% Encoding: UTF-8 @book{Haloinus1978, address = {Leipzig}, series = {Bibliotheca scriptorum {Graecorum} et {Romanorum} {Teubneriana}}, title = {De restauratione linguae latinae libri {III}}, publisher = {B.G. Teubner}, author = {Haloinus, Georgius}, editor = {Matheeussen, Constantinus}, year = {1978 [1533]}, keywords = {Haloinus}, keywords={primary} } @Book{Bacon1902, author = {Bacon, Roger}, editor = {Nolan, Edmond and Hirsch, S. A.}, publisher = {at the University Press}, title = {The {Greek} grammar of {Roger} {Bacon} and a fragment of his {Hebrew} grammar}, year = {1902}, address = {Cambridge}, editor = {Nolan, Edmond and Hirsch, S. A.}, keywords = {Roger Bacon, primary}, } @InCollection{Waser1610, author = {Waser, Caspar}, booktitle = {Mithridates {Gesneri}, exprimens differentias linguarum, tum ueterum, tum quae hodie per totum terrarum orbem in usu sunt: {Caspar} {Waserus} recensuit et libello commentario illustrauit}, publisher = {typis Wolphianis}, title = {Ad {Mithridatem} {Gesneri} libellus commentarius}, year = {1610}, address = {Tiguri}, edition = {editio altera}, pages = {86\textsuperscript{\textsc{r}}--140\textsuperscript{\textsc{v}}}, collaborator = {Gessner, Conrad}, keywords = {primary}, } @book{Kindstrand1990, address = {Leipzig}, series = {Bibliotheca scriptorum {Graecorum} et {Romanorum} {Teubneriana}}, title = {[{Plutarchi}] de {Homero}}, publisher = {Teubner}, editor = {Kindstrand, Jan Fredrik}, year = {1990}, keywords={primary} } @Book{Keaney1996, editor = {Keaney, J. J. and Lamberton, Robert and Keaney, J. J. and Lamberton, Robert}, publisher = {Scholars Press}, title = {Essay on the life and poetry of {Homer}}, year = {1996}, address = {Atlanta}, isbn = {978-0-7885-0260-6}, number = {40}, series = {American {Classical} {Studies}}, editor = {Keaney, J. J. and Lamberton, Robert and Keaney, J. J. and Lamberton, Robert}, keywords = {Bibles / New Revised Standard Version / General, primary}, } @Book{Busby1696, author = {Busby, Richard}, publisher = {ex officina Eliz. Redmayne}, title = {Grammatica {Busbeiana} auctior et emendatior, i.e. rudimentum grammaticae {Graeco}-{Latinae} metricum: {In} usum nobilium puerorum in schola regia {Westmonasterii}}, year = {1696}, address = {Londini}, edition = {Opus posthumum}, keywords = {Greek language -- Grammar -- Early works to 1800., Latin language -- Grammar -- Early works to 1500., primary}, } @InCollection{Simler1512, author = {Simler, Georg}, booktitle = {Quae hoc libro continentur. {Georgii} {Simler} {Vuimpinensis} {Obseruationes} de arte grammatica. {De} litteris {Graecis} ac diphthongis et quemadmodum ad nos ueniant, abbreuiationes quibus frequentissime {Graeci} utuntur. {Erotemata} {Guarini} ex {Chrysolorae} libello maiusculo cum interpretatione {Latina}. {Isagogicum} siue introductorium in litteras {Graecas}}, publisher = {in aedibus Thomae Anselmi Badensis}, title = {Isagogicum in litteras {Graecanicas}}, year = {1512}, address = {Tubingae}, pages = {\textsc{AA}.i\textsuperscript{\textsc{r}}--\textsc{EE}.iii\textsuperscript{\textsc{v}}}, copyright = {peripheral - zie notes}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Luscinius1517, author = {Luscinius, Ottomarus}, publisher = {{excusum} [...] typis solertis uiri Ioanni Knoblouch}, title = {Progymnasmata {Graecanicæ} literaturæ}, year = {1517}, address = {Argentorati}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, shorttitle = {Progymnasmata {Graecanicae} literaturae}, } @Book{Kirchmaier1709, author = {Kirchmaier, Georg Wilhelm and Thryllitsch, Georg Friedrich}, publisher = {litteris Christiani Schroedteri}, title = {Eruditorum de dialecto {Graecorum} communi sententias [...] excutiendas proponet [...] {Thryllitius}}, year = {1709}, address = {Witembergae}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Metzler1529, author = {Metzler, Johannes}, publisher = {per Ioannem Secerium}, title = {Primae grammatices {Graecae} partis rudimenta}, year = {1529}, address = {Haganoae}, copyright = {peripheral - zie notes}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Clenardus1530, author = {Clenardus, Nicolaus}, publisher = {ex officina chalcographica Rutgeri Rescii ac Ioannis Sturmii}, title = {Institutiones in linguam {Graecam}}, year = {1530}, address = {Louanii}, copyright = {te analyseren - peripheral - zie notes}, keywords = {Books before 1840 Boeken vóór 1840, primary}, } @Book{Nunez1555, author = {Núñez, Pedro Juan}, publisher = {ex Ioannis Mey Flandri typographia}, title = {Institutiones grammaticae linguae {Graecae}}, year = {1555}, address = {Valentiae}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Camden1595, author = {Camden, William}, publisher = {excudebat Edm. Bollifant pro Simone Waterson}, title = {Institutio {Graecae} grammatices compendiaria, in usum {Regiae} {Scholae} {Westmonasteriensis}: {Scientiarum} ianitrix grammatica}, year = {1595}, address = {Londini}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, urldate = {2012-11-03}, } @Book{Saumaise1643, author = {Saumaise, Claude (de)}, publisher = {ex officina Ioannis Maire}, title = {Funus linguae {Hellenisticae}, siue {Confutatio} exercitationis de {Hellenistis} et lingua {Hellenistica}}, year = {1643}, address = {Lugduni Batauorum}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {Foreign Language Study / Ancient Languages, primary}, shorttitle = {Funus linguae hellenisticae}, } @Book{Ursin1691, author = {Ursin, Georg Heinrich}, publisher = {sumptibus Wolfgangi Mauritii Endteri}, title = {Grammatica {Graeca} ex aliis accurato ordine ac sollicito quorumuis examine collecta inque sectiones et capita et haec in quaestiones ac responsiones digesta, ad usus {Gymnasii} {Ratisponensis} {Poetici} \brackettext{...}}, year = {1691}, address = {Norimbergae}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, shorttitle = {Grammatica {Graeca}}, } @Book{Neander1553, author = {Neander, Michael}, publisher = {per Ioannem Oporinum}, title = {Graecae linguae erotemata, quae hoc ordine explicata complectuntur \brackettext{...}}, year = {1553}, address = {Basileae}, edition = {Cum praefatione Philippi Melanchthonis}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, shorttitle = {Graecae linguae {Erotemata}}, } @book{Neander1561, address = {Basileae}, title = {Graecae linguae erotemata, quae hoc ordine explicata complectuntur \brackettext{...}}, copyright = {FM}, publisher = {per Ioannem Oporinum}, author = {Neander, Michael}, year = {1561}, keywords={primary} } @Book{Estienne1587, author = {Estienne, Henri}, publisher = {[Henri Estienne]}, title = {Dialogus de bene instituendis {Graecae} linguae studiis}, year = {1587}, address = {[Geneva]}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Enoch1555, author = {Énoch, Louis}, publisher = {oliua Roberti Stephani}, title = {De puerili {Graecarum} litterarum doctrina liber}, year = {1555}, address = {[Geneva]}, copyright = {irrelevant - apart from information in note}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Rodigast1685, author = {Rodigast, Samuel}, publisher = {apud Io. Bielkium [...]; typis Io. Dauidis Wertheri}, title = {Meletema historico-philologicum de fatis {Graecae} linguae}, year = {1685}, address = {Ienae}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Gessner1555, author = {Gessner, Conrad}, publisher = {excudebat Froschouerus}, title = {Mithridates: {De} differentiis linguarum tum ueterum tum quae hodie apud diuersas nationes in toto orbe terrarum in usu sunt [...] obseruationes}, year = {1555}, address = {Tiguri}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, shorttitle = {Mithridates}, } @Book{Schottel1663, author = {Schottel, Justus Georg}, publisher = {gedrukt und verlegt durch Christoff Friederich Zilligern}, title = {Ausführliche {Arbeit} von der teutschen {Haubt} {Sprache} [...] abgetheilet in 5 {Bücher}}, year = {1663}, address = {Braunschweig}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Article{Gedike1782, author = {Gedike, Friedrich}, journal = {Berlinsches Magazin der Wissenschaften und Künste}, title = {Ueber {Dialekte}, besonders die griechischen}, year = {1782}, number = {2}, pages = {1--26}, volume = {1}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Verwey1684, author = {Verwey, Johannes}, publisher = {sumptibus auctoris exscripsit Iustus van der Hoeve}, title = {Noua uia docendi {Graeca} \brackettext{...}}, year = {1684}, address = {Gaudae}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, shorttitle = {Nova via docendi graeca, in qua tribus declinationibus et duabus conjugationibus breviter omnis flexio facili item et accurata ratione omnis litterarum, syllabarum, quantitatum... ratio sic traditur et explicatur... {Praeceptis} maxime necessariis... subjectae annotationes multae perutiles... {Edidit} et accuravit omnia {Joannes} {Verwey},... {Accedunt}}, } @InCollection{Estienne1573, author = {Estienne, Henri}, booktitle = {Glossaria duo, e situ uetustatis eruta: {Ad} utriusque linguae cognitionem et locupletationem perutilia […].}, publisher = {excudebat Henr. Stephanus}, title = {De {Atticae} linguae seu dialecti idiomatis comment.}, year = {1573}, address = {[Geneva]}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @book{Portus1603, address = {Francofurti}, title = {Λεξικὸν ἰωνικὸν ἑλληνορρωμαικὸν, hoc est {Dictionarium} {Ionicum} {Graecolatinum} \brackettext{...}}, copyright = {FM}, publisher = {ex officina Paltheniana, sumptibus heredum Petri Fischeri}, author = {Portus, Aemilius}, year = {1603}, keywords={primary} } @Book{Simon1615, author = {Simon, Stephanus}, publisher = {apud Claudium Morellum}, title = {Historia linguae {Graecae} methodica, cuius exemplo tum {Hebraea} et {Latina}, tum ceterae omnes, quibus homines sub sole utuntur, tanta facilitate atque breuitate doceri discique possunt, ut quod superioribus saeculis, annuo spatio, uix ac ne uix, quauis alia arte et industria hic praestabatur, eidem efficiendo menstruum nunc sit satis}, year = {1615}, address = {Parisiis}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Opitz1687, author = {Opitz, Heinrich}, publisher = {sumptibus Ioann. Casp. Meyeri}, title = {Graecismus facilitati suae restitutus, methodo noua eaque cum {Orientalibus} suis quam proxima harmonica et sic regulis {XL} succincte, sed plene absolutus in gratiam auditorum suorum antehac editus}, year = {1687}, address = {Lipsiae \& Francofurti}, edition = {Nunc multorum desiderio secunda uice quantum per alias curas licuit recognitus}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Eling1691, author = {Eling, Lorenz Ingewald}, publisher = {impensis Io. Frid. Gleditsch}, title = {Historia {Graecae} linguae}, year = {1691}, address = {Lipsiae}, edition = {Cum praefatione Adami Rechenbergii}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Burton1657, author = {Burton, William}, publisher = {apud Thomam Roycroft}, title = {Graecae linguae historia, siue {Oratio} de eiusdem linguae origine progressu atque ad ipsam ἀκμὴν incremento, de latissimo denique ipsius, omnibus prope saeculis, per uniuersum terrarum orbem, usu, habita olim {Oxoniis} in {Aula} {Gleuocestrensi}, ante {XX} et {VI} annos}, year = {1657}, address = {Londinii (Augustae Trinobantum)}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Hemsterhuis1721, author = {Hemsterhuis, Tiberius}, publisher = {excudit Henricus Halma}, title = {Oratio inauguralis de {Graecae} linguae praestantia, ex ingenio {Graecorum} et moribus probata, \brackettext{...}}, year = {1721}, address = {Franequerae}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {18.42, 18.42 Greek language, 18.42 Griekse taalkunde, 18.43, 18.43 Klassieke Griekse letterkunde, 18.43 ancient Greek literature, Gelegenheidsredes (vorm), Greek, Greek language, Grieks, Griekse taalkunde, Klassieke Griekse letterkunde, Lectures (form), Lezingen (vorm), Lijkredes (vorm), Lofredes (vorm), Oraties (vorm), Oudgrieks, Redes (vorm), Voordrachten (vorm), ancient Greek literature, primary}, shorttitle = {Tiberii {Hemsterhuis}, {Oratio} inauguralis de {Graecae} linguae praestantia, ex ingenio {Graecorum} et moribus probata,}, } @Book{Reinhard1724, author = {Reinhard, Lorenz}, publisher = {sumpt. heredum Io. Friderici Braunii}, title = {Historia {Graecae} linguae critico-litteraria uiam pandens ad philologiam {Graecam}}, year = {1724}, address = {Lipsiae}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Milner1734, author = {Milner, John}, publisher = {printed for John Gray}, title = {A practical grammar of the {Greek} tongue: {Wherein} all the rules are express'd in {English} \brackettext{...}}, year = {1734}, address = {London}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {Foreign Language Study / Ancient Languages, primary}, shorttitle = {A practical grammar of the {Greek} tongue}, } @book{Petisco1764, address = {En Villagarcia}, title = {Gramatica griega}, copyright = {FM}, publisher = {en la imprenta del Seminario}, author = {Petisco, Joseph}, year = {1764}, keywords={primary} } @InCollection{Antesignanus1554, author = {Antesignanus, Petrus}, booktitle = {Institutiones linguae {Graecae}, {N}. {Cleonardo} auctore, cum scholiis {P}. {Antesignani} {Rapistagnensis}}, publisher = {apud Matthiam Bonhomme}, title = {De dialectis appendix}, year = {1554}, address = {Lugduni}, pages = {11--16}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Canini1555, author = {Canini, Angelo}, publisher = {apud Guil. Morelium}, title = {Ἑλληνισμός: {In} quo quicquid uetustissimi scriptores de {Graecae} linguae ratione praecipiunt atque adeo omnia quae ad dialectos intelligendas et poetas penitus cognoscendos pertinent, facili methodo exponuntur. {Eo} accedit plurimorum uerborum originis explicatio}, year = {1555}, address = {Parisiis}, copyright = {te analyseren - nog in FM te zetten}, keywords = {primary}, } @InCollection{Vuidius1569, author = {Vuidius, Robertus}, booktitle = {De ratione {quantitatis} syllabariae {liber} \brackettext{...}}, publisher = {apud Hieronymum de Marnef et Gulielmum Cauellat}, title = {De dialectis {Graecis} libellus}, year = {1569}, address = {Parisiis}, pages = {136\textsuperscript{\textsc{v}}--148\textsuperscript{\textsc{v}}}, collaborator = {Bartelon, Pantaléon}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Estienne1581, author = {Estienne, Henri}, publisher = {[Henri Estienne]}, title = {Paralipomena grammaticarum {Gr}. linguae inst. {Item} animaduersiones in quasdam grammaticorum {Gr}. traditiones}, year = {1581}, address = {[Geneva]}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Baile1588, author = {Baile, Guillaume}, publisher = {ex officina Simonis Millangii}, title = {De {Graecorum} dialectis libellus numquam excussus}, year = {1588}, address = {Burdigalae}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, urldate = {2013-10-29}, } @Book{Walper1589, author = {Walper, Otto}, publisher = {ex officina typographica Ioannis Spiessii}, title = {De dialectis {Graecae} linguae praecipuis, {Attica}, {Ionica}, {Dorica}, {Aeolica} et coronidis uice nonnulla de proprietate poetica: {Libellus} methodice conscriptus et in gratiam tironum φιλελλήνων in {Academia} {Marpurgensi} propositus}, year = {1589}, address = {Francofurti ad Moenum}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, urldate = {2013-10-29}, } @Book{Gretser1593, author = {Gretser, Jakob}, publisher = {Excudebat Dauid Sartorius}, title = {Institutionum de octo partibus orationis, syntaxi et prosodia {Graecorum}, libri tres}, year = {1593}, address = {Ingolstadii}, copyright = {analyzed FM}, keywords = {primary}, shorttitle = {Institutiones linguae graecae}, } @Book{Schmidt1604, author = {Schmidt, Erasmus}, publisher = {imprimebat Laurentius Seuberlich, impensis Samuel Selfisch}, title = {Tractatus de dialectis {Graecorum} principalibus, quae sunt in parte λέξεως: {Cum} rerum et uerborum indice locupletissimo}, year = {1604}, address = {Wittebergae}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @InCollection{Zwinger1605, author = {Zwinger, Jakob}, booktitle = {Lexicon {Graeco}-{Latinum} nouum in quo ex primitiuorum et simplicium fontibus deriuata atque composita ordine non minus naturali, quam alphabetico, breuiter et dilucide deducuntur}, publisher = {per Sebastianum Henricpetri}, title = {Graecarum dialectorum hypotyposis, seorsim primum singularum, tum coniunctim omnium, tabulis methodicis, iudicio memoriaque seruientibus, proposita}, year = {1605}, address = {Basileae}, edition = {editio ultima, priori locupletior et correctior. Cum auctario dialectorum omnium [...] in expeditas succinctasque tabulas compendiose redactarum}, pages = {\textsc{tt}.1\textsuperscript{\textsc{r}}--\textsc{aa}a.6\textsuperscript{\textsc{r}}}, collaborator = {Scapula, Johannes}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @incollection{Hoius1620, address = {Duaci}, title = {Dissertatiuncula de linguae {Graecae} dialectorum sedibus et coloniis}, copyright = {FM}, booktitle = {Orthoepeia, siue {De} {Germana} ac recta linguae {Graecae} et obiter {Latinae} pronuntiatione}, publisher = {ex officina Ioannis Bogardi}, author = {Hoius, Andreas}, collaborator = {Hoius, Andreas}, year = {1620}, pages = {95--104}, keywords={primary} } @Book{Merigon1621, author = {Mérigon, Pierre Bertrand}, publisher = {sumptibus auctoris}, title = {Facilis et compendiarius tractatus dialectorum linguae {Graecae}: {Vna} cum tabulis illarum, quibus accessit alia tabula licentiam poetarum complectens, perquam utilis studiosis poeticae lectionis}, year = {1621}, address = {Parisiis}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Pasor1632, author = {Pasor, Georg}, publisher = {excudebat Fredericus Heynsius}, title = {Syllabus breuis {Grecarum} {Noui} {Testamenti} dialectorum}, year = {1632}, address = {Franekerae}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {Neues Testament / Allgemeines und Vermischtes / Nachschlagewerke, primary}, } @Book{Saumaise1643a, author = {Saumaise, Claude (de)}, publisher = {ex officina Elseuiriorum}, title = {De {Hellenistica} commentarius, controuersiam de lingua {Hellenistica} decidens et plenissime pertractans originem et dialectos {Graecae} linguae}, year = {1643}, address = {Lugduni Batauorum}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {Greek language, Hellenistic (300 B.C.-600 A.D.), primary}, shorttitle = {Claudii {Salmasii} {De} {Hellenistica} commentarius}, } @Book{Cottiere1646, author = {Cottière, Matthieu}, publisher = {typis Rihelianis}, title = {De {Hellenistis} et lingua {Hellenistica} exercitationes secundariae}, year = {1646}, address = {[Strasbourg]}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Wyss1650, author = {Wyss, Caspar}, publisher = {typis Ioannis Iacobi Bodmeri}, title = {Dialectologia sacra: {In} qua quicquid per uniuersum {Noui} {Foederis} contextum in {Apostolica} et uoce et phrasi a communi {Graecorum} lingua eoque grammatica analogia discrepat, methodo congrua disponitur, accurate definitur et omnium sacri contextus exemplorum inductione illustratur}, year = {1650}, address = {Tiguri}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @book{Lancelot1655, address = {À Paris}, title = {Nouvelle methode pour apprendre facilement la langue {Greque} \brackettext{...}}, copyright = {te analyseren}, publisher = {de l'Imprimerie d'Antoine Vitré, chez Pierre le Petit}, author = {Lancelot, Claude}, year = {1655}, keywords={primary} } @InCollection{Leusden1670, author = {Leusden, Johannes}, booktitle = {Philologus {Hebraeo}-{Graecus} generalis, continens quaestiones {Hebraeo}-{Graecas}, quae circa {Nouum} {Testamentum} {Graecum} fere moueri solent}, publisher = {ex officina Anthonii Smytegelt}, title = {Dissertatio undecima, de dialectis {Noui} {T}. in genere et in specie}, year = {1670}, address = {Vltraiecti}, pages = {83--91}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Schorling1678, author = {Schörling, Ernst Theophil and Michaelis, Georg}, publisher = {typis Matthaei Henckelii}, title = {Exercitium philologicum de {Graecae} linguae pronuntiatione eiusdemque uariis dialectis}, year = {1678}, address = {Wittenbergae}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{KirchmaierCrusius1684, author = {Kirchmaier, Georg Caspar and Crusius, Johannes}, publisher = {typis Christiani Schrödteri}, title = {De originibus et causis litteraturae {Graecae} eiusdemque dialectis \brackettext{...}}, year = {1684}, address = {Wittenbergae}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {Dissertation:phil., primary}, } @Book{Kober1701, author = {Köber, Johann Friedrich}, publisher = {apud Thomam Fritsch}, title = {Grammatica {Graeca} harmonica {Golio}-{Welleriana} \brackettext{...}}, year = {1701 [1684]}, address = {Lipsiae}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Von1705, author = {von der Hardt, Hermann}, publisher = {typis G. W. Hammii}, title = {Studiosus {Graecus}}, year = {1705 [1699]}, address = {Helmstadii}, edition = {Editio secunda}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, shorttitle = {Hermanni von der {Hardt} {Ling}. {Or}. in {Acad}. {Jul}. {Prof}. {Studiosus} {Graecus}}, } @Book{Maittaire1706, author = {Maittaire, Michael}, publisher = {typis Edm. Powell, impensis Eliz. Bennet}, title = {Graecae linguae dialecti: {In} usum {Scholae} {Westmonasteriensis}}, year = {1706}, address = {Londini}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @book{Heupel1712, address = {Argentorati}, title = {Canones de {Graecarum} dialectorum proprietatibus exemplis ex optimis {Graecis} auctoribus depromptis illustrati et confirmati, cum indice duplici, uno auctorum qui citantur, altero rerum et uerborum}, copyright = {FM}, shorttitle = {Canones de {Graecarum} dialectorum proprietatibus}, publisher = {typis et sumptibus uiduae Io. Friderici Spoor}, author = {Heupel, Georg Friedrich}, year = {1712}, keywords={primary} } @Book{Facius1782, author = {Facius, Johann Friedrich}, publisher = {sumtibus E. C. Grattenaueri}, title = {Compendium dialectorum {Graecarum}}, year = {1782}, address = {Norimbergae}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Holmes1735, author = {Holmes, John}, publisher = {printed for the author; and sold by A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch [...] and A. Feazer \brackettext{...