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Guillaume}, Year = {under review}, Owner = {crlao}, Timestamp = {2015.11.30} } @Book{jacques16japhug, Title = {{D}ictionnaire Japhug-Chinois-Français, version 1.1}, Author = {Jacques, Guillaume}, Publisher = {Projet HimalCo}, Year = {2015--2016}, Address = {Paris}, Timestamp = {07-08-2017}, Url = {http://himalco.huma-num.fr/} } @Article{jacques21directionality, Title = {The Directionality of the Voicing Alternation in Tibetan}, Author = {Jacques, Guillaume}, Journal = {Journal of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society}, Year = {2021}, Number = {1}, Pages = {32-38}, Volume = {14}, Owner = {GJacques}, Timestamp = {2021.02.22} } @Article{jacques21voicing, Title = {The directionality of the voicing alternation in Tibetan}, Author = {Jacques, Guillaume}, Journal = {Journal of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society}, Year = {2021} } @Article{jacques20alternation, Title = {{V}oicing alternation and sigmatic causative prefixation in {T}ibetan}, Author = {Jacques, Guillaume}, Journal = {Bulletin of the School of African and Oriental Studies}, Year = {2020}, Number = {2}, Pages = {283--292}, Volume = {83}, Owner = {GJacques}, Timestamp = {2020.08.19} } @Article{jacques20mien, Title = {Voiced Obstruents in Mien and Old Chinese Reconstructions}, Author = {Jacques, Guillaume}, Journal = {Journal of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society}, Year = {2020}, Number = {2}, Pages = {1-13}, Volume = {13}, Owner = {GJacques}, Timestamp = {2021.02.22} } @Article{jacques19contact, Title = {{V}erbal valency and {J}aphug / {T}ibetan language contact}, Author = {Jacques, Guillaume}, Journal = {Journal of Language Contact}, Year = {2019}, Number = {1}, Pages = {116-140}, Volume = {12}, Owner = {crlao}, Timestamp = {2017.08.24} } @Article{jacques19egophoric, Title = {{E}gophoric marking and Person Indexation in {J}aphug}, Author = {Jacques, Guillaume}, Journal = {Language and Linguistics}, Year = {2019}, Number = {4}, Pages = {515–534}, Volume = {20}, Owner = {crlao}, Timestamp = {2018.01.09} } @Article{jacques19fossil, Title = {{F}ossil nominalization prefixes in {T}ibetan and {C}hinese}, Author = {Jacques, Guillaume}, Journal = {Bulletin of Chinese Linguistics}, Year = {2019}, Number = {1}, Pages = {13--28}, Volume = {12}, Owner = {GJacques}, Timestamp = {2019.12.22} } @Article{jacques19ipa, Title = {{J}aphug ({I}llustrations of the {IPA})}, Author = {Jacques, Guillaume}, Journal = {Journal of the International Phonetic Association}, Year = {2019}, Number = {3}, Pages = {427-450}, Volume = {49}, Owner = {GJacques}, Timestamp = {2016.07.30} } @Article{jacques19labial, Title = {{T}he {L}abial {C}ausative in {T}rans-{H}imalayan}, Author = {Jacques, Guillaume}, Journal = {Journal of the South-East Asian Linguistic Society}, Year = {2019}, Number = {1}, Pages = {1-11}, Volume = {12}, Owner = {crlao}, Timestamp = {2019.03.25} } @Article{jacques18bipartite, Title = {{B}ipartite verbs in {J}aphug and other {T}rans-{H}imalayan languages}, Author = {Jacques, Guillaume}, Journal = {Linguistics of the Tibeto Burman Area}, Year = {2018}, Number = {2}, Pages = {175–191}, Volume = {41}, Owner = {crlao}, Timestamp = {2017.11.02} } @Conference{jacques18oc-nmlz, Title = {{F}ossil