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In Vennemann \& Wilbur (eds.) 1972: \textit{Schuchardt, the {Neogrammarians} and the transformational theory of phonological change: {F}our essays.}}, %note = {Translated by Theo Vennemann \& Terence H Wilbur as ``On sound laws: Against the Neogrammarians''.}, %editor = {Vennemann, Theo and Terence H. Wilbur}, %translator = {Vennemann, Theo and Terence H. Wilbur}, %language = {langgerman and langenglish}, publisher = {Oppenheim}, title = {{Über die Lautgesetze: {{G}}egen die Junggrammatiker}}, year = {1885} } @book{Scholl1912, address = {Bonn}, author = {Scholl, Klaus}, publisher = {Hauptmann’sche Buchdruckerei}, title = {{Die {Mundarten} des Kreises Ottweiler. Untersuchungen auf lautphysiologischer und sprachgeschichtlicher Grundlage.}}, year = {1912} } @book{Schnabel2000, address = {Heidelberg}, author = {Schnabel, Michael}, publisher = {Carl Winter}, title = {{Der {{Dialekt}} von Weingarts. 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J.}, publisher = {Clarendon Press}, title = {{German}. {A} linguistic history to 1945}, year = {1985} } @book{Hirt1925, address = {Munich}, author = {Hirt, Hermann}, publisher = {{C}. {H}. {Becksche} {Verlagsbuchhandlung}}, sortname = {Hirt, Hermann}, title = {{Geschichte} der deutschen {Sprache}}, note = {zweite, neubearbeitete {Auflage}}, year = {1925} } @book{Sütterlin1925, address = {Leipzig}, author = {Sütterlin, Ludwig}, publisher = {Quelle and Meyer}, sortname = {Sutterlin, Ludwig}, title = {{Die} {Lehre} von der {Lautbildung}. {Dritte}, verbesserte {Auflage} mit zahlreichen {Abbildungen}}, year = {1925} } @phdthesis{Becker1967, address = {Austin, TX}, author = {Becker, Donald Allen}, school = {University of {Texas}}, title = {{Generative} phonology and dialect study: {An} investigation of three modern {German} dialects}, year = {1967} } @book{Bach1950, address = {Heidelberg}, author = {Bach, Adolf}, note = {Mit 58 {Karten} im {Text}. {Zweite} {Auflage}}, publisher = {Carl Winter}, title = {{Deutsche} {Mundartforschung}. {Ihre} {Wege}, {Ergebnisse} und {Aufgaben}}, year = {1950} } @book{Kelz1971, address = {Hamburg}, author = {Kelz, Heinrich}, publisher = {Helmus Buske}, title = {{Phonologische} {Analyse} des {Pennsylvaniadeutschen}. {Mit} 16 {Abbildungen}}, year = {1971} } @book{Buffington1954, address = {Allentown, PA}, author = {Buffington, Albert F. and Barba A. Preston}, publisher = {Schlechter's}, title = {{A} {Pennsylvania} {German} grammar}, year = {1954} } @book{Frey1942, address = {Clinton,SC}, author = {Frey, J. William}, publisher = {J. William Frey}, title = {{A} simple grammar of {Pennsylvania} {Dutch}}, year = {1942} } @book{Sütterlin1924, address = {Munich}, author = {Sütterlin, Ludwig}, publisher = {{C}. {H}. {Becksche} {Verlagsbuchhandlung}}, sortname = {Sutterlin, Ludwig}, title = {{Neuhochdeutsche} {Grammatik} mit besonderer {Berücksichtigung} der hochdeutschen {Mundarten}. {Erste} {Hälfte}. {Einleitung}, {Lautverhältnisse}, {Wortbiegung}}, year = {1924} } @book{Noble1983, address = {New York}, author = {C. A. M. Noble}, publisher = {Peter Lang}, title = {{Modern} {German} dialects}, year = {1983} } @book{Lameli2013, address = {Berlin}, author = {Lameli, Alfred}, publisher = {Walter De Gruyter}, title = {{Strukturen} im {Sprachraum}. {Analysen} zur arealtypologischen {Komplexität} der {Dialekte} in {Deutschland}}, year = {2013} } @book{Streck2012, address = {Stuttgart}, author = {Streck, Tobias}, publisher = {Franz Steiner}, title = {{Phonologischer} {Wandel} im {Konsonantismus} der alemannischen {Dialekte} {Baden-}{Württembergs}. {Sprachatlasvergleich}, {Spontansprache} und dialektometrische {Studien}}, year = {2012} } @book{Roesch2012, address = {Amsterdam}, author = {Roesch, Karen A.