%% This BibTeX bibliography file was created using BibDesk. %% http://bibdesk.sourceforge.net/ %% Created for nadineborchardt at 2020-03-15 12:34:15 -0400 %% Saved with string encoding Unicode (UTF-8) @unpublished{segerer2008, author = {Segerer, Guillaume}, url = {https://halshs.archives-ouvertes.fr/halshs-00255943}, title = {Closed adjective classes and primary adjectives in {A}frican languages}, year = {2008} } @techreport{blood99, address = {Yaoundé}, author = {Blood, Cynthia}, institution = {Ministry of Scientific and Technical Research}, title = {The {O}ku noun class system}, url = {http://www.silcam.org/documents/oku_blood1999_2350_p.pdf}, year = {1999} } @phdthesis{woungly71, author = {Woungly, Massaga M.}, school = {Montpellier: Université de Montpellier}, title = {{Le} dialecte ngumba: {{{E}}}ssai descriptif}, year = {1971} } @phdthesis{henson2007, address = {Berkeley}, author = {Henson, Bonnie J.}, school = {University of California}, title = {The phonology and morphosyntax of {K}ol}, type = {PhD Thesis}, year = {2007} } @phdthesis{dingemanse2011, author = {Dingemanse, Mark}, school = {Radboud University Nijmegen}, title = {The meaning and use of ideophones in {S}iwu}, year = {2011} } @phdthesis{cheucle2014, author = {Cheucle, Marion}, school = {Université Lumière Lyon 2}, title = {{É}tude comparative des langues makaa-njem (bantu {A}80) : {{P}}honologie, morphologie, lexique. {{V}}ers une reconstruction du proto-{A}80}, year = {2014} } @phdthesis{braginsky2008, author = {Braginsky, Pavel}, school = {Ramat Gan: Bar-Ilan University}, title = {The semantics of the prefix {{ZA}}- in {Russian}}, year = {2008} } @phdthesis{angenot71, author = {Angenot, J. P.}, school = {Leiden University}, title = {Aspects de la phonétique et de la morphologie de l'ewondo}, year = {1971} } @incollection{Wal2015, author = {van der Wal, Jenneke}, title = {Bantu syntax}, booktitle = {Oxford {H}andbooks {O}nline}, doi = {10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199935345.013.50}, year = {2015} } @misc{worldres2015, author = {{World Resources Institute}}, url = {http://www.wri.org/applications/maps/forestatlas/cmr/index.htm?maptheme=cameroon#v=atlas&l=fr&init=y}, urldate = {2015-08-27}, title = {Forest atlas of {C}ameroon}, year = {2015} } @misc{worldbank2015, author = {Worldbank}, url = {http://www.worldbank.org/projects/P000348/hevecam-rubber-project-02?lang=en}, urldsate = {2015-08-27}, title = {{HEVECAM} rubber project (2)}, year = {2015} } @misc{thomopoulos2012, author = {Thomopoulos, Nikos}, howpublished = {Documentary film}, title = {{To} be or not to be {B}agyeli}, year = {2012} } @misc{skopeteas2006, address = {Potsdam}, author = {Skopeteas, Stavros and Ines Fiedler and Sam Hellmuth and Anne Schwarz and Ruben Stoel and Gisbert Fanselow and Caroline Féry and Manfred Krifka}, series = {{ISIS}, {W}orking {P}apers of the {SFB} 632, {V}ol. 4}, publisher = {Universitätsverlag Potsdam}, title = {Questionnaire on information structure ({{QUIS}})}, year = {2006} } @misc{roberts2006, author = {Roberts, James and Keith Snider}, institution = {{SIL} International}, title = {{{SIL}} comparative {A}frican wordlist}, url = {https://www.eva.mpg.de/lingua/tools-at-lingboard/pdf/Snider_silewp2006-005.pdf}, year = {2006} } @misc{olsson2013, author = {Olsson, Bruno}, address = {Stockholm}, institution = {Stockholm University}, title = {Iamitives: {P}erfects in {S}outheast {A}sia and beyond}, howpublished = {Master's thesis}, url = {http://urn.kb.se/re solve?urn=urn:nbn:se:su:diva-91392}, year = {2013} } @misc{ntaryike2015, author = {Ntaryike, Divine}, howpublished = {African {B}usiness {M}agazine {O}nline}, url = {http://africanbusinessmagazine.com/sectors/infrastructure/kribi-ports-promises-on-hold}, urldsate = {2015-08-27}, title = {Kribi port's promises on hold}, year = {2015} } @misc{ngueum2012, address = {Yaoundé}, author = {Ngue Um, Emmanuel}, howpublished = {Unpublished manuscript}, title = {Bakola sketch grammar}, year = {2012} } @misc{mauri2008, author = {Mauri, Caterina}, howpublished = {Presented at Syntax of the World's Languages III in Berlin}, title = {The cross-linguistic coding of coordination relations}, date = {2008-09-26}, year = {2008} } @misc{maho2009, author = {Maho, Jouni F.