nominalization prefixes in {T}ibetan and {C}hinese}, Author = {Jacques, Guillaume}, Booktitle = {{LFK} {S}ociety {Y}oung {S}cholars {S}ymposium}, Year = {2018}, Address = {Taipei}, Owner = {GJacques}, Timestamp = {2018.07.26} } @Article{jacques17buyang, Title = {{O}n the status of {B}uyang presyllables: a response to {H}o 2016}, Author = {Jacques, Guillaume}, Journal = {Journal of Chinese Linguistics}, Year = {2017}, Number = {2}, Pages = {451-457}, Volume = {45}, Owner = {crlao}, Timestamp = {2016.06.22} } @Article{jacques17hrd, Title = {{S}anskrit hṛ́d- `coeur'}, Author = {Jacques, Guillaume}, Journal = {*Wékwos}, Year = {2017}, Pages = {85-90}, Volume = {3}, Owner = {GJacques}, Timestamp = {2018.02.01} } @Article{jacques17pkiranti, Title = {{A} reconstruction of {P}roto-{K}iranti verb roots}, Author = {Jacques, Guillaume}, Journal = {Folia Linguistica Historica}, Year = {2017}, Pages = {177-215}, Volume = {38}, Owner = {crlao}, Timestamp = {2017.01.20} } @Article{jacques17volitional, Title = {{A} note on volitional and non-volitional prefixes in {G}yalrong languages}, Author = {Jacques, Guillaume}, Journal = {Linguistics of the Tibeto Burman Area}, Year = {2017}, Number = {2}, Pages = {124–132}, Volume = {40}, Owner = {GJacques}, Timestamp = {2018.02.01} } @Article{jacques16camara, Title = {{S}anskrit camara- `yak' et tibétain nbri `yak femelle'}, Author = {Jacques, Guillaume}, Journal = {*Wékwos}, Year = {2016}, Pages = {87-90}, Volume = {2}, Owner = {GJacques}, Timestamp = {2017.01.02} } @Article{jacques16comparative, Title = {{F}rom ergative to comparee marker: multiple reanalyses and polyfunctionality}, Author = {Jacques, Guillaume}, Journal = {Diachronica}, Year = {2016}, Number = {1}, Pages = {1-30}, Volume = {33}, Owner = {crlao}, Timestamp = {2015.05.18} } @Article{jacques16complementation, Title = {{C}omplementation in {J}aphug}, Author = {Jacques, Guillaume}, Journal = {Linguistics of the Tibeto Burman Area}, Year = {2016}, Number = {2}, Pages = {222-281}, Volume = {39}, Owner = {crlao}, Timestamp = {2016.08.31} } @Article{jacques16ebde, Title = {{O}n the directionality of analogy in a {D}hegiha paradigm}, Author = {Jacques, Guillaume}, Journal = {International Journal of American Linguistics}, Year = {2016}, Number = {2}, Pages = {239-248}, Volume = {8}, Owner = {GJacques}, Timestamp = {2015.08.22} } @Article{jacques16polysynthetique, Title = {{L}e sino-tibétain: polysynthétique ou isolant?}, Author = {Jacques, Guillaume}, Journal = {Faits de langues}, Year = {2016}, Number = {1}, Pages = {61–74}, Volume = {47}, Owner = {GJacques}, Timestamp = {2018.02.01} } @Article{jacques16relatives, Title = {{S}ubjects, objects and relativization in {J}aphug}, Author = {Jacques, Guillaume}, Journal = {Journal of Chinese Linguistics}, Year = {2016}, Number = {1}, Pages = {1-28}, Volume = {44}, Owner = {crlao}, Timestamp = {2015.06.24} } @Article{jacques16ssuffixes, Title = {{H}ow many *-s suffixes in {O}ld {C}hinese?