% %% This BibTeX bibliography file was created using BibDesk. %% http://bibdesk.sourceforge.net/ %% Created for Luise Dorenbusch at 2016-06-13 13:37:56 +0200 %% Saved with string encoding Unicode (UTF-8) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @STRING{academicpress={Academic Press} } % unused %@STRING{AcadPressAddress = {Boston, New York, Orlando, San Diego, Sydney, Tokyo, London}} %@STRING{acadpressaddress={New York, et al.} } @STRING{acl = "Association for Computational Linguistics" } @STRING{aix = {Aix-en-Provence} } @STRING{amherst = {Amherst, MA} } @STRING{amsterdam={Amsterdam} } %@STRING{amsterdamphiladelphia={Amsterdam/""Philadelphia} } @STRING{amsterdamphiladelphia={Amsterdam} } @STRING{athens = {Athens} } @STRING{barcelona={Barcelona} } @STRING{bbs={The Behavioral and Brain Sciences} } @STRING{benjamins={John Benjamins Publishing Co.} } @STRING{berlin = {Berlin} } %@STRING{berlinnewyork={Berlin/""New York, NY} } @STRING{berlinnewyork={Berlin} } %@STRING{berlinheidelbergnewyork={Berlin/""Heidelberg/""New York, NY} } @STRING{berlinheidelbergnewyork={Berlin} } @STRING{bgdsl = "Beitr{\"a}ge zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprache und Literatur" } @STRING{bls = "{Berkeley Linguistic Society}" } @STRING{cls = "Chicago Linguistic Society" } @STRING{boston = {Boston, MA} } @STRING{lncs = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science" } % Verlage: @STRING{buske = {Helmut Buske Verlag} } @STRING{blackwell= {Blackwell Publishing Ltd} } @STRING{cambridgeuk={Cambridge, UK} } @STRING{cambridgeusa={Cambridge, MA} } @STRING{camup = {Cambridge University Press} } @STRING{cup = {Cambridge University Press} } @STRING{chicago = {Chicago, IL} } %@STRING{chicago = {Chicago} } %@STRING{chicagolondon={Chicago, IL/""London} } @STRING{chicagolondon={Chicago} } @STRING{chiup = {Chicago University Press} } @STRING{ucp = {The University of Chicago Press} } @STRING{cl = "Computational Linguistics" } @STRING{cogsciedinburgh={Centre for Cognitive Science, University of Edinburgh} } @STRING{columbusoh={Columbus, OH} } @STRING{csli = "Center for the Study of Language and Information" } @STRING{cslip = "CSLI Publications" } @STRING{daf = "Deutsch als Fremdsprache" } @STRING{dordrecht={Dordrecht} } %@STRING{dordrechtbostonlondon={Dordrecht/""Boston/""London} } @STRING{dordrechtbostonlondon={Dordrecht} } %@STRING{dordrechtcinnaminson ={Dordrecht, Netherlands/""Cinnaminson, U.S.A.}} @STRING{dordrechtcinnaminson ={Dordrecht}} %@STRING{dordrechtprovidence ={Dordrecht, Netherlands/""Providence, U.S.A.}} @STRING{dordrechtprovidence ={Dordrecht}} %@STRING{dordrechtriverton ={Dordrecht, Netherlands/""Riverton, U.S.A.}} @STRING{dordrechtriverton ={Dordrecht}} %@STRING{dordrechtheidelbergnewyorklondon={Dordrecht/""Heidelberg/""New York, NY/""London} } @STRING{dordrechtheidelbergnewyorklondon={Dordrecht} } @STRING{drlav = "Documentation et Recherche en Linguistique Allemande Contemporaine" } @STRING{ds = "Deutsche Sprache" } @STRING{dublin = {Dublin} } @STRING{duesseldorf={D\"usseldorf} } @STRING{edinburgh={Edinburgh} } @STRING{edinburghamsterdam={Edinburgh and Amsterdam} } @string{Elsevier = {Elsevier}} @STRING{englewoodcliffs={Englewood Cliffs, NJ} } @STRING{erlbaum={Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers} } @STRING{foris = {Foris Publications} } @STRING{frankfurt={Frankfurt~a.\,M.} } @STRING{gagl = "Groninger Arbeiten zur Germanistischen Linguistik" } @STRING{goettingen={G\"ottingen} } @STRING{groningen={Groningen} } @STRING{hague = {The Hague} } @STRING{hamburg = {Hamburg} } @STRING{heidelberg={Heidelberg} } @STRING{holtrinehartwinston={Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc.} } @STRING{ijal = "International Journal of American Linguistics" } @STRING{jcgl = "Journal of Comparative Germanic Linguistics" } @STRING{jgl = "Journal of Germanic Linguistics" } @STRING{jl = "Journal of Linguistics" } @STRING{jlm = "Journal of Language Modelling" } @STRING{jp = "Journal of Philosophy" } @STRING{karlsruhe={Karlsruhe} } @STRING{kbgl = "Kopenhagener Beitr{\"a}ge zur germanistischen Linguistik" } @STRING{kluwer = {Kluwer Academic Publishers} } @STRING{koeln = {K\"oln} } @STRING{kyoto = {Kyoto} } @STRING{la = "Linguistische Arbeiten" } @STRING{lb = "Linguistische Berichte" } @STRING{leipzig = {Leipzig} } @STRING{leuven = {Leuven} } @STRING{LFAB = {Language Faculty and Beyond}} @STRING{li = {Linguistic Inquiry} } @STRING{lnai = "Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence" } @STRING{london = {London} } @STRING{londonnewyork={London and New York, NY} } @STRING{lp = "Linguistics and Philosophy" } @STRING{madrid = {Madrid} } @STRING{manchester={Manchester} } @STRING{mannheim= {Mannheim} } @STRING{marseille={Marseille} } @STRING{mitpress= {MIT Press} } @STRING{mitwpl = "MIT Working Papers in Linguistics" } @STRING{mouton = {Mouton} } @STRING{zs = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Sprachwissenschaft} } % Mouton was based in The Hague @STRING{moutondegruyter={Mouton de Gruyter} } @STRING{degruyter={de Gruyter} } @STRING{lsp={Language Science Press} } @STRING{muenster= {M\"unster} } @STRING{nantes = {Nantes} } @STRING{narr = {Gunter Narr Verlag} } @STRING{narrstauffenburg = {\original Gunter Narr Verlag \jetzt Stauffenburg Verlag}} @STRING{stauffenburg = {Stauffenburg Verlag}} @STRING{schwann = {P\"adagogischer Verlag Schwann}} @STRING{newyork = {New York, NY} } @STRING{niemeyer= {Niemeyer} } @STRING{nllt = "Natural Language and Linguistic Theory" } @STRING{opladen = {Opladen} } @STRING{osuwpl = "{OSU Working Papers in Linguistics}" } @STRING{oup = {Oxford University Press} } @STRING{oxford = {Oxford} } @STRING{passau = {Passau} } @STRING{philadelphia={Philadelphia, PA} } % The mother company based in Berlin/New York @STRING{prenticehall={Prentice-Hall} } @STRING{pzl = "Papiere zur Linguistik" } @STRING{reidel = {Reidel} } @STRING{routledge={Routledge} } @STRING{wiley = {John Wiley \& Sons, Inc.} } % New York @STRING{saarbruecken={Saarbr\"ucken} } @STRING{sandiego= {San Diego, CA} } @STRING{sanfrancisco={San Francisco, CA} } @STRING{santacruz={Santa Cruz, CA} } @STRING{sgg = "Studies in Generative Grammar" } @STRING{sil = "Studies in Language" } @STRING{sla = "Stanford Linguistics Association" } @STRING{springer= {Springer Verlag} } @STRING{stanford= {Stanford, CA} } % Duplicate @STRING{stauffenburg = {Stauffenburg}} @STRING{stuf = {Sprachtypologie und Universalienforschung}} @STRING{stuttgart={Stuttgart} } @STRING{sydney = {Syndey} } @STRING{tlr={The Linguistic Review} } @STRING{tuebingen={T\"u\-bin\-gen} } @STRING{umass = {University of Massachusetts} } @STRING{unik = {Universit\"at K\"oln} } @STRING{unis = {Universit\"at Stuttgart} } @STRING{unisb = {Universit\"at des Saarlandes} } @STRING{lalt = {Linguistik Aktuell/""Linguistics Today}} % Schools: @STRING{unitue = {Universit\"at T\"ubingen} } @STRING{utrecht = {Utrecht} } % Mouton is now part of Walter de Gruyter (Berlin/New York) @STRING{walterdegruyter={Walter de Gruyter} } @STRING{waltham = {Waltham, MA} } @STRING{wccfl = "West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics" } @STRING{westdeutscher={Westdeutscher Verlag} } @STRING{wuppertal={Wuppertal} } @STRING{ww = "Wirkendes Wort" } @STRING{zas = "Zentrum f{\"u}r Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, Typologie und Universalienforschung" } @STRING{zgl = "Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Germanistische Linguistik" } @STRING{zpsk = "Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Phonetik, Sprachwissenschaft und Kommunikationsforschung" } @STRING{zsw = "Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Sprachwissenschaft" } @phdthesis{King89, Author = {King, Paul John}, Title = {A Logical Formalism for {Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar}}, Type = {PhD dissertation}, School = {University of Manchester}, Year = {1989}} @misc{King94, Author = {King, Paul John}, Title = {An expanded logical formalism for {Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar}}, Note = {(= Arbeitspapiere des Sonderforschungsbereichs 340. Bericht Nr.\,59)}, Year = {1994}} @misc{king1994a, Author = {King, Paul John}, Howpublished = {Arbeitspapiere des Sonderforschungsbereichs 340, Bericht Nr. 59}, Title = {An expanded logical formalism for {Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar}}, Year = {1994}} @unpublished{king1992a, Author = {King, Paul John}, Note = {Lecture notes for a graduate level course at Seminar f{\"u}r Sprachwissenschaft Eberhard-Karls-Universit{\"a}t T{\"u}bingen, Spring 1992}, Title = {Unification grammars and descriptive formalisms}, Year = {1992}} @book{Johnson83, Author = {Johnson, Mark}, Title = {A {GPSG} account of {VP} fronting in {German}. {Ms.}}, Year = {1983}, Note = {[abridged version appeared in Linguistics 24, 1986, 871-882.]}} @misc{Pollard93, Author = {Pollard, Carl}, authauthor = {Pollard, Carl}, Title = {Lexical rules and metadescriptions}, Note = {Handout of a talk in Stuttgart, October 5, 1993}, wrongAddress = {Stuttgart}, Year = {1993}} @unpublished{poll:93, Author = {Carl Pollard}, Note = {Talk at Stuttgart University}, Title = {Lexical Rules and Metadescriptions}, Year = {1993}} @misc{pollard1993a, Author = {Pollard, Carl}, Note = {Handout zu einem Vortrag in Stuttgart, 5.\ Oktober 1993}, Title = {Lexical rules and metadescriptions}, Year = {1993}} @misc{Chomsky78, Author = {Chomsky, Noam}, Title = {On binding}, Address = {MIT, Cambridge, MA}, Year = {1978}, School = {MIT}, Howpublished = {Ms.}} @article{Chomsky77, Author = {Chomsky, Noam and Lasnik, Howard}, Title = {Filters and {Control}}, Journal = {Linguistic Inquiry}, Volume = {8}, Year = {1977}, Pages = {425--504}} @book{Eisenberg76, Author = {Eisenberg, Peter}, Title = {{Oberfl{\"a}chenstruktur und logische Struktur. Untersuchungen zur Syntax und Semantik des deutschen Pr{\"a}dikatadjektivs}}, Series = {Linguistische Arbeiten}, Number = {36}, Address = {T{\"u}bingen}, Publisher = {Niemeyer}, Year = {1976}} @incollection{Eisenberg75, Author = {Eisenberg, Peter and Hartmann, Dietrich and Klann, Gisela and Lieb, Hans-Heinrich}, WarumdenndasOPTShortauthor = {{Eisenberg et al.}}, Title = {{Syntaktische Konstituentenstrukturen des Deutschen}}, Booktitle = {{‚Oberfl{\"a}chensyntax‘ und ‚Syntaktische Konstituentenstrukturen des Deutschen‘. Zwei Arbeitspapiere. ‚Nachtr{\"a}ge zu den Arbeitspapieren‘}}, Editor = {Lieb, Hans-Heinrich}, Series = {Linguistische Arbeiten und Berichte}, Number = {4}, Address = {Berlin [West]}, Publisher = {Fachbereich 16 (Germanistik) der Freien Universit{\"a}t Berlin}, Year = {1975}, Pages = {61--165}} @phdthesis{Erteschik73, Author = {Erteschik-Shir, Nomi}, Title = {On the Nature of Island Constraints}, Type = {{PhD Dissertation}}, School = {MIT}, Address = {Cambridge, MA}, Year = {1973}} @book{Evers75, Author = {Evers, Arnold}, Title = {The Transformational Cycle in {Dutch} and {German}}, Note = {[Vervielfältigung. Bloomington, Ind.: IULC]}, Year = {1975}} @book{Koster78, Author = {Koster, Jan}, Title = {Locality Principles in syntax}, Series = {Studies in Generative Grammar}, Number = {5}, Address = {Dordrecht}, Publisher = {Foris}, Year = {1978}} @article{Reis76, Author = {Reis, Marga}, Title = {{Reflexivierung in deutschen A.c.I.-Konstruktionen. Ein transformationsgrammatisches Dilemma}}, Journal = {Papiere zur Linguistik}, Volume = {9}, Year = {1976}, Pages = {5--82}} @article{Abraham77, Title = {{Komplexe Nominalgruppen im Deutschen: Thema-Rhe\-ma\-ver\-tei\-lung und das Squish-Prinzip}}, Author = {Abraham, Werner}, Journal = {Zeitschrift f\"ur Germanistische Linguistik}, Volume = {5}, Year = {1977}, Pages = {145--180}} @incollection{Akmajian70, Author = {Akmajian, Adrian}, Title = {The role of focus and the interpretation of anaphoric expressions}, Editor = {Anderson, Stephen R. and Kiparsky, Paul}, Booktitle = {A festschrift for {Morris} {Halle}}, Address = {New York}, Publisher = {Holt, Rinehart \& Winston}, Year = {1973}, Pages = {215--226}} @article{AkmaJack70, Author = {Akmajian, Adrian and Jacken\-doff, Ray}, Title = {Coreferentiality and stress}, Journal = {Linguistic Inquiry}, Volume = {1}, Year = {1970}, Pages = {124--126}} @article{AllCrutt79, Author = {Allerton, David J. and Cruttenden, Alan}, Title = {Three reasons for accenting a definite subject}, Journal = {Journal of Linguistics}, Volume = {15}, Year = {1979}, Pages = {49--53}} @book{Altmann76, Author = {Altmann, Hans}, Title = {{Die Gradpartikeln im Deutschen. Untersuchungen zu ihrer Syntax, Semantik und Pragmatik}}, Series = {Linguistische Arbeiten}, Number = {33}, Address = {T{\"u}bingen}, Year = {1976}, Publisher = {Nie\-mey\-er}} @incollection{Altmann77, Author = {Altmann, Hans}, Title = {{Wortstellungstypen des Deutschen und Kontrastierung}}, Editor = {Viethen, Heinz Werner and Bald, Wolf-Dietrich and Sprengel, Konrad}, Booktitle = {{Grammatik und interdisziplin{\"a}re Bereiche der Linguistik. Akten des 11. Linguistischen Kolloquiums Aachen 1976.}}, Volume = {1}, Series = {Linguistische Arbeiten}, Number = {49}, Address = {T{\"u}bingen}, Publisher = {Niemeyer}, Year = {1977}, Pages = {99--109}} @incollection{Bartsch76, Author = {Bartsch, Renate}, Title = {The role of categorial syntax in grammatical theory}, Editor = {Kasher, Asa}, Booktitle = {Language in focus: {Foundations}, methods, and systems. {Essays} in memory of {Yehoshua} {Bar-Hillel}}, Series = {Boston studies in the philosophy of science}, Number = {43}, Address = {Dordrecht}, Publisher = {Reidel}, Year = {1976}, Pages = {503--539}} @article{Bean78, Author = {Bean, Marian C.