}}, title = {The {Greek} grammar, or {A} short, plain, critical, and comprehensive method of teaching and learning the {Greek} tongue}, year = {1735}, address = {London}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, shorttitle = {The greek grammar or, a short, plain, critical, and comprehensive method of teaching and learning the {Greek} tongue}, } @Book{Labbe1639, author = {Labbe, Philippe}, publisher = {apud Mathurinum Henault}, title = {Regulae accentuum et spirituum {Graecorum}, nouo ordine in faciliores et difficiliores, pro captu scholasticorum, distributae: {Quibus} additae sunt nonnullae obseruationes, omnibus {Graecae} linguae studiosis utilissimae. {Item} dialecti apud oratores usurpatae a poeticis seiunctae \brackettext{...}}, year = {1639}, address = {Parisiis}, edition = {Tertia hac editione accesserunt Regulae syntaxeos Graecae}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Gottleber1765, author = {Gottleber, Johann Christoph}, publisher = {ex officina Aug. Valent. Frisii}, title = {De causis dialectorum uariarum poetis {Graecis} obuiarum prolusio, qua orationem {Hofmannianam} in {Schola} {Annaemontana} d. {XXV}. {Ian}. {AO}. {R}. {S}. {MDCCLXV} habendam indicit {M}. {Io}. {Christoph}. {Gottleber}, scholae rector}, year = {1765}, address = {Annabergae}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Schultens1738a, author = {Schultens, Albert}, publisher = {apud Samuelem Luchtmans}, title = {Originum {Hebraearum} tomus secundus: {Cum} uindiciis tomi primi, nec non libri de defectibus hodiernis linguae {Hebraeae} aduersus {Cl}. dissertatorem}, year = {1738}, address = {Lugduni Batauorum}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @InCollection{Schultens1748, author = {Schultens, Albert}, booktitle = {Prouerbia {Salomonis}: {Versionem} integram ad {Hebraeum} fontem expressit atque commentarium adiecit {Albertus} {Schultens}}, publisher = {apud Ioannem Luzac}, title = {Praefatio}, year = {1748}, address = {Lugduni Batauorum}, pages = {\textsc{i--cviii}}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Duret1613, author = {Duret, Claude}, publisher = {imprimé [...] par Matth. Berjon}, title = {Thresor de l'histoire des langues de cest univers: {Contenant} les origines, beautés, perfections, decadences, mutations, changements, conuersions, et ruines des langues \brackettext{...}}, year = {1613}, address = {A Cologny}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {Langage et langues, primary}, urldate = {2014-01-23}, } @Book{Groddeck1747, author = {Groddeck, Benjamin and Treuge, Michael Gottlieb}, publisher = {typis Schlomachianis}, title = {Commentatio academica de natura dialectorum ad linguam {Hebraicam} et {Arabicam} applicata \brackettext{...}}, year = {1747}, address = {Vitembergae}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @InCollection{Casaubon1587, author = {Casaubon, Isaac}, booktitle = {Στράβωνος Γεωγραφικῶν βίβλοι ιζ. {\textbar} {Strabonis} {Rerum} geographicarum libri {XVII}}, publisher = {excudebat Eustathius Vignon Atrebat}, title = {Commentarius et castigationes in librum {IIII}. {Geographicorum} {Strabonis}}, year = {1587}, address = {[Geneva]}, edition = {Isaacus Casaubonus recensuit summoque studio et diligentia, ope etiam ueterum codicum, emendauit ac Commentariis illustrauit}, pages = {67--83}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @incollection{Schwartz1721, address = {Coburgi}, title = {[{Notae} ad aphorismum {VIII}: (6) {In} dialectorum uarietate]}, copyright = {FM}, booktitle = {De stilo {Noui} {Testamenti} liber philologico-theologicus, post multas editiones {Germanicas} et {Belgicas} longe plurimis mendis purgatus, animaduersionibus et notis illustratus, necessariis quibusdam capitibus auctus et indice accuratiore instructus a {Io}. {Conrado} {Schwartz} \brackettext{...}}, publisher = {impensis Pauli Guntheri Pfotenhauers}, author = {Schwartz, Johann Conrad}, collaborator = {Olearius, Johannes}, year = {1721}, pages = {222--230}, keywords={primary} } @Book{Nibbe1755, author = {Nibbe, Johann Barthold}, publisher = {sumptibus Io. Andr. Bergeri et Iac. Boedneri}, title = {Dialectologia {Graeca} in tabellis exhibens mutationes uocalium, diphthongorum et consonantium \brackettext{...}}, year = {1755}, address = {Rostochii et Wismariae}, copyright = {very marginal - cf. sub ``Extra'' below}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{[spieghel]1584, author = {{[Spieghel, Hendrik Laurensz]} and {[Coornhert, Dirck Volckertszoon]} and {[Visscher, Roemer]} and {[Fallet, G.]}}, shortauthor = {[Spieghel] and [Coornhert] and [Visscher] and [Fallet]}, publisher = {by Christoffel Plantyn}, title = {Twe-spraack vande {Nederduitsche} letterkunst ofte {Vant} spellen ende eyghenscap des {Nederduitschen} taals}, year = {1584}, address = {Tot Leyden}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, sortname = {Spieghel, Hendrik Laurensz}, options= {indexing=false} } @Book{Boxhorn1647, author = {van Boxhorn, Marcus Zuerius}, publisher = {by Willem Christiaens vander Boxe}, title = {Antwoord van {Marcus} {Zuerius} van {Boxhorn}, gegeven op de vraaghen, hem voorgestelt over de {Bediedinge} van de afgodinne {Nehalennia}, onlancx uytghegeven: {In} welcke de ghemeine herkomste van der {Griecken}, {Romeinen}, ende {Duytschen} tale uyt den {Scythen} duydelijck bewesen, ende verscheidene oudheden van dese volckeren grondelijck ontdeckt ende verklaert worden}, year = {1647}, address = {Tot Leyden}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Heylyn1621, author = {Heylyn, Peter}, publisher = {printed by John Lichfield and James Short}, title = {Microcosmus, or {A} little description of the great world: {A} treatise historicall, geographicall, politicall, theologicall}, year = {1621}, address = {Oxford}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Blount1656, author = {Blount, Thomas}, publisher = {printed by Tho. Newcomb, and are to be sold by Humphrey Moseley [...] and George Sawbridge \brackettext{...}}, title = {Glossographia, or {A} dictionary, interpreting all such hard words, whether {Hebrew}, {Greek}, {Latin}, {Italian}, {Spanish}, {French}, {Teutonick}, {Belgick}, {British} or {Saxon}, as are now used in our refined {English} tongue \brackettext{...}}, year = {1656}, address = {London}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {English language -- Dictionaries -- Early works to 1800., English language -- Foreign words and phrases -- Dictionaries., primary}, shorttitle = {Glossographia}, } @Book{Hofmann1698, author = {Hofmann, Johann Jakob}, publisher = {apud Iacob. Hackium, Cornel. Boutesteyn, Petr. vander Aa et Iord. Luchtmans}, title = {Lexicon uniuersale, historiam sacram et profanam omnis aeui omniumque gentium; chronologiam ad haec usque tempora; geographiam et ueteris et noui orbis; principum per omnes terras familiarum ab omni memoria repetitam genealogiam; tum mythologiam, ritus, caerimonias omnemque ueterum antiquitatem, ex philologiae fontibus haustam; uirorum, ingenio atque eruditione celebrium enarrationem copiosissimum; praeterea animalium, plantarum, metallorum, lapidum, gemmarum, nomina, naturas, uires explanans}, year = {1698}, address = {Lugduni Batauorum}, edition = {Editio absolutissima \brackettext{...}}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, shorttitle = {Lexicon universale}, } @Book{Phillips1658, author = {Phillips, Edward}, publisher = {printed by E. Tyler, for Nath. Brooke}, title = {The new world of {English} words, or {A} general dictionary: {Containing} the interpretations of such hard words as are derived from other languages \brackettext{...}}, year = {1658}, address = {London}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Furetiere1701, author = {Furetière, Antoine}, editor = {Basnage de Beauval, Henri}, publisher = {chez Arnoud et Reinier Leers}, title = {Dictionnaire universel, contenant generalement tous les mots François tant vieux que modernes, et les termes des sciences et des arts \brackettext{...}}, year = {1701}, address = {A la Haye et à Rotterdam}, edition = {Seconde édition, revuë, corrigée et augmentée}, copyright = {FM}, editor = {Basnage de Beauval, Henri}, keywords = {primary}, urldate = {2014-12-22}, } @Book{Oreadini1525, author = {Oreadini, Vincenzo}, publisher = {in aedibus Hieronymi Francisci Chartularii}, title = {Opusculum in quo agitur utrum adiectio nouarum litterarum {Italicae} linguae aliquam utilitatem pepererit}, year = {1525}, address = {Perusiae}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Salviati1588, author = {Salviati, Leonardo}, publisher = {per Anton Padovani}, title = {Lo'nfarinato secondo ovvero {Dello}'nfarinato accademico della {Crusca}, risposta al libro intitolato \textit{{Replica} di {Camillo} {Pellegrino} ec.}}, year = {1588}, address = {In Firenze}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Mylius1612, author = {Mylius, Abraham}, publisher = {pro Bibliopolio Commeliniano, excudebant [...] Vlricus Cornelii et G. Abrahami}, title = {Lingua {Belgica}, siue {De} linguae illius communitate tum cum plerisque aliis, tum praesertim cum {Latina}, {Graeca}, {Persica}; deque communitatis illius causis; tum de linguae illius origine et latissima per nationes quamplurimas diffusione; ut et de eius praestantia: {Qua} tum occasione, hic simul quaedam tractantur consideratu non indigna, ad linguas in uniuersum omnes pertinentia}, year = {1612}, address = {Lugduni Batauorum}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Meursius1661, author = {Meursius, Johannes}, publisher = {apud Iudocum Pluymer}, title = {Miscellanea {Laconica}, siue {Variarum} antiquitatum {Laconicarum} libri {IV}: {Nunc} primum editi cura {Samuelis} {Pufendorfii}}, year = {1661}, address = {Amstelodami}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @InCollection{Valckenaer1773, author = {Valckenaer, Lodewijk Caspar}, booktitle = {Theocriti {Decem} eidyllia, {Latinis} pleraque numeris a {C}. {A}. {Wetstenio} reddita, in usum auditorum cum notis edidit eiusdemque {Adoniazusas} uberioribus annotationibus instruxit {L}. {C}. {Valckenaer}}, publisher = {apud Ioann. le Mair}, title = {Digressio {IV}, {Laconica} quaedam exhibens}, year = {1773}, address = {Lugduni Batauorum}, pages = {271--300}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @InCollection{Harles1780, author = {Harles, Gottlieb Christoph}, booktitle = {Theocriti reliquiae {Graece} et {Latine}}, publisher = {sumpt. hered. Weidmann et Reich}, title = {De {Dorismo} {Theocriteo} commentatio}, year = {1780}, address = {Lipsiae}, edition = {ex recensione et cum animaduersionibus Theophili Christophori Harles}, pages = {\textsc{xix--xxxix}}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Ahrens1839, author = {Ahrens, Heinrich Ludolf}, publisher = {apud Vandenhoeck et Ruprecht}, title = {De {Graecae} linguae dialectis}, year = {1839}, address = {Gottingae}, volume = {1 [\textit{De dialectis Aeolicis et Pseudoaeolicis}]}, keywords = {Greek language, primary}, } @Book{Rudiger1782, author = {Rüdiger, Johann Christian Christoph}, publisher = {bey P. G. Kummer}, title = {Grundriß einer {Geschichte} der menschlichen {Sprache} nach allen bisher bekannten {Mund}- und {Schriftarten} mit {Proben} und {Bücherkenntniß}}, year = {1782}, address = {Leipzig}, volume = {1 [\textit{Von der Sprache}; no further volumes published]}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Rollin1726, author = {Rollin, Charles}, publisher = {chez Jacques Estienne}, title = {De la maniere d'enseigner et étudier les belles lettres, par raport à l'esprit et au cœur}, year = {1726}, address = {A Paris}, volume = {1}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Rollin1731, author = {Rollin, Charles}, publisher = {aux dépens de la Compagnie}, title = {Histoire ancienne des {Egyptiens}, des {Carthaginois}, des {Assyriens}, des {Babyloniens}, des {Medes} et des {Perses}, des {Macedoniens}, des {Grecs}}, year = {1731}, address = {A Amsterdam}, volume = {2}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @InCollection{Valckenaer1790, author = {Valckenaer, Lodewijk Caspar}, booktitle = {Etymologicum linguae {Graecae} siue {Obseruationes} ad singulas uerborum nominumque stirpes secundum ordinem lexici compilati olim a {Ioanne} {Scapula}}, publisher = {apud G. T. a Paddenburg et filium; apud Elmsley; apud Fletcher et Cooke; apud de Bure; apud hered. Weidmann et Reich; apud Coletum \& in officina Academica}, title = {[{Nota} ad λέγω]}, year = {1790}, address = {Traiecti ad Rhenum; Londini; Oxonii; Parisiis; Lipsiae; Venetiis et Argentorati}, edition = {editionem curauit atque animaduersiones cum aliorum, tum suas adiecit Euerardus Scheidius \brackettext{...}}, pages = {490--491}, volume = {1}, collaborator = {van Lennep, Johannes Daniel}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Anon.1725, author = {{Anon.}}, publisher = {chez Jean-Luc Nion}, title = {Abregé de la grammaire grecque de {Clenard}, des accens, de la syntaxe et des dialectes: {Peu} de préceptes, mais beaucoup de lecture, de réflexion et d'exercice}, year = {1725}, address = {A Paris}, copyright = {irrelevant - apart from information in note}, keywords = {primary}, shorttitle = {Abrégé de la grammaire grecque de {Clénard}, des accents, de la syntaxe et des dialectes}, options = {indexing=false} } @Book{Canini1554, author = {Canini, Angelo}, publisher = {apud Carolum Stephanum}, title = {[...] {Institutiones} linguae {Syriacae}, {Assyriacae} atque {Thalmudicae}, una cum {Aethiopicae} atque {Arabicae} collatione}, year = {1554}, address = {Parisiis}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Larramendi1729, author = {de Larramendi, Manuel}, publisher = {por Antonio Joseph Villargordo Alcaráz}, title = {El impossible vencido: {Arte} de la lengua bascongada}, year = {1729}, address = {En Salamanca}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Monboddo1774, author = {{Monboddo}}, publisher = {printed for J. Balfour [...] and T. Cadell \brackettext{...}}, title = {Of the origin and progress of language}, year = {1774}, address = {Edinburgh}, edition = {Second edition: With large additions and corrections}, volume = {1}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @book{Fabricius1711, address = {Hamburgi}, title = {Bibliothecae {Graecae} libri {IV} pars altera quae praeter scriptores de numerorum doctrina et alios nonnullos philosophos recensentur rhetores ac sophistae lexicorumque ueterum {Graecorum} notitia traditur}, copyright = {FM}, shorttitle = {Bibliotheca {Graeca}}, publisher = {sumptu Christiani Liebezeit}, author = {Fabricius, Johann Albert}, year = {1711}, keywords={primary} } @InCollection{Koen1766, author = {Koen, Gijsbert}, booktitle = {Γρηγορίου, μητροπολίτου Κορίνθου, Περὶ διαλέκτων {\textbar} {Gregorius}, {Corinthi} metropolita, {De} dialectis. {E} codicibus mss. emendauit et notis illustrauit {Gisbertus} {Koen} [...]. {Accedunt} grammatici {Leidensis} et {Meermanniani} {De} dialectis opuscula ab iis, quae sub {Ioannis} {Grammatici} nomine uulgo circumferuntur, longe diuersa}, publisher = {apud Petrum van der Eyk et Cornelium de Pecker}, title = {Praefatio ad aequum et eruditum lectorem}, year = {1766}, address = {Lugduni Batauorum}, pages = {\textsc{v--xliv}}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @InCollection{Castelli1769, author = {Castelli, Gabriele Lancillotto}, booktitle = {Siciliae et obiacentium insularum ueterum inscriptionum noua collectio prolegomenis et notis illustrata}, publisher = {excudebat Caietanus Maria Bentiuenga}, title = {Prolegomena: {I}. {De} {Graecis} {Siculorum} dialectis historica disquisitio}, year = {1769}, address = {Panormi}, pages = {\textsc{xv--xxxiii}}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Hauptmann1776, author = {Hauptmann, Johann Gottfried}, publisher = {ex officina Rothii}, title = {Ad iterum experiendos {A}. {R}. {D}. {MDCCLXXVI}. in illustri {Rutheneo} commilitones inuitans de {Laconica} dialecto pauca disputat director}, year = {1776}, address = {Gerae}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Georgi1729, author = {Georgi, Christian Siegmund and Graun, Wolfgang Heinrich}, publisher = {litteris heredum Gerdesianorum}, title = {Dissertationem criticam de dialecto {Noui} {Testamenti} {Attica} {Ionismos} atque {Aeolismos} non admittente [...] exponet [...] {Graunius}}, year = {1729}, address = {Vitembergae}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, urldate = {2014-11-04}, } @Book{Bochart1646, author = {Bochart, Samuel}, publisher = {typis Petri Cardonelli}, title = {[{Geographia} sacra =] {Geographiae} sacrae pars prior: {Phaleg} seu de dispersione gentium et terrarum diuisione facta in aedificatione turris {Babel} [...] [et] {Geographiae} sacrae pars altera: {Chanaan} seu de coloniis et sermone {Phoenicum} \brackettext{...}}, year = {1646}, address = {Cadomi}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, shorttitle = {Geographiae sacrae pars prior}, } @Book{Kircher1679, author = {Kircher, Athanasius}, publisher = {ex officina Ianssonio-Waesbergiana}, title = {Turris {Babel}, siue {Archontologia} \brackettext{...}}, year = {1679}, address = {Amstelodami}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @book{Helladius1714, address = {[Altdorf]}, title = {Status praesens ecclesiae {Graecae}: {In} quo etiam causae exponuntur cur {Graeci} moderni {Noui} {Testamenti} editiones in {Graeco}-barbara lingua factas acceptare recusent. {Praeterea} additus est in fine status nonnullarum controuersiarum}, copyright = {FM}, publisher = {[s.n.].}, author = {Helladius, Alexander}, year = {1714}, keywords={primary} } @Book{Alsted1630, author = {Alsted, Johann Heinrich}, publisher = {[Christoph Corvin]}, title = {Encyclopaedia septem tomis distincta \brackettext{...}}, year = {1630}, address = {Herbornae Nassouiorum}, copyright = {irrelevant - apart from information in note}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Le1731, author = {Le Fevre, Tanneguy}, publisher = {chez la veuve Jean Baptiste Brocas [...] et Claude Simon \brackettext{...}}, title = {Méthode pour commencer les humanités grecques et latines \brackettext{...}}, year = {1731 [1672]}, address = {A Paris}, edition = {Avec des notes et des lettres sur la maniere de les enseigner dans les colleges, par M. Gaullyer \brackettext{...}}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, shorttitle = {Méthode pour commencer les humanités grecques et latines}, } @Book{Morhof1708, author = {Morhof, Daniel Georg}, publisher = {sumptibus Petri Böckmanni}, title = {Polyhistor, in tres tomos, litterarium (cuius tres libri priores hactenus prodiere, nunc autem quattuor reliqui, a uiro in {Acad}. {Lipsiensi} erudito reuisi atque aucti, e {MSS}. accedunt), philosophicum et practicum, (nunc demum editos primoque adiunctos) diuisus}, year = {1708}, address = {Lubecae}, edition = {Opus posthumum, [...], accurate reuisum, emendatum, ex auctoris annotationibus αὐτογάφοις [sic] et MSS. aliis suppletum passim atque auctum, in paragraphos distinctum, librorum capitumque summariis, hypomnematis quibusdam historico-criticis duabusque praefationibus, siue diatribis isagogicis prolixioribus, T. I. atque II. praefixis, [...] illustratum a Ioanne Möllero \brackettext{...}}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {bub\_upload, primary}, urldate = {2015-02-02}, } @Book{Gesner1774, author = {Gesner, Johannes Matthias}, publisher = {sumptibus Caspari Fritsch}, title = {Primae lineae isagoges in eruditionem uniuersalem nominatim philologiam, historiam et philosophiam in usum praelectionum ductae}, year = {1774}, address = {Lipsiae}, edition = {Accedunt nunc praelectiones ipsae per Io. Nicolaum Niclas}, volume = {1}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @InCollection{Pasor1650, author = {Pasor, Georg}, booktitle = {Syllabus {Graeco}-{Latinus} omnium {Noui} {Testamenti} uocum, quae ordine alphabetico recensentur: {Vbi} in praefatione agitur de singulari compendio discendi linguam {Graecam}: {Cui} adiecta est {Idea} utilis et necessaria, de septem {Graecis} {Noui} {Testamenti} dialectis}, publisher = {apud Ioannem Ianssonium}, title = {Idea {Graecarum} {Noui} {Testamenti} dialectorum}, year = {1650}, address = {Amstelodami}, edition = {de nouo diligenter recognita et edita}, pages = {143--178}, collaborator = {Pasor, Georg}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Bullokar1616, author = {Bullokar, John}, publisher = {printed by John Legatt}, title = {An {English} expositor, teaching the interpretation of the hardest words used in our language: {With} sundry explications, descriptions, and discourses}, year = {1616}, address = {London}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, urldate = {2014-03-19}, } @Book{Vergara1537, author = {de Vergara, Francisco}, publisher = {apud Michaelem de Eguia}, title = {De {Graecae} linguae grammatica libri quinque: {Opus} nunc primum natum et excusum}, year = {1537}, address = {Compluti}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, shorttitle = {Francisci {Vergarae} {De} {Graecae} linguae grammatica libri quinque}, } @book{Estienne1572, address = {[Geneva]}, title = {Θησαυρὸς τῆς Ἑλληνικῆς γλώσσης. {Thesaurus} {Græcæ} linguæ}, copyright = {FM}, publisher = {excudebat Henr. Stephanus}, author = {Estienne, Henri}, year = {1572}, keywords={primary} } @Book{Casaubon1650, author = {Casaubon, Méric}, publisher = {typis I. Flesher, sumptibus Ric. Mynne}, title = {De quattuor linguis commentationis pars prior, quae de lingua {Hebraica} et de lingua {Saxonica}}, year = {1650}, address = {Londini}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Manutius1496Thesaurus, editor = {Manutius, Aldus and others}, publisher = {in domo Aldi Romani}, title = {Θησαυρός. {Κέρας} {Ἀμαλθείας} καὶ κῆποι {Ἀδώνιδος}. {Thesaurus} cornu copiae et horti {Adonidis}}, year = {1496}, address = {Venetiis}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Steinthal1891, author = {Steinthal, Heymann}, publisher = {Ferd. Dümmlers Verlagsbuchhandlung}, title = {Geschichte der {Sprachwissenschaft} bei den {Griechen} und {Römern} mit besonderer {Rücksicht} auf die {Logik}}, year = {1891}, address = {Berlin}, edition = {Zweite vermehrte und verbesserte Auflage}, volume = {2}, copyright = {http://archive.org/details/geschichtedersp01steigoog}, keywords = {primary}, urldate = {2014-08-12}, } @Book{Chambers1728, author = {Chambers, Ephraim}, publisher = {printed for James and John Knapton, John Darby, Daniel Midwinter, Arthur Bettesworth, John Senex \brackettext{...