% This volume @InCollection{dobrushina2019a, author = {Dobrushina, Nina}, title = {The language and people of {Mehweb}}, booktitle = {The {Mehweb} language: {Essays} on phonology, morphology and syntax}, publisher = {Language Science Press}, year = 2019, editor = {Michael Daniel and Nina Dobrushina and Dmitry Ganenkov}, pages = {1--15}, address = {Berlin}} @InCollection{moroz2019, author = {Moroz, George}, title = {Phonology of {Mehweb}}, booktitle = {The {Mehweb} language: {Essays} on phonology, morphology and syntax}, editor = {Michael Daniel and Nina Dobrushina and Dmitry Ganenkov}, publisher = {Language Science Press}, year = 2019, pages = {17--37}, address = {Berlin}} @InCollection{chechuro2019, author = {Ilya Chechuro}, title = {Nominal morphology of {Mehweb}}, booktitle = {The {Mehweb} language: {Essays} on phonology, morphology and syntax}, publisher = {Language Science Press}, year = 2019, editor = {Michael Daniel and Nina Dobrushina and Dmitry Ganenkov}, pages = {39--72}, address = {Berlin}} @InCollection{daniel2019, author = {Daniel, Michael}, title = {Mehweb verb morphology}, booktitle = {The {Mehweb} language: {Essays} on phonology, morphology and syntax}, publisher = {Language Science Press}, year = 2019, editor = {Michael Daniel and Nina Dobrushina and Dmitry Ganenkov}, pages = {73--115}, address = {Berlin}} @InCollection{dobrushina2019, author = {Dobrushina, Nina}, title = {Moods in {Mehweb}}, booktitle = {The {Mehweb} language: {Essays} on phonology, morphology and syntax}, publisher = {Language Science Press}, year = 2019, editor = {Michael Daniel and Nina Dobrushina and Dmitry Ganenkov}, pages = {117--165}, address = {Berlin}} @InCollection{barylnikova2019, author = {Daria Barylnikova}, title = {Periphrastic causative constructions in {Mehweb}}, booktitle = {The {Mehweb} language: {Essays} on phonology, morphology and syntax}, publisher = {Language Science Press}, year = 2019, editor = {Michael Daniel and Nina Dobrushina and Dmitry Ganenkov}, pages = {167--187}, address = {Berlin}} @InCollection{ganenkov2019, author = {Ganenkov, Dmitry}, title = {Case and agreement in {Mehweb}}, booktitle = {The {Mehweb} language: {Essays} on phonology, morphology and syntax}, publisher = {Language Science Press}, year = 2019, editor = {Michael Daniel and Nina Dobrushina and Dmitry Ganenkov}, pages = {189--234}, address = {Berlin}} @InCollection{sheyanova2019, author = {Sheyanova, Maria}, title = {Specialized converbs in {Mehweb}}, booktitle = {The {Mehweb} language: {Essays} on phonology, morphology and syntax}, publisher = {Language Science Press}, year = 2019, editor = {Michael Daniel and Nina Dobrushina and Dmitry Ganenkov}, pages = {235--253}, address = {Berlin}} @InCollection{kustova2019, author = {Kustova, Marina}, title = {General converbs in {Mehweb}}, booktitle = {The {Mehweb} language: {Essays} on phonology, morphology and syntax}, publisher = {Language Science Press}, year = 2019, editor = {Michael Daniel and Nina Dobrushina and Dmitry Ganenkov}, pages = {255--270}, address = {Berlin}} @InCollection{kozhukhar2019, author = {Aleksandra Kozhukhar}, title = {The self-pronoun in {Mehweb}}, booktitle = {The {Mehweb} language: {Essays} on phonology, morphology and syntax}, publisher = {Language Science Press}, year = 2019, editor = {Michael Daniel and Nina Dobrushina and Dmitry Ganenkov}, pages = {271--293}, address = {Berlin}} @InCollection{lander2019, author = {Lander, Yury}, title = {The {Mehweb} “assertive” copula gʷa: a sketch of a portrait}, booktitle = {The {Mehweb} language: {Essays} on phonology, morphology and syntax}, publisher = {Language Science Press}, year = 2019, editor = {Michael Daniel and Nina Dobrushina and Dmitry Ganenkov}, pages = {315--331}, address = {Berlin}} % Preface @Article{kibrik1997, author = {Kibrik, Aleksandr}, title = {Beyond subject and object: {Toward} a comprehensive relational typology}, journal = {Linguistic typology}, year = 1997, volume = 1, number = 3, pages = {1-68}} % Chapter 2 @inbook{bailey2008, author = {Guy Bailey}, publisher = {Wiley-Blackwell}, isbn = {9780470756591}, title = {Real and Apparent Time}, booktitle = {The Handbook of Language Variation and Change}, chapter = {12}, pages = {312-332}, eprint = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1002/9780470756591.ch12}, year = {2008}, keywords = {language change, language variation, contemporary linguistics, real‐time examination, apparent time}, abstract = {Summary This chapter contains sections titled: Apparent‐time Evidence in Martha's Vineyard The Use of Apparent‐time Evidence The Use of Real‐time Evidence Progress with Caution} } @Comment{ doi = {10.1002/9780470756591.ch12}} @Comment{ url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/9780470756591.ch12}} @inbook{bailey2013, author = {Patricia Cukor‐Avila and Guy Bailey}, publisher = {Wiley-Blackwell}, isbn = {9781118335598}, title = {Real Time and Apparent Time}, booktitle = {The Handbook of Language Variation and Change}, chapter = {11}, pages = {237-262}, eprint = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1002/9781118335598.ch11}, year = {2013}, keywords = {apparent‐time, Labov, language change, Martha's Vineyard, real‐time}, abstract = {Summary In work on Martha's Vineyard, William Labov developed methodological innovations that allowed linguists to track the progress of linguistic changes and established the basis for a synchronic approach to language change. Perhaps the most important innovation was the apparent‐time construct, a surrogate for the real‐time examination of data at different points in history. Over the last 30 years linguists have used the apparent‐time construct in many situations to make inferences about ongoing changes. Researchers desiring to use real‐time evidence for studying language change have two options: (i) comparison of evidence from a new study to some pre‐existing data, or (ii) re‐survey of a community or a group of informants after a time‐lapse. Researchers should be careful when making assumptions based on apparent‐time data from adolescents and teenagers, and they must be alert both to the possible effects of sociolectal adjustments and to age‐grading with adult cohorts.} } @Comment {doi = {10.1002/9781118335598.ch11}} @Comment {url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/9781118335598.ch11}} @InCollection{chirikba2008, author = {Viacheslav Chirikba}, title = {The problem of the {Caucasian} {Sprachbund}}, booktitle = {From linguistic areas to areal linguistics}, editor = {Pieter Muysken}, publisher = {John Benjamins}, year = 2008, series = {Studies in Language Companion Series}, pages = {25-93}, number = {90}, } @Comment{ doi = {10.1075/slcs.90.02chi}} @article{comrie2008, title={Linguistic diversity in the {Caucasus}}, author={Comrie, Bernard}, journal={Annual Review of Anthropology}, volume={37}, pages={131--143}, year={2008}, publisher={Annual