}, Title = {Review of \citew{Schmerling76}}, Journal = {Language}, Volume = {54}, Year = {1978}, Pages = {955--958}} @book{Altmann1978, Author = {Altmann, Hans}, Title = {{Gradpartikel-Probleme. Zur Beschreibung von \textnormal{gerade, genau, eben, ausgerechnet, vor allem, insbesondere, zumindest, wenigstens}}}, Year = {1978}, Publisher = {Narr}, Address = {T{\"u}bingen}, Series = {{Studien zur deutschen Grammatik}}, Number = {8}} @incollection{Bierwisch66, Author = {Bierwisch, Manfred}, Title = {{Regeln f{\"u}r die Intonation deutscher S{\"a}tze}}, Booktitle = {{Untersuchungen {\"u}ber Akzent und Intonation im Deutschen}}, Series = {Studia grammatica}, Number = {7}, Year = {1966}, Address = {Berlin}, Publisher = {Akademie-Verlag}, Pages = {99--201}} @article{Boer79, Author = {Bo{\"e}r, Stephen R.}, Title = {Meaning and contrastive stress}, Journal = {Philosophical Review}, Volume = {88}, Year = {1979}, Pages = {263--298}} @inbook{Chomsky76a, Author = {Chomsky, Noam}, Title = {Deep structure, surface structure and semantic interpretation}, Booktitle = {Studies on semantics in {Generative Grammar}}, Series = {Janua linguarum, series minor}, Number = {107}, Address = {The Hague}, Publisher = {Mouton}, Year = {1976}, Pages = {62--119}, Note = {{[Nachdruck aus: Jakobson, Roman \& Shigeo Kawamoto (eds.). 1970. \emph{Studies in general and oriental linguistics presented to Shir\^{o} Hattori on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday}, 52--91. Tokyo: TEC. -- N.B.: Nicht textidentisch mit dem Abdruck in Steinberg, Danny D. \& Leon A. Jakobovits (eds.). 1971. \emph{Semantics. An interdisciplinary reader in philosophy, linguistics, and psychology}. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.]}}} @article{Chomsky76b, Author = {Chomsky, Noam}, Title = {Conditions on rules of grammar}, Journal = {{Linguistic Analysis}}, Volume = {2}, Year = {1976}, Pages = {303--351}} @incollection{Clark77, Author = {Clark, Herbert H. and Haviland, Susan E.}, Title = {Comprehension and the given -- new contract}, Editor = {Freedle, Roy O.}, Booktitle = {Discourse production and comprehension}, Series = {Discourse processes: {Advances} in research and theory}, Number = {1}, Address = {Norwood, {N.J.}}, Publisher = {Ablex}, Year = {1977}, Pages = {1--40}} @book{Contreras76, Author = {Contreras, Heles}, Title = {A theory of word order with special reference to {Spanish}}, Series = {North-Holland linguistic series}, Number = {29}, Address = {Amsterdam}, Publisher = {North-Holland}, Year = {1976}} @article{Dahl75, Author = {Dahl, \"Osten}, Title = {Review of {Sgall} et al.\ (1973)}, Journal = {Journal of Linguistics}, Volume = {11}, Year = {1975}, Pages = {347--354}} @book{Danes78, Editor = {{Dane\v{s}}, Frantisek and Viehweger, Dieter}, Title = {{Probleme der Satzsemantik I}}, Series = {Linguistische Studien, Reihe A}, Number = {47}, Address = {Berlin}, Publisher = {{Akademie der Wissenschaften der DDR, Zentralinstitut für Sprachwissenschaft}}, Year = {1978}} @book{Duden73, Author = {Duden}, Title = {{Duden. Grammatik der deutschen Gegenwartssprache}}, Series = {Der große Duden}, Number = {4}, Edition = 3, Address = {Mannheim, Wien, Z{\"u}rich}, Publisher = {Bibliographisches Institut}, Year = {1973}} @incollection{Erteschick79a, Author = {Erteschik-Shir, Nomi}, Title = {Discourse constraints on dative movement}, Editor = {Givón, Talmy}, Booktitle = {Discourse and syntax}, Series = {Syntax and semantics}, Number = {12}, Address = {New York}, Publisher = {Academic Press}, Year = {1979}, Pages = {441--467}} @incollection{Erteschick79b, Author = {Erteschik-Shir, Nomi}, Title = {On extraposition from noun phrases (picture noun phrases)}, Editor = {Belletti et al., Adriana}, Booktitle = {Theory of markedness in generative grammar \textnormal{[Proceedings of the {GLOW} conference in {Pisa, April} 20-22, 1979]}}, Year = {1981}, Address = {Pisa}, Pages = {147--170}, Publisher = {Scuola Normale Superiore}} @article{Erteschick79c, Author = {Erteschik-Shir, Nomi and Lappin, Shalom}, Title = {Dominance and the functional explanation of island phenomena}, Journal = {Theoretical Linguistics}, Volume = {6}, sortyear = {1979}, Year = {1979 [1980]}, Pages = {41--86}} @article{Evans80, Author = {Evans, Gareth}, Title = {Pronouns}, Journal = {Linguistic Inquiry}, Volume = {11}, Year = {1980}, Pages = {337--362}} @book{Frege1879, Author = {Frege, Gottlob}, Title = {Begriffsschrift, eine der arithmetischen nachgebildete {Formel-}\\sprache des reinen {Denkens}}, Address = {Halle}, Publisher = {Louis Nebert}, Year = {1879}} @article{Frege1892, Author = {Frege, Gottlob}, Title = {{{\"U}ber Sinn und Bedeutung}}, Journal = {{Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Philosophie und philosophische Kritik}}, Volume = {100}, Year = {1892}, Pages = {25--50}} @article{Fuchs76, Author = {Fuchs, Anna}, Title = {{‚Normaler‘ und ‚kontrastiver‘ Akzent}}, Journal = {Lingua}, Volume = {38}, Year = {1976}, Pages = {293--312}} @incollection{Fuchs80, Author = {Fuchs, Anna}, Title = {Accented subjects in ‚all-new‘ utterances}, Editor = {Brettschneider, Gunter and Lehmann, Christian}, Booktitle = {{Wege zur Universalienforschung. Sprachwissenschaftliche Beitr{\"a}ge zum 60. Geburtstag von Hansjakob Seiler}}, Series = {{T{\"u}binger Beitr{\"a}ge zur Linguistk}}, Number = {145}, Address = {T{\"u}bingen}, Publisher = {Narr}, Year = {1980}, Pages = {449--461}} @incollection{Givon78, Author = {Givón, Talmy}, Title = {Negation in language: {Pragmatics}, function, ontology}, Editor = {Cole, Peter}, Booktitle = {Pragmatics}, Series = {Syntax and semantics}, Number = {9}, Address = {New York}, Publisher = {Academic Press}, Year = {1978}, Pages = {69--112}} @incollection{Grice75, Author = {{Grice}, H. Paul}, Title = {Logic and conversation}, Editor = {Cole, Peter and Morgan, Jerry L.}, Booktitle = {Speech acts}, Series = {Syntax and semantics}, Number = {3}, Address = {New York}, Publisher = {Academic Press}, Year = {1975}, Pages = {41--58}} @article{Halliday67, Author = {Halliday, Michael A. K.}, Title = {Notes on transitivity and theme in {English}. {Part} 2}, Journal = {Journal of Linguistics}, Volume = {3}, Year = {1967}, Pages = {199--244}} @incollection{Hatcher56a, Author = {Hatcher, Anna Granville}, Title = {Syntax and the sentence}, Editor = {Householder, Fred W.}, Booktitle = {Syntactic theory 1: {Structuralist}}, Series = {Penguin modern linguistics readings}, Address = {Harmondsworth}, Publisher = {Penguin Books}, Year = {1972}, Pages = {51--65}, Note = {[Nachdruck aus: \emph{Word} 12 (1956) 234--250]}} @book{Hatcher56b, Author = {Hatcher, Anna Granville}, Title = {Theme and underlying questions. {Two} studies of {Spanish} word order \textnormal{(Suppl. to Word 12. Monograph 3)}}, Address = {New York}, Year = {1956}} @incollection{Heidolph70, Author = {Heidolph, Karl Erich}, Title = {{Kontextbeziehungen zwischen Sätzen in einer generativen Grammatik}}, Editor = {Steger, Hugo}, Booktitle = {{Vorschl{\"a}ge f{\"u}r eine strukturale Grammatik des Deutschen}}, Series = {Wege der Forschung}, Number = {146}, Year = {1970}, Pages = {78--87}, Publisher = {Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft}, Address = {Darmstadt}, Note = {[Nachdruck aus: \emph{Kybernetika} 2 (1966) 274--281]}} @book{Hoehle79a, Author = {H{\"o}hle, Tilman N.}, Title = {Zur {Explikation} von ‚{Normalbetonung}‘ und ‚normaler {Wortstellung}‘. \textnormal{{Vorl{\"a}ufige Fassung}}}, Address = {K{\"o}ln}, sortmonth = Mar, Month = {M{\"a}rz/April}, Year = {1979}} @article{Hoehle79b, Author = {H{\"o}hle, Tilman N.}, Title = {{‚Normalbetonung‘} und ‚normale {Wortstellung‘}: {Eine} pragmatische {Explikation}}, Volume = {68}, Journal = {Leuvense Bijdragen}, Year = {1979}, Pages = {385--437}} @unpublished{Hoehle79c, Author = {H{\"o}hle, Tilman N.}, Title = {\emph{Bemerkungen zum {Frege-Prinzip}}}, sortyear = {2088}, Year = {(in Vorb.)}, Note = {Ms. K{\"o}ln}} @article{Hust76, Author = {Hust, Joel R. and Brame, Michael K.}, Title = {Jacken\-doff on interpretive semantics: {A} review of {Jacken\-doff} (1972)}, Journal = {{Linguistic Analysis}}, Volume = {2}, Year = {1976}, Pages = {243--277}} @book{Jackendoff72, Author = {Jacken\-doff, Ray S.}, authAuthor = {Jacken\-doff, Ray}, Title = {Semantic interpretation in generative grammar}, Series = {[Current] Studies in Linguistics}, Number = {2}, Address = {Cambridge, MA}, Publisher = {{MIT} Press}, Year = {1972}} @incollection{Keenan77, Author = {Keenan, Elinor O.}, Title ={The universality of conversational implicatures}, Editor = {Fasold, Ralph W. and Shuy, Roger W.}, Booktitle = {Studies in language variation: {Semantics}, syntax, phonology, pragmatics, social situations, ethnographic approaches}, Address = {Washington D.C.}, Publisher = {Georgetown University Press}, Year = {1977}, Pages = {255--268}} @book{Kempson75, Author = {Kempson, Ruth M.}, Title = {Presupposition and the delimitation of semantics}, Series = {Cambridge studies of linguistics}, Number = {15}, Address = {Cambridge}, Publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, Year = {1975}} @incollection{Kiefer70, Author = {Kiefer, Ferenc}, Title = {On the problem of word order}, Editor = {Bierwisch, Manfred and Heidolph, Karl Erich}, Booktitle = {Progress in linguistics. {A} collection of papers}, Series = {Janua linguarum, series maior}, Number = {43}, Address = {The Hague}, Publisher = {Mouton}, Year = {1970}, Pages = {127--142}} @article{Kirkwood69, Author = {Kirkwood, Henry W.}, Title = {Aspects of word order and its communicative function in {English} and {German}}, Journal = {Journal of Linguistics}, Volume = {5}, Year = {1969}, Pages = {85--107}} @incollection{Lakoff71, Author = {Lakoff, George}, Title = {Presupposition and relative well-formedness}, Editor = {Steinberg, Danny D. and Jakobovits, Leon A.}, Booktitle = {Semantics. {An} interdisciplinary reader in philosophy, linguistics and psychology}, Address = {Cambridge}, Publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, Year = {1971}, Pages = {329--340}} @inproceedings{Lehman77, Author = {Lehman, Christina}, Title = {A Re-Analysis of Givenness: {Stress} in Discourse}, booktitle = {Papers from the {13th Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society}}, editor = {Beach, Woodford A. and Samuel E. Fox and Shulamith Philosoph}, address = chicago, publisher = cls, optvolume = {13}, Pages = {316--324}, Year = {1977}, } @book{Lenerz77, Author = {Lenerz, J{\"u}rgen}, Title = {{Zur Abfolge nominaler Satzglieder im Deutschen}}, Series = {Studien zur deutschen Grammatik}, Number = {5}, Address = {T{\"u}bingen}, Publisher = {Narr}, Year = {1977}} @article{Maling70, Author = {Maling, Joan M.}, Title = {On \glqq{}{Gapping} and the order of constituents\grqq{}}, Journal = {Quarterly Progress Report Research Laboratory of Electronics {MIT}}, Volume = {97}, Year = {1970}, Pages = {135--143}, Note = {[N.B.: Nicht textidentisch mit dem Abdruck in \emph{Linguistic Inquiry} 3 (1972).]}} @incollection{Pasch78a, Author = {Pasch,Renate}, Title = {{Topik vs.\ Fokus in Behauptungen. Versuch einer Begriffsbestimmung}}, Editor = {Dane{\v{s}}, Frantisek and Viehweger, Dieter}, Booktitle = {{Probleme der Satzsemantik I}}, Series = {Linguistische Studien, Reihe A}, Number = {47}, Address = {Berlin}, Publisher = {{Akademie der Wissenschaften der DDR, Zentralinstitut für Sprachwissenschaft}}, Year = {1978}, Pages = {185--196; 200--211}} @incollection{Pasch78b, Author = {Pasch,Renate}, Title = {[{Kommentar zu Kiefer}]}, Editor = {Dane{\v{s}}, Frantisek and Viehweger, Dieter}, Booktitle = {{Probleme der Satzsemantik I}}, Series = {Linguistische Studien, Reihe A}, Number = {47}, Address = {Berlin}, Publisher = {{Akademie der Wissenschaften der DDR, Zentralinstitut für Sprachwissenschaft}}, Year = {1978}, Pages = {170--177}} @inproceedings{Prince78, Author = {Prince, Ellen F.}, Title = {On the function of existential presupposition in discourse}, Year = {1978}, Pages = {362--376}, booktitle = {Papers from the {14th Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society}}, editor = {Farkas, Donka and Jacobson, Wesley M. and Todrys, Karol W.}, address = chicago, publisher = cls, optnumber = {14}} @incollection{Prince79, Author = {Prince, Ellen F.}, Title = {Toward a taxonomy of given/ new information}, Editor = {Cole, Peter}, Booktitle = {Radical Pragmatics}, Address = {New York}, Publisher = {Academic Press}, Pages = {223--255}, Year = {1981}} @book{Reis77, Author = {Reis, Marga}, Title = {{Pr\"{a}suppositionen und Syntax}}, Series = {Linguistische Arbeiten}, Number = {51}, Address = {T\"{u}bingen}, Year = {1977}, Publisher = {Niemeyer}} @phdthesis{Rochemont78, Author = {Rochemont, Michael Shaun}, Title = {A theory of stylistic rules in {English}}, School = {University of Massachusetts}, Year = {1978}, Type = {{PhD} dissertation}, Note = {[Reproduced by Graduate Linguistic Student Association, Department of Linguistics, South College, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA]}} @incollection{Schauber78, Author = {Schauber, Ellen}, Title = {Focus and presupposition: {A} comparison of {English} intonation and {Navajo} particle placement}, Booktitle = {Elements of tone, stress, and intonation}, Editor = {Napoli, Donna Jo}, Address = {Washington D.C.}, Publisher = {Georgetown University Press}, Year = {1978}, Pages = {144--173}} @book{Schmerling76, Author = {Schmerling, Susan F.}, Title = {Aspects of {English} sentence stress}, Address = {Austin}, Publisher = {University of Texas Press}, Year = {1976}} @article{Sgall77, Author = {Sgall, Petr and Hajic{\v{o}}vá, Eva}, Title = {Focus on {Focus}. {Part} 1}, Journal = {Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics}, Volume = {28}, Year = {1977}, Pages = {5--54}} @article{Sgall78, Author = {Sgall, Petr and Hajic{\v{o}}vá, Eva}, Title = {Focus on {Focus}. {Part} 2}, Journal = {Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics}, Volume = {29}, Year = {1978}, Pages = {23--41}} @book{Sgall73, Author = {Sgall, Petr and Hajic{\v{o}}va, Eva and Bene{\v{s}}ová, Eva}, Title = {Topic, focus and generative semantics}, Series = {Forschungen Linguistik und Kommunikationswissenschaft}, Number = {1}, Address = {Kronberg}, Publisher = {Scriptor}, Year = {1973}} @article{Smyth79, Author = {Smyth, Ronald H. and Prideaux, Gary D. and Hogan, John T.