@Article{Abeille.2002, author = {Abeillé, Anne and Godard, Danièle}, title = {The syntactic structures of {French} auxiliaries}, pages = {404--452}, volume = {78}, journal = {Language}, year = {2002}, } @Article{Beyssade.2006, author = {Beyssade, Claire}, title = {La structure de l'information dans les questions~: quelques remarques sur la diversité des formes interrogatives en français}, doi = {10.4000/linx.470}, pages = {173--193}, volume = {55}, abstract = {Il existe en français bien des façons différentes de poser une question : on peut utiliser un mot interrogatif in situ ou antéposé, utiliser ou non l’inversion clitique, choisir une intonation spécifique… Il est donc légitime de se demander si ces différentes formes sont équivalentes ou si elles ont des conditions d’emploi différentes. Nous chercherons dans cet article à caractériser certaines des contraintes qui pèsent sur l’emploi de certaines formes de questions, notamment les questions déclaratives et les questions in situ. Pour ce faire, il nous faudra esquisser les grandes lignes d’un modèle du dialogue, montrer comment analyser l’impact d’un énoncé (assertant ou questionnant) sur le contexte, et chercher à isoler les paramètres pertinents pour caractériser un contexte et le comparer avec un autre. Il semble que si l’articulation fond-focus joue un rôle dans les questions comme dans les assertions, c’est en fait la notion de topique de discours qui est cruciale pour caractériser les contextes d’emploi. La fonction d’une question dans un discours, c’est d’en changer le topique.}, journal = {Linx}, year = {2006}, } @InCollection{Mueller.S.2020?.chapter5, author = {Müller, Stefan and Bildhauer, Felix and Cook, Philippa}, booktitle = {German clause structure: {An} analysis with special consideration of so-called multiple fronting}, title = {Information structure constraints on multiple frontings}, editor = {Müller, Stefan}, note = {Manuscript}, year = {2020}, } @InProceedings{Tanenhaus.1985, author = {Tanenhaus, Michael K. and Stowe, Laurie A. and Carlson, Greg N.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Seventh {Annual} {Cognitive} {Science} {Society} {Meeting}}, title = {The interactions of lexical expectation and pragmatics in parsing filler-gap constructions}, publisher = {Lawrence Eribaum Associates}, address = {London}, year = {1985}, } @Article{Pickering.1991, author = {{Martin J.} Pickering and Guy Barry}, title = {Sentence processing without empty categories}, doi = {10.1080/01690969108406944}, number = {3}, pages = {229--259}, volume = {6}, journal = {Language and Cognitive Processes}, publisher = {Routledge}, year = {1991}, } @Article{Sorace.2005, author = {Sorace, Antonella and Keller, Frank}, title = {Gradience in linguistic data}, doi = {10.1016/j.lingua.2004.07.002}, issn = {00243841}, number = {11}, pages = {1497--1524}, volume = {115}, journal = {Lingua}, year = {2005}, } @InProceedings{Kluender.2004, author = {Kluender, Robert}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 23rd {West} {Coast} {Conference} on {Formal} {Linguistics}}, title = {Are subject islands subject to a processing account?}, editor = {Vineeta Chand and Ann Kelleher and {Angelo J.} Rodríguez and Benjamin Schmeiser}, pages = {101--125}, publisher = {Cascadilla Press}, volume = {23}, address = {Somerville}, year = {2004}, } % X. % Y. @Article{Yoshida.2014, author = {Yoshida, Masaya and Kazanina, Nina and Pablos, Leticia and Sturt, Patrick}, title = {On the origin of islands}, doi = {10.1080/01690965.2013.788196}, issn = {2327-3798, 2327-3801}, number = {7}, pages = {761--770}, volume = {29}, journal = {Language, Cognition and Neuroscience}, year = {2014}, } @article{Deulofeu.1981, title = {Perspective linguistique et sociolinguistique dans l'étude des relatives en français}, volume = {3}, journal = {Recherches sur le français parlé}, author = {Deulofeu, José}, year = {1981}, pages = {135--193}, } @InCollection{Gussenhoven.2007, author = {Gussenhoven, Carlos}, booktitle = {Topic and Focus: {Cross}-Linguistic Perspectives on Meaning and Intonation}, title = {Types of Focus in {English}}, doi = {10.1007/978-1-4020-4796-1_5}, editor = {Lee, Chungmin and Gordon, Matthew and Büring, Daniel}, number = {82}, pages = {83--100}, publisher = {Springer}, series = {Studies in Linguistics and Philosophy}, address = {Dordrecht}, year = {2007}, } @PhdThesis{Pollard.1984, author = {Pollard, Carl J.}, title = {Generalized {Phrase} {Structure} {Grammars}, {Head Grammars}, and natural language}, type = {{Ph.D.\ Thesis}}, school = {Stanford University}, year = {1984}, } @InCollection{Abeille.2004, author = {Anne Abeillé and Olivier Bonami and Danièle Godard and Jesse Tseng}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 11th {International} {Conference} on {Head}-{Driven} {Phrase} {Structure} {Grammar}, {Center} for {Computational} {Linguistics}, {Katholieke} {Universiteit} {Leuven}}, title = {The Syntax of {French} {N}$'$ Phrases}, doi = {10.21248/hpsg.2004.1}, editor = {Stefan Müller}, pages = {6--26}, publisher = {CSLI Publications}, address = {Stanford}, year = {2004}, } @InProceedings{Candito.2012.ldd, author = {Candito, Marie and Seddah, Djamé}, booktitle = {{TLT} 11: {The} 11th International Workshop on {Treebanks} and {Linguistic} {Theories}}, title = {Effectively long-distance dependencies in {French}: {Annotation} and parsing evaluation}, url = {https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00769625}, address = {Lisbon}, year = {2012}, } @Book{Svartvik.1980, author = {Svartvik, Jan and Quirk, Randolph}, title = {A Corpus of {English} conversation}, isbn = {9789140047403}, number = {56}, publisher = {C.W.K. Gleerup}, series = {Lund studies in English}, address = {Lund}, year = {1980}, } @InProceedings{Bildhauer.2010, author = {Bildhauer, Felix and Cook, Philippa}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 17th {International} {Conference} on {Head}-{Driven} {Phrase} {Structure} {Grammar}, {Université} {Paris} {Diderot}, {Paris} 7, {France}}, title = {German Multiple Fronting and Expected Topic-Hood}, doi = {10.21248/hpsg.2010.4}, editor = {Müller, Stefan}, pages = {68--79}, publisher = {CSLI Publications}, address = {Stanford}, year = {2010}, } @Article{Baroni.2009, author = {Baroni, Marco and Bernardini, Silvia and Ferraresi, Adriano and Zanchetta, Eros}, title = {The {WaCky} wide web: {A} collection of very large linguistically processed web-crawled corpora}, doi = {DOI: 10.1007/s10579-009-9081-4}, number = {3}, pages = {209--226}, volume = {43}, journal = {Language Resources and Evaluation}, year = {2009}, } @InCollection{Godard.1985, author = {Godard, Danièle}, booktitle = {Grammatical Representation}, title = {French Relative Clauses with {DONT}: \={{A}}-Chains and Binding Principles}, editor = {Guéron, Jacqueline and Obenauer, Hans-Georg and Pollock, Jean-Yves}, publisher = {Foris}, address = {Dordrecht}, year = {1985}, pages = {19--42} } @Book{Godard.1988, author = {Danièle Godard}, title = {La syntaxe des relatives en français}, publisher = {{Ed}.\ du {Centre} {National} de la {Recherche} {Scientifique}}, address = {Paris}, year = {1988}, } @Book{Alexiadou.2015, author = {Alexiadou, Artemis and Anagnostopoulou, Elena and Schäfer, Florian}, title = {External Arguments in Transitivity Alternations: {A} Layering Approach}, doi = {10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199571949.001.0001}, isbn = {978-0-19-957194-9}, publisher = {Oxford University Press}, abstract = {This book is an exploration of the syntax of external arguments in transitivity alternations from a cross-linguistic perspective. It focuses particularly on the causative/anticausative alternation, which the authors take to be a Voice alternation, and the formation of adjectival participles. The authors use data principally from English, German, and Greek to demonstrate that the presence of anticausative morphology does not have any truth-conditional effects, but that marked anticausatives involve more structure than their unmarked counterparts. This morphology is therefore argued to be associated with a semantically inert Voice head that the authors call 'expletive Voice'. The authors also propose that passive formation is not identical across languages, and that the distinction between target vs. result state participles is crucial in understanding the contribution of Voice in adjectival passives. The book provides the tools required to investigate the morphosyntactic structure of verbs and participles, and to identify the properties of verbal alternations across languages. It will be of interest to theoretical linguists from graduate level upwards, particularly those specializing in morphosyntax and typology.}, address = {Oxford}, year = {2015}, } % M. @Misc{MyP.2015, author = {{Antonio} {Machicao y Priemer} and Elodie Winckel}, title = {Adjectives within {Spanish} and {French} {NPs}: {Position} and Interpretation}, note = {Poster at the 22nd International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar in Nanyang Technological University}, address = {Singapore}, year = {2015}, } @InProceedings{Abeille.2012, author = {Abeillé, Anne and Crabbé, Benoît and Marandin, Jean-Marie and Godard, Danièle}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 16th {Workshop} on the {Semantics} and {Pragmatics} of {Dialogue}~-- {Full} {Papers}}, title = {French questioning declaratives: {A} corpus study}, pages = {70--79}, publisher = {SEMDIAL}, url = {http://semdial.org/anthology/papers/Z/Z12/Z12-3011/}, address = {Paris}, year = {2012}, } @Unpublished{Tonhauser.Matthewson.Ms, author = {Tonhauser, Judith and Matthewson, Lisa}, title = {Empirical evidence in research on meaning}, note = {manuscript}, url = {https://semanticsarchive.net/Archive/TVhYTk0Z/Tonhauser-Matthewson-evidence.pdf}, urldate = {2020-07-10}, year = {2015}, } @InCollection{Culicover.1977, author = {Culicover, Peter W. and Wexler, Kenneth}, booktitle = {Formal Syntax}, title = {Some syntactic implications of a theory of language learnability}, editor = {Culicover, Peter W. and Wasow, Thomas and Akmajian, Adrian}, publisher = {Academic Press}, address = {New York}, year = {1977}, } % pages not found @InCollection{Schlonsky.2012, author = {Schlonsky, Ur}, booktitle = {Functional heads}, title = {Notes on wh in situ in {French}}, editor = {Brugè, Laura and Cardinaletti, Anna and Giusti, Giuliana and Munar, Nicola and Poletto, Cecilia}, isbn = {0199974365}, number = {7}, pages = {242--252}, publisher = {{Oxford University Press}}, series = {The cartography of syntactic structures}, address = {Oxford, UK and New York}, year = {2012}, } @Article{Hoffmann.2005, author = {Hoffmann, Thomas}, title = {Variable vs. Categorical Effects: {Preposition} Pied Piping and Stranding in {British} {English} Relative Clauses}, doi = {10.1177/0075424205282891}, number = {3}, pages = {257--297}, volume = {33}, journal = {Journal of English Linguistics}, year = {2005}, } @InProceedings{Guzman.2015, author = {Guzmán Naranjo, Matías}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 6th {Conference} on {Quantitative} {Investigations} in {Theoretical} {Linguistics}}, title = {Unifying everything: {Integrating} quantitative effects into formal models of grammar}, doi = {10.15496/PUBLIKATION-8636}, editor = {Wahle, Johannes and Köllner, Marisa and Baayen, Harald and Jäger, Gerhard and Baayen-Oudshoorn, Tineke}, abstract = {Quantitative effects can be divided into two general groups: syntagmatic effects like collocations and grammaticalization, and paradigmatic effects like family size, entropy, alternations and collostructions. By now we have more than ample evidence that quantitative effects play a role in language processing, acquisition and language change. It is also clear that core grammar is, at least for the most part, independent from quantitative effects, eg. the frequency of a construction says nothing about its grammatical properties. What is still sorely lacking is an interface between grammar and usage that allows the usage module to access grammar in a systematic way.}, year = {2015}, } @InProceedings{Ross.1987, author = {Ross, Haj}, booktitle = {Papers from the {Twenty}-{Third} {Regional} {Meeting} of the {Chicago} {Linguistic} {Society}}, title = {Islands and Syntactic Prototypes}, editor = {Bosch, Anna and Need, Barbara and Schiller, Eric}, pages = {309--320}, publisher = {Chicago Linguistic Society}, address = {Chicago}, year = {1987}, } @Article{Winckel.2020, author = {Elodie Winckel and Anne Abeillé}, title = {French subject island constraint? {A} discourse-based {HPSG} account}, editor = {Bîlbîie, Gabriela}, number = {1}, pages = {94--127}, volume = {43}, booktitle = {Interfaces in {Romance}: {A} constraint-based approach}, journal = {Lingvisticæ Investigationes}, year = {2020}, } @Book{Lambrecht.1994, author = {Lambrecht, Knud}, title = {Information structure and sentence form: {Topic}, focus, and the mental representations of discourse referents}, number = {71}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, series = {Cambridge Studies in Linguistics}, address = {Cambridge, UK}, year = {1994}, } @Article{Kobzeva.2022, author = {Kobzeva, Anastasia and Sant, Charlotte and Robbins, Parker T. and Vos, Myrte and Lohndal, Terje and Kush, Dave}, title = {Comparing Island Effects for Different Dependency Types in {Norwegian}}, doi = {10.3390/languages7030197}, issn = {2226-471X}, number = {3}, pages = {197}, volume = {7}, abstract = {Recent research suggests that island effects may vary as a function of dependency type, potentially challenging accounts that treat island effects as reflecting uniform constraints on all filler-gap dependency formation. Some authors argue that cross-dependency variation is more readily accounted for by discourse-functional constraints that take into account the discourse status of both the filler and the constituent containing the gap. We ran a judgment study that tested the acceptability of wh-extraction and relativization from nominal subjects, embedded questions (EQs), conditional adjuncts, and existential relative clauses (RCs) in Norwegian. The study had two goals: (i) to systematically investigate cross-dependency variation from various constituent types and (ii) to evaluate the results against the predictions of the Focus Background Conflict constraint (FBCC). Overall we find some evidence for cross-dependency differences across extraction environments. Most notably wh-extraction from EQs and conditional adjuncts yields small but statistically significant island effects, but relativization does not. The differential island effects are potentially consistent with the predictions of the FBCC, but we discuss challenges the FBCC faces in explaining finer-grained judgment patterns.}, journal = {Languages}, year = {2022}, } @InCollection{Koopman.2014, author = {Koopman, Hilda and Sportiche, Dominique}, booktitle = {Functional Structure from Top to Toe}, title = {The que/qui Alternation}, doi = {10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199740390.003.0003}, editor = {Svenonius, Peter}, isbn = {9780199740390}, pages = {46--96}, publisher = {Oxford University Press}, address = {Oxford, UK and New York}, year = {2014}, } @Manual{DARMa, author = {Florian Hartig}, title = {DHARMa: {Residual} Diagnostics for Hierarchical (Multi-Level / Mixed) Regression Models}, note = {R package version 0.2.2}, url = {https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=DHARMa}, year = {2019}, } % Q. % R. @Book{Radford.2009, author = {Radford, Andrew}, title = {Analysing {English} Sentences: {A} Minimalist Approach}, doi = {10.1017/CBO9780511801617}, isbn = {9780511801617}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, address = {Cambridge, UK}, year = {2009}, } @InProceedings{Liu.Y.2019, author = {Liu, Yingtong and Ryskin, Rachel and Futrell, Richerd and Gibson, Edward}, booktitle = {{COGSCI}'19}, title = {Verb Frequency Explains the Unacceptability of Factive and Manner-of-speaking Islands in {English}}, pages = {686--691}, address = {Montreal}, year = {2019}, } @InProceedings{Abeille.2016, author = {Anne Abeillé and Barbara Hemforth and Elodie Winckel}, booktitle = {5e {Congrès} {Mondial} de {Linguistique} {Française}}, title = {Les relatives en \emph{dont} du français~: études empiriques}, doi = {10.1051/shsconf/20162714011}, editor = {Franck Neveu and Gabriel Bergounioux and Marie-Hélène Côté and Jean-Michel Fournier and Linda Hriba et Sophie Prévost}, number = {27}, series = {SHS Web of Conferences}, year = {2016}, } @InProceedings{Hofmeister.2013, author = {Philip Hofmeister and {Laura Staum} Casasanto and {Ivan A.} Sag}, booktitle = {Experimental Syntax and Island Effects}, title = {Islands in the grammar? {Standards} of evidence}, editor = {Jon Sprouse and Norbert Hornstein}, pages = {42--63}, publisher = {{Cambridge University Press}}, address = {Cambridge, UK}, year = {2013}, } @InProceedings{Abeille.2008.NP-preposing, author = {Abeillé, Anne and Godard, Danièle and Sabio, Frédéric}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 15th {International} {Conference} on {Head}-{Driven} {Phrase} {Structure} {Grammar}, {National} {Institute} of {Information} and {Communications} {Technology}, {Keihanna}}, title = {Two types of {NP} preposing in {French}}, doi = {10.21248/hpsg.2008.18}, editor = {Müller, Stefan}, pages = {306--324}, publisher = {CSLI Publications}, address = {Stanford, CA}, year = {2008}, } @Book{Comorovski.1996, author = {Comorovski, Ileana}, title = {Interrogative Phrases and the Syntax-Semantics Interface}, doi = {10.1007/978-94-015-8688-7}, isbn = {9789401586887}, number = {59}, publisher = {Kluwer}, series = {Studies in Linguistics and Philosophy}, abstract = {Interrogative Phrases and the Syntax-Semantics Interface starts by analyzing the interpretation of interrogative phrases in single and multiple constituent questions, including their interpretation under adverbs of quantification. The results are then put to work in a novel approach to some of the constraints on dependencies between fronted interrogative phrases and the associated gaps: superiority, weak crossover, as well as the so-called `weak islands' (the WH-island, the negative island and the Factive Island). It is argued that the possibility of fronting an interrogative phrase out of these configurations is determined by a semantic/pragmatic condition on questions, which requires them to be answerable. The analysis is worked out principally on Romanian, a language which allows multiple wh-fronting. The results are then extended to English. Audience: Researchers and students in syntax, semantics and their interface, as well as linguists studying the relation between the acceptability of sentences and the larger discourse context.