}, title = {New updated {G}uthrie list}, url = {http://goto.glocalnet.net/mahopapers/nuglonline.pdf}, year = {2009} } @misc{lorenz2014, author = {Lorenz, Christopher}, howpublished = {Documentary}, url = {http://www.lorenzfilm.de/dokumentarfilm.html}, urldate = {2015-02-03}, title = {Bakola/{B}agyeli}, year = {2014} } @misc{lecentre2014, author = {{Le Centre des Nations Unies pour les Droits de l'homme et la Démocratie en Afrique centrale}}, url = {http://www.cnudhd.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=264%3Akribi-droits-de-lhomme-les-experts-examinent-la-situation-des-peuples-autochtones-du-cameroun&Itemid=155}, urldate = {2015-08-27}, title = {Kribi, droits de l'homme: {{L}}es expert examinent la situation des peuple autochtones du {C}ameroun}, year = {2014} } @misc{grimm2020a, address = {MPI Nijmegen}, author = {Grimm, Nadine and Emmanuel Ngue Um and Daniel Duke}, publisher = {The Language Archive}, title = {A documentation of the {B}agyeli/{B}akola forest foragers of {C}ameroon}, url = {https://hdl.handle.net/1839/3ddac2ea-c473-40ac-bb15-8dc5a726dd05}, year = {2020}, } @misc{duke2014, author = {Duke, Daniel}, howpublished = {Presented at the 44th Colloquium on {A}frican {L}anguages and {L}inguistics, {L}eiden, {N}etherlands}, title = {Phonology and identity among {G}yele speakers}, year = {2014} } @misc{devin2015, author = {Devin, Luis}, urldate = {2015-02-03}, title = {{B}akola-{B}agyeli pygmies}, url = {http://www.pygmies.org/bakola-bagyeli}, year = {2015} } @misc{beavon2006, address = {Yaoundé}, author = {Beavon, Keith H.}, howpublished = {SIL Cameroon}, title = {A phonology of {N}jyem}, year = {2006} } @misc{bahuchet2006, author = {Bahuchet, Serge}, url = {https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00548207/document}, month = {8}, title = {Languages of the {A}frican rainforest ``{P}ygmy'' hunter-gatherers: {L}anguage shifts without cultural admixture. {H}istorical linguistics and hunter-gatherers populations in global perspective}, publisher = {Max Planck Institute}, address = {Leipzig}, year = {2006} } @inproceedings{marten03, address = {K\"oln}, author = {Marten, Lutz}, booktitle = {Actes du 3e congrès mondial de linguistique africaine {L}omé 2000}, editor = {Lébikaza, Kézié K.}, pages = {207--221}, publisher = {Rüdiger Köppe}, title = {The dynamics of {B}antu applied verbs: {A}n analysis at the syntax-pragmatics interface}, year = {2003} } @inproceedings{hyman2012, address = {Somerville, MA}, author = {Hyman, Larry M. and Florian Lionnet}, booktitle = {Selected Proceedings of the 42nd {A}nnual {C}onference on {A}frican {L}inguistics}, editor = {Marlo, Michael R. and Nikki B. Adams and Christopher R. Green and Michelle Morrison and Tristan M. Purvis}, pages = {1--14}, publisher = {Cascadilla Proceedings Project}, title = {Metatony in {A}bo}, year = {2012} } @inproceedings{krifka99, address = {Cornell}, author = {Krifka, Manfred}, booktitle = {Proceedings of {{SALT}} 8}, pages = {111--128}, publisher = {CLC Publications}, title = {Additive particles under stress}, year = {1999} } @inproceedings{grimm2019, address = {Berlin}, author = {Grimm, Nadine}, booktitle = {Theory and description in {A}frican Linguistics. {P}roceedings of the 47th {A}nnual {C}onference of {A}frican {L}inguistics}, editor = {Clem, Emily and Peter Jenks and Hannah Sande}, pages = {135--153}, publisher = {Language Science Press}, title = {Implosives in {B}antu {A}80? {T}he case of {G}yeli}, year = {2019} } @inproceedings{grimm2014, author = {Grimm, Nadine}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 38th {A}nnual {M}eeting of the {B}erkeley {L}inguistics {S}ociety}, editor = {Carpenter, Kayla and David, Oana and Lionnet, Florian and Sheil, Christine and Stark, Tammy and Wauters, Vivian}, pages = {31--46}, title = {Color categories in language contact: ``{P}ygmy'' hunter-gatherers and {B}antu farmers}, year = {2014} } @inproceedings{curnow2001, author = {Curnow, Timothy J.}, booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 1999 Conference of the {A}ustralian {L}inguistic {S}ociety}}, editor = {Henderson, John}, title = {Towards a cross-linguistic typology of copula constructions.