}, Title = {The effect of context on dative position}, Journal = {Lingua}, Volume = {47}, Year = {1979}, Pages = {27--42}} @book{Stechow80a, Author = {Stechow, Arnim von}, Title = {Notes on Topic and Focus of Interrogatives and Indicatives}, Series = {Berichte des Sonderforschungsbereichs 99 `Linguistik'}, Number = {45}, Address = {Konstanz}, Month = Oct, Year = {1980}} @unpublished{Stechow80b, Author = {Stechow, Arnim von}, Title = {Topic, focus and local relevance}, Month = Dec, Year = {1980}, Address = {Konstanz}, Howpublished = {Ms.}} @book{Steinberg71, Editor = {Steinberg, Danny D. and Jakobovits, Leon A.}, Title = {Semantics. An interdisciplinary reader in philosophy, linguistics and psychology}, Address = {London}, Publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, Year = {1971}} @inproceedings{Tomlin79, Author = {Tomlin, Russell S. and Rhodes, Richard A.}, Title = {An introduction to information distribution in {Ojibwa}}, booktitle = {Papers from the {15th Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society}}, editor = {Clyne, Paul R. and Hanks, William F. and Hofbauer, Carol L.}, address = chicago, publisher = cls, optnumber = {15}, Year = {1979}, Pages = {307--320}} @misc{Studia66, Title = {{Untersuchungen {\"u}ber Akzent und Intonation im Deutschen}}, Series = {Studia grammatica}, Number = {7}, Address = {Berlin}, Publisher = {Akademie-Verlag}, Year = {1966}} @incollection{Verhagen79, Author = {Verhagen, Arie}, Title = {Focus, core grammar and sentence adverbials in {Dutch}}, Editor = {Velde, {Marc van de} and Vandeweghe, Willy}, Booktitle = {{Sprachstruktur, Individuum und Gesellschaft. Akten des 13. Linguistischen Kolloquiums Gent 1978}}, Volume = {1}, Series = {Linguistische Arbeiten}, Number = {76}, Address = {T{\"u}bingen}, Publisher = {Niemeyer}, Year = {1979}, Pages = {143--152}} @article{Weiss75, Author = {Weiss, Daniel}, Title = {{Topic und ein seltsamer Comment}}, Journal = {Linguistische Berichte}, Volume = {36}, Year = {1975}, Pages = {24--36. {[Rezension von Sgall et al. (1973)]}}} @book{Aronoff76, Author = {Aronoff, Mark}, Title = {Word formation in generative grammar}, Publisher = {MIT Press}, Address = {Cambridge, MA}, Series = {Linguistic Inquiry Monographs}, Number = {1}, Year = {1976}} @book{Holst74, Author = {Holst, Friedrich}, Title = {{Untersuchungen zur Wortbildungstheorie mit besonderer Ber\"{u}cksichtigung der Adjektive auf -\emph{gerecht} im heutigen Deutsch}}, Address = {Hamburg}, Publisher = {Selbstverlag}, Year = {1974}} @article{Hust78, Author = {Hust, Joel R.}, Title = {Lexical redundancy rules and the unpassive construction}, Journal = {Linguistic Analysis}, Volume = {4}, Year = {1978}, Pages = {61--89}} @article{Jackendoff75, Author = {Jacken\-doff, Ray}, Title = {Morphological and semantic regularities in the lexicon}, Journal = {Language}, Volume = {51}, Year = {1975}, Pages = {639--671}} @book{Jackendoff77, Author = {Jacken\-doff, Ray}, Title = {{\={X}} syntax: {A} study of phrase structure}, Address = {Cambridge, MA}, Publisher = {{MIT} Press}, Series = {Linguistic Inquiry Monographs}, Number = {2}, Year = {1977}} @incollection{Kiparsky66, Author = {Kiparsky, Paul}, Title = {{\"{U}ber den deutschen Akzent}}, Booktitle = {{Untersuchungen \"{u}ber Akzent und Intonation im Deutschen}}, Publisher = {Akademie-Verlag}, Address = {Berlin}, Series = {Studia grammatica}, Number = {7}, Pages = {69--98}, Year = {1966}} @article{Kiparsky75, Author = {Kiparsky, Paul}, Title = {Stress, syntax and meter}, Journal = {Language}, Volume = {51}, Pages = {576--616}, Year = {1975}} @article{Kiparsky77, Author = {Kiparsky, Paul}, Title = {The rhythmic structure of {English} verse}, Journal = {Linguistic Inquiry}, Volume = {8}, Pages = {189--247}, Year = {1977}} @book{Langacker73, Author = {Langacker, Ronald W.}, Title = {Language and its structure. {Some} fundamental linguistic concepts}, Edition = {2}, Address = {New York}, Publisher = {Harcourt Brace Jovanovich}, Year = {1973}} @article{Latour76, Author = {Latour, Bernd}, Title = {{``Innerparteilich'' -- ``Parteiintern''. Zur Konkurrenz zweier gegenwartssprachlicher Wortbildungsmuster}}, Journal = {{Deutsche Sprache}}, Volume = {4}, Year = {1976}, Pages = {336--350}} @inproceedings{Siegel78, Author = {Siegel, Dorothy}, Title = {The adjacency constraint and the theory of morphology}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of {NELS} 8}, Editor = {Stein, Mark J.}, Address = {Amherst, MA}, Publisher = {GLSA UMass}, Organization = {Dept. of Linguistics, South College, University of Massachusetts}, Pages = {189--197}, Year = {1978}} @article{Strauss79, Author = {Strauss, Steven L.}, Title = {Against boundary distinctions in {English} morphology}, Journal = {Linguistic Analysis}, Volume = {5}, Pages = {387--419}, Year = {1979}} @misc{Toman80, Author= {Toman, Jind\v{r}ich}, Title = {Wortsyntax}, Address = {K\"oln}, Howpublished = {Ms.}, Note = {[appeared as: Toman, Jind\v{r}ich. 1983. {\emph{Wortsyntax. Eine Diskussion ausgew\"{a}hlter Probleme deutscher Wortbildung}} (Linguistische Arbeiten, 137). T{\"u}bingen: Niemeyer.]}, Year = {1980}} @book{Voegeding81, Author = {V\"{o}geding, Joachim}, Title = {{Das Halbsuffix ``-frei''. Zur Theorie der Wortbildung}}, Address = tuebingen, Publisher = {Narr}, Series = {{Studien zur deutschen Grammatik}}, Number = {14}, Year = {1981}} @article{Williams81, Author = {Williams, Edwin}, Title = {On the Notions `{lexically related}' and `head of a {word}'}, Journal = {Linguistic Inquiry}, Volume = {12}, Pages = {245--274}, Year = {1981}} @book{Wurzel70, Author = {Wurzel, Wolfgang Ulrich}, Title = {{Studien zur deutschen Lautstruktur}}, Publisher = {Akademie-Verlag}, Address = {Berlin}, Series = {Studia grammatica}, Number = {8}, Year = {1970}} @article{Chisholm73, Author = {Chisholm, David}, Title = {Lexicality and {German} derivational suffixes: {A} contribution to the {Magnuson-Ryder} theory of prosody}, Journal = {Language and Style}, Volume = {6}, Year = {1973}, Pages = {27--38}} @article{Chisholm77, Author = {Chisholm, David}, Title = {Generative prosody and {English} verse}, Journal = {Poetics}, Volume = {6}, Year = {1977}, Pages = {111--153}} @book{Chomsky68c, Author = {Chomsky, Noam and Halle, Morris}, Title = {The sound pattern of language}, Year = {1968}, Address = {New York}, Publisher = {Harper \& Row}} @misc{Hoehle76, Author = {H{\"o}hle, Tilman N.}, Title = {{Die Aktiv-Passiv-Relation im Deutschen. Grundlagen einer lexikalistischen Syntaxtheorie}}, Year = {1976}, Address = {K\"{o}ln}, Howpublished = {Ms.}} @misc{Jacobs1986, Author = {Jacobs, Joachim}, Title = {{Fokus. Teil I. Teil II. Teil III.}}, Year = {1986}, Note = {Ms. [unver{\"o}ffentlicht]}} @article{Plann1982, Author = {Plann, Susan}, Title = {Indirect questions in {Spanish}}, Journal = {Linguistic Inquiry}, Volume = {13}, Year = {1982}, Pages = {297--312}} @article{Reis1991, Author = {Reis, Marga}, Title = {{Was konstituiert w-Interrogativs{\"a}tze? Gegen Paschs {\"U}berlegungen zur Syntax und Semantik interrogativer w-Konstruktionen}}, Journal = {Deutsche Sprache}, Volume = {19}, Year = {1991}, Pages = {213--238}} @article{Kayne1982, Author = {Kayne, Richard}, Title = {Predicates and arguments, verbs and nouns}, Journal = {GLOW Newsletter}, Volume = {8}, Year = {1982}, Note = {[Vortragskonzept]}, Pages = {24}} @article{Penner1991, Author = {Penner, Zvi and Bader, Thomas}, Title = {Main clause phenomena in embedded clauses: the licensing of embedded {V2-clauses} in {Bernese} {Swiss} {German}}, Journal = {The Linguistic Review}, Volume = {8}, Year = {1991}, Pages = {75--95}} @incollection{Jacobs1988, Author = {Jacobs, Joachim}, Title = {{Fokus-Hintergrund-Gliederung und Grammatik}}, Booktitle = {{Intonationsforschungen}}, Publisher = {Niemeyer}, Editor = {Altmann, Hans}, Series = {Linguistische Arbeiten}, Number = {200}, Year = {1988}, Address = {T{\"u}bingen}, Pages = {89--134}} @misc{Jacobs1991, Author = {Jacobs, Joachim}, Title = {{Einbettung und Satzmodus}}, Note = {Ms. [unver{\"o}ffentlicht]}, Year = {1991}} @article{Bayer1989, Author={Bayer, Josef}, Title = {Notes on the {ECP} in {English} and {German}}, Journal = {Groninger Arbeiten zur Germanistischen Linguistik}, Volume = {30}, Year = {1990}, Pages = {1--55}} @inbook{denBesten1977, Author = {Besten, Johannes B. den}, Shortauthor = {{den Besten}}, Title = {On the interaction of root transformations and lexical deletive rules}, Booktitle = {Studies in {West} {Germanic} syntax}, Address ={Amsterdam}, Publisher = {Rodopi}, Year = {1989}, Pages = {14--93}} @article{Dik1980, Author = {Dik, {Simon et al.}}, Shortauthor = {{Dik et al.}}, Title = {On the typology of focus phenomena}, Journal = {GLOT}, Volume = {3}, Pages = {41--74}, Year = {1980}} @inbook{Gussenhoven1984, Author = {Gussenhoven, Carlos}, Title = {Focus, mode and the nucleus}, Booktitle = {On the grammar and semantics of sentence accents}, Publisher = {Foris}, Year = {1984}, Address = {Dordrecht}, Note = {{[teilweise korrigierter Nachdruck aus: \emph{Journal of Linguistics} 19, 377--417]}}, Pages = {11--62}} @article{Hetland1992, Author = {Hetland, Jorunn}, Title = {Polarit\"atsfokus, {VERUM-Fokus}, {Kopffokus}}, Journal = {Zeitschrift für Phonetik, Sprachwissenschaft und Kommunikationsforschung}, Volume = {45}, Year = {1992}, Pages = {3--16}} @book{Grimme1910, Author = {Grimme, Hubert}, Year = {1910}, Title = {{Plattdeutsche Mundarten}}, Address = {Leipzig}, Publisher = {G{\"o}schen}} @phdthesis{Engdahl1980, Author = {Engdahl, Elisabet Britt}, authauthor = {Engdahl, Elisabet}, Title = {The Syntax and Semantics of Questions in {Swedish}}, Type = {{PhD} dissertation}, School = {University of Massachusetts}, Address = amherst, Note = {[Reproduced by GLSA, University of Massachusetts. Amherst, MA. 1980]}, Year = {1980}} @incollection{Hermann1938, Author= {Hermann, Eduard}, Title= {{Altert{\"u}mliches und Eigent{\"u}mliches im Friesischen}}, BookTitle = {{Nachrichten von der Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu G{\"o}ttingen. Philologisch-Historische Klasse. Fachgruppe IV: {Neuere} Philologie und Literaturgeschichte, \textnormal{N.F.}}}, Volume = {2, Nr.5}, Pages = {99--126}, Address = {G{\"o}ttingen}, Publisher = {Vandenhoeck \& Ruprecht}, Year = {1938}} @book{Hermann1957, Author = {Hermann, Eduard}, Title = {{Die Coburger Mundart}}, Edition = {{Aus dem Nachlass des Verfassers hg.\ v.\ Adolf Siegel}}, Address = {Coburg}, Year = {1957}} @article{Meer1989, Author = {Meer, Geart van der}, Shortauthor = {{van der Meer}}, Title = {The so-called imperativus pro infinitivo ({IPI}) in {West} {Frisian} (on the interplay of syntax, semantics and morphology)}, Journal = {NOWELE. North-Western European Language Evolution}, Volume = {13}, Pages = {49--85}, Year = {1989}} @phdthesis{Epee1976, Author = {Epée, Roger}, School = {Cornell University}, Title = {Generative syntactic studies in {Duala}}, Type = {{PhD} dissertation}, Address = {Ithaca, NY}, Year = {1976}} @inproceedings{Bokamba1980, Address = Chicago, Author = {Eyamba G. Bokamba}, optvolume = {16}, Booktitle = {Papers from the {16th Regional Meeting Chicago Linguistic Society}}, Pages = {10--29}, editor = {Kreiman, Jody and Ojeda, Almerindo E.}, Publisher = cls, Title = {Verbal agreement as a non-cyclic rule in {Bantu}}, Year = {1980}} @book{Goossenaerts1956, Title ={{De taal van en om het landbouwbedrijf in het Noordwesten van de Kempen. Een taal-, vak-, geschied-, heem- en volkskundige bijdrage tot de Nederlandse woordenschat}}, Author = {Goossenaerts, J[ozef]}, Address = {Gent}, Series = {Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie voor Taal- en Letterkunde. Reeks VI,}, Number = {76}, sortyear = {1956}, Year = {1956--1958}} @article{Behaghel1903, Author = {Behaghel, O[tto]}, Title = {{Die Herstellung der syntaktischen Ruhelage im Deutschen}}, Journal = {Indogermanische Forschungen}, Volume = {14}, Pages = {438--459}, Year = {1903}} @incollection{Takizala1973, Author = {Takizala, Alexis}, Title = {Focus and relativization: {The} case of {Kihung'an}}, Booktitle = {Syntax and Semantics}, Editor = {Kimball, John P.}, Volume = {2}, Pages = {123--148}, Address = {New York}, Publisher = {Seminar Press}, Year = {1973}} @book{Nerger1869, Author = {Nerger, Karl}, Title = {{Grammatik des meklenburgischen Dialektes {\"a}lterer und neuerer Zeit: Laut- und Flexionslehre}}, Address = {Leipzig}, Publisher = {Brockhaus}, Year = {1869}} @book{Ittmann1939, Author = {Ittmann, Johannes}, Title = {{Grammatik des Duala (Kamerun). \textnormal{Unter Mitarbeit von Carl Meinhof}}}, Address = {Berlin: Reimer; Hamburg: Friederichsen}, Series = {Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für Eingeborenen-Sprachen 20}, Year = {1939}} @incollection{Hermkens1987, Author = {Hermkens, H. M.}, Title = {Syntagma's uit de omgangstaal bij {Huygens}}, Booktitle = {{Veelzijdigheid als levensvorm. Facetten van Constantijn Huygens' leven en werk. Een bundel studies ter gelegenheid van zijn driehonderdste sterfdag}}, Address = {Deventer}, Publisher = {Sub Rosa}, Editor = {Deursen, Arie Theodorus van and E[ddy] K. Grootes and P.E.L. Verkuyl}, Year = {1987}, Pages = {163--172}} @book{Guthrie1953, Author = {Guthrie, Malcolm}, Title = {The {Bantu} languages of {Western} {Equatorial} {Africa}}, Address = {London}, Publisher = {Oxford University Press}, Year = {1953}} @article{Gering1888, Author = {Gering, Hugo}, Title = {{[Anzeige von] Althochdeutsche grammatik von Wilhelm Braune. 1886}}, Journal = {Zeitschrift für deutsche philologie}, Volume = {20}, Pages = {247--250}, Year = {1888}} @article{Borsley1989, Author = {Borsley, Robert D.}, Title = {{Phrase structure grammar and the {\emph{Barriers}} conception of clause structure}}, Journal = {Linguistics}, Volume = {27}, Pages = {843--863}, Year = {1989}} @article{Fuckel1912, Author = {Fuckel, Arthur}, Title = {{Ein Beitrag zur niederdeutschen Satzstellung}}, Journal = {Niederdeutsches Jahrbuch. Jahrbuch des Vereins für deutsche Sprachforschung}, Volume = {38}, Pages = {164--168}, Year = {1912}} @article{Hoehle1982a, Author = {H{\"o}hle, Tilman N.