@string{academicpress = "Academic Press"} @string{acl = "Association for Computational Linguistics"} @string{amherst = "Amherst, MA"} @string{amsterdamphiladelphia = "Amsterdam"} @string{bbs = "The Behavioral and Brain Sciences"} @string{benjamins = "John Benjamins Publishing Co."} @string{berlinboston = "Berlin"} @string{blackwell = "Blackwell Publishers Ltd"} @string{blackwellpublishing = "Blackwell Publishing"} @string{boston = "Boston, MA"} @string{cambridgeuk = "Cambridge, UK"} @string{cambridgeusalondon = "Cambridge, MA"} @string{cham = "Cham"} @string{chicagolondon = "Chicago, IL"} @string{cl = "Computational Linguistics"} @string{cls = "Chicago Linguistic Society"} @string{cogsciedinburgh = "Centre for Cognitive Science, University of Edinburgh"} @string{columbus = "Columbus, OH"} @string{csli = "Center for the Study of Language and Information"} @string{cslip = "CSLI Publications"} @string{cup = "Cambridge University Press"} @string{daf = "Deutsch als Fremdsprache"} @string{degruyter = "de Gruyter"} @string{degruytermouton = "de Gruyter Mouton"} @string{dordrechtheidelbergnewyorklondon = "Dordrecht"} @string{drlav = "Documentation et Recherche en Linguistique Allemande Contemporaine. Revue de Linguistique"} @string{ds = "Deutsche Sprache"} @string{dublin = "Dublin"} @string{edinburgh = "Edinburgh"} @string{elsevier = "Elsevier"} @string{englewoodcliffs = "Englewood Cliffs, NJ"} @string{eotms = "Empirically Oriented Theoretical Morphology and Syntax"} @string{erlbaum = "Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers"} @string{foris = "Foris Publications"} @string{gagl = "Groninger Arbeiten zur Germanistischen Linguistik"} @string{glossa = "Glossa: a journal of general linguistics"} @string{hagueparis = "The Hague"} @string{hamburg = "Hamburg"} @string{heidelberg = "Heidelberg"} @string{hueber = "Max Hueber Verlag"} @string{ijal = "International Journal of American Linguistics"} @string{jcgl = "Journal of Comparative Germanic Linguistics"} @string{jl = "Journal of Linguistics"} @string{jlm = "Journal of Language Modelling"} @string{karlsruhe = "Karlsruhe"} @string{kluwer = "Kluwer Academic Publishers"} @string{la = "Linguistische Arbeiten"} @string{lalt = "Linguistik Aktuell\slash Linguistics Today"} @string{lang = "Peter Lang"} @string{lb = "Linguistische Berichte"} @string{leipzig = "Leipzig"} @string{lfab = "Language Faculty and Beyond"} @string{li = "Linguistic Inquiry"} @string{lilt = "Linguistic Issues in Language Technology"} @string{lit = "Linguistik -- Impulse \& Tendenzen"} @string{lnai = "Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence"} @string{lncs = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science"} @string{london = "London"} @string{lp = "Linguistics and Philosophy"} @string{lsp = "Language Science Press"} @string{madrid = "Madrid"} @string{mannheim = "Mannheim"} @string{metzler = "Verlag J.\,B.\ Metzler"} @string{mitpress = "MIT Press"} @string{mitwpl = "MIT Working Papers in Linguistics"} @string{mouton = "Mouton"} @string{moutondegruyter = "Mouton de Gruyter"} @string{narrstauffenburg = "Gunter Narr Verlag"} @string{newyorkoxford = "New York, NY"} @string{niemeyer = "Max Niemeyer Verlag"} @string{nllt = "Natural Language \& Linguistic Theory"} @string{opladen = "Opladen"} @string{oup = "Oxford University Press"} @string{oxfordnewyork = "Oxford"} @string{philadelphia = "Philadelphia, PA"} @string{prenticehall = "Prentice-Hall"} @string{pzl = "Papiere zur Linguistik"} @string{routledge = "Routledge"} @string{sandiego = "San Diego, CA"} @string{schmidt = "Erich Schmidt Verlag"} @string{sgg = "Studies in Generative Grammar"} @string{sil = "Studies in Language"} @string{sla = "Stanford Linguistics Association"} @string{springer = "Springer\hyp Verlag"} @string{stanford = "Stanford, CA"} @string{stauffenburg = "Stauffenburg Verlag"} @string{stuf = "Sprachtypologie und Universalienforschung"} @string{stuttgart = "Stuttgart"} @string{tlr = "The Linguistic Review"} @string{today = "2022-03-23"} @string{ucp = "The University of Chicago Press"} @string{utrecht = "Utrecht"} @string{walterdegruyter = "Walter de Gruyter"} @string{walthamtorontolondon = "Waltham, MA"} @string{westdeutscher = "Westdeutscher Verlag"} @string{wiley = "John Wiley \& Sons"} @string{wileyblackwell = "Wiley-Blackwell"} @string{ww = "Wirkendes Wort"} @article{Abbott76a-u, author = {Abbott, Barbara}, checked = {stmue 2021}, journal = li, number = {4}, pages = {639--642}, title = {Right Node Raising as a Test for Constituenthood}, volume = {7}, year = {1976}, } @inproceedings{Abeille2006a, author = {Abeillé, Anne}, checked = {stmue 2021}, crossref = {BCH2006a-ed}, ids = {Abeille:06}, pages = {7--36}, title = {In Defense of Lexical Coordination}, } @inproceedings{Abeille88a, author = {Abeillé, Anne}, url = {http://www.aclweb.org/anthology/C/C88/C88-1002.pdf}, checked = {stmue 2021}, crossref = {coling88}, pages = {7--12}, title = {Parsing {French} with {Tree Adjoining Grammar}: {Some} Linguistic Accounts}, urldate = {2021-11-27}, } @incollection{AB2021a, author = {Abeillé, Anne and Borsley, Robert D.}, checked = {stmue 2021}, crossref = {HPSGHandbook}, doi = {10.5281/zenodo.5599818}, ids = {Abeille:Borsley2021a}, pages = {3--45}, title = {Basic 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{stmue 2021}, crossref = {eacl89}, pages = {1--9}, title = {Parsing Idioms in {Lexicalized TAG}}, urldate = {2021-02-02}, } @proceedings{wccfl27, editor = {Abner, Natasha and Bishop, Jason}, publisher = {Cascadilla Proceedings Project}, address = {Somerville, MA}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {27th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics}}, checked = {stmue 2021}, title = {Proceedings of the {27th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics}}, year = {2008}, } @thesis{Abney87a, abstract = {S. 180 we linguists pronoun + noun mit Pronomen als D-Kopf}, authauthor = {Abney, Steven P.}, author = {Abney, Steven Paul}, sortname = {Abney, Steven P.}, institution = {MIT}, url = {http://www.vinartus.net/spa/87a.pdf}, address = cambridgeusalondon, checked = {stmue 2021}, ids = {Abney87}, title = {The {English} Noun Phrase in Its Sentential Aspect}, type = {phdthesis}, urldate = {2021-02-10}, year = {1987}, } @incollection{Abney96a, author = {Abney, Steven P.}, checked = {stmue 2021}, crossref = {Klavans:Resnik1996a-ed}, pages = {1--26}, title = {Statistical Methods and Linguistics}, } @inproceedings{AC86a, author = {Abney, Steven P. and Cole, Jennifer}, crossref = {nels86}, pages = {1--17}, title = {A {Government-Binding} Parser}, year = {1986}, } @proceedings{eacl95, editor = {Abney, Steven P. and Hinrichs, Erhard W.}, publisher = acl, address = dublin, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {Seventh Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics}}, checked = {stmue 2021}, title = {Proceedings of the {Seventh Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics}}, year = {1995}, } @book{Abraham82a-ed, editor = {Abraham, Werner}, publisher = narrstauffenburg, address = {Tübingen}, booktitle = {{Satzglieder im Deutschen -- Vorschläge zur syntaktischen, semantischen und pragmatischen Fundierung}}, checked = {stmue 2021}, number = {15}, series = {Studien zur deutschen Grammatik}, title = {{Satzglieder im Deutschen -- Vorschläge zur syntaktischen, semantischen und pragmatischen Fundierung}}, year = {1982}, } @book{Abraham83a-ed, editor = {Abraham, Werner}, publisher = benjamins, address = amsterdamphiladelphia, booktitle = {On the Formal Syntax of the {Westgermania: Papers from the 3rd Groningen Grammar Talks, Groningen, January 1981}}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.1075/la.3}, number = {3}, series = {Linguistik Aktuell/""Linguistics Today}, title = {On the Formal Syntax of the {Westgermania: Papers from the 3rd Groningen Grammar Talks, Groningen, January 1981}}, year = {1983}, } @book{Abraham85a-ed, editor = {Abraham, Werner}, publisher = narrstauffenburg, address = {Tübingen}, booktitle = {{Erklärende Syntax des Deutschen}}, checked = {stmue 2021}, langid = {ngerman}, number = {25}, series = {Studien zur deutschen Grammatik}, title = {{Erklärende Syntax des Deutschen}}, year = {1985}, } @book{Abraham95a-u, author = {Abraham, Werner}, publisher = stauffenburg, address = {Tübingen}, checked = {stmue 2021}, edition = {1}, number = {41}, series = {Studien zur deutschen Grammatik}, title = {{Deutsche Syntax im Sprachenvergleich: Grundlegung einer typologischen Syntax des Deutschen}}, year = {1995}, } @article{Abraham2003a, author = {Abraham, Werner}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.1515/flin.2003.37.1-2.13}, journal = {Folia Linguistica}, number = {1--2}, pages = {13--34}, title = {The Syntactic Link between Thema and Rhema: {The} Syntax-Discourse Interface}, volume = {37}, year = {2003}, } @book{Abraham2005a, abstract = {zitiert von Zifonun99a Partikeln im Verbalkomplex, Himmelmann, zitiert vonMeureres2000b:295 haben -> Reversion des Passivs, Gunkel2003a:84 agentivität des externen Arguments für Passiv wichtig S.62}, author = {Abraham, Werner}, publisher = stauffenburg, address = {Tübingen}, checked = {stmue 2021}, edition = {2}, number = {41}, series = {Studien zur deutschen Grammatik}, title = {{Deutsche Syntax im Sprachenvergleich: Grundlegung einer typologischen Syntax des Deutschen}}, year = {2005}, } @book{AdM86a-ed, editor = {Abraham, Werner and de Meij, Sjaak}, publisher = benjamins, address = amsterdamphiladelphia, booktitle = {Topic, Focus, and Configurationality: {Papers} from the {6th Groningen Grammar Talks, Groningen, 1984}}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.1075/la.4}, number = {4}, series = {Linguistik Aktuell/""Linguistics Today}, title = {Topic, Focus, and Configurationality: {Papers} from the {6th Groningen Grammar Talks, Groningen, 1984}}, year = {1986}, } @book{AvG97, editor = {Abraham, Werner and {van Gelderen}, Elly}, publisher = niemeyer, address = {Tübingen}, booktitle = {{German}: {Syntactic} Problems---{Problematic} Syntax}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.1515/9783110914726}, number = {374}, series = la, title = {{German}: {Syntactic} Problems---{Problematic} Syntax}, year = {1997}, } @thesis{Abzianidze2011a-u, author = {Abzianidze, Lasha}, institution = {Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics, Charles University in Prague}, checked = {stmue 2021}, title = {An {HPSG-based} Formal Grammar of a Core Fragment of {Georgian} Implemented in {TRALE}}, type = {mathesis}, year = {2011}, } @book{AW98a, author = {Ackerman, Farrell and Webelhuth, Gert}, publisher = cslip, address = stanford, checked = {stmue 2021}, ids = {AckermanandWebelhuth1998}, number = {76}, series = {CSLI Lecture Notes}, title = {A Theory of Predicates}, year = {1998}, } @article{Adams84a, author = {Adams, Marianne}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.1515/tlir.1985.4.1.1}, journal = tlr, number = {1}, pages = {1--27}, title = {Multiple Interrogation in {Italian}}, volume = {4}, year = {1984}, } @article{AS82a, authauthor = {Ades, Anthony E. and Steedman, Mark}, author = {Ades, Anthony E. and Steedman, Mark J.}, checked = {dm2021}, doi = {10.1007/BF00360804}, journal = lp, number = {4}, pages = {517--558}, title = {On the Order of Words}, volume = {4}, year = {1982}, } @book{Adger2003a, author = {Adger, David}, publisher = oup, address = oxfordnewyork, booktitle = {Core Syntax: {A Minimalist} Approach}, checked = {stmue 2021}, number = {1}, series = {Oxford Core Linguistics}, title = {Core Syntax: {A Minimalist} Approach}, year = {2003}, } @article{Adger2013a, author = {Adger, David}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.1111/mila.12027}, journal = {Mind and Language}, number = {4}, pages = {466--478}, title = {Constructions and Grammatical Explanation: {Comments on Goldberg}}, volume = {28}, year = {2013}, } @incollection{Adger2010a, author = {Adger, David}, checked = {dm 2021}, crossref = {KC2010a-ed}, doi = {10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199577743.003.0008}, pages = {185--218}, title = {A {Minimalist} Theory of Feature Structure}, } @book{AGK2015a-ed, editor = {Adli, Aria and García García, Marco and Kaufmann, Göz}, publisher = degruyter, address = berlinboston, booktitle = {Variation in Language: {System-} and Usage-based Approaches}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.1515/9783110346855}, number = {50}, series = {linguae \& litterae}, title = {Variation in Language: {System-} and Usage-based Approaches}, year = {2015}, } @book{Agel2000a-u, author = {Ágel, Vilmos}, publisher = narrstauffenburg, address = {Tübingen}, checked = {stmue 2021}, number = {none}, series = {Narr Studienbücher}, title = {Valenztheorie}, year = {2000}, } @book{AEEHHL2003a-ed, editor = {Ágel, Vilmos and Eichinger, Ludwig M. and Eroms, Hans-Werner and Hellwig, Peter and Heringer, Hans Jürgen and Lobin, Henning}, publisher = walterdegruyter, address = berlinboston, booktitle = {Dependency and Valency: {An} International Handbook of Contemporary Research}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.1515/9783110141900.1}, langid = {english}, number = {25}, series = {Handbooks of Linguistics and Communication Science}, title = {Dependency and Valency: {An} International Handbook of Contemporary Research}, volume = {1}, year = {2003}, } @book{AEEHHL2006a-ed, editor = {Ágel, Vilmos and Eichinger, Ludwig M. and Eroms, Hans-Werner and Hellwig, Peter and Heringer, Hans Jürgen and Lobin, Henning}, publisher = walterdegruyter, address = berlinboston, booktitle = {Dependency and Valency: {An} International Handbook of Contemporary Research}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.1515/9783110171525.2}, langid = {english}, number = {25}, series = {Handbooks of Linguistics and Communication Science}, title = {Dependency and Valency: {An} International Handbook of Contemporary Research}, volume = {2}, year = {2006}, } @article{AF2010a, abstract = {256: Autonomie der Syntax zuerst bei Tesniere: Autonom ist die Syntax andererseits, weil sie sich ebenso deutlich von der Semantik unterscheidet wie von der Morphologie (Tesnière 1976: 40ff.). An diesem Punkt nimmt Tesnière die Argumentation des frühen Chomsky vorweg. Der beste Beweis für die Unabhängigkeit von Syntax und Semantik sind nämlich nach Tesnière (1976: 40f.) semantisch absurde Sätze wie Rückwärtiges Schweigen verstimmt zulässigen Schleier (le silence vertébral indispose la voile licite), die strukturell korrekt sind und dieselbe Struktur aufweisen wie sinnvolle Sätze.}, author = {Ágel, Vilmos and Fischer, Klaus}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.1515/zgl.2010.016}, journal = {Zeitschrift für Germanistische Linguistik}, number = {2}, pages = {249--290}, title = {{50 Jahre Valenztheorie und Dependenzgrammatik}}, volume = {38}, year = {2010}, } @article{Ajdukiewicz35a-u, author = {Ajdukiewicz, Kazimierz}, annotation = {https://www.sbc.org.pl/dlibra/publication/24411/edition/21615}, checked = {stmue 2021}, journal = {Studia Philosophica}, number = {none}, pages = {1--27}, title = {{Die syntaktische Konnexität}}, volume = {1}, year = {1935}, } @inproceedings{Alencar2013a-u, author = {Alencar, Leonel F. de}, editor = {Aluísio, Sandra Maria and Feltrim, Valéria Delisandra}, publisher = {Sociedade Brasileira de Computação}, url = {http://www.aclweb.org/anthology/W13-4823}, address = {Fortaleza, Ceará}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 9th {Brazilian Symposium in Information and Human Language Technology. Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil, October 21--23}}, checked = {stmue 2021}, pages = {183--188}, title = {{BrGram}: uma gramática computacional de um fragmento do português brasileiro no formalismo da {LFG}}, urldate = {2021-11-13}, year = {2013}, } @article{Alencar2004a-u, authauthor = {Alencar, Leonel F. de}, author = {Alencar, Leonel Figueiredo de}, checked = {stmue 2021}, journal = {Revista Lingua(gem)}, number = {1}, pages = {173--218}, title = {Complementos verbais oracionais -- uma análise lé\-xi\-co-fun\-ci\-o\-nal}, volume = {1}, year = {2004}, } @article{Alencar2015a-u, abstract = {Traditional grammars of Portuguese handle the passive construction as a voice phenomenon which is part of the verbal conjugation. In this paper, we discuss the claim by Perini (2010) that there is no passive voice in Portuguese. We compare this approach to the one of POLFIE. This is a computational grammar of Polish which was developed within the framework of LFG and implemented in XLE. In this grammar, the passive construction is an adjective predicative construction. We present additional morphological evidence on the adjectival status of the passive participle in Portuguese and implement this analysis in BrGram, a computational grammar of Brazilian Portuguese that is analogous to POLFIE.