}, publisher = {John Benjamins}, title = {Language maintenance and language death. {The} decline of {Texas} {Alsatian}}, year = {2012} } @book{Fischer1895, address = {Tübingen}, author = {Fischer, Hermann}, publisher = {Verlag der H. Laupp’schen Buchhandlung}, title = {{Geographie} der schwäbischen {Mundart} mit einem {Atlas} von achtundzwanzig {Karten}}, year = {1895} } @incollection{Gilbert1970, address = {Berlin}, author = {Gilbert, Glenn G.}, booktitle = {{Texas} studies in bilingualism: {Spanish}, {French}, {German}, {Czech}, {Polish}, {Sorbian}, and {Norwegian} in the {Southwest}}, editor = {Gilbert, Glenn G.}, pages = {63--105}, publisher = {Walter de Gruyter}, title = {{The} phonology, morphology, and lexicon of a {German} text from {Fredericksburg}, {Texas}}, year = {1970} } @book{Viëtor1875, address = {Wiesbaden}, author = {Viëtor, Wilhelm}, publisher = {Julius Niedner Verlagshandlung}, title = {{Die} {Reinfränkische} {Umgangssprache} in und um {Nassau}}, year = {1875} } @book{Viëtor1906, address = {Marburg}, author = {Viëtor, Wilhelm}, publisher = {N.G. Elwert}, title = {{Wie} ist die {Aussprache} des {Deutschen} zu lehren?}, note = {Vierte {Auflage}}, year = {1906} } @book{Wolf1987, address = {Bucharest}, author = {Wolf, Johann}, publisher = {Kriterion Verlag}, title = {{Banater} deutsche {Mundartenkunde}}, year = {1987} } @book{Barba1982, address = {Wiesbaden}, author = {Barba, Katharina}, publisher = {Franz Steiner}, title = {{Deutsche} {Dialekte} in {Rumänien}. {Die} südfränkischen {Mundarten} der {Banater} deutschen {Sprachinsel}}, year = {1982} } @book{Dama1991, address = {Marburg}, author = {Dama, Hans}, publisher = {N. G. Elwert}, title = {{Die} {Mundart} von {Gross}-{Sankt}-{Nikolaus} im rumänischen {Banat}}, year = {1987} } @book{Mileck1997, address = {New York}, author = {Mileck, Joseph}, publisher = {Peter Lang}, title = {{Samatimerisch}: {Phonetik}. {Grammatik}. {Lexikographie}. {Geschichte} der {Mundart} der deutschen {Gemeinde} {Sanktmartin} am nördlichen {Rand} des rumänischen {Banats}}, year = {1997} } @book{bremer1893, address = {Leipzig}, author = {Bremer, Otto}, publisher = {Bretkopf and Härtel}, title = {{Deutsche} {Phonetik}}, year = {1893} } @book{Grimm1821, author = {Grimm, Jacob}, address = {Göttingen}, publisher = {Dieterichsche Buchhandlung}, title = {{Deutsche} {Grammatik}. {Erster} {Theil}}, note = {{Zweite} {Ausgabe}}, year = {1821} } @book{Klein1927, address = {Marburg}, author = {Klein, Hermine}, publisher = {N. G. Elwert}, title = {Die {Bistritzer} {Mundart} verglichen mit dem {Sprachatlas} des {Deutschen} {Reiches}}, year = {1927} } @book{Mäzke1776, author = {Mäzke, Abraham Gotthelf}, address = {Breslau}, publisher = {Meyern}, title = {{Grammatische} {Anhandlungen} über die deutsche {Sprache} von {Abraham} {Gotthelf} {Mäzke}, {Lehrer} am {Waisenhause} zu {Bunzlau}}, note = {{Erster} {Band}}, year = {1776} } @book{Becker1845, author = {Becker, Karl Ferdinand}, address = {London}, publisher = {Longman, Brown and Green}, title = {{A} grammar of the {German} language}, note = {{Second} edition. {Edited} by {Bernhard} {Becker}}, year = {1845} } @book{Brücke1856, author = {Brücke, Ernst}, address = {Vienna}, publisher = {Carl Gerold's Sohn}, title = {{Grundzüge} der {Physiologie} und {Systematik} der {Sprachlaute} für {Linguisten} und {Taubstummenlehrer}}, year = {1856} } @book{Mäzke1780, author = {Mäzke, Abraham Gotthelf}, address = {Züllichau}, publisher = {Fromman}, title = {{Über} deutsche {Wörterfamilien} und {Rechtschreibung}}, year = {1780} } @book{Adelung1781, author = {Adelung, Johnann Christian}, address = {Berlin}, publisher = {Christian Friedrich Voss und {Sohn}}, title = {{Johann} {Christoph} {Adelungs} {Deutsche} {Sprachlehre} zum {Gebrauche} der {Schulen}. {Mit} allergnädigsten privilegien}, year = {1781} } @phdthesis{Goerzen1952, address = {Toronto}, author = {Goerzen, Jakob Warkentin}, school = {University of Toronto}, title = {{Low} {German} in {Canada}. {A} study of {"Plautdietsch"} as spoken by {Mennonite} immigrants from {Russia}}, year = {1952} } @book{Moritz1784, address = {Berlin}, author = {Moritz, Carl Philipp}, publisher = {Arnold Wever}, title = {{Von} der {Rechtschreibung}. {Nebst} vier {Tabellen} die deutsche {Rechtschreibung}, {Interpunktion}, {Deklination}, und insbesondere den {Unterschied} des {Akkusativs} und {Dativs} betreffend. {Zum} {Gebrauch} der {Schulen} und für solche die keine gelehrte {Sprachkenntniss} besitzen. {Von} {Carl} {Philipp} {Moritz}, {Professor} am vereinigten {Berlinischen} und {Kölnischen} {Gymnasium}.}, year = {1784} } @book{Viëtor1884, author = {Viëtor, Wilhelm}, address = {Heilbronn}, publisher = {Henninger}, title = {{Elemente} der {Phonetik} und {Orthoepie} des {Deutschen}, {Englischen} und {Französischen} mit {Rücksicht} auf die {Bedürfnisse} der {Lehrpraxis}}, year = {1884} } @book{Render1804, address = {London}, author = {Render, William}, publisher = {H. D. Symonds}, title = {{A} complete analysis or grammar of the {German} language: or a philological and grammatical view of its construction, analogies, and various properties.}, year = {1804} } @book{vonKempelen1791, author = {von Kempelen, Wolfgang}, address = {Vienna}, publisher = {Degen}, title = {{Mechanismus} der menschlichen {Sprache} nebst {Beschreibung} einer sprechenden {Maschine}}, year = {1791} } @book{Rapp1841, author = {Rapp, Karl Moritz}, address = {Stuttgart}, publisher = {Cotta}, note = {Vierter {Band}. Supplemente}, title = {{Versuch} einer {Physiologie} der {Sprache} nebst historischer {Entwicklung} der abendländischen {Idiome} nach physiologischen {Grundsätzen}}, year = {1841} } @book{Rapp1836, author = {Rapp, Karl Moritz}, address = {Stuttgart}, publisher = {Cotta}, note = {Erster {Band}. {Vergleichende} {Grammatik} als {Naturlehre}}, title = {{Versuch} einer {Physiologie} der {Sprache} nebst historischer {Entwicklung} der abendländischen {Idiome} nach physiologischen {Grundsätzen}}, year = {1836} } @book{Humperdinck1868, author = {Humperdinck, Georg}, address = {Siegburg}, publisher = {C. F. Dämisch}, title = {{Die} {Sprachlaute} physiologisch und sprachwissenschaftlich betrachtet }, year = {1868} } @book{Götzinger1836, author = {Götzinger, Max Wilhelm}, address = {Stuttgart}, publisher = {Hoffmann'sche {Verlags}-{Buchhandlung}}, title = {{Die} deutsche {Sprache} und ihre {Literatur}}, note = {{Erster} {Band}. {Die} deutsche {Sprache}. {Erster} {Theil}.