}, Journal = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Sprachwissenschaft}, Pages = {76--112}, Title = {\"Uber {Komposition und Derivation: Zur Konstituentenstruktur von Wortbildungsprodukten im D}eutschen}, Volume = {1}, number = {1}, Year = {1982}} @incollection{Hoehle1982, Address = {T{\"ubingen}}, Author = {H{\"o}hle, Tilman N.}, Booktitle = {{Satzglieder im Deutschen. Vorschl{\"a}ge zur syntaktischen, semantischen und pragmatischen Fundierung}}, Editor = {Abraham, Werner}, Number = {15}, Pages = {75--153}, Publisher = {Narr}, Series = {Studien zur deutschen Grammatik}, Title = {{Explikationen f{\"u}r „normale Betonung“ und „normale Wortstellung“}}, note = {[\chapapp~\ref{chap-normale-Betonung} \inThisVolume, \pages~\pageref{chap-normale-Betonung}--\pageref{chap-normale-Betonung-end}]}, Year = {1982}} @incollection{Engel1970a, Address = {[o. O.]}, Author = {Engel, Ulrich}, Booktitle = {Forschungsberichte des {Instituts} f{\"u}r {Deutsche} {Sprache}}, Date-Added = {2016-06-02 10:37:43 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2016-06-02 10:38:20 +0000}, Editor = {Engel, Ulrich}, Pages = {7--148}, Title = {Regeln zur {Wortstellung}}, Volume = {5}, Year = {1970}} @misc{FreyWeb, Author = {Werner Frey}, Date-Added = {2016-05-29 22:34:17 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2016-05-29 22:53:22 +0000}, Howpublished = {\url{http://www.zas.gwz-berlin.de/mitarbeiter_frey.html}, letzter Zugriff: 27. Mai 2015}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://www.zas.gwz-berlin.de/mitarbeiter_frey.html}} @incollection{HinrichsNakazawa1994, Author = {Hinrichs, Erhard W. and Nakazawa, Tsuneko}, Booktitle = {Partial-{VP} and Split-{NP} Topicalization in {German: An} {HPSG} Analysis and its Implementation}, Editor = {Hinrichs, Erhard and Meurers, Detmar and Nakazawa, Tsuneko}, authEditor = {Hinrichs, Erhard and Meurers, Walt Detmar and Nakazawa, Tsuneko}, series = {Arbeitspapiere des Sonderforschungsbereichs 340, Bericht Nr.\,58}, Publisher = {Universität Stuttgart/""Universit{\"a}t T{\"u}bingen}, Pages = {1--46}, Title = {Partial-{VP} and Split-{NP} Topicalization in {German}: {An} {HPSG} Analysis}, Year = {1994}} @incollection{HinrichsNakazawa1993b, Address = {T{\"u}bingen}, Author = {Hinrichs, Erhard W. and Nakazawa, Tsuneko}, Booktitle = {{Aspects of German VP structure -- An HPSG account}}, Date-Added = {2016-05-25 11:35:29 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2016-05-25 11:36:06 +0000}, Editor = {Hinrichs, Erhard and Nakazawa, Tsuneko}, Month = Feb, Pages = {1--12}, Publisher = {Seminar f{\"u}r Sprachwissenschaft}, Series = {SfS-Report-01-93}, Title = {{Subcategorization} and {VP} structure in {German}}, Year = {1993}} @incollection{Moshier1990, Address = {Vancouver}, Author = {Pollard, Carl J. and Moshier, M. Drew}, authauthor = {Pollard, Carl and Moshier, M. Drew}, Booktitle = {Information, language, and cognition}, Date-Added = {2016-05-25 11:26:23 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2016-05-25 11:26:47 +0000}, Editor = {Philip P. 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Sag}, Publisher = {Chicago University Press/""Center for the Study of Language and Information}, Title = {{Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar}}, Year = 1994} @book{bor:prz:99:ed, Address = {Stanford}, Editor = {Robert D. Borsley and Adam Przepi{\'o}rkowski}, Publisher = {Center for the Study of Language and Information}, Series = {Studies in Constraint-Based Lexicalism}, Title = {Slavic in {Head-Driven} Phrase {Structure} {Grammar}}, Year = 1999} @book{kin:bec:90, Address = {Cambridge}, Editor = {John Kingston and Mary E. 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Formale Grundlagen und Implementierung in einem HPSG-Fragment}}, Year = 1997} @book{hin:etal:97, optAddress = {T{\"u}bingen}, Editor = {Erhard Hinrichs and Detmar Meurers and Frank Richter and Manfred Sailer and Heike Winhart}, authEditor = {Erhard Hinrichs and Walt Detmar Meurers and Frank Richter and Manfred Sailer and Heike Winhart}, optNumber = 95, optOrganization = {Seminar f{\"u}r Sprachwissenschaft}, Publisher = {Universität Stuttgart/""Universit{\"a}t T{\"u}bingen}, optSeries = {SFB340, Bericht Nr. 95}, Title = {{Ein {HPSG}-Fragment des Deutschen, Teil~1: Theorie}}, series = {Arbeitspapiere des Sonderforschungsbereichs 340, Bericht Nr.\,95}, Year = 1997} @incollection{rich:98a, optAddress = {T{\"u}bingen}, Author = {Frank Richter}, Booktitle = {T{\"u}bingen Studies in {Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar}}, Editor = {Valia Kordoni}, optNumber = {Bericht Nr. 132}, Organization = {{Seminar} f{\"u} {Sprachwissenschaft}}, Pages = {74--115}, Publisher = {Universität Stuttgart/""Universit{\"a}t T{\"u}bingen}, optSeries = {SFB340}, Title = {{RSRL} for {HPSG}}, series = {Arbeitspapiere des Sonderforschungsbereichs 340, Bericht Nr.\,132}, Year = 1999} @book{kord:99:ed, optAddress = {T{\"u}bingen}, title = {T{\"u}bingen Studies in {Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar}}, Booktitle = {T{\"u}bingen Studies in {Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar}}, Editor = {Valia Kordoni}, optNumber = {132}, optOrganization = {SFS}, Publisher = {Universität Stuttgart/""Universit{\"a}t T{\"u}bingen}, optSeries = {SFB340, Bericht Nr. 132}, series = {Arbeitspapiere des Sonderforschungsbereichs 340, Bericht Nr.\,132}, Year = 1999} @unpublished{ric:kin:97, Author = {Frank Richter and Paul John King}, Note = {University of T{\"u}bingen, Draft}, Title = {{On} the existence of exhaustive models in a relational feature logic for {Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar}}, Year = 1997} @book{gold:90, Address = {Oxford}, Author = {Goldsmith, John A.}, Publisher = {Blackwell}, Title = {Autosegmental and metrical phonology}, Year = 1990} @article{bir:kle:94, Author = {Steven Bird and Ewan Klein}, Journal = {Computational Linguistics}, Pages = {455--491}, Title = {{Phonological} analysis in typed feature systems}, Volume = 20, Year = 1994} @phdthesis{sloa:91, Author = {Sloan, Kelly Dawn}, School = {MIT}, Title = {{Syllables} and templates:\ {Evidence} from {Southern} {Sierra} {Miwok}}, Type = {PhD}, Year = 1991} @incollection{smit:86, Address = {Dordrecht}, Author = {Smith, Norval}, Booktitle = {{Linguistics} in the {Netherlands} 1986}, Editor = {Frits Beukema and Aafke Hulk}, Pages = {235--243}, Publisher = {AVT Publications}, Title = {{Reduplication}, spreading and/or empty suffix slots in {Sierra} {Miwok} associative morphology}, Year = 1986} @incollection{smit:85, Address = {Dordrecht}, Author = {Smith, Norval}, Booktitle = {{Advances} in nonlinear phonology}, Editor = {Hulst, Harry van der and Norval Smith}, Pages = {363--380}, Publisher = {Foris}, Title = {{Spreading}, reduplication and the default option in {Miwok} nonconcatenative morphology}, Year = 1985} @book{ston:94, Address = {Amsterdam}, Author = {Stonham, John T.}, Publisher = {Benjamins}, Title = {{Combinatorial} morphology}, Year = 1994} @article{fabb:88, Author = {Fabb, Nigel}, Journal = {{Natural} {Language} \& {Linguistic Theory}}, Pages = {527--539}, Title = {English Suffixation is Constrained only by Selectional Restrictions}, Volume = 6, Year = 1988} @incollection{ric:sai:98, Address = {Stanford}, Author = {Frank Richter and Manfred Sailer}, Booktitle = {{Slavic} in {Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar}}, Editor = {Robert D. 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Festschrift f{\"u}r Heinz Vater zum 65. Geburtstag}}, Editor = {D\"urscheid, Christa and Ramers, Karl-Heinz and Schwarz, Monika}, Pages = {107--120}, Publisher = {Nie\-mey\-er}, Title = {{Vorangestellte Verben und Komplementierer sind eine nat{\"u}rliche Klasse}}, note = {[\chapapp~\ref{chap-komplementierer} \inThisVolume, \pages~\pageref{chap-komplementierer}--\pageref{chap-komplementierer-end}]}, Year = 1997} @incollection{g_Hoehle97-removed, Author = {Tilman N. H{\"o}hle}, editor = {Christa D\"urscheid and Karl-Heinz Ramers and Monika Schwarz}, Pages = {107--120}, Title = {{Vorangestellte Verben und Komplementierer sind eine nat{\"u}rliche Klasse}}, booktitle = {{Sprache im Fokus. Festschrift f\"ur Heinz Vater zum 65. Geburtstag}}, address = {T\"ubingen}, publisher = {Max Niemeyer}, year = 1997 } @article{Hoekstra1994, Author = {Hoekstra, Eric}, Journal = {Taal en Tongval}, Pages = {132--141}, Title = {Woordvolgorde en het {Infinitivus-pro-Participio} {Effect} in het {Zaans}}, Volume = {46}, Year = {1994}} @incollection{Wolf1998, Address = {Wien}, Author = {Wolf, Norbert Richard}, Booktitle = {{Beharrsamkeit und Wandel. Festschrift f{\"u}r Herbert Tatzreiter zum 60. 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Dordrecht: Foris.]}}, Title = {Connectedness and correspondence effects in {Hungarian}}, Year = {1987}} @phdthesis{Maracz1989, Author = {Mar{\'a}cz, L{\'a}szl{\'o}}, School = {Rijksuniversiteit Groningen}, Type = {doctoral dissertation}, Title = {Asymmetries in {Hungarian}}, Year = {1989}} @unpublished{Kiss1988, Author = {Kiss, Katalin {\'E}.}, Note = {[Appeared in Hubert Haider \& Klaus Netter (eds.), \textit{Representation and derivation in the theory of grammar}, 199--215. Dordrecht: Kluwer, 1991.]}, Title = {An argument for movement. {Ms.} 1988}, Year = {1988 [1991]}} @misc{Hoehle1990, Author = {H{\"o}hle, Tilman N.}, Howpublished = {Handout of talk, DGfS Saarbr{\"u}cken, February 1990}, Title = {{Die \emph{w} \ldots{} \emph{w}-Konstruktion im Deutschen}}, Year = 1990} @book{Hoehle1989a, Author = {H{\"o}hle, Tilman N.}, Title = {{Die \emph{w}-\emph{w}-Konstruktion: Appositiv oder skopusindizierend? \textnormal{Handout of talk, T\"ubingen, January 1989}}}, Year = {1989}} @book{Hoehle1989b, Author = {H{\"o}hle, Tilman N.}, Title = {{Die \emph{w}-\emph{w}-Konstruktion. \textnormal{Handout of talk, T\"ubingen, April 1989}}}, Year = {1989}} @article{Riemsdijk1982, Author = {Riemsdijk, Henk van}, Journal = {Tilburg Papers in Language and Literature}, Note = {[Also in Yukio Otsu et al. (eds.), \textit{Studies in generative grammar and language acquisition}, 5--16. Tokyo, 1983.]}, Title = {Correspondence effects and the empty category principle}, Volume = {12}, Year = {1982}} @article{Hiemstra1986, Author = {Hiemstra, Inge}, Journal = {NOWELE. North-Western European Language Evolution}, Pages = {97--110}, Title = {Some aspects of \emph{wh}-questions in {Frisian}}, Volume = {8}, Year = {1986}} @inproceedings{deMey1986, Address = {Amsterdam}, Author = {Mey, Sjaak de and Mar{\'a}cz, L{\'a}szl{\'o} K.}, authAuthor = {Mey, Sjaak de and Mar{\'a}cz, L{\'a}szl{\'o}}, Booktitle = {Topic, focus, and configurationality. {Papers} from the 6th {Groningen Grammar Talks}}, Editor = {Abraham, Werner and de Meij, Sjaak}, Pages = {253--276}, Publisher = {Benjamins}, Title = {On question sentences in {Hungarian}}, Year = {1986}} @book{Ponelis1979, Address = {Pretoria}, Author = {Ponelis, Fritz A.}, Publisher = {van Schaik}, Title = {Afrikaanse sintaksis}, Year = {1979}} @misc{Tappe1980, Author = {Tappe, Hans-Thilo}, Howpublished = {RDGG Meeting, G\"ottingen, January 1980}, Title = {\textnormal{[}{Oral} remarks on \emph{was} \ldots{} \emph{w}-{P}\textnormal{]}}, Year = {1980}} @article{Dayal1994, Author = {Dayal, Veneeta Srivastav}, Journal = {Natural Language Semantics}, Pages = {137--170}, Title = {Scope marking as indirect \emph{wh}-dependency}, Volume = {2}, Year = {1994}} @article{Beck1996, Author = {Beck, Sigrid}, Journal = {Natural Language Semantics}, Pages = {1--56}, Title = {Quantified Structures as Barriers for {LF} movement}, Volume = {4}, Year = {1996}} @techreport{Beck1993, Author = {Beck, Sigrid}, type = {Arbeitspapiere des Sonderforschungsbereichs 340, Bericht Nr.\,39}, Title = {{Interventionseffekte f{\"u}r LF-Bewegung}}, optnumber = {Bericht Nr. 39}, institution = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart/""Universit{\"a}t T\"ubingen}, Year = {1993}} @article{Plessis1977, Author = {Plessis, Hans du}, Journal = {Linguistic Inquiry}, Pages = {723--726}, Title = {\emph{Wh} Movement in {Afrikaans}}, Volume = {8}, Year = {1977}} @mastersthesis{Schwarz1994, school = {Universität T{\"u}bingen}, Author = {Schwarz, Bernhard}, Title = {{Gewisse F\"alle eingebetteter Frages\"atze}}, optType = {M.A. thesis}, Year = {1994}} @article{McDaniel1995, Author = {McDaniel, Dana and Chiu, Bonnie and Maxfield, Thomas L.}, Journal = {Natural Language and Linguistic Theory}, Pages = {709--753}, Title = {Parameters for \emph{wh}-movement types: {Evidence} from child {English}}, Volume = {13}, Year = {1995}} @article{McDaniel1989, Author = {McDaniel, Dana}, Journal = {Natural Language and Linguistic Theory}, Pages = {565--604}, Title = {Partial and multiple \emph{wh}-movement}, Volume = {7}, Year = {1989}} @phdthesis{McDaniel1986, Author = {McDaniel, Dana}, School = {City University of New York}, Type = {PhD dissertation}, Title = {Conditions on \emph{Wh}-chains}, Year = {1986}} @inproceedings{Trissler1991, Address = {T{\"u}bingen}, Author = {Trissler, Susanne}, Booktitle = {{Frages{\"a}tze und Fragen. Referate anl{\"a}{\ss}lich der 12. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Sprachwissenschaft}}, Editor = {Reis, Marga and Rosengren, Inger}, Pages = {123--144}, Publisher = {Niemeyer}, Series = {Linguistische Arbeiten}, Number = {257}, Title = {Infinitivische w-{Phrasen?