@string{academicpress = "Academic Press"} @string{acl = "Association for Computational Linguistics"} @string{amsterdamphiladelphia = "Amsterdam"} @string{benjamins = "John Benjamins Publishing Co."} @string{berlinboston = "Berlin"} @string{blackwell = "Blackwell Publishers Ltd"} @string{brill = "Brill"} @string{cambridgeuk = "Cambridge, UK"} @string{cambridgeusalondon = "Cambridge, MA"} @string{chicagolondon = "Chicago, IL"} @string{cogsciedinburgh = "Centre for Cognitive Science, University of Edinburgh"} @string{columbus = "Columbus, OH"} @string{csli = "Center for the Study of Language and Information"} @string{cslip = "CSLI Publications"} @string{cup = "Cambridge University Press"} @string{daf = "Deutsch als Fremdsprache"} @string{degruyter = "de Gruyter"} @string{degruytermouton = "de Gruyter Mouton"} @string{dordrechtheidelbergnewyorklondon = "Dordrecht"} @string{drlav = "Documentation et Recherche en Linguistique Allemande Contemporaine. Revue de Linguistique"} @string{ds = "Deutsche Sprache"} @string{edinburgh = "Edinburgh"} @string{eotms = "Empirically Oriented Theoretical Morphology and Syntax"} @string{foris = "Foris Publications"} @string{gagl = "Groninger Arbeiten zur Germanistischen Linguistik"} @string{glossa = "Glossa: a journal of general linguistics"} @string{groningen = "Groningen"} @string{heidelberg = "Heidelberg"} @string{hueber = "Max Hueber Verlag"} @string{jl = "Journal of Linguistics"} @string{jlm = "Journal of Language Modelling"} @string{kluwer = "Kluwer Academic Publishers"} @string{la = "Linguistische Arbeiten"} @string{lalt = "Linguistik Aktuell\slash Linguistics Today"} @string{lang = "Peter Lang"} @string{lb = "Linguistische Berichte"} @string{leipzig = "Leipzig"} @string{li = "Linguistic Inquiry"} @string{lilt = "Linguistic Issues in Language Technology"} @string{lit = "Linguistik -- Impulse \& Tendenzen"} @string{lnai = "Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence"} @string{lncs = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science"} @string{london = "London"} @string{lp = "Linguistics and Philosophy"} @string{lsp = "Language Science Press"} @string{mannheim = "Mannheim"} @string{metzler = "Verlag J.\,B.\ Metzler"} @string{mitpress = "MIT Press"} @string{moutondegruyter = "Mouton de Gruyter"} @string{narrstauffenburg = "Gunter Narr Verlag"} @string{newyorkoxford = "New York, NY"} @string{niemeyer = "Max Niemeyer Verlag"} @string{nllt = "Natural Language \& Linguistic Theory"} @string{opladen = "Opladen"} @string{oup = "Oxford University Press"} @string{oxfordnewyork = "Oxford"} @string{pzl = "Papiere zur Linguistik"} @string{routledge = "Routledge"} @string{sgg = "Studies in Generative Grammar"} @string{springer = "Springer\hyp Verlag"} @string{stanford = "Stanford, CA"} @string{stauffenburg = "Stauffenburg Verlag"} @string{tlr = "The Linguistic Review"} @string{ucp = "The University of Chicago Press"} @string{walterdegruyter = "Walter de Gruyter"} @string{walthamtorontolondon = "Waltham, MA"} @string{westdeutscher = "Westdeutscher Verlag"} @string{wileyblackwell = "Wiley-Blackwell"} @incollection{AB2021a, author = {Abeillé, Anne and Borsley, Robert D.}, checked = {stmue 2021}, crossref = {HPSGHandbook}, doi = {10.5281/zenodo.5599818}, ids = {Abeille:Borsley2021a}, pages = {3--45}, title = {Basic Properties and Elements}, } @incollection{AC2021a, author = {Abeillé, Anne and Chaves, Rui P.}, checked = {stmue 2021}, crossref = {HPSGHandbook}, doi = {10.5281/zenodo.5599848}, pages = {725--776}, title = {Coordination}, } @book{Abraham82a-ed, editor = {Abraham, Werner}, publisher = narrstauffenburg, address = {Tübingen}, booktitle = {{Satzglieder im Deutschen -- Vorschläge zur syntaktischen, semantischen und pragmatischen Fundierung}}, checked = {stmue 2021}, number = {15}, series = {Studien zur deutschen Grammatik}, title = {{Satzglieder im Deutschen -- Vorschläge zur syntaktischen, semantischen und pragmatischen Fundierung}}, year = {1982}, } @book{Abraham83a-ed, editor = {Abraham, Werner}, publisher = benjamins, address = amsterdamphiladelphia, booktitle = {On the Formal Syntax of the {Westgermania: Papers from the 3rd Groningen Grammar Talks, Groningen, January 1981}}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.1075/la.3}, number = {3}, series = {Linguistik Aktuell/""Linguistics Today}, title = {On the Formal Syntax of the {Westgermania: Papers from the 3rd Groningen Grammar Talks, Groningen, January 1981}}, year = {1983}, } @book{Abraham85a-ed, editor = {Abraham, Werner}, publisher = narrstauffenburg, address = {Tübingen}, booktitle = {{Erklärende Syntax des Deutschen}}, checked = {stmue 2021}, langid = {ngerman}, number = {25}, series = {Studien zur deutschen Grammatik}, title = {{Erklärende Syntax des Deutschen}}, year = {1985}, } @book{Abraham95a-u, author = {Abraham, Werner}, publisher = stauffenburg, address = {Tübingen}, checked = {stmue 2021}, edition = {1}, number = {41}, series = {Studien zur deutschen Grammatik}, title = {{Deutsche Syntax im Sprachenvergleich: Grundlegung einer typologischen Syntax des Deutschen}}, year = {1995}, } @book{Abraham2005a, abstract = {zitiert von Zifonun99a Partikeln im Verbalkomplex, Himmelmann, zitiert vonMeureres2000b:295 haben -> Reversion des Passivs, Gunkel2003a:84 agentivität des externen Arguments für Passiv wichtig S.62}, author = {Abraham, Werner}, publisher = stauffenburg, address = {Tübingen}, checked = {stmue 2021}, edition = {2}, number = {41}, series = {Studien zur deutschen Grammatik}, title = {{Deutsche Syntax im Sprachenvergleich: Grundlegung einer typologischen Syntax des Deutschen}}, year = {2005}, } @book{AvG97, editor = {Abraham, Werner and {van Gelderen}, Elly}, publisher = niemeyer, address = {Tübingen}, booktitle = {{German}: {Syntactic} Problems---{Problematic} Syntax}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.1515/9783110914726}, number = {374}, series = la, title = {{German}: {Syntactic} Problems---{Problematic} Syntax}, year = {1997}, } @article{AMM2017a-u, author = {Ackerman, Farrell and Malouf, Robert and Moore, John}, checked = {dm2021}, doi = {10.1017/S0022226715000353}, ids = {Ackermanetal2017}, journal = jl, number = {1}, pages = {3--50}, title = {Symmetrical Objects in {Moro}: {Challenges} and Solutions}, volume = {53}, year = {2017}, } @article{Adams1987a-u, abstract = {The pattern of pro-drop found in OF suggested a revision in the theory of pro-drop. The theory proposed removes the phenomenon from the set of universal parameters and argues for the possibility of reducing it to directional government and feature identification. In this way we begin to explain why some languages do and some do not allow empty subjects. Notice that when one attributes a property to a parameter one is saying, in effect, that that property cannot be explained, at least not linguistically. The main purpose of this paper has been to try to explain linguistically the pro-drop parameter.