}, address = {Dordrecht}, year = {1996}, } % Z. @Article{Zaenen.1983, author = {Zaenen, Annie}, title = {On Syntactic Binding}, issue = {3}, pages = {469--504}, url = {https://www.jstor.org/stable/4178340}, volume = {14}, journal = {Linguistic Inquiry}, year = {1983}, } @Article{Hofmeister.2010, author = {Philip Hofmeister and {Ivan A.} Sag}, title = {Cognitive constraints and island effects}, number = {2}, pages = {366--415}, volume = {86}, journal = {Language}, year = {2010}, } @Article{Liu.H.2009, author = {Liu, Haitao and Hudson, Richard and Feng, Zhiwei}, title = {Using a {Chinese} treebank to measure dependency distance}, number = {2}, pages = {161--175}, volume = {5}, journal = {Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory}, year = {2009}, } @Article{Godard.1996, author = {Danièle Godard and {Ivan A.} Sag}, title = {Quels compléments de nom peut-on extraire en français?}, pages = {60--79}, volume = {122}, journal = {Langages}, year = {1996}, } @Article{Liu.H.2008, author = {Liu, Haitao}, title = {Dependency Distance as a Metric of Language Comprehension Difficulty}, doi = {10.17791/JCS.2008.9.2.159}, number = {2}, pages = {159--191}, volume = {9}, journal = {Journal of Cognitive Science}, year = {2008}, } @Article{Sportiche.1981, author = {Sportiche, Dominique}, title = {Bounding nodes in {French}}, number = {2}, pages = {219--246}, volume = {1}, abstract = {This article will examine a case of interaction between a core principle and a parameter in connection with a particular locality condition, the subjacency condition, in a particular language: French. We shall first show that this condition can provide an explanation for a number of properties displayed by the rules of wh-movement and PP-extraposition in French, some of which are quite different from those observed in English in parallel constructions. Secondly, we shall show that the proper formulation of this condition for French requires that a different extension be attributed to the set of bounding categories (cf. below) in French; in other words, that parametrization of the set of bounding categories appears to be necessary (as otherwise suggested for Italian in Rizzi, 1978), but that the difference in extension we postulate is minimal.}, journal = {The Linguistic Review}, year = {1981}, } @Book{HPSG.2020, title = {Head-{Driven} {Phrase} {Structure} {Grammar}: {The} handbook}, editor = {Müller, Stefan and Abeillé, Anne and Borsley, Robert D. and Koenig, Jean-Pierre}, publisher = {Language Science Press}, series = {Empirically Oriented Theoretical Morphology and Syntax}, number = {9}, doi = {10.5281/zenodo.5543318}, year = {2021}, address = {Berlin} } @Article{Godard.1992, author = {Godard, Danièle}, title = {Extraction out of {NP} in {French}}, pages = {233--277}, volume = {10}, journal = {Natural Language \& Linguistic Theory}, year = {1992}, } @InProceedings{Fukuda.2012, author = {Fukuda, Shin and Goodall, Grant and Dan, Michel and Beecher, Henry}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 29th {West} {Coast} {Conference} on {Formal} {Linguistics}}, title = {Is Magnitude Estimation Worth the Trouble?}, editor = {Choi, Jaehoon and Hogue, E. Alan and Punske, Jeffrey and Tat, Deniz and Schertz, Jessamyn and Trueman, Alex}, publisher = {Cascadilla Proceedings Project}, address = {Somerville}, year = {2012}, } @InProceedings{Perlmutter.1978, author = {{David M.} Perlmutter}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {Fourth} {Annual} {Meeting} of the {Berkeley} {Linguistics} {Society}}, title = {Impersonal Passives and the Unaccusative Hypothesis}, pages = {157--189}, publisher = {Berkeley Linguistics Society}, address = {Berkeley}, year = {1978}, } % K. @Article{Kaan.2000, author = {Kaan, Edith and Harris, Anthony and Gibson, Edward and Holcomb, Phillip}, title = {The {P}600 as an index of syntactic integration difficulty}, number = {2}, pages = {159--201}, volume = {15}, journal = {Language and Cognitive Processes}, year = {2000}, } @Book{Uriagereka.2012, author = {Uriagereka, Juan}, title = {Spell-Out and the {Minimalist} {Program}}, doi = {10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199593521.001.0001}, publisher = {Oxford University Press}, abstract = {Since Juan Uriagereka originated the multiple spell-out model in 1999 it has been one of the most influential lines of research in syntactic theorizing. The model simplified a crucial element of the minimalist account of language making it a more accurate reflection of syntax and its acquisition. This book explores important consequences of the multiple spell-out hypothesis and of the linked notion of cyclicity. It combines the latest thinking in linguistics with perspectives drawn from physics, biology, and animal behaviour, aiming thereby to advance the field first described by Noam Chomsky as biolinguistics. Without simplifying, this book seeks to present the issues and their broader biological significance. The subjects discussed include the linearization of structure, the punctuated nature of a derivation (the multiple spell-out model), cyclicity and its consequences for locality, and the definition of c-command and its relevance to various types of grammatical dependency. The book discusses the evolutionary implications of Uriagereka's work, considering, for example, whether the punctuated nature of the derivation is a resolution of conflicting demands that yield an equilibrium found in nature more generally.}, address = {Oxford}, year = {2011}, } @Article{Simonenko.2015, author = {Alexandra Simonenko}, title = {Semantics of {DP} islands: {The} case of questions}, doi = {10.1093/jos/ffv011}, number = {4}, pages = {661–702}, volume = {33}, journal = {Journal of Semantics}, year = {2016}, } @InProceedings{Fukuda.2014, author = {Fukuda, Shin and Nakao, Chizuru and Omaki, Akira and Polinsky, Maria}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 10th {Workshop} on {Altaic} {Formal} {Linguistics} ({WAFL10})}, title = {Revisiting Subject-Object Asymmetry: {Subextraction} in {Japanese}}, editor = {Levin, Theodore and Masuda, Ryo}, number = {87}, publisher = {Massachusetts Institute of Technology}, series = {{MIT} {Working} {Papers} in {Linguistics}}, url = {http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:HUL.InstRepos:35058853}, address = {Cambridge, MA}, year = {2014}, } @TechReport{Tiger, author = {König, Esther and Lezius, Wolfgang}, institution = {Universität Stuttgart}, title = {The {TIGER} language: {A} Description Language for Syntax Graphs, Formal Definition}, type = {Technical report {IMS}}, address = {Stuttgart}, year = {2003}, } @Book{Rizzi.1990, author = {Rizzi, Luigi}, title = {Relativized minimality}, isbn = {9780262680615}, number = {16}, publisher = {{MIT Press}}, series = {Linguistic Inquiry Monographs}, address = {Cambridge, MA}, year = {1990}, } @Article{Frazier.1987, author = {Frazier, Lyn}, title = {Syntactic processing: {Evidence} from {Dutch}}, pages = {519--559}, volume = {5}, journal = {Natural Language \& Linguistic Theory}, year = {1987}, } @InCollection{Frazier.1988, author = {Frazier, Lyn and Rayner, Keith and Hawkins, John A.}, booktitle = {Explaining language universals}, title = {Parameterizing the language processing system: {Left} versus right branching within and across languages}, editor = {{John A.} Hawkins}, pages = {247--279}, publisher = {Blackwell}, address = {Oxford, UK}, year = {1988}, } @Article{Sag.2010, author = {Sag, Ivan A.}, title = {English filler-gap constructions}, issn = {00978507}, number = {3}, pages = {486--545}, volume = {86}, journal = {Language}, year = {2010}, } @Manual{R, author = {{R Core Team}}, title = {R: {A} language and environment for statistical computing}, organization = {R Foundation for Statistical Computing}, url = {https://www.R-project.org/}, address = {Vienna, Austria}, year = {2018}, } @Book{Burzio.1986, author = {Luigi Burzio}, title = {Italian syntax: {A} government-binding approach}, publisher = {D. Reidel}, series = {Studies in Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 1}, address = {Dordrecht}, year = {1986}, } @Article{Melis.1988, author = {Melis, Ludo}, title = {Les propositions enchevêtrées, des complétives ou des relatives-interrogatives?}, pages = {189--196}, url = {https://www.jstor.org/stable/43343855}, volume = {67}, journal = {Neuphilologische Mitteilungen}, year = {1988}, } @Article{Clopper.Pearson.1934.The, author = {Clopper, C. J. and Pearson, E. S.}, title = {The Use of Confidence or Fiducial Limits Illustrated in the Case of the Binomial}, doi = {10.1093/biomet/26.4.404}, issn = {0006-3444, 1464-3510}, number = {4}, pages = {404--413}, volume = {26}, journal = {Biometrika}, langid = {english}, year = {1934}, } @PhdThesis{Vries.2002, author = {de Vries, Mark}, title = {The Syntax of Relativization}, note = {{LOT} dissertation series 53}, type = {{Ph.D.\ Thesis}}, address = {Amsterdam}, school = {University of Amsterdam}, year = {2002}, } @Article{Abeille.2020.JFLS, author = {Abeillé, Anne and Winckel, Elodie}, title = {French subject island? {Empirical} studies of \textit{dont} and \textit{de qui}}, doi = {10.1017/S0959269520000137}, issn = {0959-2695, 1474-0079}, issue = {3}, pages = {275--300}, volume = {30}, journal = {Journal of French Language Studies}, year = {2020}, } @InCollection{Corver.2006, author = {Corver, Norbert}, booktitle = {The {Blackwell} companion to syntax}, title = {Freezing Effects}, editor = {Everaert, Martin and van Riemsdijk, {Henk C.}}, pages = {383--406}, publisher = {Blackwell}, address = {Oxford, UK}, year = {2006}, } @InCollection{Szabolcsi.2006, author = {Szabolcsi, Anna}, booktitle = {The {Blackwell} companion to syntax}, title = {Strong versus weak islands}, editor = {Everaert, Martin and van Riemsdijk, {Henk C.}}, pages = {480--531}, publisher = {Blackwell}, address = {Oxford, UK}, year = {2006}, } @Article{Ehrlich.1981, author = {Ehrlich, Susan F. and Rayner, Keith}, title = {Contextual effects on word perception and eye movements during reading}, doi = {10.1016/S0022-5371(81)90220-6}, issn = {00225371}, number = {6}, pages = {641--655}, volume = {20}, journal = {Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior}, year = {1981}, } @InCollection{Ambar.2002, author = {Ambar, Manuela}, booktitle = {Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 2000: {Selected} papers from {Going} {Romance} 2000, {Utrecht}, 30 {November}–2 {December}}, title = {Wh-questions and {Wh}-exclamatives: {Unifying} mirror effects}, doi = {10.1075/cilt.232.03amb}, editor = {Beyssade, Claire and Bok-Bennema, Reineke and Drijkoningen, Frank and Monachesi, Paola}, number = {232}, pages = {15--40}, publisher = {John Benjamins Publishing Company}, series = {Current {Issues} in {Linguistic} {Theory}}, address = {Amsterdam}, year = {2002}, } @InProceedings{Gries.2002, author = {Gries, Stefan Th.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {Western} {Conference} on {Linguistics} 2000}, title = {Preposition stranding in {English}: {Predicting} speakers' behaviour}, editor = {Samiian, Vida and Vida Samiian}, pages = {230--241}, volume = {12}, year = {2002}, } @InCollection{Clifton.2007, author = {Clifton, Charles and Staub, Adrian and Rayner, Keith}, booktitle = {Eye {Movements}}, title = {Eye movements in reading words and sentences}, doi = {10.1016/B978-008044980-7/50017-3}, editor = {{Roger P.G.} {Van Gompel} and {Martin H.} Fischer and {Wayne S.} Murray and {Robin L.} Hill}, isbn = {9780080449807}, pages = {341--371}, publisher = {Elsevier Science Ltd}, address = {Oxford, UK}, year = {2007}, } @Book{Francom.2011, author = {Francom, Jerid Cole}, title = {Experimental Syntax: {Exploring} the Effect of Repeated Exposure to Anomalous Syntactic Structure---{Evidence} from Rating and Reading Tasks}, isbn = {978-1-243-64190-8}, publisher = {Proquest, Umi Dissertation Publishing}, abstract = {This thesis explores the nature of linguistic introspection through the phenomenon known in the literature as the Syntactic Satiation Effect, where the perceived unacceptability of some syntactic structures is attenuated on repeated exposure. Recent findings suggest that rating change in experimental settings may not reveal the underlying grammatical status of syntactic objects by mitigating performance factors related to memory limitations, as initially proposed, but rather arise as a response bias conditioned by characteristics of some experimental designs, in effect introducing task-based performance factors. Findings from rating and reading times suggest that there is evidence supporting both accounts of rating change in experimental designs and highlights areas of development for the Experimental Syntax program. Exploring anecdotal reports, Snyder (2000) found that in as few as five exposures, participants found some types of wh-extraction anomaly ('weak Islands') significantly more acceptable at the end of the session compared to the beginning whereas others ('strong Islands') did not experience any rating improvement. Varied success in replicating initial results casts doubts on the proposal that rating data, experimentally elicited, can tease apart grammatical from performance sources of unacceptability. Sprouse (2009) suggests an alternative --Satiation arises as an artifact of a disproportionate number of ungrammatical to grammatical sentences in the testing session. This approach provides an explanation for the apparent mismatch in findings, but also highlights issues regarding the advances of experimental syntax: do experimental methods provide better data or do aspects of some designs systematically introduce extraneous influences themselves? Evidence from three rating and two self-paced reading tasks suggests that although robust evidence supporting the memory-based claim is not found, evidence that Satiation is strictly task-based is not substantiate}, year = {2011}, } % online pblication, no address @PhdThesis{Ross.1967, author = {Ross, John Robert}, title = {Constraints on variables in syntax}, doi = {1721.1/15166}, type = {{Ph.D.\ Thesis}}, address = {Cambridge, MA}, school = {MIT Press}, year = {1967}, } @Article{Keenan.1977, author = {Keenan, Edward L. and Comrie, Bernard}, title = {Noun Phrase Accessibility and Universal Grammar}, issn = {0024-3892}, number = {1}, pages = {63--99}, url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/4177973}, volume = {8}, journal = {Linguistic Inquiry}, year = {1977}, } @InProceedings{Candito.2012.Sequoia, author = {Candito, Marie and Seddah, Djamé}, booktitle = {Proceedings of {TALN} 2012 (in {French})}, title = {Le corpus sequoia~: {A}nnotation syntaxique et exploitation pour l'adaptation d'analyseur par pont lexical}, address = {Grenoble}, year = {2012}, } @Book{Sportiche.1998, author = {Sportiche, Dominique}, title = {Partitions and atoms of clause structure: {Subjects}, agreement, case, and clitics}, isbn = {0203982371}, number = {2}, publisher = {Routledge}, series = {Routledge Leading Linguists}, address = {London and New York}, year = {1998}, } @PhdThesis{Keller.2000, author = {Keller, Frank}, title = {Gradience in Grammar: {Experimental} and Computational Aspects of Degrees of Grammaticality}, type = {{Ph.D.\ Thesis}}, school = {University of Edinburgh}, year = {2000}, } @InCollection{Marandin.2007, author = {Marandin, Jean-Marie and Godard, Danièle and Roussarie, Laurent and Corblin, Francis}, booktitle = {Sémanticlopédie}, title = {Thème de Phrase}, editor = {Danièle Godard and Laurent Roussarie and Francis Corblin}, publisher = {GDR Sémantique et Modélisation}, url = {http://www.semantique-gdr.net/dico/index.php/Th\%C3\%A8me\_de\_phrase}, year = {2007}, } % no address provided @InProceedings{Marandin.2008, author = {Jean-Marie Marandin}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 15th {International} {Conference} on {Head}-{Driven} {Phrase} {Structure} {Grammar}, {National} {Institute} of {Information} and {Communications} {Technology}, {Keihanna}}, title = {The Exclamative Clause Type in {French}}, doi = {10.21248/hpsg.2008.25}, editor = {Stefan Müller}, pages = {436--456}, publisher = {CSLI Publications}, address = {Stanford}, year = {2008}, } @InProceedings{Keller.2001, author = {Frank Keller}, booktitle = {Competition in syntax}, title = {Experimental evidence for constraint competition in gapping constructions}, editor = {Gereon Müller and Wolfgang Sternefeld}, pages = {211--248}, publisher = {Mouton de Gruyter}, address = {Berlin and New York}, year = {2001}, } @Book{Schutze.2016.ex1996, author = {Schütze, Carson T.}, title = {The empirical base of linguistics: {Grammaticality} judgements and linguistic methodology}, number = {2}, publisher = {Language Science Press}, series = {Classics in Linguistics}, address = {Berlin}, year = {2016}, doi = {10.17169/langsci.b89.100} } @PhdThesis{Bildhauer.2008, author = {Bildhauer, Felix}, title = {Representing Information Structure in an {HPSG} Grammar of {S}panish}, type = {{Ph.D.\ Thesis}}, school = {Universität Bremen}, year = {2008}, } @Book{Rizzi.1982, author = {Rizzi, Luigi}, title = {Issues in {Italian} syntax}, isbn = {9789070176334}, number = {11}, publisher = {Foris}, series = {Studies in generative grammar}, address = {Dordrecht}, year = {1982}, } @InProceedings{Abeille.2006.Correlatives, author = {Anne Abeillé and Robert D. Borsley and Maria-Teresa Espinal}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 13th {International} {Conference} on {Head}-{Driven} {Phrase} {Structure} {Grammar}, {Varna}}, title = {The syntax of Comparative Correlatives in {French} and {Spanish}}, doi = {10.21248/hpsg.2006.1}, editor = {Stefan Müller}, pages = {6--26}, publisher = {CSLI Publications}, address = {Stanford}, year = {2006}, } @Book{Dowty.1981, author = {Dowty, David R. and Wall, Robert Eugene and Peters, Stanley}, title = {Introduction to {Montague} semantics}, number = {11}, publisher = {D. Reidel}, series = {Synthese Language Library}, address = {Dordrecht}, year = {1981}, } @InProceedings{Abeille.2003.FTB, author = {Anne Abeillé and Lionel Clément and François Toussenel}, booktitle = {Treebanks}, title = {Building a treebank for {French}}, editor = {Anne Abeillé}, publisher = {Kluwer}, address = {Dordrecht}, year = {2003}, } @Book{Pollard.1994, author = {Pollard, Carl J. and Sag, Ivan A.}, title = {Head-{Driven} {P}hrase {S}tructure {G}rammar}, publisher = {CSLI Publications}, address = {Stanford, CA}, year = {1994}, } @Article{Portner.1998, author = {Portner, Paul and Yabushita, Katsuhiko}, title = {The Semantics and Pragmatics of Topic Phrases}, doi = {10.1023/A:1005311504497}, number = {2}, pages = {117--157}, volume = {21}, journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, year = {1998}, } @InProceedings{Sag.2007, author = {Sag, Ivan A. and Hofmeister, Philip and Snider, Neal}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 43rd {Annual} {Meeting} of the {Chicago} {Linguistic} {Society}}, title = {Processing complexity in {Subjacency} violations: {The} complex noun phrase constraint}, pages = {215--229}, publisher = {Chicago Linguistic Society}, volume = {43}, address = {Chicago}, year = {2007}, } @Article{Cattell.1976, author = {Cattell, Ray}, title = {Constraints on movement rules}, pages = {18--50}, volume = {52(1)}, journal = {Language}, year = {1976}, } @InProceedings{Chaves.2014, author = {Chaves, Rui P. and Dery, Jeruen E.