}}, title = {Cyclopaedia, or {An} universal dictionary of arts and sciences}, year = {1728}, address = {London}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {cyclopedia, encyclopedia, primary}, urldate = {2015-02-04}, } @Book{Nibbe1725, author = {Nibbe, Johann Barthold}, publisher = {verlegts Joh. George Schönborn}, title = {Dialectologia paradigmatica oder {Gründliche} {Anweisung} zu denen 4. {Haupt}-dialectis der {Griechischen} {Sprache} \brackettext{...}}, year = {1725}, address = {Neu-Brandenburg}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Reitz1730, author = {Reitz, Wilhelm Otto}, publisher = {apud Io. Hofhout}, title = {Belga {Graecissans}}, year = {1730}, address = {Rotterodami}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, shorttitle = {Belga graecissans}, } @InCollection{Nicolson1715, author = {Nicolson, William}, booktitle = {Oratio dominica in diuersas omnium fere gentium linguas uersa et propriis cuiusque linguae characteribus expressa, una cum dissertationibus nonnullis de linguarum origine uariisque ipsarum permutationibus}, publisher = {typis Guilielmi et Dauidis Goerei}, title = {Io. {Chamberlaynio} armigero: {S}. et {O}.}, year = {1715}, address = {Amstelaedami}, editor = {Chamberlayne, John}, pages = {1--21}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Gedike1779, author = {Gedike, Friedrich}, publisher = {gedrukt bei George Jakob Dekker}, title = {Gedanken über {Purismus} und {Sprachbereicherung}}, year = {1779}, address = {Berlin}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, shorttitle = {Gedanken über {Purismus} und {Sprachbereicherung}}, } @Book{Larramendi1728, author = {de Larramendi, Manuel}, publisher = {por Eugenio Garcia de Honorato}, title = {De la antiguedad y universalidad del bascuenze en {España}, de sus perfecciones y ventajas sobre otras muchas lenguas, demonstracion previa al arte, que se dará a luz desta lengua}, year = {1728}, address = {En Salamanca}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, shorttitle = {De la antiguedad, y universalidad del bascuenze en {España}}, } @Book{Walch1772, author = {Walch, Johann Ernst Immanuel}, publisher = {sumptibus uiduae I. R. Croeckeri}, title = {Introductio in linguam {Graecam}}, year = {1772}, address = {Ienae}, edition = {Editio secunda auctior}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Harles1778, author = {Harles, Gottlieb Christoph}, publisher = {in officina libraria Richteria}, title = {Introductio in historiam linguae {Graecae}}, year = {1778}, address = {Altenburgi}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Megiser1603, author = {Megiser, Hieronymus}, publisher = {sumptibus auctoris}, title = {Thesaurus polyglottus, siue {Dictionarium} multilingue, ex quadringentis circiter tam ueteris, quam noui (uel potius antiquis incogniti) orbis nationum linguis, dialectis, idiomatibus et idiotismis constans}, year = {1603}, address = {Francofurti ad Moenum}, copyright = {irrelevant - apart from information below}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Hauptmann1737, author = {Hauptmann, Johann Gottfried and Schmid, Christian Ernst}, publisher = {Ioannis Christiani Langenhemii}, title = {De {Atticismo}}, year = {1737}, address = {Lipsiae}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Olearius1668, author = {Olearius, Johannes}, publisher = {sumptibus Ioannis Grosii et socii, litteris Ioannis Coleri}, title = {Dissertatio philologico-theologica de stylo {Noui} {Testamenti} \brackettext{...}}, year = {1668}, address = {Lipsiae}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {Dissertation:theol., primary}, shorttitle = {Dissertatio {Philologico}-{Theologica} {De} {Stylo} {Novi} {Testamenti}}, } @Book{Oecolampadius1518, author = {Oecolampadius, Johannes}, publisher = {ex aedibus Andreae Cratandri, et Seruatii Cruft}, title = {Dragmata {Graecae} literaturae}, year = {1518}, address = {Basileae}, copyright = {peripheral - zie notes}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Melanchthon1520, author = {Melanchthon, Philipp}, publisher = {in aedibus Thomæ Anshelmi Badensis}, title = {Integrae {Graecae} grammatices institutiones [...] pluribus in locis auctae}, year = {1520}, address = {Haganoae}, copyright = {irrelevant - apart from information below}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Ringelbergh1541, author = {van Ringelbergh, Joachim Sterck}, publisher = {apud Bartholomeum Westhemerum}, title = {Lucubrationes, uel potius {Absolutissima} κυκλοπαίδεια: {Nempe} liber de ratione studii, utriusque linguae, grammatice, dialectice, rhetorice, mathematice et sublimioris philosophiae multa}, year = {1541}, address = {Basileae}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, shorttitle = {Ioachimi {Fortii} {Ringelbergii} {Andouerpiani} {Lvcvbrationes}, uel potius absolutißima kyklopaideia}, } @Book{Gaza1495, author = {Gaza, Theodore}, publisher = {impressum [...] in aedibus Aldi Romani}, title = {In hoc uolumine haec insunt: {Theodori} {Introductiuae} grammatices libri quattuor. {Eiusdem} {De} mensibus opusculum sanequam pulchrum \brackettext{...}}, year = {1495}, address = {Venetiis}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {Grec (langue) -- Grammaire -- Ouvrages avant 1800, primary}, urldate = {2014-05-14}, } @InCollection{Da1501, author = {Da Ponte, Ludovico}, booktitle = {Erotemata {Guarini}}, publisher = {impensis nobilis Simonis Bombasii; et sociorum Pontici Virunii; et presbyteri Dionysii Berthochi; Benedictus Mangius Carpensis impressit}, title = {Ponticus {Virunius} litterarum {Graecarum} studioso cuicumque benefacere}, year = {1501}, address = {Rhegii Lingobardiae}, pages = {[i--iii]}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @InCollection{Glarean1524, author = {Glarean, Heinrich}, booktitle = {Grammaticae institutiones, iam tanta adhuc iterum cura excussae, ut maiore uix potuerint, in quibus quid operae ultra priorem editionem expectes, uersa pagella et deinde in mox sequente epistola reperies}, publisher = {[Valentinus Curio]}, title = {Glareanus poeta laureatus lectori {S}.}, year = {1524}, address = {Basileae}, pages = {aa.ii\textsuperscript{\textsc{r}}--aa.ii\textsuperscript{\textsc{v}}}, collaborator = {Bolzanio, Urbano}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @InCollection{Du1688, author = {Du Cange, Charles}, booktitle = {Glossarium ad scriptores mediae et infimae {Graecitatis}, \brackettext{...}}, publisher = {apud Anissonios, Ioan. Posuel et Claud. Rigaud}, title = {Praefatio ad glossarium: {De} causis corruptae {Graecitatis}}, year = {1688}, address = {Lugduni}, pages = {i--xviii}, volume = {1}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Belon1553, author = {Belon, Pierre}, publisher = {en la boutique de Georges Corrozet}, title = {Les observations de plusieurs singularitez et choses memorables, trouvées en {Grece}, {Asie}, {Iudée}, {Egypte}, {Arabie} et autres pays estranges, redigées en trois livres}, year = {1553}, address = {A Paris}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {Botanique -- Ouvrages prélinnéens -- Ouvrages avant 1800, Sciences naturelles -- Ouvrages prélinnéens -- Ouvrages avant 1800, Zoologie -- Ouvrages prélinnéens -- Ouvrages avant 1800, primary}, shorttitle = {Les observations de plusieurs singularitez et choses mémorables, trouvées en {Grèce}, {Asie}, {Judée}, {Egypte}, {Arabie} et autres pays estranges}, urldate = {2015-03-03}, } @Book{Grosch1753, author = {Grosch, Johann Andreas}, publisher = {bey Johann Christoph Crökern}, title = {Erweiß es sey dem {Zwecke} und der {Natur} der griechischen {Grammatic} schnurstracks zuwider in selbiger die {Dialecte} unter ihre {Regeln} zu mischen und in ihr mit abzuhandeln}, year = {1753}, address = {Jena}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Erasmus1528, author = {Erasmus, Desiderius}, publisher = {in officina Frobeniana}, title = {De recta {Latini} {Graecique} sermonis pronuntiatione [...] {Dialogus} \brackettext{...}}, year = {1528}, address = {Apud inclytam Basilaeam}, keywords = {primary}, urldate = {2014-02-03}, } @Book{Florinus1707, author = {Florinus, Johann Matthias}, publisher = {litteris Ioannis Philippi Andreae}, title = {Exercitationum historico-philologicarum fasciculus, de origine et propagatione linguae {Graecae} et uitis quattuor {Euangelistarum} \brackettext{...}}, year = {1707}, address = {Francofurti ad Moenum}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Adelung1781, author = {Adelung, Johann Christoph}, publisher = {bey Christian Gottlieb Hertel}, title = {Kurzer {Begriff} menschlicher {Fertigkeiten} und {Kenntnisse}, so fern sie auf {Erwerbung} des {Unterhalts}, auf {Vergnügen}, auf {Wissenschaft}, und auf {Regierung} der {Gesellschaft} abzielen}, year = {1781}, address = {Leipzig}, volume = {4}, copyright = {irrelevant - apart from information below}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Bolzanio1512, author = {Bolzanio, Urbano}, publisher = {impressum [...] sumptu miraque diligentia Ioannis de Tridino alias Tacuino}, title = {Grammaticae institutiones iterum perquam diligenter elaboratae, quippe quod alias unum ac satis in compositum fuerat corpus in duo nunc politissima membra defluxit: {Quorum} alterum per compendia ducet adulescentes alterum iam artis arcana consulet indagaturis}, year = {1512}, address = {Venetiis}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, shorttitle = {Urbani {Grammaticae} institutiones}, } @Book{Bolzanio1545, author = {Bolzanio, Urbano}, publisher = {apud heredes Petri Rabani et socios}, title = {Grammaticae institutiones in {Graecam} linguam ultima ipsius censura editioneque probatae, ac post longam suppressionem tandem in lucem emissae. {Addito} indice rerum necessariarum locupletissimo}, year = {1545}, address = {Venetiis}, copyright = {peripheral - zie notes}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Amerot1520, author = {Amerot, Adrien}, publisher = {apud Theodoricum Martinum}, title = {Compendium {Graecae} grammatices, perspicua breuitate complectens, quicquid est octo partium orationis}, year = {1520}, address = {Louanii}, copyright = {peripheral - zie notes}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Bolzanio1497, author = {Bolzanio, Urbano}, publisher = {in aedibus Aldi Manutii}, title = {Institutiones {Graecae} grammatices}, year = {1497}, address = {Venetiis}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Crusius1584, author = {Crusius, Martin}, publisher = {per Leonardum Ostenium, Sebastiani Henricpetri impensa}, title = {Turcograeciae libri octo}, year = {1584}, address = {Basileae}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, shorttitle = {Turcograeciae {Libri} {Octo}}, } @Book{Melanchthon1518, author = {Melanchthon, Philipp}, publisher = {ex Academia Anshelmiana}, title = {Institutiones {Graecae} grammaticae}, year = {1518}, address = {Tubingae \& Hagnoae}, copyright = {analyzed FM}, keywords = {primary}, shorttitle = {Institutiones {Graecae} grammaticae}, } @InCollection{Scaliger1610, author = {Scaliger, Joseph Justus}, booktitle = {Opuscula uaria antehac non edita}, publisher = {apud Hadrianum Beys}, title = {Diatriba de {Europaeorum} linguis}, year = {1610}, address = {Parisiis}, editor = {Casaubon, Isaac}, pages = {119--122}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, urldate = {2014-03-19}, } @Book{Crinesius1629, author = {Crinesius, Christoph}, publisher = {typis et sumptibus Simonis Halbmayeri}, title = {בָּבֶל siue {Discursus} de confusione linguarum, tum orientalium: {Hebraicae}, {Chaldaicae}, {Syriacae}, scripturae {Samariticae}, {Arabicae}, {Persicae}, {Aethiopicae}; tum occidentalium, nempe {Graecae}, {Latinae}, {Italicae}, {Gallicae}, {Hispanicae}, statuens {Hebraicam} omnium esse primam et ipsissimam matricem}, year = {1629}, address = {Noribergae}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Cluver1616, author = {Clüver, Philipp}, publisher = {apud Ludouicum Elzeuirium}, title = {Germaniae antiquae libri tres: {Opus} post omnium curas elaboratissimum, tabulis geographicis et imaginibus, priscum {Germanorum} cultum moresque referentibus, exornatum. {Adiectae} sunt {Vindelicia} et {Noricum}, eiusdem auctoris}, year = {1616}, address = {Lugduni Batauorum}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, shorttitle = {Philippi {Clüveri} {Germaniæ} antiqvæ libri tres}, } @Book{Mayer1629, author = {Mayer, Bartholomaeus}, publisher = {sumptibus Gothofredi Grosii [...]; excudebat Johann-Albertus Minzelius}, title = {Philologiae sacrae pars prima continens prodromum {Chaldaismi} sacri, in quo eiusdem causa eruitur, ac sylloge uocabulorum {Aegyptiacorum}, {Graecorum} et {Latinorum}, quae in {Veteris} {Instrumenti} authentico codice, partim reuera, partim opinione quorundam habentur, exhibetur, \brackettext{...}}, year = {1629}, address = {Lipsiae}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @InCollection{Leibniz1991, author = {Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm (von)}, booktitle = {Il naturale e il simbolico: {Saggio} su {Leibniz}}, publisher = {Bulzoni}, title = {Epistolica de historia etymologica dissertatio [ca. 1712]}, year = {1991 [ca. 1712]}, address = {Roma}, number = {436}, pages = {201--271}, series = {Biblioteca di cultura}, editor = {Gensini, Stefano}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Ravis1646, author = {Ravis, Christian}, publisher = {apud Ioannem Ianssonium}, title = {Orthographiae et analogiae (uulgo etymologiae) {Ebraicae} delineatio iuxta uocis partes abstractas {I}. consonas. {II}. uocales. {III}. accentus, qua uia centenae singularum anomaliae in analogiam conuertuntur}, year = {1646}, address = {Amstelodami}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @InCollection{Walton1657, author = {Walton, Brian}, booktitle = {Biblia sacra polyglotta, complectentia textus originales, {Hebraicum}, cum {Pentateucho} {Samaritano}, {Chaldaicum}, {Graecum}, uersionumque antiquarum, {Samaritanae}, {Graecae} {LXXII} interp., {Chaldaicae}, {Syriacae}, {Arabicae}, {Aethiopicae}, {Persicae}, {Vulg}. {Lat}.\isdot}, publisher = {imprimebat Thomas Roycroft}, title = {In {Biblia} polyglotta prolegomena}, year = {1657}, address = {Londini}, editor = {Walton, Brian}, pages = {1--102}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Oberlin1775, author = {Oberlin, Jérémie-Jacques}, publisher = {chez Jean Fred. Stein}, title = {Essai sur le patois lorrain des environs du comté du {Ban} de la {Roche}, fief royal d’{Alsace}}, year = {1775}, address = {Strasbourg}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Pfeiffer1663, author = {Pfeiffer, August and Martini, Johann Georg}, publisher = {typis Ioannis Haken}, title = {Diatribe philologica de lingua {Galilaea}, per quam {D}. {Petrus} agnitus fuisse legitur \brackettext{...}}, year = {1663}, address = {Wittebergae}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Giovane1589, author = {Giovane, Giovanni}, publisher = {apud Horatium Saluianum}, title = {De antiquitate et uaria {Tarentinorum} fortuna libri octo}, year = {1589}, address = {Neapoli}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Vitringa1689, author = {Vitringa, Campegius}, publisher = {apud Ioannem Gyselaar}, title = {Sacrarum obseruationum libri duo in quorum altero, de confusione linguarum, [...] altero autem, de cultu {Molechi} in deserto \brackettext{...}}, year = {1689}, address = {Franequerae}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Vitringa1712, author = {Vitringa, Campegius}, publisher = {ex officina Wibii Bleck}, title = {Obseruationum sacrarum libri sex, in quibus de rebus uarii argumenti et utilissimae inuestigationis, critice ac theologice, disseritur: {Sacrorum} imprimis librorum loca multa obscuriora noua uel clariore luce perfunduntur \brackettext{...}}, year = {1712}, address = {Franequerae}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Schultens1739, author = {Schultens, Albert}, publisher = {apud Ioannem Luzac}, title = {Excursus tertius ad editionem primam et secundam {Dissertationis} de lingua primaeua eiusque additamentum apologeticum}, year = {1739}, address = {Lugduni Batauorum}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, shorttitle = {Excursus tertius ad editionem primam et secundam}, } @Article{Freret1809, author = {Fréret, Nicolas}, journal = {Histoire de l'Académie royale des inscriptions et belles-lettres, avec les mémoires de littérature tirés des registres de cette Académie, depuis l'année M. DCCLXXXIV jusqu'au 8 août M. DCCXCIII}, title = {Observations générales sur l’origine et sur l’ancienne histoire des premiers habitans de la {Grèce}}, year = {1809 [1746–1747]}, pages = {1--133 [Section: \textit{Mémoires de littérature}]}, volume = {47}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Caselius1560, author = {Caselius, Johannes}, publisher = {in officina typographica Laurentii Schwenck}, title = {Graecae grammaticae progymnasmata tanta facilitate et dexteritate tradita, ut ex iis adolescens priuata etiam opera paucis diebus huius linguae initia sine magno negotio recte haurire et feliciter ad irregularia, inquisitionem dialectorum et auctorum lectionem transire possit}, year = {1560}, address = {Witebergae}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @InCollection{Le1696, author = {Le Clerc, Jean}, booktitle = {Pentateuchus, siue {Mosis} prophetae libri quinque. \brackettext{...}}, publisher = {sumptibus auctoris, prostat apud Henricum Wetstenium}, title = {Dissertatio de lingua {Hebraica}}, year = {1696}, address = {Amstelodami}, pages = {b.1\textsuperscript{\textsc{r}}--c.2\textsuperscript{\textsc{v}}}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @InCollection{Rijcke1684, author = {Rijcke, Theodorus}, booktitle = {Notae et castigationes posthumae in {Stephani} {Byzantii} Ἐθνικὰ, quae uulgo Περὶ πόλεων inscribuntur: {Post} longam doctorum exspectationem editae \brackettext{...}}, publisher = {apud Iacobum Hackium}, title = {Dissertatio de primis {Italiae} colonis et {Aeneae} aduentu}, year = {1684}, address = {Lugd. Batauorum}, editor = {Rijcke, Theodorus}, pages = {399--467}, collaborator = {Holstenius, Lucas}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Richey1755, author = {Richey, Michael}, publisher = {verlegt von Conrad König}, title = {Idioticon {Hamburgense}, oder {Wörter}-{Buch}, zur {Erklärung} der eigenen, in und üm {Hamburg} gebräuchlichen, {Nieder}-{Sächsischen} {Mund}-{Art}}, year = {1755}, address = {Hamburg}, edition = {Jetzo vielfältig vermehret, und mit Anmerckungen und Zusätzen Zweener berühmten Männer, nebst einem Vierfachen Anhange, ausgefertiget}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, shorttitle = {Idioticon {Hamburgense}}, } @Book{Ten1723, author = {ten Kate, Lambert}, publisher = {by Rudolph en Gerard Wetstein}, title = {Aenleiding tot de kennisse van het verhevene deel der {Nederduitsche} sprake}, year = {1723}, address = {Tot Amsterdam}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Ravis1650, author = {Ravis, Christian}, publisher = {printed by W. Wilson for Tho. Slater and Tho. Humington}, title = {A generall grammer for the ready attaining of the {Ebrew}, {Samaritan}, {Calde}, {Syriac}, {Arabic}, and the {Ethiopic} languages: {With} a pertinent discourse of the orientall tongues}, year = {1650}, address = {London}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Leusden1656, author = {Leusden, Johannes}, publisher = {apud Meinardum à Dreunen}, title = {Philologus {Hebraeus}, in quo pleraeque quaestiones generales philologico-{Hebraicae}, concernentes textum {Hebraeum} {Veteris} {Test}. dilucide pertractantur}, year = {1656}, address = {Vltraiecti}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Stubbe1657, author = {Stubbe, Henry}, publisher = {[s.n.].}, title = {Clamor, rixa, ioci, mendacia, furta, cachini, or {A} severe enquiry into the late {Oneirocritica} published by {John} {Wallis}, grammar-reader in {Oxon}. {\upshape\relax [{Second} title page:]} {Θερσίτης} ἀκριτόμυθος. {Or} an exact account of the grammatical part of the controversy betwixt {Mr}. {Hobbes} and {J}. {Wallis} \brackettext{...}}, year = {1657}, address = {London}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {Hobbes, Thomas, 1588-1679 -- Early works to 1800., Wallis, John, 1616-1703 -- Early works to 1800., primary}, } @Book{Hottinger1661, author = {Hottinger, Johann Heinrich}, publisher = {sumptibus Io. Wilhelmi Ammonii et Wilhelmi Serlini}, title = {Etymologicum {Orientale}, siue {Lexicon} harmonicum ἑπτάγλωττον \brackettext{...}}, year = {1661}, address = {Francofurti}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, shorttitle = {Etymologicum {Orientale}}, } @Book{Junius1665, author = {Junius, Franciscus}, publisher = {typis et sumptibus Iunianis, excudebant Henricus et Ioannes Essaei}, title = {Quattuor {D}. {N}. {Iesu} {Christi} euangeliorum uersiones perantiquae duae, {Gothica} scil. et {Anglo}-{Saxonica}: \brackettext{...}}, year = {1665}, address = {Dordrechti}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @InCollection{Blount1680, author = {Blount, Charles}, booktitle = {The two first books of {Philostratus}, concerning the life of {Apollonius} {Tyaneus}, written originally in {Greek}, and now published in {English}, together with philological notes upon each chapter}, publisher = {printed for Nathaniel Thompson}, title = {Illustrations on {Chap}. 13}, year = {1680}, address = {London}, editor = {Blount, Charles}, pages = {68--76}, collaborator = {{Philostratus}}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {Apollonius, of Tyana., primary}, } @Book{Greaves1639, author = {Greaves, Thomas}, publisher = {excudebat Leonardus Lichfield}, title = {De linguae {Arabicae} utilitate et praestantia oratio {Oxonii} habita {Iul}. 19. 1637}, year = {1639}, address = {Oxonii}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {Arabic language -- Early works to 1800., primary}, } @Book{Morhof1685, author = {Morhof, Daniel Georg}, publisher = {litteris ac sumptibus Ioachimi Reumanni}, title = {De {Patauinitate} {Liuiana} liber: {Vbi} de urbanitate et peregrinitate sermonis {Latini} uniuerse agitur}, year = {1685}, address = {Kiloni}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, shorttitle = {Danielis {Georgi} {Morhofi} {De} {Patavinitate} {Liviana} {Liber}}, } @Book{Wright1691, author = {Wright, Joseph}, publisher = {[...] sold by John Harris}, title = {Folly detected, or {Some} animadversions on a book called, \textit{{A} brief discourse concerning singing in the public worship of {God}}, put forth by one {Mr}. {Isaac} {Marlow} 1690 \brackettext{...