}, author = {Adams, Marianne}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.1007/BF00161866}, journal = nllt, number = {1}, pages = {1--32}, title = {From {Old French} to the Theory of pro-Drop}, volume = {5}, year = {1987}, } @book{Adger2003a, author = {Adger, David}, publisher = oup, address = oxfordnewyork, booktitle = {Core Syntax: {A Minimalist} Approach}, checked = {stmue 2021}, number = {1}, series = {Oxford Core Linguistics}, title = {Core Syntax: {A Minimalist} Approach}, year = {2003}, } @book{AEEHHL2003a-ed, editor = {Ágel, Vilmos and Eichinger, Ludwig M. and Eroms, Hans-Werner and Hellwig, Peter and Heringer, Hans Jürgen and Lobin, Henning}, publisher = walterdegruyter, address = berlinboston, booktitle = {Dependency and Valency: {An} International Handbook of Contemporary Research}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.1515/9783110141900.1}, langid = {english}, number = {25}, series = {Handbooks of Linguistics and Communication Science}, title = {Dependency and Valency: {An} International Handbook of Contemporary Research}, volume = {1}, year = {2003}, } @book{AH97a-ed, editor = {Alexiadou, Artemis and Hall, T. Alan}, publisher = benjamins, address = amsterdamphiladelphia, booktitle = {Studies on {Universal Grammar} and Typological Variation}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.1075/la.13}, number = {13}, series = lalt, title = {Studies on {Universal Grammar} and Typological Variation}, year = {1997}, } @book{AAD73a, abstract = {Preis: 31.01.2016: 99,95€}, author = {Allwood, Jens and Anderson, Lars-Gunnar and Dahl, Östen}, publisher = niemeyer, address = {Tübingen}, checked = {stmue 2021}, number = {8}, series = {Romanistische Arbeitshefte}, title = {{Logik für Linguisten}}, year = {1973}, } @inproceedings{Alsina96a, abstract = {Argumentstructure operations in syntax, sieht so ein bißchen nach Construction Grammar aus}, author = {Alsina, Alex}, checked = {stmue 2021}, crossref = {BK96a-ed}, pages = {1--15}, title = {Resultatives: {A} Joint Operation of Semantic and Syntactic Structures}, } @inproceedings{Anderson2006a-u, author = {Anderson, Stephen R.}, crossref = {BLS32}, doi = {10.3765/bls.v32i1.3435}, pages = {3--21}, title = {Verb Second, Subject Clitics, and Impersonals in {Surmiran} ({Rumantsch})}, } @book{AK73a-ed, editor = {Anderson, Stephen R. and Kiparsky, Paul}, publisher = {Holt, Rinehart \& Winston}, address = newyorkoxford, booktitle = {A {Festschrift} for {Morris Halle}}, checked = {stmue 2021}, number = {none}, series = {none}, title = {A {Festschrift} for {Morris Halle}}, year = {1973}, } @proceedings{BLS32, editor = {Antić, Zhenya and Chang, Charles B. and Cibelli, Emily and Hong, Jisup and Houser, Michael J. and Sandy, Clare S. and Toosarvandani, Maziar and Yao, Yao}, publisher = {Berkeley Linguistics Society}, address = {Berkeley, CA}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {32nd Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society}: {Theoretical} Approaches to Argument Structure}, checked = {stmue 2021}, title = {Proceedings of the {32nd Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society}: {Theoretical} Approaches to Argument Structure}, volume = {32}, year = {2006}, } @article{AS83a, author = {Aoun, Joseph and Sportiche, Dominique}, annotation = {Heft fehlt bei De Gruyter online, keine DOI}, checked = {stmue 2021}, journal = tlr, number = {3}, pages = {211--236}, title = {On the Formal Theory of Government}, volume = {2}, year = {1983}, } @article{Askedal88, abstract = {zitiert in Eisenberg94:383}, author = {Askedal, John Ole}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.1515/zfgl.1988.16.1.1}, journal = {Zeitschrift für Germanistische Linguistik}, number = {1}, pages = {1--25}, title = {{Über den Infinitiv als Subjekt im Deutschen}}, volume = {16}, year = {1988}, } @article{ADT2013a, author = {Asudeh, Ash and Dalrymple, Mary and Toivonen, Ida}, checked = {dm2021}, doi = {10.15398/jlm.v1i1.56}, ids = {asudehEA-jlm13}, journal = jlm, number = {1}, pages = {1--54}, title = {Constructions with Lexical Integrity}, volume = {1}, year = {2013}, } @inproceedings{ADT2008a, author = {Asudeh, Ash and Dalrymple, Mary and Toivonen, Ida}, url = {http://csli-publications.stanford.edu/LFG/13/papers/lfg08asudehetal.pdf}, checked = {stmue 2021}, crossref = {BK2008a-ed}, pages = {68--88}, title = {Constructions with Lexical Integrity: {Templates} as the Lexicon-Syntax Interface}, urldate = {2021-02-10}, } @book{BV72, abstract = {zitiert von Reis80, Thiersch78, ßorgfältig wegen des Tadels, Adverbiale undSkopus young and old men without hair}, author = {Bartsch, Renate and Vennemann, Theo}, publisher = {Athenäum}, address = {Frankfurt/Main}, checked = {stmue 2021}, number = {9}, series = {Athenäum-Skripten Linguistik}, title = {Semantic Structures: {A} Study in the Relation between Semantics and Syntax}, year = {1972}, } @incollection{BK90a, abstract = {merkwürdige Behauptungen über kohärente / inkohärente Verben}, author = {Bayer, Josef and Kornfilt, Jaklin}, booktitle = {Parametric Variation in {Germanic} and {Romance}}, checked = {stmue 2022}, crossref = {ERMC90a-ed}, ids = {BK89a}, pages = {21--42}, title = {Restructuring Effects in {German}}, } @book{Bech55a, author = {Bech, Gunnar}, publisher = {Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab}, address = {København}, checked = {stmue 2021}, ids = {gunnar1955studien}, number = {none}, related = {e715c9da0379ff7e8e65a31431c4542a}, relatedstring = {\reprintas}, series = {Historisk-filologiske Meddelelser udgivet af Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab. Bind 35, no. 2, 1955; Bind 36, no. 6, 1957}, title = {{Studien über das deutsche Verbum infinitum}}, year = {1955}, } @book{e715c9da0379ff7e8e65a31431c4542a, options = {skipbib=1,skipbiblist=1,uniquelist=false,uniquename=false,skiplab=1}, author = {Bech, Gunnar}, publisher = niemeyer, address = {Tübingen}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {none}, edition = {2}, number = {139}, series = la, title = {{Studien über das deutsche Verbum infinitum}}, year = {1983}, } @book{BG2014a-u, author = {Beck, Sigrid and Gergel, Remus}, publisher = degruytermouton, address = berlinboston, checked = {stmue 2022}, doi = {10.1515/9783110346190}, isbn = {9783110346190}, number = {none}, series = {Mouton Textbook}, title = {Contrasting {English} and {German} Grammar: {An} Introduction to Syntax and Semantics}, year = {2014}, } @book{Behaghel32-u, abstract = {zitiert von dBE83a:179 zu OFU}, author = {Behaghel, Otto}, publisher = {Carl Winters Universitätsbuchhandlung}, address = heidelberg, checked = {stmue 2021}, number = {10}, series = {Germanische Bibliothek 1: Sammlung germanischer Elementar- und Handbücher. R. 1: Grammatiken}, title = {{Die deutsche Syntax: Eine geschichtliche Darstellung: Wortstellung. Periodenbau}}, volume = {4}, year = {1932}, } @book{Berman2003a, author = {Berman, Judith}, publisher = cslip, address = stanford, checked = {stmue 2021}, number = {12}, series = {Studies in Constraint"=Based Lexicalism}, title = {Clausal Syntax of {German}}, year = {2003}, } @book{Bhatt99a-u, author = {Bhatt, Rakesh Mohan}, publisher = kluwer, address = dordrechtheidelbergnewyorklondon, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.1007/978-94-015-9279-6}, number = {46}, series = {Studies in Natural Language and Linguistic Theory}, title = {Verb Movement and the Syntax of {Kashmiri}}, year = {1999}, } @book{Bierwisch63a, abstract = {S. 79: Sie kann keinen Handstand, Sie moechte einen Pelzmantel -> Ellipse}, author = {Bierwisch, Manfred}, publisher = {Akademie-Verlag}, address = berlinboston, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {none}, number = {2}, series = {studia grammatica}, title = {{Grammatik des deutschen Verbs}}, year = {1963}, } @incollection{Bildhauer2014a-u, author = {Bildhauer, Felix}, checked = {stmue 2021}, crossref = {CSS2014a-ed}, pages = {526--555}, title = {{Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar}}, } @inproceedings{BC2010a, author = {Bildhauer, Felix and Cook, Philippa}, checked = {stmue 2021}, crossref = {Mueller2010a-ed}, doi = {10.21248/hpsg.2010.4}, pages = {68--79}, title = {German Multiple Fronting and Expected Topic-Hood}, } @book{Birnbaum1915a-u, author = {Birnbaum, Salomo A.