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Festschrift zu Ehren von Elke Ronneberger-Sibold}}, editor = {Kazzazi, Kerstin and Luttermann, Karin and Wahl, Sabine and Fritz, Albert, Thomas}, pages = {99--114}, publisher = {{Stauffenburg}}, title = {Über die {{Ordnung}} der {{{Wörter}}}: {{Die {Struktur}}} der {{Nominalphrase}} im althochdeutschen {{Isidor}}}, year = {2018} } @incollection{Flick2013, address = {{Berlin, Boston}}, author = {Flick, Johanna and Kuhmichel, Katrin}, booktitle = {{Sprachwandel} im {{{Neuhochdeutschen}}}}, editor = {Vogel, Petra M.}, number = {4}, pages = {52--76}, publisher = {{De Gruyter}}, series = {Jahrbuch für Germanistische {{Sprachgeschichte}}}, title = {Der {\emph{Am}}-{{Progressiv}} in {{{Dialekt}}} und {{{Standard}}}}, year = {2013} } @incollection{FischerimErsch., publisher = {{Universität Konstanz}}, author = {Fischer, Susann}, booktitle = {Definiteness and {DP} Structure in {{{Romance}}} languages}, editor = {Espinal, Maria Teresa and Leonetti, Manuel and McNally, Louise}, publisher = {address}, series = {Arbeitspapiere {{Sprachwissenschaft}}}, title = {Expletives, Definiteness and Word-Order}, year = {im Ersch.} } @incollection{Epstein1994, address = {{Amsterdam, Philadelphia}}, author = {Epstein, Richard}, booktitle = {Perspectives on Grammaticalization}, editor = {Pagliuca, William}, number = {109}, pages = {63--79}, publisher = {{Benjamins}}, series = {Amsterdam Studies in the Theory and History of Linguistic Science}, title = {The Development of the Definite Article in {{{French}}}}, year = {1994} } @incollection{Epstein1993, address = {{Amsterdam, Philadelphia}}, author = {Epstein, Richard}, booktitle = {{Historical {{Linguistics}} 1991. {{Papers}} from the {10th International Conference on Historical Linguistics}. {{{Amsterdam}}}, 12-16 {{{August}}} 1991}}, editor = {van Marle, Jaap}, number = {107}, pages = {111--134}, publisher = {{Benjamins}}, series = {Amsterdam Studies in the Theory and History of Linguistic Science}, title = {The Definite Article: {{{E}}}arly Stages of Development}, year = {1993} } @incollection{Dryer2013, address = {{Leipzig}}, author = {Dryer, Matthew S.}, booktitle = {The World Atlas of Language Structures Online}, editor = {Dryer, Matthew S. and Haspelmath, Martin}, publisher = {{Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology}}, title = {Definite Articles}, url = {http://wals.info/chapter/37}, urldate = {2015-05-07}, year = {2013} } @incollection{Donhauser2015, address = {{Tübingen}}, author = {Donhauser, Karin}, booktitle = {Historical Corpora. {C}hallenges and Perspectives}, editor = {Gippert, Jost and Gehrke, Ralf}, number = {5}, pages = {35-50}, publisher = {Narr}, series = {CLIP}, title = {{Das Referenzkorpus Altdeutsch: Das Konzept, die Realisierung und die neuen Möglichkeiten}}, year = {2015} } @online{Donhauser2014, address = {{Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin}}, author = {Donhauser, Karin and Gippert, Jost and Lühr, Rosemarie}, title = {{Deutsch Diachron Digital -- Referenzkorpus Altdeutsch} (0.1)}, doi = {10/d6hb}, year = {2014} } @incollection{Donhauser1990, address = {{Tübingen}}, author = {Donhauser, Karin}, booktitle = {Neuere {{{Forschungen}}} zur historischen {{Syntax}} des {{{Deutschen}}}: {{Referate}} der {{Internationalen Fachkonferenz Eichstätt}} 1989}, editor = {Betten, Anne}, isbn = {3-484-31103-7}, pages = {98--112}, publisher = {{Niemeyer}}, series = {Reihe {{Germanistische Linguistik}}}, title = {Moderne {{Kasuskonzeption}} und die {{Kasussetzung}} im {{{Althochdeutschen}}}}, year = {1990} } @incollection{Diewald2008, address = {{Tübingen}}, author = {Diewald, Gabriele}, booktitle = {Konstruktionsgrammatik: {{Von}} der {{Anwendung}} zur {{Theorie}}}, edition = {2., unveränd. 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