}}, Year = {1991}} @book{McCloskey1979, Address = {Dordrecht}, Author = {McCloskey, James}, Publisher = {Reidel}, Title = {Transformational syntax and model theoretic semantics. {A} case study in {Modern Irish}}, Year = {1979}} @misc{FreyTappe1991, Author = {Frey, Werner and Tappe, Hans-Thilo}, Howpublished = {Manuskript 30. Januar 1991}, Shortauthor = {F/T}, Title = {{Zur Interpretation der X-bar-Theorie und zur Syntax des Mittelfeldes}}, note = {[\url{http://www.zas.gwz-berlin.de/fileadmin/mitarbeiter/frey/SyntaxMF.pdf}, 06.02.2018]}, url_checked = {06.02.2018}, Year = {1991}} @article{Hankamer1973, Author = {Hankamer, Jorge}, Journal = {Linguistic Inquiry}, Pages = {17--68}, Title = {Unacceptable ambiguity}, Volume = {4}, Year = {1973}} @book{Behaghel1928, Address = {Heidelberg}, Author = {Behaghel, Otto}, Publisher = {Carl Winter's Universit{\"a}tsbuchhandlung}, Series = {Germanische Bibliothek I, I, 10:~III}, Title = {{Deutsche Syntax. Eine geschichtliche Darstellung. \textnormal{Band III}. Die Satzgebilde}}, Year = {1928}} @phdthesis{Ross1967, Address = {Cambridge, MA}, Author = {Ross, John Robert}, Note = {[Vervielfältigung 1968. 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R.}, Booktitle = {{Categorial Grammars} and natural language structures}, Editor = {Oehrle, Richard T. and Bach, Emmon and Wheeler, Deirdre}, Pages = {153--197}, Publisher = {Reidel}, Address = {Dordrecht}, Title = {Type raising, functional composition, and non-constituent coordination}, Year = {1988}} @incollection{Toman1985, Address = {Dordrecht}, Author = {Toman, Jind\v{r}ich}, Booktitle = {Studies in {German} grammar}, Editor = {Toman, Jind\v{r}ich}, Number = {21}, Pages = {407--432}, Publisher = {Foris}, Series = {Studies in Generative Grammar}, Title = {A discussion of coordination and word-syntax}, Year = {1985}} @incollection{Toman1985Preface, Address = {Dordrecht}, Author = {Toman, Jind\v{r}ich}, Booktitle = {Studies in {German} grammar}, Editor = {Toman, Jind\v{r}ich}, Number = {21}, Pages = {ix--x}, Publisher = {Foris}, Series = {Studies in Generative Grammar}, Title = {Preface}, Year = {1985}} @article{Neijt1987, Author = {Neijt, Anneke}, Journal = {Grazer Linguistische 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Schachter, Paul and Partee, Barbara H.}, Publisher = {Holt, Rinehart and Winston}, Address = {New York}, Title = {The major syntactic structures of {English}}, Year = {1973}} @incollection{Neijt1978, Author = {Neijt, Anneke}, Booktitle = {Linguistics in the {Netherlands} 1974--1976}, Editor = {Zonneveld, Wim}, Pages = {188--195}, Publisher = {de Ridder}, Address = {Lisse}, Title = {Marked coordination in conjunction with the {SOV} -- {SVO} problem}, Year = {1978}} @book{Kohrt1976, Address = {T{\"u}bingen}, Author = {Kohrt, Manfred}, Date-Modified = {2016-06-12 22:23:58 +0000}, Publisher = {Nie-meyer}, Series = {Linguistische Arbeiten}, Number = {41}, Title = {Koordinationsreduktion und {Verbstellung} in einer generativen {Grammatik} des {Deutschen}}, Year = {1976}} @book{Chomsky1982, Address = {Dordrecht}, Author = {Chomsky, Noam}, Edition = {2nd revised edn.}, Series = {Studies in {Generative} {Grammar}}, Number = {9}, Publisher = {Foris}, Title = {Lectures on government and binding. 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\pages~\pageref{chap-subjektluecken}--\pageref{chap-subjektluecken-end}]}, } @unpublished{Hoehle83b-removed, Author = {H{\"o}hle, Tilman N.}, removedNote = {[April 1983]. 31 Seiten}, Title = {{Subjektl\"ucken in Koordinationen}}, Year = {1983}, note = {[\chapapp~\ref{chap-subjektluecken} \inThisVolume, \pages~\pageref{chap-subjektluecken}--\pageref{chap-subjektluecken-end}]}, } @misc{Kathol1989, Author = {Kathol, Andreas}, Howpublished = {Ms. [revised version appeared as: {A} uniform approach to {V2} in {German}. In {Juli Carter} et al. (eds.), \emph{Proceedings of {NELS} 20, vol. 1}, 244--245. {Amherst, Ma.} 1990.]}, Month = Jul, Title = {V2 and licensing in {German}}, Year = {1989}} @book{Neijt1979, Address = {Dordrecht}, Author = {Neijt, Anneke}, Date-Modified = {2016-06-12 22:24:52 +0000}, Publisher = {Foris}, Series = {Studies in Generative Grammar 7}, Title = {Gapping. {A} contribution to sentence grammar}, Year = {1979}} @incollection{Safir1985, Address = {Dordrecht}, Author = {Safir, Ken}, Booktitle = {Studies in {German} grammar}, Editor = {Toman, Jind\v{r}ich}, Pages = {193--229}, Series = {Studies in {Generative} {Grammar} 21}, Publisher = {Foris}, Title = {Missing subjects in {German}}, Year = {1985}} @article{Sag1985, Author = {Sag, Ivan A. and Gazdar, Gerald and Wasow, Thomas and Weisler, Steven}, Journal = {Natural Language and Linguistic Theory}, Pages = {117--171}, Title = {Coordination and how to distinguish categories}, Volume = {3}, Year = {1985}} @misc{Travis1988, Author = {Travis, Lisa deMena}, Howpublished = {Ms. [appeared as: {Parameters} of phrase structure and verb-second phenomena. In {Robert Freidin} (ed.), \emph{{Principles} and parameters in comparative grammar} ({Current Studies in Linguistics Series} 20), 339--364. {Cambridge, Ma.: MIT Press} 1991.]}, Title = {Parameters of phrase structure and {V2} phenomena}, Year = {1988}} @article{Williams1987, Author = {Williams, Edwin}, Journal = {Linguistics and Philosophy}, Title = {{NP} trace in theta theory}, Volume = {10}, Pages = {433--447}, Year = {1987}} @incollection{Wunderlich1988, Address = {Dordrecht}, Author = {Wunderlich, Dieter}, Booktitle = {Natural language parsing and linguistic theories}, Editor = {Reyle, Uwe and Rohrer, Christian}, Pages = {289--316}, Publisher = {Reidel}, Title = {Some problems of coordination in {German}}, Year = {1988}} @book{Adelung1782, Address = {Leip\-zig}, Author = {Adelung, Johann Christoph}, Publisher = {Johann Gottlob Immanuel Breitkopf}, Title = {Umst\"andliches {Lehrgeb\"aude} der {Deutschen Spra\-che}, zur {Erl\"auterung} der {Deutschen Sprachlehre} f\"ur {Schulen. Zweyter Band}}, Year = {1782}} @misc{Altmann1979, Author = {Altmann, Hans}, Address = {Ms. M\"unchen}, Note = {{[Erschienen als: Altmann, Hans. 1981. \textit{Formen der „Herausstellung“ im Deutschen. Rechtsversetzung, Linksversetzung, Freies Thema und verwandte Konstruktionen} (Linguistische Arbeiten 106). T{\"u}bingen: Niemeyer.]}}, Month = May, Title = {{Formen der „Herausstellung” im Deutschen. Untersuchungen zu Rechts- und Linksversetzung und zum Freien Thema. Mit Exkursen zu Extraposition, Ausklammerung, Nachtrag und Apposition}}, Year = {1979}} @book{Andersson1975, Address = {G{\"o}teborg}, Author = {Andersson, Lars-Gunnar}, Publisher = {University of G{\"o}teborg, Dept. of Linguistics}, Series = {Gothenburg monographs in linguistics 1}, Title = {Form and function of subordinate clauses}, Year = {1975}} @article{Baker1979, Author = {Baker, C. Leroy}, Journal = {Linguistic Inquiry}, Pages = {533--581}, Title = {Syntactic theory and the projection problem}, Volume = {10}, Year = {1979}} @book{LogicalProblem, Address = {Cambridge, MA}, Editor = {Baker, C. Leroy and McCarthy, John J.}, Publisher = {MIT Press}, Series = {MIT Press Series on Cognitive Theory and Mental Representation}, Title = {The Logical Problem of Language Acquisition}, Year = {1981}} @book{Becker1827, Address = {Frankfurt/Main}, Author = {Becker, Karl Ferdinand}, Note = {[Auch u.\,d.\,T.: \textit{Deutsche Sprachlehre. Erster Band}]}, Publisher = {Ludwig Reinherz}, Title = {Organism der {Sprache} als {Einleitung} zur deutschen {Grammatik}}, Year = {1827}} @book{Becker1829, Address = {Frankfurt/Main}, Author = {Becker, Karl Ferdinand}, Note = {[Auch u.\,d.\,T.: \textit{Deutsche Sprachlehre. Zweiter Band}]}, Publisher = {Joh. Christ. Hermann'sche Buchhandlung. G. F. Kettembeil}, Title = {Deutsche {Grammatik}}, Year = {1829}} @book{Becker1832, Address = {Frankfurt/Main}, Author = {Becker, Karl Ferdinand}, Publisher = {Joh. Christ. Hermann'sche Buchhandlung. G. F. Kettembeil}, Title = {Schulgrammatik der deutschen {Sprache}. \textnormal{{Zweite} durch\-ge\-seh\-ene {Ausgabe}}}, Year = {1832}} @book{Becker1837, Address = {Frankfurt/Main}, Author = {Becker, Karl Ferdinand}, Publisher = {G. F. Kettembeil}, Title = {{Ausf{\"u}hrliche deutsche Grammatik als Kommentar der Schulgrammatik. Statt einer zweiten Auflage der deutschen Grammatik. Zwei\-te Abtheilung}}, Year = {1837}} @book{Bierwisch1963, Address = {Berlin}, Author = {Bierwisch, Manfred}, Publisher = {Akademie-Verlag}, Series = {Studia grammatica 2}, Title = {{Grammatik des deutschen Verbs}}, Year = {1963}} @book{Bluemel1914, Address = {Stra{\ss}burg}, Author = {Bl{\"u}mel, Rudolf}, Publisher = {Karl J. Tr{\"u}bner}, Series = {Untersuchungen zur indogermanischen Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaft 5}, Title = {{Die Haupttypen der heutigen neuhochdeutschen Wortstellung im Hauptsatz}}, Year = {1914}} @incollection{Braine1971, Address = {New York}, Author = {Braine, Martin D. S.}, Booktitle = {The ontogenesis of grammar. {A} theoretical symposium}, Date-Modified = {2016-05-10 13:40:45 +0000}, Editor = {Slobin, Dan I.}, Pages = {153--186}, Publisher = {Academic Press}, Series = {The child psychology series. Experimental and theoretical analyses of child behavior}, Title = {On two types of models of the internalization of gram\-mars}, Year = {1971}} @book{Clahsen1982, Address = {T{\"u}bingen}, Author = {Clahsen, Harald}, Publisher = {Narr}, Series = {T{\"u}binger Beitr{\"a}ge zur Linguistik. Series A: Language Development 4}, Title = {{Spracherwerb in der Kindheit. Eine Untersuchung zur Entwicklung der Syntax bei Kleinkindern}}, Year = {1982}} @incollection{Danes1967, Address = {The Hague}, Author = {Dane{\v s}, Franti{\v s}ek}, Booktitle = {To honor {Roman} {Jakobson}. {Essays} on the occasion of his seventieth birthday 11 {October 1966. Volume I}}, Pages = {499--512}, Publisher = {Mouton}, Series = {Janua linguarum, series maior 31}, Title = {Order of elements and sentence intonation}, Year = {1967}} @book{Drach1937, Address = {Frankfurt/Main}, Author = {Drach, Erich}, Publisher = {Dies\-ter\-weg}, Title = {{Grundgedanken der Deutschen Satzlehre}}, note = {[Gegenüber dieser (postum erschienenen) ersten Auf"|lage fehlen in späteren Auf"|lagen Drachs Hinweise auf Werke von Otto Selz und Eduard Engel.]}, Year = {1937}} @book{Drach1937-Eng, Address = {Frankfurt/Main}, Author = {Drach, Erich}, Publisher = {Dies\-ter\-weg}, Title = {{Grundgedanken der Deutschen Satzlehre}}, note = {[First, posthumous edition. Later editions lack references to the work of Otto Selz and Eduard Engel.]}, Year = {1937}} @article{Erdmann1881, Author = {Erdmann, Oskar}, Journal = {Anzeiger f{\"u}r deutsches Alterthum und deutsche Litteratur}, Pages = {191--195}, Title = {[{Rezension} von:] {Die} stellung von subject und pr{\"a}dicatsverbum im {Heliand} [\ldots] von {John Ries} [\ldots].}, Volume = {7}, Year = {1881}} @book{Erdmann1886, Address = {Stuttgart}, Author = {Erdmann, Oskar}, Edition = {\textit{Erste Abteilung}}, Publisher = {J. G. Cotta'sche Buchhandlung}, Title = {{Grundz{\"u}ge der deutschen Syntax nach ihrer geschichtlichen Entwicklung dargestellt}}, Year = {1886}} @inproceedings{Faarlund1981, address = chicago, publisher = cls, Author = {Faarlund, Jan Terje}, Booktitle = {Papers from the 17th Regional Meeting {Chicago Linguistic Society}}, editor = {Robert A. Hendrick and Carrie S. Masek and Mary Frances Miller}, Pages = {45--58}, Title = {Obligatory fronting in a verb-initial language. {An} attempt at pragmatic syntax}, Year = {1981}} @book{Frege1899, Address = {Jena}, Author = {Frege, Gottlob}, Publisher = {H. Pohle}, Title = {{{\"{U}}ber die Zahlen des Herrn H. Schubert}}, Year = {1899}} @incollection{Gabelentz1875, Address = {Berlin}, Author = {Gabelentz, Georg von der}, authAuthor = {von der Gabelentz, Georg}, Booktitle = {{Zeitschrift f{\"u}r V{\"o}lkerpsychologie und Sprachwissenschaft. Achter Band}}, Pages = {129--165, 300--338}, Title = {{Weiteres zur vergleichenden Syntax -- Wort- und Satzstellung}}, Publisher = {Ferd. Dümmlers Verlagsbuchhandlung. Harrwitz \& Gossmann}, Year = {1875}} @book{Gelehrtenverein1821, Address = {Frankfurt/Main}, Author = {{Frankfurtischer Gelehrtenverein}}, Publisher = {Franz Varrentrapp}, Title = {{Abhandlungen des frankfurtischen Gelehrtenvereines f{\"u}r deutsche Sprache. Drittes St{\"u}ck}}, Year = {1821}} @incollection{Greenberg1963, Address = {Cambridge, MA}, Author = {Greenberg, Joseph H.}, OrgBooktitle = {Greenberg (ed.) 1966}, Booktitle = {\citealt{Universalsoflanguage}}, Date-Modified = {2016-05-10 08:55:51 +0000}, Pages = {73--113}, Title = {Some universals of grammar with particular reference to the order of meaningful elements}, sortyear = {1963}, Year = {1963 [1966]}} @article{Griesbach1960a, Author = {Griesbach, Heinz}, Date-Modified = {2016-05-10 13:43:18 +0000}, Journal = {Deutschunterricht f{\"u}r Ausl{\"a}nder}, Pages = {97--109, 136--149}, Title = {{Neue Grundlagen f{\"u}r den fortgeschrittenen Deutschunterricht I, II}}, Volume = {10}, Year = {1960}} @article{Griesbach1960b, Author = {Griesbach, Heinz}, Journal = {Deutschunterricht f{\"u}r Ausl{\"a}nder}, Pages = {97--109}, Title = {{Neue Grundlagen f{\"u}r den fortgeschrittenen Deutschunterricht I}}, Volume = {10}, Year = {1960}} @article{Griesbach1961a, Author = {Griesbach, Heinz}, Journal = {Deutschunterricht f{\"u}r Ausl{\"a}nder}, Pages = {4--14, 83--89}, Title = {{Neue Grundlagen f{\"u}r den fortgeschrittenen Deutschunterricht III, IV}}, Volume = {11}, Year = {1961}} @article{Griesbach1961b, Author = {Griesbach, Heinz}, Journal = {Deutschunterricht f{\"u}r Ausl{\"a}nder}, Pages = {83--89}, Title = {{Neue Grundlagen f{\"u}r den fortgeschrittenen Deutschunterricht IV}}, Volume = {11}, Year = {1961}} @book{Harris1951, Address = Chicago, Author = {Harris, Zellig S.}, Note = {[weitere Auflagen u.\,d.\,T.: \textit{Structural Linguistics}]}, Publisher = {University of Chicago Press}, Title = {Methods in structural linguistics}, Year = {1951}} @article{Havers1926, Author = {Havers, Wilhelm}, Journal = {Indogermanische Forschungen}, Pages = {207--257}, Title = {{Der sog. `Nominativus pendens'}}, Volume = {43}, Year = {1926}} @incollection{Herling1821C, Address = {Frankfurt/Main}, Author = {Herling, [Simon Heinrich Adolf]}, authAuthor = {Herling, Simon Heinrich Adolf}, Booktitle = {Abhandlungen des frankfurtischen {Gelehrtenvereines} f{\"u}r deutsche {Sprache}. {Drittes St\"uck}}, Date-Modified = {2016-05-10 13:44:07 +0000}, Pages = {33--62, 363f.