}, publisher = {A. Hartleben's Verlag}, address = {Wien}, checked = {stmue 2023}, langid = {ngerman}, number = {128}, series = {Die Kunst der Polyglottie}, title = {Praktische Grammatik der Jiddischen Sprache für den Selbstunterricht: mit Lesestücken und einem Wörterbuch}, year = {1915}, } @article{Bishop2002a, author = {Bishop, Dorothy V. M.}, checked = {dm2021}, doi = {10.1016/S0168-9525(02)02596-9}, journal = {TRENDS in Genetics}, number = {2}, pages = {57--59}, title = {Putting Language Genes in Perspective}, volume = {18}, year = {2002}, } @article{BB2007a, author = {Bjerre, Anne and Bjerre, Tavs}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.1017/S0332586507001643}, journal = {Nordic Journal of Linguistics}, number = {1}, pages = {5--53}, title = {Perfect and Periphrastic Passive Constructions in {Danish}}, volume = {30}, year = {2007}, } @book{BB2005a, author = {Blackburn, Patrick and Bos, Johan}, publisher = cslip, address = stanford, checked = {stmue 2021}, number = {none}, series = {Studies in Computational Linguistics}, title = {Representation and Inference for Natural Language: {A} First Course in Computational Semantics}, year = {2005}, } @article{Bloomfield26a, author = {Bloomfield, Leonard}, annotation = {[Delivered at the 1925 Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society, Chicago. Reprinted in International Journal of American Linguistics 15:4.195-202 (October 1949), and in Martin Joos, ed., Readings in Linguistics (Washington, D.C.: American Council of Learned Societies, 1957), pp. 19-25.]}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.2307/408741}, journal = {Language}, number = {3}, pages = {153--164}, related = {f93d34401c51cf76cc7eb8f4ca509d24}, relatedstring = {\reprintas}, title = {A Set of Postulates for the Science of Language}, volume = {2}, year = {1926}, } @book{Bloomfield33a-u, author = {Bloomfield, Leonard}, publisher = {Holt, Rinehart, and Winston}, address = newyorkoxford, annotation = {3rd edition, 1984, Head, endocentric, exocentric, Aronoff93a:12 Definition fürMorphologie, Aronoff93a:33: stem-based, word-based, Anderson88a: Bloomfield hat Analyse mit subtraktivem Morphem}, checked = {stmue 2021}, ids = {bloom}, number = {none}, series = {none}, title = {Language}, year = {1933}, } @book{Hockett70a-ed, author = {Bloomfield, Leonard}, editor = {Hockett, Charles F.}, publisher = {Indiana University Press}, address = {Bloomington, IN}, booktitle = {A {Leonard Bloomfield} Anthology}, checked = {stmue 2021}, number = {none}, pages = {314}, series = {Indiana University Studies in the History and Theory of Linguistics}, title = {A {Leonard Bloomfield} Antology}, year = {1970}, } @incollection{f93d34401c51cf76cc7eb8f4ca509d24, options = {skiplab=1,uniquename=false,uniquelist=false,skipbiblist=1,skipbib=1}, author = {Bloomfield, Leonard}, checked = {stmue 2021}, crossref = {Hockett70a-ed}, pages = {128--138}, title = {A Set of Postulates for the Science of Language}, } @book{BS2012a-ed, editor = {Boas, Hans C. and Sag, Ivan A.}, publisher = cslip, address = stanford, booktitle = {{Sign-Based Construction Grammar}}, checked = {stmue 2021}, ids = {boas;sag12}, number = {193}, series = {CSLI Lecture Notes}, title = {{Sign-Based Construction Grammar}}, year = {2012}, } @incollection{BGK2004a-u, author = {Bonami, Olivier and Godard, Danièle and Kampers-Manhe, Brigitte}, checked = {stmue 2021}, crossref = {CorblinDeSwart2004a-ed}, pages = {143--184}, title = {Adverb Classification}, } @report{Borsley87a, author = {Borsley, Robert D.}, institution = csli, address = stanford, checked = {stmue 2021}, number = {{No. CSLI-87-107}}, title = {Subjects and Complements in {HPSG}}, type = {Report}, year = {1987}, } @article{Borsley89, abstract = {DSL}, author = {Borsley, Robert D.}, checked = {dm2021}, doi = {10.1515/ling.1989.27.5.843}, ids = {borsley1989phrase}, journal = {Linguistics}, number = {5}, pages = {843--863}, title = {{Phrase-Structure Grammar} and the {Barriers} Conception of Clause Structure}, volume = {27}, year = {1989}, } @book{Borsley91a, author = {Borsley, Robert D.}, publisher = {Edward Arnold}, address = london, checked = {stmue 2021}, number = {none}, series = {none}, title = {Syntactic Theory: {A} Unified Approach}, year = {1991}, } @article{Borsley2005a, abstract = {zitiert von Pullum2013}, author = {Borsley, Robert D.}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.1016/j.lingua.2003.09.011}, journal = {Lingua}, number = {4}, pages = {461--482}, title = {Against {ConjP}}, volume = {115}, year = {2005}, } @book{BB2011a-ed, editor = {Borsley, Robert D. and Börjars, Kersti}, publisher = wileyblackwell, address = oxfordnewyork, annotation = {464 Seiten 26.12.2012 117,99€ = 0,25€ pro Seite}, booktitle = {Non-Transformational Syntax: {Formal} and Explicit Models of Grammar: {A} Guide to Current Models}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.1002/9781444395037}, ids = {borsleyborjars2011}, number = {none}, series = {none}, title = {Non-Transformational Syntax: {Formal} and Explicit Models of Grammar: {A} Guide to Current Models}, year = {2011}, } @incollection{BC2021a, author = {Borsley, Robert D. and Crysmann, Berthold}, checked = {stmue 2021}, crossref = {HPSGHandbook}, doi = {10.5281/zenodo.5599842}, ids = {Borsley:Crysman:2021a}, pages = {537--594}, title = {Unbounded Dependencies}, } @article{BK2000a-u, author = {Borsley, Robert D. and Kathol, Andreas}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.1515/ling.2000.002}, journal = {Linguistics}, langid = {english}, number = {4}, pages = {665--710}, title = {Breton as a {V2} Language}, volume = {38}, year = {2000}, } @incollection{BM2021a, author = {Borsley, Robert D. and Müller, Stefan}, checked = {stmue 2021}, crossref = {HPSGHandbook}, doi = {10.5281/zenodo.5599874}, ids = {Borsley:Mueller:2021a}, pages = {1253--1329}, title = {{HPSG and Minimalism}}, } @book{BTW2007a-u, author = {Borsley, Robert D. and Tallerman, Maggie and Willis, David}, publisher = cup, address = {Cambridge}, booktitle = {The Syntax of {Welsh}}, checked = {stmue 2022}, doi = {10.1017/CBO9780511486227}, ids = {BorsleyTallermanWillis2007,BTW07}, number = {7}, series = {Cambridge Syntax Guides}, title = {The Syntax of {Welsh}}, year = {2007}, } @article{Boskovic2009a-u, abstract = {The paper investigates first and last conjunct agreement in Serbo-Croatian, the latter being a rather rare phenomenon for head initial languages. The paper gives a uniform account of first and last conjunct agreement based on the operation Agree (Chomsky 2000). The account captures both the contexts where first and last conjunct agreement exhibit parallel behavior and the contexts where the parallelism between the two breaks down. The analysis also captures interaction between gender and number agreement. Given the complexity of the first/last conjunct agreement paradigm in Serbo-Croatian, to the extent that it is successful the analysis presented in the paper provides strong evidence in favor of the operation Agree in general, as well as the particular approach to Agree adopted in the paper. The system developed in the paper allows one instance of uninterpretable features, namely valued uninterpretable features, not to undergo feature checking and does not require uninterpretable features in general to undergo feature checking with interpretable features, differing in these respects from Chomsky (2000, 2001a) and Pesetsky and Torrego (2007).}, author = {Bošković, Željko}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.1007/s11049-009-9072-6}, issn = {1573-0859}, journal = nllt, number = {3}, pages = {455--496}, title = {Unifying First and Last Conjunct Agreement}, volume = {27}, year = {2009}, } @incollection{Bouma2003a-u, author = {Bouma, Gosse}, editor = {Seuren, Pieter A. 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Deutschen}}, year = {1978}, } @report{Hoehle88a, author = {Höhle, Tilman N.}, institution = {Universität Lund, Germananistisches Institut}, address = {Lund}, checked = {stmue 2021}, number = {5}, pages = {2--7}, related = {74d88175afe0e68835caf0d868f3466d}, relatedstring = {\reprintas}, title = {{Verum-Fokus}}, type = {Netzwerk Sprache und Pragmatik}, year = {1988}, } @incollection{Hoehle91, author = {Höhle, Tilman N.}, annotation = {kdk2000a:118 I-topicalization}, checked = {stmue 2021}, crossref = {HN91a-ed}, doi = {10.1007/978-94-011-3446-0_5}, pages = {139--197}, related = {0ed18967ed1dae1ecb8b35212b450877}, relatedstring = {\republishedAs}, title = {On Reconstruction and Coordination}, year = {1991}, } @unpublished{Hoehle91b, author = {Höhle, Tilman N.}, checked = {stmue 2022}, note = {Ms. Universität Tübingen}, related = {5c76dc5eb7b2800b428a34e958da1a80}, relatedstring = {\publishedAs}, title = {{Projektionsstufen bei V-Projektionen: Bemerkungen zu F/T}}, year = {1991}, } @incollection{Hoehle82a, author = {Höhle, Tilman N.}, checked = {stmue 2021}, crossref = {Abraham82a-ed}, langid = {german}, pages = {75--153}, related = {64a5e6b100c04a9188f331c90035d962}, relatedstring = {\republishedAs}, title = {{Explikationen für "`normale Betonung"' und "`normale Wortstellung"'}}, } @incollection{64a5e6b100c04a9188f331c90035d962, options = {skipbib=1,skipbiblist=1,uniquelist=false,uniquename=false,skiplab=1}, author = {Höhle, Tilman N.}, checked = {stmue 2021}, crossref = {MRR2019a-ed}, pages = {107--191}, title = {{Explikationen für "`normale Betonung"' und "`normale Wortstellung"'}}, } @incollection{0ed18967ed1dae1ecb8b35212b450877, options = {skipbiblist=1,skipbib=1,uniquelist=false,uniquename=false,skiplab=1}, author = {Höhle, Tilman N.}, checked = {stmue 2021}, crossref = {MRR2019a-ed}, pages = {311--368}, title = {On Reconstruction and Coordination}, } @incollection{5c76dc5eb7b2800b428a34e958da1a80, options = 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{0d3c9c6c868fd9f9dff406cad7894b97}, relatedstring = {\reprintas}, title = {{Vorangestellte Verben und Komplementierer sind eine natürliche Klasse}}, } @incollection{0d3c9c6c868fd9f9dff406cad7894b97, options = {uniquelist=false,skipbib=1,skipbiblist=1,skiplab=1,uniquename=false}, author = {Höhle, Tilman N.}, annotation = {First published as \citew{Hoehle97a}}, checked = {stmue 2021}, crossref = {MRR2019a-ed}, pages = {417--433}, title = {{Vorangestellte Verben und Komplementierer sind eine natürliche Klasse}}, } @book{HMA2006a-ed, editor = {Hole, Daniel and Meinunger, André and Abraham, Werner}, publisher = benjamins, address = amsterdamphiladelphia, booktitle = {Datives and Other Cases: {Between} Argument Structure and Event Structure}, checked = {stmue 2023}, doi = {10.1075/slcs.75}, number = {75}, series = {Studies in Language Companion Series}, title = {Datives and Other Cases: {Between} Argument Structure and Event Structure}, year = {2006}, } @incollection{Holmberg2015a, author = 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Contrary to standard assumptions, I shall show that it is the second NP, so the first is the (traditional) 'indirect object'. This finding is important because it challenges the hypothesis that grammatical relations can be shown configurationally and supports the competing claim that grammatical relations are basic. The paper also suggests why judgments on some constructions are so divided; the reason is that three different grammars are all compatible with the same basic data, and differ only on the relatively rare patterns where the variation appears.}, author = {Hudson, Richard}, annotation = {VS95a:121 Dativbezug mit Depiktiven nicht möglich}, checked = {stmue 2022}, doi = {10.2307/416941}, journal = {Language}, number = {2}, pages = {251--276}, title = {So-Called ``Double Objects'' and Grammatical Relations}, volume = {68}, year = {1992}, } @book{Jackendoff77a, abstract = {Komplemente stets Maximalprojektionen}, author = {Jackendoff, Ray}, publisher = mitpress, address = cambridgeusalondon, annotation = {{$\overline{\mbox{X}}$} falls es noch mal gebraucht wird X̅ does not work =:-(}, checked = {stmue 2021}, ids = {Jackendoff77}, number = {2}, series = {Linguistic Inquiry Monographs}, title = {{$\skoverline{X}$} Syntax: {A} Study of Phrase Structure}, year = {1977}, } @incollection{Jacobs2003a-u, author = {Jacobs, Joachim}, crossref = {AEEHHL2003a-ed}, doi = {10.1515/9783110141900.1.4.378}, pages = {378--399}, title = {{Die Problematik der Valenzebenen}}, } @book{JvSSV93a-ed, editor = {Jacobs, Joachim and {von Stechow}, Arnim and Sternefeld, Wolfgang and Vennemann, Theo}, publisher = walterdegruyter, address = berlinboston, annotation = {Preis 29.11.2021 Band I 293€ Band II 370€ Gesamt: 663€}, booktitle = {Syntax: {An} International Handbook of Contemporary Research}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.1515/9783110095869.1}, langid = {english}, number = {9}, series = {Handbooks of Linguistics and Communication Science}, title = {Syntax: {An} International Handbook of Contemporary Research}, volume = {1}, year = {1993}, } @book{JvSSV95a-ed, editor = {Jacobs, Joachim and {von Stechow}, Arnim and Sternefeld, Wolfgang and Vennemann, Theo}, publisher = walterdegruyter, address = berlinboston, booktitle = {{Syntax -- Ein internationales Handbuch zeit\-genössischer Forschung}}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.1515/9783110142631.2}, number = {9}, series = {Hand\-bü\-cher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft}, title = {{Syntax -- Ein internationales Handbuch zeit\-genössischer Forschung}}, volume = {2}, year = {1995}, } @book{JR70, editor = {Jacobs, Roderick A. and Rosenbaum, Peter S.