Reviews} } @incollection{daniel-dobrushina-knyazev2011, title={Highlander’s {Russian}: {Case} Study in Bilingualism and Language Interference in {Central} {Daghestan}}, author={Daniel, Michael and Dobrushina, Nina and Knyazev, Sergey}, booktitle={Instrumentarium of Linguistics: {Sociolinguistic} Approach to Non-Standard {Russian}}, series = {Slavica Helsingiensia}, editor = {Arto Mustajoki and Ekaterina Protassova and Nikolai Vakhtin}, number = {40}, pages={65--93}, year=2011, address = {Helsinki} } @article{dobrushina2013, title={How to study multilingualism of the past: {Investigating} traditional contact situations in {Daghestan}}, author={Dobrushina, Nina}, journal={Journal of {Sociolinguistics}}, volume={17}, number={3}, pages={376--393}, year={2013}, publisher={Wiley Online Library} } @book{khajdakov1985, title={Darginskij i megebskij jazyki (principy slovoizmenenija) \upshape[{Dargwa} and {Mehweb} {Dargwa}]}, author={Khajdakov, Said}, year={1985}, publisher={Nauka}, address = {Moscow} } @incollection{komarov1873, author = {Komarov, A. V.}, title = {Narodonaselenie {Dagestanskoj} oblasti \upshape[{Population} of the region of {Daghestan}]}, booktitle = {Zapiski {Kavkaz\-sko\-go} otdela {Imperatorskogo} {Russkogo} geografičeskogo obščestva}, year = 1873, volume = {VIII}, pages = {32-49}, note = {Tiflis}} @incollection{komarov1868, author = {Komarov, A. V.}, title = {Adaty i sudoproizvodstvo po nim \upshape[{Adats}, and legal processes based on them]}, booktitle = {Sbornik svedenij o kavkazskix gorcax}, year = 1868, volume = {1}, pages = {14-18}, address = {Tiflis} } @InCollection{koryakov-sumbatova2007, author = {Koryakov, Yuri and Sumbatova, Nina}, title = {Darginskie jazyki \upshape[{Dargwa} languages]}, booktitle = {{BRÈ}}, publisher = {Naučnoe izd-vo “Bol'šaja rossijskaja ènciklopedija”}, year = 2007, pages = {328-329}, address = {Moscow}} @TechReport{kozhukhar-barylnikova2013, author = {Kozhukhar, Aleksandra and Barylnikova, Daria}, title = {Multilingualism in {Dagestan}}, institution = {Higher School of Economics}, year = 2013, type = {Research Paper}, number = {WP BRP, 4}} @inproceedings{koryakov2013, title={Convergence and divergence in the classification of {Dargwa} languages}, author={Koryakov, Yuri}, booktitle={{46th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea ({SLE} 2013). Book of Abstracts. Part{~}1}}, pages={193--194}, year={2013}, publisher = {University of Split}, note = {18--21 September}, address = {Split} } @Booklet{svod1893, title = {Svod statističeskix dannyx o naselenii {Zakavkazskogo} kraja, izvlečennyx iz posemejnyx spiskov 1886 g. \upshape[{Compendium} of statistical data on the population of {Transcaucasia}, as based on family census lists]}, address = {Tiflis}, year = 1893} @Book{sumbatova-lander2014, author = {Sumbatova, Nina and Lander, Yury}, title = {Darginskij govor selenija {Tanty}: {Grammatičeskij} očerk, voprosy sintaksisa \upshape[{Tanti} {Dargwa}: {Grammar} survey and essays on syntax]}, publisher = {Jazyki slavjanskoj kul'tury}, year = 2014, address = {Moscow}} @incollection{sumbatova2011, title={Person hierarchies and the problem of person marker origin in {Dargwa}: {Facts} and diachronic problems}, author={Sumbatova, Nina}, booktitle={Tense, aspect, modality and finiteness in {East} {Caucasian} languages}, number =30, series = {Diversitas linguarum}, pages={131--160}, editor = {Gilles Authier and Timur Maisak}, publisher={Brockmeyer}, year=2011, address = {Bochum} } @Comment{тишков2007множественные, @Comment title={Множественные идентичности между теорией и политикой (пример Дагестана)}, @Comment author={Тишков, ВА and Кисриев, ЭФ}, @Comment journal={Этнографическое обозрение}, @Comment number={5}, @Comment pages={96--115}, @Comment year={2007}, @Comment publisher={Федеральное государственное унитарное предприятие Академический научно-издательский, производственно-полиграфический и книгораспространительский центр Российской академии наук Издательство Наука} @Comment } @InCollection{tishkov-kisriev2007, author = {Tishkov, Valentin and Kisriev, Enver}, title = {Množestvennye identičnosti meždu teoriej i politikoj (primer {Dagestana}) \upshape[{Multiple} identities in {Daghestan}: {Theory} and practice]}, booktitle = {Ètnokul'turnyj oblik {Rossii}. {Perepis'} 2002 goda}, publisher = {Nauka}, year = 2007, editor = {V. V. Stepanov and V. A. Tishkov}, pages = {93-124}, address = {Moscow}} @Booklet{uslar1892, author = {Uslar, Petr}, title = {Ètnografija {Kavkaza}. {Jazykoznanie}. {V}. {Xjurkilinskij} jazyk \upshape[{Ethnography} of the {Caucasus}. {Linguistics}. {V}. {Khjurkili} language]}, year = 1892, address = {Tiflis}} @book{wixman1980, title={Language aspects of ethnic patterns and processes in the {North} {Caucasus}}, author={Wixman, Ronald}, year=1980, publisher={University of Chicago}, address = {Chicago} } @Unpublished{magomedkhanov2009, author = {Magomedkhanov, Magomedkhan}, title = {Obrazcy pismennosti arčincev \upshape[{Samples} of {Archi} writing]}, year = {2009}, note = {In: Antro\-po\-lo\-gičeskij forum, No. 11}, url ={http://www.intelros.ru/pdf/Antropo_Forum_online/2009_11/11_online_05_magomedkhanov.pdf} } % Chapter 3 @incollection{kiparsky1968, title={Linguistic universals and linguistic change}, booktitle = {Universals in linguistic theory}, author={Kiparsky, Paul}, editor={Bach, Emmon and Harms, Robert T.}, publisher = {Holt, Rinehart and Winston}, address = {New York}, year={1968}, page = {170--202} } @book{goldsmith1976, title={Autosegmental phonology}, author={Goldsmith, John A.}, year={1976}, publisher={Indiana University Linguistics Club}, address={Bloomington} } @book{magometov1982, title={Megebskij dialekt darginskogo jazyka: {Issledovanie} i teksty \upshape [{Mehweb} {Dargwa}: {Grammar} survey and texts]}, author={Magometov, Aleksandr}, year={1982}, publisher = {Mecniereba}, address = {Tbilisi} } @book{ladefoged1996, title={The Sounds of the World’s Languages}, author={Ladefoged, Peter and Maddieson, Ian}, year={1996}, publisher={Blackwell Publishers}, address={Oxford} } @incollection{moroz2014, title={Imennoe udarenie v darginskix jazykax \upshape[{Nominal} stress in {Dargwa}]}, author={Moroz, George}, booktitle={Aktualnye voprosy teoretičeskoj i prikladnoj fonetiki. {Sbornik} statej k jubileju {O.F. Krivnovoj}}, pages={245--269}, year={2014}, address = {Moscow}, publisher={Buki Vedi} } @InCollection{rubin2001, author = {Rubin, E.}, title = {Figure and Ground}, booktitle = {Visual Perception}, publisher = {Psychology Press}, year = 2001, editor = {Yantis, S.}, pages = {225-229}, address = {Philadelphia}} % Chapter 4 @Book{haspelmath-sims2010, title={Understanding {Morphology}}, author={Haspelmath, Martin and Sims, Andrea D.