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Franz}, pages = {397--399}, publisher = {Routledge}, title = {Speech rate}, year = {2015} } @incollection{pym_omission_2008, address = {Amsterdam}, author = {Pym, Anthony}, booktitle = {Efforts and models in interpreting and translation research: {A} tribute to {D}aniel {G}ile}, doi = {10.1075/btl.80.08pym}, editor = {Hansen, Gyde and Chesterman, Andrew and Gerzymisch-Arbogast, Heidrun}, pages = {83--105}, publisher = {John Benjamins}, title = {On omission in simultaneous interpreting: {Risk} analysis of a hidden effort}, year = {2008} } @incollection{prandi_exploratory_2018, address = {Berlin}, author = {Prandi, Bianca}, booktitle = {Interpreting and technology}, editor = {Fantinuoli, Claudio}, pages = {29--59}, publisher = {Language Science Press}, title = {An exploratory study on {{CAI}} tools in simultaneous interpreting: {T}heoretical framework and stimulus validation}, doi = {10.5281/zenodo.1493293}, year = {2018} } @incollection{poole_eye_2005, address = {Pennsylvania}, author = 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@incollection{moser_simultaneous_1978, address = {Boston}, author = {Moser, Barbara}, booktitle = {Language interpretation and communication}, editor = {Gerver, David and Sinaiko, H. 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@incollection{jakobsen_translog_2006, address = {Oxford}, author = {Jakobsen, Arnt Lykke}, booktitle = {Computer keystroke logging and writing}, editor = {Eva Lindgren and Sullivan, {Kirk P. 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{Amsterdam}, author = {Jakobsen, Arnt Lykke}, booktitle = {Triangulating translation: {{P}}erspectives in process oriented research}, editor = {Alves, Fábio}, pages = {69--95}, publisher = {John Benjamins}, title = {Effects of think aloud on translation speed, revision, and segmentation}, year = {2003} } @incollection{hvelplund_cognitive_2016, address = {Amsterdam}, author = {Hvelplund, Kristian Tangsgaard}, booktitle = {Benjamins {Translation} {Library}}, doi = {10.1075/btl.128.08hve}, editor = {{Muñoz Martín}, Ricardo}, file = {Submitted Version:/Users/Bianca/Zotero/storage/7AMM494V/Hvelplund - 2016 - Cognitive efficiency in translation.pdf:application/pdf}, isbn = {978-90-272-5874-8 978-90-272-6634-7}, month = {9}, pages = {149--170}, publisher = {John Benjamins}, title = {Cognitive efficiency in translation}, volume = {128}, year = {2016} } @incollection{horvath_virtual_2020, address = {Oxford}, author = {Horváth, Ildikó and Seresi, Márta}, booktitle = {The {Role} of {Technology} 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out of the box}, editor = {{Tra\&Co Group}}, pages = {1--32}, publisher = {Language Science Press}, sortname = {Herbig, Nico and Pala, Santanu and Kr{u}gera, Antonio and van Genabitha, Josef}, title = {Multi-modal estimation of cognitive load in post-editing of machine translation}, doi = {10.5281/zenodo.4545029}, year = {2021} } @incollection{hauenschild_process_1997, address = {Berlin}, author = {Moser-Mercer, Barbara}, booktitle = {{Machine} translation and translation theory}, doi = {10.1515/9783110802474.3}, editor = {Hauenschild, Christa and Heizmann, Susanne}, pages = {3--18}, publisher = {De Gruyter Mouton}, title = {Process models in simultaneous interpretation}, year = {1997} } @incollection{hart_development_1988, address = {Amsterdam}, author = {Hart, Sandra G. and Staveland, Lowell E.}, booktitle = {Human Mental Workload}, series = {Advances in {Psychology}}, doi = {10.1016/S0166-4115(08)62386-9}, editor = {Hancock, Peter A. and Meshkati, Najmedin}, pages = {139--183}, 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Gareth}, isbn = {978-0-19-856897-1}, pages = {326--342}, publisher = {Oxford University Press}, title = {Eye movements and on-line comprehension processes}, year = {2007} } @incollection{garzone_physiological_2002, address = {Amsterdam}, author = {Kurz, Ingrid}, booktitle = {Interpreting in the 21st century: {{C}}hallenges and opportunities}, doi = {10.1075/btl.43.19kur}, editor = {Garzone, Giuliana and Viezzi, Maurizio}, isbn = {978-90-272-1649-6}, pages = {195--202}, publisher = {John Benjamins}, title = {Physiological stress responses during media and conference interpreting}, year = {2002} } @incollection{garzone_computer-assisted_2002, address = {Amsterdam}, author = {Gran, Laura and Carabelli, Angela and Merlini, Raffaella}, booktitle = {Benjamins {Translation} {Library}}, doi = {10.1075/btl.43.27gra}, editor = {Garzone, Giuliana and Viezzi, Maurizio}, isbn = {978-90-272-1649-6}, pages = {277--294}, publisher = {John Benjamins}, title = {Computer-assisted interpreter training}, volume = {43}, year = {2002} } @incollection{garcia2011terminologie, address = {Tübingen}, author = {García de Quesada, Mercedes}, booktitle = {Qualitätsparameter beim {S}imultandolmetschen: {{I}}nterdisziplinäre {P}erspektiven}, editor = {Collados Aís, Angela and Iglesias Fernández, Emilia and Pradas Macías, E. 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Wouter}, title = {Simultaneous interpreting and working memory capacity}, year = {2015} } @incollection{ferreira_position_2015, address = {Amsterdam}, author = {Ferreira, Aline and Schwieter, John W. and Gile, Daniel}, booktitle = {Psycholinguistic and cognitive inquiries into translation and interpreting}, doi = {10.1075/btl.115.01fer}, editor = {Ferreira, Aline and Schwieter, John W.}, file = {Ferreira et al. - 2015 - The position of psycholinguistic and cognitive sci.pdf:/Users/Bianca/Zotero/storage/CA9XFK2A/Ferreira et al. - 2015 - The position of psycholinguistic and cognitive sci.pdf:application/pdf}, pages = {3--15}, publisher = {John Benjamins}, title = {The position of psycholinguistic and cognitive science in translation and interpreting}, year = {2015} } @incollection{fantinuoli_specialized_2006, address = {Bologna}, author = {Fantinuoli, Claudio}, booktitle = {Wacky! {{W}}orking papers on the web as corpus}, editor = {Baroni, Marco and Bernardini, Silvia}, pages = 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= {Carsten, Svetlana and Maskaliūnienė, Nijolė and Perret, Matthew}, booktitle = {The {Role} of {Technology} in {Conference} {Interpreter} {Training}}, editor = {Rodríguez Melchor, María Dolores and Horváth, Ildikó and Ferguson, Kate}, isbn = {978-1-78874-409-6}, pages = {77-100}, publisher = {Peter Lang}, series = {New {Trends} in {Translation} {Studies}}, sortname = {Carsten, Svetlana and Maskaliuniene, Nijole and Perret, Matthew}, title = {The {Collaborative} {Multilingual} {Multimedia} {Project} {{ORCIT}} ({Online} {Resources} in {Conference} {Interpreter} {Training}): {Sharing} {Pedagogical} {Good} {Practice} and {Enhancing} {Learner} {Experience}}, year = {2020}, } @incollection{carl_measuring_2021, address = {Cham}, author = {Tardel, Anke}, booktitle = {Explorations in empirical translation process research}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-69777-8_4}, editor = {Carl, Michael}, isbn = {978-3-030-69776-1}, pages = {81--110}, publisher = {Springer International Publishing}, shorttitle = 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Szpak, Karina Sarto and Sekino, Kyoko and Aquino, Marceli}, title = {Analysing the Impact of Interactive {{Machine}} {Translation} on {Post}-editing Effort}, year = {2016} } @incollection{braun_technology_2020, address = {London}, author = {Braun, Sabine}, booktitle = {The {{Routledge}} handbook of translation and technology}, editor = {O'Hagan, Minako}, pages = {271--288}, publisher = {Routledge}, title = {Technology and interpreting}, year = {2019} } @incollection{bower_working_1974, address = {New York}, author = {Baddeley, Alan D. and Hitch, Graham}, booktitle = {Psychology of learning and motivation}, editor = {Bower, Gordon H.}, pages = {47--89}, publisher = {Academic Press}, title = {Working memory}, volume = {8}, year = {1974} } @incollection{bowen_thoughts_1990, address = {Binghamton}, author = {Déjean Le Féal, Karla}, booktitle = {Interpreting: {{Y}}esterday, today, and tomorrow}, doi = {10.1075/ata.iv.27lef}, editor = {Bowen, David and Bowen, Margareta}, isbn = 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