}, booktitle = {31st {West} {Coast} {Conference} on {Formal} {Linguistics}}, title = {Which subject islands will the acceptability of improve with repeated exposure?}, editor = {{Robert E.} Sanatana-LaBarge}, pages = {96--106}, publisher = {Cascadilla Proceedings Project}, address = {Somerville}, year = {2014}, } @Article{Chaves.2013, author = {{Rui P.} Chaves}, title = {An expectation-based account of subject islands and parasitism}, number = {2}, pages = {297--344}, volume = {49}, journal = {Journal of {Linguistics}}, year = {2013}, } @InCollection{Pollard.1990, author = {{Carl J.} Pollard and {Andrew M.} Moshier}, booktitle = {Information, Language and Cognition}, title = {Unifying Partial Descriptions of Sets}, editor = {Philip P. Hanson}, number = {1}, pages = {285--322}, publisher = {University of British Columbia Press}, series = {Vancouver Studies in Cognitive Science}, address = {Vancouver}, year = {1990}, } @Article{Chaves.2012, author = {Chaves, Rui P.}, title = {On the grammar of extraction and coordination}, number = {30}, pages = {465--512}, volume = {2}, journal = {Natural Language \& Linguistic Theory}, year = {2012}, } @Article{Bouma.2001, author = {Bouma, Gosse and Malouf, Robert and Sag, Ivan A.}, title = {Satisfying Constraints on Extraction and Adjunction}, doi = {10.1023/A:1006473306778}, issn = {0167806X}, number = {1}, pages = {1--65}, volume = {19}, journal = {Natural Language \& Linguistic Theory}, year = {2001}, } @Article{Lu.2020, author = {Lu, Jiayi and Thompson, Cynthia K. and Yoshida, Masaya}, title = {Chinese Wh-in-Situ and Islands: {A} Formal Judgment Study}, doi = {10.1162/ling_a_00343}, issn = {1530-9150}, number = {3}, pages = {611--623}, volume = {51}, journal = {Linguistic Inquiry}, year = {2020}, } @Article{Bianchi.2014, author = {Bianchi, Valentina and Chesi, Cristiano}, title = {Subject islands, reconstruction, and the flow of the computation}, number = {4}, pages = {525--569}, volume = {45}, journal = {Linguistic Inquiry}, year = {2014}, } @InProceedings{Godfrey.1992, author = {Godfrey, John J. and Holliman, Edward C. and McDaniel, Jane}, booktitle = {{ICASSP}-92: {IEEE} {International} {Conference} on {Acoustics}, {Speech}, and {Signal} {Processing}, {San} {Francisco}, {CA}, {USA}}, title = {{SWITCHBOARD}: {Telephone} speech corpus for research and development}, pages = {517--520}, publisher = {{IEEE} Service Center}, volume = {1}, address = {Piscataway, {NJ}}, year = {1992}, } @Book{Kuno.1987, author = {Kuno, Susumu}, title = {Functional synta: {Anaphora}, discourse and empathy}, publisher = {The University of Chicago Press}, address = {Chicago and London}, year = {1987}, } @Article{Bilbiie.2010, author = {Gabriela B\^{i}lb\^{i}ie and Frédéric Laurens}, title = {Towards a non-elliptical analysis of verbless relative adjuncts}, pages = {51--67}, volume = {1}, journal = {Bucharest Working Papers in Linguistics}, year = {2010}, } @Article{Bloom.1990, author = {Paul Bloom}, title = {Subjectless Sentences in Child Language}, issn = {00243892, 15309150}, number = {4}, pages = {491--504}, url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/4178692}, volume = {21}, journal = {Linguistic Inquiry}, publisher = {The MIT Press}, year = {1990}, } % T. @PhdThesis{Takahashi.1994, author = {Takahashi, Daiko}, title = {Minimality of movement}, type = {{Ph.D.\ Thesis}}, address = {Storrs}, school = {University of Connecticut}, year = {1994}, } @Book{Truswell.2011, author = {Truswell, Robert}, title = {Events, Phrases and Questions}, publisher = {Oxford University Press}, address = {Oxford, UK and New York}, year = {2011}, } @Article{Lewis.2005, author = {Lewis, Richard L. and Vasishth, Shravan}, title = {An activation-based model of sentence processing as skilled memory retrieval}, pages = {375--419}, volume = {29}, journal = {Cognitive Science}, year = {2005}, } @Article{Bloom.1993, author = {Paul Bloom}, title = {Grammatical Continuity in Language Development: {The} Case of Subjectless Sentences}, issn = {00243892, 15309150}, number = {4}, pages = {721--734}, url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/4178837}, volume = {24}, journal = {Linguistic Inquiry}, publisher = {The MIT Press}, year = {1993}, } @PhdThesis{Kluender.1991, author = {Kluender, Robert}, title = {Cognitive constraint on variables in syntax}, type = {{Ph.D.\ Thesis}}, address = {San Diego}, school = {University of California}, year = {1991}, } @Article{Bresnan.1987, author = {Bresnan, Joan and Mchombo, Sam A.}, title = {Topic, Pronoun, and Agreement in {Chiche\^wa}}, doi = {10.2307/415717}, issn = {00978507}, number = {4}, pages = {741--782}, volume = {63}, journal = {Language}, year = {1987}, } @Book{Obenauer.1976, author = {Obenauer, Hans-Georg}, title = {Etudes de syntaxe interrogative du français}, isbn = {9783111340364}, number = {34}, publisher = {{Mouton de Gruyter}}, series = {Linguistische Arbeiten}, address = {Berlin and New York}, year = {1976}, } @PhdThesis{Erteschik-Shir.1973, author = {Erteschik-Shir, Nomi}, title = {On the nature of island constraints}, type = {{Ph.D.\ Thesis}}, school = {MIT Press}, year = {1973}, } @InCollection{Webelhuth.2012, author = {Webelhuth, Gert}, booktitle = {Sign-{Based} {Construction} {Grammar}}, title = {The Distribution of that-clauses in {English}: {An} {SBCG} Account}, editor = {Boas, Hans C. and Sag, Ivan A.}, pages = {203--227}, publisher = {CSLI Publications}, address = {Stanford}, year = {2012}, } @Article{Kim.2002, author = {Kim, Jong-Bok and Sag, Ivan A.}, title = {Negation without Head-movement}, number = {2}, pages = {339--412}, volume = {20}, journal = {Natural Language \& Linguistic Theory}, year = {2002}, } % V. @Book{Vallduvi.1992, author = {Vallduví, Enric}, title = {The informational component}, publisher = {Garland}, address = {New York}, year = {1992}, } @InCollection{Grice.1975, author = {Grice, Paul H.}, booktitle = {Studies in Syntax and Semantics {III}: {Speech} Acts}, title = {Logic and conversation}, editor = {Cole, Peter and Morgan, Jerry L.}, pages = {183--98}, publisher = {Academic Press}, address = {New York}, year = {1975}, } @Article{Gazdar.1981, author = {Gazdar, Gerald}, title = {Unbounded Dependencies and Coordinate Structure}, number = {2}, pages = {155--184}, volume = {12}, journal = {Linguistic Inquiry}, year = {1981}, } @Article{Carroll.1979, author = {Carroll, John M.}, title = {Complex compounds: {Phrasal} embedding in lexical structures}, pages = {863--877}, volume = {17}, journal = {Linguistics}, year = {1979}, } @InProceedings{Kuno.1976, author = {Kuno, Susumu}, booktitle = {Subject and Topic}, title = {Subject, theme, and the speaker's empathy: {A} reexamination of relativization phenomena}, editor = {Li, Charles N.}, pages = {417--444}, publisher = {Academic Press}, address = {New York}, year = {1976}, } @InProceedings{Levine.2003, author = {Robert D. Levine and Ivan A. Sag}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 10th {International} {Conference} on {Head}-{Driven} {Phrase} {Structure} {Grammar}, {Michigan} {State} {University}}, title = {Some Empirical Issues in the Grammar of Extraction}, doi = {10.21248/hpsg.2003.14}, editor = {Stefan Müller}, pages = {236--256}, publisher = {CSLI Publications}, address = {Stanford, CA}, year = {2003}, } @Article{Bach.1976, author = {Bach, Emmon and Horn, George}, title = {Remarks on ``{Conditions} on {Transformations}''}, number = {2}, pages = {265--299}, url = {https://www.jstor.org/stable/4177922}, volume = {7}, journal = {Linguistic Inquiry}, year = {1976}, } @InCollection{Bonami.2001, author = {Bonami, Olivier and Godard, Danièle}, booktitle = {Cahier {Jean-Claude} {Milner}}, title = {Inversion du sujet: Constituance et ordre des mots}, editor = {Marandin, Jean-Marie}, pages = {117--174}, publisher = {Verdier}, address = {Lagrasse (Aude)}, year = {2001}, } @Article{Kuno.1972, author = {Kuno, Susumu}, title = {Functional sentence perspective: {A} case study from {Japanese} and {English}}, issue = {3}, pages = {269--320}, url = {https://www.jstor.org/stable/4177715}, volume = {3}, journal = {Linguistic Inquiry}, year = {1972}, } @InCollection{Krifka.1992, author = {Krifka, Manfred}, booktitle = {Informationsstruktur und {Grammatik}}, title = {A compositional semantics for multiple focus constructions}, editor = {Jacobs, Joachim}, pages = {17--53}, publisher = {Westdeutscher Verlag}, address = {Opladen}, year = {1992}, } @Article{Liu.Y.2022.Structural, author = {Liu, Yingtong and Winckel, Elodie and Abeillé, Anne and Hemforth, Barbara and Gibson, Edward}, title = {Structural, Functional and Processing Perspectives on Linguistic Island Effects}, doi = {10.1146/annurev-linguistics-011619-030319}, issue = {1}, pages = {1089391248}, volume = {8}, journal = {Annual Review of Linguistics}, year = {2022}, } @Article{Nunes.2000, author = {Nunes, Jairo and Uriagereka, Juan}, title = {Cyclicity and extraction domains}, pages = {20--43}, volume = {3}, journal = {Syntax}, year = {2000}, } @InCollection{Goldberg.2013, author = {Goldberg, Adele E.}, booktitle = {Experimental Syntax and Island Effects}, title = {Backgrounded constituents cannot be extracted}, editor = {Sprouse, Jon and Hornstein, Norbert}, pages = {221--238}, publisher = {{Cambridge University Press}}, address = {Cambridge, UK}, year = {2013}, } @InProceedings{Bonami.2006, author = {Bonami, Olivier and Delais-Roussarie, Elisabeth}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 13th {International} {Conference} on {Head}-{Driven} {Phrase} {Structure} {Grammar}, {Varna}}, title = {Metrical Phonology in {HPSG}}, doi = {10.21248/hpsg.2006.3}, editor = {Müller, Stefan}, pages = {39--59}, publisher = {CSLI Publications}, address = {Stanford}, year = {2006}, } % series = {Oxford Studies in Theoretical Linguistics}, @PhdThesis{Tuller.1986, author = {Tuller, Laurice A.}, title = {Bijective Relations in Universal Grammar and the Syntax of {Hausa}}, type = {{Ph.D.\ Thesis}}, school = {UCLA}, year = {1986}, } @Article{Adli.2006, author = {Adli, Aria}, title = {French wh-in-situ Questions and Syntactic Optionality: {Evidence} from Three Data Types}, doi = {10.1515/ZFS.2006.007}, issn = {0721-9067, 1613-3706}, number = {2}, pages = {163--203}, volume = {25}, abstract = {Abstract The aim of this paper is to corroborate the assumption of syntactic optionality for French wh-questions. In terms of a broader basis of evidence three different data types are utilized: Firstly, a qualitative interview approach suggests that wh-in-situ does not show the syntactic restrictions postulated by Bošković (1998) and Cheng \& Rooryck (2000), weakening the evidence in favor of the assumption of LF-movement. Secondly, a graded grammaticality judgment test reveals that even in terms of fine nuances an identical level of grammaticality exists between the wh-in-situ form and its counterpart with wh-movement. Given the fact that several crucial judgments in the literature on French wh-in-situ are doubtful, these approaches turn out to be particularly helpful for controlling undesirable interferences in the judgment process and for obtaining more reliable data. Thirdly, a reading time study shows that both variants have the same cognitive complexity in processing. These empirical studies come along with methodological work concerning the development and evaluation of the instruments. From a conceptual point of view the inherent contradiction to which optionality and economy lead within the minimalist framework will be addressed. I will largely follow the suggestion of Haider \& Rosengren (2003), who assume optional movement to be exploited at the interface level of syntax. Concerning the latter, I point out that different registers partly correlate with different French wh-questions.}, journal = {Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft}, year = {2006}, } @Book{Mensching.2000, author = {Mensching, Guido}, title = {Infinitive constructions with specified subjects: {A} syntactic analysis of the {Romance} languages}, isbn = {0195133048}, publisher = {{Oxford University Press}}, series = {Oxford studies in comparative syntax}, address = {Oxford, UK and New York}, year = {2000}, } @Article{Rooth.1992, author = {Rooth, Mats}, title = {A Theory of Focus Interpretation}, pages = {75--116}, volume = {1}, journal = {Natural Language Semantics}, year = {1992}, } @Article{Goodall.2011, author = {Goodall, Grant}, title = {Syntactic Satiation and the Inversion Effect in {English} and {Spanish} Wh-Questions}, doi = {10.1111/j.1467-9612.2010.00148.x}, issn = {1467-9612}, number = {1}, pages = {29--47}, volume = {14}, abstract = {Abstract. Both English and Spanish exhibit an inversion effect in wh-questions: a verbal element must appear to the left of the subject. Analyses differ, however, as to whether this effect is due to similar syntactic mechanisms in the two languages or not. The phenomenon of judgment satiation, in which certain unacceptable sentence types improve upon repeated exposure, is used here to provide new evidence addressing this issue. It is shown that unacceptable wh-questions in Spanish are susceptible to satiation, but their counterparts in English are not, which suggests that different mechanisms are responsible for the inversion effect in the two languages. In addition to providing new evidence regarding the nature of inversion in wh-questions, this study also constitutes a test case for using satiation in the service of comparative syntax.}, journal = {Syntax}, year = {2011}, } @Article{Kim.2012, author = {Kim, Jong-Bok}, title = {On the Syntax of the It-Cleft Construction: {A} Construction-based Perspective}, number = {1}, pages = {45--68}, volume = {29}, journal = {Linguistic Research}, year = {2012}, } @InProceedings{Webelhuth.2007, author = {Webelhuth, Gert}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 14th {International} {Conference} on {Head}-{Driven} {Phrase} {Structure} {Grammar}, {Stanford} {Department} of {Linguistics} and {CSLI}’s {LinGO} {Lab}}, title = {Complex Topic-Comment Structures in {HPSG}}, doi = {10.21248/hpsg.2007.18}, editor = {Müller, Stefan}, pages = {306--322}, publisher = {CSLI Publications}, address = {Stanford, CA}, year = {2007}, } @Article{Pesetsky.1982, author = {Pesetsky, David}, title = {Complementizer-trace Phenomena and the nominative island condition}, pages = {297--343}, volume = {1}, abstract = {My main goal in this paper will be to suggest a new explanation for what I shall call the Complementizer-Trace Phenomenon (CTP). This is the well-known constraint which, in many languages, prohibits WH-movement and other extractions from subject position in embedded clauses headed by a complementizer.}, journal = {The Linguistic Review}, year = {1982}, } @Book{Goldberg.2006, author = {Goldberg, Adele E.}, title = {Constructions at Work}, publisher = {Oxford University Press}, address = {Oxford, UK and New York}, year = {2006}, } @Article{Abeille.1999.Adjectif, author = {Anne Abeillé and Danièle Godard}, title = {La position de l'adjectif épithète en français~: le poids des mots}, pages = {9--32}, volume = {28}, journal = {Recherches Linguistiques de Vincennes}, year = {1999}, } @Article{Aguila-Multner.2020, author = {Aguila-Multner, Gabriel and Crysmann, Berthold}, title = {French clitic climbing as periphrasis}, editor = {Bîlbîie, Gabriela}, number = {1}, pages = {23--61}, volume = {43}, booktitle = {Interfaces in {Romance}: a constraint-based approach}, journal = {Lingvisticæ Investigationes}, year = {2020}, } @book{Grosu.1981, address = {Amsterdam}, series = {North-{Holland} {Linguistic} {Series}}, title = {Approaches to island phenomena}, isbn = {0-444-86278-1}, number = {45}, publisher = {North-Holland}, author = {Grosu, Alexander}, year = {1981}, } @article{Schachter.1973, title = {Focus and Relativization}, volume = {49}, doi = {10.2307/412101}, number = {1}, journal = {Language}, author = {Schachter, Paul}, year = {1973}, pages = {19--46} } @phdthesis{Gundel.1974, type = {{Ph.D.\ Thesis}}, title = {The Role of Topic and Comment in Linguistic Theory}, school = {University of Texas}, author = {Gundel, Jeanette K.}, year = {1974}, } @book{Gundel.1988, address = {New York}, title = {The Role of Topic and Comment in Linguistic Theory}, publisher = {Garland Publishing}, author = {Gundel, Jeanette K.}, year = {1988}, } @book{Kuno.1973, address = {Cambridge, MA}, title = {The Structure of the {Japanese} Language}, publisher = {The MIT Press}, author = {Kuno, Susumu}, year = {1973}, } @article{Heaton.2016, title = {The status of syntactic ergativity in {Kaqchikel}}, volume = {170}, doi = {10.1016/j.lingua.2015.10.006}, journal = {Lingua}, author = {Heaton, Raina and Deen, Kamil and O’Grady, William}, year = {2016}, pages = {35--46}, } @article{PizarroGuevara.2020, title = {The Predictive Value of {Tagalog} Voice Morphology in Filler-Gap Dependency Formation}, volume = {11}, doi = {10.3389/fpsyg.2020.00517}, journal = {Frontiers in Psychology}, author = {Pizarro-Guevara, Jed Sam and Wagers, Matthew}, year = {2020}, } @incollection{Takizala.1973, title = {Focus and Relativization: {The} Case of {Kihung}’an}, doi = {10.1163/9789004368804_005}, booktitle = {Syntax and Semantics}, volume = {2}, publisher = {Brill}, author = {Takizala, Alexis}, editor = {Kimball, John P.}, year = {1973}, pages = {123--148}, } @InCollection{Abeille.2020.HPSG.Coord, author = {Abeillé, Anne and Chaves, Rui P.}, booktitle = {Head-{Driven} {Phrase} {Structure} {Grammar}: {The} handbook}, title = {Coordination}, editor = {Müller, Stefan and Abeillé, Anne and Borsley, Robert D. and Koenig, Jean-Pierre}, pages = {725–776}, publisher = {Language Science Press}, series = {Empirically {Oriented} {Theoretical} {Morphology} and {Syntax}}, address = {Berlin}, year = {2020}, doi = {10.5281/zenodo.5599848} } @InProceedings{Lakoff.1973, author = {Lakoff, George}, booktitle = {Papers from the Ninth {Regional} {Meeting} of the {Chicago} {Linguistic} {Society}}, title = {Fuzzy grammar and the performance/competence terminology game}, editor = {Corum, Claudia T. and Smith-Stark, Cedric and Weiser, Ann}, pages = {271--291}, publisher = {Chicago Linguistic Society}, address = {Chicago}, year = {1973}, } @InCollection{Downing.1978, author = {Downing, Bruce}, booktitle = {Universals of Human Language}, title = {Some Universals of Relative Clause Structure}, editor = {Greenberg, Joseph H.