}, year={2010}, publisher = {Hodder}, address = {London} } @Book{kibrik2003, author = {Kibrik, Aleksandr}, title = {Konstanty i peremennye jazyka \upshape[{Language}: {Variables} and invariants]}, publisher = {Aleteja}, year = 2003, address = {St. Petersburg}} @book{langacker1987, title={Foundations of cognitive grammar: {Theoretical} pre\-re\-quisites}, author={Langacker, Ronald W.}, volume={1}, year={1987}, publisher={Stanford University Press}, address={Stanford} } % chapter 5 @inproceedings{ageeva2014, title={Kauzativy v megebskom jazyke \upshape[{Causatives} in {Mehweb}]}, author={Ageeva, Ekaterina}, booktitle={Problemy jazyka: {Sbornik} naučnyx statej po materialam tret'ej konferencii-školy “{Problemy} jazyka: {Vzgljad} molodyx učenyx”}, year=2014, publisher={Institut jazykoznanija RAN}, editor = {E. M. Devjatkina and D. S. Ganenkov and Ju. V. Mazurova and D. V. Makhovikov and A. B. Shluinskij}, address = {Moscow} } @incollection{comrie2003, title={Recipient person suppletion in the verb “give”}, author={Comrie, Bernard}, booktitle={Language and life: {Essays} in memory of {Kenneth L. Pike}}, pages={265--281}, year={2003}, publisher={SIL International and the University of Texas at Arlington}, editor = {Wise, Mary Ruth and Headland, Thomas N. and Brend, Ruth M.}, address = {Dallas} } @article{creissels2008, title={Person variations in {Akhvakh} verb morphology: {Functional} motivation and origin of an uncommon pattern}, author={Creissels, Denis}, journal={STUF-Language Typology and Universals Sprachtypologie und Universalienforschung}, volume={61}, number={4}, pages={309--325}, year={2008}, publisher={Akademie Verlag GmbH} } @incollection{creissels2018, title={Perfective tenses and epistemic modality in {Northern} {Akhvakh}}, author={Creissels, Denis}, booktitle={The semantics of verbal categories in {Nakh-Daghestanian} languages: {Tense}, aspect, evidentiality, mood and modality}, pages={166-187}, year={2018}, publisher={Brill}, address = {Leiden-Boston}, editor = {Forker, Diana and Timur Maisak} } @incollection{daniel-maisak-merdanova2012, title={Causatives in {Agul}}, author={Daniel, Michael and Maisak, Timur and Merdanova, Solmaz}, booktitle={Argument structure and grammatical relations: {{A}} crosslinguistic typology}, editor={Suihkonen, Pirkko and Comrie, Bernard and Solovyev, Valery}, volume=126, year=2012, publisher={John Benjamins}, pages={55-113}, address = {Amsterdam, Philadelphia} } @InCollection{daniel-maisak2014, author = {Daniel, Michael and Maisak, Timur}, title = {Grammatikalizacija verifikativa: {Ob} odnoj agul'sko-arčinskoj paralleli \upshape[{Grammaticalization} of the category of verificative: {A} shared innovation in {Archi} and {Agul}]}, booktitle = {Jazyk. {Konstanty}. {Peremennye}: {Pamjati} {Aleksandra Evgen'eviča Kibrika}}, publisher = {Aleteja}, year = 2014, editor = {Daniel, M. A. and E. A. Ljutikova and V. A. Plungian and S. G. Tatevosov and O. V. Fedorova}, pages = {377-406}, address = {St. Petersburg}} @incollection{daniel-etal2010, title={Ditransitive constructions in {East} {Caucasian}}, author={Daniel, Michael and Molochieva, Zarina and Khalilova, Zaira}, booktitle={Studies in {Ditransitive} construction: {{A}} comprehensive handbook}, pages={277--315}, year=2010, publisher={Walter de Gruyter}, address = {Berlin, New York} } @InCollection{daniel2018:aspectual, author = {Daniel, Michael}, title = {Aspectual stems in three {East} {Caucasian} languages}, booktitle = {The semantics of verbal categories in {Nakh-Daghestanian} languages: {Tense}, aspect, evidentiality, mood and modality}, publisher = {Brill}, year = 2018, editor = {Forker, Diana