}, url = {http://www.als.asn.au/proceedings/als1999/proceedings.html}, year = {2001} } @incollection{zerbian2008, address = {Bingley}, author = {Zerbian, Sabine and Manfred Krifka}, booktitle = {Quantification. {A} cross-linguistic perspective}, editor = {Matthewson, Lisa}, pages = {383--414}, publisher = {Emerald}, series = {North-Holland Linguistic Series: Linguistic Variations}, title = {Quantification across {B}antu languages}, volume = {64}, year = {2008} } @incollection{williamson2000, address = {Cambridge}, author = {Williamson, Kay and Roger Blench}, booktitle = {{African} languages: {A}n introduction}, editor = {Heine, Bernd and Derek Nurse}, pages = {11--42}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, title = {{Niger}-{C}ongo}, year = {2000} } @incollection{wilkins96, address = {New York}, author = {Wilkins, David P.}, booktitle = {The comparative method reviewed: {R}egularity and irregularity in language change}, editor = {Durie, Mark and Malcom Ross}, pages = {264--304}, publisher = {Oxford University Press}, title = {Natural tendencies of semantic change and the search for cognates}, year = {1996} } @incollection{wals-32, address = {Leipzig}, author = {Corbett, Greville G.}, booktitle = {{The World Atlas of Language Structures Online}}, editor = {Haspelmath, Martin and Matt Dryer and David Gil and Bernard Comrie}, note = {Map 32}, publisher = {Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology}, title = {Systems of gender assignment}, url = {http://wals.info/chapter/32}, year = {2013} } @incollection{viberg2006, address = {Oxford}, author = {Viberg, Åke}, booktitle = {{Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics}}, edition = {2}, editor = {Brown, Keith}, pages = {408--411}, publisher = {Elsevier}, title = {Verbs}, volume = {13}, year = {2006} } @incollection{velde2013, address = {Amsterdam}, author = {Van de Velde, Mark}, booktitle = {The genitive}, editor = {Carlier, Anne and Jean-Christophe Verstraete}, pages = {217--252}, publisher = {John Benjamins}, title = {The {B}antu connective construction}, year = {2013} } @incollection{timberlake2007, address = {Cambridge}, author = {Timberlake, Alan}, booktitle = {Language typology and syntactic description, {V}ol. 3: {G}rammatical categories and the lexicon}, editor = {Shopen, Timothy}, pages = {280--333}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, title = {Aspect, tense, mood}, year = {2007} } @incollection{thompson2007, address = {Cambridge}, author = {Thompson, Sandra A. and Robert E. 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Nolue} Emenanjo and {Ozo-mekuri} Ndimele}, pages = {173--180}, publisher = {NINLAN}, title = {Object diagnostics in {B}antu}, year = {1995} } @incollection{schadeberg2003, address = {London}, author = {Schadeberg, Thilo C.}, booktitle = {The {B}antu languages}, editor = {Nurse, Derek and Gérard Philippson}, pages = {71--89}, publisher = {Routledge}, title = {Derivation}, year = {2003} } @incollection{schachter2007, address = {Cambridge}, author = {Schachter, Paul and Timothy Shopen}, booktitle = {Language typology and syntactic description, {V}ol. 1: {C}lause structure}, editor = {Shopen, Timothy}, pages = {1--60}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, title = {Parts-of-speech systems}, year = {2007} } @incollection{rubino13, address = {Leipzig}, author = {Carl Rubino}, booktitle = {The World Atlas of Language Structures Online}, editor = {Matthew S. 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K. and Christa Kilian-Hatz}, pages = {251--258}, publisher = {John Benjamins}, title = {Are ideophones really as weird and extra-systemic as linguists make them out to be?