}, pages = {375--418}, publisher = {Stanford University Press}, volume = {4}, address = {Stanford, CA}, year = {1978}, } @Book{Chomsky.1995, author = {Chomsky, Noam}, title = {The {Minimalist} Program}, isbn = {9780262531283}, number = {28}, publisher = {{MIT Press}}, series = {Current {Studies} in {Linguistics}}, abstract = {Attempts to situate linguistic theory in the broader cognitive sciences. In the essays, the minimalist approach to linguistic theory is formulated and progressively developed.}, address = {Cambridge, MA}, year = {1995}, } @Article{Traxler.2002, author = {Traxler, Matthew J. and Morris, Robin K. and Seely, Rachel E.}, title = {Processing Subject and Object Relative Clauses: {Evidence} from Eye Movements}, doi = {10.1006/jmla.2001.2836}, number = {1}, pages = {69--90}, volume = {47}, journal = {Journal of Memory and Language}, year = {2002}, } @Article{Abeille.2019.FTB, author = {Abeillé, Anne and Clément, Lionel and Liégeois, Loïc}, title = {Un corpus arboré pour le français~: le {French} {Treebank}}, number = {2}, pages = {19--43}, volume = {60}, journal = {TAL Traitement Automatique des Langues}, year = {2019}, } @Book{Erteschik-Shir.1997, author = {Erteschik-Shir, Nomi}, title = {The Dynamics of Focus Structure}, isbn = {978-0-521-59217-8}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, abstract = {In this book, Nomi Erteschik-Shir develops a new theory of focus structure, integrating insights from syntax, semantics, phonology and pragmatics. She explores the role of focus structure in grammar, examining the interface between focus structure and syntax, the semantics of focus structure and the intonation associated with it. Dr Shir defines a grammatical level of f-structure (focus structure) which is an annotated s-structure in which topic and focus constituents are marked. F-structure feeds both PF (Phonological Form) and semantics and is sensitive to lexical information. Dr Shir argues that f-structure and not LF (Logical Form) is the input to a semantic rule of predication. One of the major results of Dr Shir's analysis is that wh-movement turns out to be subject to the same constraint which accounts for anaphora and other subject-object asymmetries.}, address = {Cambridge, UK}, year = {1997}, } @book{Trotta.2000, address = {Amsterdam}, series = {Language and computers}, title = {Wh-clauses in {English}: {Aspects} of theory and description}, isbn = {978-90-420-1284-4}, number = {34}, publisher = {Rodopi}, author = {Trotta, Joe}, year = {2000}, } @Article{Jacobs.2001, author = {Jacobs, Joachim}, title = {The dimensions of topic-comment}, pages = {641--681}, volume = {39}, journal = {Linguistics}, year = {2001}, } @Article{Horn.1972, author = {Horn, George}, title = {Generalizing the {Sentential} {Subject} {Constraint}}, volume = {3}, journal = {North-East Linguistic Society}, year = {1972}, } % page number no found @Misc{Pozniak.2015, author = {Céline Pozniak and Barbara Hemforth}, title = {Processing subject and object relative clauses in {French} and {Mandarin} {Chinese}}, howpublished = {Poster at the 28th Annual CUNY Sentence Processing Conference in Los Angeles}, year = {2015}, } @Article{Belletti.1988, author = {Belletti, Adriana and Rizzi, Luigi}, title = {Psych-Verbs and $\theta$-Theory}, number = {3}, pages = {291--352}, url = {http://www.jstor.com/stable/4047649}, volume = {6}, journal = {Natural Language \& Linguistic Theory}, year = {1988}, } @InCollection{Chafe.1976, author = {Chafe, Wallace L.}, booktitle = {Subject and Topic}, title = {Givenness, contrastiveness, definiteness, subjects, topics and point of view}, editor = {Li, Charles N.}, pages = {27--55}, publisher = {Academic Press}, address = {New York}, year = {1976}, } @Article{Keshev.2019, author = {Keshev, Maayan and Meltzer-Asscher, Aya}, title = {A processing-based account of subliminal wh-island effects}, number = {2}, pages = {621--657}, volume = {37}, journal = {Natural Language \& Linguistic Theory}, year = {2019}, } @Article{Koopman.1991, author = {Koopman, Hilda and Sportiche, Dominique}, title = {The position of subjects}, pages = {211--258}, volume = {85}, journal = {Lingua}, year = {1991}, } @InProceedings{Riou.2018, author = {Riou, Etienne and Hemforth, Barbara}, booktitle = {6e {Congrès} {Mondial} de {Linguistique} {Française}}, title = {Contrainte du doublage clitique et détachement de l'objet à gauche}, doi = {10.1051/shsconf/20184601005}, editor = {Franck Neveu and Bernard Hamergnies and Linda Hriba and Sophie Prévost}, number = {46}, pages = {01005}, series = {SHS Web of Conferences}, abstract = {Dans cet article, nous abordons empiriquement les propriétés pragmatiques de deux constructions permettant le détachement de l’objet à gauche : la dislocation clitique à gauche et la topicalisation simple. Ces constructions se différencient l’une de l’autre par la présence ou non d’un pronom clitique reprenant le rôle de l’objet détaché dans la phrase racine. Bien qu’elles soient similaires pragmatiquement, nous faisons l’hypothèse que la topicalisation simple soit plus restreinte dans un contexte discursif contrastif. En dehors de ce contexte, le détachement à gauche de l’objet doit prendre un pronom clitique objet. Dans une approche à contraintes multiples, cette restriction est considérée comme une contrainte noncatégorique et peut être explorée en tant que telle via une tâche de jugements d’acceptabilité. Pour ce faire, nous utilisons le paradigme expérimental du « test de jugements d’acceptabilité accélérés ». Les résultats montrent que la violation de cette contrainte des topicalisation de l’objet conduit à un niveau d’acceptabilité caractéristique des contraintes non-catégoriques : plus haut qu’une construction agrammaticale mais plus bas qu’une construction bien formée dans un contexte approprié.}, issn = {2261-2424}, year = {2018}, } @Book{Osborne.2019, author = {Osborne, Timothy}, title = {A Dependency Grammar of {English}: {An} Introduction and Beyond}, doi = {10.1075/z.224}, isbn = {9789027203458}, publisher = {John Benjamins}, abstract = {Dependency grammar (DG) is an approach to the syntax of natural languages with a long and venerable tradition, yet awareness of its potential to serve as a basis for principled analyses of natural language syntax is minimal due to the predominance of phrase structure grammar (PSG). This book presents a DG of English with two main goals in mind. The first is to make the principles of dependency syntax accessible to a general audience so that the novice linguist as well as the seasoned syntactician becomes fully aware of what makes DG unique as an approach to the study of natural language syntax. The second is to present and develop a version of DG that then serves as a principled basis for the investigation of central areas of the syntax of English, such as long-distance dependencies, coordination, ellipsis, valency, etc. An overarching theme in all this is that DG is simple compared to PSG, yet despite this simplicity, it is quite effective at shedding light on the nature of syntactic}, address = {Amsterdam and Philadelphia}, year = {2019}, } % L. @Article{Labelle.1992, author = {Labelle, Marie}, title = {Change of state and valency}, pages = {375--414}, volume = {28}, journal = {Journal of {Linguistics}}, year = {1992}, } @Article{Hukari.1995, author = {Hukari, Thomas E. and Levine, Robert D.}, title = {Adjunct Extraction}, number = {2}, pages = {195--226}, volume = {31}, journal = {Journal of {Linguistics}}, year = {1995}, } % D. @InCollection{Davies.2009, author = {Davies, William D. and Dubinsky, Stanley}, booktitle = {Hypothesis {A}/hypothesis {B}: {Linguistic} explorations in honor of {David} {M}.\ {Perlmutter}}, title = {On the existence (and distribution) of sentential subjects}, doi = {10.7551/mitpress/7670.003.0009}, editor = {Gerdts, Donna B. and Moore, John C. and Polinsky, Maria}, pages = {111--128}, publisher = {MIT Press}, address = {Cambridge, MA}, year = {2009}, } @Book{Wexler.1980, author = {Wexler, Kenneth and Culicover, Peter W.}, title = {Formal Principles of Language Acquisition}, publisher = {MIT Press}, address = {Cambridge, MA}, year = {1980}, } @Article{Kolliakou.1999, author = {Dimitra Kolliakou}, title = {De-Phrase Extractability and Individual/Property Denotation}, pages = {713--781}, volume = {17}, journal = {Natural Language \& Linguistic Theory}, year = {1999}, } @InProceedings{Szabolcsi.1990, author = {Anna Szabolcsi and Frans Zwarts}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {Seventh} {Amsterdam} {Colloquium}}, title = {Semantic properties of composed functions and the distribution of wh-phrases}, editor = {Martin Stokhof and Leen Torenvliet}, language = {English (US)}, pages = {529--555}, publisher = {Institute for Language, Logic, and Information}, year = {1990}, } @InProceedings{Brew.1995, author = {Brew, Chris}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 7th {Conference} of the {EACL}}, title = {Stochastic {HPSG}}, address = {Dublin}, year = {1995}, editor = {Steven P. Abney and Erhard W. Hinrichs}, publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics}, url = {https://aclanthology.org/E95-1012} } @Article{Legendre.1989, author = {Legendre, Géraldine}, title = {Inversion with Certain {French} Experiencer Verbs}, number = {4}, pages = {752--782}, volume = {65}, journal = {Language}, year = {1989}, } @Article{Chaves.2019.Frequency, author = {Chaves, Rui P. and Dery, Jeruen E.}, title = {Frequency effects in subject islands}, doi = {10.1017/S0022226718000294}, number = {3}, pages = {475--521}, volume = {55}, journal = {Journal of {Linguistics}}, year = {2019}, } @Book{Ginzburg.2000, author = {Ginzburg, Jonathan and Sag, Ivan A.}, title = {Interrogative {Investigations}: {The} form, meaning, and use of {English} Interrogatives}, publisher = {CSLI Publications}, address = {Stanford, CA}, year = {2000}, } @InCollection{Borsley.2020.HPSG.UDC, author = {Borsley, Robert D. and Crysmann, Berthold}, booktitle = {Head-{Driven} {Phrase} {Structure} {Grammar}: {The} handbook}, title = {Chapter 13: {Unbounded} dependencies}, editor = {Müller, Stefan and Abeillé, Anne and Borsley, Robert D. and Koenig, Jean-Pierre}, publisher = {Language Science Press}, series = {Empirically {Oriented} {Theoretical} {Morphology} and {Syntax}}, address = {Berlin}, year = {2021}, pages = {537--594}, doi = {10.5281/zenodo.5599842} } @Article{Ariel.1988, author = {Ariel, Mira}, title = {Referring and accessibility}, pages = {65--87}, volume = {24}, journal = {Journal of {Linguistics}}, year = {1988}, } @Article{Greco.2017, author = {Greco, Ciro and Marelli, Marco and Haegeman, Liliane}, title = {External syntax and the Cumulative Effect in subject sub-extraction: {An} experimental evaluation}, doi = {10.1515/tlr-2017-0009}, issn = {0167-6318, 1613-3676}, number = {3}, volume = {34}, abstract = {Abstract In this paper, we test the Cumulative Effect proposed by (Haegeman et al. 2014. Deconstructing the subject condition in terms of cumulative constraint violation.}, journal = {The Linguistic Review}, year = {2017}, pages = {479--531} } @Book{Culicover.2005, author = {Culicover, Peter W. and Jackendoff, Ray}, title = {Simpler syntax}, publisher = {Oxford University Press}, address = {Oxford, UK and New York}, year = {2005}, } @InCollection{Goetze.2007, author = {Michael Götze and Thomas Weskott and Cornelia Endriss and Ines Fiedler and Stefan Hinterwimmer and Svetlana Petrova and Anne Schwarz and Stavros Skopeteas and Ruben Stoel}, booktitle = {Information Structure in Cross-Linguistic Corpora: {Annotation} Guidelines for Phonology, Morphology, Syntax, Semantics and Information Structure}, title = {Information Structure}, editor = {Stefanie Dipper and Michael Götze and Stavros Skopeteas}, pages = {147--187}, publisher = {Universitätsverlag Potsdam}, series = {Interdisciplinary {Studies} on {Information} {Structure}}, number = {7}, address = {Potsdam}, url = {https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-14199}, year = {2007}, } @InCollection{Kluender.1998, author = {Kluender, Robert}, booktitle = {The Limits of Syntax}, title = {On the distinction between strong and weak islands: {A} processing perspective}, editor = {{Peter W.} Culicover and Louise McNally}, pages = {241--279}, publisher = {Academic Press}, address = {New York}, year = {1998}, } @Article{Miller.1997, author = {Miller, Philip and Sag, Ivan A.}, title = {French Clitic Movement without Clitics or Movement}, pages = {573--639}, volume = {15}, abstract = {The French clitic system has posed a persistent challenge to transformational syntactic analysis, which has never produced a successful account of problems such as clitic ordering. Lexicalist alternatives, however, have never been reconciled with the full range of familiar problems and the growing body of known lexical idiosyncracies. We present a lexicalist treatment of the French clitic system that treats all `clitics' as lexical pronominal affixes,whose ordering is templatic in nature. On our account, the order of French pronominal affixes is independent of the general properties of syntactic structures; cliticized words -- treated as valence-reduced realizations of verbal lexemes -- enter the syntax fully inflected. The conclusionswe reach challenge grammatical architectures that seek to explain the behavior of clitics in terms of functional projections, head movement and/or the Mirror Principle.}, journal = {Natural Language \& Linguistic Theory}, year = {1997}, } @Book{Broeker.1999, author = {Bröker, Norbert}, title = {Eine {Dependenzgrammatik} zur {Kopplung} heterogener {Wissensquellen}}, number = {405}, publisher = {Max Niemeyer Verlag}, series = {Linguistische {Arbeiten}}, address = {Tübingen}, year = {1999}, } @Article{Tanenhaus.2000, author = {Tanenhaus, Michael K. and Magnuson, James S. and Dahan, Delphine and Chambers, Craig}, title = {Eye Movements and Lexical Access in Spoken-Language Comprehension: {Evaluating} a Linking Hypothesis between Fixations and Linguistic Processing}, doi = {10.1023/A:1026464108329}, number = {6}, pages = {557--580}, volume = {29}, journal = {Journal of Psycholinguistic Research,}, year = {2000}, } @InCollection{Abeille.2006.AandDe, author = {Abeillé, Anne and Bonami, Olivier and Godard, Danièle and Tseng, Jesse}, booktitle = {Syntax and Semantics of Prepositions}, title = {The Syntax of {French} \emph{à} and \emph{de}: {An} {HPSG} Analysis}, doi = {DOI: 10.1007/1-4020-3873-9_10}, editor = {Saint-Dizier, Patrick}, number = {29}, pages = {147--162}, publisher = {Springer}, series = {Text, {Speech} and {Language} {Technology}}, address = {Dordrecht}, year = {2006}, } @InCollection{Abeille.1999.Weight, author = {Anne Abeillé and Danièle Godard}, booktitle = {Nature and function of syntactic categories}, title = {French Word Order And Lexical Weight}, editor = {Borsley, Robert D.}, isbn = {9781849500098}, pages = {325--360}, publisher = {Emerald Group}, address = {Bradford}, year = {1999}, } @Article{Aoun.1993, author = {Aoun, Joseph and Li, Yen-hui Audrey}, title = {Wh-Elements in Situ: {Syntax} or {LF}?}, issn = {0024-3892}, number = {2}, pages = {199--238}, url = {https://www.jstor.org/stable/4178811}, volume = {24}, journal = {Linguistic Inquiry}, publisher = {The MIT Press}, year = {1993}, } @Book{Conklin.2018, author = {Conklin, Kathryn and Pellicer-Sanchez, Ana and Carrol, Gareth}, title = {Eye-tracking: {A} guide for applied linguistics research}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, abstract = {Eye-tracking is quickly becoming a valuable tool in applied linguistics research as it provides a 'real-time', direct measure of cognitive processing effort. This book provides a straightforward introduction to the technology and how it might be used in language research. With a strong focus on the practicalities of designing eye-tracking studies that achieve the standard of other well-established experimental techniques, it provides valuable information about building and designing studies, touching on common challenges and problems, as well as solutions. Importantly, the book looks at the use of eye-tracking in a wide variety of applied contexts including reading, listening and multi-modal input, writing, testing, corpus linguistics, translation, stylistics, and computer-mediated communication. Each chapter finishes with a simple checklist to help researchers use eye-tracking in a wide variety of language studies. Discussion is grounded in concrete examples, which will allow users coming to the technology for the first time to gain the knowledge and confidence to use it to produce high quality research.}, address = {Cambridge, UK}, year = {2018}, } @InCollection{Bianchi.2015, author = {Bianchi, Valentina and Chesi, Cristiano}, booktitle = {Structures, Strategies and Beyond: {Studies} in honour of {Adriana} {Belletti}}, title = {On a {PP}/{DP} asymmetry in extraction}, doi = {10.1075/la.223.03bia}, editor = {Di Domenico, Elisa and Hamann, Cornelia and Matteini, Simona}, number = {223}, pages = {47--66}, publisher = {John Benjamins}, series = {Linguistik {Aktuell}\slash Linguistics {Today}}, address = {Amsterdam and Philadelphia}, year = {2015}, } @Article{Reinhart.1997, author = {Reinhart, Tanya}, title = {Wh-in-situ in the Framework of the {Minimalist} Program}, doi = {10.1023/A:1008240014550}, issn = {0925854X}, number = {1}, pages = {29--56}, volume = {6}, journal = {Natural Language Semantics}, year = {1997}, } @Article{Lee.2018, author = {Lee, Seung Han}, title = {English Sentential Subject Extraposition: {A} Constraint-Based Approach}, number = {3}, pages = {71--87}, url = {http://www.kci.go.kr/kciportal/landing/article.kci?arti\_id=ART002394400}, urldate = {2020-08-12}, volume = {26}, abstract = {언어학, 2018, 26 (3), 71}, journal = {The Linguistic Association of Korea Journal}, year = {2018}, } @Book{Huddleston.2002, title = {The {Cambridge} Grammar of the {English} Language}, editor = {Huddleston, Ronald and Pullum, Geoffrey}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, address = {Cambridge, UK}, year = {2002}, } @Book{Lasnik.1992, author = {Lasnik, Howard and Saito, Mamoru}, title = {Move $\alpha$: {Conditions} on its applications and output}, isbn = {9780262121613}, number = {22}, publisher = {MIT Press}, series = {Current Studies in Linguistics}, address = {Cambridge, MA}, year = {1992}, } @Article{pROC, author = {Xavier Robin and Natacha Turck and Alexandre Hainard and Natalia Tiberti and Frédérique Lisacek and Jean-Charles Sanchez and Markus Müller}, title = {{pROC}: {An} open-source package for {R} and {S+} to analyze and compare {ROC} curves}, pages = {77}, volume = {12}, journal = {BMC Bioinformatics}, year = {2011}, } @Article{Almeida.2014, author = {Almeida, Diego}, title = {Subliminal wh-islands in {Brazilian} {Portuguese} and the consequences for Syntactic theory}, doi = {10.5380/rabl.v13i2.39611}, number = {2}, volume = {13}, abstract = {Categorical acceptability judgments form an important and productive heuristic that provides a substantial body of data to theoretical linguists. Despite its popularity, however, they might not always provide an accurate representation of the acceptability facts, especially when it concerns complex patterns of judgments across a range of different sentences types. In this work, I present evidence that, when categorical acceptability is substituted by a more graded measure of acceptability, one can observe wh-island sensitivity in Brazilian Portuguese in three syntactic phenomena (wh-movement, Topicalization and Left Dislocation), even though the island violating structures are marginally or fully acceptable. I conclude with a discussion about what the existence of such island sensitivity effects in marginally or fully acceptable sentences could mean for theories of syntactic islands, and syntactic theory more broadly construed.