@InCollection{ Albert07, title = {{M}ethoden des empirischen {A}rbeitens in der {L}inguistik}, author = {Ruth Albert}, booktitle = {{E}inf{\"u}hrung in die germanistische {L}inguistik}, pages = {15 -- 52}, crossref = {SgL07} } @Article{ Loetscher1981, title = {{A}bfolgeregeln f{\"u}r {E}rg{\"a}nzungen im {M}ittelfeld}, author = {Andreas L{\"o}tscher}, journal = {Deutsche Sprache}, year = {1981}, pages = {44--60}, volume = {9} } @InCollection{ Reis2001, title = {{B}ilden {M}odalverben im {D}eutschen eine syntaktische {K}lasse?}, author = {Marga Reis}, booktitle = {{M}odalit{\"a}t und {M}odalverben im {D}eutschen}, publisher = {Buske}, year = {2001}, address = {Hamburg}, editor = {Reimar M{\"u}ller and Marga Reis}, pages = {287--300} } @Article{ Schaefer2015b, title = {{C}orpus evidence for prototype-driven alternations: the case of {G}erman weak nouns}, author = {Roland Sch{\"a}fer}, journal = {Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory}, year = {2016 aop}, note = {ahead of print}, doi = {10.1515/cllt-2015-0051}, howpublished = {\url{http://www.degruyter.com/view/j/cllt.ahead-of-print/cllt-2015-0051/cllt-2015-0051.xml}} } @Book{ Eisenberg2012, title = {{D}as {F}remdwort im {D}eutschen}, author = {Peter Eisenberg}, publisher = {De Gruyter}, year = {2012}, address = {Berlin, New York}, edition = {2} } @InCollection{ HentschelWeydt1995, title = {{D}as leidige bekommen-{P}assiv}, author = {Elke Hentschel and Harald Weydt}, booktitle = {{D}eutsch als {F}remdsprache. {A}n den {Q}uellen eines {F}aches. {F}estschrift f{\"u}r {G}erhard {H}elbig zum 65.~{G}eburtstag}, publisher = {iudicum}, year = {1995}, address = {M{\"u}nchen}, editor = {Heidrun Popp}, pages = {165--183} } @InProceedings{ Hoehle1986, title = {{D}er {B}egriff {M}ittelfeld. {A}nmerkungen {\"u}ber die {T}heorie der topologischen {F}elder}, author = {Tilman N. 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{Angelika W{\"o}llstein-Leisten and Axel Heilmann and Peter Stepan and Sten Vikner}, publisher = {Stauffenburg}, year = {1997}, address = {T{\"u}bingen} } @Book{ Krech-ea2009, title = {{D}eutsches {A}ussprachew{\"o}rterbuch}, editor = {Eva-Maria Krech and Eberhard Stock and Ursula Hirschfeld and Lutz Christian Anders}, publisher = {De Gruyter}, year = {2009}, address = {Berlin, New York} } @Article{ Thieroff2003, title = {{D}ie {B}edienung des {A}utomatens durch den {M}ensch. {D}eklination der schwachen {M}askulina als {Z}weifelsfall}, author = {Thieroff, Rolf}, journal = {Linguistik Online}, year = {2003}, volume = {16} } @InCollection{ Fabricius2000, title = {{D}ie {G}eheimnisse der deutschen w{\"u}rde-{K}onstruktion}, author = {Cathrine Fabricius-Hansen}, booktitle = {{D}eutsche {G}rammatik in {T}heorie und {P}raxis: {A}us {A}nla{\ss} des 60. {G}eburtstags von {P}eter {E}isenberg am 18. {M}ai 2000}, publisher = {Niemeyer}, year = {2000}, address = {T{\"u}bingen}, editor = {Fuhrhop, Nanna and Thieroff, Rolf and Teuber, Oliver and Tamrat, Matthias}, pages = {83--96} } @Article{ Koepcke1995, title = {{D}ie {K}lassifikation der schwachen {M}askulina in der deutschen {G}egenwartssprache}, author = {K{\"o}pcke, Klaus-Michael}, journal = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Sprachwissenschaft}, year = {1995}, pages = {159--180}, volume = {14} } @Article{ SchaeferSayatz2014, title = {{D}ie {K}urzformen des {I}ndefinitartikels im {D}eutschen}, author = {Roland Sch{\"a}fer and Ulrike Sayatz}, journal = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Sprachwissenschaft}, year = {2014}, number = {2}, volume = {33} } @Article{ Gallmann1996, title = {{D}ie {S}teuerung der {F}lexion in der {DP}}, author = {Peter Gallmann}, journal = {Linguistische Berichte}, year = {1996}, pages = {283--314}, volume = {164} } @Book{ Buchmann2015, title = {{D}ie {W}ortzeichen im {D}eutschen}, author = {Franziska Buchmann}, publisher = {Winter}, year = {2015}, address = {Heidelberg} } @Article{ Primus2008, title = {{D}iese -- etwas vernachl{\"a}ssigte -- pr{\"a}nominale {H}erausstellung}, author = {Beatrice Primus}, journal = {Deutsche Sprache}, year = {2008}, pages = {3–26}, volume = {36} } @Book{ Duden8, title = {{D}uden 04. {D}ie {G}rammatik}, author = {Cathrine Fabricius-Hansen and Peter Gallmann and Peter Eisenberg and Reinhard Fiehler and J{\"o}rg Peters}, publisher = {Bibliographisches Institut}, year = {2009}, address = {Mannheim}, edition = {8} } @Book{ Mangold06, title = {{D}uden 06. {D}as {A}ussprachew{\"o}rterbuch}, author = {Max Mangold}, publisher = {Bibliographisches Institut}, year = {2006}, address = {Mannheim}, edition = {6} } @InCollection{ Wiese2012, title = {{Deklinationsklassen}. {Zur} vergleichenden {Betrachtung} der {Substantivflexion}}, author = {Bernd Wiese}, booktitle = {{Deutsch} im {Sprachvergleich}. {Grammatische} {Kontraste} und {Konvergenzen}}, publisher = {De Gruyter}, year = {2012}, address = {Berlin, New York}, editor = {Lutz Gunkel and Gisela Zifonun}, pages = {187--216} } @Book{ Ternes2012, title = {{E}inf{\"u}hrung in die {P}honologie}, author = {Ternes, Elmar}, publisher = {Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft}, year = {2012}, address = {Darmstadt}, edition = {3} } @Book{ FuhrhopPeters2013, title = {{E}inf{\"u}hrung in die {P}honologie und {G}raphematik}, author = {Nanna Fuhrhop and J{\"o}rg Peters}, publisher = {Metzler}, year = {2013}, address = {Stuttgart} } @Book{ Vater2007, title = {{E}inf{\"u}hrung in die {Z}eit-{L}inguistik}, author = {Heinz Vater}, publisher = {Wissenschaftlicher Verlag}, year = {2007}, address = {Trier}, edition = {4} } @Book{ EgL07, title = {{E}inf{\"u}hrung in die germanistische {L}inguistik}, author = {J{\"o}rg Meibauer and Ulrike Demske and Jochen Geilfu{\ss}-Wolfgang and J{\"u}rgen Pafel and Karl-Heinz Ramers and Monika Rothweiler and Markus Steinbach}, editor = {J{\"o}rg Meibauer}, publisher = {Metzler}, year = {2007}, address = {Stuttgart}, edition = {2} } @Article{ Askedal1991, title = {{E}rsatzinfinitiv\slash {P}artizipersatz und {V}erwandtes}, author = {John Ole Askedal}, journal = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Germanistische Linguistik}, year = {1991}, pages = {1--23}, volume = {19} } @Book{ Kluge02, title = {{E}tymologisches {W}{\"o}rterbuch der deutschen {S}prache}, author = {Friedrich Kluge and Elmar Seebold}, publisher = {De Gruyter}, year = {2002}, address = {Berlin, New York}, edition = {24} } @Book{ ThieroffVogel2009, title = {{F}lexion}, author = {Rolf Thieroff and Petra Maria Vogel}, publisher = {Winter}, year = {2009}, address = {Heidelberg} } @InCollection{ Gallmann1999, title = {{F}ugenmorpheme als {N}icht-{K}asus-{S}uffixe}, author = {Gallmann, Peter}, booktitle = {{V}ariation und {S}tabilit{\"a}t in der {W}ortstruktur}, publisher = {Olms Verlag}, year = {1999}, address = {Hildesheim}, editor = {Matthias Butt and Nanna Fuhrhop}, pages = {177--190} } @Article{ Wegener1986, title = {{G}ibt es im {D}eutschen ein indirektes {O}bjekt?