}, year = {1836} } @book{Moser1937, author = {Moser, Hugo}, address = {Munich}, publisher = {Ernst Reinhardt}, title = {{Schwäbische} {Mundart} und {Sitte} in {Sathmar}}, year = {1937} } @book{Adler1846, author = {Adler, G. J.}, address = {New York}, publisher = {D. Appleton}, title = {{Ollendorff's} new method of learning to read, write, and speak the {German} language; to which is added a systematic outline of the different parts of speech, their inflection and use, with full paradigms and a complete table of irregular verbs}, year = {1846} } @book{Weisse1872, author = {Weisse, Traugott Heinrich}, address = {London}, publisher = {Williams and Norgate}, note = {Third edition}, title = {{A} complete practical grammar of the {German} language with exercises and conversations, letters, poems and treatises forming a method and reader; with a phrase book of prepositional idioms etc. and full directions for the proper use of {Ahn's} first course}, year = {1872} } @book{Bacon1906, author = {Bacon, Edwin F.}, address = {New York}, publisher = {Maynard, Merrill and {Co.}}, title = {{Bacon's} new {German} course comprising in one volume the essentials of the grammar with a conversational reader and complete vocabularies}, year = {1906} } @book{Worman1868, author = {Worman, James H.}, address = {New York}, publisher = {A. S. Barnes}, title = {{A} complete grammar of the {German} language with exercises, readings, conversations, paradigms, and an adequate vocabulary}, year = {1868} } @book{Götzinger1830, author = {Götzinger, Max Wilhelm}, address = {Aarau}, publisher = {Sauerländer}, title = {{Deutsche} {Sprachlehre} für {Schulen}}, note = {{Zweite} {Auflage}}, year = {1830} } @book{Bauer1847, author = {Bauer, Heinrich}, address = {Berlin}, publisher = {Hayn}, title = {{Lehrbuch} der neuhochdeutchen {Sprache} für gebildete {Leser} auch zum {Gebrauch} in oberen {Classen} höherer {Schulen}}, year = {1847} } @book{Krüger1843, address = {Emden}, author = {Krüger, Eduard}, publisher = {{Verlag} von {H}. {Mortman}}, title = {{Uebersicht} der heutigen {Plattdeutschen} {Sprache} (besonders in {Emden})}, year = {1843} } @article{Rapp1851, author = {Rapp, Karl Moritz}, journal = {{Die} {Deutschen} {Mundarten}}, pages = {102--115}, title = {{Grammatische} {Uebersicht} über den schwäbischen {Dialekt}}, volume = {2}, year = {1851} } @book{Rapp1840, author = {Rapp, Karl Moritz}, address = {Stuttgart}, publisher = {Cotta}, note = {Dritter {Band}. {Die} lebenden {Sprachen} griechisch-römisch-gotischer {Zunge} physiologisch dargestellt}, title = {{Versuch} einer {Physiologie} der {Sprache} nebst historischer {Entwicklung} der abendländischen {Idiome} nach physiologischen {Grundsätzen}}, year = {1840} } @book{Bauer1827, author = {Bauer, Heinrich}, address = {Berlin}, publisher = {Reimer}, note = {Erster {Band}}, title = {{Vollständige} {Grammatik} der neuhochdeutchen {Sprache}}, year = {1827} } @book{Hemmer1776, author = {Hemmer, Jakob}, address = {Mannheim}, publisher = {Kurfürstl. {Hofbuchdruckerei}}, title = {{Jakob} {Domitors}, kurpfälzischen {Rates}, {Grundris} einer dauerhaften {Rechtschreibung}, {Deütschland} zur {Prüfung} forgeleget}, year = {1776} } @book{Fränklin1778, author = {Fränklin, Georg}, address = {Regensburg}, publisher = {Johann {Leopold} {Montag}}, title = {{Priesters} und ehemals oeffentlichen {Lehrers} in drey {Universitäten} des obern {Deutschlandes}, {Versuch} einer neuen {Lehre} von den vornehmsten {Gegenständen} der deutschen {Sprachlehre} nach den {Regeln} der {Vernunftlehre} in sechs {Abhandlungen} verfasset}, year = {1778} } @book{Siepmann1897, address = {London}, publisher = {Macmillan}, author = {Siepmann, Otto}, title = {{A} public school {German} primer, comprising a first reader, grammar and exercises with some remarks on {German} pronunciation and full vocabularies}, year = {1897} } @book{Dannheisser1899, address = {Heidelberg}, publisher = {Groos}, author = {Dannheisser, Ernst}, title = {{Die} richtige {Aussprache} des {Musterdeutschen}, gemeinverständlich dargestellt für {Gebildete} aller {Berufsarten}}, year = {1899} } @book{Schmitt1868, address = {Munich}, publisher = {{Gummi}}, author = {Schmitt, Friedrich}, title = {{Neues} {System} zur {Erlernung} der deutschen {Aussprache} nebst neuer {Entheilung} des {A B C}}, year = {1868} } @book{Eichhorn1854, address = {New York}, publisher = {{Appleton}}, author = {Eichhorn, Charles}, note = {Third edition, revised and corrected}, title = {{The} practical {German} grammar; or, a natural method of learning to read, write, and speak the {German} language}, year = {1854} } @book{Mannheimer1853, address = {Bonn}, publisher = {Sulzbach}, author = {Mannheimer, H.}, note = {Second edition, carefully revised, greatly enlarged and improved}, title = {{The} study of {German} simplified in a new systematic and practical grammar according to the systems of {Ollendorf} and {Dr.} {Ahn}}, year = {1853} } @book{Ahn1855, address = {Philadelphia}, publisher = {{John} {Weik}}, author = {Ahn, Franz}, note = {Fourth edition}, title = {{A} new practical and easy method of learning the {German} language}, year = {1855} } @book{Strauss1856, address = {London}, publisher = {{John} {Weale}}, author = {Strauss, G. L.}, note = {Second edition, corrected}, title = {{A} grammar of the {German} language adapted for the use of {English} students, and from {Heyse's} theoretical and practical {German} grammar}, year = {1856} } @book{Gortzitza1841, address = {Lyck}, author = {Gortzitza, Wilhelm Orlando}, note = {{Programm} des königlichen {Gymnasium} zu {Lyck}}, publisher = {Typographisches {Intitut}}, title = {{Ueber} die neuhochdeutchen {Konsonanten}. {Mit} besonderer {Berücksichtigung} der in {Ostpreußen} herrschenden {Aussprache}}, year = {1841} } @book{Wertheim1841, address = {Karlsruhe}, publisher = {A. {Bielefeld}}, author = {Wertheim, M.}, title = {{A} concise {German} grammar with an entirely new arrangement of declensions and exercises}, year = {1841} } @book{Schwabe1842, address = {London}, publisher = {Longman, Brown, Green, Longmans}, author = {Schwabe, Ludwig}, title = {{The} {Englishman's} first {German} book, containing a guide to spelling and pronunciation, a progressive reader, and a concise grammar, arranged on an entirely new plan, calculated to facilitate the progress of the student}, year = {1842} } @book{Bernays1833, address = {London}, publisher = {Treuttel, Wurtz, and Richter}, author = {Bernays, Adolphus}, note = {Second edition}, title = {{A} compendious {German} grammar with a dictionary of the principal prefixes and affixes alphabetically arranged}, year = {1833} } @article{Lehmann1842, author = {Lehmann, J. A.