}}, year = {1691}, address = {London}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {Marlow, Isaac. -- Controversial literature -- Early works to 1800., Public worship -- Early works to 1800., primary}, } @book{Hilgard1901, address = {Lipsiae}, series = {Grammatici {Graeci}}, title = {Scholia in {Dionysii} {Thracis} {Artem} grammaticam}, volume = {3}, number = {1}, publisher = {in aedibus B. G. Teubneri}, editor = {Hilgard, Alfredus}, year = {1901}, keywords={primary} } @Book{Thryllitsch1709, author = {Thryllitsch, Georg Friedrich}, publisher = {litteris Schroedterianis}, title = {Suspiciones quasdam historico-technicas de dialectis {Graecis} ex consideratione originum migrationumque {Graecarum} nationum collectas praeside [...] eruditorum examini modeste subicio, [...] {Thryllitius} \brackettext{...}}, year = {1709}, address = {Vitembergae}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Tribbechow1705, author = {Tribbechow, Johann}, publisher = {impensis Ioannis Bielckii, typis Nisianis excudebat Henricus Beyerus}, title = {Breuia linguae Ῥωμαικῆς, siue {Graecae} uulgaris elementa, quibus differentia antiquum inter et recentiorem {Graecismum} praecipue ostenditur: {Praemissa} est {Dissertatio} de ortu et natura huius linguae}, year = {1705}, address = {Ienae}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Hume1695, author = {Hume, Patrick}, publisher = {printed for Jacob Tonson}, title = {Annotations on {Milton}'s {Paradise} lost}, year = {1695}, address = {London}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {1608-1674., John, Milton, primary}, } @Book{Martin1727, author = {Martin, Jacques}, publisher = {chez Saugrain Fils}, title = {La religion des {Gaulois}, tirée des plus pures sources de l'antiquité}, year = {1727}, address = {A Paris}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Schultens1732, author = {Schultens, Albert}, publisher = {apud Samuelem Luchtmans}, title = {Oratio altera de linguae {Arabicae} antiquissima origine, intima ac sororia cum lingua {Hebraea} cognatione nullisque saeculis praeflorata puritate: {Habita} a. d. 20. {Iunii} a. {MDCCXXXII}}, year = {1732}, address = {Lugduni Batauorum}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, shorttitle = {Alberti {Schultens} {Oratio} altera de linguae {Arabicae} antiquissima origine, intima ac sororia cum lingua {Hebraea} cognatione, nullisque seculis praeflorata puritate}, } @Book{Schultens1737, author = {Schultens, Albert}, publisher = {apud Ioannem Luzac}, title = {Institutiones ad fundamenta linguae {Hebraeae}: {Quibus} uia panditur ad eiusdem analogiam restituendam et uindicandam. {In} usum collegii domestici \brackettext{...}}, year = {1737}, address = {Lugduni Batauorum}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Schuster1737, author = {Schuster, Johann Heinrich and Lauterbach, Johann Michael}, publisher = {litteris Io. Friderici Ritteri}, title = {Disputatio philologico-critica in naturam quattuor linguarum cardinalium {Germanicae}, {Latinae}, {Graecae} ac {Hebraeae}, nec non methodum in libris grammaticis uulgaribus adhibitam inquirens delineata \brackettext{...}}, year = {1737}, address = {Ienae}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Gottsched1748, author = {Gottsched, Johann Christoph}, publisher = {verlegts Bernh. Christoph Breitkopf}, title = {Grundlegung einer {Deutschen} {Sprachkunst}, nach den {Mustern} der besten {Schriftsteller} des vorigen und jetzigen {Jahrhunderts} abgefasset}, year = {1748}, address = {Leipzig}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{[frederick1780, author = {{[Frederick the Great]}}, publisher = {chez G. J. Decker}, title = {De la littérature allemande: {Des} défauts qu'on peut lui réprocher, quelles en sont les causes et par quels moyens on peut les corriger}, year = {1780}, address = {A Berlin}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, shorttitle = {De la {Litterature} allemande}, sortname = {{Frederick the Great}}, options = {indexing=false} } @Book{Lakemacher1730, author = {Lakemacher, Johann Gottfried}, publisher = {impensis Christ. Fried. Weygandi}, title = {Obseruationes philologicae quibus uaria praecipue {S}. {Codicis} loca ex antiquitatibus illustrantur: {Pars} {IV}. {V}. et {VI} cum indicibus}, year = {1730}, address = {Helmstadii}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Rastell1566, author = {Rastell, John}, publisher = {ex officina Ioannis Fouleri}, title = {A treatise intitled, beware of {M}. {Jewel}}, year = {1566}, address = {Antuerpiae}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Stapleton1566, author = {Stapleton, Thomas}, publisher = {printed [...] by John Latius}, title = {A returne of untruthes upon {M}. {Jewelles} replie}, year = {1566}, address = {In Antwerpe}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {Catholic Church -- Doctrines -- Early works to 1800., Jewel, John, 1522-1571., primary}, shorttitle = {A retur[ne of vn]truthes vpon [{M}. {Jewel}]les replie {Partly} of such, as he hath slaunderously charg[...] {Harding} withal}, } @Book{Weemes1632, author = {Weemes, John}, publisher = {printed by T. Cotes for John Bellamie}, title = {Exercitations divine: {Containing} diverse questions and solutions for the right understanding of the {Scriptures}}, year = {1632}, address = {London}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {Jewish law -- Early works to 1800., primary}, } @Book{Parr1686, author = {Parr, Richard}, publisher = {printed for Nathanael Ranew}, title = {The life of the most reverend father in {God}, {James} {Usher}, late {Lord} {Arch}-{Bishop} of {Armagh}, {Primate} and {Metropolitan} of all {Ireland}}, year = {1686}, address = {London}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {Bishops -- Ireland -- Biography., Heylyn, Peter, 1600-1662., Ussher, James, 1581-1656 -- Bibliography., 1581-1656 -- Correspondence., 1581-1656., primary}, } @Book{Meursius1675, author = {Meursius, Johannes}, publisher = {apud Abrahamum Wolfgangum}, title = {Creta, {Cyprus}, {Rhodus}, siue {De} nobilissimarum harum insularum rebus et antiquitatibus commentarii postumi, nunc primum editi}, year = {1675}, address = {Amstelodami}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, shorttitle = {Joannis {Meursi} {Creta}, {Cyprus}, {Rhodus} {Sive} {De} {Nobilissimarum} harum insularum rebus \& antiquitatibus}, } @Book{Erasmus1519, author = {Erasmus, Desiderius}, publisher = {Apud Ioannem Frobenium}, title = {In {Nouum} {Testamentum} [...] denuo recognitum annotationes, ingenti nuper accessione per auctorem locupletatae}, year = {1519}, address = {Basileae}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Vives1531, author = {Vives, Juan Luis}, publisher = {excudebat [...] Michael Hillenius}, title = {De disciplinis libri {XX}}, year = {1531}, address = {Antuerpiae}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Speed1676, author = {Speed, John}, publisher = {printed for Tho. Basset [...] and Ric. Chiswel}, title = {An epitome of {Mr}. {John} {Speed}'s {Theatre} of the empire of {Great} {Britain}, and of his {Prospect} of the most famous parts of the world}, year = {1676}, address = {London}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {America -- Description and travel -- Early works to 1800., America -- Maps, Pictorial -- Early works to 1800., Atlases, British -- Early works to 1800., Great Britain -- Description and travel -- Early works to 1800., Great Britain -- Maps -- Early works to 1800., primary}, } @InCollection{Poliziano1553, author = {Poliziano, Angelo}, booktitle = {Opera, quae quidem extitere hactenus, omnia, longe emendatius quam usquam antehac expressa \brackettext{...}}, publisher = {apud Nicolaum Episcopium Iuniorem}, title = {Oratio in expositione {Homeri}}, year = {1553}, address = {Basileae}, pages = {477--492}, collaborator = {Poliziano, Angelo}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Mazzocchi1754, author = {Mazzocchi, Alessio Simmaco}, publisher = {ex officina Benedicti Gessari}, title = {Commentariorum in regii {Herculanensis} musei aeneas tabulas {Heracleenses} pars {I}}, year = {1754}, address = {Neapoli}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Vossius1673, author = {Vossius, Isaac}, publisher = {e Theatro Sheldoniano}, title = {De poematum cantu et uiribus rythmi}, year = {1673}, address = {Oxonii}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Bembo1525, author = {Bembo, Pietro}, publisher = {per Giovan Tacuino}, title = {Prose [...] nelle quali si ragiona della volgar lingua \brackettext{...}}, year = {1525}, address = {Vinegia}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Varchi1570, author = {Varchi, Benedetto}, publisher = {appresso Filippo Giunti e Fratelli}, title = {L'{Hercolano}: {Dialogo} [...], nel qual si ragiona generalmente delle lingue et in particolare della {Toscana} e della {Fiorentina}}, year = {1570}, address = {In Vinetia}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, shorttitle = {L' {Hercolano}}, } @Book{Wood1775, author = {Wood, Robert}, publisher = {printed by H. Hughs; for T. Payne [...] and P. Elmsly \brackettext{...}}, title = {An essay on the original genius and writings of {Homer}, with a comparative view of the ancient and present state of the {Troade}}, year = {1775}, address = {London}, edition = {[Second expanded edition]}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, shorttitle = {An {Essay} on the {Original} {Genius} and {Writings} of {Homer}}, } @Book{Prideaux1676, editor = {Prideaux, Humphrey}, publisher = {e Theatro Sheldoniano}, title = {Marmora {Oxoniensia}, ex {Arundellianis}, {Seldenianis} aliisque conflata}, year = {1676}, address = {Oxonii}, copyright = {FM}, editor = {Prideaux, Humphrey}, keywords = {Arundel marbles., Inscriptions, Greek., Latin., Parian chronicle., Sculpture, primary}, } @InCollection{Grotius1648, author = {Grotius, Hugo}, booktitle = {Epistolae ad {Gallos}, nunc primum editae}, publisher = {ex officina Elzeuiriorum}, title = {Viro ampliss. {Nic}. {Peirescio}, senatori apud {Aquas} {Sextias}}, year = {1648}, address = {Lugduni Batauorum}, pages = {143--146}, collaborator = {Grotius, Hugo}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Rapin1684, author = {Rapin, René}, publisher = {printed by L. Lichfield [...] for Anthony Stephens}, title = {The {Idylliums} of {Theocritus} with {Rapin}'s {Discourse} of pastorals done into {English}}, year = {1684}, address = {Oxford}, copyright = {irrelevant - apart from information below}, keywords = {Pastoral poetry -- History and criticism., primary}, } @Book{Loscher1705, author = {Löscher, Valentin Ernst}, publisher = {sumptibus heredum Grossianorum, [...] excudebat Christianus Kobersteinius}, title = {Ion, siue {Originum} {Graeciae} restauratarum ad uirum celeberrimum, {D}. {Ottonem} {Menkenium} libri {II}: {In} quibus ad penetralia {Graecae} antiquitatis, contra praeiudicatas ueterum ac recentiorum opiniones, aditus conciliatur}, year = {1705}, address = {Lipsiae \& Delitii}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, shorttitle = {Ion sive originum graeciae restauratarum {Ad} {Virum} {Celeberrimum}, {D}. {Ottonem} {Menkenium} libri {II},}, } @Book{Rapin1659, author = {Rapin, René}, publisher = {apud Sebastianum Cramoisy}, title = {Eclogae cum dissertatione de carmine pastorali}, year = {1659}, address = {Parisiis}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Erasmus1978, author = {Erasmus, Desiderius}, editor = {Kramer, Johannes}, publisher = {Anton Hain}, title = {De recta {Latini} {Graecique} sermonis pronuntiatione dialogus {\textbar} {Dialog} über die richtige {Aussprache} der lateinischen und griechischen {Sprache}}, year = {1978}, address = {Meisenheim am Glan}, edition = {Als Lesetext herausgegeben, übersetzt und kommentiert}, number = {98}, series = {Beiträge zur klassischen {Philologie}}, editor = {Kramer, Johannes}, keywords = {primary}, } @InCollection{Schmidt1615, author = {Schmidt, Erasmus}, booktitle = {Cyrilli, uel ut alii uolunt, {Ioannis} {Philoponi} opusculum utilissimum {De} differentiis uocum {Graecarum} quoad tonum, spiritum, genus etc. {Plus} quintuplo auctum et in gratiam τῶν φιλελλήνων editum ab {Erasmo} {Schmidt} \brackettext{...}}, publisher = {typis Richterianis, sumptibus B. Coruini}, title = {Discursus de pronuntiatione {Graeca}, contra Νεόφυτον}, year = {1615}, address = {Witebergae}, pages = {213--255}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Crusius1558, author = {Crusius, Martin}, publisher = {per Ioannem Oporinum}, title = {Puerilis in lingua {Graeca} institutio pars altera, continens omnium grammaticae partium tractationem satis absolutam: {Pro} scholae {Memmingensis} classe prima}, year = {1558}, address = {Basileae}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, shorttitle = {Puerilis {In} lingua {Graeca} institutio}, } @Book{Muratori1724, author = {Muratori, Lodovico Antonio and Salvini, Anton Maria}, publisher = {appresso Sebastiano Coleti}, title = {Della perfetta poesia italiana spiegata e dimostrata con varie osservazioni e con vari giudizi sopra alcuni componimenti altrui da {Lodovico} {Antonio} {Muratori} [...]: {Con} le annotazioni critiche dell'{Abate} {Anton} {Maria} {Salvini} \brackettext{...}}, year = {1724}, address = {In Venezia}, volume = {2}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Liburnio1546, author = {Liburnio, Niccolò}, publisher = {in casa de' figliuoli di Aldo}, title = {Le occorrenze humane}, year = {1546}, address = {In Vinegia}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Ruhig1745, author = {Ruhig, Philipp}, publisher = {druckts und verlegts Johann Heinrich Hartung}, title = {Betrachtung der littauischen {Sprache} in ihrem {Ursprunge}, {Wesen} und {Eigenschaften}: {Aus} vielen {Scribenten} und eigener {Erfahrung}, mit {Fleiß} angestellet und zu reiferer {Beurtheilung} der {Gelehrten} zum {Druck} gegeben}, year = {1745}, address = {Königsberg}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Merula1605, author = {Merula, Paul[l]us}, publisher = {ex officina Plantiniana Raphelengi F.}, title = {Cosmographiae generalis libri tres: {Item} {Geographiae} particularis libri quattuor \brackettext{...}}, year = {1605}, address = {Lugduni Batauorum}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, shorttitle = {Paulli {G}.{F}.{P}.{N}. {Merulae} {Cosmographiae} {Generalis} {Libri} {Tres}}, } @Book{Craige1606, author = {Craige, Alexander}, publisher = {imprinted [...] by William White}, title = {The amorose songs, sonets, and elegies}, year = {1606}, address = {At London}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Purchas1613, author = {Purchas, Samuel}, publisher = {printed by William Stansby for Henrie Fetherstone}, title = {Purchas his pilgrimage, or {Relations} of the world and the religions observed in all ages and places discovered, from the creation unto this present: {In} foure partes}, year = {1613}, address = {London}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Gill1619, author = {Gill, Alexander}, publisher = {excudit Ioannes Beale}, title = {Logonomia {Anglica}: {Qua} gentis sermo facilius addiscitur}, year = {1619}, address = {Londini}, copyright = {te analyseren}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Fuller1655, author = {Fuller, Thomas}, publisher = {printed for John Williams}, title = {The church-history of {Britain}: {From} the birth of {Jesus} {Christ}, until the year {M}. {DC}. {XLVIII}.}, year = {1655}, address = {London}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Tory1529, author = {Tory, Geof[f]roy}, publisher = {par Maistre Geofroy Tory de Bourges [...] et par Giles Gourmont}, title = {Champ fleury: {Au} quel est contenu lart et science de la deue et vraye proportion des lettres attiques, quon dit autrement lettres antiques, et vulgairement lettres romaines proportionnees selon le corps et visage humain}, year = {1529}, address = {A Paris}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Sylvius1531, author = {Sylvius, Jacobus}, publisher = {ex officina Roberti Stephani}, title = {In linguam {Gallicam} isagωge, una cum eiusdem grammatica {Latino}-{Gallica}, ex {Hebraeis}, {Graecis} et {Latinis} auctoribus}, year = {1531}, address = {Parisiis}, copyright = {analyzed FM}, keywords = {primary}, shorttitle = {Jacobi {Sylvii}, {Ambiani}, {In} linguam gallicam isagōge}, urldate = {2014-01-06}, } @Book{Ronsard1550, author = {de Ronsard, Pierre}, publisher = {chez Guillaume Cavellart}, title = {Les quatre premiers livres des {Odes}}, year = {1550}, address = {A Paris}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, urldate = {2014-01-23}, } @Book{Estienne1579, author = {Estienne, Henri}, publisher = {par Mamert Patisson}, title = {Project du livre intitulé {De} la precellence du langage françois}, year = {1579}, address = {A Paris}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Ronsard1565, author = {de Ronsard, Pierre}, publisher = {chez Gabriel Buon}, title = {Abbregé de l'art poëtique franc̜ois}, year = {1565}, address = {A Paris}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, urldate = {2014-09-16}, } @Book{Court1778, author = {Court de Gébelin, Antoine}, publisher = {chez l'auteur, Boudet, Valleyre, Veuve Duchesne, Saugrain, Ruault}, title = {Monde primitif, analysé et comparé avec le monde moderne, considéré dans les origines françoises, ou {Dictionnaire} étymologique de la langue françoise}, year = {1778}, address = {A Paris}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {Language and languages, primary}, shorttitle = {Monde primitif}, } @Book{Castiglione1528, author = {Castiglione, Baldassarre}, publisher = {nelle case d'Aldo Romano et d'Andrea d'Asola suo suocero}, title = {Il libro del {Cortegiano}}, year = {1528}, address = {In Venetia}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @InCollection{Wolf1578, author = {Wolf, Hieronymus}, booktitle = {Institutionum grammaticarum [...] libri octo \brackettext{...}}, publisher = {Michael Manger excudebat}, title = {De orthographia {Germanica}, ac potius {Sueuica} nostrate}, year = {1578}, address = {Augustae Vindelicorum}, pages = {594--615}, collaborator = {Rivius, Johannes}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Schoppe1636, author = {Schoppe, Caspar}, publisher = {apud Paulum Frambottum}, title = {Consultationes de scholarum et studiorum ratione deque prudentiae et eloquentiae parandae modis}, year = {1636}, address = {Patauii}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Becman1673, author = {Becman, Johann Christoph}, publisher = {sumptibus heredum Iobi Wilhelmi Fincelii, praelo Becmaniano}, title = {Historia orbis terrarum geographica et ciuilis, de uariis negotiis nostri potissimum et superioris saeculi aliisue rebus selectioribus}, year = {1673}, address = {Francofurti ad Oderam}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @InCollection{Stieler1691, author = {von Stieler, Caspar}, booktitle = {Der teutschen {Sprache} {Stammbaum} und {Fortwachs}, oder teutscher {Sprachschatz}, [...] {\textbar} {Teutonicae} linguae semina et germina, siue {Lexicon} {Germanicum} \brackettext{...}}, publisher = {in Verlegung Johann Hofmanns [...]. Gedruckt [...] von Heinrich Meyern {\textbar} Impensis Ioannis Hofmanni [...]. Typis Henrici Meyeri}, title = {Kurze {Lehrschrift} von der hochteutschen {Sprachkunst} {\textbar} {Breuis} grammaticae imperialis linguae {Germanicae} delineatio}, year = {1691}, address = {Nürnberg \& Altdorf {\textbar} Noribergae \& Altdorfii}, pages = {1--243}, collaborator = {von Stieler, Caspar}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Meisner1705, author = {Meisner, Christian}, publisher = {litteris Schulzianis}, title = {Silesiam loquentem [...] praeside {Conrado} {Samuele} {Schurzfleischio} [...] protulit [...] {Christianus} {Meisnerus} \brackettext{...}}, year = {1705}, address = {Vitembergae}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Richey1743, author = {Richey, Michael}, publisher = {apud Conr. Koenigium}, title = {Idioticon {Hamburgense}, siue {Glossarium} uocum {Saxonicarum} quae populari nostra dialecto {Hamburgi} maxime frequentantur \brackettext{...}}, year = {1743}, address = {Hamburgi}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, shorttitle = {Idioticon {Hambvrgense}}, } @Book{Scheller1772, author = {Scheller, Immanuel Johann Gerhard}, publisher = {gedruckt und verlegt von Joh. Jac. Curt}, title = {Gedanken von den {Eigenschaften} der deutschen {Schreibart} und {Empfehlungen} der deutschen {Sprache} in {Predigten}, im {Reden} und {Schreiben}, bey der {Philologie} und in {Schulen}}, year = {1772}, address = {Halle}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Bagnati1732, author = {Bagnati, Simone}, publisher = {appresso Cristoforo Zane}, title = {Lezioni sacre sopra i fatti illustri della {Divina} {Scrittura} predicate nel {Gesu}' di {Napoli} \brackettext{...}}, year = {1732}, address = {In Venezia}, volume = {1}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Galiani1779, author = {Galiani, Ferdinando}, publisher = {per Vincenzo Mazzola-Vocola}, title = {Del dialetto {Napoletano}}, year = {1779}, address = {Napoli}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @InCollection{Dupuy2001, author = {Dupuy, Claude}, booktitle = {Gian {Vincenzo} {Pinelli} et {Claude} {Dupuy}: {Une} correspondance entre deux humanistes}, publisher = {Leo S. Olschki}, title = {À {Pinelli}. {Paris}, le 12 décembre 1579}, year = {2001}, address = {Firenze}, editor = {Raugei, Anna Maria}, isbn = {88-222-4995-X}, number = {8}, pages = {273--284}, series = {Le corrispondenze letterarie, scientifiche ed erudite dal {Rinascimento} all'{Età} {Moderna}}, volume = {1}, keywords = {091 {\textless}44 PARIS{\textgreater} Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi--Frankrijk--PARIS, 091 {\textless}45 MILANO{\textgreater} Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi--Italië--MILANO, 873.4 {\textless}092{\textgreater} Humanistisch Latijnse literatuur--Biografieën, 873.4 {\textless}45{\textgreater} Humanistisch Latijnse literatuur--Italië, 873.4 DUPUY, CLAUDE Humanistisch Latijnse literatuur--DUPUY, CLAUDE, Dupuy, Claude, France Civilization - 1328-1600., Humanism - France - History, Humanism - Italy - History, Intellectuals - France, Intellectuals - Italy, Italy Civilization - 1559-1789., Pinelli, Gian Vincenzo, primary}, } @Book{Hof1772, author = {Hof, Sven}, publisher = {typis et impensis Io. Aru. Carlbohm}, title = {Dialectus {Vestrogothica}, ad illustrationem aliquam linguae {Suecanae}, ueteris et hodiernae, dissertatione philologica et uocabulorum {Vestrogothicorum} indice explanata}, year = {1772}, address = {Stockholmiae}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Junius1580, author = {Junius, Franciscus}, publisher = {apud Andream Wechelum}, title = {Grammatica {Hebraeae} linguae nunc primum iustae artis methodo quam accuratissime breuissimeque fieri potuit conformata et in lucem edita}, year = {1580}, address = {Francofurti}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, shorttitle = {Grammatica {Hebraeae} linguae}, } @Book{Kiesling1712, author = {Kiesling, Johann Daniel and Bause, Johann Georg}, publisher = {litteris Brandenburgerianis}, title = {[...] {De} dialectis {Ebraeorum} puris, dissertatio 1. generalis \brackettext{...