}, Publisher = {Franz Varrentrapp}, Title = {{Ueber den Gebrauch des deutschen Conjunctivs und seiner Zeitformen}}, Year = {1821}} @incollection{Herling1821T, Address = {Frankfurt/Main}, Author = {Herling, [Simon Heinrich Adolf]}, authAuthor = {Herling, Simon Heinrich Adolf}, Booktitle = {Abhandlungen des frankfurtischen {Gelehrtenvereines} f{\"u}r deutsche {Sprache}. {Drittes St\"uck}}, Pages = {296--362, 394}, Publisher = {Franz Varrentrapp}, Title = {Ueber die {Topik} der deutschen {Sprache}}, Year = {1821}} @book{Herling1823, Address = {Frankfurt/Main}, Author = {Herling, Simon Heinrich Adolf}, Publisher = {Hermannsche Buchhandlung}, Title = {{Grundregeln des deutschen Stils oder der Periodenbau der deutschen Sprache. Ein Lehrbuch f{\"u}r den stilistischen Unterricht}}, Year = {1823}} @book{Herling1827, Address = {Frankfurt/Main}, Author = {Herling, Simon Heinrich Adolf}, Date-Modified = {2016-05-10 13:46:30 +0000}, Note = {[Auch u.\,d.\,T.: \textit{Die Syntax der deutschen Sprache. Zweiter Theil (der Periodenbau der deutschen Sprache)}. Zweite sehr vermehrte und verbesserte Ausgabe]}, Publisher = {Hermannsche Buchhandlung}, Title = {Grundregeln des deutschen {Styls,} oder der {Periodenbau} der deutschen {Sprache}. {Ein Lehrbuch} f{\"u}r den stylistischen {Unterricht.} \textnormal{{Zweite} sehr vermehrte und verbesserte {Ausgabe}}}, Year = {1827}} @book{Herling1832, Address = {Frankfurt/Main}, Author = {Herling, Simon Heinrich Adolf}, Date-Modified = {2016-05-10 13:46:20 +0000}, Note = {[Auch u.\,d.\,T.: \textit{Die Syntax der deutschen Sprache. Zweiter Theil (der Periodenbau der deutschen Sprache)}. Dritte, wesentlich sehr verbesserte und vermehrte Ausgabe]}, Publisher = {Joh. Christ. Hermann'sche Buchhandlung. G. F. Kettembeil}, Title = {Grundregeln des deutschen {Styls,} oder der {Periodenbau} der deutschen {Sprache}. {Ein Lehrbuch} f{\"u}r den stylistischen {Unterricht.} \textnormal{{Zweite} sehr vermehrte und verbesserte {Ausgabe}}}, Year = {1832}} @book{Herling1828, Address = {Frankfurt/Main}, Author = {Herling, Simon Heinrich Adolf}, Publisher = {Joh. Christ. Hermannsche Buchhandlung. G. F. Kettembeil}, Title = {{Erster Cursus eines wissenschaftlichen Unterrichts in der deutschen Sprache f{\"u}r Deutsche, nach einer neuen, auf die Bildungsgesetze der Sprache gegr{\"u}ndeten Methode}}, Year = {1828}} @book{Herling1830, Address = {Frankfurt/Main}, Author = {Herling, Simon Heinrich Adolf}, Publisher = {Joh. Christ. Hermann'sche Buchhandlung. G. F. Kettembeil}, Title = {{Die Syntax der deutschen Sprache. Erster Theil (Syntax des einfachen Satzes)}}, Year = {1830}} @incollection{Herling1837, Address = {Bonn}, Author = {Herling, Simon Heinrich Adolf}, Booktitle = {{Rheinisches Museum f{\"u}r Philologie. F{\"u}nfter Jahrgang}}, Date-Modified = {2016-05-10 13:44:15 +0000}, Pages = {522--572}, Publisher = {Eduard Weber}, Title = {{Von der Dichotomie in den Tempusformen und wie man dieselbe zu gro{\ss}em Nachtheile des Verst{\"a}ndnisses, besonders in der hebr{\"a}ischen Sprache, {\"u}bersehen habe}}, Year = {1837}} @book{Herling1840, Address = {Hannover}, Author = {Herling, Simon Heinrich Adolf}, Publisher = {Hahn'sche Hof-Buchhandlung}, Title = {{Vergleichende Darstellung der Lehre vom Tempus und Modus. Ein Beitrag zur einfachern und richtigern Behandlung dieser Lehre in den Grammatiken der griechischen, deutschen, lateinischen, franz{\"o}sischen und hebr{\"a}ischen Sprache}}, Year = {1840}} @book{Hoehle1978-removed, Address = {T{\"u}bingen}, Author = {H{\"o}hle, Tilman N.}, Publisher = {Niemeyer}, Series = {Linguistische Arbeiten}, Number = {67}, Title = {{Lexikalistische Syntax. Die Aktiv-Passiv-Relation und andere Infinitkonstruktionen im Deutschen}}, Year = {1978}} @book{Hoehle78a, Address = {T{\"u}bingen}, Author = {H{\"o}hle, Tilman N.}, Publisher = {Niemeyer}, Series = {Linguistische Arbeiten}, Number = {67}, Title = {{Lexikalistische Syntax: Die Aktiv-Passiv-Relation und andere Infinitkonstruktionen im Deutschen}}, Year = {1978}} @incollection{Hoehle1980-removed, Address = {Bonn}, Author = {H{\"o}hle, Tilman N.}, Booktitle = {{Empirische Rechtfertigung von Syntaxen. Beitr{\"a}ge zum Wuppertaler Kolloquium vom 25.--29. September 1978}}, Date-Modified = {2016-05-10 13:46:56 +0000}, Editor = {Cl{\'e}ment, Dani{\`e}le}, Pages = {61--71}, Publisher = {Bouvier Verlag Grundmann}, Series = {Gesamthochschule Wuppertal. Schriftenreihe Linguistik 3}, Title = {{Empirische Generalisierung vs.\ `Einfachheit'. Zur Zuordnung zwischen formalen und logischen Eigenschaften von S{\"a}tzen im Deutschen}}, Year = {1980}} @incollection{Hoehle80, Address = {Bonn}, Author = {H{\"o}hle, Tilman N.}, Booktitle = {{Empirische rechtfertigung von syntaxen. Beitr\"age zum Wuppertaler kolloquium vom 25.--29.\ september 1978}}, Editor = {Cl\'ement, Dani\`ele}, Pages = {61--71}, Series = {Gesamthochschule Wuppertal. Schriftenreihe Linguistik}, number = 3, Publisher = {Bouvier Verlag Grundmann}, Title = {{Empirische Generalisierung vs.\ ‚Einfachheit‘. Zur Zuordnung zwischen formalen und logischen Eigenschaften von S\"atzen im Deutschen}}, note = {[\chapapp~\ref{chap-empirische-generalisierungen} \inThisVolume, \pages~\pageref{chap-empirische-generalisierungen}--\pageref{chap-empirische-generalisierungen-end}]}, Year = {1980}} @incollection{Jakobson1963, Address = {Cambridge, MA}, Author = {Jakobson, Roman}, orgBooktitle = {Greenberg (ed.) 1966}, booktitle= {\citealt{Universalsoflanguage}}, Pages = {263--278}, Publisher = {MIT Press}, Title = {Implications of language universals for linguistics}, sortyear = {1963}, Year = {1963 [1966]}} @book{JonesThomas1977, Address = {Cardiff}, Author = {Jones, Morris and Thomas, Alan R.}, Publisher = {University of Wales Press}, Title = {The {Welsh} language. {Studies} in its syntax and semantics}, Year = {1977}} @book{Katz1981, Address = {Totowa, NJ}, Author = {Katz, Jerrold J.}, Publisher = {Rowman and Littlefield}, Title = {Language and other abstract objects}, Year = {1981}} @book{Klein1974, Author = {Klein, Rudolf Martin}, Series = {Universiteit van Amsterdam Publikaties van het Instituut voor algemene taalwetenschap 9}, Title = {Word order: {Dutch} children and their mothers}, Year = {1974}} @article{Klima1965, Author = {Klima, Edward S.}, Journal = {Quarterly Progress Report, Research Laboratory of Electronics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology}, Pages = {317--322}, Title = {Constituent structure and word-order rules for {German}}, Volume = {77}, Year = {1965}} @book{Koch1848, Address = {Jena}, Author = {Koch, [Ch.] Friedrich}, authAuthor = {Koch, Ch. Friedrich}, Date-Modified = {2016-05-10 00:03:07 +0000}, Publisher = {C. Hochhausen}, Title = {Deutsche {Grammatik} f{\"u}r {Gymnasien} und {Realschulen}}, Year = {1848}} @book{Koch1854, Address = {Jena}, Author = {Koch, [Ch.] Friedrich}, authAuthor = {Koch, Ch. Friedrich}, Date-Modified = {2016-05-10 00:02:57 +0000}, Publisher = {Friedrich Mauke}, Title = {Deutsche {Grammatik} f{\"u}r h{\"o}here {Lehranstalten}, {Lyceen}, {Gymnasien} und {Realschulen}. \textnormal{Zweite verbe{\ss}erte Auflage}}, Year = {1854}} @book{Koch1860, Address = {Jena}, Author = {Koch, Ch. Friedrich}, Date-Modified = {2016-05-10 00:00:01 +0000}, Publisher = {Friedrich Mauke}, Title = {Deutsche {Grammatik} nebst den {Tropen} und {Figuren} und den {Grundz{\"u}gen} der {Metrik} und {Poetik}. \textnormal{Dritte verbe{\ss}erte Auflage}}, Year = {1860}} @book{Koch1862, Address = {Jena}, Author = {Koch, Ch. Friedrich}, Publisher = {Friedrich Mauke}, Title = {Deutsche {Grammatik} nebst den {Tropen} und {Figuren} und den {Grundz{\"u}gen} der {Metrik} und {Poetik}. \textnormal{Vierte verbe{\ss}erte Auflage}}, Year = {1862}} @book{Kuno1973, Address = cambridgeusa, Author = {Kuno, Susumu}, Publisher = {MIT Press}, Series = {Current Studies in Linguistics}, number = 3, Title = {The structure of the {Japanese} language}, Year = {1973}} @article{Maling1980, Author = {Maling, Joan}, authAuthor = {Maling, Joan M.}, Journal = {{\'I}slenskt m{\'a}l og almenn m{\'a}lfr{\ae}∂i}, Pages = {175--193}, Title = {Inversion in embedded clauses in {Modern Icelandic}}, Volume = {2}, Year = {1980}} @article{MalingZaenen1978, Author = {Maling, Joan and Zaenen, Annie}, authAuthor = {Maling, Joan M. and Zaenen, Annie}, Date-Modified = {2016-05-10 00:07:22 +0000}, Journal = {Linguistic Inquiry}, Pages = {475--497}, Title = {The nonuniversality of a surface filter}, Volume = {9}, Year = {1978}} @incollection{MalingZaenen1981, Address = {London}, % name checked Author = {Maling, Joan and Zaenen, Annie}, authAuthor = {Maling, Joan M. and Zaenen, Annie}, Booktitle = {Binding and filtering}, Date-Modified = {2016-05-10 00:07:46 +0000}, Editor = {Heny, Frank}, Pages = {255--278}, Publisher = {Croom Helm}, Title = {Germanic word order and the format of surface filters}, Year = {1981}} @article{McCloskey1980, Author = {McCloskey, James}, Journal = {{\'E}riu}, Pages = {59--99}, Title = {Is there raising in {Modern} {Irish}?}, Volume = {31}, Year = {1980}} @incollection{Nordmeyer1883, Address = {Magdeburg}, Author = {Nordmeyer, Ernst}, Booktitle = {Vierzehntes {Programm} der {Guericke-Schule} {(Ober-Realschule)} zu {Magdeburg}}, Pages = {3--16}, Title = {Die grammatischen {Gesetze} der deutschen {Wortstellung}}, Year = {1883}} @incollection{Oertel1923, Address = {G{\"o}ttingen}, Author = {Oertel, Hanns}, Booktitle = {{ΑΝΤΙ∆ΩΡΟΝ.} {Festschrift Jacob Wackernagel} zur {Vollendung} des 70. {Lebensjahres} am 11. {Dezember} 1923 gewidmet von {Sch{\"u}lern}, {Freunden} und {Kollegen}}, Pages = {45--50}, Publisher = {Vandenhoeck \& Ruprecht}, Title = {Zum disjunkten {Gebrauch} des {Nominativs} in der {Br{\=a}hmanaprosa}}, Year = {1923}} @book{Park1981, Address = {Innsbruck}, Author = {Park, Tschang-Zin}, Publisher = {Institut f{\"u}r Sprachwissenschaft der Universit{\"a}t Innsbruck}, Series = {Innsbrucker Beitr{\"a}ge zur Kulturwissenschaft. Sonderheft 45}, Title = {The development of syntax in the child with special reference to {German}}, Year = {1981}} @book{Sanders1883, Address = {Berlin}, Author = {Sanders, Daniel}, Note = {[Zweite um ein vollst{\"a}ndiges abeceliches Inhaltsverzeichnis vermehrte Auflage 1895]}, Publisher = {Abenheim'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung (G. Jo{\"e}l)}, Title = {{Satzbau und Wortfolge in der deutschen Sprache. Dargestellt und durch Belege erl{\"a}utert}}, Year = {1883}} @unpublished{Vat1980, Author = {Vat, Jan}, Howpublished = {Ms.}, Note = {o.O., o.J. [Amsterdam 1980?]}, Title = {Left dislocation, connectedness, and reconstruction}, sortyear = {1980}, Year = {[1980]}} @book{Vater1805, Address = {Halle}, Author = {Vater, Johann Severin}, Publisher = {Rengersche Buchhandlung}, Title = {Lehrbuch der allgemeinen {Grammatik} besonders f{\"u}r h{\"o}here {Schul-Classen}, mit {Vergleichung} {\"a}lterer und neuerer {Sprachen}}, Year = {1805}} @book{Weil1879, Address = {Boston}, Author = {Weil, Henri}, Note = {[{\"U}bers. von: \textit{De l'ordre des mots dans les langues anciennes compar{\'e}es aux langues modernes. 3e {\'e}d. 1879.} -- 1. Aufl. Paris 1844]}, Publisher = {Ginn \& Company}, Title = {The order of words in the ancient languages compared with that of the modern languages. \textnormal{{Translated,} with notes and additions, by {Charles W. Super}}}, sortyear = {1887}, Year = {1887 [1879]}} @book{WexlerCulicover1980, Address = cambridgeusa, Author = {Wexler, Kenneth and Culicover, Peter W.}, Publisher = {MIT Press}, Title = {Formal principles of language acquisition}, Year = {1980}} @book{Wilmanns1878, Address = {Berlin}, Author = {Wilmanns, Wilhelm}, Publisher = {Wiegand, Hempel \& Parey (Paul Parey)}, Title = {Deutsche {Grammatik} f{\"u}r die {Unter- und Mittelklassen} h{\"o}herer {Lehranstalten.} {Nebst Regeln} und {W\"orterverzeichnis} f{\"u}r die deutsche {Orthographie}}, Edition = {{Zweite Auflage}}, Year = {1878}} @book{Wunderlich1892, Address = {Stuttgart}, Author = {Wunderlich, Hermann}, Publisher = {J. G. Cotta'sche Buchhandlung Nachfolger}, Title = {{Der deutsche Satzbau}}, Year = {1892}} @incollection{pollard1988a, Address = {Dordrecht}, Author = {Pollard, Carl J.}, OPTsortname = {Carl Pollard}, authauthor = {Pollard, Carl}, Editor = {Oehrle, Richard T. and Bach, Emmon and Wheeler, Deirdre}, Pages = {391--415}, Publisher = {Reidel}, Title = {{Categorial Grammar} and phrase structure grammar: {An} excursion on the syntax-semantics frontier}, Booktitle = {{Categorial Grammars} and natural language structures}, Year = {1988}} @book{PollardSag1987, Address = {Stanford}, Author = {Pollard, Carl and Sag, Ivan A.}, Date-Modified = {2016-05-25 11:16:27 +0000}, Publisher = {Center for the Study of Language and Information}, unusedShortauthor = {P\&S}, Title = {Information-based {Syntax} and {Semantics}}, Volume = {1: Fundamentals}, Year = {1987}} @book{PollardSag1994, Address = Chicago, Author = {Pollard, Carl and Sag, Ivan A.}, Date-Modified = {2016-05-22 12:13:33 +0000}, Publisher = {University of Chicago Press}, unusedShortauthor = {P\&S}, Title = {{Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar}}, Year = {1994}} @unpublished{PollardSag1992, Author = {Pollard, Carl and Sag, Ivan A.}, Date-Modified = {2016-05-25 15:36:52 +0000}, Howpublished = {Ms. June 15, 1992}, unusedShortauthor = {P\&S}, Title = {{Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar}}, Year = {1992}} @misc{PollardSag1992iE, Author = {Pollard, Carl and Sag, Ivan A.}, unusedShortauthor = {P\&S}, Title = {{Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar}}, Address = Chicago, Publisher = {University of Chicago Press}, Year = {1992}, Note = {[durchgesehene Druckfassung von Ms. 1992, i.\,E.]