}, journal = {Revista da ABRALIN}, year = {2014}, } % online publication, no pages provided @InProceedings{Jurka.2011, author = {Jurka, Johannes and Nakao, Chizuru and Omaki, Akira}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 28th {West} {Coast} {Conference} on {Formal} {Linguistics}}, title = {It’s Not the End of the {CED} as We Know It: {Revisiting} {German} and {Japanese} Subject Islands}, editor = {Washburn, Mary Byram and McKinney-Bock, Katherine and Varis, Erika and Sawyer, Ann and Tomaszewicz, Barbara}, pages = {124--132}, publisher = {Cascadilla Proceedings Project}, address = {Somerville}, year = {2011}, } @Misc{Winckel.cleft.prep, author = {Elodie Winckel and Anne Abeillé and Barbara Hemforth and Edward Gibson}, title = {Discourse-based constraints on long-distance dependencies generalize across constructions and languages}, pubstate = {inpreparation}, } @InProceedings{Chomsky.1973, author = {Noam Chomsky}, booktitle = {A festschrift for {M}orris {H}alle}, title = {Conditions on transformations}, editor = {Steven Anderson and Paul Kiparsky}, pages = {232--285}, publisher = {Winston}, address = {New York}, year = {1973}, } @Article{Sprouse.2011, author = {Sprouse, Jon and Fukuda, Shin and Ono, Hajime and Kluender, Robert}, title = {Reverse Island Effects and the Backward Search for a Licensor in Multiple Wh-Questions: {Reverse} Island Effects in Multiple Wh-Questions}, doi = {10.1111/j.1467-9612.2011.00153.x}, issn = {13680005}, number = {2}, pages = {179--203}, volume = {14}, journal = {Syntax}, year = {2011}, } @PhdThesis{Jurka.2010, author = {Jurka, Johannes}, title = {The importance of being a complement}, type = {{Ph.D.\ Thesis}}, school = {University of Maryland}, year = {2010}, } @Book{Lahousse.2011, author = {Lahousse, Karen}, title = {Quand passent les cigognes~: {Le} sujet nominal postverbal en français moderne}, isbn = {9782842922740}, publisher = {Presses Univ. de Vincennes}, series = {Sciences du Langage}, address = {Vincennes}, year = {2011}, } @Article{Stowe.1986, author = {Stowe, Laurie A.}, title = {Parsing WH-constructions: {Evidence} for on-line gap location}, doi = {10.1080/01690968608407062}, issn = {0169-0965, 1464-0732}, number = {3}, pages = {227--245}, volume = {1}, journal = {Language and Cognitive Processes}, year = {1986}, } @Article{Erteschik-shir.1979, author = {Erteschik-Shir, Nomi and Lappin, Shalom}, title = {Dominance and the functional explanation of island phenomena}, pages = {41--86}, volume = {6}, journal = {Theoretical Linguistics}, year = {1979}, } @Book{Cinque.1990, author = {Cinque, Guglielmo}, title = {Types of \={{A}}-dependencies}, isbn = {9780262530897}, number = {17}, publisher = {{MIT Press}}, series = {Linguistic Inquiry Monographs}, address = {Cambridge, MA}, year = {1990}, } @Article{Hyams.1993, author = {Nina Hyams and Kenneth Wexler}, title = {On the Grammatical Basis of Null Subjects in Child Language}, issn = {00243892, 15309150}, number = {3}, pages = {421--459}, url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/4178822}, volume = {24}, journal = {Linguistic Inquiry}, publisher = {The MIT Press}, year = {1993}, } @InCollection{Bolinger.1979, author = {Bolinger, Dwight}, booktitle = {Questions}, title = {Asking more than one thing at a time}, doi = {10.1007/978-94-009-9509-3}, editor = {Hiż, Henry}, isbn = {9789400995093}, pages = {107--150}, publisher = {D. Reidel}, series = {Synthese Language Library 1}, address = {Dordrecht}, year = {1978}, } @Article{Kayne.1983, author = {Kayne, Richard S.}, title = {Connectedness}, issue = {2}, pages = {223--249}, url = {https://www.jstor.org/stable/4178324}, volume = {14}, journal = {Linguistic Inquiry}, year = {1983}, } @InCollection{wals-s8, author = {Bernard Comrie and Tania Kuteva}, booktitle = {The World Atlas of Language Structures Online}, title = {Relativization Strategies (v2020.3)}, editor = {Matthew S. Dryer and Martin Haspelmath}, url = {https://wals.info/chapter/s8}, type = {Data set}, year = {2013}, } @Article{Kayne.1981, author = {Kayne, Richard S.}, title = {{ECP} Extensions}, number = {1}, pages = {93--133}, url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/4178206}, volume = {12}, journal = {Linguistic Inquiry}, year = {1981}, } @Article{Kayne.1974.1975, author = {Kayne, Richard S.}, title = {French Relative \emph{que}}, pages = {40--61~\& 27--92}, volume = {2\&3}, journal = {Recherches Linguistiques de Vincennes}, year = {1974}, } @Article{Kemper.1986, author = {Kemper, Susan}, title = {Imitation of complex syntactic constructions by elderly adults}, doi = {10.1017/S0142716400007578}, number = {3}, pages = {277–287}, volume = {7}, address = {Cambridge, UK}, journal = {Applied Psycholinguistics}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, year = {1986}, } @Article{Kemper.1987, author = {Kemper, Susan}, title = {Life-span Changes in Syntactic Complexity}, doi = {10.1093/geronj/42.3.323}, issn = {0022-1422}, number = {3}, pages = {323-328}, volume = {42}, abstract = {Adults' diaries were examined for age-related changes in syntactic complexity. The diaries in the longitudinal sample were kept by 8 adults, born between 1856 and 1876, for seven or more decades. The diaries in the cohortsequential sample were kept by 10 adults born between 1820 and 1829 and recorded during 1860 to 1869 or during 1900 to 1909 and 10 adults born between 1860 and 1869 and recorded during 1900 to 1909 and again in 1940 to 1949. Sentences from the two longest, usable entries from each half-decade were analyzed. The analysis determined the incidence of left- and right-branching embeddings and of coordinate and subordinate phrases and sentence fragments as well as the mean length of sentences in words and in clauses. The analysis revealed an age-related decline in the syntactic complexity of adults' sentences.}, journal = {Journal of Gerontology}, year = {1987}, } @Article{Kluender.1993.Subjacency, author = {Kluender, Robert and Kutas, Marta}, title = {Subjacency as a processing phenomenon}, pages = {573--633}, volume = {8}, journal = {Language and Cognitive Processes}, year = {1993}, } @InProceedings{Legendre.2003, author = {Géraldine Legendre and Antonella Sorace}, booktitle = {Les langues romanes}, title = {Auxiliaires et intransitivité en français et dans les langues romanes}, editor = {Danièle Godard}, pages = {185--233}, publisher = {CNRS Editions}, address = {Paris}, year = {2003}, } @Article{Vasishth.2006, author = {Vasishth, Shravan and Lewis, Richard L.}, title = {Argument-head distance and processing complexity: {Explaining} both locality and antilocality effects}, number = {4}, pages = {767--794}, volume = {82}, journal = {Language}, year = {2006}, } @InProceedings{Abeille.2019.Quasy, author = {Abeillé, Anne and Winckel, Elodie}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the First Workshop on {Q}uantitative {S}yntax ({Q}uasy, {S}yntax{F}est 2019, {Paris})}, title = {Extracting out of the subject in {F}rench: {Experimental} evidence}, doi = {10.18653/v1/W19-7908}, pages = {68--74}, publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics}, address = {Stroudsburg, PA}, year = {2019}, } @Article{Sprouse.2009, author = {Sprouse, Jon}, title = {Revisiting Satiation: {Evidence} for an Equalization Response Strategy}, doi = {10.1162/ling.2009.40.2.329}, issn = {0024-3892}, number = {2}, pages = {329--341}, volume = {40}, abstract = {This reply revisits the topic of syntactic satiation as first discussed in Snyder 2000. I argue that the satiation effect reported in Snyder 2000 is the result of a response strategy in which participants attempt to equalize the number of yes and no responses, a strategy enabled by the design features of Snyder's original experiment. Four predictions differentiate the response strategy from a true satiation effect. Nine experiments are presented to test these predictions. The results are discussed with respect to the nature of satiation, the stability of acceptability judgments, and the consequences for linguistic methodology.}, journal = {Linguistic Inquiry}, year = {2009}, } @PhdThesis{Kitagawa.1986, author = {Kitagawa, Yoshi}, title = {Subjects in {Japanese} and {English}}, type = {Ph.{D}. {Thesis}}, school = {University of Massachusetts}, year = {1986}, } @Book{Mueller.G.1998, author = {Müller, Gereon}, title = {Incomplete Category Fronting: {A} Derivational Approach to Remnant Movement in {German}}, number = {42}, publisher = {Kluwer}, series = {Studies in Natural Language \& Linguistic Theory}, address = {Dordrecht}, year = {1998}, } @book{Watanabe.1992, author = {Watanabe, Akira}, publisher = {MITWPL}, title = {Wh-In-Situ, Subjacency, and Chain Formation}, address = {Cambridge, MA}, series = {MIT Occasional Papers in Linguistics}, number = {2}, year = {1992}, } @InProceedings{Bonami.1998, author = {Bonami, Olivier and Godard, Danièle and Marandin, Jean-Marie}, booktitle = {Proceedings {Joint} {Conference} on {Formal Grammar}, {Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar}, and {Categorial Grammar}}, title = {French subject inversion in extraction contexts}, editor = {Bouma, Gosse and Kruijff, Geert-Jan and Oehrle, Richard T.}, pages = {101--112}, year = {1998}, } @InCollection{Kratzer.1996, author = {Kratzer, Angelika}, booktitle = {Phrase Structure and the Lexicon}, title = {Severing the External Argument from its Verb}, doi = {10.1007/978-94-015-8617-7_5}, editor = {Rooryck, Johan and Zaring, Laurie}, isbn = {978-94-015-8617-7}, number = {33}, pages = {109--137}, publisher = {Springer}, series = {Studies in Natural Language and Linguistic Theory}, abstract = {In his analysis of action sentences, Donald Davidson drew a clear distinction between arguments and adjuncts. Neglecting temporal relations, sentences like(1)We bought your slippers in Marrakesh.}, address = {Dordrecht}, year = {1996}, } @Article{LeGoffic.2007, author = {Le Goffic, Pierre}, title = {Les mots qu- entre interrogation, indéfinition et subordination~: {Quelques} repères}, issn = {07567138}, pages = {13--46}, volume = {18}, journal = {Lexique}, year = {2007}, } @Misc{Frantext, author = {ATILF and CNRS and Université de Lorraine}, title = {Base textuelle {FRANTEXT}}, note = {Version décembre 2016}, url = {http://www.frantext.fr}, alias = {Frantext}, year = {2016}, } @Article{Dong.2021, author = {Dong, Zhiyin and Rhodes, Ryan and Hestvik, Arild}, title = {Active Gap Filling and Island Constraint in Processing the {Mandarin} “Gap-Type” Topic Structure}, doi = {10.3389/fcomm.2021.650659}, pages = {650659}, volume = {6}, journal = {Frontiers in Communication}, year = {2021}, } @InCollection{Krifka.2007, author = {Krifka, Manfred}, booktitle = {The notions of information structure}, title = {Basic Notions of Information Structure}, editor = {Caroline Féry, Gisbert Fanselow and Manfred Krifka}, pages = {13--56}, publisher = {Universitätsverlag Potsdam}, series = {Interdisciplinary {Studies} on {Information} {Structure}}, number = {6}, address = {Potsdam}, url = {https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-15472}, year = {2007}, } @Article{Bader.2010, author = {Bader, Markus and Häussler, Jana}, title = {Toward a model of grammaticality judgments}, doi = {10.1017/S0022226709990260}, issn = {1469-7742, 0022-2267}, number = {2}, pages = {273--330}, volume = {46}, abstract = {This paper presents three experiments that investigate the relationship between gradient and binary judgments of grammaticality. In the first two experiments, two different groups of participants judged sentences by the method of magnitude estimation and by the method of speeded grammaticality judgments in a single session. The two experiments involved identical sentence materials but they differed in the order in which the two procedures were applied. The results show a high correlation between the magnitude estimation data and the speeded grammaticality judgments data, both within a session and across the two sessions. The third experiment was a questionnaire study in which participants judged the same sentences as either grammatical or ungrammatical without time pressure. This experiment yielded results quite similar to those of the other two experiments. Thus gradient and binary judgments both provide valuable and reliable sources for linguistic theory when assessed in an experimentally controlled way. We present a model based on Signal Detection Theory which specifies how gradient grammaticality scores are mapped to binary grammaticality judgments. Finally, we compare our experimental results to existing corpus data in order to inquire into the relationship between grammaticality and frequency of usage.}, journal = {Journal of {Linguistics}}, year = {2010}, } @Article{Barr.2013, author = {Barr, Dale J. and Levy, Roger and Scheepers, Christoph and Tily, Harry J.}, title = {Random effects structure for confirmatory hypothesis testing: {Keep} it maximal}, number = {3}, pages = {255--278}, volume = {68}, journal = {Journal of {Memory} and {Language}}, year = {2013}, } @Book{Giorgi.1991, author = {Giorgi, Alessandra and Longobardi, Giuseppe}, title = {The syntax of noun phrases: {Configuration}, parameters, and empty categories}, isbn = {9780521379021}, publisher = {{Cambridge University Press}}, series = {{Cambridge} {Studies} in {Linguistics}}, number = {57}, abstract = {Alessandra Giorgi and Giuseppe Longobardi's important study of the argument structure of lexical projections, in particular of noun phrases, makes substantial advances in this relatively neglected area. Working within a Government and Binding framework, the authors present strong new arguments in favor of the existence of empty categories, and evidence for the correct understanding of word order parameters and of Chomsky's Projection Principle. In particular, they elaborate and discuss a number of tests intended to define under which lexical and syntactic conditions an empty prenominal subject may or must occur in a noun phrase. The levels of structural attachment of the arguments of a head noun are carefully established by supporting assumptions made in this domain with independent evidence. As well as its theoretical advances, this book provides a descriptive analysis of nominal structure in Romance languages, compares it with corresponding structure in Germanic languages, and offers an introduction to Italian phrase structure. -- Back cover.}, address = {Cambridge, UK}, year = {1991}, } @Book{Chomsky.1986, author = {Chomsky, Noam}, title = {Barriers}, isbn = {9780262031189}, number = {13}, publisher = {{MIT Press}}, series = {Linguistic {Inquiry} {Monographs}}, address = {Cambridge, MA}, year = {1986}, } @Book{Chomsky.1981, author = {Chomsky, Noam}, title = {Lectures on Government and Binding}, publisher = {Mouton de Gruyter}, address = {Berlin and New York}, year = {1981}, } @InCollection{Blaszczak.2007, author = {Blaszczak, Joanna and Dipper, Stefanie and Fanselow, Gisbert and Ishihara, Shinishiro and Petrova, Svetlana and Skopeteas, Stavros and Weskott, Thomas and Zimmermann, Malte}, booktitle = {Information Structure in Cross-Linguistic Corpora}, title = {Morphology}, editor = {Dipper, Stefanie and Skopeteas, Stavros and Goetze, Michael}, number = {7}, pages = {55--94}, series = {Interdisciplinary {Studies} on {Information} {Structure}}, url = {https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-14199}, year = {2007}, location = {Potsdam}, publisher = {Universitätsverlag Potsdam} } @Article{Karssenberg.2018, author = {Karssenberg, Lena and Lahousse, Karen}, title = {The information structure of {French} \emph{il y a} clefts and \emph{c'est} clefts: {A} corpus-based analysis}, doi = {10.1515/ling-2018-0004}, issn = {0024-3949, 1613-396X}, number = {3}, pages = {513--548}, volume = {56}, journal = {Linguistics}, year = {2018}, } @InCollection{Hirschbuehler.1992, author = {Hirschbühler, Paul and Valois, Daniel}, booktitle = {Island Constraints}, title = {Argument extraction out of indirect questions in {French}}, doi = {10.1007/978-94-017-1980-3_7}, editor = {Goodluck, Helen and Rochemont, Michael}, number = {15}, pages = {195--222}, publisher = {Springer}, series = {Studies in Theoretical Psycholinguistics}, address = {Dordrecht}, year = {1992}, } @Article{Sprouse.2016, author = {Jon Sprouse and Ivano Caponigro and Ciro Greco and Carlo Cecchetto}, title = {Experimental syntax and the variation of island effects in {English} and {Italian}}, number = {1}, pages = {307--344}, volume = {34}, journal = {Natural Language \& Linguistic Theory}, year = {2016}, } @PhdThesis{An.2020, author = {An, Aixiu}, title = {Theoretical, empirical and computational approaches to agreement with coordination structures}, type = {{Ph.D.\ Thesis}}, address = {Paris}, school = {Université Paris Cité}, year = {2020}, } @InProceedings{Gibson.2000, author = {Ted Gibson}, booktitle = {Image, language, brain: {Papers} from the {First} {Mind} {Articulation} {Project} {Symposium}}, title = {The {Dependency} {Locality} {Theory}: {A} distance-based theory of linguistic complexity}, editor = {Alec Marantz and Yasushi Miyashita and Wayne O'Neil}, pages = {95--126}, publisher = {MIT Press}, address = {Cambridge, MA}, year = {2000}, } @Article{Sprouse.2012, author = {Sprouse, Jon and Wagers, Matt and Phillips, Colin}, title = {A test of the relation between working-memory capacity and syntactic island effects}, pages = {82--123}, volume = {88}, journal = {Language}, year = {2012}, } @Book{Milner.1978.syntaxe, author = {Milner, Jean Claude}, title = {De la syntaxe á l'interprétation: {Q}uantités, insultes, exclamations}, publisher = {Seuil}, address = {Paris}, year = {1978}, } @InCollection{Pesetsky.1987, author = {Pesetsky, David}, booktitle = {The Representation of (in)definiteness}, title = {Wh-in situ: {Movement} and unselective binding}, editor = {Reuland, Eric J. and Meulen, Alice G. B. ter}, number = {14}, pages = {98--129}, publisher = {MIT Press}, series = {Current Studies in Linguistics}, address = {Cambridge, MA}, year = {1987}, } % series : Langues et syntaxe @Article{Abeille.2008.Comparative-correlatives, author = {Abeillé, Anne and Borsley, Robert D.