}, authauthor = {Alencar, Leonel F. de}, author = {Alencar, Leonel Figueiredo de}, shortauthor = {Alencar, Leonel de}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.22481/el.v13i2.1300}, journal = {Estudos da Língua(gem)}, number = {2}, pages = {35--57}, title = {{A Passiva em português como construção predicativa adjetival: evidência morfológica e implementação computacional em LFG/XLE} [Passive as Adjective Predicative Construction in {Portuguese}: {Morphological} Evidence and Implementation in {LFG/XLE}]}, volume = {13}, year = {2015}, } @article{Alencar2017a-u, abstract = {This paper describes the treatment of passive and compound past tense in FrGramm, a computational grammar of French, implemented within Lexical-Functional Grammar (LFG) using the XLE software. Due to the dual auxiliary system and past participle agreement, the latter periphrasis manifests greater structural complexity and therefore presents a greater challenge to computational implementation in French than in languages such as English and Portuguese. An additional difficulty is modeling the morphological and syntactic-semantic regularities of the passive construction. In FrGramm, this problem is solved by means of a productive lexical rule. FrGramm also implements the constraints governing the building of both verbal periphrases, excepting participle object agreement. The implementation was evaluated by applying a parser to a set of 157 grammatical sentences and a set of 279 ungrammatical sentences. All sentences from the former set were correctly parsed. Only two constructions from the latter set that violate the linear precedence of the compound past auxiliary over the passive auxiliary were analyzed as grammatical. FrGramm is the only LFG grammar of French with similar coverage that is freely available on-line. A future version will handle participle object agreement and avoid the mentioned overgeneration.}, authauthor = {Alencar, Leonel F. de}, author = {Alencar, Leonel Figueiredo de}, shortauthor = {Alencar, Leonel de}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.1590/1981-5794-1709-5}, journal = {Alfa: Revista de Linguística (São José do Rio Preto)}, number = {2}, pages = {437--466}, title = {A Computational Implementation of Periphrastic Verb Constructions in {French}}, volume = {61}, year = {2017}, } @book{AABG2002a-ed, editor = {Alexiadou, Artemis and Anagnostopoulou, Elena and Barbiers, Sjef and Gärtner, Hans-Martin}, publisher = benjamins, address = amsterdamphiladelphia, booktitle = {Dimensions of Movement: {From} Features to Remnants}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.1075/la.48}, number = {48}, series = {Linguistik Aktuell/""Linguistics Today}, title = {Dimensions of Movement: {From} Features to Remnants}, year = {2002}, } @book{AH97a-ed, editor = {Alexiadou, Artemis and Hall, T. Alan}, publisher = benjamins, address = amsterdamphiladelphia, booktitle = {Studies on {Universal Grammar} and Typological Variation}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.1075/la.13}, number = {13}, series = lalt, title = {Studies on {Universal Grammar} and Typological Variation}, year = {1997}, } @inproceedings{AB2012a, author = {Alqurashi, Abdulrahman and Borsley, Robert D.}, checked = {dm 2021}, crossref = {Mueller2012a-ed}, doi = {10.21248/hpsg.2012.2}, ids = {Alqurashi:Borsley:12}, pages = {26--44}, title = {Arabic Relative Clauses in {HPSG}}, } @inproceedings{Alsina96a, abstract = {Argumentstructure operations in syntax, sieht so ein bißchen nach Construction Grammar aus}, author = {Alsina, Alex}, checked = {stmue 2021}, crossref = {BK96a-ed}, pages = {1--15}, title = {Resultatives: {A} Joint Operation of Semantic and Syntactic Structures}, } @book{ABS97a-ed, editor = {Alsina, Alex and Bresnan, Joan and Sells, Peter}, publisher = cslip, address = stanford, booktitle = {Complex Predicates}, checked = {stmue 2021}, number = {64}, series = {CSLI Lecture Notes}, title = {Complex Predicates}, year = {1997}, } @inproceedings{AMM2005a-u, author = {Alsina, Alex and Mohanan, KP and Mohanan, Tara}, checked = {stmue 2021}, crossref = {BK2005a-ed}, pages = {21--41}, title = {How to Get Rid of the {COMP}}, } @book{AH2004a-u, author = {Altmann, Hans and Hofman, Ute}, publisher = {VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften}, address = {Wiesbaden}, booktitle = {{Topologie fürs Examen: Verbstellung, Klammerstruktur, Stellungsfelder, Satzglied- und Wortstellung}}, checked = {stmue 2021}, number = {4}, series = {Linguistik fürs Examen}, title = {{Topologie fürs Examen: Verbstellung, Klammerstruktur, Stellungsfelder, Satzglied- und Wortstellung}}, year = {2004}, } @article{AG2008a, author = {Ambridge, Ben and Goldberg, Adele E.}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.1515/COGL.2008.014}, ids = {ambridge:2008,ambridge.goldberg-08,ambridgegoldberg:2008}, journal = {Cognitive Linguistics}, number = {3}, pages = {357--389}, title = {The Island Status of Clausal Complements: {Evidence} in Favor of an Information Structure Explanation}, volume = {19}, year = {2008}, } @book{AL2011a-u, authauthor = {Ambridge, Ben and Lieven, Elena}, author = {Ambridge, Ben and Lieven, Elena V. M.}, publisher = cup, address = cambridgeuk, booktitle = {Child Language Acquisition: {Contrasting} Theoretical Approaches}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.1017/CBO9780511975073}, number = {none}, series = {none}, title = {Child Language Acquisition: {Contrasting} Theoretical Approaches}, year = {2011}, } @article{ARP2008a, author = {Ambridge, Ben and Rowland, Caroline F. and Pine, Julian M.}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.1080/03640210701703766}, journal = {Cognitive Science: A Multidisciplinary Journal}, number = {1}, pages = {222--255}, title = {Is Structure Dependence an Innate Constraint? {New} Experimental Evidence From Children's Complex-Question Production}, volume = {32}, year = {2008}, } @book{Anderson71a-u, author = {Anderson, John M.}, publisher = cup, address = cambridgeuk, booktitle = {The Grammar of Case: {Towards} a Localistic Theory}, checked = {stmue 2021}, number = {4}, series = {Cambridge Studies in Linguistics}, title = {The Grammar of Case: {Towards} a 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Articles courts}}, checked = {stmue 2021}, pages = {403--408}, title = {Un analyseur {LFG} efficace pour le français: {SxLfg}}, year = {2005}, } @inproceedings{Bouma96, abstract = {NONLOC|SLASH ist synsem-Objekt, die Motivation dafuer, die Verhinderung unechter Mehrdeutigkeiten wegen Fronting ist jedoch falsch, nee ist doch richtig.}, author = {Bouma, Gosse}, url = {http://www.let.rug.nl/~gosse/papers/extrapose.ps}, checked = {stmue 2021}, crossref = {KMO96a-ed}, pages = {1--14}, title = {Extraposition as a Nonlocal Dependency}, urldate = {2020-08-18}, } @article{BMS2001a, author = {Bouma, Gosse and Malouf, Robert and Sag, Ivan A.}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.1023/A:1006473306778}, ids = {Boumaetal2001,Bouma:Malouf:Sag:01,bouma}, journal = nllt, number = {1}, pages = {1--65}, title = {Satisfying Constraints on Extraction and Adjunction}, volume = {19}, year = {2001}, } @inproceedings{BvN94a-u, author = {Bouma, Gosse and van Noord, Gertjan}, crossref = {acl94}, pages = {147--154}, title = {Constraint-based {Categorial Grammar}}, } @incollection{BvN98a, author = {Bouma, Gosse and van Noord, Gertjan}, checked = {stmue 2021}, crossref = {HKN98a-ed}, doi = {10.1163/9780585492223_003}, ids = {boumanoord:1998}, pages = {43--72}, title = {Word Order Constraints on Verb Clusters in {German} and {Dutch}}, } @inproceedings{BvNM2001a-u, author = {Bouma, Gosse and van Noord, Gertjan and Malouf, Robert}, editor = {Daelemans, Walter and Sima'an, Khalil and Veenstra, Jorn and Zavrel, Jakub}, publisher = {Rodopi}, address = amsterdamphiladelphia, booktitle = {Computational Linguistics in the {Netherlands} 2000: {Selected} Papers from the {Eleventh CLIN Meeting}}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.1163/9789004333901_004}, ids = {BvNM2001a}, number = {37}, pages = {45--59}, series = {Language and Computers}, title = {Alpino: {Wide-coverage} Computational Analysis of {Dutch}}, year = {2001}, } @incollection{Braine87a, author = {Braine, Martin D. 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blackwell, address = oxfordnewyork, checked = {stmue 2021}, edition = {1}, ids = {Bresnan01,Bresnan00}, number = {16}, series = {Blackwell Textbooks in Linguistics}, title = {{Lexical-Functional Syntax}}, year = {2001}, } @incollection{Bresnan82a, abstract = {AW98a:319 Lexikoninput kann nur aus dem Lexikon kommen, kopiert Klaus, Bresnan82c:349 Probleme mit Begriff logisches Subjekt}, author = {Bresnan, Joan}, crossref = {Bresnan82a-ed}, ids = {Bresnan:1982passive,Bresnan82}, pages = {3--86}, title = {The Passive in Lexical Theory}, } @book{BATW2016a, author = {Bresnan, Joan and Asudeh, Ash and Toivonen, Ida and Wechsler, Stephen}, publisher = wileyblackwell, address = oxfordnewyork, booktitle = {Lexical-Functional Syntax}, checked = {dm 2021}, doi = {10.1002/9781119105664}, edition = {2}, ids = {Bresnan+etal:2015,BATW2015a}, number = {16}, series = {Blackwell Textbooks in Linguistics}, title = {Lexical"=Functional Syntax}, year = {2016}, } @article{BG78a, abstract = {whoseever dogs $\to$ dogs, Baltin81a:261 Bounding}, author = {Bresnan, Joan and Grimshaw, Jane}, checked = {stmue 2021}, ids = {Bresnan:Grimshaw:78,Bresnan78Grimshaw}, journal = li, number = {3}, pages = {331--391}, title = {The Syntax of Free Relatives in {English}}, volume = {9}, year = {1978}, } @article{BresnanK89a-u, author = {Bresnan, Joan and Kanerva, Jonni M.}, checked = {stmue 2021}, journal = li, number = {1}, pages = {1--50}, title = {Locative Inversion in {Chicheŵa}: {A} Case Study of Factorization in Grammar}, volume = {20}, year = {1989}, } @incollection{BK82a, abstract = {Koenig99a: lexical rules}, author = {Bresnan, Joan and Kaplan, Ronald M.}, crossref = {Bresnan82a-ed}, pages = {xvii--lii}, title = {Introduction: {Grammars} as Mental Representations of Language}, } @article{BM95a, author = {Bresnan, Joan and Mchombo, Sam A.}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.1007/BF00992782}, ids = {BresnanandMchombo1995,BM:95}, journal = nllt, number = {2}, pages = {181--254}, title = {The 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Das Problem ist, dass dieses System leider nie funktioniert hat. Das werd ich jetzt nicht ausführen, denn erstens ist es vielleicht für dich nicht wichtig, und andererseits steht das gut zusammengefasst in Ulf Brosziewskis Diss drin ("Syntactic Derivations", Niemeyer, 2003), nämlich in Kapitel 2.1.}, booktitle = {Syntactic Derivations: {A} Nontransformational View}, number = {470}, series = la, title = {Syntactic Derivations: {A} Nontransformational View}, year = {2003}, } @book{Brown2006a-ed, editor = {Brown, Keith}, publisher = {Elsevier Science Publisher B.V. 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@inproceedings{Butt2003a-u, author = {Butt, Miriam}, editor = {Quinn, C. and Bowern, C. and Aygen, G.}, publisher = {Harvard University, Department of Linguistics}, address = cambridgeusalondon, booktitle = {Papers from the {Harvard/Dudley House} Light Verb Workshop}, checked = {stmue 2021}, number = {9}, pages = {1--49}, series = {Harvard Working Papers in Linguistics}, title = {The Light Verb Jungle}, year = {2003}, } @incollection{Butt97a, author = {Butt, Miriam}, crossref = {ABS97a-ed}, pages = {107--149}, title = {Complex predicates in {Urdu}}, } @inproceedings{BDFK99a-u, author = {Butt, Miriam and Dipper, Stefanie and Frank, Anette and King, Tracy Holloway}, url = {http://csli-publications.stanford.edu/LFG/4/lfg99buttetal.pdf}, checked = {stmue 2021}, crossref = {BK99a-ed}, pages = {1--60}, title = {Writing Large-Scale Parallel Grammars for {English}, {French} and {German}}, urldate = {2021-11-28}, } @inproceedings{BDKMR02a-u, author = {Butt, Miriam and Dyvik, Helge and King, 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{2021-02-10}, year = {2004}, } @proceedings{BK2005a-ed, editor = {Butt, Miriam and King, Tracy Holloway}, publisher = cslip, url = {http://csli-publications.stanford.edu/LFG/10/}, address = stanford, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {LFG '05} Conference, {University of Bergen}}, checked = {dm2021}, title = {Proceedings of the {LFG '05} Conference, {University of Bergen}}, urldate = {2021-02-10}, year = {2005}, } @book{BHK2006a-ed, editor = {Butt, Miriam and King, Tracy Holloway}, publisher = cslip, address = stanford, booktitle = {Lexical Semantics in {LFG}}, checked = {stmue 2021}, number = {17}, series = {Studies in Constraint"=Based Lexicalism}, title = {Lexical Semantics in {LFG}}, year = {2006}, } @proceedings{BK2006a-ed, editor = {Butt, Miriam and King, Tracy Holloway}, publisher = cslip, url = {http://csli-publications.stanford.edu/LFG/11/}, address = stanford, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {LFG '06} Conference, {Universität Konstanz}}, checked = {dm2021}, title = {Proceedings 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{http://csli-publications.stanford.edu/LFG/14/}, address = stanford, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {LFG '09} Conference, {Trinity College, Cambridge}}, checked = {dm2021}, title = {Proceedings of the {LFG '09} Conference, {Trinity College, Cambridge}}, urldate = {2021-02-10}, year = {2009}, } @proceedings{BK2012a-ed, editor = {Butt, Miriam and King, Tracy Holloway}, publisher = cslip, url = {http://csli-publications.stanford.edu/LFG/17/}, address = stanford, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {LFG '12} Conference, {Udayana University}}, checked = {dm2021}, title = {Proceedings of the {LFG '12} Conference, {Udayana University}}, urldate = {2021-02-10}, year = {2012}, } @proceedings{BK2013a-ed, editor = {Butt, Miriam and King, Tracy Holloway}, publisher = cslip, url = {http://csli-publications.stanford.edu/LFG/18/lfg13.html}, address = stanford, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {LFG '13} Conference, {University of Debrecen}}, checked = {stmue 2021}, title = {Proceedings of the {LFG '13} 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Application au français et à l'italien}}, type = {phdthesis}, year = {1999}, } @inproceedings{Candito96a, author = {Candito, Marie-Hélène}, crossref = {coling96}, pages = {194--199}, title = {A Principle-Based Hierarchical Representation of {LTAGs}}, } @inproceedings{Candito98a, author = {Candito, Marie-Hélène}, crossref = {acl98}, pages = {211--217}, title = {Building Parallel {LTAG} for {French} and {Italian}}, } @inproceedings{CK98a, author = {Candito, Marie-Hélène and Kahane, Sylvain}, editor = {Abeillé, Anne and Becker, Tilman and Satta, Giorgio and Vijay-Shanker, K.}, publisher = {University of Pennsylvania, Institute for Research in Cognitive Science}, address = philadelphia, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Tree Adjoining Grammars and Related Frameworks (TAG+4)}}, checked = {stmue 2021}, pages = {21--24}, title = {Can the {TAG} Derivation Tree represent a Semantic Graph? {An} Answer in the Light of {Meaning-Text Theory}}, year = {1998}, } @article{Cappelle2006a, author = {Cappelle, Bert}, journal = {Constructions online}, number = {7}, pages = {1--28}, title = {Particle Placement and the Case for ``Allostructions''}, volume = {1}, year = {2006}, } @article{CSP2010a, author = {Cappelle, Bert and Shtyrov, Yury and Pulvermüller, Friedemann}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.1016/j.bandl.2010.09.004}, journal = {Brain and Language}, number = {3}, pages = {189--201}, title = {\emph{Heating up} or \emph{cooling up} the Brain? 