}, year = {2001} } @incollection{mikkelsen2011, address = {Berlin}, author = {Mikkelsen, Line}, booktitle = {Semantics: {A}n international handbook of natural language meaning}, editor = {Maienborn, Claudia and Klaus von Heusinger and Paul Portner}, pages = {1805--1829}, publisher = {Mouton de Gruyter}, title = {Copular clauses}, volume = {2}, year = {2011} } @incollection{matthewson2012, address = {Cambridge, MA}, author = {Matthewson, Lisa}, booktitle = {{Proceedings of Sinn und {Bedeutung} 16}}, pages = {431--446}, publisher = {MIT Working Papers in Linguistics}, title = {On the (non-)future orientation of modals}, volume = {2}, year = {2012} } @incollection{marlo2018, address = {New York}, author = {Marlo, Michael R. and David Odden}, booktitle = {The {B}antu languages}, edition = {2}, editor = {Van de Velde, Mark and Koen Bostoen and Derek Nurse and Gérard Philippson}, pages = {150--171}, publisher = {Routledge}, title = {Tone}, year = {2018} } @incollection{maldonado2009, address = {Mexico}, author = {Maldonado, Ricardo}, booktitle = {Studies in role and reference grammar}, editor = {Guerrero, Lilian and Sergio Ibáñez and Valeria Belloro}, pages = {1--31}, publisher = {Instituto de Investigaciones Filológicas, UNAM}, title = {Middle as a basic voice system}, url = {http://ricardomaldonado.weebly.com/uploads/2/7/6/3/2763410/maldonado-rrg2007_final_review.pdf}, year = {2009} } @incollection{makasso2012, address = {Somerville, MA}, author = {Makasso, Emmanuel-Moselly}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 42nd {A}nnual {C}onference on {A}frican {L}inguistics}, editor = {Marlo, Michael R. and Nikki Adams and Christopher Green and Michelle Morrison and Tristan Purvis}, pages = {15--22}, publisher = {Cascadilla Proceedings Project}, title = {Metatony in {B}asaa}, year = {2012} } @incollection{majid2007b, address = {Nijmegen}, author = {Majid, Asifa and Gunter Senft and Stephen C. Levinson}, booktitle = {Field manual}, editor = {Majid, Asifa}, pages = {36--41}, publisher = {Max-Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics}, title = {The language of olfaction}, volume = {10}, year = {2007} } @incollection{majid2007a, address = {Nijmegen}, author = {Majid, Asifa and Stephen C. Levinson}, booktitle = {{Field manual}}, editor = {Majid, Asifa}, pages = {22--25}, publisher = {Max-Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics}, title = {The language of vision {I}: {{C}}olour}, volume = {10}, year = {2007} } @incollection{maddieson2013, address = {Leipzig}, author = {Ian Maddieson}, booktitle = {{The World Atlas of Language Structures Online}}, editor = {Matthew S. 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word-formation}, editor = {Booij, Geert and Christian Lehmann and Joachim Mugdan}, pages = {732--757}, publisher = {Walter de Gruyter}, title = {Noun}, volume = {1}, year = {2000} } @incollection{klein2009, address = {Berlin}, author = {Klein, Wolfgang}, booktitle = {The expression of time}, editor = {Klein, Wolfgang and Ping Li}, pages = {39--82}, publisher = {Mouton de Gruyter}, title = {How time is encoded}, year = {2009} } @incollection{kisseberth2003, address = {London}, author = {Kisseberth, Charles and David Odden}, booktitle = {The {B}antu languages}, editor = {Nurse, Derek and Gérard Philippson}, pages = {59--70}, publisher = {Routledge}, title = {Tone}, year = {2003} } @incollection{kiessling2008, address = {Cambridge}, author = {Kießling, Roland and Maarten Mous and Derek Nurse}, booktitle = {A linguistic geography of {A}frica}, editor = {Heine, Bernd and Derek Nurse}, pages = {186--227}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, sortname = {Kießling, Roland and Maarten Mous and Derek Nurse}, title = {The {T}anzanian {R}ift {V}alley}, year = {2008} } @incollection{hyman93, address = {Amsterdam}, author = {Hyman, Larry M.}, booktitle = {Topics in {A}frican linguistics}, editor = {Mufwene, Salikoko S. and Lioba Moshi}, pages = {3--34}, publisher = {John Benjamins}, title = {Conceptual issues in the comparative study of the {B}antu verb stem}, year = {1993} } @incollection{hyman2003, address = {London}, author = {Hyman, Larry M.}, booktitle = {The {B}antu languages}, editor = {Nurse, Derek and Gérard Philippson}, pages = {42--58}, publisher = {Routledge}, title = {Segmental phonology}, year = {2003} } @incollection{hyman2001, address = {Tokyo}, author = {Hyman, Larry M.}, booktitle = {Cross-linguistic studies of tonal phenomena: {T}onogenesis, {J}apanese accentology, and other topics}, editor = {Kaji, Shigeki}, pages = {237--257}, publisher = {Institute for the Study of Languages and Cultures}, title = {Privative tone in {B}antu}, year = {2001} } 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