}, journal = {Preußische Provinzial-Blãtter}, pages = {5--63}, title = {Die {Volkmundarten} in der {Provinz} {Preussen}}, volume = {27}, year = {1842} } @book{Jensen1925, author = {Jensen, Peter}, year = {1925}, title = {Die nordfriesische {Sprache} der {Wiedingharde}}, location = {Halle an der Saale}, publisher = {Buchdruckerei der {Waisenhauses}} } @book{CohenEbelingeringafokkemaholk1959, author = {Cohen, A., and C. L. Ebeling, and P. Eringa, and K. Fokkema, and A. G. F. van Holk}, year = {1959}, title = {Fonologie van het {Nederlands} en het {Fries}. {Inleiding} tot de moderne klankleer}, location = {'S-Gravenhage}, publisher = {Martinus Nijhoff} } @incollection{Laker2007, address = {Amsterdam}, author = {Laker, Stephen}, booktitle = {Advances in {Old} {Frisian} philology}, editor = {Bremmer, Rolf H., and Stephen Laker, and Oebele Vries}, pages = {165--184}, note = {Amsterdamer {Beiträge} zur älteren {Germanistik} 64}, publisher = {Brill}, title = {Palatalization of velars: a major link of {Old English} and {Old Frisian}}, year = {2007} } @book{DeVilliers1969, author = {De Villiers, Meyer}, address = {Cape Town}, publisher = {A. A. {Balkema}}, title = {{Afrikaanse} klankleer. {Fonetiek}, fonologie en woordbou}, note = {{Vyfde} {druk}}, year = {1969} } @incollection{Walker1989, address = {Stanford, CA}, author = {Walker, Alastair G. H.}, booktitle = {The dialects of Modern {German}}, editor = {Russ, Charles}, pages = {1--30}, publisher = {Stanford University Press}, title = {Frisian}, year = {1989} } @incollection{Hoekstra2001, address = {Tübingen}, author = {Hoekstra, Jarich F.}, booktitle = {Handbuch des {Friesischen}}, editor = {Munske, Horst Haider}, pages = {83--98}, publisher = {Max Niemeyer}, title = {Das {Standardwestfriesische}}, year = {2001} } @incollection{Fort2001, address = {Tübingen}, author = {Fort, Marron C.}, booktitle = {Handbuch des {Friesischen}}, editor = {Munske, Horst Haider}, pages = {409--422}, publisher = {Max Niemeyer}, title = {Das {Saterfriesische}}, year = {2001} } @book{Borowsky1990, address = {New York}, author = {Borowsky, Toni}, publisher = {Garland}, title = {Topics in the {Lexical} {Phonology} of {English}}, year = {1990} } @book{Stellmacher1981, address = {Düsseldorf}, author = {Stellmacher, Dieter}, publisher = {Schwann}, title = {Niedersächsisch}, year = {1981} } @phdthesis{Tiersma1980, address = {San Diego, CA}, author = {Tiersma, Peter Meijes}, school = {University of California at San Diego}, title = {The lexicon in phonological theory. {Data} from {Frisian}}, year = {1980} } @book{Wendeborn1849, address = {London}, author = {Wendeborn, Gebhard}, note ={{Eleventh} edition, entirely remodeled by {A.} {Heimann}}, publisher = {Longman}, title = {Wendeborn’s {German} grammar}, year = {1849} } @book{Otto1864, address = {Heidelberg}, author = {Otto, Emil}, publisher = {Groos}, note = {{Seventh} edition}, title = {German grammar combined with conversational exercises. {A} new and practical method of learning the {German} language}, year = {1864} } @book{Fosdick1838, address = {Andover, MA}, author = {Fosdick, David}, publisher = {Gould and Newman}, title = {{Introduction} to the {German} language; comprising a {German} grammar, with an appendix of important tables and other matter; and a {German} reader, consisting of selections from the classic literature of {Germany} accompanied by explanatory notes, and a vocabulary adapted to the selections}, year = {1838} } @book{Whitney1870, address = {New York}, author = {Whitney, William Dwight}, publisher = {Henry Holt}, title = {{A} compendious {German} grammar}, note = {{Fifth} edition, revised}, year = {1870} }