@STRING{academicpress={Academic Press} } @STRING{AcadPressAddressLong = {Boston, New York, Orlando, San Diego, Sydney, Tokyo, London}} @STRING{acadpressaddress={New York, et al.} } @STRING{acl = "Association for Computational Linguistics" } @STRING{aix = {Aix-en-Provence} } @STRING{amherst = {Amherst, MA} } @STRING{amsterdam={Amsterdam} } %@STRING{amsterdamphiladelphia={Amsterdam/""Philadelphia} } @STRING{amsterdamphiladelphia={Amsterdam} } @STRING{athens = {Athens} } @STRING{barcelona={Barcelona} } @STRING{bbs={The Behavioral and Brain Sciences} } @STRING{benjamins={John Benjamins Publishing Co.} } @STRING{berlin = {Berlin} } %@STRING{berlinnewyork={Berlin/""New York, NY} } @STRING{berlinnewyork={Berlin} } %@STRING{londonnewyork={London and New York, NY} } @STRING{londonnewyork={London} } %@STRING{berlinheidelbergnewyork={Berlin/""Heidelberg/""New York, NY} } @STRING{berlinheidelbergnewyork={Berlin} } @STRING{bgdsl = "Beitr{\"a}ge zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprache und Literatur" } @STRING{bls = "{Berkeley Linguistic Society}" } @STRING{cls = "Chicago Linguistic Society" } @STRING{boston = {Boston, MA} } @STRING{lncs = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science" } % Verlage: @STRING{buske = {Helmut Buske Verlag} } @STRING{blackwell= {Blackwell Publishing Ltd} } @STRING{cambridgeuk={Cambridge, UK} } @STRING{cambridgeusa={Cambridge, MA} } @STRING{camup = {Cambridge University Press} } @STRING{cup = {Cambridge University Press} } %@STRING{chicago = {Chicago, IL} } @STRING{chicago = {Chicago} } %@STRING{chicagolondon={Chicago, IL/""London} } @STRING{chicagolondon={Chicago} } @STRING{chiup = {Chicago University Press} } @STRING{ucp = {The University of Chicago Press} } @STRING{cl = "Computational Linguistics" } @STRING{cogsciedinburgh={Centre for Cognitive Science, University of Edinburgh} } @STRING{columbusoh={Columbus, OH} } @STRING{csli = "Center for the Study of Language and Information" } @STRING{cslip = "CSLI Publications" } @STRING{daf = "Deutsch als Fremdsprache" } @STRING{dordrecht={Dordrecht} } %@STRING{dordrechtbostonlondon={Dordrecht/""Boston/""London} } @STRING{dordrechtbostonlondon={Dordrecht} } %@STRING{dordrechtcinnaminson ={Dordrecht, Netherlands/""Cinnaminson, U.S.A.}} @STRING{dordrechtcinnaminson ={Dordrecht}} %@STRING{dordrechtprovidence ={Dordrecht, Netherlands/""Providence, U.S.A.}} @STRING{dordrechtprovidence ={Dordrecht}} %@STRING{dordrechtriverton ={Dordrecht, Netherlands/""Riverton, U.S.A.}} @STRING{dordrechtriverton ={Dordrecht}} %@STRING{dordrechtheidelbergnewyorklondon={Dordrecht/""Heidelberg/""New York, NY/""London} } @STRING{dordrechtheidelbergnewyorklondon={Dordrecht} } @STRING{drlav = "Documentation et Recherche en Linguistique Allemande Contemporaine" } @STRING{ds = "Deutsche Sprache" } @STRING{dublin = {Dublin} } @STRING{duesseldorf={D\"usseldorf} } @STRING{dup={d\"usseldorf university press} } @STRING{edinburgh={Edinburgh} } @STRING{edinburghamsterdam={Edinburgh and Amsterdam} } @string{Elsevier = {Elsevier}} @STRING{englewoodcliffs={Englewood Cliffs, NJ} } @STRING{erlbaum={Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers} } @STRING{foris = {Foris Publications} } @STRING{frankfurt={Frankfurt~a.\,M.} } @STRING{gagl = "Groninger Arbeiten zur Germanistischen Linguistik" } @STRING{goettingen={G\"ottingen} } @STRING{groningen={Groningen} } @STRING{hague = {The Hague} } @STRING{hamburg = {Hamburg} } @STRING{heidelberg={Heidelberg} } @STRING{holtrinehartwinston={Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc.} } @STRING{ijal = "International Journal of American Linguistics" } @STRING{jcgl = "Journal of Comparative Germanic Linguistics" } @STRING{jgl = "Journal of Germanic Linguistics" } @STRING{jl = "Journal of Linguistics" } @STRING{jlm = "Journal of Language Modelling" } @STRING{jp = "Journal of Philosophy" } @STRING{karlsruhe={Karlsruhe} } @STRING{kbgl = "Kopenhagener Beitr{\"a}ge zur germanistischen Linguistik" } @STRING{kluwer = {Kluwer Academic Publishers} } @STRING{koeln = {K\"oln} } @STRING{kyoto = {Kyoto} } @STRING{la = "Linguistische Arbeiten" } @STRING{lb = "Linguistische Berichte" } @string{Lilt = "Linguistic Issues in Language Technology"} @STRING{leipzig = {Leipzig} } @STRING{leuven = {Leuven} } @STRING{LFAB = {Language Faculty and Beyond}} @STRING{li = "Linguistic Inquiry" } @STRING{lnai = "Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence" } @STRING{london = {London} } @STRING{lp = "Linguistics and Philosophy" } @STRING{madrid = {Madrid} } @STRING{manchester={Manchester} } @STRING{mannheim= {Mannheim} } @STRING{marseille={Marseille} } @STRING{mitpress= {MIT Press} } @STRING{mitwpl = "MIT Working Papers in Linguistics" } @STRING{mouton = {Mouton} } @STRING{zs = {Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Sprachwissenschaft} } % Mouton was based in The Hague @STRING{moutondegruyter={Mouton de Gruyter} } @STRING{degruyter={de Gruyter} } @STRING{lsp={Language Science Press} } @STRING{muenster= {M\"unster} } @STRING{nantes = {Nantes} } @STRING{narr = {Gunter Narr Verlag} } @STRING{metzler = {Verlag J.