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MIT Press, Cambridge, 1995) led to simpler linguistic devices and a better focalization of the core properties of the structure building engine: a lexicon and a free (recursive) phrase formation operation, dubbed Merge, are the basic components that serve in building syntactic structures. Here I suggest that by looking at the elementary restrictions that apply to Merge (i.e., selection and licensing of functional features), we could conclude that a re-orientation of the syntactic derivation (from bottom-up/right-left to top-down/left-right) is necessary to make the theory simpler, especially for long-distance (filler-gap) dependencies, and is also empirically more adequate. If the structure building operations would assemble lexical items in the order they are pronounced (Phillips in Order and structure. PhD thesis, MIT, 1996; Chesi in Phases and cartography in linguistic computation: Toward a cognitively motivated computational model of linguistic competence. PhD thesis, Università di Siena, 2004; Chesi in Competence and computation: Toward a processing friendly minimalist grammar. Unipress, Padova, 2012), on-line performance data could better fit the grammatical model, without resorting to external ``performance factors.'' The phase-based, top-down (and, as a consequence, left-right) Minimalist Grammar here discussed goes in this direction, ultimately showing how strong Islands (Huang in Logical relations in Chinese and the theory of grammar. PhD thesis, MIT, 1982) and intervention effects (Gordon et al. in J Exp Psychol Learn Mem Cogn 27:1411--1423, 2001, Gordon et al. in J Mem Lang 51:97--114, 2004) could be better explained in structural terms assuming this unconventional derivational direction.}, author = {Chesi, Cristiano}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.1007/s10936-014-9330-6}, issn = {1573-6555}, journal = {Journal of Psycholinguistic Research}, number = {1}, pages = {65--89}, title = {On Directionality of Phrase Structure Building}, volume = {44}, year = {2015}, } @book{CPT89a-ed, editor = {Chierchia, Gennaro and Partee, Barbara H. and Turner, Raymond}, publisher = kluwer, address = dordrechtheidelbergnewyorklondon, annotation = {Properties, Types and Meaning: {Volume} {II}: {Semantic} Issues}, booktitle = {Properties, Types and Meaning}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.1007/978-94-009-2723-0}, number = {39}, series = {Studies in Linguistics and Philosophy}, title = {Properties, Types and Meaning}, volume = {2}, year = {1989}, } @book{Choi99a-u, author = {Choi, Hye-Won}, publisher = cslip, address = stanford, number = {none}, series = {Dissertations in Linguistics}, title = {Optimizing Structure in Scrambling: {Scrambling} and Information Structure}, year = {1999}, } @article{Chomsky56a-u, author = {Chomsky, Noam}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.1109/TIT.1956.1056813}, journal = {IRE Transactions on Information Theory}, number = {3}, pages = {113--124}, title = {Three Models for the Description of Language}, volume = {2}, year = {1956}, } @book{Chomsky57a, abstract = {CT78:39 discovery procedure, Blevins2001a: V -> V_1 + Part, d.h. ein Prädikat}, author = {Chomsky, Noam}, publisher = moutondegruyter, address = berlinboston, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.1515/9783112316009}, ids = {Chomsky1957,Chomsky57}, number = {4}, series = {Janua Linguarum / Series Minor}, title = {Syntactic Structures}, year = {1957}, } @article{Chomsky59a-u, author = {Chomsky, Noam}, annotation = {CNF}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.1016/S0019-9958(59)90362-6}, journal = {Information and Control}, number = {2}, pages = {137--167}, title = {On Certain Formal Properties of Grammars}, volume = {2}, year = {1959}, } @book{Chomsky64b-u, abstract = {lexical integrity ?? zitiert in Uszk87}, author = {Chomsky, Noam}, publisher = mouton, address = {The Hague/Paris}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.1515/9783110867565}, number = {38}, series = {Janua Linguarum / Series Minor}, title = {Current Issues in Linguistic Theory}, year = {1964}, } @book{Chomsky65a, author = {Chomsky, Noam}, publisher = mitpress, address = cambridgeusalondon, checked = {stmue 2021}, ids = {chom65,Chomsky:65,Chomsky:1969}, number = {none}, series = {none}, title = {Aspects of the Theory of Syntax}, year = {1965}, } @article{20cb3d6fb60256130d908ad7e139eaac, options = {skipbib=1,skipbiblist=1,skiplab=1,uniquename=false,uniquelist=false}, author = {Chomsky, Noam}, checked = {stmue 2021}, journal = {Psychology Today}, number = {9}, pages = {48--68}, title = {Language and the Mind}, volume = {1}, year = {1968}, } @book{Chomsky71a-u, author = {Chomsky, Noam}, publisher = {Pantheon Books}, address = newyorkoxford, checked = {stmue 2021}, number = {none}, series = {none}, title = {Problems of Knowledge and Freedom}, year = {1971}, } @book{Chomsky75a, author = {Chomsky, Noam}, publisher = {Plenum Press}, address = newyorkoxford, annotation = {ISt jetzt Springer, hat aber keine DOI}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {none}, number = {none}, series = {none}, title = {The Logical Structure of Linguistic Theory}, year = {1975}, } @incollection{Chomsky76b-u, author = {Chomsky, Noam}, editor = {Borstein, Diane D.}, publisher = {Winthrop Publishers}, address = cambridgeusalondon, annotation = {reprint from Chomsky68b-u}, booktitle = {Readings in the Theory of Grammar: {From} the 17th to the 20th Century}, checked = {stmue 2021}, number = {none}, pages = {241--251}, related = {20cb3d6fb60256130d908ad7e139eaac}, relatedstring = {\reprintfrom}, series = {none}, title = {Language and the Mind}, year = {1976}, } @book{Chomsky76c-u, author = {Chomsky, Noam}, publisher = {Pantheon Books}, address = {New York}, checked = {stmue 2021}, number = {none}, series = {none}, title = {Reflections on Language}, year = {1976}, } @book{Chomsky77c-u, author = {Chomsky, Noam}, publisher = {North Holland}, address = newyorkoxford, checked = {stmue 2021}, ids = {chomsky77b}, number = {2}, series = {Studies in Linguistic Analysis}, title = {Essays on Form and Interpretation}, year = {1977}, } @book{Chomsky80b-u, author = {Chomsky, Noam}, publisher = {Columbia University Press}, address = newyorkoxford, checked = {stmue 2021}, number = {11}, series = {Woodbridge lectures delivered at Columbia University}, title = {Rules and Representations}, year = {1980}, } @book{Chomsky81a, author = {Chomsky, Noam}, publisher = foris, address = dordrechtheidelbergnewyorklondon, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.1515/9783110884166}, ids = {Chomsky:1981,chom:81,Chomsky81,Chomsky1981}, langid = {english}, number = {9}, series = sgg, title = {Lectures on Government and Binding}, year = {1981}, } @article{Chomsky81b, author = {Chomsky, Noam}, publisher = {The Royal Society}, journal = {Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. 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The primary result is a determination of exactly what pairs of elements correlate in order with the verb and object. Some pairs of elements that have been claimed to correlate in order with the verb and object do not in fact exhibit any correlation. I argue against the Head-Dependent Theory (HDT), according to which the correlations reflect a tendency towards consistent ordering of heads and dependents. I offer an alternative account, the Branching Direction Theory (BDT), based on consistent ordering of phrasal and nonphrasal elements. According to the BDT, the word order correlations reflect a tendency for languages to be consistently right-branching or consistently left-branching.}, author = {Dryer, Matthew S.}, journal = {Language}, number = {1}, pages = {81--138}, title = {The {Greenbergian} Word Order Correlations}, volume = {68}, year = {1992}, } @incollection{Dryer97a-u, abstract = {Martin: My all-time favourite syntax paper: "Dryer, Matthew S. 1997. Are grammatical relations universal? In Bybee, Joan et al. (eds), Essays on language function and language type, 115–143. Amsterdam: Benjamins." It explains why syntactic analysis cannot work with universal categories.}, author = {Dryer, Matthew S.}, checked = {stmue 2021}, crossref = {BHT97a-ed}, pages = {115--143}, title = {Are Grammatical Relations Universal?}, } @incollection{wals-85, author = {Dryer, Matthew S.}, url = {http://wals.info/chapter/85}, address = leipzig, checked = {stmue 2021}, crossref = {wals}, pages = {none}, title = {Order of Adposition and Noun Phrase}, urldate = {2020-08-18}, } @incollection{wals-83, author = {Dryer, Matthew S.}, url = {http://wals.info/chapter/83}, address = leipzig, checked = {stmue 2021}, crossref = {wals}, pages = {none}, title = {Order of Object and Verb}, urldate = {2020-08-18}, } @incollection{Dryer2013c, author = {Dryer, Matthew S.}, url = {http://wals.info/chapter/81}, checked = {dm 2021}, crossref = {wals}, ids = {wals-81,dryerWALSwordorder}, pages = {none}, title = {Order of Subject, Object and Verb}, urldate = {2021-02-10}, } @book{wals, editor = {Dryer, Matthew S. and Haspelmath, Martin}, publisher = {Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology}, url = {http://wals.info/}, address = leipzig, booktitle = {The World Atlas of Language Structures Online}, checked = {stmue 2021}, ids = {dryhaspWALS}, number = {none}, series = {none}, title = {The World Atlas of Language Structures Online}, urldate = {2021-02-17}, year = {2013}, } @proceedings{HMGE2013, editor = {Duchier, Denys and Parmentier, Yannick}, publisher = {none}, address = {Düssel\-dorf}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Workshop on High-level Methodologies for Grammar Engineering {@ESSLLI2013}}, checked = {stmue 2021}, title = {Proceedings of the Workshop on High-level Methodologies for Grammar Engineering {@ESSLLI2013}}, year = {2013}, } @book{Duden2005, author = {Duden}, publisher = {Dudenverlag}, address = mannheim, booktitle = {{Duden: Die Grammatik}}, checked = {stmue 2021}, edition = {7}, number = {none}, series = {none}, title = {{Duden: Die Grammatik}}, volume = {4}, year = {2005}, } @book{Duerscheid89a, author = {Dürscheid, Christa}, publisher = {Wissenschaftlicher Verlag}, address = {Trier}, number = {1}, series = {FOKUS}, title = {{Zur Vorfeldbesetzung in deutschen Verbzweit-Strukturen}}, year = {1989}, } @book{Duerscheid2003a-u, author = {Dürscheid, Christa}, publisher = westdeutscher, annotation = {gekauft}, edition = {2}, number = {3}, series = {Studienbücher zur Linguistik}, title = {{Syntax: Grundlagen und Theorien}}, year = {2003}, } @book{DRS97a-ed, editor = {Dürscheid, Christa and Ramers, Karl Heinz and Schwarz, Monika}, publisher = niemeyer, address = {Tübingen}, booktitle = {{Sprache im Fokus: Festschrift für Heinz Vater zum 65.\,Geburtstag}}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {none}, langid = {ngerman}, number = {none}, series = {none}, title = {{Sprache im Fokus: Festschrift für Heinz Vater zum 65.\,Geburtstag}}, year = {1997}, } @misc{DMR2005a, author = {Dyvik, Helge and Meurer, Paul and Rosén, Victoria}, note = {Paper presented at the {LFG} conference 2005}, title = {{LFG}, {Minimal Recursion Semantics} and Translation}, year = {2005}, } @inproceedings{Egg99a, autheditor = {Dekker, Paul J. 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number = {none}, series = {de Gruyter Studienbuch}, title = {{Syntax der deutschen Sprache}}, year = {2000}, } @incollection{Eroms87b-u, author = {Eroms, Hans-Werner}, crossref = {CRLG87}, pages = {73--95}, title = {{Passiv und Passivfunktionen im Rahmen einer Dependenzgrammatik}}, } @incollection{EH2003a, author = {Eroms, Hans-Werner and Heringer, Hans Jürgen}, crossref = {AEEHHL2003a-ed}, pages = {247--263}, title = {{Dependenz und lineare Ordnung}}, } @thesis{Erteschik73a-u, author = {Erteschik-Shir, Nomi}, institution = {MIT}, address = cambridgeusalondon, annotation = {WL2001a:14 extraction transformation für 3.K, Fanselow2003a:12 eine Phrase aus derbewegt werden kann, muss im Fokus stehen können, Hoekstra87a:70}, checked = {stmue 2021}, ids = {shir}, title = {On the Nature of Island Constraints}, type = {phdthesis}, year = {1973}, } @article{Erteschik81a, author = {{Erteschik-Shir}, Nomi}, checked = {dm 2021}, ids = {shir-jrn}, journal = li, number = {4}, pages = {665--670}, title = {More on Extractability from Quasi-{NPs}}, volume = {12}, year = {1981}, } @article{EL79a, author = {{Erteschik-Shir}, Nomi and Lappin, Shalom}, checked = {dm 2021}, doi = {10.1515/thli.1979.6.1-3.41}, ids = {shirlappin,erteschikshirlappin:1979}, journal = {Theoretical Linguistics}, number = {1--3}, pages = {41--86}, title = {Dominance and the Functional Explanation of Island Phenomena}, volume = {6}, year = {1979}, } @article{Estigarribia2009a, author = {Estigarribia, Bruno}, journal = {Cognitive Science}, number = {1}, pages = {68--93}, title = {Facilitation by Variation: Right-to-Left Learning of {English} Yes/No Questions}, volume = {34}, year = {2009}, } @article{EL2009a, author = {Evans, Nicholas and Levinson, Stephen C.}, journal = bbs, number = {5}, pages = {429--448}, title = {The Myth of Language Universals: {Language} Diversity and its Importance for Cognitive Science}, volume = {32}, year = {2009}, } @article{EL2009b, author = {Evans, Nicholas and Levinson, Stephen C.}, journal = bbs, number = {5}, pages = {472--492}, title = {With Diversity in Mind: Freeing the Language Sciences from {Universal Grammar}}, volume = {32}, year = {2009}, } @article{Evans85a-u, author = {Evans, Roger}, journal = {Linguistics}, number = {2}, pages = {213--244}, title = {{ProGram}: {A} Development Tool for {GPSG} Grammars}, volume = {23}, year = {1985}, } @book{EvR2006a-ed, editor = {Everaert, Martin and van Riemsdijk, Henk}, publisher = blackwell, address = oxfordnewyork, booktitle = {The {Blackwell} Companion to Syntax}, checked = {dm2021}, doi = {10.1002/9780470996591}, edition = {1}, number = {none}, series = {Blackwell Handbooks in Linguistics}, title = {The {Blackwell} Companion to Syntax}, year = {2006}, } @article{Everett2005a-u, author = {Everett, Daniel L.}, journal = {Current Anthropology}, number = {4}, pages = {621--646}, title = {Cultural Constraints on Grammar and Cognition in {Pirahã}}, volume = {46}, year = {2005}, } @article{Everett2009a-u, author = {Everett, Daniel L.}, journal = {Language}, number = {2}, pages = {405--442}, title = {{Pirahã} Culture and Grammar: {A} Response to Some Criticisms}, volume = {85}, year = {2009}, } @article{Everett2012a, author = {Everett, Daniel L.}, doi = {10.1002/wcs.1195}, journal = {Cognitive Science}, number = {6}, pages = {555--563}, title = {What Does {Pirahã} Grammar Have to Teach Us About Human Language and the Mind?}, volume = {3}, year = {2012}, } @thesis{Evers75a, author = {Evers, Arnold}, institution = {University of Utrecht}, title = {The Transformational Cycle in {Dutch} and {German}}, type = {phdthesis}, year = {1975}, } @thesis{Faasz2010a-u, author = {Faaß, Gertrud}, institution = {University of Pretoria}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/2263/28569}, address = {Pretoria, South Africa}, title = {A Morphosyntactic Description of {Northern Sotho} as a Basis for an Automated Translation from {Northern Sotho} into {English}}, type = {phdthesis}, urldate = {2020-08-18}, year = {2010}, } @misc{FSP2016a, author = {Fabregas, Antonio and Stroik, Tom and Putnam, Michael}, howpublished = {Ms.\ Penn State University}, title = {Is Simplest Merge too simple?}, year = {2016}, } @article{Falk84a-u, abstract = {The nature of the auxiliary system in {English} has drawn much attention in the past fifteen years because it involve fundamental issues in linguistic theory, such as categories and the nature of levels of representation. This article presents an analysis of the {English} auxiliary system within the framework of Lexical-Functional Grammar (cf. Bresnan 1982c). By presenting explicit representations and explicit rules (syntactic and lexical), we find that an analysis incorporating a distinction between Modals and Verbs, in which auxiliaries like have and be belong to one of these categories depending on inflectional properties of particular forms, can explain all the relevant facts about auxiliaries that have appeared in the literature, Explicit analyses for 'irregular' auxiliaries like ought and used to are also provided.}, author = {Falk, Yehuda N.}, issn = {00978507}, journal = {Language}, number = {3}, pages = {483--509}, title = {The {English} Auxiliary System: {A} {Lexical-Functional} Analysis}, volume = {60}, year = {1984}, } @inproceedings{FSB2015a-u, author = {Fan, Zhenzhen and Song, Sanghoun and Bond, Francis}, crossref = {GEAF2015}, pages = {17--24}, title = {An {HPSG}-based Shared-Grammar for the {Chinese} Languages: {ZHONG [|]}}, } @inproceedings{FanSongBond2015a-u, abstract = {This paper describes some of our attempts in extending Zhong, a Chinese HPSG shared-grammar. New analyses for two Chinese specific phenomena, reduplication and the SUO-DE structure, are introduced. The analysis of reduplication uses lexical rules to capture both the syntactic and semantic properties (amplification in adjectives and diminishing in verbs). Words showing non-productive reduplication are entered in the lexicon, and the semantic relations will be captured in an external resource (the Chinese Open Wordnet). The SUO-DE structure constrains the meanings of relative clauses to a gapped-object interpretation.