}, title = {Comparative correlatives and parameters}, doi = {10.1016/j.lingua.2008.02.001}, issn = {00243841}, number = {8}, pages = {1139--1157}, volume = {118}, journal = {Lingua}, year = {2008}, } @Article{Longobardi.1985, author = {Giuseppe Longobardi}, title = {Connectedness, Scope, and C-command}, issue = {2}, pages = {163--192}, url = {https://www.jstor.org/stable/4178429}, volume = {16}, journal = {Linguistic Inquiry}, year = {1985}, } @Misc{Eprime, author = {Schneider, Walter and Eschman, Amy and Zuccolotto, Anthony}, title = {E-Prime Reference Guide}, address = {Pittsburgh}, publisher = {Psychology Software Tools, Inc.}, year = {2012}, } @InCollection{Crysmann.2012, author = {Crysmann, Berthold}, booktitle = {Formal Grammar. 15th and 16th {International} {Conferences}. {FG} 2010, {Copenhagen}, {Denmark}, {August} 2010. {FG} 2011, {Ljubljana}, {Slovenia}, {August} 2011}, title = {Resumption and Island-hood in {Hausa}}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-32024-8_4}, editor = {Groote, Philippe de and Nederhof, Mark-Jan}, number = {7395}, publisher = {Springer}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, address = {Berlin}, year = {2012}, pages = {50--65} } @Book{Armstrong.2001, author = {Armstrong, Nigel}, title = {Social and stylistic variation in spoken {French}: {A} comparative approach}, number = {8}, publisher = {John Benjamins}, series = {Studies in Language, Culture and Society}, address = {Amsterdam and Philadelphia}, year = {2001}, } @InCollection{Longobardi.1984, author = {Longobardi, Giuseppe}, booktitle = {Sentential Complementation}, title = {Some remarks on connectedness and c-command}, editor = {Wim De Geest and Yvan Putseys}, isbn = {9783110882698}, pages = {151--164}, publisher = {Mouton de Gruyter}, address = {Berlin and New York}, year = {1984}, } @Article{Schlueter.2019, author = {Schlueter, Zoe and Parker, Dan and Lau, Ellen}, title = {Error-Driven Retrieval in Agreement Attraction Rarely Leads to Misinterpretation}, doi = {10.3389/fpsyg.2019.01002}, volume = {10}, abstract = {Previous work on agreement computation in sentence comprehension motivates a model in which the parser predicts the verb’s number and engages in retrieval of the agreement controller only when it detects a mismatch between the prediction and the bottom-up input. It is the error-driven second stage of this process that is prone to similarity-based interference and can result in the illusory licensing of a subject-verb number agreement violation in the presence of a structurally irrelevant noun matching the number marking on the verb (‘The bed by the lamps were…’), giving rise to an effect known as ‘agreement attraction’. Here we ask to what extent the error-driven retrieval process underlying the illusory licensing alters the structural and thematic representation of the sentence. We use a novel dual-task paradigm that combines self-paced reading with a speeded forced choice task to investigate whether agreement attraction leads comprehenders to erroneously interpret the attractor as the thematic subject, which would indicate structural reanalysis. Participants read sentence fragments (‘The bed by the lamp/lamps was/were undoubtedly quite’) and completed the sentences by choosing between two adjectives (‘comfortable’/’bright’) which were either compatible with the subject’s head noun or with the attractor. We found the expected agreement attraction profile in the self-paced reading data but the interpretive error occurs on only a small subset of attraction trials, suggesting that in agreement attraction agreement checking rarely matches the thematic relation. We propose that illusory licensing of an agreement violation often reflects a low-level rechecking process that is only concerned with number and does not have an impact on the structural representation of the sentence. Interestingly, this suggests that error-driven repair processes can result in a globally inconsistent final sentence representation with a persistent mismatch between the subject and the verb.}, journal = {Frontiers in Psychology}, year = {2019}, } % no pages in Frontiers in Psychology @InProceedings{Chomsky.2008, author = {Noam Chomsky}, booktitle = {Foundational Issues in Linguistic Theory: {Essays} in Honor of {Jean-Roger} {Vergnaud}}, title = {On Phases}, editor = {Robert Freidin and David Michaels and Carlos P. Otero and Maria Luisa Zubizarreta}, pages = {133--165}, publisher = {MIT Press}, address = {Cambridge, MA}, year = {2008}, } @InCollection{Gallego.2007, author = {Gallego, Ángel J. and Uriagereka, Juan}, booktitle = {Coreference, modality, and focus}, title = {Conditions on sub-extraction}, doi = {10.1075/la.111.04gal}, editor = {Eguren, Luis and {Fernández Soriano}, Olga}, isbn = {902729125X}, pages = {45--70}, publisher = {{John Benjamins}}, series = {Linguistik Aktuell\slash Linguistics Today}, number = {111}, address = {Amsterdam and Philadelphia}, year = {2007}, } @Article{Traxler.1996, author = {Traxler, Matthew J. and Pickering, Martin J.}, title = {Plausibility and the processing of unbounded dependencies: {An} eye-tracking study}, pages = {454--475}, volume = {35}, journal = {Journal of Memory and Language}, year = {1996}, } @Article{Sprouse.2017.design, author = {Jon Sprouse and Diego Almeida}, title = {Design sensitivity and statistical power in acceptability judgment experiments}, doi = {10.5334/gjgl.236}, issue = {1}, pages = {14}, volume = {2}, journal = {Glossa: A Journal of General Linguistics}, year = {2017}, } @Misc{Mensching.2018, author = {Mensching, Guido and Müller, Stefan and Werner, Franziska and Winckel, Elodie}, title = {Asymmetries in long distance dependencies in {French}}, note = {Talk at the 40.\ Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft in Stüttgart}, year = {2018}, } @Article{Miles.1930, author = {Miles, Walter R.}, title = {Ocular Dominance in Human Adults}, doi = {10.1080/00221309.1930.9918218}, issn = {0022-1309, 1940-0888}, number = {3}, pages = {412--430}, volume = {3}, journal = {The Journal of General Psychology}, year = {1930}, } @Unpublished{Chomsky.2005, author = {Noam Chomsky}, title = {On Phases}, note = {Manuscript}, url = {http://www.fosssil.in/Chomsky\_Phases.pdf}, year = {2005}, } @InCollection{Chomsky.2001, author = {Chomsky, Noam}, booktitle = {Ken {Hale}: {A} Life in Language}, title = {Derivation by phase}, doi = {10.7551/mitpress/4056.001.0001}, editor = {Kenstowicz, Michael}, isbn = {978-0-262-31612-5}, number = {36}, pages = {1--52}, publisher = {MIT Press}, series = {Current Studies in Linguistics}, address = {Cambridge, MA}, year = {2001}, } @Article{Kynette.1986, author = {Kynette, Donna and Kemper, Susan}, title = {Aging and the loss of grammatical forms: {A} cross-sectional study of language performance}, doi = {10.1016/0271-5309(86)90006-6}, issn = {02715309}, number = {1}, pages = {65--72}, volume = {6}, journal = {Language \& Communication}, year = {1986}, } % I. % J. @Book{Jackendoff.1977, author = {Jackendoff, Ray}, title = {$\bar{X}$ syntax: {A} study of phrase structure}, number = {2}, publisher = {MIT Press}, series = {Linguistic Inquiry Monographs}, address = {Cambridge, MA}, year = {1977}, } @Book{Wickham.2016, author = {Hadley Wickham}, title = {ggplot2: {Elegant} Graphics for Data Analysis}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-24277-4}, isbn = {978-3-319-24277-4}, publisher = {Springer}, url = {https://ggplot2.tidyverse.org}, address = {Cham}, year = {2016}, } @Article{Gibson.2013, author = {Gibson, Edward and Fedorenko, Evelina}, indexauthor = {Gibson, Ted and Fedorenko, Evelina}, title = {The need for quantitative methods in syntax and semantics research}, pages = {88--124}, volume = {28}, journal = {Language and Cognitive Processes}, year = {2013}, } @incollection{Stalnaker.1978, title = {Assertion}, isbn = {978-90-04-36887-3}, booktitle = {Pragmatics}, publisher = {Brill}, author = {Stalnaker, Robert C.}, year = {1978}, doi = {10.1163/9789004368873_013}, pages = {315--332}, } @InProceedings{Abeille.2003.Flexibility, author = {Anne Abeillé and Danièle Godard}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 10th {International} {Conference} on {Head}-{Driven} {Phrase} {Structure} {Grammar}, {Michigan} {State} {University}}, title = {The Syntactic Flexibility of Adverbs: {French} Degree Adverbs}, doi = {10.21248/hpsg.2003.2}, editor = {Stefan Müller}, pages = {26--46}, publisher = {CSLI Publications}, address = {Stanford}, year = {2003}, } @InCollection{Erteschik-Shir.2006, author = {Erteschik-Shir, Nomi}, booktitle = {Gradience in Grammar: {Generative} Perspectives}, title = {What’s What?}, editor = {Fanselow, Gisbert and Féry, Caroline and Schlesewsky, Matthias and Vogel, Ralf}, pages = {317--335}, publisher = {Oxford University Press}, address = {Oxford, UK and New York}, year = {2006}, } @Article{Kush.2022, author = {Kush, Dave and Dahl, Anne}, title = {L2 transfer of {L1} island-insensitivity: {The} case of {Norwegian}}, doi = {10.1177/0267658320956704}, issn = {0267-6583}, number = {2}, pages = {315--346}, volume = {38}, abstract = {Norwegian allows filler-gap dependencies into embedded questions, which are islands for filler-gap dependency formation in English. We ask whether there is evidence that Norwegian learners of English transfer the functional structure that permits island violations from their first language (L1) to their second language (L2). In two acceptability judgment studies, we find that Norwegians are more likely to accept ‘island-violating’ filler-gap dependencies in L2 English if the corresponding filler-gap dependency is acceptable in Norwegian: Norwegian learners variably accept English sentences with dependencies into embedded questions, but not into subject phrases. These results are consistent with models that permit transfer of abstract functional structure. Norwegians are still less likely to accept filler-gap dependencies into English embedded questions than Norwegian embedded questions. We interpret the latter finding as evidence that, despite transfer, Norwegian speakers may partially restructure their L2 English analysis. We discuss how indirect positive evidence may play a role in helping learners restructure.}, journal = {Second Language Research}, year = {2022}, } @Article{Gueron.1980, author = {Guéron, Jacqueline}, title = {On the Syntax and Semantics of {PP} Extraposition}, number = {4}, pages = {637--678}, volume = {11}, journal = {Linguistic Inquiry}, year = {1980}, } @InCollection{Abeille.2007.Relatives, author = {Abeillé, Anne and Godard, Danièle}, booktitle = {Le francais parlé au 21ème siècle: {Normes} et variations dans les discours et en interaction}, title = {Les relatives sans pronom relatif}, editor = {Abecassis, Michaël and Ayosso, Laure and Vialleton, Elodie}, pages = {37--60}, publisher = {L'Harmattan}, url = {https://halshs.archives-ouvertes.fr/halshs-00748342}, volume = {2}, address = {Paris}, year = {2007}, } @Article{Haegeman.2014, author = {Haegeman, Liliane and Jiménez-Fernández, Ángel L. and Radford, Andrew}, title = {Deconstructing the Subject Condition in terms of cumulative constraint violation}, pages = {73--150}, volume = {31}, journal = {The Linguistic Review}, year = {2014}, } @InProceedings{Boskovic.1998, author = {Bošković, Željko}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {North} {East} {Linguistic} {Society}}, title = {{LF} movement and the {Minimalist} {Program}}, pages = {43--57}, publisher = {GLSA (Graduate Linguistic Student Association)}, volume = {28}, address = {Amherst, MA}, year = {1998}, } @Article{Phillips.2006, author = {Phillips, Colin}, title = {The Real-Time Status of Island Phenomena}, number = {4}, pages = {795--823}, volume = {82}, journal = {Language}, year = {2006}, } @Article{Miller.2001, author = {Miller, Philip}, title = {Discourse constraints on (non)extraposition from subject in {English}}, doi = {10.1515/ling.2001.028}, number = {4}, pages = {683--701}, volume = {39}, journal = {Linguistics}, year = {2001}, } @InProceedings{Ladusaw.1994, author = {Ladusaw, William A.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of {SALT} {IV}}, title = {Thetic and categorical, stage and individual, weak and strong}, editor = {Harvey, Mandy and Santelmann, Lynn}, pages = {220--229}, publisher = {Cornell U. DMLL}, address = {Ithaca, NY}, year = {1994}, } @Article{Momma.2018, author = {Momma, Shota and Phillips, Colin}, title = {The relationship between parsing and generation}, pages = {233--254}, volume = {4}, journal = {Annual Review of Linguistics}, year = {2018}, } @Misc{Momma.2019, author = {Momma, Shota and Yoshida, Masaya and Ferreira, Victor}, title = {Structure before content: {Long}-distance dependency in sentence production}, note = {Talk at the 32nd Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing in Boulder, CO}, url = {https://www.colorado.edu/event/cuny2019/sites/default/files/attached-files/talk2\_momma\_etal.pdf}, urldate = {2020-03-18}, address = {Boulder, CO}, year = {2019}, } @Article{Herschensohn.1992, author = {Herschensohn, Julia}, title = {Case marking and {French} Psych-Verbs}, number = {1}, pages = {21--40}, volume = {15}, journal = {Lingvisticae Investigationes}, year = {1992}, } @InCollection{Kaiser.2015, author = {Kaiser, Georg and Quaglia, Stefano}, booktitle = {Charting the Landscape of Linguistics: {On} the Scope of {Josef} {Bayer}’s Work}, title = {In search of wh-in-situ in {Romance}: {An} investigation in detective stories}, editor = {Brandner, Ellen and Czypionka, Anna and Freitag, Constantin and Trotzke, Andreas}, pages = {92--103}, year = {2015}, } % online publication, no publisher or address @Book{Chomsky.1965, author = {Chomsky, Noam}, title = {Aspects of the Theory of Syntax}, publisher = {MIT Press}, address = {Cambridge, MA}, year = {1965}, } @InCollection{Chomsky.1964, author = {Chomsky, Noam}, booktitle = {The structure of language: {Readings} in the philosophy of language}, title = {Current issues in linguistic theory}, publisher = {Prentice Hall}, editor = {Fodor, Jerry A. and Katz, Jerrold J.}, pages = {50--118}, address = {Englewood Cliffs, NJ}, year = {1964}, } @Article{Just.1982, author = {Just, Marcel A. and Carpenter, Patricia A. and Woolley, Jacqueline D.}, title = {Paradigms and processes in reading comprehension}, number = {2}, pages = {228}, volume = {111}, journal = {Journal of Experimental Psychology: General}, publisher = {American Psychological Association}, year = {1982}, } @Article{Just.1980, author = {Just, Marcel A. and Carpenter, Patricia A.}, title = {A theory of reading: {From} eye fixations to comprehension}, doi = {10.1037/0033-295X.87.4.329}, issn = {1939-1471, 0033-295X}, number = {4}, pages = {329--354}, volume = {87}, journal = {Psychological Review}, year = {1980}, } @Article{Kush.2018, author = {Kush, Dave and Lohndal, Terje and Sprouse, Jon}, title = {Investigating variation in island effects}, doi = {10.1007/s11049-017-9390-z}, issn = {1573-0859}, number = {3}, pages = {743--779}, volume = {36}, abstract = {We present a series of large-scale formal acceptability judgment studies that explored Norwegian island phenomena in order to follow up on previous observations that speakers of Mainland Scandinavian languages like Norwegian accept violations of certain island constraints that are unacceptable in most languages cross-linguistically. We tested the acceptability of wh-extraction from five island types: whether-, complex NP, subject, adjunct, and relative clause (RC) islands. We found clear evidence of subject and adjunct island effects on wh-extraction. We failed to find evidence that Norwegians accept wh-extraction out of complex NPs and RCs. Our participants judged wh-extraction from complex NPs and RCs to be just as unacceptable as subject and adjunct island violations. The pattern of effects in Norwegian paralleled island effects that recent experimental work has documented in other languages like English and Italian (Sprouse et al. 2012, 2016). Norwegian judgments consistently differed from prior findings for one island type: whether-islands. Our results reveal that Norwegians exhibit significant inter-individual variation in their sensitivity to whether-island effects, with many participants exhibiting no sensitivity to whether-island violations whatsoever. We discuss the implications of our findings for universalist approaches to island constraints. We also suggest ways of reconciling our results with previous observations, and offer a systematic experimental framework in which future research can investigate factors that govern apparent island insensitivity.}, journal = {Natural Language {\&} Linguistic Theory}, year = {2018}, } @Article{Prince.1978, author = {Prince, Ellen}, title = {A comparison of wh-clefts and it-clefts in discourse}, pages = {883--906}, volume = {54}, journal = {Language}, year = {1978}, } @Article{Kush.2019, author = {Dave Kush and Terje Lohndal and Jon Sprouse}, title = {On the Island Sensitivity of Topicalization in {Norwegian}: {An} Experimental Investigation}, number = {3}, pages = {393--420}, volume = {95}, journal = {Language}, year = {2019}, } @Article{Thiberge.2018, author = {Thiberge, Gabriel}, title = {Position du syntagme Wh- en français~: {Réelle} optionnalité ou biais sociolinguistique~?}, url = {https://halshs.archives-ouvertes.fr/halshs-01802590}, journal = {{ELIS~: Echanges de linguistique en Sorbonne}}, publisher = {{Université Paris Sorbonne}}, year = {2018}, volume = {5} } @InCollection{DeKuthy.2020, author = {De Kuthy, Kordula}, booktitle = {Head-{Driven} {Phrase} {Structure} {Grammar}: {The} handbook}, title = {Information structure}, editor = {Müller, Stefan and Abeillé, Anne and Borsley, Robert D. and Koenig, Jean-Pierre}, publisher = {Language Science Press}, series = {Empirically {Oriented} {Theoretical} {Morphology} and {Syntax}}, number = {9}, address = {Berlin}, year = {2021}, pages = {1043--1078}, doi = {10.5281/zenodo.5599864} } @InCollection{Kuroda.1976, author = {Kuroda, Sige-Yuki}, booktitle = {Japanese Generative Grammar}, title = {Subject}, editor = {Shibatani, Masayoshi}, number = {5}, pages = {1--16}, publisher = {Academic Press}, series = {Syntax and {Semantics}}, address = {New York}, year = {1976}, } @InProceedings{Hale.2001, author = {Hale, {John T.