}}, year = {1712}, address = {Lipsiae}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Hauptmann1751, author = {Hauptmann, Johann Gottfried}, publisher = {apud Io. Samuelem Heinsium}, title = {Historia linguae {Ebraeae} primis lineis descripta}, year = {1751}, address = {Lipsiae}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Rau1770, author = {Rau, Sebald}, publisher = {ex officina Ioannis Broedelet}, title = {Oratio de iudicio in philologia {Orientali} regundo, dicta publice die 11. {Aprilis} {MCCLXX} \brackettext{{\upshape sic pro} {MDCCLXX}}}, year = {1770}, address = {Traiecti ad Rhenum}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Hosius1560, author = {Hosius, Stanislaus}, publisher = {apud Io. Foucherium}, title = {De expresso {Dei} uerbo, libellus his temporibus accommodatissimus}, year = {1560}, address = {Parisiis}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, shorttitle = {De expresso {Dei} verbo ...}, } @Book{Maczynski1564, author = {Mączyński, Jan}, publisher = {excudebat [...] Ioannes Daubmann}, title = {Lexicon {Latinopolonicum} ex optimis {Latinae} linguae scriptoribus concinnatum}, year = {1564}, address = {Regiomonti Borussiae}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, urldate = {2014-01-27}, } @Book{Caelius1542, author = {Caelius Rhodiginus, Lodovicus}, publisher = {per Hier. Frobenium et Nicol. Episcopium}, title = {Lectionum antiquarum libri {XXX}}, year = {1542}, address = {Basileae}, copyright = {irrelevant - apart from information below}, keywords = {primary}, shorttitle = {[{Lodovici} {Caelii} {Rhodigini} {Lectionum} antiquarum libri {XXX}}, urldate = {2014-03-18}, } @Book{Sabellicus1490, author = {Sabellicus, Marcus Antonius}, publisher = {per Baptistam de Tortis}, title = {Suetonius cum commento}, year = {1490}, address = {Venetiis}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @book{Estienne1570, address = {[Geneva]}, title = {Ἡροδότου τοῦ Ἁλικαρνασσέως Ἱστορία, ἢ Ἱστοριῶν λόγοι θ', ἐπιγραφόμενοι Μοῦσαι {\textbar} {Herodoti} {Halicarnassei} {Historia}, siue {Historiarum} libri {IX}, qui inscribuntur {Musae}: {Ex} uetustis exemplaribus recogniti. {Ctesiae} quaedam}, copyright = {FM (in Stephanus 1573)}, publisher = {excudebat Henricus Stephanus}, editor = {Estienne, Henri}, year = {1570}, keywords={primary} } @Book{Mosellanus1527, author = {Mosellanus, Petrus}, publisher = {apud Adamum Petrum}, title = {In {M}. {Fab}. {Quintiliani} {Rhetoricas} institutiones annotationes}, year = {1527}, address = {Basileae}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Borner1705, author = {Börner, Christian Friedrich}, publisher = {litteris Goezianis}, title = {Dissertatio altera de exulibus {Graeciae} iisdemque litterarum in {Italia} instauratoribus qua illustres duumuiros in celeberrima academia {Lipsiensi} primi gradus ad locum in amplissimo sapientum ordine capessendum more maiorum struendi causa […] in memoriam reuocat […] {Boernerus} \brackettext{...}}, year = {1705}, address = {Lipsiae}, copyright = {irrelevant - apart from information below}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Webb1669, author = {Webb, John}, publisher = {printed for Nath. Brook}, title = {An historical essay endeavoring a probability that the language of the empire of {China} is the primitive language}, year = {1669}, address = {London}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {Chinese language., primary}, } @book{Benvoglienti1975, address = {Pisa}, series = {Biblioteca degli {Studi} {Mediolatini} e {Volgari}. {Nuova} serie}, title = {Il discorso linguistico di {Bartolomeo} {Benvoglienti}}, copyright = {irrelevant}, number = {3}, publisher = {Pacini}, author = {Benvoglienti, Bartolomeo}, editor = {Tavoni, Mirko}, year = {1975}, keywords={primary} } @Book{Thomassin1697, author = {Thomassin, Louis}, publisher = {e Typographia Regia}, title = {Glossarium uniuersale {Hebraicum}, quo ad {Hebraicae} linguae fontes linguae et dialecti paene omnes reuocantur}, year = {1697}, address = {Parisiis}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Howell1642, author = {Howell, James}, publisher = {printed by T. B. for Humprey Mosley}, title = {Instructions for forreine travell: {Shewing} by what cours, and in what compasse of time, one may take an exact survey of the kingdomes and states of {Christendome}, and arrive to the practicall knowledge of the languages, to good purpose}, year = {1642}, address = {London}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Leigh1656, author = {Leigh, Edward}, publisher = {printed by A. M. for Charles Adams}, title = {A treatise of religion and learning, and of religious and learned men: {Consisting} of six books}, year = {1656}, address = {London}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @InCollection{Rocca1591, author = {Rocca, Angelo}, booktitle = {Bibliotheca {Apostolica} {Vaticana} a {Sixto} {V}. {Pont}. {Max}. in splendidiorem commodioremque locum translata et [...] commentario uariarum artium ac scientiarum materiis curiosis ac difficillimis scituque dignis refertissimo, illustrata}, publisher = {ex Typographia Apostolica Vaticana}, title = {Appendix de dialectis, hoc est de uariis linguarum generibus}, year = {1591}, address = {Romae}, pages = {291--376}, copyright = {irrelevant - apart from information below}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Anon.1613, author = {{Anon.}}, publisher = {apud Ioannem Wesselium}, title = {Grammatica {Graeca}, praecipue quatenus a {Latina} {Bremensi} differt}, year = {1613}, address = {Bremae}, copyright = {te analyseren}, keywords = {primary}, shorttitle = {Grammatica {Graeca}}, options = {indexing=false} } @Book{Rhodomanus1605, author = {Rhodomanus, Laurentius}, publisher = {typis Antonii Bertrami}, title = {Oratio de lingua {Graeca}; ut ab initio huc usque propagata sit et dehinc etiam propagari queat. [...] {Item} oratio, de uita philosophica \brackettext{...}}, year = {1605}, address = {Argentinae}, copyright = {irrelevant - apart from information below}, keywords = {primary}, shorttitle = {Laurentii {Rhodomani} {Oratio} {De} {Lingua} {Graeca}}, } @Book{Schroeder1748, author = {Schroeder, Nicolaus Wilhelm}, publisher = {apud Georgium Spandaw}, title = {Oratio de fundamentis, quibus solida linguae {Hebraeae} cognitio superstruenda, habita {Groningae} {Frisiorum}, {A}. {D}. {XIV}. {Iunii}, {MDCCXLVIII}}, year = {1748}, address = {Groningae}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Polier1739, author = {Polier de Bottens, Antoine-Noé [auctor et defendens]}, options = {indexing=false}, publisher = {apud Ioannem Luzac}, title = {Dissertatio philologica qua disquiritur de puritate dialecti {Arabicae}, comparate cum puritate dialecti {Hebraeae}, in relatione ad antediluuianam linguam \brackettext{...}}, year = {1739}, address = {Lugduni in Batauis}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @InCollection{Fischer1754, author = {Fischer, Johann Friedrich}, booktitle = {De dialectis {N}. {T}., singulatim de eius {Hebraismis} libellus singularis}, publisher = {apud uiduam B. Gasp. Fritschii}, title = {Praefatio}, year = {1754}, address = {Lipsiae}, edition = {Denuo edidit Io. Frider. Fischerus}, pages = {a.5\textsuperscript{\textsc{r}}--b.8\textsuperscript{\textsc{v}}}, collaborator = {Leusden, Johannes}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {Bible, primary}, urldate = {2015-02-24}, } @Book{Bibliander1542, author = {Bibliander, Theodore}, publisher = {per Hieronymum Curionem}, title = {De optimo genere grammaticorum {Hebraicorum} commentarius}, year = {1542}, address = {Basileae}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Bregius1684, author = {Bregius, Johannes}, publisher = {excusa [...] sumptibus Ioan. Gotofredi Zubroti, typis Ioannis Henrici Reisii}, title = {Prosodia {Graeca}, cum dialectologia, in usum et tironum et prouectiorum elaborata}, year = {1684}, address = {Tubingae}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Schwartz1702, author = {Schwartz, Christian Gottlieb and Helm, Abraham}, publisher = {prelo Gerdesiano}, title = {Disputatio de causis dialectorum, speciatim {Graecarum} \brackettext{...}}, year = {1702}, address = {Vitembergae}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Trissino1529, author = {Trissino, Gian Giorgio}, publisher = {stampata [...] per Tωlωmεω Ianiculω}, title = {La pωεtica}, year = {1529}, address = {In Vicεnza}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @InCollection{Manutius1496Aldus, author = {Manutius, Aldus}, booktitle = {Θησαυρός. {Κέρας} {Ἀμαλθείας} καὶ κῆποι {Ἀδώνιδος}. {Thesaurus} cornu copiae et horti {Adonidis}}, publisher = {in domo Aldi Romani}, title = {Aldus {Manutius} {Basianas} {Romanus} studiosis omnibus {S}. {P}. {D}.}, year = {1496}, address = {Venetiis}, editor = {Manutius, Aldus and Phavorinus, Varinus and others}, pages = {*.ii\textsuperscript{\textsc{R}}--*.iii\textsuperscript{\textsc{V}}}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, urldate = {2012-11-03}, } @Book{Bachmann1625, author = {Bachmann, Andreas and Ludovici, Michael}, publisher = {excudebat Gregorius Ritzsch}, title = {Περὶ τῶν διαλέκτων: Διάλεξις φιλολογικὴ, siue {De} linguis}, year = {1625}, address = {Lipsiae}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Keil1857, editor = {Keil, Heinrich}, publisher = {in aedibus B. G. Teubneri}, title = {Grammatici {Latini}}, volume = {1 [\textit{Flauii Sosipatri Charisii Artis grammaticae libri V. Diomedis Artis grammaticae libri III. Ex Charisii Arte grammatica excerpta}]}, year = {1857}, address = {Lipsiae}, editor = {Keil, Heinrich}, keywords = {Latin language, primary}, urldate = {2015-09-18}, } @Book{Keil1859, editor = {Keil, Heinrich}, publisher = {in aedibus B. G. Teubneri}, title = {Grammatici {Latini}}, volume = {3 [\textit{Prisciani Institutionum grammaticarum libri XIII–XVIII. Prisciani Opera minora}]}, year = {1859}, address = {Lipsiae}, editor = {Keil, Heinrich}, keywords = {Latin language, primary}, urldate = {2015-09-18}, } @Book{Estienne1565, author = {Estienne, Henri}, publisher = {[Henri Estienne]}, title = {Traicté de la conformité du language françois avec le grec, divisé en trois livres \brackettext{...}}, year = {1565}, address = {[Geneva]}, copyright = {analyzed FM}, keywords = {primary}, shorttitle = {Traicté de la conformité du language françois avec le grec, divisé en trois livres, dont les deux premiers traictent des manieres de parler conformes}, } @InCollection{Dumarsais1754, author = {Dumarsais, César Chesneau}, booktitle = {Encyclopédie, ou {Dictionnaire} raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers \brackettext{...}}, publisher = {Chez Briasson [...], David [...], Le Breton [...], Durand \brackettext{...}}, title = {Dialecte}, year = {1754}, address = {A Paris}, editor = {Diderot, Denis and d'Alembert, Jean le Rond}, pages = {933--934}, volume = {4}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @InCollection{Anon.1765, author = {{Anon.}}, booktitle = {Encyclopédie, ou dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers \brackettext{...}}, publisher = {chez Samuel Faulche}, title = {Patois}, year = {1765}, address = {A Neufchastel}, editor = {Diderot, Denis and d'Alembert, Jean le Rond}, pages = {174}, volume = {12}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, options = {indexing=false} } @InCollection{Beauzee1765, author = {Beauzée, Nicolas}, booktitle = {Encyclopédie, ou dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers \brackettext{...}}, publisher = {chez Samuel Faulche}, title = {Langue}, year = {1765}, address = {A Neufchastel}, editor = {Diderot, Denis and d'Alembert, Jean le Rond}, pages = {249--266}, volume = {9}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Georgi1733, author = {Georgi, Christian Siegmund}, publisher = {ex officina Io. Michaelis Teubneri}, title = {Hierocriticus {N}. {Testamenti}, siue {De} stylo {Noui} {Testamenti} libri tres \brackettext{...}}, year = {1733}, address = {Wittebergae et Lipsiae}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Howell1650b, author = {Howell, James}, publisher = {printed by W. H. for Humphrey Moseley}, title = {Epistolae {Ho}-{Elianae}: {Familiar} letters domestic and forren, divided into sundry sections, partly historicall, partly politicall, partly philosophicall, upon emergent occasions}, year = {1650}, address = {London}, edition = {The second edition, enlarged with divers supplements, and the dates annexed which were wanting in the first, with an addition of a third volume of new letters}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {English letters -- 17th century., Europe -- Description and travel -- Early works to 1800., Europe -- Description and travel., Great Britain -- Social life and customs., primary}, } @Book{Ruland1556, author = {Ruland, Martin}, publisher = {apud Andream Gesnerum F. et Iacobum Gesnerum, fratres}, title = {De lingua {Graeca} eiusque dialectis omnibus libri {V}}, year = {1556}, address = {Tiguri}, copyright = {analyzed FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @book{Chytraeus1582, address = {Rostochii}, title = {Nomenclator {Latinosaxonicus}: {Multo} aliis locupletior}, copyright = {FM}, publisher = {typis Stephani Myliandri}, author = {Chytraeus, Nathan}, year = {1582}, keywords={primary} } @Book{Thompson1732, author = {Thompson, George}, publisher = {typis Gul. Bowyer; impensis autem Io. Osborn et Tho. Longman}, title = {Apparatus ad linguam {Graecam} ordine nouo ac facili digestus: {In} quo defectus aliorum quamplurimi supplentur, flexiones nominum et uerborum fusius quam apud alios tractantur, dialecti etiam, quantitates et accentus dilucidius explicantur quaeque magis uel minus necessariu sunt, typis diuersis in tyronum gratiam distinguuntur}, year = {1732}, address = {Londini}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Giraudeau1739, author = {Giraudeau, Bonaventure}, publisher = {typis heredum Ferri}, title = {Introductio ad linguam {Graecam} complectens regulas grammaticae, radices uocum et exercitationem seu poema, in quo regulae radicesque omnes ad usum et praxim rediguntur}, year = {1739}, address = {Romae}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, shorttitle = {Indroductio ad linguam graecam pars secunda \& tertia quibus praemittitur ex parte prima liber sextus de dialectis \& quantitate}, } @Book{Giraudeau1752, author = {Giraudeau, Bonaventure}, publisher = {ex typographia R. J. Desbordes}, title = {Introductio ad linguam {Graecam}, complectens regulas grammaticae, radices uocum et exercitationem seu poema, in quo regulae radicesque omnes ad usum et praxim rediguntur}, year = {1752}, address = {Rupellae}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Bentley1699, author = {Bentley, Richard}, publisher = {printed by J. H. for H. Mortlock and J. Hartley}, title = {A dissertation upon the epistles of {Phalaris}: {With} an answer to the objections of the honourable {Charles} {Boyle}}, year = {1699}, address = {London}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {Orrery, Charles Boyle, Earl of, 1674-1731, primary}, urldate = {2014-09-22}, } @book{Helwig1610, address = {Giessae Hassorum}, title = {De ratione conficiendi facile et artificiose {Graeca} carmina, in qua praecipua artificia et compendia {Graecae} poeseos perspicue et breuiter indicantur \brackettext{...}}, copyright = {FM}, publisher = {Casparus Chemlinus imprimebat}, author = {Helwig, Christoph}, year = {1610}, keywords={primary} } @Book{Hickes1705, author = {Hickes, George}, publisher = {e Theatro Sheldoniano}, title = {Linguarum uett. {Septentrionalium} thesaurus grammatico-criticus et archaeologicus}, year = {1705}, address = {Oxoniae}, volume = {1}, copyright = {irrelevant - apart from information below}, keywords = {primary}, urldate = {2015-10-27}, } @Book{Simonis1752, author = {Simonis, Johann}, publisher = {impensis Orphanotrophei}, title = {Introductio grammatico-critica in linguam {Graecam}, qua de linguae illius origine et antiquitate, natura, fatis ac subsidiis, de praecipuis grammatices {Graecae} momentis, lingua et textu {N}. {T}. {Graeco}, de uersionibus denique {V}. {T}. {Graecis} disseritur, in usum iuuentutis φιλέλληνος}, year = {1752}, address = {Halae Magdeburgicae}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Macnicol1779, author = {MacNicol, Donald}, publisher = {printed for T. Cadell}, title = {Remarks on {Dr}. {Samuel} {Johnson}'s {Journey} to the {Hebrides}: {In} which are contained, observations on the antiquities, language, genius, and manners of the {Highlanders} of {Scotland}}, year = {1779}, address = {London}, copyright = {irrelevant - apart from information below}, keywords = {primary}, urldate = {2015-10-29}, } @Book{Malcolm1738, author = {Malcolm, David}, publisher = {printed by T. and W. Ruddimans}, title = {An essay on the antiquities of {Great} {Britain} and {Ireland}}, year = {1738}, address = {Edinburgh}, copyright = {irrelevant - apart from information below}, keywords = {primary}, shorttitle = {An essay on the antiquities of {Great} {Britain} and {Ireland}}, urldate = {2015-10-29}, } @Book{Eliot1538, author = {Eliot, Thomas}, publisher = {in aedibus Thomae Bertheleti typis impress.}, title = {The dictionary of syr {Thomas} {Eliot} knyght}, year = {1538}, address = {Londini}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {English language -- Dictionaries -- Early works to 1800. -- Latin, English language -- Early modern, 1500-1700., Latin language -- Dictionaries -- English -- Early works to 1800., primary}, } @Book{Schultens1738b, author = {Schultens, Albert}, publisher = {apud Ioannem Luzac}, title = {Vetus et regia uia {Hebraizandi}, asserta contra nouam et metaphysicam hodiernam}, year = {1738}, address = {Lugduni Batauorum}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Priestley1762, author = {Priestley, Joseph}, publisher = {printed by W. Eyres}, title = {A course of lectures on the theory of language and universal grammar}, year = {1762}, address = {Warrington}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Reynolds1752, author = {Reynolds, John}, publisher = {ueneunt [...] apud Iosephum Pott}, title = {Ἡρόδοτος ὁ Ἁλικαρνασσεὺς: Περὶ Ὁμήρου γενέσιος, καὶ ἡλικίης, καὶ βιοτῆς. {Et} item {Historia} {Graecarum} et {Latinarum} litterarum}, year = {1752}, address = {Etonae}, copyright = {irrelevant - apart from information below}, keywords = {primary}, urldate = {2015-11-02}, } @Book{Rice1765, author = {Rice, John}, publisher = {printed for J. and R. Tonson}, title = {An introduction to the art of reading with energy and propriety}, year = {1765}, address = {London}, copyright = {irrelevant - apart from information below}, keywords = {primary}, urldate = {2015-11-02}, } @Book{Rhenius1626, author = {Rhenius, Johannes}, publisher = {sumptibus Zachariae Schüreri iun. Matthiae Götzii et Friderici Lanckisch, excudebat Fridericus Lanckisch}, title = {Graeca grammatica maior, continens doctrinam accentuum, dialectorum, syntaxeos et prosodiae: {Accurata} diligentia et quanta fieri potuit perspicuitate elaboratam in usum adultiorum}, year = {1626}, address = {Lipsiae}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Martin1737, author = {Martin, Benjamin}, publisher = {printed by S. Idle for John Noon}, title = {Bibliotheca technologica, or {A} philological library of literary arts and sciences}, year = {1737}, address = {London}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, shorttitle = {Bibliotheca {Technologica}}, } @Book{Germano1622, author = {Germano, Girolamo}, publisher = {per l'herede di Bartolomeo Zannetti}, title = {Vocabolario italiano et greco, nel quale si contiene come le voci italiane si dicano in greco volgare}, year = {1622}, address = {In Roma}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Vives1533, author = {Vives, Juan Luis}, publisher = {ex officina Rutgeri Rescii [...], sumptibus eiusdem ac Bartholomaei Grauii}, title = {De ratione dicendi libri tres. {De} consultatione}, year = {1533}, address = {Louanii}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Pseudacro1904, author = {{Pseudacro}}, editor = {Keller, Otto}, publisher = {in aedibus B. G. Teubneri}, title = {Scholia in {Horatium} uetustiora}, year = {1904}, volume = {2 [\textit{Schol. in sermones epistulas artemque poeticam}]}, address = {Lipsiae}, month = apr, editor = {Keller, Otto}, keywords = {Horace, primary}, urldate = {2015-09-18}, } @Book{Dabercusius1577, author = {Dabercusius, Matthias Marcus}, publisher = {apud Iacobum Lucium}, title = {Quaestionum de grammatica {Graeca} libri duo}, year = {1577}, address = {Rostochii}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Article{Kritopoulos1924, author = {Kritopoulos, Metrophanes}, journal = {Ἐπιστημονικὴ ἐπετηρὶς τῆς Θεολογικῆς Σχολῆς τοῦ Ἀθήνησι Πανεπιστημίου}, title = {Μητροφάνους Κριτοπούλου ἀνέκδοτος γραμματικὴ τῆς ἁπλῆς ἑλληνικῆς ἐκδιδομένη}, year = {1924}, pages = {97--123}, volume = {1}, editor = {Dyovouniotis, Konstantinos I.