}} @article{Sag97a, Author = {Ivan A. Sag}, Journal = {Journal of Linguistics}, Number = {2}, Pages = {431--484}, Title = {English Relative Clause Constructions}, Volume = {33}, Year = {1997}} @incollection{sagetal1992a, Author = {Sag, Ivan and Karttunen, Lauri and Goldberg, Jeffrey}, authAuthor = {Sag, Ivan A. and Karttunen, Lauri and Goldberg, Jeffrey}, Editor = {Sag, Ivan A. and Szabolcsi, Anna}, Pages = {301--318}, Publisher = {CLSI}, Booktitle = {Lexical matters}, Title = {A lexical analysis of {Icelandic} case}, Year = {1992}} @misc{roberts1977b, Author = {Roberts, R. Bruce and Goldstein, Ira P.}, Howpublished = {MIT AI Lab. memo 409}, Month = Sep, Title = {The {FRL} manual}, Year = {1977}} @misc{roberts1977a, Author = {Roberts, R. Bruce and Goldstein, Ira P.}, Howpublished = {MIT AI Lab. memo 408}, Month = Jul, Title = {The {FRL} primer}, Year = {1977}} @inproceedings{pollard1985a, Address = {Stanford}, Author = {Pollard, Carl J.}, OPTsortname = {Carl Pollard}, authauthor = {Pollard, Carl}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the {West Coast} conference on formal linguistics}, Pages = {246--261}, Title = {Phrase structure grammar without metarules}, Volume = {4}, Year = {1985}} @incollection{Meurers94, optAddress = {T{\"u}bingen}, % Name geprüft Author = {Meurers, {Walt Detmar}}, Booktitle = {Partial-{VP} and Split-{NP} Topicalization in {German} -- {An} {HPSG} Analysis and its Implementation}, Editor = {Hinrichs, Erhard W. and Meurers, Walt Detmar and Nakazawa, Tsuneko}, optNumber = {Nr. 58}, Pages = {47--155}, Publisher = {Universität Stuttgart/""Universit{\"a}t T{\"u}bingen}, optSeries = {Arbeitspapiere des SFB 340}, series = {Arbeitspapiere des Sonderforschungsbereichs 340, Bericht Nr.\,58}, Title = {On implementing an {HPSG} Theory}, optUrl = {http://www.sfs.uni-tuebingen.de/~dm/papers/on-implementing.html}, Url_Checked = {\urlchecked{23}{12}{2015}}, Year = {1994}, Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://www.sfs.uni-tuebingen.de/~dm/papers/on-implementing.html}} @unpublished{meurers1993a, Author = {Meurers, Detmar}, authAuthor = {Meurers, Walt Detmar}, Howpublished = {Draft December 9, 1993.}, Title = {On implementing an {HPSG} theory}, Year = {1993}} @techreport{kepser1994a, Author = {Kepser, Stephan}, type = {Arbeitspapiere des Sonderforschungsbereichs 340, Bericht Nr.\,60}, Title = {A satisfiability algorithm for a typed feature logic}, institution = {Universität Stuttgart/""Universit{\"a}t T{\"u}bingen}, Year = {1994}} @unpublished{hukarietal1993a, Author = {Hukari, Thomas E. and Levine, Robert D.}, Note = {Draft}, Title = {Adjunct extraction}, Year = {1993}} @unpublished{hoehle1994a, Author = {H{\"o}hle, Tilman N.}, Note = {Handout zum Vortrag auf der GGS"=Tagung in T{\"u}bingen 14.5.1994, [\chapapp~\ref{chap-spuren-hpsg} \inThisVolume, \pages~\pageref{chap-spuren-hpsg}--\pageref{chap-spuren-hpsg-end}]}, Title = {{Spuren in HPSG}}, Year = {1994}} @unpublished{hoehle1994a-eng, Author = {H{\"o}hle, Tilman N.}, Note = {Handout of a talk given at the GGS meeting in T{\"u}bingen 14.5.1994, [\chapapp~\ref{chap-spuren-hpsg} \inThisVolume, \pages~\pageref{chap-spuren-hpsg}--\pageref{chap-spuren-hpsg-end}]}, Title = {{Spuren in HPSG}}, Year = {1994}} @unpublished{g_Hoehle94b-removed, Author = {H{\"o}hle, Tilman N.}, Note = {[Vortrag auf der GGS-Tagung in T{\"u}bingen am 14.\ Mai 1994]. 7 Seiten}, Title = {Spuren in {HPSG}}, Year = {1994}} @unpublished{hoehle94b, Author = {H{\"o}hle, Tilman N.}, Note = {Materialien von einem Seminar "`Entwicklungen in der {HPSG}"' im Sommersemester 1994. [\chapapp~\ref{chap-spurenlose-extraktion} \inThisVolume, \pages~\pageref{chap-spurenlose-extraktion}--\pageref{chap-spurenlose-extraktion-end}]}, optNote = {Materialien von einem Seminar "`Entwicklungen in der {HPSG}"' im Sommersemester 1994. 34 Seiten, [\chapapp~\ref{chap-spurenlose-extraktion} \inThisVolume, \pages~\pageref{chap-spurenlose-extraktion}--\pageref{chap-spurenlose-extraktion-end}]}, Title = {{Spurenlose Extraktion}}, Year = {1994}} @unpublished{hoehle94b-eng, Author = {H{\"o}hle, Tilman N.}, Note = {Materials of a seminar "`Entwicklungen in der {HPSG}"' `{Developments} in {HPSG}' in the summer semester of 1994. [\chapapp~\ref{chap-spurenlose-extraktion} \inThisVolume, \pages~\pageref{chap-spurenlose-extraktion}--\pageref{chap-spurenlose-extraktion-end}]}, optNote = {Materialien von einem Seminar "`Entwicklungen in der {HPSG}"' im Sommersemester 1994. 34 Seiten, [\chapapp~\ref{chap-spurenlose-extraktion} \inThisVolume, \pages~\pageref{chap-spurenlose-extraktion}--\pageref{chap-spurenlose-extraktion-end}]}, Title = {{Spurenlose Extraktion}}, Year = {1994}} @unpublished{hoehle:94b-removed, Author = {H{\"o}hle, Tilman N.}, Note = {[Materialien von einem Seminar ‚Entwicklungen in der {HPSG}' im Sommersemester 1994]. 34 Seiten}, Title = {{Spurenlose Extraktion}}, Year = {1994}} @unpublished{g_Hoehle94c-removed, Author = {H{\"o}hle, Tilman N.}, Note = {[Materialien von einem Seminar ‚Entwicklungen in der {HPSG}' im Sommersemester 1994]. 34 Seiten}, Title = {{Spurenlose Extraktion}}, Year = {1994} } @book{gazdaretal1985a, Address = {Oxford}, Author = {Gazdar, Gerald and Klein, Ewan and Pullum, Geoffrey and Sag, Ivan}, authAuthor = {Gazdar, Gerald and Klein, Ewan and Pullum, Geoffrey and Sag, Ivan A.}, Publisher = {Blackwell}, Title = {Generalized {Phrase} {Structure} {Grammar}}, Year = {1985}} @inproceedings{Flickingeretal1985, Author = {Flickinger, Dan and Pollard, Carl and Wasow, Thomas}, Booktitle = {23rd {Annual} {Meeting} of the {Association} for {Computational} {Linguistics}. {Proceedings} of the conference 8--12 {July} 1985}, Date-Modified = {2016-05-25 11:07:21 +0000}, Pages = {262--267}, Title = {Structure-sharing in lexical representation}, Year = {1985}} @article{FlickingerNerbonne1992, Author = {Flickinger, Dan and Nerbonne, John}, Date-Modified = {2016-05-25 11:08:28 +0000}, Journal = {Computational Linguistics}, Pages = {269--309}, Title = {Inheritance and complementation: {A} case study of \textit{easy} adjectives and related nouns}, Volume = {18}, Year = {1992}} @inproceedings{culicover1993a, Address = {Amherst, MA}, Author = {Culicover, Peter W.}, Booktitle = {Proceedings of the {North East Linguistic Society} 23}, Number = {1}, Pages = {97--111}, Publisher = {GLSA}, Title = {The adverb effect: {Evidence} against {ECP} accounts of the \textit{that-t} effect}, Volume = {23}, Year = {1993}} @book{cinque1990a, Address = {Cambridge, MA}, Author = {Cinque, Guglielmo}, Publisher = {MIT Press}, Title = {Types of {A$'$-dependencies}}, Year = 1990} @inproceedings{carpenteretal1991a, Author = {Carpenter, Bob and Pollard, Carl}, Booktitle = {29th {Annual} {Meeting} of the {Association} for {Computational} {Linguistics}. {Proceedings} of the conference 18--21 {June} 1991}, Pages = {9--16}, Title = {Inclusion, disjointness and choice: The logic of linguistic classification}, Year = {1991}} @phdthesis{ait-kaci1984a, Author = {Ait-Kaci, Hassan}, School = {University of Pennsylvania}, Title = {A lattice theoretic approach to computation based on a calculus of partially ordered type structures}, Type = {PhD dissertation}, Year = {1984}} @incollection{Hoehle2000a, Address = {Amsterdam}, Author = {H{\"o}hle, Tilman N.}, Booktitle = {\emph{Wh}-Scope Marking}, Editor = {Lutz, Uli and M{\"u}ller, Gereon and {von Stechow}, Arnim}, Note = {[leicht bearbeitet gegen\"uber H\"ohle 1996]}, Number = {37}, Pages = {249--270}, Publisher = {Benjamins}, Series = {Linguistik Aktuell / Linguistics Today}, Title = {The {\emph{w}- \ldots{} \emph{w}-Construction}: {Appositive} or Scope Indicating?}, note = {[\chapapp~\ref{chap-w-w} \inThisVolume, \pages~\pageref{chap-w-w}--\pageref{chap-w-w-end}]}, Year = {2000}} @incollection{Hoehle1985, Address = {Dordrecht}, Author = {H{\"o}hle, Tilman N.}, Booktitle = {Studies in {German} grammar}, Date-Modified = {2016-05-18 08:12:16 +0000}, Editor = {Toman, Jind\v{r}ich}, Number = {21}, Pages = {319--376}, Publisher = {Foris}, Series = {Studies in Generative Grammar}, Title = {On Composition and derivation: {The} constituent structure of secondary words in {German}}, note = {[\chapapp~\ref{chap-composition} \inThisVolume, \pages~\pageref{chap-composition}--\pageref{chap-composition-end}]}, Year = {1985}} @incollection{Hoehle90a, Address = {Dordrecht}, Author = {H{\"o}hle, Tilman N.}, Booktitle = {Grammar in progress: {Glow} essays for {Henk van Riemsdijk}}, Editor = {Mascar{\'o}, Joan and Nespor, Marina}, Number = {36}, Pages = {221--235}, Publisher = {Foris}, Series = {Studies in Generative Grammar}, Title = {Assumptions about Asymmetric Coordination in {German}}, note = {[\chapapp~\ref{chap-asymmetric-coordination} \inThisVolume, \pages~\pageref{chap-asymmetric-coordination}--\pageref{chap-asymmetric-coordination-end}]}, Year = 1990} @incollection{Hoehle99a, Address = {Stanford}, Author = {H{\"o}hle, Tilman N.}, Booktitle = {{Slavic} in {Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar}}, Editor = {Robert D. Borsley and Przepi{\'o}rkowski, Adam}, Pages = {61--90}, Publisher = cslip, Title = {An Architecture for Phonology}, note = {[\chapapp~\ref{chap-phonology} \inThisVolume, \pages~\pageref{chap-phonology}--\pageref{chap-phonology-end}]}, Year = {1999}} @incollection{Hoehle91, Address = {Dordrecht}, Author = {H{\"o}hle, Tilman N.}, Booktitle = {Representation and derivation in the theory of grammar}, Editor = {Haider, Hubert and Netter, Klaus}, Number = {22}, Pages = {139--197}, Publisher = {Kluwer}, Series = {Studies in Natural Language and Linguistic Theory}, Title = {On reconstruction and coordination}, note = {[\chapapp~\ref{chap-reconstruction} \inThisVolume, \pages~\pageref{chap-reconstruction}--\pageref{chap-reconstruction-end}]}, Year = {1991}} @incollection{g_Hoehle91a-removed, Address = {Dordrecht/""Boston/""London}, Author = {Tilman N. H{\"o}hle}, Booktitle = {Representation and Derivation in the Theory of Grammar}, Cited = {kdk2000a:118 I-topicalization}, Editor = {Hubert Haider and Klaus Netter}, Number = {22}, Pages = {139--197}, Publisher = {Kluwer}, Series = {Studies in Natural Language and Linguistic Theory}, Title = {On Reconstruction and Coordination}, Year = {1991} } @unpublished{hoehle:96, Author = {H{\"o}hle, Tilman N.}, Note = {[From lecture notes 1996: 1.\ Die Grammatik. 2.\ Three remarks on the Word Principle]. 5 Seiten}, Title = {Notes on the Lexicon in {HPSG}}, Year = {1996}} @unpublished{hoehle:95, Author = {H{\"o}hle, Tilman N.}, Note = {[Talk given at the HPSG workshop in T{\"u}bingen, June 21, 1995]. 12 Seiten}, Title = {{Complement Extraction Lexical Rule} and Variable Argument Raising}, note = {[\chapapp~\ref{chap-celr} \inThisVolume, \pages~\pageref{chap-celr}--\pageref{chap-celr-end}]}, Year = {1995}} @unpublished{hoehle:94a, Author = {H{\"o}hle, Tilman N.}, Note = {[Vortrag auf der GGS-Tagung in T{\"u}bingen am 14.\ Mai 1994]. 7 Seiten}, Title = {{Spuren in HPSG}}, Year = {1994}} @unpublished{hoehle:94c, Author = {H{\"o}hle, Tilman N.}, optNote = {[Talk given at the IBM Wissenschaftszentrum in Heidelberg, September 7, 1994]. 14 Seiten}, Note = {[Talk given at the IBM Wissenschaftszentrum in Heidelberg, September 7, 1994]}, Title = {Featuring Creatures of Darkness}, note = {[\chapapp~\ref{chap-creatures} \inThisVolume, \pages~\pageref{chap-creatures}--\pageref{chap-creatures-end}]}, Year = {1994}} @unpublished{g_Hoehle94a-removed, Author = {H{\"o}hle, Tilman N.}, Note = {[Talk given at the IBM Wissenschaftszentrum in Heidelberg, September 7, 1994]. 14 Seiten}, Title = {Featuring Creatures of Darkness}, Year = {1994} } @unpublished{Hoehle91b, Author = {H{\"o}hle, Tilman N.}, Note = {Ms.\ Tübingen [\chapapp~\ref{chap-projektionsstufen} \inThisVolume, \pages~\pageref{chap-projektionsstufen}--\pageref{chap-projektionsstufen-end}]}, optNote = {Ms. Tübingen [\chapapp~\ref{chap-projektionsstufen} \inThisVolume, \pages~\pageref{chap-projektionsstufen}--\pageref{chap-projektionsstufen-end}]. 12 Seiten}, Title = {Projektionsstufen bei {V-Projektionen:} {Bemerkungen} zu {F/T}}, Year = 1991} @unpublished{g_Hoehle91b-removed, Author = {Tilman N. H{\"o}hle}, Date-Modified = {2015-05-22 11:27:32 +0000}, Note = {[Erstmals zirkuliert 1991]. 12 Seiten}, Title = {{Projektionsstufen bei V-Projektionen: Bemerkungen zu F/T}}, year = 1991 } @incollection{Hoehle1988, Author = {H{\"o}hle, Tilman N.}, Address = {Lund}, Publisher= {Germanistisches Institut der Universit{\"a}t Lund}, Pages = {1--7}, BookTitle = {Sprache und {Pragmatik}. {Arbeitsberichte} \textnormal{5}}, Title = {{{VERUM}-{Fokus} [mit {Vorwort} und {Nachwort} dazu]}}, Year = {1988}} @unpublished{Hoehle83, Author = {H{\"o}hle, Tilman N.}, Note = {{K{\"o}ln, Februar/M\"arz 1983 (mit Nachtr\"agen vom Sommer 1983).} [\chapapp~\ref{chap-topo} \inThisVolume, \pages~\pageref{chap-topo-hoehles-content}--\pageref{chap-topo-end}]}, optNote = {{K{\"o}ln, Februar/M\"arz 1983 (mit Nachtr\"agen vom Sommer 1983).} 78 Seiten [\chapapp~\ref{chap-topo} \inThisVolume, \pages~\pageref{chap-topo-hoehles-content}--\pageref{chap-topo-end}]}, Title = {{Topologische Felder}}, Year = {1983}} @incollection{Hoehle82c, Address = {T\"ubingen}, Author = {H{\"o}hle, Tilman N.}, Booktitle = {Silben, {Segmente, Akzente. Referate} zur {Wort-, Satz- und Versphonologie} anl\"a{\ss}lich der vierten {Jahrestagung} der {Deutschen Gesellschaft f\"ur Sprachwissenschaft, K\"oln 2.-4.\ M\"arz 1982}}, Editor = {Vennemann, Theo}, Number = {126}, Pages = {99--139}, Publisher = Niemeyer, Series = {Linguistische Arbeiten}, Title = {Markiertheit, {Linking, Regelformat.