}, author = {Heide Wegener}, journal = {Deutsche Sprache}, year = {1986}, pages = {12--22}, volume = {14} } @Book{ IDS, title = {{G}rammatik der deutschen {S}prache}, author = {Gisela Zifonun and Ludger Hoffmann and Bruno Strecker}, publisher = {De Gruyter}, year = {1997}, address = {Berlin, New York} } @Book{ Mueller10, title = {{G}rammatiktheorie}, author = {Stefan M{\"u}ller}, publisher = {Stauffenburg Verlag}, year = {2013}, address = {T{\"u}bingen}, edition = {2} } @Book{ Mueller2016, author = {Stefan M{\"u}ller}, title = {Grammatical Theory: {From} {Transformational Grammar} to Constraint-Based Approaches}, address = {Berlin}, publisher = {Language Science Press}, doi = {10.17169/langsci.b25.167}, year = {2016} } @Book{ Eisenberg1, title = {{G}rundriss der deutschen {G}rammatik: {D}as {W}ort}, author = {Peter Eisenberg}, publisher = {Metzler}, year = {2013}, address = {Stuttgart}, edition = {4. Auflage, unter Mitarbeit von Nanna Fuhrhop} } @Book{ Eisenberg2, title = {{G}rundriss der deutschen {G}rammatik: {D}er {S}atz}, author = {Peter Eisenberg}, publisher = {Metzler}, year = {2013}, address = {Stuttgart}, edition = {4. Auflage, unter Mitarbeit von Rolf Thieroff} } @Book{ Mueller08, title = {{H}ead-{D}riven {P}hrase {S}turcture {G}rammar: {E}ine {E}inf{\"u}hrung}, author = {Stefan M{\"u}ller}, publisher = {Stauffenburg}, year = {2013}, address = {T{\"u}bingen}, edition = {3} } @Book{ NueblingEa2010, title = {{H}istorische {S}prachwissenschaft des {D}eutschen. {E}ine {E}inf{\"u}hrung in die {P}rinzipien des {S}prachwandels}, author = {Damaris N{\"u}bling and Janet Duke and Renata Szczepaniak}, publisher = {Narr}, year = {2010}, address = {T{\"u}bingen} } @Book{ Bredel2011, title = {{I}nterpunktion}, author = {Ursula Bredel}, publisher = {Winter}, year = {2011}, address = {Heidelberg} } @Article{ Pittner2003, title = {{K}asuskonflikte bei freien {R}elativs{\"a}tzen - {E}ine {K}orpusstudie}, author = {Karin Pittner}, journal = {Deutsche Sprache}, year = {2003}, number = {3}, pages = {193--208}, volume = {31} } @Article{ EisenbergSayatz2002, title = {{K}ategorienhierarchie und {G}enus. {Z}ur {A}bfolge der {D}erivationssuffixe im {D}eutschen}, author = {Peter Eisenberg and Ulrike Sayatz}, journal = {Jahrbuch der Ungarischen Germanistik}, year = {2002}, pages = {137--156} } @Article{ Richter2002, title = {{K}omplexe {P}r{\"a}dikate in resultativen {K}onstruktionen}, author = {Michael Richter}, journal = {Deutsche Sprache}, year = {2002}, number = {3}, pages = {237--251}, volume = {30} } @InCollection{ Gallmann1995, title = {{K}onzepte der {S}ubstantivgro{\ss}schreibung}, author = {Peter Gallmann}, booktitle = {{B}eitr{\"a}ge zur {S}chriftlinguistik. {F}estschrift zum 60.