, John A.}, school = {Massachusetts Institute of Technology}, tags = {Sonority;NAP\_paper}, title = {Autosegmental phonology}, year = {1976}, } @phdthesis{delacy2002formal, author = {de Lacy, Paul Valiant}, school = {University of Massachusetts, Amherst}, title = {The Formal Expression of Markedness}, year = {2002}, } @phdthesis{cohen2009role, author = {Cohen, Evan-Gary}, google_scholar_bibtex_export_key = {abHUA4O47qsJ}, school = {Tel Aviv University}, tags = {Vowels;Optimality Theory;Corpus-Based Research;Prosody;Similarity;Acoustic Phonetics;Perceptual Phon}, title = {The role of similarity in phonology: {{{E}}}vidence from loanword adaptation in {Hebrew}}, year = {2009}, } @phdthesis{blaho2008syntax, author = {Blaho, Sylvia}, school = 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@misc{itu2015algorithms, address = {Geneva}, author = {ITU-R Recommendation BS.1770-4}, collection_description = {BS Series: Broadcasting service (sound)}, organization = {Radiocommunication Sector of International Telecommunication Union}, publisher = {International Telecommunication Union}, tags = {Loudness/ Intensity;NAP\_paper}, title = {Algorithms to measure audio programme loudness and true-peak audio level}, year = {2015}, options = {indexing=false} } @misc{bolozky2006livingsk, author = {Bolozky, Shmuel and Becker, Michael}, title = {Living Lexicon of {{Hebrew}} Nouns}, url = {https://becker.phonologist.org/LLHN/}, year = {2006}, } @misc{boersma2019praat, author = {Boersma, Paul and Weenink, David}, publisher = {Version 6.0.56}, retrieval_day = {8}, retrieval_month = {7}, retrieval_year = {2019}, title = {Praat: {{D}}oing phonetics by computer}, url = {http://www.praat.org/}, year = {2019}, } @misc{albert2020proper, author = {Albert, Aviad and Cangemi, Francesco and Ellison, T. 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Witthoft and Hristo Zhivomirov.}, note = {R package version 2.1.6}, title = {{seewave}: {{S}}ound Analysis and Synthesis}, url = {https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=seewave}, year = {2020}, } @manual{R-rmarkdown, author = {JJ Allaire and Yihui Xie and Jonathan McPherson and Javier Luraschi and Kevin Ushey and Aron Atkins and Hadley Wickham and Joe Cheng and Winston Chang and Richard Iannone}, note = {R package version 2.2}, title = {{rmarkdown}: {{D}}ynamic Documents for {R}}, url = {https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=rmarkdown}, year = {2020}, } @manual{R-readr, author = {Hadley Wickham and Jim Hester and Romain Francois}, note = {R package version 1.3.1}, title = {{readr}: {{R}}ead rectangular text data}, url = {https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=readr}, year = {2018}, } @manual{R-rPraat, author = {Tomas Boril}, note = {R package version 1.3.1}, title = {{rPraat}: {{I}}nterface to {Praat}}, url = {https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=rPraat}, year = {2020}, } @manual{R-purrr, author = {Lionel Henry and Hadley Wickham}, note = {R package version 0.3.4}, title = {{purrr}: {{F}}unctional Programming Tools}, url = {https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=purrr}, year = {2020}, } @manual{R-papaja, author = {Frederik Aust and Marius Barth}, note = {R package version}, title = {{papaja}: {{P}}repare reproducible {{APA}} journal articles with {R Markdown}}, url = {https://github.com/crsh/papaja}, year = {2020}, } @manual{R-knitr, author = {Yihui Xie}, note = {R package version 1.28}, title = {{knitr}: {{A}} General-Purpose Package for Dynamic Report Generation in {R}}, url = {https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=knitr}, year = {2020}, } @manual{R-hexbin, author = {Dan Carr and Nicholas Lewin-Koh and Martin Maechler and Deepayan Sarkar}, note = {R package version 1.27.2}, title = {{hexbin}: {{H}}exagonal binning routines}, url = {https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=hexbin}, year = {2018}, } @manual{R-ggrepel, author = {Kamil Slowikowski}, note = {R package version 0.8.1}, title = {{ggrepel}: {{A}}utomatically Position Non-Overlapping Text Labels with \texttt{ggplot2}}, url = {https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=ggrepel}, year = {2019}, } @manual{R-ggplot2, author = {Hadley Wickham and Winston Chang and Lionel Henry and Thomas Lin Pedersen and Kohske Takahashi and Claus Wilke and Kara Woo and Hiroaki Yutani and Dewey Dunnington}, note = {R package version 3.3.0}, title = {{ggplot2}: {{C}}reate elegant data visualisations using the grammar of graphics}, url = {https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=ggplot2}, year = {2020}, } @manual{R-dplyr, author = {Hadley Wickham and Romain Fran{\c c}ois and Lionel Henry and Kirill Müller}, note = {R package version 0.8.5}, title = {{dplyr}: {{A}} grammar of data manipulation}, url = {https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=dplyr}, year = {2020}, } @manual{R-base, address = {Vienna, Austria}, author = {{R Core Team}}, organization = {R Foundation for Statistical Computing}, title = {R: {{A}} language and environment for statistical computing}, url = {https://www.R-project.org/}, year = {2018}, options = {indexing=false} } @manual{R-R.matlab, author = {Henrik Bengtsson}, note = {R package version 3.6.2}, title = {{R.Matlab}: {{R}}ead and write {MAT} files and call {{MATLAB}} from within {R}}, url = {https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=R.matlab}, year = {2018}, } @manual{R-Cairo, author = {Simon Urbanek and Jeffrey Horner}, note = {R package version 1.5-12}, title = {Cairo: {{R}} graphics device using {Cairo} graphics library for creating high-quality bitmap ({{PNG}, {JPEG}, {TIFF}}), vector ({{PDF}, {SVG}, {PostS}cript}) and display ({X11 and Win32}) output}, url = {https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=Cairo}, year = {2020}, } @incollection{young2017markednesssk, author = {Young, Mackenzie and Wilson, Colin}, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 34th {{West} Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics}}}, editor = {Aaron Kaplan and Abby Kaplan and Miranda K. McCarvel and Edward J. Rubin}, pages = {582-589}, publisher = {Cascadilla Proceedings Project}, location = {Somerville, MA}, title = {Markedness effects in visual processing of non-native onset clusters}, year = {2017}, } @incollection{wilson2013bayesian, author = {Wilson, Colin and Davidson, Lisa}, booktitle = {Proceedings of {NELS}}, number = {2}, pages = {265--278}, title = {{Bayesian} analysis of non-native cluster production}, volume = {40}, year = {2013}, } @incollection{ventura2019perceptualsk, author = {Ventura, Caterina and Grice, Martine and Savino, Michelina and Albert, Aviad and Schumacher, Petra B.}, booktitle = {The 3rd {Phonetics and Phonology in {Europe} ({PaPE}). {{B}}ari and Lecce, {Italy}} [poster presentation]}, title = {Perceptual evaluation of post-focal prominence in {{Italian}} by {L1} and {L2} naïve listeners}, year = {2019}, } @incollection{steriade1999alternativessk, address = {Prague}, author = {Steriade, Donca}, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 1998 {Linguistics and Phonetics Conference}}}, endnote_reference_number = {12}, pages = {205--242}, publisher = {Karolinum Press}, tags = {Syllabification;Phonotactics;Sonority;NAP\_paper;Typology;Phonation/ Voicing}, title = {Alternatives to syllable-based accounts of consonantal phonotactics}, year = {1999}, } @incollection{skovenborg2012loudnesssk, author = {Skovenborg, Esben}, booktitle = {The 132nd {Audio Engineering Society Convention}}, organization = {Audio Engineering Society}, tags = {Loudness/ Intensity;NAP\_paper}, title = {Loudness Range {({LRA})}: {D}esign and Evaluation}, year = {2012}, url = {http://www.aes.org/e-lib/browse.cfm?elib=16254} } @incollection{scheer2007statussk, address = {Ann Arbor}, author = {Scheer, Tobias}, booktitle = {Proceedings of {{FASL}}}, editor = {Compton, Richard U. and Goledzinowska, Magdalena and Savchenko, Ulyana M.