}, author = {Fan, Zhenzhen and Song, Sanghoun and Bond, Francis}, checked = {stmue 2021}, crossref = {Mueller2015a-ed}, doi = {10.21248/hpsg.2015.6}, pages = {96--109}, title = {{Building Zhong, a Chinese HPSG Shared-Grammar}}, } @inproceedings{FK2007a-u, author = {Fang, Ji and King, Tracy Holloway}, crossref = {geaf2007}, pages = {144--160}, title = {An {LFG} {Chinese} Grammar for Machine Use}, } @book{Fanselow81a-u, author = {Fanselow, Gisbert}, publisher = niemeyer, address = {Tübingen}, number = {107}, series = la, title = {{Zur Syntax und Semantik der Nominalkomposition}}, year = {1981}, } @book{Fanselow87a, abstract = {Mol\-nár\-fi 98:542 struktureller Dativ}, author = {Fanselow, Gisbert}, publisher = narrstauffenburg, address = {Tübingen}, checked = {stmue 2021}, number = {29}, series = {Studien zur deutschen Grammatik}, title = {Konfigurationalität}, year = {1987}, } @article{Fanselow88, author = {Fanselow, Gisbert}, checked = {stmue 2021}, journal = lb, number = {none}, pages = {91--113}, title = {{Auf"|spaltung von NPn und "`das"' Problem der \glq freien\grq{} Wortstellung}}, volume = {114}, year = {1988}, } @article{Fanselow93a, author = {Fanselow, Gisbert}, checked = {stmue 2021}, journal = gagl, number = {none}, pages = {1--74}, title = {{Die Rückkehr der Basisgenerierer}}, volume = {36}, year = {1993}, } @article{Fanselow2001a, abstract = {proposes a new base generation account of free constituent order; theta-roleassignment is a by-product of checking the formal features of arguments; materialfrom German, Fanselow2003:12 im Deutschen keine strukturellen Freezingeffekte, 412:behandelt parasitic gaps als koordinierende Konjunktionen}, author = {Fanselow, Gisbert}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.1162/002438901750372513}, journal = li, number = {3}, pages = {405--437}, title = {Features, θ-Roles, and Free Constituent Order}, volume = {32}, year = {2001}, } @article{Fanselow2003b, author = {Fanselow, Gisbert}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.1515/flin.2003.37.1-2.191}, journal = {Folia Linguistica}, number = {1--2}, pages = {191--231}, title = {Free Constituent Order: {A} {Minimalist} Interface Account}, volume = {37}, year = {2003}, } @inproceedings{Fanselow2003d, author = {Fanselow, Gisbert}, editor = {Mahajan, Anoop}, publisher = {UCLA, Linguistics Department}, address = {Los Angeles}, booktitle = {Syntax at Sunset 3: {Head} Movement and Syntactic Theory}, checked = {stmue 2022}, number = {10}, pages = {40--76}, related = {43e8dec1b96bdd35d77887c2d8be940d}, relatedstring = {\publishedAs}, series = {UCLA Working Papers in Linguistics}, title = {Münchhausen-Style Head Movement and the Analysis of Verb Second}, year = {2003}, } @article{Fanselow2003a, author = {Fanselow, Gisbert}, annotation = {https://www.iudicium.de/katalog/804-8.htm Gibt es auch hier dann 2(2) 112 hat wohl die Seiten 3--47}, checked = {stmue 2021}, journal = {Neue Beiträge zur Germanistik}, number = {2}, pages = {9--47}, title = {{Zur Generierung der Abfolge der Satzglieder im Deutschen}}, volume = {2}, year = {2003}, } @incollection{Fanselow2004a, author = {Fanselow, Gisbert}, editor = {Ishihara, Shinichiro and Schmitz, Michaela and Schwarz, Anne}, publisher = {Universitätsverlag}, address = {Potsdam}, booktitle = {Interdisciplinary Studies on Information Structure}, number = {1}, pages = {1--42}, series = {Working Papers of the SFB 632}, title = {Cyclic Phonology-Syntax-Interaction: {PPT Movement} in {German} (and Other Languages)}, year = {2004}, } @article{Fanselow2004b, author = {Fanselow, Gisbert}, checked = {stmue 2021}, journal = lb, number = {none}, pages = {481--493}, title = {{Fakten, Fakten, Fakten}!}, volume = {200}, year = {2004}, } @incollection{Fanselow2004c, author = {Fanselow, Gisbert}, editor = {Vogel, Ralf}, publisher = {Uni\-ver\-si\-tät Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, booktitle = {Three Papers on {German} Verb Movement}, checked = {stmue 2022}, number = {22}, pages = {9--49}, series = {Linguistics in Potsdam}, title = {Münchhausen-style Head Movement and the Analysis of Verb Second}, year = {2004}, } @incollection{43e8dec1b96bdd35d77887c2d8be940d, options = {skipbib=1,skiplab=1,uniquename=false,skipbiblist=1,uniquelist=false}, author = {Fanselow, Gisbert}, editor = {Vogel, Ralf}, publisher = {Uni\-ver\-si\-tät Potsdam}, address = {Potsdam}, booktitle = {Three Papers on {German} Verb Movement}, checked = {stmue 2022}, number = {22}, pages = {9--49}, series = {Linguistics in Potsdam}, title = {Münchhausen-style Head Movement and the Analysis of Verb Second}, year = {2004}, } @article{Fanselow2009a, author = {Fanselow, Gisbert}, journal = {Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft}, number = {1}, pages = {133--139}, title = {{Die (generative) Syntax in den Zeiten der Empiriediskussion}}, volume = {28}, year = {2009}, } @incollection{Fanselow92, author = {Fanselow, Gisbert}, crossref = {Hoffmann92a-ed}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110622447-012}, langid = {ngerman}, pages = {276--303}, title = {"`Ergative"' Verben und die Struktur des deutschen Mittelfelds}, } @incollection{Fanselow2002a, author = {Fanselow, Gisbert}, checked = {stmue 2021}, crossref = {AABG2002a-ed}, doi = {10.1075/la.48.06fan}, pages = {91--125}, title = {Against Remnant {VP}-Movement}, } @incollection{Fanselow2000a, author = {Fanselow, Gisbert}, checked = {stmue 2021}, crossref = {BR2000a-ed}, number = {none}, pages = {63--77}, series = {none}, title = {Does Constituent Length Predict {German} Word Order in the {Middle Field}?}, } @incollection{Fanselow2006a, author = {Fanselow, Gisbert}, checked = {stmue 2021}, crossref = {BrandtFuss2006a-ed}, pages = {137--157}, title = {On Pure Syntax (Uncontaminated by Information Structure)}, } @incollection{Fanselow2000b, author = {Fanselow, Gisbert}, checked = {stmue 2021}, crossref = {SW2000a-ed}, doi = {10.1515/9783050073712-009}, pages = {173--209}, title = {Optimal Exceptions}, } @incollection{Fanselow90, author = {Fanselow, Gisbert}, crossref = {GS90a-ed}, pages = {113--140}, title = {Scrambling as {NP}-Movement}, } @incollection{Fanselow92b, author = {Fanselow, Gisbert}, crossref = {Suchsland92a-ed}, pages = {335--356}, title = {{Zur biologischen Autonomie der Grammatik}}, } @book{FF87a, abstract = {Fanselow2000b:20, dative-linked arguments may never be realized as CPs}, author = {Fanselow, Gisbert and Felix, Sascha W.}, publisher = {A.\ Francke Verlag}, address = {Tübingen}, checked = {stmue 2022}, langid = {ngerman}, number = {1442}, series = {UTB für Wissenschaft: Uni-Taschenbücher}, title = {{Sprachtheorie 2.\ Die Rektions- und Bindungstheorie}}, year = {1987}, } @book{FF90, editor = {Fanselow, Gisbert and Felix, Sascha W.}, publisher = narrstauffenburg, address = {Tübingen}, booktitle = {{Strukturen und Merkmale syntaktischer Kategorien}}, checked = {stmue 2021}, number = {39}, series = {Studien zur deutschen 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and Complexity}, volume = {20}, year = {1972}, } @incollection{Fillmore68, abstract = {Wegener85:307, gern, unwillig, sorgfaeltig -> Subjektbezug, auch in Reis82:182}, author = {Fillmore, Charles J.}, editor = {Bach, Emmon and Harms, Robert T.}, publisher = {Holt, Rinehart, and Winston}, address = newyorkoxford, booktitle = {Universals of Linguistic Theory}, checked = {stmue 2021}, ids = {Fillmore1968}, number = {none}, pages = {1--88}, series = {none}, title = {The Case for Case}, year = {1968}, } @incollection{Fillmore71a-u, author = {Fillmore, Charles J.}, editor = {Abraham, Werner}, publisher = {Athenäum}, address = {Frankfurt/Main}, booktitle = {Kasustheorie}, number = {2}, pages = {1--118}, series = {Schwerpunkte Linguistik und Kommunikationswissenschaft}, title = {{Plädoyer für Kasus}}, year = {1971}, } @incollection{Fillmore99a, author = {Fillmore, Charles J.}, crossref = {WKK99a-ed}, ids = {Fillmore1999}, pages = {113--128}, title = {Inversion and Constructional Inheritance}, 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He argues that the so called 'strong' reading of anindefinite is the basic one and that the 'weak' reading needs special licensingwhich is mirrored by certain syntactic requirements. Some popular claims about therelation between the position and the interpretation of indefinites as well as someclaims about scrambling are discussed and rejected. He concludes that the strongreading of an indefinite is independent of its information status.}, author = {Frey, Werner}, doi = {10.1515/thli.2001.27.2-3.137}, journal = {Theoretical Linguistics}, note = {Special Issue: {NP} Interpretation and Information Structure, Edited by {Klaus von Heusinger} and {Kerstin Schwabe}}, number = {2/3}, pages = {137--161}, title = {About the Whereabouts of Indefinites}, volume = {27}, year = {2001}, } @article{Frey2004b-u, author = {Frey, Werner}, checked = {stmue 2021}, ids = {frey:2004}, journal = lb, number = {none}, pages = {153--190}, title = {A Medial Topic Position for {German}}, volume = {198}, year = {2004}, } @report{Frey2004a, author = {Frey, Werner}, institution = {Germanistisches Institut der Universität Lund}, checked = {stmue 2022}, number = {52}, pages = {1--39}, title = {The Grammar-Pragmatics Interface and the {German} Prefield}, type = {Forschungsprogramm Sprache und Pragmatik}, year = {2004}, } @article{Frey2005a, author = {Frey, Werner}, journal = {Linguistics}, number = {1}, pages = {89--129}, title = {Pragmatic Properties of Certain {German} and {English} Left Peripheral Constructions}, volume = {43}, year = {2005}, } @inproceedings{FG2002a, author = {Frey, Werner and Gärtner, Hans-Martin}, crossref = {FG2002}, pages = {41--52}, title = {On the Treatment of Scrambling and Adjunction in {Minimalist Grammars}}, } @article{FR83b, author = {Frey, Werner and Reyle, Uwe}, checked = {stmue 2021}, journal = lb, number = {none}, pages = {79--100}, title = {{Lexical Functional Grammar und Diskursrepräsentationstheorie als Grundlagen eines sprachverarbeitenden Systems}}, volume = {88}, year = {1983}, } @inproceedings{FR83a, author = {Frey, Werner and Reyle, Uwe}, crossref = {eacl83}, pages = {52--57}, title = {A {Prolog} Implementation of {Lexical Functional Grammar} as a Base for a Natural Language Processing System}, } @book{FSM2022a-ed, editor = {Freywald, Ulrike and Simon, Horst J. and Müller, Stefan}, publisher = lsp, address = berlinboston, booktitle = {Headedness and/""or Grammatical Anarchy?}, checked = {stmue 2022}, doi = {10.5281/zenodo.6973523}, number = {11}, series = eotms, title = {Headedness and/""or Grammatical Anarchy?}, year = {2022}, } @incollection{FriedHSK, author = {Fried, Mirjam}, checked = {dm2021}, crossref = {KA2015a3-ed}, doi = {10.1515/9783110363708-005}, pages = {974--1003}, title = {{Construction Grammar}}, } @incollection{Fried2013a-u, author = {Fried, Mirjam}, crossref = {HandbookCxG}, pages = {419--437}, title = {Principles of Constructional Change}, } @article{Friederici2009a, author = {Friederici, Angela D.}, journal = {Trends in Cognitive Sciences}, number = {4}, pages = {175--181}, title = {Pathways to Language: Fiber Tracts in the Human Brain}, volume = {13}, year = {2009}, } @inproceedings{Friedman69a, author = {Friedman, Joyce}, editor = {for Quantitative Linguistics, Research Group}, publisher = {none}, address = {Sånga Säby, Sweden}, booktitle = {Proceedings of {COLING} 69}, pages = {1--27}, title = {Applications of a Computer System for {Transformational Grammar}}, year = {1969}, } @book{FBDPM71a-u, author = {Friedman, Joyce and Bredt, Thomas H. and Doran, Robert W. and Pollack, Bary W. and Martner, Theodore S.}, publisher = elsevier, address = newyorkoxford, checked = {stmue 2021}, number = {9}, series = {Mathematical Linguistics and Automatic Language Processing}, title = {A Computer Model of {Transformational Grammar}}, year = {1971}, } @report{Fries88b, abstract = {zitiert in Grewendorf93}, author = {Fries, Norbert}, institution = {Germanistisches Institut der Universität Lund}, checked = {stmue 2021}, number = {3}, pages = {19--49}, title = {{Über das Null-Topik im Deutschen}}, type = {{Forschungsprogramm Sprache und Pragmatik}}, year = {1988}, } @incollection{FS86a-u, author = {Fukui, Naoki and Speas, Margaret}, editor = {Fukui, N. and Rapoport, T. 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annotation = {kdk2000a:118 I-topicalization}, checked = {stmue 2021}, crossref = {HN91a-ed}, doi = {10.1007/978-94-011-3446-0_5}, pages = {139--197}, related = {0ed18967ed1dae1ecb8b35212b450877}, relatedstring = {\republishedAs}, title = {On Reconstruction and Coordination}, year = {1991}, } @unpublished{Hoehle91b, author = {Höhle, Tilman N.}, checked = {stmue 2022}, note = {Ms. Universität Tübingen}, related = {5c76dc5eb7b2800b428a34e958da1a80}, relatedstring = {\publishedAs}, title = {{Projektionsstufen bei V-Projektionen: Bemerkungen zu F/T}}, year = {1991}, } @incollection{Hoehle99a-u, author = {Höhle, Tilman N.}, checked = {stmue 2021}, crossref = {BP99a-ed}, pages = {61--90}, related = {b5a04abc14b302d885944dfec3579d4d}, relatedstring = {\reprintas}, title = {An Architecture for Phonology}, } @incollection{b5a04abc14b302d885944dfec3579d4d, options = {uniquelist=false,skiplab=1,uniquename=false,skipbiblist=1,skipbib=1}, author = {Höhle, Tilman N.}, annotation = {Originally published as \citew{Hoehle99a-u}}, checked = {stmue 2021}, crossref = {MRR2019a-ed}, pages = {571--607}, title = {An Architecture for Phonology}, } @inproceedings{Hoehle86, author = {Höhle, Tilman N.}, checked = {stmue 2022}, crossref = {WWR86a-ed}, pages = {329--340}, related = {dda9bbff9b1cd575e32442529969923d}, relatedstring = {\republishedAs}, title = {{Der Begriff "`Mittelfeld"': Anmerkungen über die Theorie der topologischen Felder}}, } @incollection{dda9bbff9b1cd575e32442529969923d, options = {uniquelist=false,uniquename=false,skiplab=1,skipbiblist=1,skipbib=1}, author = {Höhle, Tilman N.}, checked = {stmue 2021}, crossref = {MRR2019a-ed}, doi = {10.5281/zenodo.2588357}, note = {First published as \citew{Hoehle86}}, pages = {279--294}, title = {{Der Begriff "`Mittelfeld"': Anmerkungen über die Theorie der topologischen Felder}}, } @incollection{Hoehle82a, author = {Höhle, Tilman N.}, checked = {stmue 2021}, crossref = {Abraham82a-ed}, langid = {german}, pages = {75--153}, related = {64a5e6b100c04a9188f331c90035d962}, relatedstring = {\republishedAs}, title = {{Explikationen für "`normale Betonung"' und "`normale Wortstellung"'}}, } @incollection{64a5e6b100c04a9188f331c90035d962, options = {skipbib=1,uniquelist=false,uniquename=false,skiplab=1,skipbiblist=1}, author = {Höhle, Tilman N.}, checked = {stmue 2021}, crossref = {MRR2019a-ed}, pages = {107--191}, title = {{Explikationen für "`normale Betonung"' und "`normale Wortstellung"'}}, } @incollection{0ed18967ed1dae1ecb8b35212b450877, options = {skipbib=1,uniquelist=false,skipbiblist=1,skiplab=1,uniquename=false}, author = {Höhle, Tilman N.}, checked = {stmue 2021}, crossref = {MRR2019a-ed}, pages = {311--368}, title = {On Reconstruction and Coordination}, } @incollection{HoehleProjektionsstufen, author = {Höhle, Tilman N.}, checked = {stmue 2021}, crossref = {MRR2019a-ed}, note = {First circulated in 1991}, pages = {369--379}, title = {{Projektionsstufen bei V-Projektionen: Bemerkungen zu F/T}}, } @incollection{5c76dc5eb7b2800b428a34e958da1a80, options = {uniquename=false,skipbiblist=1,skiplab=1,uniquelist=false,skipbib=1}, author = {Höhle, Tilman N.}, checked = {stmue 2021}, crossref = {MRR2019a-ed}, pages = {369--379}, title = {{Projektionsstufen bei V-Projektionen: Bemerkungen zu F/T}}, } @incollection{bbc123cfecb9ffc3d9931c3d1ed89278, options = {skipbib=1,uniquelist=false,uniquename=false,skiplab=1,skipbiblist=1}, author = {Höhle, Tilman N.}, checked = {stmue 2021}, crossref = {MRR2019a-ed}, pages = {7--89}, title = {{Topologische Felder}}, } @incollection{74d88175afe0e68835caf0d868f3466d, options = {uniquelist=false,uniquename=false,skipbiblist=1,skiplab=1,skipbib=1}, author = {Höhle, Tilman N.}, annotation = {Originally published as \citew{Hoehle88a} Hoehle92a based on Hoehle88}, checked = {stmue 2021}, crossref = {MRR2019a-ed}, doi = {10.5281/zenodo.2588365}, pages = {381--416}, title = {{Über Verum-Fokus im Deutschen}}, } @incollection{Hoehle97a, author = {Höhle, Tilman N.