}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Hill1658, author = {Hill, William}, publisher = {excudebat Tho. Newcomb}, title = {Grammaticarum in {Dionysii} Περιήγησιν annotationum systema, in usum tironum concinnatum: {Vbi} dialecti et ceterae anomaliae, quae in singulis dictionibus aut syntaxi occurrunt, ad figuras, methodice hic digestas, reducuntur}, year = {1658}, address = {Londini}, copyright = {irrelevant - apart from information below}, keywords = {*Greek literature -- Criticism, Textual -- Early works to 1800 / Greek philology -- Early works to 1800, primary}, shorttitle = {Grammaticarum in {Dionysii} {Periègèsin} annotationum systema}, } @book{Saumaise1639, address = {Lugduni Batauorum}, author = {Saumaise, Claude (de)}, publisher = {ex officina Elseuiriorum}, title = {{De modo usurarum liber}}, year = {1639}, keywords={primary} } @Book{Landino1974, author = {Landino, Cristoforo}, editor = {Cardini, Roberto}, publisher = {Bulzoni}, title = {Scritti critici e teorici}, year = {1974 [1481]}, address = {Roma}, number = {1--2}, series = {I critici italiani}, editor = {Cardini, Roberto}, keywords={primary} } @incollection{VanRooyFcc, address = {M\"{u}nster}, author = {{Van Rooy}, Raf}, booktitle = {{Essays in the history of dialect studies: {From} ancient {Greece} to modern dialectology}}, editor = {{Van Rooy}, Raf}, pages = {68--84}, year = {2020}, publisher = {Nodus}, title = {{The riddle of the {Greek} language unraveled by a {Renaissance} {Oedipus}: {Otto} {Walper} and his manual on the {Greek} dialects (1589)}} } @incollection{Tavoni1998, address = {London \& New York}, author = {Tavoni, Mirko}, booktitle = {{History of linguistics}}, editor = {Lepschy, Giulio}, keywords = {context}, note = {}, pages = {2--108}, publisher = {Longman}, series = {{Longman {Linguistics} {Library}}}, title = {{1 {Renaissance} linguistics: 1.2 {Western} {Europe}}}, volume = {3 [\textit{Renaissance and early modern linguistics}]}, year = {1998}, keywords={secondary} } @book{Palsgrave1530, address = {[London]}, author = {Palsgrave, John}, copyright = {analyzed FM}, keywords = {fra}, publisher = {the imprintyng fynysshed by Johan Haukyns}, title = {{Lesclarcissement de la langue francoyse}}, urldate = {2017-02-06}, year = {1530}, keywords={primary} } @Book{ThryllitschBrunner1709, author = {Thryllitsch, Georg Friedrich and Brunner, Johann Gottfried}, publisher = {litteris Christiani Schroedteri}, title = {Pronuntiationem {Latinam} ex {Aeolica} repetendam esse explicandamque [...] {Thryllitius} et [...] {Brunnerus} [...] edisserent}, year = {1709}, address = {Vitembergae}, copyright = {irrelevant - apart from information below}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Kals1752, author = {Kals, Jan Willem}, publisher = {e Theatro Sheldoniano, impensis Joannis Barrett, et prostant apud J. Baldwin […] \& apud Tho. Merrill}, title = {Dissertatio philologica de linguae {Hebraeae} natalibus punctisque uocalibus ad eam docendam discendamque summe necessariis}, year = {1752}, address = {Oxonii}, volume = {1}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Wesley1736, author = {Wesley, Samuel}, publisher = {typis Gulielmi Bowyer}, title = {Dissertationes in librum {Iobi}}, year = {1736}, address = {Londini}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, urldate = {2015-11-04}, } @book{Polo1938, address = {London}, title = {The description of the world}, volume = {1}, publisher = {George Routledge \& Sons}, author = {Polo, Marco}, translator = {Moule, A. C. and Pelliot, Paul}, year = {1938}, keywords={primary} } @Book{Bayly1756, author = {Bayly, Anselm}, publisher = {printed for John and James Rivington}, title = {An introduction to languages literary and philosophical, especially to the {English}, {Latin}, {Greek} and {Hebrew}, exhibiting at one view their grammar, rationale, analogy and idiom, in three parts}, year = {1756}, address = {London}, volume = {1 \& 2}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, shorttitle = {An introduction literary and philosophical to languages}, urldate = {2015-10-21}, } @Book{Wise1758, author = {Wise, Francis}, publisher = {printed at the Theatre for J. Fletcher, S. Parker, D. Prince [...], and Messrs Rivington and Fletcher}, title = {Some enquiries concerning the first inhabitants language religion learning and letters of {Europe}}, year = {1758}, address = {Oxford}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, urldate = {2015-11-05}, } @Book{Primatt1764, author = {Primatt, William}, publisher = {printed by J. Bentham [...] for the author}, title = {Accentus rediuiui, or {A} defence of an accented pronunciation of {Greek} prose, shewing it to be conformable to all antiquity}, year = {1764}, address = {Cambridge}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, shorttitle = {Accentus redivivi}, urldate = {2015-11-02}, } @Book{Hunt1739, author = {Hunt, Thomas}, publisher = {e Theatro Sheldoniano, impensis Ricardi Clements}, title = {De antiquitate, elegantia, utilitate, linguae {Arabicae} oratio habita {Oxonii}, in schola linguarum, {VII} {Kalend}. {Augusti}, {MDCCXXXVIII}}, year = {1739}, address = {Oxonii}, copyright = {irrelevant - apart from information below}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Beattie1778, author = {Beattie, James}, publisher = {printed for C. Jenkin}, title = {Essays on the nature and immutability of truth, in opposition to sophistry and scepticism; on poetry and music, as they affect the mind; on laughter, and ludicrous composition; and on the utility of classical learning}, year = {1778}, address = {Dublin}, edition = {A new edition, revised and carefully corrected}, volume = {2}, copyright = {irrelevant - apart from information below}, keywords = {primary}, urldate = {2015-10-21}, } @Book{Nikiforos1908, author = {Nikiforos, Romanos}, editor = {Boyens, J.}, publisher = {H. Vaillant-Carmanne}, title = {Grammatica linguae {Graecae} uulgaris communis omnibus {Graecis} ex qua alia artificialis deducitur peculiaris eruditis et studiosis tantum per patrem {Romanum} {Nicephori} {Thessalonicensem}, {Macedonem}, éditée d'après le ms. 2604 ({Fonds} grec) de la {B}. {N}. de {Paris}}, year = {1908}, address = {Liège}, number = {18}, series = {Bibliothèque de la {Faculté} de {Philosophie} et {Lettres} de l'{Université} de {Liège}}, editor = {Boyens, J.}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Perotti1489, author = {Perotti, Niccolò}, publisher = {per magistrum Paganinum de Paganinis Brixiensem}, title = {[{Cornucopia} seu commentarii linguae {Latinae}]}, year = {1489}, address = {Venetiis}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Santo1560, author = {de Santo Tomás, Domingo}, publisher = {impresso [...] por Francisco Fernandez de Cordova}, title = {Grammatica, o {Arte} de la lengua general de los {Indios} de los reynos del {Peru}: {Nuevamente} compuesta \brackettext{...}}, year = {1560}, address = {En Valladolid}, copyright = {irrelevant - apart from information below}, keywords = {primary}, } @InCollection{Da1509, author = {Da Ponte, Ludovico}, booktitle = {Erotemata {Guarini} cum multis additamentis, et cum commentariis {Latinis}}, publisher = {impressum [...] per Ioannem Mazochum}, title = {Declarationes quaedam ad magnificum {Antonium} uicecomitem {Lod}. {Sfor}. {Subrorum} ducis consiliarium ac oratorem {Ferrariae} in {Erotemata} {Guarini} tumultuariae}, year = {1509}, address = {Ferrariae}, pages = {14\textsuperscript{\textsc{R}}--172\textsuperscript{\textsc{R}}}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Amerot1530, author = {Amerot, Adrien}, publisher = {ex officina Gerardi Morrhii}, title = {De dialectis diuersis declinationum {Graecanicarum} tam in uerbis quam nominibus, ex {Corintho}, {Ioan}. {Grammatico}, {Plutarcho}, {Ioan}. {Philopono} atque aliis eiusdem classis}, year = {1530}, address = {Parisiis}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Bovelles1533, author = {de Bovelles, Charles}, publisher = {ex officina Roberti Stephani}, title = {Liber de differentia uulgarium linguarum et {Gallici} sermonis uarietate: {Quae} uoces apud {Gallos} sint factitiae et arbitrariae uel barbariae; quae item ab origine {Latina} manarint}, year = {1533}, address = {Parisiis}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Althamer1536, author = {Althamer, Andreas}, publisher = {apud Io. Petreium}, title = {Commentaria {Germaniae} in {P}. {Cornelii} {Taciti} equitis {Rom}. libellum de situ, moribus et populis {Germanorum}}, year = {1536}, address = {Norimbergae}, copyright = {irrelevant - apart from information below}, keywords = {primary}, shorttitle = {Commentaria {Germaniae} {In} {P}. {Cornelij} {Taciti} {Equitis} {Rom}. libellum de situ, moribus, \& populis {Germanorvm}}, } @Book{Lentz1870, editor = {Lentz, Augustus}, publisher = {in aedibus B. G. Teubneri}, title = {Herodiani technici reliquiae}, year = {1870}, address = {Lipsiae}, number = {3.2}, series = {Grammatici {Graeci}}, editor = {Lentz, Augustus}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Bauman2003, author = {Bauman, Richard and Briggs, Charles L.}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, title = {{Voices of modernity: {Language} ideologies and the politics of inequality}}, year = {2003}, address = {Cambridge}, isbn = {978-0-521-00897-6}, note = {Google-Books-ID: zIXx31me9bMC}, keywords = {History / Social History; Language Arts \& Disciplines / Linguistics / General; Literary Criticism / Semiotics \& Theory; Philosophy / General; Social Science / Anthropology / Cultural \& Social}, shorttitle = {Voices of {Modernity}}, keywords={secondary} } @Book{Beroaldo1493, author = {Beroaldo, Filippo}, publisher = {impressit Benedictus Hectoris Bononiensis}, title = {Commentationes [...] in {Suetonium} {Tranquillum}, dicatae inclyto {Annibali} {Bentiuolo}}, year = {1493}, address = {Bononiae}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, shorttitle = {Commentationes in {Suetonium} {Tranquillum}}, } @Book{Codro1502, author = {Codro, Antonio Urceo}, publisher = {emendate ac curateque impressum [...] per Ioannem Antonium Platonidem}, title = {In hoc {Codri} uolumine haec continentur: {Orationes}, seu {Sermones} ut ipse appellabat. {Epistolae}. {Siluae}. {Satyrae}. {Eglogae}. {Epigrammata}}, year = {1502}, address = {Bononiae}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Goropius1569, author = {Goropius Becanus, Johannes}, publisher = {ex officina Christophori Plantini}, title = {Origines {Antwerpianae}, siue {Cimmeriorum} {Becceselana} nouem libros complexa: {Atuatica}, {I}. {Gigantomachia}, {II}. {Niloscopium}, {III}. {Cronia}, {IV}. {Indoscythica}, {V}. {Saxsonica}, {VI}. {Gotodanica}, {VII}. {Amazonica}, {VIII}. {Venetica} et {Hyperborea}, {IX}.}, year = {1569}, address = {Antuerpiae}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @InCollection{Borghini1971, author = {Borghini, Vincenzio}, booktitle = {Scritti inediti o rari sulla lingua}, publisher = {commissione per i testi di lingua}, title = {Se la diversità della lingua greca è la medesima come la italiana}, year = {1971 [before 1580]}, address = {Bologna}, editor = {Woodhouse, John Robert}, number = {132}, pages = {335--347}, series = {Collezione di opere inedite o rare}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{De1581, author = {de Heuiter, Pontus}, publisher = {by Christoffel Plantijn}, title = {Nederduitse orthographie, dat is: {Maniere} houmen opreht {Nederduits} spellen ende schriven zal, niet alleen nut ende nootelic die opreht begeren te schriven, maer al die zulx de ioincheit zouken te leren}, year = {1581}, address = {T'Antwerpen}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, shorttitle = {Nederdvitse orthographie, dat is}, } @Book{Estienne1582, author = {Estienne, Henri}, publisher = {[Henri Estienne]}, title = {Hypomneses de {Gallica} lingua, peregrinis eam discentibus necessariae, quaedam uero ipsis etiam {Gallis} multum profuturae: {Inspersa} sunt nonnulla, partim ad {Graecam}, partim ad {Lat}. linguam pertinentia, minime uulgaria}, year = {1582}, address = {[Geneva]}, copyright = {peripheral - zie notes}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Jimenez1604, author = {Jiménez Patón, Bartolomé}, publisher = {por Thomas de Guzman}, title = {Eloquencia española en arte}, year = {1604}, address = {En Toledo}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @book{Moritz1781, address = {Berlin}, title = {Ueber den märkischen {Dialekt}: {In} {Briefen}}, volume = {1}, publisher = {bei Arnold Wever}, author = {Moritz, Karl Philipp}, year = {1781}, keywords={primary} } @Book{Haas1780, author = {Haas, Johann Gottfried}, publisher = {im Schwickertschen Verlage}, title = {Grichische {Grammatik} kurz und deutlich insonderheit den {Anfängern} zum {Besten} abgefasset}, year = {1780}, address = {Leipzig}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Trendelenburg1782, author = {Trendelenburg, Johann Georg}, publisher = {gedruckt bey Daniel Ludwig Wedel}, title = {Anfangsgründe der griechischen {Sprache}}, year = {1782}, address = {Danzig}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Peternader1776, author = {Peternader, Leo}, publisher = {gedruckt bey Abraham Wimmer}, title = {Einleitung zur griechischen {Sprache} für die {Kremsmünsterischen} {Schulen}}, year = {1776}, address = {Steyr}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Kirchmaier1702, author = {Kirchmaier, Georg Wilhelm and Schwartz, Christian Gottlieb}, publisher = {prelo Gerdesiano}, title = {Ex philologia {Graeca}, de dialecto {Noui} {Testamenti}, propositiones quaedam, ad disputandum publice selectae \brackettext{...}}, year = {1702}, address = {Vitembergae}, copyright = {irrelevant}, keywords = {primary}, } @InCollection{Gessner1543, author = {Gessner, Conrad}, booktitle = {Lexicon {Graecolatinum}}, publisher = {per Hieronymum Curionem}, title = {De utilitate ac praestantia {Graecae} linguae, in omni genere studiorum, ad candidos lectores praefatio}, year = {1543}, address = {Basileae}, pages = {\textsc{a}.2\textsuperscript{\textsc{r}}--\textsc{a}.7\textsuperscript{\textsc{v}}}, copyright = {irrelevant - apart from information below}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Munthe1748, author = {Munthe, Caspar Frederik and Heiberg, Ludvig}, publisher = {typis [...] Ioannis Georg. Høpffneri}, title = {Historia {Graecae} linguae \brackettext{...}}, year = {1748}, address = {Hafniae}, volume = {1}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, shorttitle = {Historia {Graecae} lingvae}, } @Book{Lagerloof1685, author = {Lagerlööf, Petrus and Palmroot, Johannes}, publisher = {excudit Henricus Curio}, title = {Historiola linguae {Graecae} \brackettext{...}}, year = {1685}, address = {Vpsaliae}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Mambrun1661, author = {Mambrun, Pierre}, publisher = {ex officina Geruasii Laboe}, title = {Opera poetica: {Accessit} dissertatio de epico carmine}, year = {1661}, address = {Fixae Andecauorum}, copyright = {irrelevant - apart from information below}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Hertling1708, author = {Hertling, Nicolaus}, publisher = {typis et sumptibus Ioannis Mayeri}, title = {Scientia {Latinitatis} ex eius originis, miscellae et interpolationis triplici {Graecismo}: {Syntagma}, in quo uerborum, prouerbiorum, sententiarum, locutionum, syntaxium totiusque {Latinae} rei detectis in {Hellade} fundamentis, {Romanae} linguae ultimi recessus explorantur et e {Graecis} ortae difficultates deplanantur. {Graecogermanica} quoque, seu moderna {Germanica} suis ex {Hellenismis} illustratur}, year = {1708}, address = {Moguntiae}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @book{[schulze]1711, address = {Halle}, title = {Erleichterte griechische grammatica, oder {Gründliche} {Anführung} zur griechischen {Sprache}: {Darinnen} die {Fundamenta} etymologiae et syntaxeos samt den idiotismis und hinlänglicher {Prosodie}, wie auch die {Doctrin} de dialectis et figuris deutlich vorgetragen worden, vornemlich für die {Schüler} des {Wäysenhauses} in deutscher {Sprache} verfasset}, copyright = {FM}, publisher = {in Verlegung des Wäysenhauses}, author = {[Schulze, Johann Heinrich]}, shortauthor = {[Schulze]}, sortname = {Schulze, Johann Heinrich}, year = {1711}, keywords={primary}, options = {indexing=false} } @book{Tolomei1555, address = {In Vinegia}, title = {Il {Cesano} [...], nel quale da piu dotti huomini si disputa del nome, col quale si dee ragionevolmente chiamare la volgar lingua}, publisher = {appresso Gabriel Giolito de Ferrari et fratelli}, author = {Tolomei, Claudio}, year = {1555}, keywords={primary} } @Book{Verwer1707, author = {Verwer, Adriaen}, publisher = {excudit Franciscus Halma}, title = {Linguae {Belgicae} idea grammatica, poetica, rhetorica}, year = {1707}, address = {Amstelaedami}, keywords = {primary}, } @book{Bolius1689, address = {Regiomonti}, title = {Iusta et modesta, absentiae ab exequiis et iustis funebribus, funeri linguae {Hellenisticae} paratis, excusatio et uenia, quam ab iis, qui idiotismum {Ebraeum} in tabulis {Testamentariis} {Noui} {Foederis}, {Saluatoris} nostri {Christi} {IESV} negando, funus linguae {Hellenisticae} procurant, iis uero, qui soloecismos et barbarismos eisdem impingendo, prorsus efferunt et contumulant [...]\@}, publisher = {prelo Reusneriano}, author = {Bolius, Jacobus and Alberti, Nicolaus}, year = {1689}, keywords={primary} } @Book{Scaliger1594, author = {Scaliger, Joseph Justus}, publisher = {ex officina Plantiniana}, title = {Epistola de uetustate et splendore gentis {Scaligerae} et {Iul}. {Caes}. {Scaligeri} uita}, year = {1594}, address = {Lugduni Batauorum}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Eichhorn1780, author = {Eichhorn, Johann Gottfried}, publisher = {bey Weidmanns Erben und Reich}, title = {Einleitung in das alte {Testament}}, year = {1780}, address = {Leipzig}, volume = {1}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Williams1685, author = {Williams, John}, publisher = {printed for Richard Chiswell}, title = {A discourse concerning the celebration of divine service in an unknown tongue}, year = {1685}, address = {London}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {Catholic Church -- Controversial literature., Catholic Church -- Liturgy., primary}, } @Book{Keimann1649, author = {Keimann, Christian}, publisher = {apud hered. Henningi Grossii, charactere Sengenwaldiano}, title = {Tabulae declinationum, motionis, comparationis, coniugationum, contractionum et accentuum in encliticis apud {Graecos} compendiosae, cum canonibus necessariis, in usum discipulorum concinnatae: {Accesserunt} regulae de accentu nominatiui, de dialectis deque prosodia {Graecorum} breues notae}, year = {1649}, address = {Lipsiae}, copyright = {irrelevant - apart from information below}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{[frisch]1730, author = {\brackettext{Frisch, Johann Leonhard}}, shortauthor = {\brackettext{Frisch}}, publisher = {zu finden bey Christoph Gottlieb Nicolai}, title = {Vollständigere {Griechische} {Grammatik}, nach der {Lehr}-{Ordnung} der {Lateinischen} {Märkischen} {Grammatik} eingerichtet}, year = {1730}, address = {Berlin}, keywords = {primary}, sortname = {Frisch, Johann Leonhard}, options = {indexing=false} } @Book{Jehne1782, author = {Jehne, Lebrecht Heinrich Samuel}, publisher = {verlegt von Benjamin Gottlob Hoffmann und gedruckt bei Johann David Adam Eckhardt}, title = {Griechische {Sprachlehre} zum {Gebrauch} des {Königlichen} {Christianeums} zu {Altona}}, year = {1782}, address = {Hamburg und Altona}, copyright = {see word}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Jablonski1714, author = {Jablonski, Paul Ernst}, publisher = {litteris Wesselianis}, title = {Disquisitio de lingua {Lycaonica} ad locum {Actor}. {XIV}. u. 11. Ἐπῇραν τὴν φωνὴν αὑτῶν Λυκαονιστὶ λέγοντες. {Sustulerunt} uocem suam {Lycaonice} dicentes etc. speciminis loco placido eruditorum examini oblata}, year = {1714}, address = {Berolini}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Virgil1697, author = {{Virgil}}, publisher = {printed for Jacob Tonson}, title = {The works of {Virgil} containing his {Pastorals}, {Georgics}, and {Aeneis}}, year = {1697}, address = {London}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {Virgil., primary}, shorttitle = {The works of {Virgil} containing his {Pastorals}, {Georgics} and {Aeneis}}, translator = {Dryden, John}, } @Book{Reyher1634, author = {Reyher, Andreas}, publisher = {excusa typis Steinmannianis}, title = {Synopsis grammaticae {Graecae} in lectiones {XXIV}. secta, cui praemissa est praefatio docendae discendaeque huius linguae modum breuiter adumbrans: {Pro} illustri {Gymnasio} et {Scholis} {Hennebergicis} ex iussu et auctoritate superiorum conscripta}, year = {1634}, address = {Schleusingae}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Ries1786, author = {Ries, Daniel Christoph}, publisher = {verlegt auf Kösten des Schulfonds, gedruckt in der kurfürstl. privileg. Buchdruckerey des St. Rochus-Hospitals durch Andreas Craß}, title = {Lehrbuch für das griechische {Sprachstudium}}, year = {1786 [1782]}, address = {Mainz}, edition = {Zweyte Auflage}, volume = {1}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Girard1541, author = {Girard, Charles}, publisher = {apud Simonem Colinaeum et Ioannem Engellier}, title = {Graecarum institutionum libelli undecim}, year = {1541}, address = {[Paris \& Bourges]}, copyright = {irrelevant - apart from information in note}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Mazzarella-farao1779, author = {Mazzarella-Farao, Francesco}, publisher = {nella stamperia Porsiliana}, title = {La {Neoellenopedia}, o sia {Il} nuovo metodo per erudire la gioventù nel greco linguaggio}, year = {1779}, address = {Napoli}, volume = {1}, keywords = {primary}, shorttitle = {La {Neoellenopedia} o sia {Il} nuovo metodo per erudire la gioventù nel greco linguaggio opera di {Francesco} {Mazzarella}-{Farao}. {Parte} 1. [-2]}, } @Book{Sajnovics1770, author = {Sajnovics, János}, publisher = {typis Orphanotrophii Regii, excudit Gerhard Giese Salicath}, title = {Demonstratio idioma {Vngarorum} et {Lapponum} idem esse}, year = {1770}, address = {Hafniae}, copyright = {niet in FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @book{Bischoff1708, address = {Ienae}, edition = {Editio secunda priori magis perspicua, auctior atque emendatior}, title = {Cadmus, siue {Lingua} {Graeca} e suis eruta natalibus, fundamentis superstructa firmioribus analogia quadam numquam audita ad legendos {Graecos} accessuris apprime accommodata}, publisher = {sumptibus auctoris; litteris Io. Adolphi Mulleri}, author = {Bischoff, August}, year = {1708}, keywords={primary} } @incollection{Bentley1726, address = {Cantabrigiae \& Londini}, title = {De metris {Terentianis} σχεδίασμα}, booktitle = {Publii {Terentii} {Afri} {Comoediae}, {Phaedri} {Fabulae} {Aesopiae}, {Publii} {Syri} et aliorum ueterum sententiae}, publisher = {apud Cornelium Crownfield \& apud Iacobum Knapton, Robertum Knaplock, Paulum Vaillant}, author = {Bentley, Richard}, editor = {Bentley, Richard}, year = {1726}, pages = {\textsc{i--xix}}, keywords={primary} } @Book{Beza1594, author = {Beza, Theodore}, publisher = {[Jérémie des Planches]}, title = {Annotationes maiores in {Nouum} {Dn}. nostri {Iesu} {Christi} {Testamentum}}, year = {1594}, address = {[Geneva]}, edition = {Noua autem haec editio multo correctior et emendatior priore}, keywords = {primary}, } @book{Junius1579, address = {Neapoli}, title = {De linguae {Hebraeae} antiquitate praestantiaque oratio habita in illustri schola {Neapolitana}}, publisher = {impressa [...] per heredes Ioannis Meyeri}, author = {Junius, Franciscus}, year = {1579}, keywords={primary} } @Book{Vogel1764, author = {Vogel, Georg Johann Ludwig}, publisher = {apud Ioannem Fridericum Weygand}, title = {Libellus singularis de dialecto poetica scripturarum {Ebraicarum} {Veteris} {Testamenti} cum epistola {Guilielmi} {Abrahami} {Telleri} {D}.