}, google_scholar_bibtex_export_key = {1WWxYAEugfEJ}, pages = {346--364}, publisher = {Michigan Slavic Publications}, tags = {Sonority;Sonority violations;NAP\_paper;Typology}, title = {On the status of word-initial clusters in {{Slavic}} (and elsewhere)}, volume = {15}, year = {2007}, } @incollection{sbranna2021prosodicsk, author = {Sbranna, Simona and Ventura, Caterina and Albert, Aviad and Grice, Martine}, booktitle = {The 4th {Phonetics and Phonology in {Europe} ({PaPE}). {{B}}arcelona, {Spain}} [poster presentation]}, title = {Prosodic expression of information status in {{Italian}}}, year = {2021}, } @incollection{sbranna2021prosodicmarkingsk, author = {Sbranna, Simona and Ventura, Caterina and Albert, Aviad and Grice, Martine}, booktitle = {{{TiPT}oP}: {{T}}rends in pedagogical transmission of prosody. {Konstanz, {Germany}} [oral presentation]}, title = {Prosodic marking of information status: {{A}}n exploratory study on {L1 {Italian} and L2 {German}}}, year = {2021}, } @incollection{sbranna2021developingsk, author = {Sbranna, Simona and Ventura, Caterina and Albert, Aviad and Grice, Martine}, booktitle = {{The 1st {International Conference on Tone and Intonation ({TAI}). {{S}}onderborg, {Denmark}} [poster presentation]}}, title = {Developing prosodic competence: {{M}}arking information status in {L2 {German}}}, year = {2021}, } @article{sbranna2023prosodic, Author = {Sbranna, Simona and Ventura, Caterina and Albert, Aviad and Grice, Martine}, Doi = {10.1016/j.wocn.2023.101212}, Issn = {0095-4470}, Journal = {Journal of Phonetics}, Pages = {101212}, Publicationstatus = {Published}, Title = {Prosodic marking of information status in {Italian}}, Volume = {97}, Year = {2023} } @incollection{savino2021nativesk, author = {Savino, Michelina and Ventura, Caterina and Sbranna, Simona and Albert, Aviad and Grice, Martine}, booktitle = {The 4th {Phonetics and Phonology in {Europe} ({PaPE}). {{B}}arcelona, {Spain}} [poster presentation]}, title = {Native variety interference when imitating intonation in a non-native variety of {{Italian}}}, year = {2021}, } @incollection{reb2010mandarinsk, author = {Ren, 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@incollection{olender2013acousticsk, address = {{Poznań, Poland}}, author = {Olender, Adam}, booktitle = {the 44th {Poznań Linguistic Meeting}}, title = {Acoustic evidence for word-initial /s/+stop sequences as onset clusters: “{Perceptual} bond” as a cross-linguistic predictor of prothesis}, year = {2013}, } @incollection{ohala1992alternatives, Address = {Chicago}, Author = {Ohala, John J.}, Booktitle = {The {Parasession on the Syllable in Phonetics \& Phonology: Papers from the 26th Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society}}, Citation_Identifier = {Ohala 1992}, Editor = {Ziolkowski, Michael and Noske, Manuela and Deaton, Karen}, Google_Scholar_Bibtex_Export_Key = {Y1\_h4o4Ni18J}, Keywords = {Phonotactics;Prosody;Sonority;Segmantal Phonology;NAP_paper}, Pages = {319-338}, Publicationstatus = {Unknown}, Publisher = {Chicago Linguistic Society}, Tags = {Sonority;Phonotactics;NAP\_paper;Prosody;Segmantal Phonology}, Title = {Alternatives to the Sonority Hierarchy for Explaining Segmental Sequential Constraints}, Uuid = {90EA1C5E-1CA0-45CC-8101-748F7FDD717A}, Year = {1992}} @incollection{mirea2019usingsk, author = {Mirea, Nicole and Bicknell, Klinton}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 57th {Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics}}, pages = {1595--1605}, title = {Using {{LSTM}s} to assess the obligatoriness of phonological distinctive features for phonotactic learning}, year = {2019}, editor = {Anna Korhonen and David Traum and Lluís Màrquez}, location = {Stroudsburg, PA}, publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics} } @article{mayer2019phonotacticsk, author = {Mayer, Connor and Nelson, Max}, journal = {Proceedings of the Society for Computation in Linguistics}, title = {Phonotactic learning with neural language models}, year = {2020}, volume = {3}, pages = {Article 16}, doi = {10.7275/g3y2-fx06}, } @incollection{lund2014loudnesssk, author = {Lund, Thomas and Skovenborg, Esben}, booktitle = {{Annual Technical Conference \& Exhibition, {{SMPTE}} 2014}}, doi = {10.5594/M001550}, pages = {1--14}, tags = {Loudness/ Intensity;NAP\_paper}, title = {Loudness vs. {speech} Normalization in Film and Drama for Broadcast}, year = {2014}, } @incollection{laufer2019originsk, author = {Laufer, Asher}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 19th {International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Melbourne, {Australia}}}, pages = {1908--1911}, title = {The origin of the {{IPA}} schwa}, year = {2019}, } @incollection{jany2007universal, author = {Jany, Carmen and Gordon, Matthew and Nash, Carlos M. and Takara, Nobutaka}, booktitle = {16th {International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Saarbrücken}}, google_scholar_bibtex_export_key = {32UjTUMKzpMJ}, pages = {1401--1404}, tags = {Sonority;NAP\_paper}, title = {How universal is the sonority hierarchy? {{A}} cross-linguistic acoustic study}, year = {2007}, } @incollection{hayes2011interpreting, author = {Hayes, Bruce}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 17th {International Congress of Phonetic Sciences}}, pages = {835--838}, tags = {NAP\_Berent}, title = {Interpreting sonority-projection experiments: {{T}}he role of phonotactic modeling}, year = {2011}, } @incollection{hamann2009modelling, author = {Hamann, Silke and Apoussidou, Diana and Boersma, Paul}, booktitle = {Proceedings from the Annual Meeting of the {Chicago} Linguistic Society}, google_scholar_bibtex_export_key = {Xt1nVJ\_ruKYJ}, number = {1}, organization = {Chic Ling Society}, pages = {193--206}, title = {Modelling the formation of phonotactic restrictions across the mental lexicon}, volume = {45}, year = {2009}, } @incollection{goldstein2007syllablesk, author = {Goldstein, Louis and Chitoran, Ioana and Selkirk, Elisabeth}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {{XVI}th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences}}, google_scholar_bibtex_export_key = {Jwkgz4MdDmgJ}, pages = {241--244}, tags = {Sonority;Phonotactics;NAP\_paper;Articulatory Phon;Prosody;Elicitation Tasks}, title = {Syllable structure as coupled oscillator modes: {{{E}}}vidence from {{Georgian}} vs. {{Tashlhiyt} {Berber}}}, year = {2007}, } @incollection{galves2002sonoritysk, author = {Galves, Antonio and Garcia, Jesus and Duarte, Denise and Galves, Charlotte}, booktitle = {{{Speech Prosody} 2002, {International Conference}; {Aix-en-Provence, France}}}, title = {Sonority as a basis for rhythmic class discrimination}, year = {2002}, } @incollection{fullwood2014perceptual, author = {Fullwood, Michelle Alison}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2013 {Annual Meetings on Phonology}}, google_scholar_bibtex_export_key = {M1kR-NvzHT0J}, doi = {10.3765/amp.v1i1.14}, title = {The Perceptual Dimensions of Sonority-Driven Epenthesis}, year = {2014}, } @incollection{enochson2014l2sk, author = {Enochson, Kelly}, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the International Symposium on the Acquisition of Second Language Speech Concordia Working Papers in Applied Linguistics}}, pages = {171--184}, tags = {Sonority;s-clusters}, title = {L2 production of {English} onset {sC} and {{CC}} clusters}, volume = {5}, year = {2014}, } @incollection{deshmukh2003detectionsk, author = {Deshmukh, Om and Espy-Wilson, Carol}, booktitle = {The 15th {International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Barcelona, Spain}}, tags = {Pitch/ f0;NAP\_paper;Acoustic Phonetics;Speech Analysis;Phonation/ Voicing}, title = {Detection of periodicity and aperiodicity in speech signal based on temporal information}, year = {2003}, editor = {Solé, Maria-Josep and Recasens, Daniel and Romero, Joaquin} } @incollection{dellwo2006rhythmsk, address = {Frankfurt/Main}, author = {Dellwo, Volker}, booktitle = {Language and language-processing: {{P}}roceedings of the 38th {Linguistics Colloquium, Piliscsaba}}, editor = {Karnowski, Paweł and Szigeti, Imre}, publisher = {Peter Lang}, title = {Rhythm and speech rate: {{A}} variation coefficient for {deltaC}}, year = {2006}, } @article{coleman1997stochastic, Author = {Coleman, John and Pierrehumbert, Janet}, Citation_Identifier = {Coleman 1997}, Doi = {10.48550/arXiv.cmp-lg/9707017}, Journal = {arXiv preprint}, Publicationstatus = {Published}, Title = {Stochastic phonological grammars and acceptability}, Uuid = {E59258D1-7234-440F-B6D2-B69E6273239F}, Year = {1997}, } @incollection{clements1992sonority, address = {Cambridge}, author = {Clements, George N.}, booktitle = {Phonologica 1988: {{P}}roceedings of the {6th International Phonology Meeting}}, editor = {Dressler, Wolfgang U.}, google_scholar_bibtex_export_key = {E2DKZdpKsWgJ}, pages = {63--76}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, tags = {Sonority;NAP\_paper}, title = {The sonority cycle and syllable organization}, year = {1992}, } @incollection{christiansen1999power, author = {Christiansen, Morten H. and Curtin, Suzanne L.}, editor = {Martin Hahn and Scott C. 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S.}, pages = {275--301}, publisher = {Indiana University Press}, tags = {Sonority;NAP\_paper}, title = {Note on a phonological hierarchy in {{English}}}, year = {1972}, } @incollection{zec2003prosodic, author = {Zec, Draga}, booktitle = {The Optimal Syllable}, editor = {Féry, Caroline and van de Vijver, Ruben}, google_scholar_bibtex_export_key = {dqlZ9lf2L7UJ}, pages = {123--143}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, tags = {Sonority;NAP\_paper}, title = {Prosodic weight}, year = {2003}, } @incollection{wright2004review, address = {Cambridge}, author = {Wright, Richard}, booktitle = {Phonetically based phonology}, editor = {Hayes, Bruce and Kirchner, Robert and Steriade, Donca}, endnote_reference_number = {2}, google_scholar_bibtex_export_key = {VLyPMWRTu9oJ}, pages = {34--57}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, tags = {Sonority;NAP\_paper;Perceptual Phon;Segmantal Phonology}, title = {A review of perceptual cues and cue robustness}, year = {2004}, } @incollection{wiese2001phonology, address = {Berlin}, author = {Wiese, Richard}, booktitle = {Distinctive Feature Theory}, editor = {Hall, T. Alan}, google_scholar_bibtex_export_key = {\_oj0KHJ-\_1UJ}, pages = {335--369}, publisher = {Walter de Gruyter}, tags = {Rhotics;Sonority;Underspecification;Phonotactics;Articulatory Phon;Prosody;Similarity}, title = {The phonology of /r/}, year = {2001}, } @incollection{vaux2009append, address = {Cambridge, MA}, author = {Vaux, Bert and Wolfe, Andrew}, booktitle = {Contemporary Views on Architecture and Representations in Phonology}, editor = {Raimy, Eric and Cairns, Charles E.}, google_scholar_bibtex_export_key = {-6XYXuZbMKcJ}, pages = {101--135}, publisher = {The MIT Press}, tags = {Sonority;s-clusters}, title = {The Appendix}, year = {2009}, } @incollection{van2012sonority, address = {Berlin \& Boston}, doi = {10.1515/9783110261523.195}, author = {van de Vijver, Ruben and Baer-Henney, Dinah}, booktitle = {The Sonority Controversy}, editor = {Parker, Stephen G.}, google_scholar_bibtex_export_key = {VuQ0Eiyqif0J}, pages = {195--218}, publisher = {De Gruyter Mouton}, tags = {Phonotactics;Response Tasks;Sonority;NAP\_paper;Learnability}, title = {Sonority intuitions are provided by the lexicon}, year = {2012}, } @incollection{ultan1978typological, address = {Stanford, CA}, author = {Ultan, Russell}, booktitle = {Universals of human language, volume 2: {{P}}honology}, editor = {Greenberg, Joseph H. and Ferguson, Charles A. and Moravcsik, Edith A.