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Daher haben wir auch keine gültige DOI für das eBook.}, doi = {none}, editor = {Schindler, Wolfgang and Untermann, Jürgen}, langid = {german}, pages = {225--261}, publisher = {Mouton de Gruyter}, series = {none}, title = {{Was ist Wortakzent? Eine Untersuchung am Beispiel des Deutschen}}, year = {1999}, bdsk-url-1 = {https://doi.org/none}} @incollection{lieb:2005:notions:paradigm, address = {Berlin}, author = {Lieb, Hans-Heinrich}, checked = {EE 2022}, crossref = {CHJL2005a-ed}, doi = {10.1515/9783110171471.2.36.1613}, pages = {1613--1646}, title = {Notions of Paradigm in Grammar}, bdsk-url-1 = {https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110171471.2.36.1613}} @incollection{CHJL2005a-ed, address = {Berlin}, checked = {EE 2022}, editor = {Cruse, D. Alan and Hundsnurscher, Franz and Job, Michael and Lutzeier, Peter R.}, number = {21}, publisher = {De Gruyter Mouton}, title = {Notions of Paradigm in Grammar}, volume = {2}, xdata = {CHJL2005a-ed-xdata}, year = {2005}} @misc{lieb:2013:general:theory, author = {Lieb, Hans-Heinrich}, checked = {EE 2022}, doi = {none}, howpublished = {Ms. Freie Universität Berlin}, langid = {british}, title = {Towards a General Theory of Word Formation: {The Process Model}}, url = {https://refubium.fu-berlin.de/handle/fub188/14780}, urldate = {2022-08-17}, year = {2013}, bdsk-url-1 = {https://refubium.fu-berlin.de/handle/fub188/14780}} @incollection{mueller:et:al:2011:kontamination, address = {Stuttgart}, author = {Müller, Peter O. and Friedrich, Cornelia}, booktitle = {{Wortbildung im Deutschen zwischen Sprachsystem und Sprachgebrauch: Perspektiven -- Analysen -- Anwendungen}}, checked = {EE 2022}, doi = {none}, editor = {Elsen, Hilke and Michel, Sascha}, langid = {german}, pages = {73--107}, publisher = {ibidem}, series = {none}, title = {Kontamination}, year = {2011}, bdsk-url-1 = {https://doi.org/none}} @phdthesis{nolda:2012:konversion:deutschen, author = {Nolda, Andreas}, checked = {EE 2022}, doi = {none}, langid = {ngerman}, school = {Humboldt-Uni\-ver\-si\-tät zu Berlin}, title = {{Konversion im Deutschen -- Muster und Beschränkungen: Mit einem Grundriss einer allgemeinen Theorie der Wortbildung}}, type = {Habilitation}, year = {2013}, bdsk-url-1 = {https://doi.org/none}} @incollection{nolda:2016:formation:prepositional, address = {Amsterdam}, author = {Nolda, Andreas}, booktitle = {Inner-sentential Propositional Proforms: {Syntactic} Properties and Interpretative Effects}, checked = {EE 2022}, doi = {10.1075/la.232.07nol}, editor = {Frey, Werner and Meinunger, André and Schwabe, Kerstin}, langid = {british}, number = {232}, pages = {171--210}, publisher = benjamins, series = lalt, title = {On the Formation of Prepositional Adverbs in {Modern German}: {A} Case Study on \emph{\foreignlanguage{german}{darunter}}}, year = {2016}, bdsk-url-1 = {https://doi.org/10.1075/la.232.07nol}} @incollection{nolda:2018:explaining:linguistic, address = {Amsterdam}, author = {Nolda, Andreas}, booktitle = {Essays on Linguistic Realism}, checked = {EE 2022}, doi = {10.1075/slcs.196.08nol}, editor = {Behme, Christina and Neef, Martin}, langid = {british}, number = {196}, pages = {203--233}, publisher = benjamins, series = {Studies in Language Companion Series}, title = {Explaining Linguistic Facts in a Realist Theory of Word Formation}, year = {2018}, bdsk-url-1 = {https://doi.org/10.1075/slcs.196.08nol}} @incollection{nolda:2019:wortbildung:flexion, address = {Szeged}, author = {Nolda, Andreas}, booktitle = {{„Vnd der gieng treulich, weislich vnd mëndlich mit den sachen vmb“: Festschrift für Péter Bassola zum 75.\ Geburtstag}}, checked = {EE 2022}, doi = {10.14232/Festschrift.Bassola}, editor = {Drewnowska-Vargáné, Ewa and Kappel, Péter and Modrián-Horváth, Bernadett and Rauzs, Orsolya}, langid = {german}, number = {15}, pages = {359–377}, publisher = {Szegedi Tudományegyetem}, series = {Acta Germanica}, title = {{Wortbildung und Flexion in Morphologie und Syntax: Zur Bildung von Präfix- und Partikelverben im Deutschen}}, url = {http://acta.bibl.u-szeged.hu/62236/}, urldate = {2019-09-18}, year = {2019}, bdsk-url-1 = {http://acta.bibl.u-szeged.hu/62236/}} @incollection{olsen:2012:semantics:compounds, author = {Olsen, Susan}, checked = {EE 2022}, crossref = {vHMP2012a-ed}, doi = {10.1515/9783110253382.2120}, pages = {2120--2150}, title = {Semantics of Compounds}, bdsk-url-1 = {https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110253382.2120}} @incollection{olsen:2014:coordinative:structures, address = {Berlin}, author = {Olsen, Susan}, booktitle = {{Zwischen Kern und Peripherie: Untersuchungen zu Randbereichen in Sprache und Grammatik}}, checked = {EE 2022}, doi = {10.1524/9783050065335.269}, editor = {Machicao y Priemer, Antonio and Nolda, Andreas and Sioupi, Athina}, 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