}, checked = {stmue 2021}, crossref = {DRS97a-ed}, doi = {none}, pages = {107--120}, related = {0d3c9c6c868fd9f9dff406cad7894b97}, relatedstring = {\reprintas}, title = {{Vorangestellte Verben und Komplementierer sind eine natürliche Klasse}}, } @incollection{0d3c9c6c868fd9f9dff406cad7894b97, options = {skipbib=1,uniquelist=false,uniquename=false,skipbiblist=1,skiplab=1}, author = {Höhle, Tilman N.}, annotation = {First published as \citew{Hoehle97a}}, checked = {stmue 2021}, crossref = {MRR2019a-ed}, pages = {417--433}, title = {{Vorangestellte Verben und Komplementierer sind eine natürliche Klasse}}, } @book{Holler2005a-u, author = {Holler, Anke}, publisher = {Akademie Verlag}, address = berlinboston, doi = {10.1524/9783050084596}, number = {60}, series = {studia grammatica}, title = {{Weiterführende Relativsätze: Empirische und theoretische Aspekte}}, year = {2005}, } @article{Hornstein2013a, author = {Hornstein, Norbert}, journal = {Mind and Language}, number = {4}, pages = 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Semantics}, title = {Discontinuous Constituency}, year = {1987}, } @book{HP2002a-ed, abstract = {Pullum2013a: whatever ist Kopf in freien Relativsätzen}, editor = {Huddleston, Rodney and Pullum, Geoffrey K.}, publisher = cup, address = cambridgeuk, booktitle = {The {Cambridge} Grammar of the {English} Language}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.1017/9781316423530}, ids = {Huddleston02}, number = {none}, series = {none}, title = {The {Cambridge} Grammar of the {English} Language}, year = {2002}, } @incollection{HPP2002a-u, author = {Huddleston, Rodney and Pullum, Geoffrey K. and Peterson, Peter}, checked = {stmue 2021}, crossref = {HP2002a-ed}, doi = {10.1017/9781316423530.013}, ids = {hud12}, pages = {1031--1096}, title = {Relative Constructions and Unbounded Dependencies}, } @inproceedings{HudsonN99a, author = {Hudson, Carla L. and Newport, Elissa L.}, editor = {Greenhill, Annabel and Littlefield, Heather and Tano, Cheryl}, publisher = {Cascadilla Press}, address = {Somerville, MA}, annotation = {Paper is in volume 1.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {Boston University Conference on Language Development}}, checked = {stmue 2021}, pages = {265--276}, title = {Creolization: {Could} Adults Really Have Done it All?}, volume = {23}, year = {1999}, } @book{Hudson84a-u, abstract = {Goldberg95a:72 Vererbung, Hudson2004a:11 Determiners are Heads}, author = {Hudson, Richard}, publisher = {Basil Blackwell}, address = oxfordnewyork, annotation = {Lobin2003a:328 Hudson84: 90ff zur NP/DP-Unterscheidung}, checked = {stmue 2021}, ids = {hudson84}, number = {none}, series = {none}, title = {Word Grammar}, year = {1984}, } @article{Hudson88a, author = {Hudson, Richard}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.1017/S0022226700011816}, journal = jl, number = {2}, pages = {303--342}, title = {Coordination and Grammatical Relations}, volume = {24}, year = {1988}, } @article{Hudson89a, author = {Hudson, Richard}, checked = {stmue 2021}, journal = {UCL Working Papers in Linguistics}, number = {none}, pages = {321--338}, title = {Towards a Computer-Testable {Word Grammar} of {English}}, volume = {1}, year = {1989}, } @book{Hudson90a-u, author = {Hudson, Richard}, publisher = {Basil Blackwell}, address = oxfordnewyork, annotation = {Passiv S. 336--353}, checked = {stmue 2021}, ids = {Hudson90}, number = {none}, series = {none}, title = {English {Word Grammar}}, year = {1990}, } @misc{Hudson97a, author = {Hudson, Richard}, url = {http://dickhudson.com/papers/}, howpublished = {Ms. University College London}, title = {German Partial {VP} Fronting}, urldate = {2018-02-20}, year = {1997}, } @article{Hudson2000a, author = {Hudson, Richard}, journal = {Dependency Grammars, TAL}, number = {1}, pages = {15--56}, title = {Discontinuity}, volume = {41}, year = {2000}, } @article{Hudson2004a, abstract = {hat komische Analyse von wh-Sätzen, in denen das wh-Wort der Kopf ist, behauptet Determinierer sind Pronomina, die Zählnomina als Argument nehmen, stimmt aber nicht für das Dt.}, author = {Hudson, Richard}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.1075/fol.11.1.03hud}, journal = {Functions of Language}, number = {1}, pages = {7--42}, title = {Are Determiners Heads?}, volume = {11}, year = {2004}, } @book{Hudson2007a-u, author = {Hudson, Richard}, publisher = oup, address = oxfordnewyork, checked = {stmue 2021}, number = {none}, series = {Oxford Linguistics}, title = {Language Networks: {The} New {Word Grammar}}, year = {2007}, } @book{Hudson2010b-u, author = {Hudson, Richard}, publisher = cup, address = cambridgeuk, booktitle = {An Introduction to {Word Grammar}}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.1017/CBO9780511781964}, number = {none}, series = {Cambridge Textbooks in Linguistics}, title = {An Introduction to {Word Grammar}}, year = {2010}, } @article{Hudson2010a, author = {Hudson, Richard}, journal = {Lingua}, number = {12}, pages = {2676--2679}, title = {Reaction to: ``{The} Myth of Language Universals and Cognitive Science'': {On} the Choice between Phrase Structure and 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Pullum, and Ivan A. Sag, 1985: Generalized Phrase Structure Grammar}}, volume = {10}, year = {1987}, } @incollection{Jacobson87, abstract = {Erfinder von DSL, Relativsatzextraposition, Hoeksema91:661 discontinousconstituent: consider a genius (falsch zitiert) macht Partikelverbkonstruktion mitDSL}, author = {Jacobson, Pauline}, crossref = {HO87a-ed}, pages = {27--69}, title = {Phrase Structure, Grammatical Relations, and Discontinuous Constituents}, } @article{Jaeggli86a, author = {Jaeggli, Osvaldo A.}, journal = li, number = {4}, pages = {587--622}, title = {Passive}, volume = {17}, year = {1986}, } @incollection{JB2003a-u, author = {Jäger, Gerhard and Blutner, Reinhard}, crossref = {LMFH2003a-ed}, pages = {393--416}, title = {Competition and Interpretation: {The} {German} Adverb \emph{wieder} `again'}, } @proceedings{FG2002, editor = {Jäger, Gerhard and Monachesi, Paola and Penn, Gerald and Wintner, Shuly}, publisher = {none}, address = {Trento}, annotation = {gibt von der FG Seite keinen Link http://fg.phil.hhu.de/}, booktitle = {Proceedings of {Formal Grammar 2002}}, checked = {stmue 2021}, title = {Proceedings of {Formal Grammar 2002}}, year = {2002}, } @proceedings{FG2004, editor = {Jäger, Gerhard and Monachesi, Paola and Penn, Gerald and Wintner, Shuly}, publisher = cslip, url = {http://cslipublications.stanford.edu/FG/2004/}, address = stanford, booktitle = {Proceedings of {Formal Grammar 2004, Nancy}}, checked = {stmue 2021}, title = {Proceedings of {Formal Grammar 2004, Nancy}}, urldate = {2021-02-03}, year = {2004}, } @inproceedings{JLV86a-u, authauthor = {Jäppinen, Harri and Lehtola, Aarno and Valkonen, K.}, author = {Jäppinen, H. and Lehtola, A. and Valkonen, K.}, address = {Bonn, Germany}, crossref = {coling86}, doi = {10.3115/991365.991501}, pages = {461--463}, title = {Functional Structures for Parsing Dependency Constraints}, } @article{JL97a-u, abstract = {In Frankfurt sprachen wir auch über einen Artikel der Chomskys Minimalist Program -MP - (und insbesondere dessen ?computational system?) kritisiert und zeigt, dass eseine Modellierung mit Attribut-Wert-Strukturen möglich ist. 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Also published in: {Proceedings} of the {ACQUILEX} Workshop on Default Inheritance in the Lexicon, Technical Report No.~238, University of Cambridge, Computer Laboratory, October 1991}, pages = {90--136}, title = {Feature-Based Inheritance Networks for Computational Lexicons}, } @incollection{Kroch87a, author = {Kroch, Anthony S.}, checked = {stmue 2021}, crossref = {Manaster-Ramer87a-ed}, doi = {10.1075/z.35.09kro}, pages = {143--172}, title = {Unbounded Dependencies and Subjacency in a {Tree Adjoining Grammar}}, } @report{KJ85a, author = {Kroch, Anthony S. and Joshi, Aravind K.}, institution = {University of Pennsylvania}, url = {http://repository.upenn.edu/cis_reports/671/}, number = {MS-CIS-85-16}, title = {The Linguistic Relevance of {Tree Adjoining Grammar}}, type = {techreport}, urldate = {2020-08-18}, year = {1985}, } @incollection{KrochJoshi87a-u, author = {Kroch, Anthony S. and Joshi, Aravind K.}, crossref = {HO87a-ed}, pages = {107--149}, title = {Analyzing Extraposition in 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Lichte, Timm. 2007. An MCTAG with Tuples for Coherent Constructions in German. In Laura Kallmeyer, Paola Monachesi, Gerald Penn & Giorgio Satta (eds.), Pre-proceedings of the 12th Conference on Formal Grammar (FG 2007), 1–12. Dublin, Ireland. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6944587. aut hor = {Timm Lichte}, tit le = {An {MCTAG} with Tuples for Coherent Constructions in {G}erman}, pag es = {1--12}, book title = {Pre-proceedings of the 12th {Conference on Formal Grammar (FG 2007)}}, ye ar = 2007, edi tor = {Laura Kallmeyer and Paola Monachesi and Gerald Penn and Giorgio Satta}, addr ess = {Dublin, Ireland}, do i = {10.5281/zenodo.6944587}, mo nth = {4--5 August} Ich glaube nicht, dass es sich lohnt, noch mehr Zeit reinzustecken. Vor allem nicht meine Zeit}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {12th Conference on Formal Grammar 2007}}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.5281/zenodo.6944587}, note = {\toappear}, pages = {none}, title = {An {MCTAG} with Tuples for Coherent Constructions in {German}}, year = {2007}, } @inproceedings{LK2017a, author = {Lichte, Timm and Kallmeyer, Laura}, editor = {Steels, Luc and Feldman, Jerome}, publisher = {Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence}, address = {Palo Alto, CA}, annotation = {Alle Papers: https://aaai.org/ocs/index.php/SSS/SSS17/schedConf/presentations}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {AAAI 2017 Spring Symposium on Computational Construction Grammar and Natural Language Understanding}}, checked = {stmue 2021}, pages = {205--212}, series = {Technical Report SS-17-02}, title = {{Tree-Adjoining Grammar}: {A} Tree-based Constructionist Grammar Framework for Natural Language Understanding}, year = {2017}, } @book{Lieb83a-u, author = {Lieb, Hans-Heinrich}, publisher = benjamins, address = amsterdamphiladelphia, number = {17}, series = {Current Issues in Linguistic Theory}, title = {Integrational Linguistics: {Vol. I.}: {General} Outline}, year = {1983}, } @article{Lightfoot97a, author = {Lightfoot, David W.}, journal = {Lingua}, number = {1}, pages = {171--192}, title = {Catastrophic Change and Learning Theory}, volume = {100}, year = {1997}, } @inproceedings{Lin93a, author = {Lin, Dekang}, checked = {stmue 2021}, crossref = {acl93}, doi = {10.3115/981574.981590}, pages = {112--120}, title = {Principle-Based Parsing without Overgeneration}, } @proceedings{acl2011-hum, editor = {Lin, Dekang and Matsumoto, Yuji and Mihalcea, Rada}, publisher = acl, url = {https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/P11-2000}, address = {Portland, OR}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {49th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies}}, checked = {stmue 2021}, title = {Proceedings of the {49th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies}}, urldate = {2021-02-10}, year = {2011}, } @article{Lin2017a, abstract = {This paper offers a refutation of Chomsky's Universal Grammar (UG) from a novel perspective. It comprises a central part, clarifications and comparisons. The central part starts with an examination of Chomsky's research method and then argues that the method is seriously flawed and that it cannot lead to the discovery of any innate universals of language. In the clarifications part, a number of questions that could be raised concerning the central part of the refutation are presented and answered. The answers to these questions help to make clearer why UG is deeply problematic, and thus consolidate the central part of the refutation. The comparisons part discusses some representative critiques of UG by other scholars, shows their inadequacies, and thus further highlights the value of the present critique.}, author = {Lin, Francis Y.}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.1016/j.lingua.2017.04.003}, journal = {Zombie Lingua}, keywords = {Universal grammar,Refutation,Research method,Scientific theory,Falsifiability}, number = {none}, pages = {1--22}, title = {A Refutation of {Universal Grammar}}, volume = {193}, year = {2017}, } @incollection{Link84a-u, author = {Link, Godehard}, editor = {Landmann, Fred and Veltman, Frank}, publisher = foris, address = dordrechtheidelbergnewyorklondon, booktitle = {Varieties of Formal Semantics}, checked = {stmue 2021}, number = {3}, pages = {245--257}, series = {Groningen-Amsterdam studies in semantics}, title = {Hydras: {On} the Logic of Relative Constructions with Multiple Heads}, year = {1984}, } @thesis{Lipenkova2009a, author = {Lipenkova, Janna}, institution = {Institut für Sinologie, Freie Universität Berlin}, title = {{Serienverbkonstruktionen im Chinesischen und ihre Analyse im Rahmen von HPSG}}, type = {mathesis}, year = {2009}, } @thesis{Liu97a, author = {Liu, Gang}, institution = {FG Sprachwissenschaft, Universität Konstanz}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bsz:352-opus-1917}, title = {{Eine unifikations-basierte Grammatik für das moderne Chinesisch -- dargestellt in der HPSG}}, type = {phdthesis}, urldate = {2020-08-18}, year = {1997}, } @book{Liu2009a-u, author = {Liu, Haitao}, publisher = {Science Press}, address = {Beijing}, title = {{Dependency Grammar}: {From} Theory to Practice}, year = {2009}, } @inproceedings{LW2006a-u, author = {Liu, Haitao and Huang, Wei}, editor = {none}, publisher = {Tsinghua University Press}, address = {Huazhong Normal University, Wuhan, China}, annotation = {Adresse der Konferenz, publisher ist wohl in Peking}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {Twentieth Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation}}, checked = {stmue 2021}, pages = {126--133}, title = {A {Chinese Dependency Syntax} for Treebanking}, year = {2006}, } @thesis{Llore1995a-u, abstract = {MCGTOOLS MCGTOOLS: Llore1995a-u MCGTOOLS is a small system devoted to linguistic experimentation in the Lambek Grammar framework. MCGTOOLS allows you to develop and test grammar fragments by building only the dictionary entries. The analysis will offer for each well-formed input phrase its semantic form and prosodic (or syntactic) structure. Size: 643 Kb zip file: 700 Kb program files + 6.5 Mb optional graphical demo. Platform: PC, Windows 95 and Windows 3.1 License: freeware Language: {Spanish}, also introductory texts in {English}}, author = {Lloré, F. 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Section 1 is devoted to establishing the surface constituent structures of sentences involving the various relative and relative-like clauses. In sections 1 and 2 I provide evidence that pseudo-relative clauses are not restrictive relative clauses (nor are they nonrestrictive clauses) and indicate which apparent relative clauses must be classed as pseudo-relative. Section 3 is concerned with the derivation of nonrestrictive clauses. Sections 4 and 5 deal with two different analyses of restrictive relatives, each of which is supported by a sizeable body of data and appears to be irreconcileable with the data that support the other analysis. In section 6 an attempt is made to achieve a synthesis of the two analyses on the basis of a ‘core’ of grammatical rules proper and a set of ‘patches’ that serve to extend the speaker's competence to cover cases for which the core rules do not yield admissible derivations. The analyses developed make extensive use of the conception of syntactic category that is developed in McCawley 1977a, 1980b.}, author = {McCawley, James D.}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.1016/0024-3841(81)90014-0}, ids = {mccawley81,McCawley:81}, issn = {0024-3841}, journal = {Lingua}, number = {2--3}, pages = {99--149}, title = {The Syntax and Semantics of {English} Relative Clauses}, volume = {53}, year = {1981}, } @book{Meinunger2000a, abstract = {Überarbeitung der Dissertation... It is furthermore shown that many so-calledsubject:object asymmetries boil down to topic:non-topic differences, for examplewith respect to extraction. Thus, irrespectively of the argumental statusdiscourse-new constituents do not act as barriers whereas topical arguments create(weak) islands., Thema-Rhema-Gliederung ; Scrambling ; Topikalisierung ;Extraposition, Fanselow2001a:413 behauptet es gäbe Freezing-Effekte}, author = {Meinunger, André}, publisher = benjamins, address = amsterdamphiladelphia, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.1075/la.38}, number = {38}, series = lalt, title = {Syntactic Aspects of Topic and Comment}, year = {2000}, } @incollection{Meisel95a, author = {Meisel, Jürgen M.