}, pages = {367--402}, publisher = {Stanford University Press}, tags = {NAP\_paper}, title = {A typological view of metathesis}, year = {1978}, } @incollection{tupper2012sonoritysk, address = {Berlin \& Boston}, doi = {10.1515/9783110261523.385}, all_isbns = {9783110261516 3110261510}, author = {Tupper, Paul K. and Fry, Michael}, booktitle = {The Sonority Controversy}, editor = {Parker, Stephen G.}, oclcid = {879238759}, pages = {385--409}, publisher = {De Gruyter Mouton}, ris_reference_number = {879238759}, title = {Sonority and Syllabification in a Connectionist Network: {{A}}n Analysis of {{BrbrN}et}}, year = {2012}, } @incollection{tuller2004categorization, address = {Arlington, VA}, author = {Tuller, Betty}, booktitle = {Tutorials in Contemporary Nonlinear Methods for the Behavioral Sciences}, editor = {Riley, Michael A. and van Orden, Guy C.}, publisher = {National Science Foundation}, title = {Categorization and learning in speech perception as dynamical processes}, url = {www.nsf.gov/sbe/bcs/pac/nmbs/nmbs.jsp}, year = {2004}, } @incollection{shepard2001pitch, address = {Cambridge, MA}, all_isbns = {0262531909 9780262531900}, author = {Shepard, Roger}, booktitle = {Music, cognition, and computerized sound: {{A}}n introduction to psychoacoustics}, editor = {Cook, Perry R.}, oclcid = {878638433}, pages = {149--165}, publisher = {MIT Press}, ris_reference_number = {878638433}, title = {Pitch Perception and Measurement}, year = {2001}, } @incollection{selkirk1984majorsk, address = {Cambridge, MA}, author = {Selkirk, Elisabeth O.}, booktitle = {Language sound and structure: {{S}}tudies in phonology presented to {{Morris} {Halle}} by his teacher and students}, editor = {Aronoff, Mark and Oehrle, Richard T. and Halle, Moris}, google_scholar_bibtex_export_key = {shI2mjESfXQJ}, pages = {107--136}, publisher = {The MIT Press}, tags = {Sonority;NAP\_paper}, title = {On the major class features and syllable theory}, year = {1984}, } @incollection{searle1990cognitive, address = {London}, author = {Searle, John R.}, booktitle = {Artificial Intelligence, Culture and Language: {{O}}n Education and Work}, editor = {Gill, Karamjit S. and Göranzon, Bo and Florin, Magnus}, pages = {23--34}, publisher = {Springer}, tags = {NAP\_paper;Cognition;Philosophy}, title = {Cognitive science and the computer metaphor}, year = {1990}, } @incollection{schwarzwald2005modernsk, address = {Dordrecht; 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J.}, pages = {123--160}, publisher = {Academic Press}, series = {Handbook of Perception and Cognition}, number = {6}, title = {Loudness Perception and Intensity Coding}, year = {1995}, } @incollection{pattee1987instabilities, address = {New York; London}, all_isbns = {0306421453 9780306421457}, author = {Pattee, Howard H.}, booktitle = {Self-Organizing Systems: {{T}}he Emergence of Order}, editor = {Yates, F. Eugene}, oclcid = {797278946}, pages = {325--338}, publisher = {Plenum Press}, ris_reference_number = {797278946}, title = {Instabilitites and Information in Biological Self-Organization}, year = {1987}, } @incollection{nathan1989preliminaries, address = {Amsterdam \& Philadelphia}, author = {Nathan, Geoffrey S.}, booktitle = {Linguistic Categorization}, editor = {Corrigan, Roberta L. and Eckman, Fred R. and Noonan, Michael}, google_scholar_bibtex_export_key = {WO3yZfY9MWMJ}, pages = {55--67}, publisher = {John Benjamins}, tags = {Sonority;NAP\_paper}, title = {Preliminaries to a theory of phonological substance: {{T}}he substance of sonority}, year = {1989}, } @incollection{morelli2003relative, address = {Cambridge}, author = {Morelli, Frida}, booktitle = {The syllable in optimality theory}, editor = {Féry, Caroline and van de Vijver, Ruben}, pages = {356--371}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, tags = {Sonority;s-clusters}, title = {The Relative Harmony of /s+Stop/ Onsets: {{O}}bstruent Clusters and the Sonority Sequencing}, year = {2003}, } @incollection{miller2012sonority, address = {Berlin \& Boston}, all_isbns = {9783110261516 3110261510}, author = {Miller, Brett L. K.