}}, booktitle = {Second meeting of the {North} {American} chapter of the {Association} for {Computational Linguistics}}, title = {A Probabilistic {Earley} Parser as a Psycholinguistic Model}, url = {https://aclanthology.org/N01-1021}, year = {2001}, } @InProceedings{Sag.1994.Godard, author = {Ivan A. Sag and Danièle Godard}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {North} {East} {Linguistic} {Society} 24}, title = {Extraction of \emph{de}-Phrases from the {French} {NP}}, pages = {519--541}, publisher = {GLSA}, url = {http://lingo.stanford.edu/sag/papers/is-dg-nelspaper.pdf}, address = {Amherst, MA}, year = {1994}, } @Article{Abeille.2020.Cognition, author = {Abeillé, Anne and Hemforth, Barbara and Winckel, Elodie and Gibson, Edward}, title = {Extraction from subjects: {Differences} in acceptability depend on the discourse function of the construction}, doi = {10.1016/j.cognition.2020.104293}, issn = {00100277}, pages = {Article 104293}, volume = {204}, journal = {Cognition}, year = {2020}, } @PhdThesis{Huang.1982, author = {{Cheng-Teh J.} Huang}, title = {Logical relations in {Chinese} and the theory of grammar}, type = {{Ph.D.\ Thesis}}, url = {https://www.jstor.org/stable/4178404}, school = {MIT}, year = {1982}, } @Article{Hawkins.1999, author = {Hawkins, John A.}, title = {Processing Complexity and Filler-Gap Dependencies across Grammars}, doi = {10.2307/417261}, issn = {00978507}, number = {2}, pages = {244}, volume = {75}, journal = {Language}, year = {1999}, } @Article{Huang.1984, author = {{Cheng-Teh J.} Huang}, title = {On the distribution and reference of empty pronouns}, number = {4}, pages = {531--574}, volume = {15}, journal = {Linguistic Inquiry}, year = {1984}, } @Book{Landau.2010, author = {Landau, Idan}, title = {The locative syntax of experiencers}, number = {53}, publisher = {MIT Press}, series = {Linguistic Inquiry Monographs}, address = {Cambridge, MA}, year = {2010}, } @Book{Abeille.2007.Grammaires, author = {Abeillé, Anne}, title = {Les grammaires d'unification}, isbn = {9782746212510}, publisher = {Hermes Science publications}, address = {Paris}, year = {2007}, } @Article{Do.2017, author = {Do, Monica L. and Kaiser, Elsi}, title = {The Relationship between Syntactic Satiation and Syntactic Priming: {A} First Look}, doi = {10.3389/fpsyg.2017.01851}, issn = {1664-1078}, pages = {1851}, volume = {8}, abstract = {Syntactic satiation is the phenomenon where some sentences that initially seem ungrammatical appear more acceptable after repeated exposures (Snyder, 2000). We investigated satiation by manipulating two factors known to affect syntactic priming, a phenomenon where recent exposure to a grammatical structure facilitates subsequent processing of that structure (Bock, 1986). Specifically, we manipulated (i) Proximity of exposure (number of sentences between primes and targets) and (ii) Lexical repetition (type of phrase repeated across primes and targets). Experiment 1 investigated whether acceptability ratings of Complex-NP Constraint (CNPC) and Subject islands improve as consequence of these variables. If so, priming and satiation may be linked. When primes were separated from targets by one sentence, CNPC islands’ acceptability was improved by a preceding island of the same type, but Subject islands’ acceptability was not. When prime-target pairs were separated by five sentences, we found no improvement for either island type. Experiment 2 asked whether improvements in Experiment 1 reflected online processing or offline end-of-sentence effects. We used a self-paced reading paradigm to diagnose online structure-building and processing facilitation (Ivanova et al., 2012a) during processing. We found priming for Subject islands when primes and targets were close together, but not when they were further apart. No effects were detected when CNPC islands were close together, but there was a localized effect when sentences were further apart. The disjunction between Experiments 1 and 2 suggests repetition of the structure in Subject islands facilitated online processing but did not ‘spill over’ to acceptability ratings. Meanwhile, results for CNPC islands suggest that acceptability rating improvements in Experiment 1 may be driven by factors distinct from online processing facilitation. Together, our experiments show that satiation may not be a one-size-fit-all phenomenon but, instead, appears to manifest itself differently for different types of structures. Priming is possible and may be linked to satiation in some purportedly “unbuildable” structures (e.g., Subject islands), but not for all types (e.g., CNPC islands). Despite this, it appears that while the types of mechanisms targeting different island types are distinct, they are nevertheless similarly sensitive to the proximity between individual exposures.}, journal = {Frontiers in Psychology}, year = {2017}, } @Article{Norman.1992, author = {Norman, Suzanne and Kemper, Susan and Kynette, Donna}, title = {Adults' Reading Comprehension: {Effects} of Syntactic Complexity and Working Memory}, doi = {10.1093/geronj/47.4.P258}, issn = {0022-1422}, number = {4}, pages = {258--265}, volume = {47}, abstract = {{Two experiments investigated the relationship between working memory and reading comprehension. In the first, college students, 18 to 26 years of age, and adults, 60 to 92 years of age, were given a battery of tests of working memory, a standard timed reading comprehension test, and a reading test designed to explore how syntactic complexity affects comprehension. In a follow-up study, the adults were retested on a modified version of the syntax comprehension text. Age group declines in working memory and reading comprehension were obtained in Experiment I; age group declines in reading rate but not comprehension were obtained in Experiment II. The results suggest that working memory limitations affect elderly adults' ability to process complex syntactic constructions, lowering comprehension in the timed test (Experiment I) and reducing reading rates in the untimed test (Experiment II)}}, journal = {Journal of Gerontology}, year = {1992}, } @InProceedings{Sag.1994.Fodor, author = {Sag, Ivan A. and Fodor, Janet D.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Thirteenth {West} {Coast} {Conference} on {Formal} {Linguistics}}, title = {Extraction Without Traces}, editor = {Aranovich, Raul and Byrne, William and Preuss, Susanne and Senturia, Martha}, pages = {365--384}, publisher = {CSLI Publications}, address = {Stanford}, year = {1994}, } @Book{Kayne.1975, author = {Kayne, Richard S.}, title = {French syntax: {The} transformational cycle}, number = {6}, publisher = {MIT Press}, series = {Current Studies in Linguistics}, address = {Cambridge, MA}, year = {1975}, } @InProceedings{Kayne.1976, author = {Kayne, Richard S.}, booktitle = {Current Studies in {Romance} Linguistics}, title = {French relative \emph{que}}, editor = {Marta Luján and Frederick Gerald H.}, pages = {255--299}, publisher = {Georgetown University Press}, address = {Washington}, year = {1976}, } @Book{Hudson.2010, author = {Hudson, Richard A.}, title = {An Introduction to Word Grammar}, doi = {10.1017/CBO9780511781964}, isbn = {9780521896900}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, address = {Cambridge, UK}, year = {2010}, } @Book{Coveney.1996, author = {Coveney, Aidan B.}, title = {Variability in Spoken {French}: {A} Sociolinguistic Study of Interrogation and Negation}, publisher = {Elm Bank}, address = {Exeter}, year = {1996}, } @Article{Cheng.2000, author = {{Lisa Lai Shen} Cheng and Johan Rooryck}, title = {Licensing {Wh}-in-situ}, doi = {10.1111/1467-9612.00022}, issn = {1368-0005, 1467-9612}, number = {1}, pages = {1--19}, volume = {3}, journal = {Syntax}, year = {2000}, } @Article{Boeckx.1999, author = {Boeckx, Cedric}, title = {Decomposing {French} Questions}, number = {1}, pages = {69--80}, volume = {6}, journal = {University of Pennsylvania Working Papers in Linguistics}, year = {1999}, } @Article{Heck.2009, author = {Heck, Fabian}, title = {On certain properties of pied-piping}, doi = {10.1162/ling.2009.40.1.75}, number = {1}, pages = {75--111}, volume = {40}, journal = {Linguistic Inquiry}, year = {2009}, } @InProceedings{Marandin.2011, author = {Jean-Marie Marandin}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 18th {International} {Conference} on {Head}-{Driven} {Phrase} {Structure} {Grammar}, {University} of {Washington}}, title = {Subject Inversion in {French}: {The} Limits of Information Structure}, doi = {10.21248/hpsg.2011.19}, editor = {Stefan Müller}, pages = {327--347}, publisher = {CSLI Publications}, address = {Stanford, CA}, year = {2011}, } @PhdThesis{Richter.2000, author = {Richter, Frank}, title = {A Mathematical Formalism for Linguistic Theories with an Application in {Head}-{Driven} {Phrase} {Structure} {Grammar}}, type = {{Ph.D.\ Thesis}}, url = {http://w210.ub.uni-tuebingen.de/dbt/volltexte/2004/1203/}, school = {Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen}, year = {2000}, } @PhdThesis{Berard.2012, author = {Berard, Lolita}, title = {Dépendances à distance en français contemporain : Etude sur corpus ``C'est ce qu'on pense qui devrait être fait''}, type = {{Ph.D.\ Thesis}}, url = {http://www.theses.fr/2012LORR0321/document}, school = {Université de Lorraine}, year = {2012}, } @Article{Deane.1991, author = {Deane, Paul}, title = {Limits to Attention: {A} Cognitive Theory of Island Phenomena}, pages = {1--63}, volume = {2(1)}, journal = {Cognitive Linguistics}, year = {1991}, } @Misc{Ibex, author = {Drummond, Alex}, title = {Internet {Based} {EXperiments} ({IBEX})}, url = {http://spellout.net/ibexfarm}, year = {2010}, } @Article{Rayner.1986, author = {Rayner, Keith and Duffy, Susan A.}, title = {Lexical complexity and fixation times in reading: {Effects} of word frequency, verb complexity, and lexical ambiguity}, doi = {10.3758/BF03197692}, issn = {0090-502X, 1532-5946}, number = {3}, pages = {191--201}, volume = {14}, journal = {Memory \& Cognition}, year = {1986}, } @InCollection{Mueller.S.2000, author = {Müller, Stefan and Kasper, Walter}, booktitle = {Verbmobil: {Foundations} of Speech-to-Speech Translation}, title = {{HPSG} Analysis of {German}}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-662-04230-4_17}, editor = {Wahlster, Wolfgang}, pages = {238--253}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin}, year = {2000}, } @Misc{Bosch.2020, author = {Bosch, Sina and De Cesare, Ilaria and Felser, Claudia and Demske, Ulrike}, title = {A multi‐methodological approach to word order variation in {German} infinitival complementation}, note = {Talk at Linguistic Evidence 2020}, url = {https://uni-tuebingen.de/en/research/core-research/collaborative-research-centers/crc-833/linguistic-evidence-2020/le-2020-programme}, urldate = {2020-07-23}, address = {Tübingen}, year = {2020}, } @Book{Tellier.1991, author = {Tellier, Christine}, title = {Licensing theory and {French} parasitic gaps}, isbn = {9780792313915}, number = {26}, publisher = {Kluwer}, series = {Studies in Natural Language and Linguistic Theory}, address = {Dordrecht}, year = {1991}, } @Misc{Abeille.1998, author = {Abeillé, Anne and Godard, Danièle and Sag, Ivan A.}, title = {French relative clauses}, note = {manuscript}, year = {1998}, } @Article{Tellier.1990, author = {Tellier, Christine}, title = {Subjacency and Subject Condition Violations in {French}}, number = {2}, pages = {306--311}, url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/4178676}, volume = {21}, journal = {Linguistic Inquiry}, year = {1990}, } % A. @InCollection{Abeille.1997, author = {Abeillé, Anne and Godard, Danièle}, booktitle = {Negation and Polarity}, title = {The syntax of {French} negative adverbs}, editor = {Danielle Forget and Paul Hirschbuhler and France Martineau and {Maria Luisa} Rivero}, publisher = {John Benjamins}, address = {Amsterdam and Philadelphia}, year = {1997}, doi = {10.1075/cilt.155.02abe}, pages = {11--13} } % U. @Article{Ueno.2009, author = {Ueno, Mieko and Polinsky, Maria}, title = {Does headedness affect processing? {A} new look at the {VO}--{OV} contrast}, doi = {10.1017/S0022226709990065}, number = {3}, pages = {675–710}, volume = {45}, address = {Cambridge, UK}, journal = {Journal of {Linguistics}}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, year = {2009}, } @Article{Destruel.2019, author = {Destruel, Emilie and Beaver, David I. and Coppock, Elizabeth}, title = {It's Not What You Expected! {The} Surprising Nature of Cleft Alternatives in {French} and {English}}, doi = {10.3389/fpsyg.2019.01400}, issn = {1664-1078}, pages = {1400}, volume = {10}, abstract = {While much prior literature on the meaning of clefts—such as the English form “it is X who Z-ed”—concentrates on the nature and status of the exhaustivity inference (“nobody/nothing other than X Z”), we report on experiments examining the role of the doxastic status of alternatives on the naturalness of c'est-clefts in French and it-clefts in English. Specifically, we study the hypothesis that clefts indicate a conflict with a doxastic commitment held by some discourse participant. Results from naturalness tasks suggest that clefts are improved by a property we term “contrariness” (along the lines of Zimmermann, 2008). This property has a gradient effect on felicity judgments: the more strongly interlocutors appear committed to an apparently false notion, the better it is to repudiate them with a cleft.}, journal = {Frontiers in Psychology}, year = {2019}, } @book{Pechmann.1994, title = {Word order in the {German} middle field: {Linguistic} theory and psycholinguistic evidence}, author = {Pechmann, Thomas and Uszkoreit, Hans and Engelkamp, Johannes and Zerbst, Dieter}, year = {1994}, series = {CLAUS Report}, number = {43}, publisher = {Department of Computational Linguistics, Saarland University}, location = {Saarbrücken} } @InCollection{Fodor.2017, author = {Fodor, Janet D. and Nickels, Stefanie and Schott, Esther}, booktitle = {On Concepts, Modules, and Language: {Cognitive} Science at Its Core}, title = {Center-Embedded Sentences}, doi = {10.1093/oso/9780190464783.003.0007}, editor = {de Almeida, Roberto G. and Gleitman, Lila R.}, publisher = {Oxford University Press}, abstract = {Doubly center-embedded relative clause constructions such as “The rat that the cat that the dog chased killed ate the malt” are notoriously difficult to parse. Many explanations have been offered. This chapter proposes a novel one: an alignment problem at the syntax-prosody interface, consisting of a mismatch between the heavily nested syntactic structure and the flat structure required by prosodic phrasing. Selective shrinking and lengthening of phrases within the sentence can coax the prosodic processor into creating rhythmic packages that fit well with the nested syntactic tree structure. Long outer phrases and short inner ones help with that, while short outer phrases and long inner ones hinder it. The chapter discusses two experiments—reading aloud with facilitation; reading aloud followed by grammaticality judgment—that provide evidence that produced prosody is the causal link between phrase lengths and ease of processing, though not exhibiting a “missing-VP effect” for either sentence type.}, address = {Oxford, UK and New York}, year = {2017}, pages = {139--168} } @InProceedings{Blanche-Benveniste.1990, author = {Claire Blanche-Benveniste}, booktitle = {Towards a typology of {European} languages}, title = {Usages normatifs et non normatifs dans des relatives en français, espagnol, portugais}, editor = {Johannes Bechert and Giuliano Bernini and Claude Buridant}, pages = {317--333}, publisher = {Mouton de Gruyter}, address = {Berlin}, year = {1990}, } @Article{Boland.1995, author = {Boland, Julie E. and Tanenhaus, Michael K. and Garnsey, Susan M. and Carlson, Greg N.}, title = {Verb argument structure in parsing and interpretation: {Evidence} from wh-questions}, pages = {413--432}, volume = {43}, journal = {Journal of Memory and Language}, year = {1995}, } @InCollection{Destruel.2012, author = {Destruel, Emilie}, booktitle = {Empirical Issues in Syntax and Semantics 9 ({Selected} papers from {CSSP} 2011)}, title = {The {French} \emph{c'est}-cleft: {An} empirical study on its meaning and use}, editor = {Piñon, Christopher}, pages = {95--112}, publisher = {CSSP}, url = {http://www.cssp.cnrs.fr/eiss9/}, address = {Paris}, year = {2012}, } @Book{DeKuthy.2002, author = {De Kuthy, Kordula}, title = {Discontinuous {NP}s in {German}}, number = {14}, publisher = {CSLI Publications}, series = {Series in Contraint-Based Lexicalism}, address = {Stanford, CA}, year = {2002}, } @Article{Copestake.2005, author = {Ann Copestake and Dan Flickinger and Carl Pollard and {Ivan A.} Sag}, title = {Minimal {Recursion} {Semantics}}, pages = {281--332}, volume = {3}, journal = {Research on Language and Computation}, year = {2005}, } % F. @Article{Fadlon.2019, author = {Fadlon, Julie and Morgan, Adam M. and Meltzer-Asscher, Aya and Ferreira, Victor S.}, title = {It depends: {Optionality} in the production of filler-gap dependencies}, pages = {40--76}, volume = {106}, journal = {Journal of Memory and Language}, year = {2019}, } @InProceedings{Przepiorkowski.2016, author = {Przepiórkowski, Adam}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {Joint} 2016 {Conference} on {Head}-driven {Phrase} {Structure} {Grammar} and {Lexical} {Functional} {Grammar}, {Polish} {Academy} of {Sciences}, {Warsaw}, {Poland}}, title = {How \emph{not} to distinguish arguments from adjuncts in {LFG}}, doi = {10.21248/hpsg.2016.29}, editor = {Arnold, Doug and Butt, Miriam and Crysmann, Berthold and King, Tracy Holloway and Müller, Stefan}, pages = {560--580}, publisher = {CSLI Publications}, address = {Stanford, CA}, year = {2016}, } @Misc{Santorini.2017, author = {Santorini, Beatrice}, title = {({Un}?)expected movement}, note = {Homepage}, url = {http://www.ling.upenn.edu/~beatrice/examples/movement.html}, year = {2017}, } @InCollection{Staub.2007, author = {Staub, Adrian and Rayner, Keith}, booktitle = {The {Oxford} Handbook of Psycholinguistics}, title = {Eye movements and on-line comprehension processes}, doi = {10.1093/oxfordhb/9780198568971.013.0019}, editor = {Gaskell, M. Gareth}, pages = {326--342}, publisher = {Oxford University Press}, address = {Oxford, UK and New York}, year = {2007}, } @InCollection{Doetjes.2004, author = {Doetjes, Jenny and Rebuschi, Georges and Rialland, Annie}, booktitle = {Handbook of {French} semantics}, title = {Cleft sentences}, editor = {Corblin, Francis and Swart, Henriëtte de}, number = {170}, pages = {529--552}, publisher = {CSLI Publications}, series = {{CSLI} {Lecture} {Notes}}, address = {Stanford, CA}, year = {2004}, } % E. @Book{Edwards.1957, author = {Edwards, Allen L}, title = {The social desirability variable in personality assessment and research}, publisher = {Dryden}, address = {New York}, year = {1957}, } @PhdThesis{Sprouse.2007.PhD, author = {Sprouse, Jon}, title = {A program for Experimental Syntax: {Finding} the relationship between acceptability and grammatical knowledge}, type = {{Ph.D.