}, editor = {Fletcher, Paul and MacWhinny, Brian}, publisher = blackwell, address = oxfordnewyork, booktitle = {The Handbook of Child Language}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.1111/b.9780631203124.1996.00002.x}, number = {none}, pages = {10--35}, series = {Blackwell Handbooks in Linguistics}, title = {Parameters in Acquisition}, year = {1995}, } @incollection{Meisel2013a, abstract = {Er schreibt, dass es verschiedene kritische Perioden gibt. 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Freie Universität Berlin, 20.\ Mai}}, title = {There Are No {Constructions}}, urldate = today, year = {2009}, } @report{GMueller2014a-u, author = {Müller, Gereon}, institution = {Institut für Linguistic Universität Leipzig}, url = {http://www.uni-leipzig.de/~muellerg/mu765.pdf}, number = {91}, title = {Syntactic Buffers}, type = {Linguistische Arbeitsberichte}, urldate = {2020-08-18}, year = {2014}, } @incollection{GMueller96b, abstract = {Tibor: NP interne Extraposition: die Wut des Mannes auf sich, der die Verantwortunghatte}, author = {Müller, Gereon}, checked = {stmue 2021}, crossref = {LP96a-ed}, doi = {10.1075/la.11.08mul}, ids = {mueller96:_extrap_and_succes_cyclic}, pages = {213--243}, title = {On Extraposition and Successive Cyclicity}, } @incollection{GMueller2011a, author = {Müller, Gereon}, checked = {stmue 2021}, crossref = {EHP2011a-ed}, doi = {10.1515/9783110262339.211}, pages = {211--249}, title = {{Regeln oder Konstruktionen? Von verblosen Direktiven zur sequentiellen Nominalreduplikation}}, } @book{MS2001a-ed, editor = {Müller, Gereon and Sternefeld, Wolfgang}, publisher = moutondegruyter, address = berlinboston, booktitle = {Competition in Syntax}, checked = {stmue 2022}, doi = {10.1515/9783110829068}, number = {49}, series = sgg, title = {Competition in Syntax}, year = {2001}, } @book{MR98a-u, author = {Müller, Natascha and Riemer, Beate}, publisher = stauffenburg, address = {Tübingen}, number = {17}, series = {Stauffenburg Einführungen}, title = {{Generative Syntax der romanischen Sprachen: Französisch, Italienisch, Portugiesisch, Spanisch}}, year = {1998}, } @inproceedings{Mueller95c, author = {Müller, Stefan}, editor = {T'sou, Benjamin K. and Lai, Tom Bong Yeung}, publisher = {City University of Hong Kong}, address = {none}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {Tenth Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation}}, checked = {stmue 2021}, pages = {79--83}, title = {Scrambling in {German} -- {Extraction} into the \emph{Mittelfeld}}, year = {1995}, } @inproceedings{Babel, author = {Müller, Stefan}, editor = {Reintjes, Peter}, publisher = {Practical Application Company}, address = london, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {Fourth International Conference on the Practical Application of Prolog}}, checked = {stmue 2021}, pages = {263--277}, title = {The {Babel-System}: {An} {HPSG} Fragment for {German}, a Parser, and a Dialogue Component}, year = {1996}, } @inproceedings{Mueller96a, author = {Müller, Stefan}, editor = {Tsujii, Jun-ichi}, publisher = acl, address = {Copenhagen, Denmark}, booktitle = {Proceedings of {COLING-96: 16th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING96). Copenhagen, Denmark, August} 5--9, 1996}, checked = {stmue 2021}, pages = {800--805}, title = {Yet another Paper about Partial Verb Phrase Fronting in {German}}, year = {1996}, } @article{Mueller99b, author = {Müller, Stefan}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.1023/A:1004564801304}, ids = {Mueller:99a,Mueller:99b}, journal = {Grammars}, number = {1}, pages = {53--105}, title = {An {HPSG}-Analysis for Free Relative Clauses in {German}}, volume = {2}, year = {1999}, } @book{Mueller99a, author = {Müller, Stefan}, publisher = niemeyer, address = {Tübingen}, annotation = {486 Seiten 1999 186,- DM = 95,10€ 31.12.2006 91,59€ 27.11.2008 98€/157$ 23.12.2012 De Gruyter Print + E-Book $238,00/169,95€ = $0,58/0,35€ Print 114,95 buchhandel.de: Letzte Preisänderung am 11.03.2012 15.02.2015 139,95€ /US$ 196,00 print or ebook 23.06.2020 149,95€ Verkauf: Sommer 149, 31.12.99 181, 15.03.2010}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.1515/9783110915990}, ids = {Mueller:99}, number = {394}, series = la, title = {{Deutsche Syntax deklarativ: {Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar} für das Deutsche}}, year = {1999}, } @inproceedings{Mueller99g, author = {Müller, Stefan}, editor = {Gippert, Jost and Olivier, Peter}, publisher = {enigma corporation}, address = {Prag}, annotation = {Seiten nicht überprüft}, booktitle = {{Multilinguale Corpora: Codierung, Strukturierung, Analyse. 11.\ Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Linguistische Datenverarbeitung}}, checked = {stmue 2022}, pages = {292--303}, title = {Parsing of an {HPSG} Grammar for {German}: Word Order Domains and Discontinuous Constituents}, year = {1999}, } @inproceedings{Mueller99f, author = {Müller, Stefan}, editor = {none}, publisher = {none}, address = {Peking}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {5th Natural Language Processing Pacific Rim Symposium 1999 (NLPRS'99)}}, checked = {stmue 2021}, pages = {85--90}, title = {Restricting Discontinuity}, year = {1999}, } @book{Mueller2002b, author = {Müller, Stefan}, publisher = cslip, address = stanford, booktitle = {Complex Predicates: {Verbal} Complexes, Resultative Constructions, and Particle Verbs in {German}}, checked = {stmue 2021}, ids = {Mueller:02b}, number = {13}, series = {Studies in Constraint"=Based Lexicalism}, title = {Complex Predicates: {Verbal} Complexes, Resultative Constructions, and Particle Verbs in {German}}, year = {2002}, } @article{Mueller2003b, author = {Müller, Stefan}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {none}, journal = ds, number = {1}, pages = {29--62}, title = {{Mehrfache Vorfeldbesetzung}}, volume = {31}, year = {2003}, } @proceedings{Mueller2003a-ed, editor = {Müller, Stefan}, publisher = cslip, address = stanford, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {10th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, Michigan State University}}, checked = {stmue 2021}, title = {Proceedings of the {10th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, Michigan State University}}, year = {2003}, } @article{Mueller2003a, author = {Müller, Stefan}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.1017/S0022226703002032}, journal = jl, number = {2}, pages = {275--325}, title = {Solving the Bracketing Paradox: {An} Analysis of the Morphology of {German} Particle Verbs}, volume = {39}, year = {2003}, } @article{Mueller2004d, author = {Müller, Stefan}, checked = {stmue 2021}, journal = {Snippets}, langid = {english}, number = {none}, pages = {10--11}, title = {Complex {NPs}, Subjacency, and Extraposition}, volume = {8}, year = {2004}, } @article{Mueller2004b, author = {Müller, Stefan}, editor = {Meurers, Walt Detmar and Wintner, Shuly and Hinrichs, Erhard W.}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.1023/B:ROLC.0000016785.49729.d7}, ids = {mueller_s02lc,mueller_s01dfki}, journal = {Research on Language and Computation}, note = {Special Issue on Linguistic Theory and Grammar Implementation}, number = {2}, pages = {209--257}, title = {Continuous or Discontinuous Constituents? {A} Comparison between Syntactic Analyses for Constituent Order and Their Processing Systems}, volume = {2}, year = {2004}, } @proceedings{Mueller2004a-ed, editor = {Müller, Stefan}, publisher = cslip, address = stanford, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {11th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, Center for Computational Linguistics, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven}}, checked = {stmue 2021}, title = {Proceedings of the {11th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, Center for Computational Linguistics, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven}}, year = {2004}, } @proceedings{Mueller2005a-ed, editor = {Müller, Stefan}, publisher = cslip, address = stanford, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {12th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, Department of Informatics, University of Lisbon}}, checked = {stmue 2021}, title = {Proceedings of the {12th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, Department of Informatics, University of Lisbon}}, year = {2005}, } @article{Mueller2005a, author = {Müller, Stefan}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.1075/sl.29.3.06mul}, journal = sil, number = {3}, pages = {651--681}, title = {Resultative {Constructions}: {Syntax}, World Knowledge, and Collocational Restrictions: {Review} of {Hans C. Boas}: {A} {Constructional} Approach to Resultatives}, volume = {29}, year = {2005}, } @article{Mueller2005c, author = {Müller, Stefan}, checked = {stmue 2021}, journal = lb, langid = {german}, number = {none}, pages = {3--39}, title = {{Zur Analyse der deutschen Satzstruktur}}, volume = {201}, year = {2005}, } @article{Mueller2005d, abstract = {Fanselow2006 (on purse syntax), Meinunger2009: Leftmost peripheral adverbs and adjectives in German: Journal of Comparative Germanic Ling, 12(2), Welke 2007 Einführung in die Satzanalyse Bildhauer Cook HPSG 2010 Oersnes2011a: Zur Syntax und Semantik der lieber-als-Konstruktion Deutsche Sprache}, author = {Müller, Stefan}, checked = {stmue 2021}, journal = lb, number = {none}, pages = {297--330}, title = {{Zur Analyse der scheinbar mehrfachen Vorfeldbesetzung}}, volume = {203}, year = {2005}, } @article{Mueller2006d, author = {Müller, Stefan}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.1353/lan.2006.0213}, ids = {Mueller2006}, journal = {Language}, number = {4}, pages = {850--883}, title = {Phrasal or Lexical Constructions?}, volume = {82}, year = {2006}, } @book{MuellerLehrbuch1, author = {Müller, Stefan}, publisher = stauffenburg, address = {Tübingen}, checked = {stmue 2021}, edition = {1}, number = {17}, series = {Stauffenburg Einführungen}, title = {{Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar: Eine Einführung}}, year = {2007}, } @proceedings{Mueller2007a-ed, editor = {Müller, Stefan}, publisher = cslip, address = stanford, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {14th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, Stanford Department of Linguistics and CSLI’s LinGO Lab}}, checked = {stmue 2021}, title = {Proceedings of the {14th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, Stanford Department of Linguistics and CSLI’s LinGO Lab}}, year = {2007}, } @incollection{Mueller2007c, author = {Müller, Stefan}, editor = {Zifonun, Gisela and Kallmeyer, Werner}, publisher = walterdegruyter, address = berlinboston, booktitle = {{Sprach\-kor\-po\-ra -- Datenmengen und Erkenntnisfortschritt}}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.1515/9783110439083-006}, langid = {ngerman}, number = {none}, pages = {70--90}, series = {Institut für Deutsche Sprache Jahrbuch 2006}, title = {{Qualitative Korpusanalyse für die Grammatiktheorie: Introspektion vs.\ Korpus}}, year = {2007}, } @incollection{Mueller2008a, author = {Müller, Stefan}, editor = {Schroeder, Christoph and Hentschel, Gerd and Boeder, Winfried}, publisher = {BIS-Verlag}, address = {Oldenburg}, booktitle = {Secondary Predicates in {Eastern European} Languages and Beyond}, checked = {stmue 2021}, langid = {english}, number = {16}, pages = {255--273}, series = {Studia Slavica Oldenburgensia}, title = {Depictive Secondary Predicates in {German} and {English}}, year = {2008}, } @proceedings{Mueller2008a-ed, editor = {Müller, Stefan}, publisher = cslip, address = stanford, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {15th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Keihanna}}, checked = {stmue 2021}, title = {Proceedings of the {15th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Keihanna}}, year = {2008}, } @incollection{MuellerMalteseSketch, author = {Müller, Stefan}, editor = {Comrie, Bernard and Fabri, Ray and Hume, Beth and Mifsud, Manwel and Stolz, Thomas and Vanhove, Martine}, publisher = benjamins, address = amsterdamphiladelphia, booktitle = {Introducing {Maltese} Linguistics: {Papers} from the {1st International Conference on Maltese Linguistics (Bremen/""Germany, 18--20 October}, 2007)}, checked = {dm 2021}, doi = {10.1075/slcs.113.10mul}, number = {113}, pages = {83--112}, series = {Studies in Language Companion Series}, title = {A {{Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar}} for {Maltese}}, year = {2009}, } @proceedings{Mueller2009a-ed, editor = {Müller, Stefan}, publisher = cslip, address = stanford, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {16th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, University of Göttingen, Germany}}, checked = {stmue 2021}, title = {Proceedings of the {16th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, University of Göttingen, Germany}}, year = {2009}, } @book{MuellerGTBuch1, author = {Müller, Stefan}, publisher = stauffenburg, address = {Tübingen}, checked = {stmue 2021}, number = {20}, series = {Stauffenburg Einführungen}, title = {{Grammatiktheorie}}, year = {2010}, } @article{MuellerPersian, author = {Müller, Stefan}, annotation = {Zeitschriftenartikel: Bender u.a. 2010 Grammar Customization. Research on Language and Computation}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.1017/S0022226709990284}, ids = {Mueller2010}, journal = jl, number = {3}, pages = {601--655}, title = {Persian Complex Predicates and the Limits of Inheritance"=Based Analyses}, volume = {46}, year = {2010}, } @proceedings{Mueller2010a-ed, editor = {Müller, Stefan}, publisher = cslip, address = stanford, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {17th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, Université Paris Diderot}}, checked = {stmue 2021}, title = {Proceedings of the {17th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, Université Paris Diderot}}, year = {2010}, } @proceedings{Mueller2011a-ed, editor = {Müller, Stefan}, publisher = cslip, address = stanford, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {18th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, University of Washington}}, checked = {stmue 2021}, title = {Proceedings of the {18th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, University of Washington}}, year = {2011}, } @article{MuellerOA, author = {Müller, Stefan}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.15398/jlm.v0i1.52}, journal = jlm, number = {1}, pages = {9--39}, title = {A Personal Note on Open Access in Linguistics}, year = {2012}, } @misc{MuellerCopula, author = {Müller, Stefan}, checked = {stmue 2021}, note = {Ms. Freie Universität Berlin}, title = {On the Copula, Specificational Constructions and Type Shifting}, year = {2012}, } @proceedings{Mueller2012a-ed, editor = {Müller, Stefan}, publisher = cslip, address = stanford, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {19th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar}, {Chungnam National University Daejeon}}, checked = {stmue 2021}, title = {Proceedings of the {19th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar}, {Chungnam National University Daejeon}}, year = {2012}, } @book{MuellerGTBuch2, author = {Müller, Stefan}, publisher = stauffenburg, address = {Tübingen}, annotation = {Lehre: Stefan Schierholz: Erlangen SS 2013 Olga Keller: Hamburg 2012 Alexander Koller: Potsdam WS 2012/2013 Tanja Avgustinova: Saarbrücken Martin Hase: Bamberg Peter Gallmann: Jena, SS 2013}, checked = {stmue 2021}, edition = {2}, ids = {MuellerGTBuch}, number = {20}, series = {Stauffenburg Einführungen}, title = {{Grammatiktheorie}}, year = {2013}, } @proceedings{Mueller2013a-ed, editor = {Müller, Stefan}, publisher = cslip, address = stanford, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {20th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, Freie Universität Berlin}}, checked = {stmue 2021}, title = {Proceedings of the {20th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, Freie Universität Berlin}}, year = {2013}, } @article{MuellerUnifying, author = {Müller, Stefan}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.1353/lan.2013.0061}, journal = {Language}, number = {4}, pages = {920--950}, title = {Unifying Everything: {Some} Remarks on {Simpler Syntax}, {Construction Grammar}, {Minimalism} and {HPSG}}, volume = {89}, year = {2013}, } @incollection{MuellerKernigkeit, author = {Müller, Stefan}, editor = {y Priemer, Antonio Machicao and Nolda, Andreas and Sioupi, Athina}, publisher = degruyter, address = berlinboston, booktitle = {{Zwischen Kern und Peripherie}}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.1524/9783050065335}, number = {76}, pages = {25--39}, series = {studia grammatica}, title = {{Kernigkeit: Anmerkungen zur Kern"=Peripherie"=Unterscheidung}}, year = {2014}, } @proceedings{Mueller2015a-ed, editor = {Müller, Stefan}, publisher = cslip, address = stanford, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {22nd International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore}}, checked = {stmue 2021}, title = {Proceedings of the {22nd International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore}}, year = {2015}, } @article{MuellerCoreGram, author = {Müller, Stefan}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.15398/jlm.v3i1.91}, ids = {Mueller2015}, journal = jlm, number = {1}, pages = {21--86}, title = {The {CoreGram} Project: {Theoretical} Linguistics, Theory Development and Verification}, volume = {3}, year = {2015}, } @book{MuellerGT-Eng1, author = {Müller, Stefan}, publisher = lsp, address = berlinboston, booktitle = {Grammatical Theory: {From} {Transformational Grammar} to Constraint"=Based Approaches}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.17169/langsci.b25.167}, edition = {1}, langid = {english}, number = {1}, series = {Textbooks in Language Sciences}, title = {Grammatical Theory: {From} {Transformational Grammar} to Constraint"=Based Approaches}, year = {2016}, } @article{MuellerFCG, author = {Müller, Stefan}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.1075/cf.9.1.05mul}, journal = {Constructions and Frames}, number = {1}, pages = {139--173}, title = {{Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar}, {Sign-Based Construction Grammar}, and {Fluid Construction Grammar}: {Commonalities} and Differences}, volume = {9}, year = {2017}, } @book{MuellerLFGphrasal, author = {Müller, Stefan}, publisher = lsp, address = berlinboston, booktitle = {A Lexicalist Account of Argument Structure: {Template}"=Based Phrasal {LFG} Approaches and a Lexical {HPSG} Alternative}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.5281/zenodo.1441351}, number = {2}, series = {Conceptual Foundations of Language Science}, title = {A Lexicalist Account of Argument Structure: {Template}"=Based Phrasal {LFG} Approaches and a Lexical {HPSG} Alternative}, year = {2018}, } @article{MuellerLexicalism, author = {Müller, Stefan}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.1353/lan.2018.0014}, journal = {Language}, number = {1}, pages = {e54--e66}, title = {The End of Lexicalism as We Know It?}, volume = {94}, year = {2018}, } @article{MuellerPotentialStructure, author = {Müller, Stefan}, checked = {stmue 2022}, doi = {10.33011/lilt.v17i.1423}, journal = lilt, number = {3}, pages = {1--8}, title = {Complex Predicates: {Structure}, Potential Structure and Underspecification}, volume = {17}, year = {2019}, } @article{MuellerEvaluating, author = {Müller, Stefan}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.31885/lud.5.1.226}, journal = {Language Under Discussion}, number = {1}, pages = {52--67}, title = {Evaluating Theories: {Counting} Nodes and the Question of Constituency}, volume = {5}, year = {2019}, } @book{MuellerGS, author = {Müller, Stefan}, publisher = {\underRevision{} Language Science Press}, address = berlinboston, booktitle = {German Sentence Structure: {An} Analysis with Special Consideration of So-Called Multiple Fronting}, ids = {muller2018clause}, series = eotms, title = {German Clause Structure: {An} Analysis with Special Consideration of So-Called Multiple Fronting}, year = {2021}, } @book{MuellerGermanic, author = {Müller, Stefan}, publisher = lsp, url = {https://hpsg.hu-berlin.de/~stefan/Pub/germanic.html}, checked = {stmue 2021}, note = {\toappear}, number = {12}, series = {Textbooks in Language Sciences}, title = {Germanic Syntax}, urldate = today, year = {2023}, } @book{langsci-current-book, options = {uniquelist=false,skiplab=1,skipbiblist=1,uniquename=false,skipbib=1}, author = {Müller, Stefan}, publisher = lsp, address = berlinboston, number = {1}, series = {Textbooks in Language Sciences}, subtitle = {{From transformational grammar to constraint-based approaches \newlineCover \textit {\LARGE {\spaceskip =3.5pt Fifth revised edition} } }}, title = {{Grammatical theory}}, year = {2023}, } @inproceedings{Mueller2004c, author = {Müller, Stefan}, checked = {stmue 2021}, crossref = {Mueller2004a-ed}, doi = {10.21248/hpsg.2004.12}, pages = {202--222}, title = {An Analysis of Depictive Secondary Predicates in {German} without Discontinuous Constituents}, } @inproceedings{Mueller2001c, author = {Müller, Stefan}, crossref = {FG2001}, doi = {10.1016/S1571-0661(05)82585-X}, pages = {233--245}, title = {An {HPSG} Analysis of {German} Depictive Secondary Predicates}, } @incollection{MuellerArten, author = {Müller, Stefan}, checked = {stmue 2021}, crossref = {HS2014a-ed}, pages = {187--233}, title = {Artenvielfalt und {Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar}}, } @incollection{Mueller2001a, author = {Müller, Stefan}, checked = {stmue 2022}, crossref = {MK2001a-ed}, pages = {217--255}, title = {Case in {German}: {Towards} an {HPSG} Analysis}, } @incollection{MuellerOrder, author = {Müller, Stefan}, checked = {stmue 2021}, crossref = {HPSGHandbook}, doi = {10.5281/zenodo.5599836}, pages = {369--417}, title = {Constituent Order}, } @inproceedings{Mueller2004e, author = {Müller, Stefan}, checked = {stmue 2021}, crossref = {FG2004}, ids = {Mueller:14b}, pages = {91--109}, title = {Elliptical Constructions, Multiple Frontings, and Surface"=Based Syntax}, } @incollection{MuellerHeadless, author = {Müller, Stefan}, checked = {stmue 2022}, crossref = {FSM2022a-ed}, doi = {10.5281/zenodo.7142691}, pages = {73--121}, title = {Headless in {Berlin}: {Headless} (Nominal) Structures in {Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar}}, } @incollection{MuellerHPSGHandbook, author = {Müller, Stefan}, checked = {stmue 2021}, crossref = {KA2015a2-ed}, doi = {10.1515/9783110363708-004}, pages = {937--973}, title = {{HPSG} -- {A} Synopsis}, } @incollection{MuellerCxG, author = {Müller, Stefan}, checked = {stmue 2021}, crossref = {HPSGHandbook}, doi = {10.5281/zenodo.5599882}, pages = {1497--1553}, title = {{HPSG and Construction Grammar}}, } @inproceedings{Mueller2002c, author = {Müller, Stefan}, checked = {stmue 2021}, crossref = {FG2002}, pages = {113--124}, title = {Multiple Frontings in {German}}, } @inproceedings{Mueller2003e, author = {Müller, Stefan}, checked = {stmue 2021}, crossref = {Mueller2003a-ed}, doi = {10.21248/hpsg.2003.16}, pages = {278--297}, title = {Object"=To"=Subject"=Raising and Lexical Rule: {An} Analysis of the {German} Passive}, } @inproceedings{MuellerPredication, author = {Müller, Stefan}, checked = {stmue 2021}, crossref = {Mueller2009a-ed}, doi = {10.21248/hpsg.2009.11}, pages = {213--233}, title = {On Predication}, } @inproceedings{Mueller2007d, author = {Müller, Stefan}, checked = {stmue 2021}, crossref = {Mueller2007a-ed}, doi = {10.21248/hpsg.2007.22}, pages = {373--393}, title = {Phrasal or Lexical {Constructions}: {Some} Comments on Underspecification of Constituent Order, Compositionality, and Control}, urldate = today, } @incollection{MuellerSatztypen, author = {Müller, Stefan}, checked = {stmue 2021}, crossref = {FM2015a-ed}, doi = {10.1515/9783110423112-004}, langid = {ngerman}, pages = {72--105}, title = {{Satztypen: Lexikalisch oder/und phrasal}}, } @incollection{Mueller2002d, author = {Müller, Stefan}, checked = {stmue 2022}, crossref = {DJMU2002a-ed}, doi = {10.1515/9783110902341.119}, pages = {119--139}, title = {Syntax or Morphology: {German} Particle Verbs Revisited}, } @inproceedings{MuellerCoreGramBrief, author = {Müller, Stefan}, checked = {stmue 2021}, crossref = {HMGE2013}, pages = {93--104}, title = {The {CoreGram} Project: {A} Brief Overview and Motivation}, } @incollection{MuellerGrammix, author = {Müller, Stefan}, checked = {stmue 2021}, crossref = {geaf2007}, ids = {Mueller2007b}, pages = {259--266}, title = {The {Grammix CD Rom}: {A} Software Collection for Developing Typed Feature Structure Grammars}, } @book{HPSGHandbook, editor = {Müller, Stefan and Abeillé, Anne and Borsley, Robert D. and Koenig, Jean-Pierre}, publisher = lsp, address = berlinboston, booktitle = {{Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar: The} Handbook}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.5281/zenodo.5543318}, number = {9}, series = eotms, title = {{Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar: The} Handbook}, year = {2021}, } @inproceedings{MG2010a, author = {Müller, Stefan and Ghayoomi, Masood}, editor = {none}, publisher = {Polish Information Processing Society}, address = {Wisła, Poland}, booktitle = {Proceedings of {2010 IEEE International Multiconference on Computer Science and Information Technology -- Computational Linguistics Applications (CLA'10). Wisła, Poland, 18--20 October 2010}}, checked = {stmue 2021}, pages = {461--467}, title = {{PerGram}: {A} {TRALE} Implementation of an {HPSG} Fragment of {Persian}}, volume = {5}, year = {2010}, } @misc{MH2013a, author = {Müller, Stefan and Haspelmath, Martin}, checked = {stmue 2022}, howpublished = {Grant Proposal to the DFG}, title = {{Language Science Press}: {A} Publication Model for Open-Access Books in Linguistics}, year = {2013}, } @incollection{MK2000a, author = {Müller, Stefan and Kasper, Walter}, checked = {dm 2021}, crossref = {Wahlster2000a-ed}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-662-04230-4_17}, ids = {Mue:Kap:00}, pages = {238--253}, title = {{HPSG} Analysis of {German}}, } @inproceedings{ML2013a, author = {Müller, Stefan and Lipenkova, Janna}, editor = {Lai, Huei-ling and Chui, Kawai}, publisher = {Department of English, National Chengchi University}, address = {Taipei, Taiwan}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {27th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information, and Computation} ({PACLIC} 27)}, checked = {stmue 2021}, pages = {240--249}, title = {{ChinGram}: {A TRALE} Implementation of an {HPSG} Fragment of {Mandarin Chinese}}, year = {2013}, } @misc{MLChinese, author = {Müller, Stefan and Lipenkova, Janna}, address = berlinboston, checked = {stmue 2021}, howpublished = {Ms. Freie Universität zu Berlin}, title = {{Mandarin Chinese} in {Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar}}, year = {2016}, } @inproceedings{ML2009a, author = {Müller, Stefan and Lipenkova, Janna}, checked = {stmue 2021}, crossref = {Mueller2009a-ed}, doi = {10.21248/hpsg.2009.12}, pages = {234--254}, title = {Serial Verb Constructions in {Chinese}: {An} {HPSG} Account}, } @incollection{MuellerCurrentApproaches, author = {Müller, Stefan and {Machicao y Priemer}, Antonio}, checked = {stmue 2021}, crossref = {KMR2019a-ed}, doi = {10.1515/9783110540253-012}, pages = {317--359}, title = {{Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar}}, } @misc{MOeDanish, author = {Müller, Stefan and Ørsnes, Bjarne}, address = berlinboston, checked = {stmue 2021}, howpublished = {Ms. {Freie Universität Berlin}. {To be submitted to Language Science Press}}, title = {{Danish in Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar}}, year = {2015}, } @inproceedings{MOe2013a, author = {Müller, Stefan and Ørsnes, Bjarne}, checked = {stmue 2021}, crossref = {Mueller2013a-ed}, doi = {10.21248/hpsg.2013.8}, pages = {140--160}, title = {Passive in {Danish}, {English}, and {German}}, } @inproceedings{MOe2011a, author = {Müller, Stefan and Ørsnes, Bjarne}, checked = {stmue 2021}, crossref = {Mueller2011a-ed}, doi = {10.21248/hpsg.2011.10}, pages = {167--187}, title = {Positional Expletives in {Danish}, {German}, and {Yiddish}}, } @inproceedings{MOe2013b, author = {Müller, Stefan and Ørsnes, Bjarne}, checked = {stmue 2021}, crossref = {FG2012-13}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-39998-5_5}, pages = {69--89}, title = {Towards an {HPSG} Analysis of Object Shift in {Danish}}, } @book{MRR2019a-ed, editor = {Müller, Stefan and Reis, Marga and Richter, Frank}, publisher = lsp, address = berlinboston, booktitle = {{Beiträge zur deutschen Grammatik: Gesammelte Schriften von Tilman N. Höhle}}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.5281/zenodo.2588383}, edition = {2}, number = {5}, series = {Classics in Linguistics}, title = {{Beiträge zur deutschen Grammatik: Gesammelte Schriften von Tilman N. Höhle}}, year = {2019}, } @article{MWArgSt, author = {Müller, Stefan and Wechsler, Stephen}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.1515/tl-2014-0001}, journal = {Theoretical Linguistics}, number = {1--2}, pages = {1--76}, title = {Lexical Approaches to Argument Structure}, volume = {40}, year = {2014}, } @article{MWArgStReply, author = {Müller, Stefan and Wechsler, Stephen}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.1515/tl-2014-0009}, journal = {Theoretical Linguistics}, number = {1--2}, pages = {187--224}, title = {Two Sides of the Same Slim {Boojum}: {Further} Arguments for a Lexical Approach to Argument Structure}, volume = {40}, year = {2014}, } @inproceedings{MIF85a, author = {Muraki, Kazunori and Ichiyama, Shunji and Fukumochi, Yasutomo}, url = {http://aclweb.org/anthology/E85-1029.pdf}, crossref = {eacl85}, pages = {198--204}, title = {{Augmented Dependency Grammar}: {A} Simple Interface between the Grammar Rule and the Knowledge}, urldate = {2020-08-18}, } @article{MMGRRBW2003a, author = 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Also} published as {DFKI Research Report RR-92-42}}, number = {1--2}, pages = {107--132}, title = {A Feature-Based Syntax/Semantics Interface}, volume = {8}, year = {1993}, } @book{NNP94a-ed, editor = {Nerbonne, John and Netter, Klaus and Pollard, Carl}, publisher = cslip, address = stanford, booktitle = {German in {Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar}}, checked = {stmue 2021}, number = {46}, series = {CSLI Lecture Notes}, title = {German in {Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar}}, year = {1994}, } @report{Netter91, author = {Netter, Klaus}, institution = {University of Edinburgh}, title = {Clause Union Phenomena and Complex Predicates in {German}}, type = {{DYANA Report, Deliverable R1.1.B}}, year = {1991}, } @inproceedings{Netter93a-u, author = {Netter, Klaus}, editor = {Busemann, Stephan and Harbusch, Karin}, publisher = {DFKI}, address = {Saarbrücken, Germany}, booktitle = {{DFKI Workshop on Natural Language Systems: Re-Usability and Modularity, October 23}}, number = {D-93-03}, pages = {1--10}, series = {DFKI Document}, title = {Architecture and Coverage of the {DISCO Grammar}}, year = {1993}, } @thesis{Netter96a, abstract = {u.a. 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Allerdings: Wenn bestimmte LE in allen Grammatiken vorhanden sind, kann man doch wieder Grammatiken unterscheiden.}, author = {Newmeyer, Frederick J.}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.1075/livy.4.06new}, journal = {Linguistic Variation Yearbook}, number = {none}, pages = {181--234}, title = {Against a Parameter-Setting Approach to Typological Variation}, volume = {4}, year = {2004}, } @article{Newmeyer2004a, author = {Newmeyer, Frederick J.}, checked = {dm2021}, doi = {10.1075/sl.28.3.04new}, journal = sil, number = {3}, pages = {527--548}, title = {Typological Evidence and {Universal Grammar}}, volume = {28}, year = {2004}, } @book{Newmeyer2005a, author = {Newmeyer, Frederick J.