}, year = {1764}, address = {Helmstadii}, copyright = {irrelevant - apart from information below}, keywords = {primary}, } @book{Hemsterhuis2015, address = {Amsterdam \& Münster}, edition = {With a translation and a commentary by Bouke Slofstra}, series = {Cahiers voor {Taalkunde}}, title = {Lectio publica de analogia linguae {Graecae} (ca 1750)}, number = {31}, publisher = {Stichting Neerlandistiek VU \& Münster}, author = {Hemsterhuis, Tiberius}, year = {2015 [ca. 1740–1765]}, keywords={primary} } @InCollection{Schultens1769, author = {Schultens, Albert}, booktitle = {Opera minora, animaduersiones eius in {Iobum}, et ad uaria loca {V}. {T}. nec non uarias dissertationes et orationes, complectentia, antehac seorsum in lucem emissa, nunc in unum corpus collecta et coniunctim edita, una cum indicibus necessariis}, publisher = {apud Io. le Mair et H. A. de Chalmot}, title = {Dissertatio theologico-philologica de utilitate linguae {Arabicae} [1706]}, year = {1769}, address = {Lugduni Batauorum}, pages = {487--510}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Hogstrom1748, author = {Högström, Pehr}, publisher = {verlegts Gabriel Christian Rothe}, title = {Beschreibung des {Crone} {Schweden} gehörenden {Lapplandes} \brackettext{...}}, year = {1748}, address = {Copenhagen und Leipzig}, edition = {Aus dem Schwedischen übersetzt}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Posselius1599, author = {Posselius, Johannes}, publisher = {sumptibus Henningi Grosii}, title = {Euangelia et epistolae, quae diebus {Dominicis} et festis sanctorum in ecclesia, usitato more proponi solent, {Graecis} uersibus reddita et postremo diligenter multis in locis recognita}, year = {1599}, address = {Lipsiae}, keywords = {primary}, } @book{Heylyn1625, address = {Oxford}, edition = {Augmented and revised}, title = {Μικρόκοσμος: {A} little description of the great world}, publisher = {printed by John Lichfield and William Turner}, author = {Heylyn, Peter}, year = {1625}, keywords = {Geography -- Early works to 1800.}, keywords={primary} } @book{Howell1650a, address = {London}, edition = {The second edition, with additions}, title = {A new volume of familiar letters, partly philosophicall, partly politicall, partly historicall}, publisher = {printed by W. H. for Humphrey Moseley}, author = {Howell, James}, year = {1650}, keywords={primary} } @Book{Rask2013, author = {Rask, Rasmus}, publisher = {John Benjamins}, title = {Investigation of the origin of the {Old} {Norse} or {Icelandic} language}, year = {2013 [1818]}, address = {Amsterdam \& Philadelphia}, edition = {New edition of the 1993 English translation by Niels Ege, with an introduction by Frans Gregersen}, number = {18}, series = {Amsterdam classics in linguistics, 1800--1925}, keywords = {primary}, } @book{Considine2008a, address = {Cambridge}, author = {Considine, John}, isbn = {978-1-139-47105-3}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, shorttitle = {Dictionaries in {Early} {Modern} {Europe}}, title = {{Dictionaries in early modern {Europe}: {Lexicography} and the making of heritage}}, year = {2008}, keywords={secondary} } @Book{Giese1837, author = {Giese, Albert}, publisher = {in der G. Finckeschen Buchhandlung}, title = {Ueber den {Aeolischen} {Dialekt}: {Zwei} {Bücher}}, year = {1837}, address = {Berlin}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Ramus1560, author = {Ramus, Petrus}, publisher = {apud Andream Wechelum}, title = {Grammatica {Graeca}, quatenus a {Latina} differt}, year = {1560}, address = {Parisiis}, copyright = {analyzed FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @book{Hugh1966, address = {Notre Dame}, series = {Publications in mediaeval studies: {The} {University} of {Notre}-{Dame}}, title = {Opera propaedeutica: {Practica} geometriae, {De} grammatica, {Epitome} {Dindimi} in philosophiam}, number = {20}, publisher = {University of Notre Dame Press}, author = {{Hugh of Saint Victor}}, editor = {Baron, Roger}, year = {1966}, keywords={primary} } @incollection{Chrysoloras1512, address = {Venetiis}, title = {Ἐρωτήματα τοῦ Χρυσολωρᾶ}, booktitle = {Ἐρωτήματα τοῦ Χρυσολωρᾶ· Περὶ ἀνωμάλων ῥημάτων [...] {\textbar} {Erotemata} {Chrysolorae}. {De} anomalis uerbis \brackettext{...}}, publisher = {in aedib. Aldi}, author = {Chrysoloras, Manuel}, year = {1512}, pages = {3--115}, keywords={primary} } @Book{[blackwell]1735, author = {[Blackwell, Thomas]}, shortauthor = {[Blackwell]}, publisher = {[s.n.].}, title = {An enquiry into the life and writings of {Homer}}, year = {1735}, address = {London}, keywords = {primary}, sortname = {Blackwell, Thomas}, options={indexing=false} } @book{Rainolds1583, address = {Paris}, title = {A refutation of sundry reprehensions, cavils, and false sleightes, by which {M}. {Whitaker} laboureth to deface the late {English} translation, and {Catholike} annotations of the {New} {Testament}}, publisher = {[for Richard Verstegan?].}, author = {Rainolds, William}, year = {1583}, keywords={primary} } @book{De1644, address = {Geneva}, title = {Sacrarum et historicarum in {Nouum} {Foedus} obseruationum pars prior \brackettext{...}}, publisher = {ex typographia Petri Chouet}, author = {de Croy, Jean}, year = {1644}, keywords={primary} } @Book{Castillo1678, author = {del Castillo, R. P. F. Martin}, publisher = {a costa de Florian Anisson}, title = {Γραμματικὴ τῆς γλώσσης Ἑλληνικὴς ἐν τῇ διαλέκτῳ Ἰβερικῇ {\textbar} [...] {\textbar} {Grammatica} de la lengua {Griéga} en idioma {Español}}, year = {1678}, address = {En Leon de Francia}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Marineo1497, author = {Marineo Sículo, Lucio}, publisher = {[Friedrich Biel]}, title = {[{De} {Hispaniae} laudibus]}, year = {1497}, address = {[Burgos]}, copyright = {irrelevant - apart from information below}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Veranzio1595, author = {Veranzio, Fausto}, publisher = {apud Nicolaum Morettum}, title = {Dictionarium quinque nobilissimarum {Europae} linguarum, {Latinae}, {Italicae}, {Germanicae}, {Dalmatiae} et {Vngaricae}}, year = {1595}, address = {Venetiis}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Walper1590, author = {Walper, Otto}, publisher = {typis Pauli Egenolphi}, title = {Grammatica {Graeca}, ex optimis quibusque auctoribus, in usum {Academiae} {Marpurgensis} ceterarumque {Scholarum} {Hussiacarum}, per quaestiones et responsiones concinnata tribusque \brackettext{...}}, year = {1590}, address = {Marpurgi}, copyright = {FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @Book{Lopad1536, author = {Lopad, Ludwig}, publisher = {[Thomas Platter \& Balthasar Lasius]}, title = {Graecae linguae rudimenta, praeter hactenus edita singulari et diligentia et breuitate in puerorum usum conscripta}, year = {1536}, address = {Basileae}, copyright = {analyzed FM}, keywords = {primary}, } @unpublished{Brinck1615, address = {The Hague, Koninklijke Bibliotheek, n° 135 K 4, fol. 56\textsuperscript{\textsc{v}}--58\textsuperscript{\textsc{r}} [linguistic notes by Ernst Brinck]}, title = {Album amicorum 2}, author = {Brinck, Ernst}, year = {1615--1635}, keywords={primary} } @Book{Jamot1593, author = {Jamot, Frédéric}, publisher = {ex officina Plantiniana}, title = {Varia poemata {Graeca} et {Latina}: {Hymni}, idyllia, funera, odae, epigrammata, anagrammata}, year = {1593}, address = {Antuerpiae}, keywords = {primary}, shorttitle = {Federici {Iamotii} {Medici} {Bethuniensis} {Varia} poemata {Graeca} \& {Latina}}, } @Book{Simon1689, author = {Simon, Richard}, publisher = {chez Reinier Leers}, title = {Histoire critique du texte du {Nouveau} {Testament}, où l'on établit la verité des actes sur lesquels la religion chrêtienne est fondée}, year = {1689}, address = {A Rotterdam}, keywords = {primary}, shorttitle = {Histoire critique du texte du {Nouveau} {Testament}}, } @book{Wolf1795, address = {Halis Saxonum}, title = {Prolegomena ad {Homerum} siue {De} operum {Homericorum} prisca et genuina forma uariisque mutationitubs et probabili ratione emendandi}, volume = {1}, publisher = {e libraria Orphanotrophei}, author = {Wolf, Friedrich August}, year = {1795}, keywords={primary} } @article{Hainsworth1967, title = {Greek views of {Greek} dialectology}, volume = {65}, issn = {0079-1636}, journal = {Transactions of the Philological Society}, author = {Hainsworth, J. B.}, year = {1967}, pages = {62--76}, keywords={secondary} } @Book{Colvin1999, author = {Colvin, Stephen}, publisher = {Clarendon Press}, title = {Dialect in {Aristophanes} and the politics of language in {ancient} {Greek} literature}, year = {1999}, address = {Oxford}, isbn = {978-0-19-815249-1}, keywords = {Drama / Ancient \& Classical, Drama / General, Language Arts \& Disciplines / Linguistics / Psycholinguistics, Language Arts \& Disciplines / Linguistics / Sociolinguistics, Literary Criticism / Ancient \& Classical, Literary Criticism / Drama, secondary}, shorttitle = {Dialect in {Aristophanes}}, } @InCollection{Mackridge2009, author = {Mackridge, Peter}, booktitle = {Standard languages and language standards: {Greek}, past and present}, publisher = {Ashgate}, title = {Mothers and daughters, roots and branches: {Modern} {Greek} perceptions of the relationship between the ancient and modern languages}, year = {2009}, address = {Farnham \& Burlington}, editor = {Georgakopoulou, Alexandra and Silk, Michael}, isbn = {978-0-7546-9636-0}, number = {12}, pages = {259--276}, series = {The {Centre} for {Hellenic} {Studies}, {King}'s {College} {London}, publications}, keywords = {History / Ancient / General, History / Military / Nuclear Warfare, History / Modern / 20th Century, secondary}, } @article{Morpurgo1987, title = {The {Greek} notion of dialect}, volume = {10}, journal = {Verbum}, author = {Morpurgo Davies, Anna}, year = {1987}, pages = {7--28}, keywords={secondary} } @article{Bonfante1953, title = {Ideas on the kinship of the {European} languages from 1200 to 1800}, volume = {1}, journal = {Cahiers d'Histoire Mondiale {\textbar} Journal of World History {\textbar} Cuadernos de Historia Mundial}, author = {Bonfante, Giuliano}, year = {1953}, keywords = {Europe, Kinship between languages, Languages of Europe, Origin of the vernacular, Primigenial language, Semitic languages}, pages = {679--699}, keywords={secondary} } @Book{Adams2007, author = {Adams, James Noel}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, title = {The regional diversification of {Latin} 200 {BC}–{AD} 600}, year = {2007}, address = {Cambridge}, isbn = {978-1-139-46881-7}, keywords = {Business \& Economics / Industries / General, Foreign Language Study / Ancient Languages, History / Ancient / General, Language Arts \& Disciplines / General, Language Arts \& Disciplines / Linguistics / General, Language Arts \& Disciplines / Linguistics / Historical \& Comparative, secondary}, } @InCollection{Dahan1995, author = {Dahan, Gilbert and Rosier, Irène and Valente, Luisa}, booktitle = {Sprachtheorien in {Spätantike} und {Mittelalter}}, publisher = {G. Narr}, title = {L'arabe, le grec, l'hébreu et les vernaculaires}, year = {1995}, address = {Tübingen}, editor = {Ebbesen, Sten}, number = {3}, pages = {265--321}, series = {Geschichte der {Sprachtheorie}}, keywords = {Langues vivantes -- Étude et enseignement -- Moyen âge, Linguistique comparée, secondary}, } @Book{Siebenborn1976, author = {Siebenborn, Elmar}, publisher = {B. R. Grüner}, title = {Die {Lehre} von der {Sprachrichtigkeit} und ihren {Kriterien}: {Studien} zur antiken normativen {Grammatik}}, year = {1976}, address = {Amsterdam}, isbn = {978-90-6032-049-5}, keywords = {Language Arts \& Disciplines / Linguistics / General, secondary}, shorttitle = {Die {Lehre} {Von} der {Sprachrichtigkeit} und {Ihren} {Kriterien}}, } @Book{Weiss1977, author = {Weiss, Roberto}, publisher = {Antenore}, title = {Medieval and humanist {Greek}: {Collected} essays}, year = {1977}, address = {Padova}, number = {8}, series = {Medioevo e umanesimo}, keywords = {secondary}, shorttitle = {Medieval and humanist {Greek}}, } @Book{Bischoff1981, author = {Bischoff, Bernhard}, publisher = {Hiersemann}, title = {Mittelalterliche {Studien}: {Ausgewählte} {Aufsätze} zur {Schriftkunde} und {Literaturgeschichte}}, year = {1981}, address = {Stuttgart}, isbn = {3-7772-8109-3}, keywords = {09 {\textless}081 BISCHOFF, BERNHARD{\textgreater} Handschriften. Oude en merkwaardige drukken. Curiosa--Verzameld werk van individuele auteurs--BISCHOFF, BERNHARD, 091.14:003 Codices: schrift-- Zie ook: \{930.272\} Paleografie, 873.3 {\textless}08{\textgreater} Middeleeuws Latijnse literatuur--Verzamelwerken. Reeksen, secondary}, shorttitle = {Mittelalterliche {Studien}}, } @Book{Dickey2007, author = {Dickey, Eleanor}, publisher = {Oxford University Press}, title = {Ancient {Greek} scholarship: {A} guide to finding, reading, and understanding scholia, commentaries, lexica, and grammatical {treatises}, from their beginnings to the {Byzantine} period}, year = {2007}, address = {Oxford \& New York}, isbn = {978-0-19-804266-2}, number = {7}, series = {American {Philological} {Association} classical resources series}, keywords = {Literary Criticism / Ancient \& Classical, secondary}, shorttitle = {Ancient {Greek} {Scholarship}}, } @article{Von1856, title = {Die {Schrift} des {Hieronymus} {Wolf} {De} orthographia {Germanica}, ac potius {Suevica} nostrate in ihrer {Beziehung} zur neuhochdeutschen {Schriftsprache}}, volume = {1}, journal = {Germania: Vierteljahrsschrift für deutsche Alterthumskunde}, author = {von Raumer, Rudolf}, year = {1856}, pages = {160--165}, keywords={secondary} } @article{Jellinek1898, title = {Über die schrift des {Hieronymus} {Wolf} {De} orthographia {Germanica}, ac potius {Suevica} nostrate}, volume = {30}, journal = {Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie}, author = {Jellinek, Max Hermann}, year = {1898}, pages = {251--255}, keywords={secondary} } @article{De1917, title = {Pontus de {Heuiter}, een taal- en spelling-hervormer uit de zestiende eeuw}, volume = {11}, journal = {De Nieuwe Taalgids}, author = {de Vooys, C. G. N.}, year = {1917}, pages = {1--18}, keywords={secondary} } @Book{Consani1991, author = {Consani, Carlo}, publisher = {Giardini}, title = {{ΔΙΑΛΕΚΤΟΣ}: {Contributo} alla storia del concetto di ``dialetto''}, year = {1991}, address = {Pisa}, number = {18}, series = {Testi linguistici}, keywords = {ancient Greek - concept, concept, secondary}, shorttitle = {Dialektos}, } @Article{Haugen1966, author = {Haugen, Einar}, journal = {American Anthropologist}, title = {Dialect, language, nation}, year = {1966}, issn = {0002-7294}, number = {4}, pages = {922--935}, volume = {68}, keywords = {concept, secondary}, } @Article{Bischoff1961, author = {Bischoff, Bernhard}, journal = {Speculum: A Journal of Mediaeval Studies}, title = {The study of foreign languages in the {Middle} {Ages}}, year = {1961}, issn = {0038-7134}, number = {2}, pages = {209--224}, volume = {36}, copyright = {Copyright © 1961 Medieval Academy of America}, doi = {10.2307/2847789}, keywords = {secondary}, urldate = {2013-11-14}, } @Article{Carruthers2009, author = {Carruthers, Mary J}, journal = {Poetica}, title = {Varietas: {A} word of many colours}, year = {2009}, issn = {0303-4178}, number = {1}, pages = {11--32}, volume = {41}, keywords = {secondary}, shorttitle = {Varietas}, } @InCollection{Forstel1999, author = {Förstel, Christian}, booktitle = {Reuchlin und {Italien}}, publisher = {Jan Thorbecke}, title = {Die griechische {Grammatik} im {Umkreis} {Reuchlins}: {Untersuchungen} zur {»Wanderung«} der griechischen {Studien} von {Italien} nach {Deutschland}}, year = {1999}, address = {Stuttgart}, editor = {Dörner, Gerald}, number = {7}, pages = {45--56}, series = {Pforzheimer {Reuchlinschriften}}, keywords = {secondary}, urldate = {2013-10-15}, } @Book{Melzi1966, author = {Melzi, Robert C.}, publisher = {Mouton}, title = {Castelvetro's annotations to the {Inferno}: {A} new perspective in sixteenth century criticism}, year = {1966}, address = {The Hague \& Paris}, number = {1}, series = {Studies in {Italian} literature}, copyright = {http://catalog.hathitrust.org/api/volumes/oclc/2038931.html}, keywords = {secondary}, urldate = {2014-01-23}, } @Book{Saladin2000, author = {Saladin, Jean-Christophe}, publisher = {Les belles lettres}, title = {La bataille du grec à la {Renaissance}}, year = {2000}, address = {Paris}, isbn = {978-2-251-38047-6}, keywords = {Bible, Byzantine literature, Civilization, Western, Greek language, Medieval and late, Greek literature, Herontdekking Grieks, Humanism, Language question in the church, secondary}, } @Article{Cassio1984, author = {Cassio, Albio Cesare}, journal = {ΑΙΩΝ: Annali del Dipartimento di Studi del Mondo Classico e del Mediterraneo Antico. Sezione linguistica}, title = {Il ``carattere'' dei dialetti greci e l'opposizione {Ioni}-{Dori}: {Testimonianze} antiche e teorie di età romantica (su {Arist}. {Quint}. 2. 13, {Iambl}. \textit{v. {Pyth}.} 241 sgg., \textit{sch. in} {Dion}. {Thr}. p. 117, 18 sgg. {Hilgard})}, year = {1984}, pages = {113--136}, volume = {6}, keywords = {secondary}, } @article{Lambert2009, title = {Les noms des langues chez les {Grecs}}, volume = {31}, number = {2}, journal = {Histoire Épistémologie Langage}, author = {Lambert, Frédéric}, year = {2009}, pages = {15--27}, keywords={secondary} } @InCollection{Colvin2010, author = {Colvin, Stephen}, booktitle = {A companion to the {Ancient} {Greek} language}, publisher = {Wiley-Blackwell}, title = {Greek dialects in the archaic and classical ages}, year = {2010}, address = {Malden, Oxford \& Chichester}, editor = {Bakker, Egbert J.}, pages = {200--212}, series = {Blackwell companions to the ancient world}, keywords = {secondary}, } @Book{Dionisotti1968, author = {Dionisotti, Carlo}, publisher = {Felice Le Monnier}, title = {Gli umanisti e il volgare fra {Quattro} e {Cinquecento}}, year = {1968}, address = {Firenze}, number = {29}, series = {Bibliotechina del {Saggiatore}}, keywords = {concept, context, secondary}, urldate = {2013-02-11}, } @Article{Rotolo1973, author = {Rotolo, Vincenzo}, journal = {Rivista di studi bizantini e neoellenici}, title = {L'opinione di {F}. {Filelfo} sul greco volgare}, year = {1973--1974}, pages = {85--107}, volume = {20--21}, number = {10--11}, keywords = {Bilingualism and diglossia, Biondo Flavio °1392--1463, Bracciolini; Poggio °1380--1459, Bruni; Leonardo °ca.1370--1444, Constantinople, Filelfo; Francesco °1398--1481, Greek, Guarini; Guarino Veronese °1374--1460, Italian, Italy, Latin, Literary vs. everyday language, Spoken vs. written language, Vulgar Greek, secondary}, } @Book{Droixhe1978, author = {Droixhe, Daniel}, publisher = {Droz}, title = {La linguistique et l'appel de l'histoire (1600--1800): {Rationalisme} et révolutions positivistes}, year = {1978}, address = {Genève}, number = {10}, series = {Langue et cultures}, keywords = {*Port-Royal, Amerindian languages, Boxhorn; Marcus Zuerius °1602--1653, Chamito-Semitic languages, Descartes; René °1596-1650, Europe, Historical and comparative Linguistics, History of Linguistics, Indo-European languages, Language-origin myths and presumptive languages, Leibniz; Gottfried Wilhelm °1646-1716, Locke; John °1632-1704, Ménage; Gilles °1613-1692, Philosophy and language, Society and language, concept, social, historical, political context, secondary}, } @InCollection{Jones2001, author = {Jones, William Jervis}, booktitle = {History of the language sciences: {An} international handbook on the evolution of the study of language from the beginnings to the present}, publisher = {Walter de Gruyter}, title = {Early dialectology, etymology and language history in {German}-speaking countries}, year = {2001}, address = {Berlin \& New York}, editor = {Auroux, Sylvain and Koerner, E. F. K. and Niederehe, Hans-Josef and Versteegh, Kees}, number = {18}, pages = {1105--1115}, series = {Handbücher zur {Sprach}- und {Kommunikationswissenschaft}}, volume = {2}, keywords = {secondary}, } @Book{Gerretzen1940, author = {Gerretzen, Jan Gerard}, publisher = {Dekker \& van de Vegt}, title = {Schola {Hemsterhusiana}: {De} herleving der {Grieksche} studiën aan de {Nederlandsche} universiteiten in de achttiende eeuw van {Perizonius} tot en met {Valckenaer}}, year = {1940}, address = {Nijmegen \& Utrecht}, copyright = {pdf}, keywords = {secondary}, } @Article{Considine2010, author = {Considine, John}, journal = {Language \& History}, title = {Why was {Claude} de {Saumaise} interested in the {Scythian} hypothesis?}, year = {2010}, number = {2}, pages = {81--96}, volume = {53}, keywords = {secondary}, urldate = {2014-03-26}, } @InCollection{Muller1984, author = {Muller, Jean-Claude}, booktitle = {Matériaux pour une histoire des théories linguistiques -- {Essays} toward a history of linguistic theories -- {Materialien} zu einer {Geschichte} der sprachwissenschaftlichen {Theorien}}, publisher = {Université de Lille III, diffusion P.U.L.}, title = {Saumaise, {Monboddo}, {Adelung}: {Vers} la grammaire comparée}, year = {1984}, address = {Lille}, editor = {Auroux, Sylvain and Glatigny, Michel and Joly, André and Nicolas, Anne and Rosier, Irène}, pages = {389--396}, series = {Travaux et recherches}, keywords = {secondary}, } @Book{Fogen2000, author = {Fögen, Thorsten}, publisher = {K. G. 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D. and Wilson, N. G.