}, publisher = {Ginn and Company}, address = walthamtorontolondon, booktitle = {Readings in {English} {Transformational Grammar}}, checked = {stmue 2021}, number = {none}, series = {none}, title = {Readings in {English} {Transformational Grammar}}, year = {1970}, } @article{Jacobson87b, abstract = {Koordination Probleme mit Subsumption bei Koordination von Verben, Busemann: Jacobson kritisiert Valenzbehandlung in Regeln}, author = {Jacobson, Pauline}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.1007/BF00584132}, ids = {jacobson}, journal = lp, number = {3}, pages = {389--426}, title = {Review of {Gerald Gazdar, Ewan Klein, Geoffrey K. Pullum, and Ivan A. Sag, 1985: Generalized Phrase Structure Grammar}}, volume = {10}, year = {1987}, } @incollection{Jacobson87, abstract = {Erfinder von DSL, Relativsatzextraposition, Hoeksema91:661 discontinousconstituent: consider a genius (falsch zitiert) macht Partikelverbkonstruktion mitDSL}, author = {Jacobson, Pauline}, crossref = {HO87a-ed}, pages = {27--69}, title = {Phrase Structure, Grammatical Relations, and Discontinuous Constituents}, } @article{Johannessen96a-u, abstract = {In some languages a subject consisting of a Conjunction Phrase agrees only partially with the verb. Aoun, Benmamoun, and Sportiche (1994) have presented an analysis for Arabic in which the conjuncts are clauses rather than Noun Phrases. This article argues that partial agreement is a subclass of a more general, and widespread, phenomenon: unbalanced coordination (Johannessen 1993b). An analysis is presented in which conjuncts can be NPs as well as other categories. The central idea is that the conjunction heads a Conjunction Phrase and that unbalanced coordination is a possible consequence of specifier-head agreement. This explains a correlation between the order of conjuncts that have different grammatical features and the order of head and complement in these languages.}, author = {Johannessen, Janne Bondi}, publisher = {The MIT Press}, checked = {stmue 2021}, journal = li, number = {4}, pages = {661--676}, title = {Partial Agreement and Coordination}, volume = {27}, year = {1996}, } @book{Johannessen98a-u, author = {Johannessen, Janne Bondi}, publisher = oup, address = oxfordnewyork, checked = {stmue 2021}, ids = {johann}, number = {none}, series = {Oxford Studies in Comparative Syntax}, title = {Coordination}, year = {1998}, } @article{Johnson86a, abstract = {zitiert in HN zum Verbalkomplex als Konstituente}, author = {Johnson, Mark}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.1515/ling.1986.24.5.871}, journal = {Linguistics}, number = {5}, pages = {871--882}, title = {A {GPSG} Account of {VP} Structure in {German}}, volume = {24}, year = {1986}, } @article{Jurafsky96a, author = {Jurafsky, Daniel}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.1207/s15516709cog2002_1}, journal = {Cognitive Science}, number = {2}, pages = {137--194}, title = {A Probabilistic Model of Lexical and Syntactic Access and Disambiguation}, volume = {20}, year = {1996}, } @incollection{Kasper94a, author = {Kasper, Robert T.}, crossref = {NNP94a-ed}, pages = {39--70}, title = {Adjuncts in the {Mittelfeld}}, } @book{Kayne94a-u, author = {Kayne, Richard S.}, publisher = mitpress, address = cambridgeusalondon, checked = {stmue 2021}, ids = {Kayne:94}, number = {25}, series = {Linguistic Inquiry Monographs}, title = {The Antisymmetry of Syntax}, year = {1994}, } @book{KMR2019a-ed, editor = {Kertész, András and Moravcsik, Edith and Rákosi, Csilla}, publisher = moutondegruyter, address = berlinboston, booktitle = {Current Approaches to Syntax: {A} Comparative Handbook}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.1515/9783110540253}, number = {3}, series = {Comparative Handbooks of Linguistics}, title = {Current Approaches to Syntax: 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erster mit Verbbewegung}, author = {Koster, Jan}, checked = {stmue 2021}, journal = {Linguistic Analysis}, number = {2}, pages = {111--136}, title = {{Dutch} as an {SOV} Language}, volume = {1}, year = {1975}, } @article{Koster86a, author = {Koster, Jan}, checked = {stmue 2021}, journal = {Groningen Papers in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics}, number = {none}, pages = {1--43}, title = {The Relation between Pro-drop, Scrambling, and Verb Movements}, volume = {1}, year = {1986}, } @article{Koster99a-u, author = {Koster, Jan}, checked = {stmue 2022}, doi = {none}, journal = gagl, number = {none}, pages = {1--42}, title = {The Word Orders of {English} and {Dutch}. {Collective} vs.\ Individual Checking}, volume = {43}, year = {1999}, } @incollection{Laenzlinger2004a, author = {Laenzlinger, Christoph}, editor = {Austin, Jennifer R. and Engelberg, Stefan and Rauh, Gisa}, publisher = benjamins, address = amsterdamphiladelphia, booktitle = {Adverbials: {The} Interplay Between Meaning, 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und Kommunikationsforschung}, langid = {ngerman}, number = {2}, pages = {178--188}, title = {{Zur Polyfunktionalität des deutschen Vorgangspassivs}}, volume = {45}, year = {1992}, } @incollection{Lohnstein2014a, author = {Lohnstein, Horst}, annotation = {war 2013a ConjP}, crossref = {HS2014a-ed}, pages = {165--185}, title = {{Artenvielfalt in freier Wildbahn: Generative Grammatik}}, } @incollection{MyP2022a, author = {{Machicao y Priemer}, Antonio}, checked = {stmue 2021}, crossref = {SU2022a-ed}, pages = {482--487}, title = {Konstituententest}, } @article{MyPM2021a, author = {{Machicao y Priemer}, Antonio and Müller, Stefan}, checked = {dm2021}, doi = {10.5334/gjgl.1128}, journal = glossa, number = {1}, pages = {1--38}, title = {{NPs} in {German}: {Locality}, Theta Roles, and Prenominal Genitives}, volume = {6}, year = {2021}, } @incollection{Maling90a-u, author = {Maling, Joan}, publisher = brill, checked = {stmue 2021}, crossref = {MalingZaenen1990a-ed}, doi = 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= {Grammar in Progress: {GLOW} Essays for {Henk van Riemsdijk}}, year = {1990}, } @incollection{McIntyre2006a, author = {McIntyre, Andrew}, checked = {stmue 2022}, crossref = {HMA2006a-ed}, doi = {10.1075/slcs.75.09mci}, pages = {185--212}, title = {The Interpretation of {German} Datives and {English} \emph{have}}, } @article{Meinunger2001a, author = {Meinunger, André}, checked = {stmue 2021}, journal = li, number = {4}, pages = {732--740}, title = {Restrictions on Verb Raising}, volume = {32}, year = {2001}, } @book{MP79a-ed, editor = {Meisel, Jürgen M. and Pam, Martin D.}, publisher = benjamins, address = amsterdamphiladelphia, booktitle = {Linear Order and {Generative} Theory}, checked = {stmue 2022}, doi = {10.1075/cilt.7}, number = {7}, series = {Current Issues in Linguistic Theory}, title = {Linear Order and {Generative} Theory}, year = {1979}, } @book{MK2001a-ed, autheditor = {Meurers, Detmar and Kiss, Tibor}, editor = {Meurers, W. 