}, publisher = oup, address = oxfordnewyork, annotation = {18 verschiedene Hierarchien von semantischen Rollen (S. 216-217)}, checked = {stmue 2021}, number = {none}, series = {Oxford Linguistics}, title = {Possible and Probable Languages: {A} {Generative} Perspective on Linguistic Typology}, year = {2005}, } 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Mark}, publisher = acl, url = {http://www.aclweb.org/anthology/W97-1010}, address = madrid, booktitle = {{CoNLL97: Computational Natural Language Learning}: {Proceedings} of the 1997 Meeting of the {ACL Special Interest Group in Natural Language Learning}}, pages = {80--87}, title = {Learning {Stochastic Categorial Grammars}}, urldate = {2020-08-18}, year = {1997}, } @article{Osborne2018b, author = {Osborne, Timothy}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.31885/lud.5.1.228}, ids = {Osborne2019a}, journal = {Language Under Discussion}, number = {1}, pages = {83--116}, title = {In Defense of the Simplicity and Accuracy of {Dependency Syntax}: {A} Reply to the Discussion Notes}, volume = {5}, year = {2018}, } @article{Osborne2018a, abstract = {Syntax is a central subfield within linguistics and is important for the study of natural languages, since they all have syntax. Theories of syntax can vary drastically, though. They tend to be based on one of two competing principles, on dependency or phrase structure. Surprisingly, the tests for constituents that are widely employed in syntax and linguistics research to demonstrate the manner in which words are grouped together forming higher units of syntactic structure (phrases and clauses) actually support dependency over phrase structure. The tests identify much less sentence structure than phrase structure syntax assumes. The reason this situation is surprising is that phrase structure has been dominant in research on syntax over the past 60 years. This article examines the issue in depth. Dozens of texts were surveyed to determine how tests for constituents are employed and understood. Most of the tests identify phrasal constituents only; they deliver little support for the existence of subphrasal strings as constituents. This situation is consistent with dependency structure, since for dependency, subphrasal strings are not constituents to begin with.}, author = {Osborne, Timothy}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.31885/lud.5.1.223}, issn = {2329-583x}, journal = {Language Under Discussion}, keywords = {phrase structure; phrase structure grammar; constituency tests; constituent; dependency grammar; tests for constituents}, number = {1}, pages = {1--41}, title = {Tests for Constituents: {What} They Really Reveal about the Nature of Syntactic Structure}, volume = {5}, year = {2018}, } @incollection{Osborne2014a-u, author = {Osborne, Timothy}, annotation = {Lui Hiato als Leseempfehlung}, crossref = {CSS2014a-ed}, pages = {604--626}, title = {{Dependency Grammar}}, } @incollection{Osborne2018a-u, author = {Osborne, Timothy}, address = oxfordnewyork, checked = {stmue 2022}, crossref = {vCT2018a-ed}, doi = {10.1093/oxfordhb/9780198712398.013.5}, ids = {Osborne2016a-u}, pages = {142--161}, title = {Ellipsis in {Dependency Grammar}}, } @article{OG2016a-u, authauthor = {Osborne, Timothy and Groß, Thomas M.}, author = {Osborne, Timothy and Groß, Thomas}, doi = {10.1515/flin-2016-0004}, journal = {Folia Linguistica}, number = {1}, pages = {97--135}, title = {The \emph{Do}-\emph{So}-{Diagnostic}: {Against} Finite {VPs} and for Flat Non-Finite {VPs}}, volume = {50}, year = {2016}, } @article{OG2012a-u, author = {Osborne, Timothy and Groß, Thomas M.}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.1515/cog-2012-0006}, journal = {Cognitive Linguistics}, number = {1}, pages = {165--216}, title = {Constructions are Catenae: {Construction Grammar} meets {Dependency Grammar}}, volume = {23}, year = {2012}, } @article{OPG2011a, author = {Osborne, Timothy and Putnam, Michael and Groß, Thomas M.}, journal = tlr, number = {3}, pages = {315--364}, title = {{Bare Phrase Structure}, Label-less Trees, and Specifier-less Syntax: {Is} {Minimalism} Becoming a {Dependency Grammar}?}, volume = {28}, year = {2011}, } @report{Osenova2010a-u, author = {Osenova, Petya}, institution = {LingoLab, CSLI Stanford}, url = {http://www.bultreebank.org/BURGER/BURGER3.pdf}, title = {{Bulgarian Resource Grammar} -- Efficient and Realistic {(BURGER)}}, type = {techreport}, urldate = {2020-08-18}, year = {2010}, } @book{Osenova2010b-u, author = {Osenova, Petya}, publisher = {VDM Verlag Dr. Müller}, address = {Saarbrücken}, annotation = {Buch nicht auffindbar und nur von mir zitiert}, booktitle = {{Bulgarian Resource Grammar}: Modeling {Bulgarian} in {HPSG}}, checked = {stmue 2021}, number = {none}, series = {none}, title = {{Bulgarian Resource Grammar}: Modeling {Bulgarian} in {HPSG}}, year = {2010}, } @inproceedings{Osenova2011a-u, author = {Osenova, Petya}, checked = {stmue 2021}, crossref = {HSW2011a-ed}, ids = {Osenova2011}, pages = {175--180}, title = {Localizing a Core {HPSG}-Based Grammar for {Bulgarian}}, } @book{OF2005a-ed, editor = {Östman, Jan-Ola and Fried, Mirjam}, publisher = benjamins, address = amsterdamphiladelphia, booktitle = {{Construction Grammars}: {Cognitive} Grounding and Theoretical Extensions}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.1075/cal.3}, number = {3}, series = {Constructional Approaches to Language}, title = {{Construction Grammars}: {Cognitive} Grounding and Theoretical Extensions}, year = {2005}, } @article{Ott2011a, abstract = {[über dieses Thema]i liest Hans [FR [was für Bücher _i auch immer]j Der Spiegel empfiehlt _j]. 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blackwellpublishing, address = {Malden, MA}, annotation = {gekauft}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.1002/9780470759400}, number = {none}, series = {none}, title = {{Optimality Theory}: {Constraint} Interaction in {Generative Grammar}}, year = {2004}, } @thesis{Prze99b, author = {Przepiórkowski, Adam}, institution = {Universität Tübingen}, checked = {dm 2021}, title = {Case Assignment and the Complement-Adjunct Dichotomy: {A} Non-Con\-fig\-u\-ra\-tion\-al Constraint"=Based Approach}, type = {phdthesis}, urldate = {2021-02-10}, year = {1999}, } @incollection{Prze99, author = {Przepiórkowski, Adam}, crossref = {WKK99a-ed}, pages = {231--245}, title = {On Case Assignment and ``Adjuncts as Complements''}, year = {1999}, } @incollection{Przepiorkowski2021a, author = {Przepiórkowski, Adam}, crossref = {LFGhandbook}, title = {{LFG and HPSG}}, } @article{PK2006a-u, author = {Przepiórkowski, Adam and Kupść, Anna}, checked = {stmue 2021}, journal = {Glossos}, number = {none}, pages = {1--68}, 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{Richter2000,Richter:2000,Richter:04}, title = {A Mathematical Formalism for Linguistic Theories with an Application in {Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar}}, type = {{Phil.\ Dissertation (2000)}}, urldate = {2021-02-10}, year = {2004}, } @inproceedings{Richter2007a, author = {Richter, Frank}, checked = {stmue 2021}, crossref = {RK2007a-ed}, pages = {101--110}, title = {Closer to the Truth: {A} New Model Theory for {HPSG}}, } @incollection{Richter2021a, author = {Richter, Frank}, checked = {stmue 2021}, crossref = {HPSGHandbook}, doi = {10.5281/zenodo.5599822}, pages = {89--124}, title = {Formal Background}, } @incollection{RS2004a-u, author = {Richter, Frank and Sailer, Manfred}, editor = {Beckmann, Arnold and Preining, Norbert}, publisher = {Kurt Gödel Society}, address = {Wien}, booktitle = {{ESSLLI} 2003 -- {Course} Material {I}}, checked = {stmue 2021}, ids = {richtersailer-lrs04,RichterandSailer2004,Richter:Sailer:04}, number = {5}, pages = {87--143}, series = {Collegium Logicum}, title = {Basic Concepts of {Lexical Resource Semantics}}, year = {2004}, } @inproceedings{RS99b-u, author = {Richter, Frank and Sailer, Manfred}, crossref = {Kordoni99a-ed}, pages = {231--300}, title = {A Lexicalist Collocation Analysis of Sentential Negation in {French}}, } @inproceedings{RS99a, author = {Richter, Frank and Sailer, Manfred}, crossref = {Kordoni99a-ed}, pages = {116--154}, title = {Lexicalizing the Left Periphery of {German} Finite Sentences}, } @inproceedings{RS2009a, author = {Richter, Frank and Sailer, Manfred}, checked = {stmue 2021}, crossref = {Mueller2009a-ed}, doi = {10.21248/hpsg.2009.15}, ids = {Richter:Sailer:09}, pages = {297--317}, title = {Phraseological Clauses as Constructions in {HPSG}}, } @thesis{Riehemann93a, authauthor = {Riehemann, Susanne Z.}, author = {Riehemann, Susanne}, sortname = {Riehemann, Susanne Z.}, institution = {Uni\-ver\-si\-tät Tübingen}, annotation = {Magisterarbeit}, checked = {stmue 2021}, note = {Also published as SfS-Report-02-93, Seminar für Sprachwissenschaft, University of Tübingen}, title = {Word Formation in Lexical Type Hierarchies: {A} Case Study of \emph{bar}-Adjectives in {German}}, type = {mathesis}, year = {1993}, } @article{Riehemann98a, author = {Riehemann, Susanne Z.}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.1023/A:1009746617055}, ids = {Riehemann98,Riehemann1998}, journal = jcgl, number = {1}, pages = {49--77}, title = {Type-Based Derivational Morphology}, volume = {2}, year = {1998}, } @inproceedings{RKKCMJ2002a-u, author = {Riezler, Stefan and King, Tracy Holloway and Kaplan, Ronald M. and Crouch, Richard and {Maxwell III}, John T. and Johnson, Mark}, crossref = {acl2002}, pages = {271--278}, title = {Parsing the {Wall Street Journal} using a {Lexical-Functional Grammar} and Discriminative Estimation Techniques}, } @book{Rizzi82a-ed, editor = {Rizzi, Luigi}, publisher = foris, address = dordrechtheidelbergnewyorklondon, booktitle = {Issues in {Italian} Syntax}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.1515/9783110883718}, ids = {rizzi1982issues}, number = {11}, series = sgg, title = {Issues in {Italian} Syntax}, year = {1982}, } @article{Rizzi86a, author = {Rizzi, Luigi}, journal = li, number = {3}, pages = {501--577}, title = {Null Objects in {Italian} and the Theory of \emph{pro}}, volume = {17}, year = {1986}, } @incollection{Rizzi2009b, author = {Rizzi, Luigi}, editor = {Kurras, Paola Cotticelli and Tomaselli, Alessandra}, publisher = {Edizioni dell'Orso}, address = {Alessandra}, booktitle = {{La Grammatica tra storia e teoria. Scritti in onore di Giorgio Graffi}}, checked = {stmue 2022}, doi = {none}, number = {none}, pages = {153--162}, series = {none}, title = {Language Variation and Universals: {Some} Notes on {N.\ Evans and S.\,C.\ Levinson} (2009) ``{The} Myth of Language Universals: {Language} Diversity and Its Importance for Cognitive Science''}, year = {2009}, } @article{Rizzi2009a, author = {Rizzi, Luigi}, journal = bbs, number = {5}, pages = {467--468}, title = {The Discovery of Language Invariance and Variation, and Its Relevance for the Cognitive Sciences}, volume = {32}, year = {2009}, } @incollection{Rizzi2014a, abstract = {Cartographic studies aim at drawing maps as precise and complete as possible of syntactic configurations. Such maps interact with principles of syntactic computations, and provide crucial information for the interfaces with sound and meaning. In this chapter, I will concentrate on the role that cartographic representations have in the expression of interpretive properties and, in particular, in the organization of informational structures for the proper articulation of discourse and dialogues, and in the assignment of scope to operators. I will then illustrate the criterial approach to scope-discourse semantics, an approach which implies fully transparent syntactically generated interfaces with interpretive systems, and thus is sometimes said to ``syntacticize'' the expression of such interpretive properties. I will then compare this approach to possible alternatives which involve more opaque interfaces and assume more complex computations in postsyntactic interpretive systems.}, author = {Rizzi, Luigi}, editor = {Reboul, Anne}, publisher = springer, address = cham, booktitle = {Mind, Values, and Metaphysics: {Philosophical} Essays in Honor of {Kevin Mulligan}}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-05146-8_30}, number = {none}, pages = {517--533}, series = {none}, title = {Syntactic Cartography and the Syntacticisation of Scope-Discourse Semantics}, volume = {2}, year = {2014}, } @incollection{Rizzi97a-u, abstract = {Topic und Fokus-Positionen}, author = {Rizzi, Luigi}, checked = {stmue 2021}, crossref = {Haegeman97a-ed}, doi = {10.1007/978-94-011-5420-8_7}, pages = {281--337}, title = {The Fine Structure of the Left Periphery}, } @incollection{Rizzi82b, author = {Rizzi, Luigi}, crossref = {Rizzi82a-ed}, pages = {49--76}, title = {Violations of the \emph{wh} Island Constraint 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Some of the conclusions in content might raise eyebrows, however}, author = {Veenstra, Mettina Jolanda Arnoldina}, institution = {Rijksuniversiteit Groningen}, annotation = {Adam P sagt, daß sie HPSG-Formalismus benutzt Groningen Dissertations in Linguistics 24}, checked = {stmue 2021}, title = {Formalizing the {Minimalist Program}}, type = {Ph.D. thesis}, year = {1998}, } @article{VH77a-u, abstract = {Hoeksema91c:665 Linearisierung und Liberation?}, author = {Vennemann, Theo and Harlow, Ray}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.1515/thli.1977.4.1-3.227}, journal = {Theoretical Linguistics}, number = {1--3}, pages = {227--254}, title = {{Categorial Grammar} and Consistent Basic {VX} Serialization}, volume = {4}, year = {1977}, } @incollection{Verhagen2010a, author = {Verhagen, Arie}, crossref = {vdHulst2010a-ed}, pages = {93--110}, title = {What Do You Think is the Proper Place of Recursion? {Conceptual} and Empirical Issues}, } @thesis{Verspoor97a, author = {Verspoor, Cornelia Maria}, institution = {University of Edinburgh}, checked = {stmue 2021}, title = {Contextually"=Dependent Lexical Semantics}, type = {phdthesis}, year = {1997}, } @article{VHE2003a, author = {Vierhuff, Tilman and Hildebrandt, Bernd and Eikmeyer, Hans-Jürgen}, journal = lb, number = {none}, pages = {213--237}, title = {{Effiziente Verarbeitung deutscher Konstituentenstellung mit der Combinatorial Categorial Grammar}}, volume = {194}, year = {2003}, } @inproceedings{VSJ88a, author = {Vijay-Shanker, K. and Joshi, Aravind K.}, url = {http://www.aclweb.org/anthology/C88-2147}, crossref = {coling88}, pages = {714--719}, title = {Feature Structures Based {Tree Adjoining Grammars}}, urldate = {2020-08-18}, volume = {1}, year = {1988}, } @report{Villavicencio2002a, author = {Villavicencio, Aline}, institution = {University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory}, title = {The Acquisition of a Unification-Based {Generalised Categorial Grammar}}, type = {{UCAM-CL-TR-533}}, year = {2002}, } @incollection{Vogel2001a, author = {Vogel, Ralf}, checked = {stmue 2022}, crossref = {MS2001a-ed}, doi = {10.1515/9783110829068.341}, pages = {341--375}, title = {Case Conflict in {German} Free Relative Constructions: {An} {Optimality Theoretic} Treatment}, } @article{VS98a, abstract = {Vogel2002a: Extraktion aus Dativ nicht möglich}, author = {Vogel, Ralf and Steinbach, Markus}, checked = {stmue 2022}, journal = lb, number = {none}, pages = {65--90}, title = {The Dative -- {An} Oblique Case}, volume = {173}, year = {1998}, } @thesis{Volk88, author = {Volk, Martin}, institution = {University of Georgia}, title = {Parsing {German} with {GPSG}: {The} Problem of Separable-Prefix Verbs}, type = {mathesis}, year = {1988}, } @article{Stechow89, abstract = {zitiert in Kiss95}, author = {von Stechow, Arnim}, journal = lb, number = {none}, pages = {330--339}, title = {{Distinguo: Eine Antwort auf Dieter Wunderlich}}, volume = {122}, year = {1989}, } @article{Stechow96a, author = {von Stechow, Arnim}, checked = {stmue 2022}, doi = {10.1093/jos/13.2.87}, journal = {Journal of Semantics}, number = {2}, pages = {87--138}, title = {The Different Readings of \emph{wieder} `again': {A} Structural Account}, volume = {13}, year = {1996}, } @incollection{Stechow79, abstract = {PVP und Korrelat}, author = {von Stechow, Arnim}, checked = {stmue 2022}, crossref = {MP79a-ed}, doi = {10.1075/cilt.7.10ste}, pages = {317--490}, title = {{Deutsche Wortstellung und Montague-Grammatik}}, } @book{SS88a, abstract = {ohne ihn zu haben sehen koennen}, author = {von Stechow, Arnim and Sternefeld, Wolfgang}, publisher = westdeutscher, address = opladen, checked = {stmue 2022}, number = {none}, series = {none}, title = {{Bausteine syntaktischen Wissens: Ein Lehrbuch der Generativen Grammatik}}, year = {1988}, } @book{VHA92a-u, author = {Voutilainen, Atro and Heikkilä, Juha and Anttila, Arto}, publisher = {University of Helsinki}, address = {Helsinki}, number = {21}, series = {Publications of the Department of General Linguistics}, title = {{Constraint Grammar} of {English}: {A} Performance-Oriented Introduction}, year = {1992}, } @book{VA2005a-ed, editor = {Vulchanova, Mila and Åfarli, Tor A.}, publisher = {Novus Press}, address = {Oslo, Norway}, booktitle = {Grammar and Beyond---{Essays} in Honour of {Lars Hellan}}, checked = {stmue 2022}, number = {none}, series = {none}, title = {Grammar and Beyond: {Essays} in Honour of {Lars Hellan}}, year = {2005}, } @inproceedings{WA86a-u, author = {Wada, Hajime and Asher, Nicholas}, crossref = {coling86}, pages = {540--545}, title = {{BUILDRS}: {An} Implementation of {DR Theory} and {LFG}}, year = {1986}, } @book{Wahlster2000a-ed, editor = {Wahlster, Wolfgang}, publisher = springer, address = berlinboston, annotation = {Preis ursprünglich 129 DM = 65,96€ 13.02.2013 139,05€ für 678 Seiten = 0,21€ pro Seite. 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