}, year = {1991}, keywords = {091 =7 Handschriftenkunde. Handschriftencatalogi--Klassieke talen, 091.14 Codicologie. Codices. Scriptoria, 87.083 Klassieke literatuur: teksteditie, Classical literature - Criticism, Textual, Classical literature - Manuscripts, Humanists, Learning and scholarship - History, Manuscripts, Medieval, Manuscripts, Renaissance, Scriptoria, Transmission of texts}, keywords={secondary} } @InCollection{Ax1987, author = {Ax, Wolfram}, booktitle = {The history of linguistics in the classical period}, publisher = {John Benjamins Publishing Company}, title = {\textit{{Quadripertita} ratio}: {Bemerkungen} zur {Geschichte} eines aktuellen {Kategoriensystems} ({Adiectio} – {Detractio} – {Transmutatio} – {Immutatio})}, year = {1987}, address = {Amsterdam \& Philadelphia}, editor = {Taylor, Daniel J.}, isbn = {978-90-272-4529-8}, number = {46}, pages = {17--40}, series = {Studies in the history of the language sciences}, keywords = {Language Arts \& Disciplines / General, Language Arts \& Disciplines / Linguistics / General, secondary}, } @Article{Lallot1995, author = {Lallot, Jean}, journal = {Lalies}, title = {Analogie et pathologie dans la grammaire alexandrine}, year = {1995}, pages = {109--123}, volume = {15}, keywords = {secondary}, } @Book{De1980, author = {de Jonge, Henk J.}, publisher = {Noord-Hollandse Uitgevers Maatschappij}, title = {De bestudering van het {Nieuwe} {Testament} aan de {Noordnederlandse} universiteiten en het {Remonstrants} {Seminarie} van 1575 tot 1700}, year = {1980}, address = {Amsterdam, Oxford \& New York}, number = {106}, series = {Verhandelingen der {Koninklijke} {Nederlandse} {Akademie} van {Wetenschappen}. {Afdeling} letterkunde. {Nieuwe} reeks}, keywords = {secondary}, urldate = {2014-06-04}, } @Book{Metcalf2013, author = {Metcalf, George J.}, editor = {Van Hal, Toon and Van Rooy, Raf}, publisher = {John Benjamins}, title = {On language diversity and relationship from {Bibliander} to {Adelung}}, year = {2013}, address = {Amsterdam \& Philadelphia}, number = {120}, series = {Studies in the history of the language sciences}, keywords = {secondary}, } @Book{Lepschy2002, author = {Lepschy, Giulio C.}, publisher = {University of Toronto Press}, title = {Mother tongues and other reflections on the {Italian} language}, year = {2002}, address = {Toronto, Buffalo \& London}, isbn = {978-0-8020-3729-9}, series = {Toronto {Italian} studies}, keywords = {Foreign Language Study / Italian, History / Europe / Italy, Language Arts \& Disciplines / Linguistics / General, Literary Criticism / European / Italian, Social Science / General, secondary}, shorttitle = {Mother {Tongues}}, } @Book{Ben-Tov2009, author = {Ben-Tov, Asaph}, publisher = {Brill}, title = {Lutheran humanists and {Greek} antiquity: {Melanchthonian} scholarship between universal history and pedagogy}, year = {2009}, address = {Leiden}, isbn = {978-90-04-17965-3}, number = {183}, series = {Brill’s studies in intellectual history}, keywords = {094 MELANCHTHON, PHILIPP Oude en merkwaardige drukken. Kostbare en zeldzame boeken. Preciosa en rariora--MELANCHTHON, PHILIPP, 094:284 Oude en merkwaardige drukken. Kostbare en zeldzame boeken. Preciosa en rariora-:-Protestantisme. Protestantse sekten, secondary}, shorttitle = {Lutheran humanists and {Greek} antiquity}, } @Book{Horrocks2010, author = {Horrocks, Geoffrey}, publisher = {Wiley-Blackwell}, title = {Greek: {A} history of the language and its speakers}, year = {2010}, address = {Malden, Oxford \& Chichester}, edition = {Second edition}, isbn = {978-1-4443-1892-0}, keywords = {Language Arts \& Disciplines / Linguistics / General, secondary}, shorttitle = {Greek}, } @Article{De1981, author = {de Jonge, Henk J.}, journal = {History of Universities}, title = {The study of the {New} {Testament} in the {Dutch} universities, 1575--1700}, year = {1981}, pages = {113--129}, volume = {1}, keywords = {secondary}, } @Book{VanHal2010b, author = {Van Hal, Toon}, publisher = {Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie voor Wetenschappen en Kunsten}, title = {“{Moedertalen} en taalmoeders'': {Het} vroegmoderne taalvergelijkende onderzoek in de {Lage} {Landen}}, year = {2010}, address = {Brussel}, number = {20}, series = {Verhandelingen van de {Koninklijke} {Vlaamse} {Academie} van {België} voor {Wetenschappen} en {Kunsten}. {Nieuwe} reeks}, keywords = {secondary}, } @Article{Trovato1984, author = {Trovato, Paolo}, journal = {Rivista di letteratura italiana}, title = {“{Dialetto}'' e sinonimi (``idioma'', ``proprietà'', ``lingua'') nella terminologia linguistica quattro- e cinquecentesca (con un'appendice sulla tradizione a stampa dei trattatelli dialettologici bizantini)}, year = {1984}, pages = {205--236}, volume = {2}, keywords = {ancient Greek, concept, secondary}, shorttitle = {``{Dialetto}'' e sinonimi}, } @Book{Burke2004, author = {Burke, Peter}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, title = {Languages and communities in early modern {Europe}}, year = {2004}, address = {Cambridge}, isbn = {978-0-521-53586-1}, keywords = {History / Europe / General, History / Social History, concept, social, historical, political context, secondary}, } @Article{Hummel1999, author = {Hummel, Pascale}, journal = {Bibliothèque d'Humanisme et Renaissance}, title = {Un opuscule-relais: {Le} \textit{{De} dialectis} (1520/1530) d'{Adrien} {Amerot}}, year = {1999}, issn = {0006-1999}, number = {2}, pages = {479--494}, volume = {61}, copyright = {Copyright © 1999 Librairie Droz}, keywords = {Hamerotius, ancient Greek dialects, biobibliography, secondary}, shorttitle = {{UN} {OPUSCULE}-{RELAIS}}, urldate = {2013-01-25}, } @Book{Botley2010, author = {Botley, Paul}, publisher = {American Philosophical Society}, title = {Learning {Greek} in {Western} {Europe}, 1396--1529: {Grammars}, lexica, and classroom texts}, year = {2010}, address = {Philadelphia}, isbn = {978-1-60618-002-0 1-60618-002-9}, number = {100.2}, series = {Transactions of the {American} {Philosophical} {Society} held at {Philadelphia} for promoting useful knowledge}, keywords = {ancient Greek - concept, ancient Greek - linguistic texts, Herontdekking Grieks, secondary}, shorttitle = {Learning {Greek} in {Western} {Europe}, 1396--1529}, } @Book{Hoven1985, author = {Hoven, René}, publisher = {P. M. Gason}, title = {Bibliographie de trois auteurs de grammaires grecques contemporains de {Nicolas} {Clénard}: {Adrien} {Amerot}, {Arnold} {Oridryus}, {Jean} {Varennius}}, year = {1985}, address = {Aubel}, number = {7}, series = {Livre -- {idées} -- {société}}, keywords = {094 =75 Oude en merkwaardige drukken. Kostbare en zeldzame boeken. Preciosa en rariora--Grieks, 094 AMEROTIUS, ADRIANUS Oude en merkwaardige drukken. Kostbare en zeldzame boeken. Preciosa en rariora--AMEROTIUS, ADRIANUS, 094 ORIDRYUS, ARNOLD Oude en merkwaardige drukken. Kostbare en zeldzame boeken. Preciosa en rariora--ORIDRYUS, ARNOLD, 094 VARENNIUS, JOANNES Oude en merkwaardige drukken. Kostbare en zeldzame boeken. Preciosa en rariora--VARENNIUS, JOANNES, secondary}, shorttitle = {Bibliographie de trois auteurs de grammaires grecques contemporains de {Nicolas} {Clénard}}, } @InCollection{Trapp1990, author = {Trapp, Joseph Burney}, booktitle = {Essays on the {Renaissance} and the classical tradition}, publisher = {Variorum}, title = {The conformity of {Greek} with the vernacular: {The} history of a {Renaissance} theory of languages}, year = {1990}, address = {Hampshire \& Vermont}, number = {323}, pages = {8--21}, series = {Variorum collected studies}, collaborator = {Trapp, Joseph Burney}, keywords = {Blasset °fl.ca.1560, Budé; Guillaume °1467/68-1540, Comparison between languages, Defence of Greek, Elyot; Thomas °1490-1546, England, English, Estienne; Henri °1531-1598, France, French, Greek, Italy, Kinship between languages, Origin of the vernacular, Picard; Jean, secondary}, } @Book{Borst1959, author = {Borst, Arno}, publisher = {Hiersemann}, title = {Der {Turmbau} von {Babel}: {Geschichte} der {Meinungen} über {Ursprung} und {Vielfalt} der {Sprachen} und {Völker}}, year = {1959}, volume = {2/2}, address = {Stuttgart}, keywords = {secondary}, } @article{VanRooy2014, title = {A first stumbling step toward {Ancient} {Greek} dialectology in {Western} {Europe}: {An} edition and brief discussion of {Johann} {Reuchlin}'s \textit{{De} quattuor {Graecae} linguae differentiis libellus} (1477/1478)}, volume = {76}, copyright = {FM}, number = {3}, journal = {Bibliothèque d'Humanisme et Renaissance}, author = {Van Rooy, Raf}, year = {2014}, pages = {501--526}, keywords={secondary} } @Article{Caratzas1952, author = {Caratzas, Stamatios C.}, journal = {Istituto Lombardo di scienze e lettere: Rendiconti. Classe di lettere e scienze morali e storiche}, title = {La dissimilation du \textit{t} dans le dialecte du vieil {Athènes} et la valeur du témoignage de {Kavassilas} et {Zygomalas} (16e siècle)}, year = {1952}, pages = {288--297}, volume = {85}, keywords = {secondary}, shorttitle = {La dissimilation du '{T}' dans le dialecte du vieil {Athènes} et la valeur du témoignage de {Kavassilas} et {Zygomalas} (16e siècle)}, } @Article{Nuti2013, author = {Nuti, Erika}, journal = {Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies}, title = {Reconsidering {Renaissance} {Greek} grammars through the case of {Chrysoloras}’ \textit{{Erotemata}}}, year = {2013}, issn = {2159-3159}, number = {1}, pages = {240--268}, volume = {53}, keywords = {secondary}, } @InCollection{Consani2000, author = {Consani, Carlo}, booktitle = {Le parole per le parole: {I} logonimi nelle lingue e nel metalinguaggio. {Atti} del {Convegno} {Napoli}, {Istituto} {Universitario} {Orientale} 18--20 dicembre 1997}, publisher = {Il Calamo}, title = {La nozione di “lingua comune”/“varietà dialettale” nei grammatici tardo-antichi}, year = {2000}, address = {Roma}, editor = {Vallini, Cristina}, pages = {605--618}, collaborator = {De Mauro, Tullio}, keywords = {secondary}, } @InCollection{Demaiziere1988, author = {Demaizière, Colette}, booktitle = {Henri {Estienne}}, publisher = {Ecole Normale Supérieure de Jeunes Filles}, title = {Deux aspects de l'idéal linguistique d'{Henri} {Estienne}: {Hellénisme} et parisianisme}, year = {1988}, address = {Paris}, number = {5}, pages = {63--75}, series = {Collection de l'{Ecole} {Normale} {Supérieure} de {Jeunes} {Filles} 43: {Cahiers} {V}.{L}. {Saulnier}}, keywords = {Estienne; Henri °1531-1598, French, Geneva, Greek, Hellenism and anti-Hellenism, Ile-de-France, Kinship between languages, Latin, Pays de Loire, Standard vs. regional languages, secondary}, } @InCollection{Auroux1992, author = {Auroux, Sylvain and Clerico, Geneviève}, booktitle = {Histoire des idées linguistiques}, publisher = {Mardaga}, title = {Les traditions nationales: {Section} 4. {France}}, year = {1992}, address = {Liège}, editor = {Auroux, Sylvain}, pages = {359--386}, series = {Philosophie et langage}, volume = {2 [\textit{Le développement de la grammaire occidentale}]}, keywords = {secondary}, } @InCollection{Giard1992, author = {Giard, Luce}, booktitle = {Histoire des idées linguistiques}, publisher = {Mardaga}, title = {L’entrée en lice des vernaculaires}, year = {1992}, address = {Liège}, editor = {Auroux, Sylvain}, pages = {206--225}, series = {Philosophie et langage}, volume = {2 [\textit{Le développement de la grammaire occidentale}]}, copyright = {te lezen: 210-216; 217-224}, keywords = {secondary}, } @InCollection{Makrides2006, author = {Makrides, Vasilios N.}, booktitle = {Anglicanism and {Orthodoxy} 300 years after the ``{Greek} {College}'' in {Oxford}}, publisher = {Peter Lang}, title = {Greek {Orthodox} compensatory strategies towards {Anglicans} and the {West} at the beginning of the eighteenth century}, year = {2006}, address = {Oxford}, editor = {Doll, Peter M.}, isbn = {978-3-03910-580-9}, pages = {249--287}, keywords = {Religion / Christianity / History, secondary}, } @Book{Kessler-mesguich2013, author = {Kessler-Mesguich, Sophie}, publisher = {Droz}, title = {Les études hébraïques en {France}: {De} {François} {Tissard} à {Richard} {Simon} (1508--1680)}, year = {2013}, address = {Genève}, edition = {Avant-propos de Max Engammare}, number = {517}, series = {Travaux d'humanisme et Renaissance}, keywords = {secondary}, } @Book{Beninca1988, author = {Benincà, Paola}, publisher = {Unipress}, title = {Piccola storia ragionata della dialettologia italiana}, year = {1988}, address = {Padova}, number = {3}, series = {Quaderni patavini di linguistica: {Monografie}}, keywords = {secondary}, } @incollection{Hackstein2010, address = {Malden, Oxford \& Chichester}, series = {Blackwell companions to the ancient world}, title = {The {Greek} of epic}, booktitle = {A companion to the {Ancient} {Greek} language}, publisher = {Wiley-Blackwell}, author = {Hackstein, Olav}, editor = {Bakker, Egbert J.}, year = {2010}, pages = {401--423}, keywords={secondary} } @InCollection{Moennig1998, author = {Moennig, Ulrich}, booktitle = {Halle und {Osteuropa}: {Zur} europäischen {Ausstrahlung} des hallischen {Pietismus}}, publisher = {Verlag der Franckeschen Stiftungen \& Max Niemeyer}, title = {Die griechischen {Studenten} am {Hallenser} {Collegium} orientale theologicum}, year = {1998}, address = {Halle \& Tübingen}, editor = {Wallmann, Johannes and Sträter, Udo}, number = {1}, pages = {299--329}, series = {Hallesche {Forschungen}}, keywords = {secondary}, } @Book{Garrett2010, author = {Garrett, Peter}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, title = {Attitudes to language}, year = {2010}, address = {Cambridge}, isbn = {978-1-139-48682-8}, series = {Key topics in sociolinguistics}, keywords = {Language Arts \& Disciplines / Linguistics / General, Language Arts \& Disciplines / Linguistics / Psycholinguistics, Language Arts \& Disciplines / Linguistics / Sociolinguistics, Psychology / General, secondary}, } @Book{Edwards2009, author = {Edwards, John}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, title = {Language and identity: {An} introduction}, year = {2009}, address = {Cambridge}, isbn = {978-1-139-48328-5}, series = {Key topics in sociolinguistics}, keywords = {Language Arts \& Disciplines / Linguistics / General, Language Arts \& Disciplines / Linguistics / Psycholinguistics, Language Arts \& Disciplines / Linguistics / Sociolinguistics, Psychology / General, secondary}, shorttitle = {Language and {Identity}}, } @book{Colvin2007, address = {Oxford}, title = {A historical {Greek} reader: {Mycenaean} to the {Koiné}}, publisher = {Oxford University Press}, author = {Colvin, Stephen}, year = {2007}, keywords={secondary} } @InCollection{VanHal2013, author = {Van Hal, Toon}, booktitle = {Angewandte {Linguistik} {\textbar} {Linguistique} appliquée: {Zwischen} {Theorien}, {Konzepten} und der {Beschreibung} sprachlicher Äußerungen {\textbar} {Entre} théories, concepts et la description des expressions linguistiques}, publisher = {Peter Lang}, title = {Γλῶττα καὶ δίαιτα {\textbar} {Lingua} et mores {\textbar} {Sprache} und {Sitten}: {Eine} jahrhundertelange {Verbindung}}, year = {2013}, address = {Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford \& Wien}, editor = {Große, S. and Hennemann, A. and Plötner, K. and Wagner, S.}, pages = {21--30}, keywords = {secondary}, shorttitle = {Γλῶττα και δίαιτα {\textbar} {Lingua} et mores {\textbar} {Sprache} und {Sitten}}, urldate = {2013-11-04}, } @book{Eskhult_albert_nodate, title = {Albert {Schultens}’ (1686–1750) comparative {Semitics}: {Edition} of main treatises and texts with introduction, translation, and commentary}, year = {fc. \brackettext{ca.\,1748--1750}}, author = {Eskhult, Josef}, keywords={secondary} } @article{Rhoby2002, title = {Beitrag zur {Geschichte} {Athens} im 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A.}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, title = {Grammatical theory in {Western} {Europe} 1500--1700: {Trends} in vernacular grammar {I}}, year = {1985}, address = {Cambridge}, isbn = {0-521-22307-5}, keywords = {secondary}, shorttitle = {Grammatical theory in {Western} {Europe} 1500--1700}, } @InCollection{Hasler2009, author = {Haßler, Gerda}, booktitle = {Lexikon sprachtheoretischer {Grundbegriffe} des 17. und 18. {Jahrhunderts}}, publisher = {Walter de Gruyter}, title = {Dialekt}, year = {2009}, address = {Berlin \& New York}, editor = {Haßler, Gerda and Neis, Cordula}, isbn = {978-3-11-021262-4}, pages = {866--881}, volume = {1}, keywords = {Language Arts \& Disciplines / Linguistics / General, Linguistics, concept, secondary}, } @Article{Versteegh1986, author = {Versteegh, Kees}, journal = {Historiographia Linguistica}, title = {Latinitas, {Hellenismos}, '{Arabiyya}}, year = {1986}, number = {2--3}, pages = {425--448}, volume = {13}, keywords = {secondary}, } @Book{Ciccolella2008, author = {Ciccolella, Federica}, publisher = {Brill}, title = {Donati {Graeci}: {Learning} {Greek} in the {Renaissance}}, year = {2008}, address = {Leiden \& Boston}, isbn = {978-90-04-16352-2}, number = {32}, series = {Columbia studies in the classical tradition}, keywords = {Foreign Language Study / Ancient Languages, Greek language, Greek language/ Study and teaching/ History/ To 1500, Greek philology, Greek philology/ History/ To 1500, Herontdekking Grieks, History / Ancient / General, History / General, History / Medieval, Language Arts \& Disciplines / Linguistics / General, ancient Greek - linguistic texts, secondary}, shorttitle = {Donati {Graeci}}, } @Book{Bean1958, author = {Bean, Donald P. and Lemke, Antje}, publisher = {Syracuse University Press}, title = {Aldus {Manutius} and his \textit{{Thesaurus} cornucopiae} of 1496: {Containing} the first appearance in {English} of the prologue in which {Aldus} announces his plans to publish the first printed editions of {Aristotle}'s works and describes his \textit{{Thesaurus}} as containing ``practically everything that anyone could desire in order to achieve perfect knowledge of {Greek} literature''}, year = {1958}, address = {Syracuse}, copyright = {http://books.google.com/books?id=k4RYAAAAMAAJ}, keywords = {ancient Greek - concept, secondary}, urldate = {2013-02-11}, } @incollection{Finkelberg2014, address = {Leiden}, title = {Dialects, classification of}, volume = {1}, booktitle = {Encyclopedia of {Ancient} {Greek} language and linguistics}, publisher = {Brill}, author = {Finkelberg, Margalit}, editor = {Giannakis, Georgios K.}, year = {2014}, pages = {461--468}, keywords={secondary} } @Book{Mccoll2007, author = {McColl Millar, Robert}, publisher = {Edinburgh University Press}, title = {Northern and {Insular} {Scots}}, year = {2007}, address = {Edinburgh}, series = {Dialects of {English}}, keywords = {secondary}, } @Book{Jellinek1913, author = {Jellinek, Max Hermann}, publisher = {Carl Winter}, title = {Geschichte der neuhochdeutschen {Grammatik} von den {Anfängen} bis auf {Adelung}}, year = {1913}, address = {Heidelberg}, volume = {1}, keywords = {Adelung, Johann Christoph, 1732-1806, German language -- Grammar, secondary}, } @InCollection{Calvo2005, author = {Calvo Pérez, Julio}, booktitle = {Missionary linguistics {II} {\textbar} {Lingüística} misionera {II}: {Orthography} and phonology. {Selected} papers from the {Second} {International} {Conference} on {Missionary} {Linguistics}, {São} {Paulo}, 10--13 {March} 2004}, publisher = {John Benjamins}, title = {Fonología y ortografía de las lenguas indígenas de {América} del {Sur} a la luz de los primeros misioneros gramáticos}, year = {2005}, address = {Amsterdam \& Philadelphia}, editor = {Otto Zwartjes and Cristina Altman}, number = {109}, pages = {137--170}, series = {Studies in the history of the language sciences}, keywords = {secondary}, } @incollection{VanRooy2018a, address = {Leiden \& Boston}, title = {Latin as a variable language: {Livy}’s \textit{{Patauinitas}} through early modern eyes}, booktitle = {Acta {Conventus} {Neo}-{Latini} {Vindobonensis}: {Proceedings} of the sixteenth {International} {Congress} of {Neo}-{Latin} {Studies} ({Vienna} 2015)}, publisher = {Brill}, author = {Van Rooy, Raf}, editor = {Steiner-Weber, Astrid and Römer, Franz}, year = {2018}, pages = {767--777}, keywords={secondary} } @InCollection{Considine2012, author = {Considine, John}, booktitle = {Acta {Conventus} {Neo}-{Latini} {Upsaliensis}. {Proceedings} of the fourteenth {International} {Congress} of {Neo}-{Latin} {Studies} ({Uppsala} 2009)}, publisher = {Brill}, title = {Claudius {Salmasius} and the deadness of {Neo}-{Latin}}, year = {2012}, address = {Leiden \& Boston}, editor = {Steiner-Weber, Astrid}, pages = {295--305}, volume = {1}, keywords = {Language Arts \& Disciplines / General, secondary}, } @Book{Blank1996, author = {Blank, Paula}, publisher = {Routledge}, title = {Broken {English}: {Dialects} and the politics of language in {Renaissance} writings}, year = {1996}, address = {London \& New York}, series = {The politics of language}, keywords = {secondary}, urldate = {2012-11-21}, } @InCollection{Alinei1984, author = {Alinei, Mario}, booktitle = {Lingua e dialetti: {Struttura}, storia e geografia}, publisher = {Il Mulino}, title = {“{Dialetto}'': {Un} concetto rinascimentale fiorentino}, year = {1984 [1981]}, sortyear = {1984}, address = {Bologna}, pages = {169--199}, series = {Studi linguistici e semiologici}, keywords = {ancient Greek, concept, secondary}, } @Article{Considine2008b, author = {Considine, John}, journal = {Historiographia Linguistica}, title = {Did {Andreas} {Jäger} or {Georg} {Caspar} {Kirchmaier} write the dissertation \textit{{De} lingua vetustissima {Europae}} (1686)?}, year = {2008}, issn = {0302-5160}, number = {1--2}, pages = {13--22}, volume = {35}, keywords = {secondary}, } @article{VanRooy2018c, title = {«{Plutarque} dialectologue»: {La} pseudo-autorité de {Plutarque} dans le discours sur les dialectes grecs à la {Renaissance} (ca. 1400--1670)}, volume = {96}, journal = {Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Filologie en Geschiedenis {\textbar} Revue Belge de Philologie et d’Histoire}, author = {Van Rooy, Raf}, year = {2018}, pages = {1115--1134}, keywords={secondary} } @Book{Brekle1992, editor = {Brekle, Herbert E. and Dobnig-Jülch, Edeltraud and Höller, Hans Jürgen and Weiß, Helmut}, publisher = {Max Niemeyer}, title = {Bio-bibliographisches {Handbuch} zur {Sprachwissenschaft} des 18. {Jahrhunderts}: {Die} {Grammatiker}, {Lexikographen} und {Sprachtheoretiker} des deutschsprachigen {Raums} mit {Beschreibungen} ihrer {Werke}}, year = {2005}, address = {Tübingen}, isbn = {348473021}, editor = {Brekle, Herbert E. and Dobnig-Jülch, Edeltraud and Höller, Hans Jürgen and Weiß, Helmut}, volume = {8}, keywords = {secondary}, shorttitle = {Bio-bibliographisches {Handbuch} zur {Sprachwissenschaft} des 18. {Jahrhunderts}}, } 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