}, Author = {Jacques, Guillaume}, Journal = {Bulletin of Chinese Linguistics}, Year = {2016}, Number = {2}, Pages = {205-217}, Volume = {9}, Owner = {crlao}, Timestamp = {2017.01.16} } @Article{jacques16th, Title = {{T}angut, {G}yalrongic, {K}iranti and the nature of person indexation in {S}ino-{T}ibetan/{T}rans-{H}imalayan}, Author = {Jacques, Guillaume}, Journal = {Linguistics Vanguard}, Year = {2016}, Doi = {10.1515/lingvan-2015-0033}, Owner = {crlao}, Timestamp = {2016.06.02} } @Article{jacques15causative, Title = {{T}he origin of the causative prefix in {R}gyalrong languages and its implication for proto-{S}ino-{T}ibetan reconstruction}, Author = {Jacques, Guillaume}, Journal = {Folia Linguistica Historica}, Year = {2015}, Number = {1}, Pages = {165–198}, Volume = {36}, Owner = {crlao}, Timestamp = {2014.10.07} } @Article{jacques15derivational.khaling, Title = {{D}erivational morphology in {K}haling}, Author = {Jacques, Guillaume}, Journal = {Bulletin of Chinese Linguistics}, Year = {2015}, Number = {1}, Pages = {78-85}, Volume = {8}, Owner = {GJacques}, Timestamp = {2015.03.21} } @Conference{jacques15grammat, Title = {{G}rammaticalization pathways based on denominal derivations in {G}yalrong languages}, Author = {Jacques, Guillaume}, Booktitle = {{A}real patterns of grammaticalization and cross-linguistic variation in grammaticalization scenarios}, Year = {2015}, Month = {12-14 March}, Organization = {Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz}, Owner = {GJacques}, Timestamp = {2015.08.25} } @Book{jacques15japhug, Title = {{D}ictionnaire Japhug-Chinois-Français, version 1.0}, Author = {Jacques, Guillaume}, Publisher = {Projet HimalCo}, Year = {2015}, Address = {Paris}, Owner = {crlao}, Url = {http://himalco.huma-num.fr/} } @Article{jacques15spontaneous, Title = {{T}he spontaneous-autobenefactive prefix in {J}aphug {R}gyalrong}, Author = {Jacques, Guillaume}, Journal = {Linguistics of the Tibeto Burman Area}, Year = {2015}, Number = {2}, Pages = {271–291}, Volume = {38}, Owner = {GJacques}, Timestamp = {2015.03.08} } @Article{jacques15sr, Title = {{O}n the cluster *sr in {S}ino-{T}ibetan}, Author = {Jacques, Guillaume}, Journal = {Journal of Chinese Linguistics}, Year = {2015}, Number = {1}, Pages = {215-223}, Volume = {43}, Owner = {crlao}, Timestamp = {2015.04.01} } @Article{jacques14antipassive, Title = {{D}enominal affixes as sources of antipassive markers in {J}aphug {R}gyalrong}, Author = {Jacques, Guillaume}, Journal = {Lingua}, Year = {2014}, Pages = {1-22}, Volume = {138}, Owner = {crlao}, Timestamp = {2013.09.26} } @Conference{jacques14converb, Title = {{C}onverbs in {T}angut}, Author = {Jacques, Guillaume}, Booktitle = {{S}econd workshop on {T}angut studies}, Year = {2014}, Month = {September}, Organization = {Cambridge}, Owner = {GJacques}, Timestamp = {2015.08.25} } @Article{jacques14ergative, Title = {{A} {N}ew {G}rammaticalisation {P}athway: {F}rom {N}on-{F}inite {V}erb to {E}rgative {M}arker}, Author = {Jacques, Guillaume}, Journal = {Central Asiatic Journal}, Year = {2014}, Pages = {59-69}, Volume = {57}, Owner = {GJacques}, Timestamp = {2015.03.21} } @Book{jacques14esquisse, Title = {{E}squisse de phonologie et de morphologie historique du tangoute}, Author = {Jacques, Guillaume}, Publisher = {Brill}, Year = {2014}, Address = {Leiden}, Owner = {Abeille}, Timestamp = {2014.03.02} } @Article{jacques14honey, Title = {{T}he word for 'honey' in {C}hinese and its relevance for the study of {I}ndo-{E}uropean and {S}ino-{T}ibetan language contact}, Author = {Jacques, Guillaume}, Journal = {*Wékwos}, Year = {2014}, Pages = {111-116}, Volume = {1}, Owner = {crlao}, Timestamp = {2017.03.24} } @Article{jacques14linking, Title = {{C}lause linking in {J}aphug {R}gyalrong}, Author = {Jacques, Guillaume}, Journal = {Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area}, Year = {2014}, Number = {2}, Pages = {263-327}, Volume = {37}, Owner = {crlao}, Timestamp = {2014.01.09} } @Conference{jacques13alternations, Title = {{S}tem alternations in {T}angut}, Author = {Jacques, Guillaume}, Booktitle = {{F}irst workshop on {T}angut studies}, Year = {2013}, Month = {September}, Organization = {SOAS, London}, Owner = {GJacques}, Timestamp = {2015.08.25} } @Article{jacques13arapaho, Title = {{T}he sound change *s > n in {A}rapaho}, Author = {Jacques, Guillaume}, Journal = {Folia Linguistica Historica}, Year = {2013}, Number = {1}, Pages = {43–58}, Volume = {34}, Owner = {Abeille}, Timestamp = {2012.12.01} } @Conference{jacques13derivational.khaling, Title = {{D}erivational morphology in {K}haling}, Author = {Jacques, Guillaume}, Booktitle = {{L}i {F}ang-{K}uei {S}ociety for {C}hinese {L}inguistics, {Y}oung {S}cholar {S}ymposium}, Year = {2013}, Month = {August 11-13}, Organization = {University of Washington at Seattle}, Owner = {crlao}, Timestamp = {2013.11.28} } @Article{jacques13harmonization, Title = {{H}armonization and disharmonization of affix ordering and basic word order}, Author = {Jacques, Guillaume}, Journal = {Linguistic Typology}, Year = {2013}, Number = {2}, Pages = {187–217}, Volume = {17}, Owner = {Abeille}, Timestamp = {2012.09.15} } @Article{jacques13tropative, Title = {{A}pplicative and tropative derivations in {J}aphug {R}gyalrong}, Author = {Jacques, Guillaume}, Journal = {Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area}, Year = {2013}, Number = {2}, Pages = {1-13}, Volume = {36}, Owner = {Abeille}, Timestamp = {2013.12.19} } @Article{jacques13vama, Title = {{L}a racine *u̯eh₂- en {S}anskrit : vāma-, vāra-°, vayati}, Author = {Jacques, Guillaume}, Journal = {Studia Etymologica Cracoviensia}, Year = {2013}, Pages = {69-82}, Volume = {18}, Owner = {Abeille}, Timestamp = {2012.10.02} } @Article{jacques13yod, Title = {{O}n pre-{T}ibetan semi-vowels}, Author = {Jacques, Guillaume}, Journal = {Bulletin of the School of African and Oriental Studies}, Year = {2013}, Number = {2}, Pages = {289-300}, Volume = {76}, Owner = {crlao}, Timestamp = {2013.05.29} } @Article{jacques15cochon, Title = {{L}es noms du cochon en celtique}, Author = {Jacques, Guillaume}, Journal = {Historische Sprachforschung}, Year = {2013}, Pages = {287-295}, Volume = {126}, Owner = {Abeille}, Timestamp = {2013.04.09} } @Article{japhug14ideophones, Title = {{I}deophones in {J}aphug {R}gyalrong}, Author = {Jacques, Guillaume}, Journal = {Anthropological Linguistics}, Year = {2013}, Number = {3}, Pages = {256-287}, Volume = {55}, Owner = {crlao}, Timestamp = {2014.02.04} } @Article{jacques12agreement, Title = {{A}greement morphology: the case of {R}gyalrongic and {K}iranti}, Author = {Jacques, Guillaume}, Journal = {Language and Linguistics}, Year = {2012}, Number = {1}, Pages = {83-116}, Volume = {13}, Owner = {Abeille}, Timestamp = {2011.03.19} } @Article{jacques12bear, Title = {{A} {S}iouan-{A}lgonquian {W}anderwort: the name of the bear}, Author = {Jacques, Guillaume}, Journal = {Amérindia}, Year = {2012}, Pages = {183-189}, Volume = {36}, Owner = {Abeille}, Timestamp = {2012.10.02} } @Article{jacques12chenghao, Title = {\zh{西夏帝王的称号}}, Author = {Jacques, Guillaume}, Journal = {Xixia yanjiu \zh{西夏研究}}, Year = {2012}, Volume = {4}, Owner = {crlao}, Timestamp = {2014.12.02} } @Article{jacques12incorp, Title = {{F}rom denominal derivation to incorporation}, Author = {Jacques, Guillaume}, Journal = {Lingua}, Year = {2012}, Number = {11}, Pages = {1207-1231}, Volume = {122}, Owner = {Abeille}, Timestamp = {2012.06.14} } @Article{jacques12internal, Title = {{A}n internal reconstruction of {T}ibetan stem alternations}, Author = {Jacques, Guillaume}, Journal = {Transactions of the Philological Society}, Year = {2012}, Number = {2}, Pages = {212–224}, Volume = {110}, Owner = {Abeille}, Timestamp = {2012.07.04} } @Article{jacques12transcription, Title = {{A} new transcription system for {O}ld and {C}lassical {T}ibetan}, Author = {Jacques, Guillaume}, Journal = {Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area}, Year = {2012}, Number = {2}, Pages = {89-96}, Volume = {35}, Owner = {Abeille}, Timestamp = {2013.04.09} } @Book{jacques10esquisse, Title = {{E}squisse de phonologie et de morphologie historique du tangoute}, Author = {Jacques, Guillaume}, Publisher = {Thèse d'habilitation, Paris}, Year = {2011}, Owner = {Abeille}, Timestamp = {2010.04.23} } @Conference{jacques11cislocative, Title = {{C}islocative and translocative prefixes in {R}gyalrong languages}, Author = {Jacques, Guillaume}, Year = {2011}, Month = {21 Septembre}, Organization = {Université de Berne}, Series = {Séminaire de linguistique}, Owner = {Abeille}, Timestamp = {2011.10.13} } @Article{jacques11lingua, Title = {{A} panchronic study of aspirated fricatives, with new evidence from {P}umi}, Author = {Jacques, Guillaume}, Journal = {Lingua}, Year = {2011}, Number = {9}, Pages = {1518–1538}, Volume = {121}, Owner = {Abeille}, Timestamp = {2011.06.14} } @Article{jacques11ngwemi, Title = {{A} note on the etymology of the {T}angut name {N}gwemi}, Author = {Jacques, Guillaume}, Journal = {Journal of the American Oriental Society}, Year = {2011}, Number = {2}, Pages = {259-260}, Volume = {130}, Owner = {Abeille}, Timestamp = {2010.11.29} } @Article{jacques11pumi.tone, Title = {{T}onal alternations in the {P}umi verbal system}, Author = {Jacques, Guillaume}, Journal = {Language and Linguistics}, Year = {2011}, Number = {2}, Pages = {359-392}, Volume = {12}, Owner = {Abeille}, Timestamp = {2010.12.06} } @Article{jacques11tangut.verb, Title = {{T}he {S}tructure of the {T}angut {V}erb}, Author = {Jacques, Guillaume}, Journal = {Journal of Chinese Linguistics}, Year = {2011}, Number = {2}, Pages = {419-441}, Volume = {39}, Owner = {Abeille}, Timestamp = {2010.11.30} } @Article{jacques10imperial, Title = {{T}he {T}angut imperial title}, Author = {Jacques, Guillaume}, Journal = {Central Asiatic journal}, Year = {2010}, Number = {1}, Pages = {60-65}, Volume = {54}, Owner = {Abeille}, Timestamp = {2011.03.19} } @Article{jacques10inverse, Title = {{T}he inverse in {J}aphug {R}gyalrong}, Author = {Jacques, Guillaume}, Journal = {Language and Linguistics}, Year = {2010}, Number = {1}, Pages = {127-157}, Volume = {11}, Owner = {Abeille}, Timestamp = {2010.04.20} } @Article{jacques10kitan, Title = {{R}eview of ``{T}he {K}itan {L}anguage