and Timur Maisak}, pages = {247-266}, address = {Leiden-Boston}} @InCollection{forker2018, author = {Forker, Diana}, title = {The Semantics of Evidentiality and Epistemic Modality in {Avar}}, booktitle = {The semantics of verbal categories in {Nakh-Daghestanian} languages: {Tense}, aspect, evidentiality, mood and modality}, publisher = {Brill}, year = 2018, editor = {Forker, Diana and Timur Maisak}, pages = {188-214}, address = {Leiden-Boston}} @incollection{haspelmath1993, title={More on the typology of inchoative/causative verb alternations}, author={Haspelmath, Martin}, booktitle={Causatives and transitivity}, editor={Comrie, Bernard and Polinsky, Maria}, series={Studies in Language Companion series}, number ={23}, publisher = {John Benjamins}, pages={87--121}, year={1993} } @Book{kibrik1975, author = {Kibrik, Aleksandr and Sandro Kodzasov and Irina Olovjannikova and Jalil Samedov}, title = {Opyt strukturnogo opisanija arčinskogo jazyka \upshape[{Towards} a structural description of {Archi}]}, publisher = {Moscow State University}, year = 1975, address = {Moscow}} @InProceedings{maisak2012, author = {Maisak, Timur}, title = {Konstrukcija s topikalizacijej predikata v dagestanskikh jazykakh \upshape[{Predicate} topicalization in the languages of {Daghestan}]}, booktitle = {{III} meždunarodnaja naučno-praktičeskaja konferencija “{Kontensivnaja} tipologija estestvennyx jazykov”. {Maxačkala}, {May} 23-24}, year = 2012, pages = {30-39}, address = {Maxačkala}, publisher = {DGU}} @InCollection{maisak-merdanova2004, author = {Maisak, Timur and Solmaz Merdanova}, title = {“{Proverjatel'naja} forma” v agul'skom jazyke: {Struktura}, semantika i gipoteza o proisxoždenii \upshape[{Verificative} in {Agul}: {Morphological} structure, semantics, and hypothetical origins]}, booktitle = {Issledovanija po teorii grammatiki. {Vol}. 3. {Irrealis} i irrealnost'}, publisher = {Gnozis}, year = 2004, editor = {Lander, Yu. A. and V. A. Plungian and A. Ju. Urmanchieva}, pages = {430-455}} @article{maisak2016, title={Morphological fusion without syntactic fusion: {The} case of the “verificative” in {Agul}}, author={Maisak, Timur}, journal={Linguistics}, volume={54}, number={4}, pages={815--870}, year={2016}, publisher={De Gruyter} } @unpublished{sumbatova:unpublished, author = {Sumbatova, Nina}, title = {Mehweb paradigms}, note = {Unpublished manuscript}, label = {unpublished} } % Chapter 6 @Article{belyaev2012, author = {Belyaev, Oleg}, title = {Aspektual'no-temporal'naja sistema aštynskogo dialecta darginskogo jazyka \upshape[{Aspectual} temporal system of {Ashty} {Dargwa}]}, journal = {Acta Linguistica Petropolitana}, year = 2012, volume = 8, number = 4, pages = {181-227}} @Unpublished{belyaev:ocherk, author = {Belyaev, Oleg}, title = {Grammatičeskij očerk aštynskogo jazyka \upshape[{{A}} grammar of {Ashty}]}, note = {Manuscript}} @Unpublished{belyaev:shiri, author = {Belyaev, Oleg}, title = {The {TAM} system of {Shiri} {Dargwa} and the semantic evolution of perfective past}, note = {Manuscript}} @book{charachidze1981, title={Grammaire de la langue avar: {Langue} du {Caucase} nord-est}, author={Charachidzé, Georges}, year={1981}, publisher={Ed. Jean-Favard}, series = {Document de linguistique quantitative}, address = {Paris}, number = {38} } @Unpublished{creissels:optative, author = {Creissels, Denis}, title = {Optative in {Akhvakh}}, note = {Manuscript}} @InCollection{dobrushina2011, author = {Dobrushina, Nina}, title = {The Optative domain in {East} {Caucasian} languages}, booktitle = {Tense, aspect, modality and finiteness in {East} {Caucasian} languages}, publisher = {Brockmeyer}, year = 2011, editor = {Gilles Authier and Timur Maisak}, number = 30, series = {Diversitas linguarum}, pages = {95-130}, address = {Bochum}} @incollection{dobrushina-merdanova2012, title={Concessive constructions in {Agul}}, author={Dobrushina, Nina and Merdanova, Solmaz}, booktitle={Typology of concessive constructions}, pages={477--494}, year={2012}, editor = {V. S. Xrakovskij}, publisher={Lincom Europa}, address = {Munich} } @article{dobrushina2012, title={What is the Jussive for? {{A}} study of third person commands in six {Caucasian} languages}, author={Dobrushina, Nina}, journal={Linguistics}, volume={50}, number={1}, pages={1--25}, year={2012}, publisher={De Gruyter} } @InCollection{dobrushina2001, author = {Dobrushina, Nina}, title = {Naklonenie i modal'nost' \upshape[{Mood} and modality]}, booktitle = {Bagvalinskij jazyk. {Grammatika}. {Teksty}. {Slovari}}, publisher = {Nasledie}, year = 2001, editor = {Kibrik, A. E. and Kazenin, K. I. and E. A. Ljutikova and S. G. Tatevosov}, address = {Moscow}} @InCollection{evans2007, author = {Evans, Nicholas}, title = {Insubordination and its uses}, booktitle = {Finiteness}, publisher = {Oxford University Press}, year = 2007, editor = {I. Nikolaeva}} @article{forker2016, title={Toward a typology for additive markers}, author={Forker, Diana}, journal={Lingua}, volume={180}, pages={69--100}, year={2016}, publisher={Elsevier} } @Unpublished{forker:sanzhi, author = {Forker, Diana}, title = {The grammar of {Sanzhi}}, note = {In preparation}} @article{haiman1978, title={Conditionals are topics}, author={Haiman, John}, journal={Language}, pages={564--589}, year={1978}, volume = {54}, number = {3} } @phdthesis{khalilova2009, title={A grammar of {Khwarshi}}, author={Khalilova, Zaira}, year={2009}, school={LOT, Netherlands Graduate School of Linguistics, Utrecht,} } @Book{kibrik1977, author = {Kibrik, Aleksandr}, title = {Opyt strukturnogo opisanija arčinskogo jazyka \upshape[{Towards} a structural description of {Archi}]}, publisher = {Izdatel'stvo Moskovskogo universiteta}, year = 1977, address = {Moscow}, volume = {2}} @Booklet{maisak2010, title = {Predicate topicalization in {East} {Caucasian} languages}, author = {Maisak, Timur}, howpublished = {Handout at the conference Syntax of the World’s Languages IV, Lyon, 23-26 September}, year = 2010} @misc{daniel-maisak2016, author = {Michael Daniel and Maisak, Timur}, title = {Evidential constructions with the auxiliary ‘find’: {An} areal feature across {East} {Caucasian}}, note = {Symposium on evidentiality, egophoricity, and engagement: {Descriptive} and typological perspectives. 17–18 {March} 2016, {Stockholm} {University}}, year = 2016} @InCollection{maisak-daniel2018, author = {Maisak, Timur and Daniel, Michael}, title = {Černaja koška grammatikalizacii: {Konstrukcii} s glagolom ‘najti’ v dagestanskix jazykax \upshape[{{A}} black cat of grammaticalization. {Constructions} with ‘find’ in some {Daghestanian} languages]}, booktitle = {Èvrika! {Sbornik} statej o poiskax i naxodkax k jubileju {E. V. Raxilinoj}}, publisher = {Labirint}, year = 2018, editor = {D. A. Ryzhova and B. V. Orehov and N. R. Dobrushina and T. I. Reznikova and A. A. Bonch-Osmolovskaja and A. S. Vyrenkova and M. V. 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