\ Thesis}}, school = {University of Maryland}, year = {2007}, } @Article{Gennari.2008, author = {Gennari, Silvia P. and McDonald, Maryellen C.}, title = {Semantic indeterminacy in object relative clauses}, number = {4}, pages = {161--187}, volume = {58}, journal = {Journal of Memory and Language}, year = {2008}, } @Article{Clark.1998, author = {Clark, Herbert H. and Wasow, Thomas}, title = {Repeating Words in Spontaneous Speech}, doi = {10.1006/cogp.1998.0693}, issn = {00100285}, number = {3}, pages = {201--242}, volume = {37}, journal = {Cognitive Psychology}, year = {1998}, } @Misc{Larrivee.2016, author = {Larrivée, Pierre}, title = {Les interrogatives in-situ sont-elles pragmatiquement marquées en français vernaculaire~? {Investigation} synchronique et historique}, address = {Ludwig Maximilians Universität München}, year = {2016}, } @InCollection{Clifton.1989, author = {Clifton, Charles and Frazier, Lyn}, booktitle = {Linguistic structure in language processing}, title = {Comprehending sentences with long distance dependencies}, editor = {Carlson, Gregory N. and Tannenhaus, Michael K.}, pages = {272--317}, publisher = {Kluwer}, address = {Dordrecht}, year = {1989}, } @Article{Sprouse.2007.Acceptability, author = {Sprouse, Jon}, title = {Continuous Acceptability, Categorical Grammaticality, and Experimental Syntax}, pages = {118--129}, volume = {1}, journal = {Biolinguistics}, year = {2007}, } @Article{Mueller.S.2017, author = {Müller, Stefan}, title = {Head-{Driven} {Phrase} {Structure} {Grammar}, {Sign}-{Based} {Construction} {Grammar}, and {Fluid} {Construction} {Grammar}: {Commonalities} and differences}, doi = {10.1075/cf.9.1.05mul}, issn = {1876-1933, 1876-1941}, number = {1}, pages = {139--173}, volume = {9}, abstract = {Van Trijp (2013, 2014) claims that Sign-Based Construction Grammar (SBCG) and Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar (HPSG) are fundamentally different from Fluid Construction Grammar (FCG). He claims that the former approaches are generative ones while the latter is a cognitive-functional one. I argue that it is not legitimate to draw these distinctions on the basis of what is done in FCG. Van Trijp claims that there are differences in the scientific model, the linguistic approach, formalization, the way constructions are seen, and in terms of processing. This paper discusses all these alleged differences. Van Trijp also claims that his cognitive-functional approach is superior in terms of completeness, explanatory adequacy, and theoretical parsimony. In order to facilitate a discussion and comparison, I introduce the reader to basic assumptions made in FCG and the analyses suggested by Van Trijp: I first deal with the representations that are used in FCG, talk about argument structure constructions, the combination operations fusion and merging that are used in FCG, I than discuss the analysis of nonlocal dependencies and show that the suggested FCG analysis is not explanatorily adequate since it is not descriptively adequate and that a full formalization of approaches with discontinuous constituents is not more parsimonious than existing HPSG analyses either. After the discussion of specific analyses, I then provide a detailed comparison of FCG and SBCG/HPSG and discuss questions like the competence/performance distinction, mathematical formalization vs. computer implementation, fuzziness and fluidity in grammars, and permissiveness of theories. I conclude that HPSG, SBCG, and FCG belong to the same family of theories and that all claims to the contrary are unjustified.}, journal = {Constructions and Frames}, year = {2017}, } @Book{Mueller.S.2016, author = {Müller, Stefan}, title = {Grammatical Theory: {From} Transformational Grammar to Constraint-Based Approaches}, doi = {10.17169/langsci.b25.167}, number = {1}, publisher = {Language Science Press}, series = {Textbooks in {Language} {Sciences}}, address = {Berlin}, year = {2016}, } @Article{Mueller.S.2015, author = {Stefan Müller}, title = {The {CoreGram} {Project}: {Theoretical} Linguistics, Theory Development and Verification}, number = {1}, pages = {21--86}, volume = {3}, journal = {Journal of Language Modelling}, year = {2015}, } @Article{Gibson.1998, author = {Ted Gibson}, title = {Linguistic complexity: {Locality} of syntactic dependencies}, pages = {1--76}, volume = {68}, journal = {Cognition}, year = {1998}, } % P. @Article{Paneda.2020, author = {Pañeda, Claudia and Lago, Sol and Vares, Elena and Veríssimo, João and Felser, Claudia}, title = {Island effects in {Spanish} comprehension}, doi = {10.5334/gjgl.1058}, number = {1}, volume = {5}, journal = {Glossa: A Journal of General Linguistics}, year = {2020}, pages = {21} } @InProceedings{Song.2012, author = {Song, Sanghoun and Bender, Emily M.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 19th {International} {Conference} on {Head}-{Driven} {Phrase} {Structure} {Grammar}, {Chungnam} {National} {University} {Daejeon}}, title = {Individual Constraints for Information Structure}, doi = {10.21248/hpsg.2012.19}, editor = {Müller, Stefan}, pages = {330--348}, year = {2012}, } @Article{Reinhart.1982, author = {Reinhart, Tanya}, title = {Pragmatics and linguistics: {An} analysis of sentence topics}, pages = {53--94}, volume = {27}, journal = {Philosophica}, year = {1982}, } @Article{Song.2016, author = {Song, Sanghoun}, title = {A multilingual grammar model of honorification: {Using} the {HPSG} and {MRS} formalism}, number = {1}, pages = {25--49}, volume = {20}, journal = {Language and Information}, year = {2016}, } @Book{Song.2017, author = {Song, Sanghoun}, title = {Modeling Information Structure in a cross-linguistic perspective}, number = {1}, publisher = {Language Science Press}, series = {Topics at the {Grammar}-{Discourse} {Interface}}, doi = {10.5281/zenodo.818365}, abstract = {This study makes substantial contributions to both the theoretical and computational treatment of information structure, with a specific focus on creating natural language processing applications such as multilingual machine translation systems. The present study first provides cross-linguistic findings in regards to information structure meanings and markings. Building upon such findings, the current model represents information structure within the HPSG/MRS framework using Individual Constraints. The primary goal of the present study is to create a multilingual grammar model of information structure for the LinGO Grammar Matrix system. The present study explores the construction of a grammar library for creating customized grammar incorporating information structure and illustrates how the information structure-based model improves performance of transfer-based machine translation.}, address = {Berlin}, year = {2017}, } @Article{Kluender.1993.Bridging, author = {Kluender, Robert and Kutas, Marta}, title = {Bridging the Gap: {Evidence} from {ERPs} on the Processing of Unbounded Dependencies}, number = {2}, pages = {196--214}, volume = {5}, abstract = {Since the early days of generative grammar, the study of "unbounded dependencies" such as wh-questions and relative clauses has occupied a central place in both syntactic theory and language processing research. The problem that such constructions pose is as follows. In a normal wh-question, a wh-phrase is typically displaced to the left periphery of a clause (What did you say - to John?); this displaced constituent is often referred to as a "filler." The vacant position (indicated in the previous example by a blank line) where it would ordinarily occur in an "echo" question (You said what to John?) is correspondingly referred to as a "gap." Filler and gap are mutually dependent on each other since they share syntactic and semantic information essential for successful sentence interpretation. However, since sentence processing is a sequential operation, a filler cannot be assigned to its gap until some time after it has occurred. In other words, the filler must be held in working memory until such time as filler-gap assignment can take place. The intent of the research reported here was to examine the processing of unbounded dependencies in English as revealed in event-related brain potentials (ERPs). To this end, subjects were shown both grammatical and ungrammatical yes/no-questions (Did you say something to John?) and wh-questions. A number of comparisons made at various points in these questions showed that both the storage of a filler in working memory and its subsequent retrieval for filler-gap assignment were associated with an enhanced negativity between 300 and 500 msec poststimulus over left anterior sites. This effect of left anterior negativity (LAN) was independent of and orthogonal to the grammaticality of the eliciting condition. We show how this interpretation coincides with recent studies that demonstrate a correlation between left anterior negativity, working memory capacity, and successful language processing.}, journal = {Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience}, year = {1993}, } @Article{Holmes.1981, author = {Holmes, Virginia M. and O'Reagan, J. Kevin}, title = {Eye Fixation Patterns during the Reading of Relative-Clause Sentences}, pages = {417--430}, volume = {20}, journal = {Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behaviour}, year = {1981}, } @Article{Kiss.2005, author = {Tibor Kiss}, title = {Semantic Constraints on Relative Clause Extraposition}, number = {2}, pages = {281--334}, volume = {23}, journal = {Natural Language \& Linguistic Theory}, year = {2005}, } @InCollection{Engdahl.1999, author = {Engdahl, Elisabeth}, booktitle = {Boundaries of Morphology and Syntax}, title = {Integrating pragmatics into the grammar}, editor = {Mereu, Lunella}, pages = {175--194}, publisher = {John Benjamins}, address = {Amsterdam and Philadelphia}, year = {1999}, } @Article{Lascarides.1999, author = {Lascarides, Alex and Copestake, Ann}, title = {Default Representation in Constraint-Based Frameworks}, issn = {0891-2017}, number = {1}, pages = {55–105}, volume = {25}, abstract = {Default unification has been used in several linguistic applications. Most of them have utilized defaults at a metalevel, as part of an extended description language. We propose that allowing default unification to be a fully integrated part of a typed feature structure system requires default unification to be a binary, order independent function, so that it acquires the perspicuity and declarativity familiar from normal unification-based frameworks. Furthermore, in order to respect the behaviour of defaults, default unification should allow default reentrancies and values on more general types to be overridden by conflicting default information on more specific types. We define what we believe is the first version of default unification to fully satisfy these criteria, and argue that it can improve the representation of a range of phenomena in syntax, semantics and the lexico-pragmatic interface.}, address = {Cambridge, MA}, journal = {Computational Linguistics}, publisher = {MIT Press}, year = {1999}, } @Article{Stepanov.2007, author = {Stepanov, Arthur}, title = {The end of {CED}? {Minimalism} and extraction domains}, pages = {80--126}, volume = {10(1)}, journal = {Syntax}, year = {2007}, } @Misc{clmm, author = {{Rune H.\ B.} Christensen}, title = {ordinal: {Regression} Models for Ordinal Data}, note = {R package version 2019.12-10}, url = {https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=ordinal}, year = {2019}, } @InProceedings{Engdahl.1996, author = {Engdahl, Elisabeth and Vallduví, Enric}, booktitle = {Studies in {HPSG}}, title = {Information Packaging in {HPSG}}, editor = {Claire Grover and Enric Vallduví}, pages = {1--31}, publisher = {Centre for Cognitive Science}, series = {Edinburgh working papers in cognitive science}, volume = {12}, address = {Edinburgh}, year = {1996}, } @InCollection{Polinsky.2013, author = {Maria Polinsky and {Carlos G.} Gallo and Peter Graff and Ekaterina Kravtchenko and {Adam Milton} Morgan and Anne Sturgeon}, booktitle = {Experimental Syntax and Island Effects}, title = {Subject islands are different}, editor = {Jon Sprouse and Norbert Hornstein}, pages = {286--309}, publisher = {{Cambridge University Press}}, address = {Cambridge, UK}, year = {2013}, } @Book{Chaves.2020.UDC, author = {Chaves, Rui P. and Putnam, Michael T.}, title = {Unbounded Dependency Constructions: {Theoretical} and Experimental Perspectives}, publisher = {Oxford University Press}, address = {Oxford}, year = {2020}, } @InCollection{Rayner.1995, author = {Rayner, Keith and Raney, Gary E. and Pollatsek, Alexander}, booktitle = {Sources of coherence in reading}, title = {Eye movements and discourse processing}, editor = {Lorch Jr., Robert Frederick and O'Brien, Edward J.}, pages = {9--35}, publisher = {Routledge}, address = {Hillsdale, NJ}, place = {Abingdon}, year = {1995}, } % W. @InCollection{Wanner.1978, author = {Wanner, Eric and Maratsos, Michael}, booktitle = {Linguistic theory and psychological reality}, title = {An {ATN} approach to comprehension}, editor = {Halle, Morris and Bresnan, Joan and Miller, George A.}, pages = {119--161}, publisher = {MIT Press}, address = {Cambridge, MA}, year = {1978}, } @Book{Boeckx.2003, author = {Boeckx, Cedric}, title = {Islands and chains: {Resumption} as stranding}, isbn = {1588114090}, publisher = {{John Benjamins}}, series = {Linguistik Aktuell\slash Linguistics Today}, number = {63}, abstract = {The present work provides a detailed analysis of chain formation and locality conditions imposed on it within the Minimalist Program. It does so by analyzing resumptive strategies in great detail. This study claims that resumptive pronouns and their antecedents are first merged as constituents, and are separated via movement (thus forming instances of discontinuous constituents). Resumptive chains are thus akin to the well-known stranding analysis of quantifier float. A taxonomy of islands is developed that crucially ties barriers for movement to agreement possibilities. The stranding of a res.}, address = {Amsterdam and Philadelphia}, year = {2003}, } @Article{Ambridge.2008, author = {Ben Ambridge and Goldberg, Adele E.}, title = {The island status of clausal complements: {Evidence} in favor of an information structure explanation}, pages = {349--381}, volume = {19(3)}, journal = {Cognitive Linguistics}, year = {2008}, } @Misc{Dillon.2019, author = {Dillon, Brian and Wagers, Matthew}, title = {Approaching gradience in acceptability with the tools of signal detection theory}, doi = {10.31219/osf.io/apxru}, note = {OSF Preprints}, publisher = {OSF Preprints}, year = {2019}, } @PhdThesis{Cheng.1991, author = {{Lisa Lai Shen} Cheng}, title = {On the typology of wh-questions}, type = {{Ph.D.\ Thesis}}, url = {https://dspace.mit.edu/handle/1721.1/13938}, urldate = {2020-07-22}, abstract = {Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Linguistics and Philosophy, 1991.}, school = {Massachusetts Institute of Technology}, year = {1991}, } @Article{Sag.1996, author = {Sag, Ivan A. and Fodor, Janet D.}, title = {Une analyse sans catégorie vide des phénomènes d'extraction}, doi = {10.3406/lgge.1996.1747}, pages = {8--31}, volume = {122}, journal = {Langages}, year = {1996}, } @Article{Sag.1997, author = {Sag, Ivan A.}, title = {English Relative Clause Constructions}, number = {2}, pages = {431--484}, volume = {33}, journal = {Journal of {Linguistics}}, year = {1997}, } @Article{Jimenez-Fernandez.2009, author = {Jiménez-Fernández, Angel}, title = {On the composite nature of subject islands: {A} phase-based approach}, pages = {91--138}, volume = {22}, journal = {SKY Journal of Linguistics}, year = {2009}, } @article{Cuneo.2023, title = {The discourse functions of grammatical constructions explain an enduring syntactic puzzle}, volume = {240}, doi = {10.1016/j.cognition.2023.105563}, abstract = {Each grammatical construction serves a function, such as conveying that part an utterance is at-issue or is backgrounded. When multiple constructions combine to produce an utterance, their functions must be compatible. This preregistered study (N = 680) addresses the enigmatic case of “syntactic island constraints”: Long-distance dependency constructions (LDDs) do not combine equally well with all base constructions. While widely presumed to require unlearned syntactic constraints, we test the idea that it is infelicitous to make an element both prominent (via an LDD construction) and backgrounded (via the base construction). Using 10 base constructions of English (144 base stimuli), results confirm two independent measures of backgroundedness strongly correlate with acceptability ratings on each of three LDD constructions. Results indicate that “island” constraints arise from a clash between the functions of the constructions being combined.}, journal = {Cognition}, author = {Cuneo, Nicole and Goldberg, Adele E.}, year = {2023}, pages = {105563} } @incollection{Johansson.1998, address = {Amsterdam}, title = {Pied piping in spoken {English}}, abstract = {DiVA portal is a finding tool for research publications and student theses written at the following 50 universities and research institutions.}, booktitle = {Explorations in {Corpus} {Linguistics}}, publisher = {Rodopi}, author = {Johansson, Christine and Geisler, Christer}, editor = {Renouf, Antoinette}, year = {1998}, pages = {67--82} } @incollection{Hoffmann.2008, title = {English relative clauses and {Construction} {Grammar}: {A} topic which preposition placement can shed light on?}, abstract = {English relative clauses and Construction Grammar: A topic which preposition placement can shed light on? was published in Constructional Approaches to English Grammar on page 77.}, booktitle = {English relative clauses and {Construction} {Grammar}:}, publisher = {De Gruyter Mouton}, author = {Hoffmann, Thomas}, year = {2008}, doi = {10.1515/9783110199178.2.77}, pages = {77--112} } @book{Hoffmann.2011, address = {Cambridge}, title = {Preposition Placement in {English}: {A} Usage-based Approach}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, author = {Hoffmann, Thomas}, year = {2011}, doi = {10.1017/CBO9780511933868}, } @book{Austen1981, author = {Jane Austen}, year = {1981}, title = {The complete novels}, location = {New York}, publisher = {Gramercy} } @book{Quammen1985, author = {David Quammen}, year = {1985}, title = {Natural acts: {A} sidelong view of science and nature}, location = {New York}, publisher = {Laurel} }