}, booktitle = {The sonority controversy}, editor = {Parker, Stephen G.}, oclcid = {879238759}, pages = {257--288}, publisher = {De Gruyter Mouton}, doi = {10.1515/9783110261523.257}, ris_reference_number = {879238759}, tags = {NAP\_paper}, title = {Sonority and the larynx}, year = {2012}, } @incollection{lindblom1983production, address = {New York; Heidelberg}, all_isbns = {0387907351 9780387907352 3540907351 9783540907350}, author = {Lindblom, Björn}, booktitle = {The production of speech}, editor = {Macneilage, Peter F.}, oclcid = {715554565}, pages = {217--245}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, ris_reference_number = {715554565}, title = {Economy of Speech Gestures}, year = {1983}, } @incollection{lindau1980storysk, address = {Orlando}, author = {Lindau, Mona}, booktitle = {Phonetic Linguistics: {{{E}}}ssays in honor of {Peter Ladefoged}}, editor = {Fromkin, Victoria}, google_scholar_bibtex_export_key = {ySaZjfY\_MrkJ}, number = {S1}, pages = {157--168}, publisher = {Academic Press}, tags = {Rhotics;Similarity}, title = {The story of /r/}, year = {1985}, } @incollection{laufer1991phonemesk, address = {Jerusalem}, author = {Laufer, Asher}, booktitle = {{Shai} le-{Hayim Rabin}: {{A}}supat mehkere lashon li-khevodo bi-melot lo shiv`im ve-hamesh}, editor = {Goshen-Gottstein, Moshe and Morag, Shelomo and Kogut, Simha}, pages = {179--193}, publisher = {Akademon}, title = {Phoneme combinations: {Phonotactics}}, year = {1991}, } @incollection{ladefoged1997linguistic, address = {Oxford; Cambridge, MA}, author = {Ladefoged, Peter}, booktitle = {The handbook of phonetic sciences}, editor = {Hardcastle, William J. and Laver, John}, google_scholar_bibtex_export_key = {b-lyM8Rnr-4J}, pages = {589--618}, publisher = {Blackwell}, tags = {Sonority;Articulatory Phon;NAP\_paper;Typology;Perceptual Phon;Segmantal Phonology}, title = {Linguistic phonetic descriptions}, year = {1997}, } @incollection{ladefoged1996rhotics, address = {Oxford}, all_isbns = {0631198148 9780631198147}, author = {Ladefoged, Peter and Maddieson, Ian}, booktitle = {The sounds of the world's languages}, oclcid = {473224787}, publisher = {Blackwell}, ris_reference_number = {473224787}, tags = {Rhotics;Similarity}, title = {Rhotics}, year = {1996}, } @incollection{ladd2011phonetics, address = {Malden, MA}, author = {Ladd, D. 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J.}, oclcid = {260170377}, pages = {267--295}, publisher = {Academic Press}, ris_reference_number = {260170377}, series = {Handbook of Perception and Cognition}, number = {6}, title = {Pitch Perception}, year = {1995}, } @incollection{henke2012isthessp, address = {Berlin \& Boston}, all_isbns = {9783110261516 3110261510}, author = {Henke, Eric K. and Kaisse, Ellen M. and Wright, Richard}, booktitle = {The sonority controversy}, editor = {Parker, Stephen G.}, oclcid = {879238759}, pages = {65--100}, publisher = {De Gruyter Mouton}, ris_reference_number = {879238759}, tags = {Sonority;NAP\_paper}, title = {Is the Sonority Sequencing Principle an epiphenomenon?}, year = {2012}, } @incollection{harris2007representation, address = {Cambridge}, author = {Harris, John}, booktitle = {The {Cambridge} handbook of phonology}, editor = {de Lacy, Paul}, pages = {119--137}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, title = {Representation}, year = {2007}, } @incollection{hankamer1974sonority, address = {Chicago}, author = {Hankamer, Jorge and Aissen, Judith}, booktitle = {Papers from the parasession on Natural Phonology}, editor = {Bruck, Anthony and Fox, Robert A. and La Galy, Michael W. 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S.}, pages = {96--100}, publisher = {Indiana University Press}, tags = {NAP\_paper}, title = {Rule precursors and phonological change by meta-rule}, year = {1972}, } @incollection{demuth1996prosodic, address = {Mahwah, N.J.