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Itwill be shown that the theoretical uncertainty with regard to its typological statusis due to two relevant factors: the empirical-methodological shortcomings of the {English}-oriented case concept of Government and Binding Theory and the MinimalistProgram respectively (Chomsky 1981, 1993) and the misunderstanding of the roledative plays in the so-called dative passive in German. This paper provides aunified account of its structurality, elaborating primarily a functional concept ofcase, following the insights of Czepluch (1988) and Haider (1993) and presenting atheoretically adequate, structural solution to the dative passive problem.Dativ strukturell, finites Verb weist Nominativ zu}, author = {{Mol\-nár\-fi}, László}, checked = {stmue 2022}, journal = lb, langid = {ngerman}, number = {none}, pages = {535--580}, title = {{Kasusstrukturalität und struktureller Kasus -- zur Lage des Dativs im heutigen Deutsch}}, volume = {176}, year = {1998}, } @book{FG2012-13, editor = {Morrill, Glyn and Nederhof, Mark-Jan}, publisher = springer, address = berlinboston, booktitle = {{Formal Grammar: 17th and 18th International Conferences, FG 2012, Opole, Poland, August 2012}, Revised Selected Papers, {FG 2013, Düsseldorf, Germany, August} 2013: {Proceedings}}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-39998-5}, number = {8036}, series = lncs, title = {{Formal Grammar: 17th and 18th International Conferences, FG 2012, Opole, Poland, August 2012}, Revised Selected Papers, {FG 2013}, {Düsseldorf}, {Germany}, {August} 2013: {Proceedings}}, year = {2013}, } @article{MS93a-u, author = {Müller, Gereon and Sternefeld, Wolfgang}, checked = {stmue 2023}, doi = {none}, journal = li, number = {3}, pages = {461--507}, title = {Improper Movement and Unambiguous Binding}, volume = {24}, year = {1993}, } @book{Mueller99a, author = {Müller, Stefan}, publisher = niemeyer, address = {Tübingen}, annotation = {486 Seiten 1999 186,- DM = 95,10€ 31.12.2006 91,59€ 27.11.2008 98€/157$ 23.12.2012 De Gruyter Print + E-Book $238,00/169,95€ = $0,58/0,35€ Print 114,95 buchhandel.de: Letzte Preisänderung am 11.03.2012 15.02.2015 139,95€ /US$ 196,00 print or ebook 23.06.2020 149,95€ Verkauf: Sommer 149, 31.12.99 181, 15.03.2010}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.1515/9783110915990}, ids = {Mueller:99}, number = {394}, series = la, title = {{Deutsche Syntax deklarativ: {Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar} für das Deutsche}}, year = {1999}, } @book{Mueller2002b, author = {Müller, Stefan}, publisher = cslip, address = stanford, booktitle = {Complex Predicates: {Verbal} Complexes, Resultative Constructions, and Particle Verbs in {German}}, checked = {stmue 2021}, ids = {Mueller:02b}, number = {13}, series = {Studies in Constraint"=Based Lexicalism}, title = {Complex Predicates: {Verbal} Complexes, Resultative Constructions, and Particle Verbs in {German}}, year = {2002}, } @article{Mueller2003b, author = {Müller, Stefan}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {none}, journal = ds, number = {1}, pages = {29--62}, title = {{Mehrfache Vorfeldbesetzung}}, volume = {31}, year = {2003}, } @proceedings{Mueller2003a-ed, editor = {Müller, Stefan}, publisher = cslip, address = stanford, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {10th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, Michigan State University}}, checked = {stmue 2021}, title = {Proceedings of the {10th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, Michigan State University}}, year = {2003}, } @proceedings{Mueller2004a-ed, editor = {Müller, Stefan}, publisher = cslip, address = stanford, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {11th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, Center for Computational Linguistics, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven}}, checked = {stmue 2021}, title = {Proceedings of the {11th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, Center for Computational Linguistics, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven}}, year = {2004}, } @article{Mueller2005d, abstract = {Fanselow2006 (on purse syntax), Meinunger2009: Leftmost peripheral adverbs and adjectives in German: Journal of Comparative Germanic Ling, 12(2), Welke 2007 Einführung in die Satzanalyse Bildhauer Cook HPSG 2010 Oersnes2011a: Zur Syntax und Semantik der lieber-als-Konstruktion Deutsche Sprache}, author = {Müller, Stefan}, checked = {stmue 2021}, journal = lb, number = {none}, pages = {297--330}, title = {{Zur Analyse der scheinbar mehrfachen Vorfeldbesetzung}}, volume = {203}, year = {2005}, } @article{Mueller2006d, author = {Müller, Stefan}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.1353/lan.2006.0213}, ids = {Mueller2006}, journal = {Language}, number = {4}, pages = {850--883}, title = {Phrasal or Lexical Constructions?}, volume = {82}, year = {2006}, } @book{MuellerLehrbuch1, author = {Müller, Stefan}, publisher = stauffenburg, address = {Tübingen}, checked = {stmue 2021}, edition = {1}, number = {17}, series = {Stauffenburg Einführungen}, title = {{Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar: Eine Einführung}}, year = {2007}, } @proceedings{Mueller2007a-ed, editor = {Müller, Stefan}, publisher = cslip, address = stanford, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {14th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, Stanford Department of Linguistics and CSLI’s LinGO Lab}}, checked = {stmue 2021}, title = {Proceedings of the {14th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, Stanford Department of Linguistics and CSLI’s LinGO Lab}}, year = {2007}, } @article{MuellerPersian, author = {Müller, Stefan}, annotation = {Zeitschriftenartikel: Bender u.a. 2010 Grammar Customization. Research on Language and Computation}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.1017/S0022226709990284}, ids = {Mueller2010}, journal = jl, number = {3}, pages = {601--655}, title = {Persian Complex Predicates and the Limits of Inheritance"=Based Analyses}, volume = {46}, year = {2010}, } @proceedings{Mueller2010a-ed, editor = {Müller, Stefan}, publisher = cslip, address = stanford, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {17th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, Université Paris Diderot}}, checked = {stmue 2021}, title = {Proceedings of the {17th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, Université Paris Diderot}}, year = {2010}, } @proceedings{Mueller2011a-ed, editor = {Müller, Stefan}, publisher = cslip, address = stanford, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {18th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, University of Washington}}, checked = {stmue 2021}, title = {Proceedings of the {18th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, University of Washington}}, year = {2011}, } @article{MuellerOA, author = {Müller, Stefan}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.15398/jlm.v0i1.52}, journal = jlm, number = {1}, pages = {9--39}, title = {A Personal Note on Open Access in Linguistics}, year = {2012}, } @book{MuellerGTBuch2, author = {Müller, Stefan}, publisher = stauffenburg, address = {Tübingen}, annotation = {Lehre: Stefan Schierholz: Erlangen SS 2013 Olga Keller: Hamburg 2012 Alexander Koller: Potsdam WS 2012/2013 Tanja Avgustinova: Saarbrücken Martin Hase: Bamberg Peter Gallmann: Jena, SS 2013}, checked = {stmue 2021}, edition = {2}, ids = {MuellerGTBuch}, number = {20}, series = {Stauffenburg Einführungen}, title = {{Grammatiktheorie}}, year = {2013}, } @book{MuellerLehrbuch3, author = {Müller, Stefan}, publisher = stauffenburg, address = {Tübingen}, checked = {stmue 2021}, edition = {3}, ids = {MuellerLehrbuch}, number = {17}, series = {Stauffenburg Einführungen}, title = {{Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar: Eine Einführung}}, year = {2013}, } @proceedings{Mueller2013a-ed, editor = {Müller, Stefan}, publisher = cslip, address = stanford, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {20th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, Freie Universität Berlin}}, checked = {stmue 2021}, title = {Proceedings of the {20th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, Freie Universität Berlin}}, year = {2013}, } @article{MuellerUnifying, author = {Müller, Stefan}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.1353/lan.2013.0061}, journal = {Language}, number = {4}, pages = {920--950}, title = {Unifying Everything: {Some} Remarks on {Simpler Syntax}, {Construction Grammar}, {Minimalism} and {HPSG}}, volume = {89}, year = {2013}, } @incollection{MuellerKernigkeit, author = {Müller, Stefan}, editor = {y Priemer, Antonio Machicao and Nolda, Andreas and Sioupi, Athina}, publisher = degruyter, address = berlinboston, booktitle = {{Zwischen Kern und Peripherie}}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.1524/9783050065335}, number = {76}, pages = {25--39}, series = {studia grammatica}, title = {{Kernigkeit: Anmerkungen zur Kern"=Peripherie"=Unterscheidung}}, year = {2014}, } @article{MuellerCoreGram, author = {Müller, Stefan}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.15398/jlm.v3i1.91}, ids = {Mueller2015}, journal = jlm, number = {1}, pages = {21--86}, title = {The {CoreGram} Project: {Theoretical} Linguistics, Theory Development and Verification}, volume = {3}, year = {2015}, } @book{MuellerGT-Eng1, author = {Müller, Stefan}, publisher = lsp, address = berlinboston, booktitle = {Grammatical Theory: {From} {Transformational Grammar} to Constraint"=Based Approaches}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.17169/langsci.b25.167}, edition = {1}, langid = {english}, number = {1}, series = {Textbooks in Language Sciences}, title = {Grammatical Theory: {From} {Transformational Grammar} to Constraint"=Based Approaches}, year = {2016}, } @article{MuellerFCG, author = {Müller, Stefan}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.1075/cf.9.1.05mul}, journal = {Constructions and Frames}, number = {1}, pages = {139--173}, title = {{Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar}, {Sign-Based Construction Grammar}, and {Fluid Construction Grammar}: {Commonalities} and Differences}, volume = {9}, year = {2017}, } @book{MuellerLFGphrasal, author = {Müller, Stefan}, publisher = lsp, address = berlinboston, booktitle = {A Lexicalist Account of Argument Structure: {Template}"=Based Phrasal {LFG} Approaches and a Lexical {HPSG} Alternative}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.5281/zenodo.1441351}, number = {2}, series = {Conceptual Foundations of Language Science}, title = {A Lexicalist Account of Argument Structure: {Template}"=Based Phrasal {LFG} Approaches and a Lexical {HPSG} Alternative}, year = {2018}, } @article{MuellerPotentialStructure, author = {Müller, Stefan}, checked = {stmue 2022}, doi = {10.33011/lilt.v17i.1423}, journal = lilt, number = {3}, pages = {1--8}, title = {Complex Predicates: {Structure}, Potential Structure and Underspecification}, volume = {17}, year = {2019}, } @book{MuellerGS, author = {Müller, Stefan}, publisher = {\underRevision{} Language Science Press}, address = berlinboston, booktitle = {German Sentence Structure: {An} Analysis with Special Consideration of So-Called Multiple Fronting}, ids = {muller2018clause}, series = eotms, title = {German Clause Structure: {An} Analysis with Special Consideration of So-Called Multiple Fronting}, year = {2023}, } @book{langsci-current-book, options = {skiplab=1,uniquename=false,uniquelist=false,skipbib=1,skipbiblist=1}, author = {Müller, Stefan}, publisher = lsp, address = berlinboston, number = {12}, series = {Textbooks in Language Sciences}, subtitle = {{A constraint-based view}}, title = {{Germanic syntax}}, year = {2023}, } @book{MuellerGT-Eng5, author = {Müller, Stefan}, publisher = lsp, address = berlinboston, booktitle = {Grammatical Theory: {From} {Transformational Grammar} to Constraint"=Based Approaches}, checked = {stmue 2022}, doi = {10.5281/zenodo.7376662}, edition = {5}, ids = {MuellerGT-Eng}, langid = {english}, number = {1}, series = {Textbooks in Language Sciences}, title = {Grammatical Theory: {From} {Transformational Grammar} to Constraint"=Based Approaches}, year = {2023}, } @incollection{Mueller2001a, author = {Müller, Stefan}, checked = {stmue 2022}, crossref = {MK2001a-ed}, pages = {217--255}, title = {Case in {German}: {Towards} an {HPSG} Analysis}, } @incollection{MuellerOrder, author = {Müller, Stefan}, checked = {stmue 2021}, crossref = {HPSGHandbook}, doi = {10.5281/zenodo.5599836}, pages = {369--417}, title = {Constituent Order}, } @incollection{MuellerHeadless, author = {Müller, Stefan}, checked = {stmue 2022}, crossref = {FSM2022a-ed}, doi = {10.5281/zenodo.7142691}, pages = {73--121}, title = {Headless in {Berlin}: {Headless} (Nominal) Structures in {Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar}}, } @incollection{MuellerHPSGHandbook, author = {Müller, Stefan}, checked = {stmue 2021}, crossref = {KA2015a2-ed}, doi = {10.1515/9783110363708-004}, pages = {937--973}, title = {{HPSG} -- {A} Synopsis}, } @incollection{MuellerCxG, author = {Müller, Stefan}, checked = {stmue 2021}, crossref = {HPSGHandbook}, doi = {10.5281/zenodo.5599882}, pages = {1497--1553}, title = {{HPSG and Construction Grammar}}, } @inproceedings{Mueller2003e, author = {Müller, Stefan}, checked = {stmue 2021}, crossref = {Mueller2003a-ed}, doi = {10.21248/hpsg.2003.16}, pages = {278--297}, title = {Object"=To"=Subject"=Raising and Lexical Rule: {An} Analysis of the {German} Passive}, } @incollection{MuellerSatztypen, author = {Müller, Stefan}, checked = {stmue 2021}, crossref = {FM2015a-ed}, doi = {10.1515/9783110423112-004}, langid = {ngerman}, pages = {72--105}, title = {{Satztypen: Lexikalisch oder/und phrasal}}, } @incollection{MuellerGrammix, author = {Müller, Stefan}, checked = {stmue 2021}, crossref = {geaf2007}, ids = {Mueller2007b}, pages = {259--266}, title = {The {Grammix CD Rom}: {A} Software Collection for Developing Typed Feature Structure Grammars}, } @book{HPSGHandbook, editor = {Müller, Stefan and Abeillé, Anne and Borsley, Robert D. and Koenig, Jean-Pierre}, publisher = lsp, address = berlinboston, booktitle = {{Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar: The} Handbook}, checked = {stmue 2021}, doi = {10.5281/zenodo.5543318}, number = {9}, series = eotms, title = {{Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar: The} Handbook}, year = {2021}, } @misc{MKK2019a, author = {Müller, Stefan and Kim, Jong-Bok and Kihm, Alain}, checked = {stmue 2022}, howpublished = {Talk given at HPSG 2019 in Bucharest.