~{G}eburtstag von {P}rof. {D}r. phil. habil. {D}ieter {N}erius}, publisher = {Lang}, year = {1995}, address = {Frankfurt}, editor = {Petra Ewald and Karl-Ernst Sommerfeldt}, pages = {123--138} } @Book{ Perkuhn-ea2012, title = {{K}orpuslinguistik}, author = {Rainer Perkuhn and Holger Keibel and Marc Kupietz}, publisher = {Fink}, year = {2012}, address = {Paderborn} } @Article{ Mueller03, title = {{M}ehrfache {V}orfeldbesetzung}, author = {Stefan M{\"u}ller}, journal = {Deutsche Sprache}, year = {2003}, number = {1}, pages = {29--62}, volume = {31} } @Book{ Demske00, title = {{M}erkmale {U}nd {R}elationen: {D}iachrone {S}tudien {Z}ur {N}ominalphrase {D}es {D}eutschen}, author = {Ulrike Demske}, publisher = {De Gruyter}, year = {2000}, address = {Berlin, New York} } @Book{ Grewendorf02, title = {{M}inimalistische {S}yntax}, author = {G{\"u}nther Grewendorf}, publisher = {Francke}, year = {2002}, address = {T\"ubingen} } @Book{ Katamba06, title = {{M}orphology}, author = {Francis Katamba}, publisher = {Palgrave}, year = {2006}, address = {Houndmills}, edition = {2} } @Book{ NueblingEa2012, title = {{N}amen. {E}ine {E}inf{\"u}hrung in die {O}nomastik}, author = {Damaris N{\"u}bling and Fabian Fahlbusch and Rita Heuser}, publisher = {Narr}, year = {2012}, address = {T{\"u}bingen} } @Article{ Fabricius1993, title = {{N}ominalphrasen mit {Kompositum} als {K}ern}, author = {Cathrine Fabricius-Hansen}, journal = {Beitr{\"a}ge zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprache und Literatur}, year = {1993}, pages = {193--243}, volume = {115} } @Book{ Fuhrhop2015, title = {{O}rthografie}, author = {Fuhrhop, Nanna}, publisher = {Winter}, year = {2015}, address = {Heidelberg}, edition = {2} } @Book{ Wiese10, title = {{P}honetik und {P}honologie}, author = {Richard Wiese}, publisher = {W. Fink}, year = {2010}, address = {Stuttgart} } @Book{ RRKWS09, title = {{P}honetische {T}ranskription des {D}eutschen: {E}in {A}rbeitsbuch}, author = {Beate Rues and Beate Redecker and Evelyn Koch and Uta Wallraff and Adrian P. Simpson}, publisher = {Narr}, year = {2009}, address = {T{\"u}bingen}, edition = {2} } @Book{ Hall00, title = {{P}honologie. {E}ine {E}inf{\"u}hrung}, author = {Tracy Alan Hall}, publisher = {De Gruyter}, year = {2000}, address = {Berlin, New York} } @Article{ Wegener2004, title = {{P}izzas und {P}izzen, die {P}luralformen (un)assimilierter {F}remdw{\"o}rter im {D}eutschen}, author = {Heide Wegener}, journal = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Sprachwissenschaft}, year = {2004}, pages = {47--112}, volume = {23} } @Book{ Laver94, title = {{P}rinciples of Phonetics}, author = {John Laver}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, year = {1994}, address = {Cambridge, MA} } @InCollection{ KoepckeZubin1995, title = {{P}rinzipien f{\"u}r die {G}enuszuweisung im {D}eutschen}, author = {Klaus-Michael K{\"o}pcke and David A. 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{E}in {S}treifzug durch die {S}prache als {A}ntwort auf den {Z}wiebelfisch}, author = {Andr\'e Meinunger}, publisher = {Kulturverlag Kadmos}, year = {2008}, address = {Berlin} } @Book{ Jacobs2005, title = {{S}patien: {Z}um {S}ystem der {G}etrennt- und {Z}usammenschreibung im heutigen {D}eutsch}, author = {Joachim Jacobs}, publisher = {De Gruyter}, year = {2005}, address = {Berlin, New York} } @Article{ Primus1993, title = {{S}prachnorm und {S}prachregularit{\"a}t: {D}as {K}omma im {D}eutschen}, author = {Beatrice Primus}, journal = {Deutsche Sprache}, year = {1993}, pages = {244--263}, volume = {3} } @Book{ Bech1983, title = {{S}tudien {\"u}ber das deutsche verbum infinitum}, author = {Gunnar Bech}, publisher = {Niemeyer}, year = {1983}, address = {T{\"u}bingen}, edition = {2}, note = {Zuerst erschienen 1955} } @Article{ Eisenberg1981, title = {{S}ubstantiv oder {E}igenname? {{\"U}}ber die {P}rinzipien unserer {R}egeln zur {G}ro{\ss} und {K}leinschreibung}, author = {Peter Eisenberg}, journal = {Linguistische Berichte}, year = {1981}, pages = {77--101}, volume = {72} } @Book{ Engel09, title = {{S}yntax der deutschen {G}egenwartssprache}, author = {Ulrich Engel}, publisher = {Erich Schmidt}, year = {2009}, address = {Berlin}, edition = {4} } @Book{ Eroms2000, title = {{S}yntax der deutschen {S}prache}, author = {Hans-Werner Eroms}, publisher = {De Gruyter}, year = {2000}, address = {Berlin, New York} } @Book{ Duerscheid2012, title = {{S}yntax: {G}rundlagen und {T}heorien}, author = {D{\"u}rscheid, Christa}, publisher = {Vandenhoek \& Ruprecht}, year = {2012}, address = {G{\"o}ttingen}, edition = {6} } @Book{ Rothstein2007, title = {{T}empus}, author = {Rothstein, Bj{\"o}rn}, publisher = {Winter}, year = {2007}, address = {Heidelberg} } @Book{ Coulmas1989, title = {{T}he Writing Systems of the World}, author = {Florian Coulmas}, publisher = {Wiley-Blackwell}, year = {1989}, address = {Oxford} } @Article{ Dowty91, title = {{T}hematic proto-roles and argument selection}, author = {Dowty, David}, journal = {Language}, year = {1991}, pages = {547--619}, volume = {67} } @Book{ Woellstein2010, title = {{T}opologisches {S}atzmodell}, author = {Angelika W{\"o}llstein}, publisher = {Winter}, year = {2010}, address = {Heidelberg} } @Article{ Askedal1986, title = {{{\"U}}ber {S}tellungsfelder und {S}atztypen im {D}eutschen}, author = {John Ole Askedal}, journal = {Deutsche Sprache}, year = {1986}, pages = {193--223}, volume = {14} } @Article{ Askedal1988, title = {{{\"U}}ber den {I}nfinitiv als {S}ubjekt im {D}eutschen}, author = {John Ole Askedal}, journal = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Germanistische Linguistik}, year = {1988}, pages = {1--25}, volume = {16} } @Article{ Vogel1997, title = {{U}nflektierte {A}djektive im {D}eutschen. {Z}um {V}erh{\"a}ltnis von semantischer {S}truktur und syntaktischer {F}unktion und ein {V}ergleich mit flektierten {A}djektiven}, author = {Petra Maria Vogel}, journal = {Sprachwissenschaft}, year = {1997}, pages = {479--500}, volume = {22} } @InCollection{ Nuebling2011, title = {{U}nter gro{\ss}em pers{\"o}nlichem oder pers{\"o}nlichen {E}insatz? {D}er sprachliche {Z}weifelsfall adjektivischer {P}arallel- vs. {W}echselflexion als {B}eispiel f{\"u}r aktuellen grammatischen {W}andel}, author = {Damaris N{\"u}bling}, booktitle = {{G}rammatik -- {L}ehren, {L}ernen, {V}erstehen. {Z}ug{\"a}nge zur {G}rammatik des {G}egenwartsdeutschen}, publisher = {De Gruyter}, year = {2011}, address = {Berlin, New York}, editor = {Klaus-Michael K{\"o}pcke and Arne Ziegler}, pages = {175--196} } @Book{ Leirbukt2013, title = {{U}ntersuchungen zum bekommen-{P}assiv im heutigen {D}eutsch}, author = {Oddleif Leirbukt}, publisher = {De Gruyter}, year = {2013}, address = {Berlin, New York}, booktitle = {Das Passiv im Deutschen. 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