} -- {Evidenz} aus dem {Deutschen}}, Year = {1982}} @incollection{Hoehle78b, Address = {Lisse}, Author = {H{\"o}hle, Tilman N. and Vater, Heinz}, Booktitle = {{Studia Linguistica Alexandro Vasilii filio Issatschenko a Collegis Amicisque oblata}}, Editor = {Birnbaum, Henrik and Lubomír Ďurovič and Gunnar Jacobsson and Nils-Åke Nilsson and Anders Sjöberg and Dean S. Worth}, Pages = {169--186}, Publisher = {de Ridder}, Title = {{Derivational Constraints und die silbischen Konsonanten im Deutschen}}, Year = {1978}} @InCollection{g_Hoehle78b, author = {Tilman N. H\"ohle and Heinz Vater}, title = {{{\em Derivational Constraints} und die silbischen Konsonanten im Deutschen}}, booktitle = {{Studia Linguistica Alexandro Vasilii filio Issatschenko a Collegis Amicisque oblata}}, publisher = {Peter de Ridder}, year = {1978}, editor = {Henrik Birnbaum and Lubomír Ďurovič and Gunnar Jacobsson and Nils-Åke Nilsson and Anders Sjöberg and Dean S. Worth}, pages = {169--186}, address = {Lisse}, } @incollection{Hoehle92, Address = {Opladen}, Author = {H{\"o}hle, Tilman N.}, Booktitle = {Informationsstruktur und {Grammatik}}, Editor = {Jacobs, Joachim}, Number = {Sonderheft 4/1991--92}, Pages = {139--197}, Publisher = {Westdeutscher Verlag}, Series = {Linguistische Berichte.}, Title = {{\"Uber Verum-Fokus im Deutschen}}, note = {[\chapapp~\ref{chap-verum-fokus} \inThisVolume, \pages~\pageref{chap-verum-fokus}--\pageref{chap-verum-fokus-end}]}, Year = {1992}} @incollection{Hoehle96, Author = {H{\"o}hle, Tilman N.}, Booktitle = {Papers on \emph{Wh}-Scope Marking}, Editor = {Lutz, Uli and M\"uller, Gereon}, optNumber = {Bericht 76}, Pages = {37--58}, Publisher = {Universit\"at Stuttgart/""Universit\"at T\"ubingen}, Series = {Arbeitspapiere des Sonderforschungsbereichs 340, Bericht Nr.\,76}, Title = {The \emph{w}- \ldots{} \emph{w}-construction: {Appositive} or scope"=indicating?}, Year = {1996}} @incollection{Horvath1995, Address = {Szeged}, Author = {Horvath, Julia}, Booktitle = {Levels and structures}, Editor = {Kenesei, Istv{\'a}n}, Pages = {89--124}, Publisher = {JATE}, Series = {Approaches to Hungarian 5}, Title = {Partial \emph{wh}-movement and \emph{wh} ``scope-markers''}, Year = {1995}} @incollection{Hoehle06, Address = {Berlin}, Author = {H{\"o}hle, Tilman N.}, Booktitle = {Form, structure, and grammar. {A} {Festschrift} presented to {G\"unther} {Grewendorf} on occasion of his 60th birthday}, Editor = {Brandt, Patrick and Fu{\ss}, Eric}, Number = {63}, Pages = {55--77}, Publisher = {Akademie-Verlag}, Series = {Studia Grammatica}, Title = {Observing non-finite verbs: {Some} {3V} phenomena in {German-Dutch}}, note = {[\chapapp~\ref{chap-v3} \inThisVolume, \pages~\pageref{chap-v3}--\pageref{chap-v3-end}]}, Year = {2006}} @incollection{Hoehle86a-removed, Author = {H{\"o}hle, Tilman N.}, Pages = {329--340}, Title = {{Der Begriff ‚Mittelfeld`, Anmerkungen {\"u}ber die Theorie der topologischen Felder}}, Crossref = {WWR86a-ed}} @inproceedings{g_Hoehle86-removed, Author = {Tilman N. H{\"o}hle}, Editor = {Albrecht Sch{\"o}ne}, Booktitle = {{Kontroversen, alte und neue. Akten des VII. Internationalen Germanisten-Kongresses G{\"o}ttingen 1985. Bd. 3: Walter Weiss, Herbert Ernst Wiegand \& Marga Reis (eds.). Textlinguistik contra Stilistik? -- Wortschatz und W{\"o}rterbuch -- Grammatische oder pragmatische Organisation von Rede?}}, Pages = {329--340}, Title = {{Der Begriff \glq Mittelfeld\grq. Anmerkungen {\"u}ber die Theorie der topologischen Felder}}, Publisher = {T{\"u}bingen: Max Niemeyer}, year = 1986} @inproceedings{Hoehle86, Author = {H{\"o}hle, Tilman N.}, Booktitle = {Kontroversen, alte und neue. {Akten} des {VII}. {Internationalen} {Germanisten}-{Kongresses} {G\"ottingen} 1985. \textnormal{\volume 3: {Walter Weiss}, {Herbert} {Ernst} {Wiegand} \& {Marga Reis} (\editors)}, {Textlinguistik contra Stilistik?} -- {Wortschatz und W\"orterbuch} -- {Grammatische} oder pragmatische {Organisation} von {Rede?}}, Editor = {Sch{\"o}ne, Albrecht}, Pages = {329--340}, Publisher = {T{\"u}bingen: Niemeyer}, Title = {Der {Begriff ‚Mittelfeld`. Anmerkungen \"uber die Theorie der topologischen Felder}}, note = {[\chapapp~\ref{chap-mittelfeld} \inThisVolume, \pages~\pageref{chap-mittelfeld}--\pageref{chap-mittelfeld-end}]}, Year = 1986} @inproceedings{Hoehle86d-removed, Author = {H{\"o}hle, Tilman N.}, Booktitle = {Kontroversen, alte und neue. {Akten} des {VII}. {Internationalen} {Germanisten}-{Kongresses} {G\"ottingen} 1985. \textnormal{{Bd.} 3: {Walter Weiss}, {Herbert} {Ernst} {Wiegand} \& {Marga Reis} (Hrsg.)}, {Textlinguistik contra Stilistik?} -- {Wortschatz und W\"orterbuch} -- {Grammatische} oder pragmatische {Organisation} von {Rede?}}, Editor = {Sch{\"o}ne, Albrecht}, Pages = {329--340}, Publisher = {T{\"u}bingen: Niemeyer}, Title = {Der {Begriff ‚Mittelfeld`. Anmerkungen \"uber die Theorie der topologischen Felder}}, note = {[\chapapp~\ref{chap-mittelfeld} \inThisVolume, \pages~\pageref{chap-mittelfeld}--\pageref{chap-mittelfeld-end}]}, Year = 1986} @incollection{Hoehle1986-removed, Address = {T{\"u}bingen}, Author = {H{\"o}hle, Tilman N.}, Booktitle = {{Akten des 7.\ Internationalen Germanistenkongresses G\"ottingen 1985}}, Pages = {329--340}, Publisher = {Niemeyer}, Title = {{Der Begriff `Mittelfeld': Anmerkungen \"uber die Theorie der topologischen Felder}}, Volume = {3}, note = {[\chapapp~\ref{chap-mittelfeld} \inThisVolume, \pages~\pageref{chap-mittelfeld}--\pageref{chap-mittelfeld-end}]}, Year = {1986}} @article{Shieber2012a, Author = {Shieber, Stuart M.}, Journal = {Journal of Language Modelling}, Number = {1}, Pages = {5--8}, Title = {The case for the journal's use of a {CC}-{BY} license}, Volume = {0}, Year = {2012}} @book{WWR86a-ed, Address = {T{\"u}bingen}, Booktitle = {{Akten des VII. Kongresses der Internationalen Vereinigung f{\"u}r germanische Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft. G{\"o}ttingen 1985. Band 3. Textlinguistik contra Stilistik? -- Wortschatz und W{\"o}rterbuch -- Grammatische oder pragmatische Organisation von Rede?}}, Editor = {Weiss, Walter and Wiegand, Herbert Ernst and Reis, Marga}, Number = {4}, Publisher = {Niemeyer}, Series = {Kontroversen, alte und neue}, Title = {{Akten des VII}. Kongresses der Internationalen Vereinigung f{\"u}r germanische Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft. G{\"o}ttingen 1985. Band 3. Textlinguistik contra Stilistik? -- Wortschatz und W{\"o}rterbuch -- Grammatische oder pragmatische Organisation von Rede?}, Year = {1986}} @book{Carpenter92a, Address = {Cambridge}, Author = {Carpenter, Bob}, Publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, Title = {The logic of typed feature structures, with applications to unification grammars, logic programs and constraint resolution}, Year = {1992}} @book{Universalsoflanguage, Address = {Cambridge, MA}, Editor = {Greenberg, Joseph H.}, Note = {[1.\ Aufl.\ 1963.]}, Publisher = {MIT Press}, Title = {Universals of language. {Report} of a conference held at {Dobbs Ferry}, {New York} {April} 13--15, 1961}, Edition = 2, Year = {1966}} @misc{Shieber2013a, Author = {Stuart M. Shieber}, Date-Added = {2018-02-02 10:49:09 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2018-02-02 10:54:02 +0000}, Title = {Why Open Access is Better for Scholarly Societies}, Url = {https://blogs.harvard.edu/pamphlet/2013/01/29/why-open-access-is-better-for-scholarly-societies/}, Url_Checked = {02.02.2018}, Year = {2013}} @book{g_Hoehle78a-removed, Address = {T{\"u}bingen}, Author = {Tilman N. H{\"o}hle}, Date-Modified = {2012-11-14 09:49:47 +0000}, Number = {67}, Publisher = Niemeyer, Series = {Linguistische Arbeiten}, Title = {{Lexikalistische Syntax: Die Aktiv-Passiv-Relation und andere Infinitkonstruktionen im Deutschen}}, Year = {1978}, Note = {[Druckfassung der Phil. Diss. Universit\"at K\"oln 1976]} } @Article{g_Hoehle79, author = {H{\"o}hle, Tilman N.}, title = {{‚Normalbetonung` und ‚normale Wortstellung`: eine pragmatische Explikation}}, journal = {Leuvense Bijdragen}, year = {1979}, volume = {68}, pages = {385--437}, } @InCollection{g_Hoehle80-removed, author = {Tilman N. H\"ohle}, title = {{Empirische Generalisierung vs \glq Einfachheit\grq . Zur Zuordnung zwischen formalen und logischen Eigenschaften von S\"atzen im Deutschen}}, booktitle = {{Empirische rechtfertigung von syntaxen. Beitr\"age zum wuppertaler kolloquium vom 25.--29.\ September 1978}}, address = {Bonn}, publisher = {Bouvier Verlag Grundmann}, year = {1980}, editor = {Dani\`ele Cl\'ement}, pages = {61--71}, } @incollection{g_Hoehle82a-removed, Author = {Tilman N. H{\"o}hle}, Editor = {Werner Abraham}, Date-Modified = {2015-05-21 15:22:00 +0000}, Pages = {75--153}, Title = {{Explikationen f{\"u}r "`normale Betonung"' und "`normale Wortstellung"'}}, booktitle = {{Satzglieder im Deutschen. Vorschl{\"a}ge zur syntaktischen, semantischen und pragmatischen Fundierung}}, series = {Studien zur deutschen Grammatik}, number = {15}, year = 1982, address = {T{\"ubingen}}, publisher = {Gunter Narr}, note = {[\"Uberarbeitet und erweitert gegen\"uber H\"ohle 1979, \chapapp~\ref{chap-normale-Betonung} \inThisVolume, \pages~\pageref{chap-normale-Betonung}--\pageref{chap-normale-Betonung-end}]]} } @InCollection{g_Hoehle82b-removed, author = {Tilman N. H{\"o}hle}, title = {{Markiertheit, Linking, Regelformat. -- Evidenz aus dem Deutschen}}, editor = {Theo Vennemann}, booktitle = {{Silben, Segmente, Akzente. Referate zur Wort-, Satz- und Versphonologie anl\"a{\ss}lich der vierten Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f\"ur Sprachwissenschaft, K\"oln 2.-4.\ M\"arz 1982}}, address = {T\"ubingen}, publisher = Niemeyer, year = {1982}, number = {126}, series = {Linguistische Arbeiten}, pages = {99--139}, } @article{g_Hoehle82c-removed, Author = {Tilman N. H{\"o}hle}, Journal = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Sprachwissenschaft}, Pages = {76--112}, Title = {{{\"U}ber Komposition und Derivation: zur Konstituentenstruktur von Wortbildungsprodukten im Deutschen}}, Volume = {1}, number = {1}, Year = {1982}} @Unpublished{g_Hoehle83a-removed, author = {Tilman N. H\"ohle}, title = {{Subjektl\"ucken in Koordinationen}}, note = {[April 1983]. 31 pp.}, year = {1983} } @unpublished{g_Hoehle83b-removed, Author = {Tilman N. H{\"o}hle}, Note = {{K{\"o}ln, Februar/M\"arz 1983 (mit Nachtr\"agen vom Sommer 1983).} 78 pp.}, Title = {{Topologische Felder}}, Year = {1983}} @incollection{g_Hoehle85a, Author = {Tilman N. H{\"o}hle}, Editor = {Jind\v{r}ich Toman}, Booktitle = {Studies in {G}erman {G}rammar}, Date-Added = {2015-05-18 18:25:40 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2015-05-18 18:28:11 +0000}, Series = {Studies in Generative Grammar}, Number = {21}, Pages = {319--376}, Title = {On Composition and Derivation: {The} Constituent Structure of Secondary Words in {German}}, Address = {Dordrecht}, Publisher = {Foris}, Year = {1985}} @techreport{g_Hoehle88a-removed, Author = {Tilman N. H{\"o}hle}, Institution = {Lund: Germanistisches Institut der Universit{\"a}t Lund}, Number = {Arbeitsbericht 5.}, Pages = {1--7}, Title = {{VERUM-Fokus [mit Vorwort und Nachwort dazu]}}, Type = {Sprache und Pragmatik.}, Year = {1988}, optnote = {1--7}, } @incollection{g_Hoehle90-removed, Author = {Tilman N. H{\"o}hle}, editor = {Joan Mascar{\'o} and Marina Nespor}, booktitle = {{Grammar in Progress: Glow Essays for Henk van Riemsdijk}}, Address = {Dordrecht}, publisher = {Foris}, series = {Studies in Generative Grammar}, number = {36}, Date-Modified = {2012-11-25 17:11:20 +0000}, Pages = {221--236}, year = {1990}, Title = {Assumptions about Asymmetric Coordination in {German}} } @InCollection{g_Hoehle92-removed, author = {Tilman N. H\"ohle}, title = {{\"Uber Verum-Fokus im Deutschen}}, booktitle = {{Informationsstruktur und Grammatik}}, publisher = {Westdeutscher Verlag}, year = {1992}, editor = {Joachim Jacobs}, number = {Sonderheft 4/1991-92}, series = {Linguistische Berichte.}, pages = {139--197}, address = {Opladen}, } @unpublished{g_Hoehle95-removed, Author = {H{\"o}hle, Tilman N.}, Note = {[Talk given at the HPSG workshop in T{\"u}bingen, June 21, 1995]. 12 pp}, Title = {Complement Extraction Lexical Rule and Variable Argument Raising}, Year = {1995}} @unpublished{g_Hoehle96a, Author = {H{\"o}hle, Tilman N.}, Date-Modified = {2015-05-18 18:24:24 +0000}, Note = {[From lecture notes 1996: 1.\ Die Grammatik. 2.\ Three remarks on the Word Principle]. 5 pp}, Title = {Notes on the Lexicon in {HPSG}}, year = {1996} } @InCollection{g_Hoehle96b-removed, author = {Tilman N. H\"ohle}, title = {The \emph{w}-\ldots{} \emph{w}-construction: {Appositive} or scope-indicating?}, booktitle = {Papers on Wh-Scope Marking}, editor = {Uli Lutz and Gereon M\"uller}, publisher = {Universit{\"a}t Stuttgart/""Universit{\"a}t T\"ubingen}, year = {1996}, optNumber = {{Bericht Nr.\,59}}, Title = {{An} expanded logical formalism for {Head-Driven} {Phrase} {Structure} {Grammar}}, series = {Arbeitspapiere des Sonderforschungsbereichs 340, Bericht Nr.\,76}, pages = {37--58} } @incollection{g_Hoehle99-removed, Address = {Stanford}, Author = {H{\"o}hle, Tilman N.}, Booktitle = {Slavic in {Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar}}, Editor = {Robert D. Borsley and Przepi{\'o}rkowski, Adam}, Pages = {61--90}, Publisher = {CSLI Publications}, Title = {An Architecture for Phonology}, Year = {1999} } @incollection{g_Hoehle00-removed, Author = {H{\"o}hle, Tilman N.}, Booktitle = {\emph{Wh}-Scope Marking}, Address = {Amsterdam, Philadelphia}, Date-Added = {2015-05-20 15:11:54 +0000}, Date-Modified = {2015-05-20 15:46:33 +0000}, Editor = {Uli Lutz and Gereon M{\"u}ller and Arnim {von Stechow}}, Number = {37}, Pages = {249--270}, Publisher = {John Benjamins}, Series = {Linguistik Aktuell / Linguistics Today}, Title = {The \emph{W}-\ldots{} \emph{W}-Construction: {Appositive} or Scope Indicating?}, Year = {2000}, note = {[leicht bearbeitet gegen\"uber H\"ohle 1996]} } @InCollection{g_Hoehle06-removed, author = {Tilman N. H\"ohle}, title = {{Observing non-finite verbs: some 3V phenomena in German-Dutch}}, booktitle = {{Form, Structure, and Grammar. A Festschrift Presented to G\"unther Grewendorf on Occasion of His 60th Birthday}}, publisher = {Akademie-Verlag}, year = {2006}, editor = {Patrick Brandt and Eric Fu{\ss}}, number = {63}, series = {Studia Grammatica}, pages = {55--77}, address = {Berlin}, }