and {S}cript"}, Author = {Jacques, Guillaume}, Journal = {Diachronica}, Year = {2010}, Number = {1}, Pages = {157-165}, Volume = {27}, Owner = {Abeille}, Timestamp = {2013.08.25} } @Article{jacques10ndr, Title = {{N}otes complémentaire sur les verbes à alternance 'dr / br en tibétain}, Author = {Jacques, Guillaume}, Journal = {Revue d'études tibétaines}, Year = {2010}, Pages = {27-29}, Volume = {19}, Owner = {Abeille}, Timestamp = {2010.12.06} } @Article{jacques10refl, Title = {{T}he origin of the reflexive prefix in {R}gyalrong languages}, Author = {Jacques, Guillaume}, Journal = {Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African studies}, Year = {2010}, Number = {2}, Pages = {261-268}, Volume = {73}, Owner = {向柏霖}, Timestamp = {2009.08.28} } @Article{jacques10zos, Title = {{A} possible trace of verbal agreement in {T}ibetan}, Author = {Jacques, Guillaume}, Journal = {Himalayan Linguistics}, Year = {2010}, Number = {1}, Pages = {41-49}, Volume = {9}, Owner = {Abeille}, Timestamp = {2010.11.17} } @Article{jacques09e, Title = {{L}e développement du tibétain ancien -e- dans les dialectes occidentaux}, Author = {Jacques, Guillaume}, Journal = {Etudes Mongoles \& Sibériennes, Centrasiatiques \& Tibétaines}, Year = {2009}, Pages = {1-4}, Volume = {40}, Owner = {Abeille}, Timestamp = {2010.11.30} } @Article{jacques09tangutverb, Title = {{T}he {O}rigin of {V}owel {A}lternations in the {T}angut {V}erb}, Author = {Jacques, Guillaume}, Journal = {Language and Linguistics}, Year = {2009}, Number = {1}, Pages = {17-28}, Volume = {10}, Owner = {向柏霖}, Timestamp = {2009.08.06} } @Article{jacques09wazur, Title = {{T}ibetan wa-zur and {L}aufer's law}, Author = {Jacques, Guillaume}, Journal = {Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area}, Year = {2009}, Number = {1}, Pages = {141-144}, Volume = {32}, Owner = {向柏霖}, Timestamp = {2009.08.28} } @Book{jacques08, Title = {{J}iāróngyǔ yánjiū \zh{嘉绒语研究} [{S}tudy on the {R}gyalrong language]}, Author = {Jacques, Guillaume}, Publisher = {Minzu chubanshe}, Year = {2008}, Address = {Beijing}, Owner = {Abeille}, Timestamp = {2012.05.19} } @Article{jacques08chuanshuo, Title = {\zh{吐蕃传说中的两个西夏词}}, Author = {Jacques, Guillaume}, Journal = {Ningxia shehui kexue \zh{宁夏社会科学}}, Year = {2008}, Volume = {6}, Owner = {crlao}, Timestamp = {2014.12.02} } @Article{jacques08debther, Title = {{D}eux noms tangoutes dans une légende tibétaine}, Author = {Jacques, Guillaume}, Journal = {Revue d'études tibétaines}, Year = {2008}, Pages = {4-10}, Volume = {13}, Owner = {向柏霖}, Timestamp = {2009.08.20} } @Article{jacques08tufan, Title = {\zh{吐蕃传说中的两个西夏词}}, Author = {Jacques, Guillaume}, Journal = {\zh{宁夏社会科学}}, Year = {2008}, Pages = {128-9}, Volume = {6}, Owner = {Abeille}, Timestamp = {2014.03.02} } @Article{jacques08weiyu, Title = {\zh{西夏語的名詞性謂語}}, Author = {Jacques, Guillaume}, Journal = {Mínzú yǔwén \zh{民族語文}}, Year = {2008}, Pages = {37-40}, Volume = {4}, Owner = {crlao}, Timestamp = {2009.09.18} } @Book{jacques08zh, Title = {{J}iāróngyǔ yánjiū \zh{嘉绒语研究}}, Author = {Jacques, Guillaume}, Publisher = {Mínzú chūbǎnshè}, Year = {2008}, Address = {Beijing}, Note = {(\zh{向柏霖})}, Owner = {向柏霖}, Pages = {472}, Timestamp = {2009.08.06} } @Article{jacques07chang, Title = {{A} shared suppletive pattern in the pronominal systems of {C}hang {N}aga and {S}outhern {Q}iang}, Author = {Jacques, Guillaume}, Journal = {Cahiers de Linguistique - Asie Orientale}, Year = {2007}, Number = {1}, Pages = {61-78}, Volume = {36}, Owner = {向柏霖}, Timestamp = {2009.10.05} } @Article{jacques07naksatram, Title = {{L}e nom des nakṣatrāṇi en tibétain}, Author = {Jacques, Guillaume}, Journal = {Revue d'études tibétaines}, Year = {2007}, Pages = {4-10}, Volume = {12}, Owner = {向柏霖}, Timestamp = {2009.08.31} } @Article{jacques07redupl, Title = {{L}a réduplication partielle en japhug, révélatrice des structures syllabiques}, Author = {Jacques, Guillaume}, Journal = {Faits de langues}, Year = {2007}, Pages = {9-21}, Volume = {29}, Owner = {Abeille}, Timestamp = {2010.12.06} } @Book{jacques07textes, Title = {{T}extes tangoutes {I}, {N}ouveau recueil sur l'amour parental et la piété filiale}, Author = {Jacques, Guillaume}, Publisher = {München: Lincom Europa}, Year = {2007}, Series = {Languages of the World/Text Collections 25}, Owner = {向柏霖}, Pages = {166}, Timestamp = {2009.08.07} } @Conference{jacques06morpho, Title = {{L}a morphologie du {S}ino-{T}ibétain}, Author = {Jacques, Guillaume}, Year = {2006}, Month = {4 mars}, Note = {http://halshs.archives-ouvertes.fr/halshs-00173948/fr/}, Organization = {EHESS, Paris}, Owner = {向柏霖}, Timestamp = {2009.10.05} } @Conference{jacques06s, Title = {{L}a chute du -s en tibétain de l'est}, Author = {Jacques, Guillaume}, Booktitle = {{XX}èmes {J}ournées de {L}inguistique d'{A}sie {O}rientale}, Year = {2006}, Month = {22-24 Juin}, Organization = {Paris, EHESS/CRLAO}, Owner = {Abeille}, Timestamp = {2010.12.06} } @Conference{jacques05, Title = {\zh{嘉绒语与上古汉语}}, Author = {Jacques, Guillaume}, Year = {2005}, Month = {December}, Note = {Shanghai}, Series = {\zh{汉语上古音国际研讨会}}, Owner = {Abeille}, Timestamp = {2010.11.29} } @Unpublished{jacques05oc, Title = {\zh{嘉绒语与上古汉语} [{R}gyalrong and {O}ld {C}hinese]}, Author = {Jacques, Guillaume}, Note = {\zh{汉语上古音国际研讨会}}, Month = {December}, Year = {2005}, Owner = {crlao}, Timestamp = {2019.01.15} } @PhdThesis{jacques04these, Title = {{P}honologie et morphologie du japhug ({R}gyalrong)}, Author = {Jacques, Guillaume}, School = {Université Paris VII - Denis Diderot}, Year = {2004}, Address = {Paris}, Owner = {向柏霖}, Timestamp = {2009.08.06} } @Conference{jacques04thimphu, Title = {{T}he laterals in {T}ibetan}, Author = {Jacques, Guillaume}, Year = {2004}, Month = {December}, Note = {Thimphu}, Series = {Himalayan Languages Symposium}, Owner = {Abeille}, Timestamp = {2010.11.29} } @Article{jacques03dissimilation, Title = {{U}n cas de dissimilation labiale en chinois archaïque : la racine " couvrir, renverser " et son équivalent en tibétain}, Author = {Jacques, Guillaume}, Journal = {Cahiers de Linguistique - Asie Orientale}, Year = {2003}, Number = {1}, Pages = {123-130}, Volume = {32}, Owner = {Abeille}, Timestamp = {2010.11.29} } @Article{jacques03s.houzhui, Title = {Jiāróngyǔ, Zàngyǔ jí shànggǔ Hànyǔ de -s hòuzhuì \zh{嘉绒语、藏语及上古汉语的-s后缀} [The suffix -s in {R}gyalrong, {T}ibetan and {O}ld {C}hinese]}, Author = {Jacques, Guillaume}, Journal = {Mínzú yǔwén \zh{民族语文}}, Year = {2003}, Pages = {12-15}, Volume = {1}, Owner = {Abeille}, Timestamp = {2010.12.06} } @Conference{jacques01dg, Title = 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