}, author = {Demuth, Katherine}, booktitle = {Signal to syntax: {{B}}ootstrapping from speech to grammar in early acquisition}, editor = {Demuth, Katherine and Morgan, James L.}, google_scholar_bibtex_export_key = {ASPRT4RZGKoJ}, pages = {171--184}, publisher = {Lawrence Erlbaum Associates}, tags = {Morphology;Articulatory Phon;Prosody;Perceptual Phon;Acquisition / L2 learning}, title = {The prosodic structure of early words}, year = {1996}, } @incollection{de2005pitch, address = {New York}, author = {De Cheveigné, Alain}, booktitle = {Pitch: {{N}}eural coding and perception}, editor = {Plack, Christopher J. and Oxenham, Andrew J. and Fay, Richard R.}, google_scholar_bibtex_export_key = {XQEU6P-TOQ0J}, pages = {169--233}, publisher = {Springer}, tags = {Pitch/ f0;NAP\_paper}, title = {Pitch perception models}, year = {2005}, } @incollection{cummins2015rhythm, address = {Malden, MA}, all_isbns = {9780470659939 0470659939}, author = {Cummins, Fred}, booktitle = {The Handbook of Speech Production}, editor = {Redford, Melissa A.}, oclcid = {1088173973}, publisher = {Wiley Blackwell}, ris_reference_number = {1088173973}, tags = {Rhythm}, title = {Rhythm and Speech}, year = {2015}, } @incollection{clements2009does, address = {Cambridge, MA}, author = {Clements, George N.}, booktitle = {Contemporary Views on Architecture and Representations in Phonology}, editor = {Raimy, Eric and Cairns, Charles E.}, google_scholar_bibtex_export_key = {qYoBJk7foV4J}, pages = {165--175}, publisher = {The MIT Press}, tags = {Pitch/ f0;Sonority;NAP\_paper;Segmantal Phonology;Acoustic Phonetics;Perceptual Phon}, title = {Does sonority have a phonetic basis?}, year = {2009}, } @incollection{chowning2001perceptual, address = {Cambridge, MA}, all_isbns = {0262531909 9780262531900}, author = {Chowning, John M.}, booktitle = {Music, cognition, and computerized sound: {{A}}n introduction to psychoacoustics}, editor = {Cook, Perry R.}, oclcid = {878638433}, pages = {261--275}, publisher = {MIT Press}, ris_reference_number = {878638433}, tags = {newly added}, title = {Perceptual Fusion and Auditory Perspective}, year = {2001}, } @incollection{bolozky2013bgdkptsk, address = {Leiden}, author = {Bolozky, Shmuel}, booktitle = {Encyclopedia of {{Hebrew}} Language and Linguistics}, doi = {10.1163/2212-4241_ehll_EHLL_COM_00000763}, editor = {Khan, Geoffrey}, pages = {262--268}, publisher = {Brill}, retrieval_day = {19}, retrieval_month = {7}, retrieval_year = {2017}, tags = {Obstruents;Modern Heb}, title = {\textit{{bgdkpt}} Consonants: {Modern {Hebrew}}}, year = {2013}, } @incollection{bolozky1978somesk, address = {Tel Aviv}, author = {Bolozky, Shmuel}, booktitle = {{Modern {Hebrew}} structure}, editor = {Berman, Ruth Aronson}, google_scholar_bibtex_export_key = {gu6SVYFvqBcJ}, pages = {11--67}, publisher = {University Publishing Projects}, tags = {Biblical Heb;Prosody;Modern Heb;Phonetics;Segmantal Phonology}, title = {Some aspects of {Modern {Hebrew}} phonology}, year = {1978}, } @incollection{bolinger1978intonation, address = {Stanford, CA}, author = {Bolinger, Dwight L. J. 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J. 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J.}, oclcid = {861783444}, publisher = {Brill}, ris_reference_number = {861783444}, tags = {Neuro;Auditory;Loudness/ Intensity;Pitch/ f0;Timbre;Textbook}, title = {An introduction to the psychology of hearing}, year = {2013}, } @book{mohanan1986theory, address = {Dordrecht}, all_isbns = {9027722269 9789027722263}, author = {Mohanan, Karuvannur P.}, oclcid = {230832001}, publisher = {Reidel}, ris_reference_number = {230832001}, tags = {Sonority;NAP\_paper}, title = {The theory of lexical phonology}, year = {1986}, } @book{menzerath1933koartikulationsk, address = {Berlin; Bonn}, author = {Menzerath, Paul and Lacerda, Armando de}, oclcid = {490044092}, publisher = {F. 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