}, title = {Predicate Topicalization in {Korean} and {Yiddish}: {A} Construction-Based {HPSG} Approach}, year = {2019}, } @incollection{MuellerCurrentApproaches, author = {Müller, Stefan and {Machicao y Priemer}, Antonio}, checked = {stmue 2021}, crossref = {KMR2019a-ed}, doi = {10.1515/9783110540253-012}, pages = {317--359}, title = {{Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar}}, } @misc{MOeDanish, author = {Müller, Stefan and Ørsnes, Bjarne}, address = berlinboston, checked = {stmue 2021}, howpublished = {Ms. {Freie Universität Berlin}. {To be submitted to Language Science Press}}, title = {{Danish in Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar}}, year = {2015}, } @inproceedings{MOe2013a, author = {Müller, Stefan and Ørsnes, Bjarne}, checked = {stmue 2021}, crossref = {Mueller2013a-ed}, doi = {10.21248/hpsg.2013.8}, pages = {140--160}, title = {Passive in {Danish}, {English}, and {German}}, } @inproceedings{MOe2011a, author = {Müller, Stefan and Ørsnes, Bjarne}, checked = {stmue 2021}, crossref = {Mueller2011a-ed}, doi = {10.21248/hpsg.2011.10}, pages = {167--187}, title = {Positional Expletives in {Danish}, {German}, and {Yiddish}}, } @inproceedings{MOe2013b, author = {Müller, Stefan and Ørsnes, Bjarne}, checked = {stmue 2021}, crossref = {FG2012-13}, doi = 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Romansch (Arquint 1964: 11, Thani 1969: 143; cf. also Haiman 1971, 1974, 1988) and various dialects in the extreme North of Italy in an area near the Swiss-Italian border (Beninca 1986) have it. 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Dativ, wenn Verbalkomplexbildung zu NP, NP, NP führt.}, crossref = {FF90}, pages = {70--103}, title = {{Der Dativ -- ein struktureller Kasus?}}, } @article{Weinreich45a-u, author = {Weinreich, Max}, checked = {stmue 2022}, journal = {YIVO Bleter}, number = {1}, pages = {3--18}, title = {Der {YIVO} un di problemen fun undzer tsayt [The YIVO faces the post-war world]}, volume = {25}, year = {1945}, } @article{Weiss2005a-u, author = {Weiß, Helmut}, checked = {stmue 2022}, journal = {Zeitschrift für Dialektologie und Linguistik}, number = {2}, pages = {148--166}, title = {Inflected Complementizers in {Continental West Germanic} Dialects}, volume = {72}, year = {2005}, } @incollection{Weiss2018a-u, author = {Weiß, Helmut}, editor = {Jäger, Agnes and Ferraresi, Gisella and Weiß, Helmut}, publisher = oup, address = oxfordnewyork, annotation = {War The {Wackernagel} Position and Complementizer Agreement: {The} Emergence of a Syntactic Particularity at the Left Edge of the {German} Middle 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E.}, publisher = {Clarendon Press}, address = oxfordnewyork, booktitle = {Syntactic Change in {Welsh}: {A} Study of the Loss of Verb-Second}, checked = {stmue 2022}, number = {none}, series = {none}, title = {Syntactic Change in {Welsh}: {A} Study of the Loss of Verb-Second}, year = {1998}, } @article{Wolfe2015a-u, abstract = {The view that Old Spanish was a form of verb second (V2) language has been prominently critiqued. Using data from a 14th century Spanish prose text it is argued that (later) Old Spanish in fact provides compelling evidence for a V2 analysis, which assumes head movement of the finite verb into the left periphery of the clause accompanied by merger of a phrasal constituent in the C-layer. V3 matrix clauses involving co-occurrence of a Topic and Focus are not attested in the text and V4 is also not found. On this basis it is argued that Old Spanish is a class of V2 language where the locus of the V2 property is CForce, a high head in the clausal left periphery. Despite the widely held view that Old Spanish was a symmetrical V2 language, evidence from complement clauses is presented that this is not the case. All cases of embedded V2 are found under a class of predicates known to license so-called ‘Main Clause Phenomena’cross-linguistically. Later Old Spanish thus patterns with Mainland Scandinavian in allowing a restricted class of embedded V2 clauses, therefore precluding a symmetrical V2 analysis.}, author = {Wolfe, Sam}, annotation = {CFrame CForce CTopic CFocus CFin Das sind alles irgendwie markierte C-Projektionen. Das ist natürlich besser als TopicP und so weiter.}, checked = {stmue 2023}, doi = {10.1016/j.lingua.2015.06.007}, journal = {Lingua}, number = {1}, pages = {132--155}, title = {The nature of Old Spanish verb second reconsidered}, volume = {164}, year = {2015}, } @article{Wolfe2016a-u, author = {Wolfe, Sam}, checked = {stmue 2023}, journal = {Rivista di Grammatica Generativa}, number = {none}, pages = {287--310}, title = {On the Left Periphery of {V2} Languages: {Evidence} from {Romance Fin and Force V2} Systems}, volume = {38}, year = {2016}, } @article{Woolford2006a, abstract = {In addition to the division in Case theory between structural and nonstructural Case, the theory must distinguish two kinds of nonstructural Case: lexical Case and inherent Case. Lexical Case is idiosyncratic Case, lexically selected and licensed by certain lexical heads (certain verbs and prepositions). Inherent Case is more regular, associated with particular θ-positions: inherent dative Case with DP goals, and ergative Case with external arguments. Lexical and inherent Case turn out to be in complementary distribution with respect to θ-positions: only themes/internal arguments may have lexical Case, and only external arguments and DP goals may have inherent Case. This complementary distribution can be accounted for under recent views of vP structure that place both external arguments and (shifted) DP goals outside the VP proper at the point at which nonstructural Case is licensed. Claims in the literature that the more regular datives and ergatives are actually structural Cases are based on faulty or misleading diagnostic tests.}, author = {Woolford, Ellen}, annotation = {Haider 2010: gegen Dativ als strukturellen Kasus}, checked = {stmue 2023}, issn = {00243892, 15309150}, journal = li, number = {1}, pages = {111--130}, title = {Lexical Case, Inherent Case, and Argument Structure}, volume = {37}, year = {2006}, } @article{Wunderlich97a, abstract = {zitiert von Gunkel-Kausativ: von-PP beim Passiv als Adjunkt, 45: "An expletive object must be bound by a pseudoreflexive" falsch, wegen: Er bringt es bis zumProfessor.", 49: "Ich gab einen Dollar. *Ich gab dem Bettler" falsch: "Er nahm vonden Reichen und gab den Armen."}, author = {Wunderlich, Dieter}, checked = {stmue 2022}, doi = {none}, journal = li, number = {1}, pages = {27--68}, title = {Cause and the Structure of Verbs}, volume = {28}, year = {1997}, } @incollection{Wunderlich93a, author = {Wunderlich, Dieter}, crossref = {JvSSV93a-ed}, doi = {10.1515/9783110095869.1.12.730}, pages = {730--747}, title = {{Diathesen}}, } @book{Wurmbrand2003b, author = {Wurmbrand, Susanne}, publisher = moutondegruyter, address = berlinboston, annotation = {371 Seiten bei Erscheinen? 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