\,B.\ Metzler} } @STRING{narrstauffenburg = {\original Gunter Narr Verlag \jetzt Stauffenburg Verlag}} @STRING{stauffenburg = {Stauffenburg Verlag}} @STRING{schwann = {P\"adagogischer Verlag Schwann}} @STRING{newyork = {New York, NY} } @STRING{niemeyer= {Max Niemeyer Verlag} } @STRING{nllt = "Natural Language and Linguistic Theory" } @STRING{opladen = {Opladen} } @STRING{osuwpl = "{OSU Working Papers in Linguistics}" } @STRING{oup = {Oxford University Press} } @STRING{oxford = {Oxford} } @STRING{passau = {Passau} } @STRING{philadelphia={Philadelphia, PA} } % The mother company based in Berlin/New York @STRING{prenticehall={Prentice-Hall} } @STRING{pzl = "Papiere zur Linguistik" } @STRING{reidel = {Reidel} } @STRING{routledge={Routledge} } @STRING{wiley = {John Wiley \& Sons, Inc.} } % New York @STRING{saarbruecken={Saarbr\"ucken} } @STRING{sandiego= {San Diego, CA} } @STRING{sanfrancisco={San Francisco, CA} } @STRING{santacruz={Santa Cruz, CA} } @STRING{sgg = "Studies in Generative Grammar" } @STRING{sil = "Studies in Language" } @STRING{sla = "Stanford Linguistics Association" } @STRING{springer= {Springer Verlag} } @STRING{stanford= {Stanford, CA} } @STRING{stuf = {Sprachtypologie und Universalienforschung}} @STRING{stuttgart={Stuttgart} } @STRING{sydney = {Syndey} } @STRING{tlr={The Linguistic Review} } @STRING{tuebingen={T\"u\-bing\-en} } @STRING{umass = {University of Massachusetts} } @STRING{unik = {Universit\"at K\"oln} } @STRING{unis = {Universit\"at Stuttgart} } @STRING{unisb = {Universit\"at des Saarlandes} } @STRING{lalt = {Linguistik Aktuell/""Linguistics Today}} @STRING{eotms = {Empirically Oriented Theoretical Morphology and Syntax}} % Schools: @STRING{unitue = {Universit\"at T\"ubingen} } @STRING{utrecht = {Utrecht} } % Mouton is now part of Walter de Gruyter (Berlin/New York) @STRING{walterdegruyter={Walter de Gruyter} } @STRING{waltham = {Waltham, MA} } @STRING{wccfl = "West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics" } @STRING{westdeutscher={Westdeutscher Verlag} } @STRING{wuppertal={Wuppertal} } @STRING{ww = "Wirkendes Wort" } @STRING{zas = "Zentrum f{\"u}r Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, Typologie und Universalienforschung" } @STRING{zgl = "Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Germanistische Linguistik" } @STRING{zpsk = "Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Phonetik, Sprachwissenschaft und Kommunikationsforschung" } @STRING{zsw = "Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Sprachwissenschaft" } @PREAMBLE{ "\providecommand{\noopsort}[1]{} \providecommand*{\donothing}[1]{} \providecommand*{\printsecond}[2]{#2}" } @Article{ YF2014a-u, author = {Yang, Chunlei and Dan Flickinger}, journal = {New Technology of Library and Information Service}, number = {3}, pages = {57--64}, title = {{ManGO}: {Grammar} Engineering for Deep Linguistic Processing}, volume = {30}, year = {2014} } @InCollection{ Haugereid2017a-u, author = {Petter Haugereid}, crossref = {RdS2017a-ed}, pages = {97--111}, title = {Increasing Grammar Coverage through Fine-Grained Lexical Distinctions} } @Book{ RdS2017a-ed, booktitle = {The Very Model of a Modern Linguist --- In Honor of {Helge Dyvik}}, doi = {10.15845/bells.v8i1}, editor = {Rosén, Victoria and De Smedt, Koenraad}, number = {8}, publisher = {University of Bergen}, series = {Bergen Language and Linguistics Studies (BeLLS)}, title = {The Very Model of a Modern Linguist --- In Honor of {Helge Dyvik}}, year = {2017} } @InCollection{ Morrill2017a-u, address = {Stockholm}, author = {Glyn Morrill}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Logic and Algorithms in Computational Linguistics 2017, {LACompLing2017, DiVA}}, editor = {Roussanka Loukanova and Kristina Liefke}, pages = {107--131}, publisher = {Stockholm University}, title = {Parsing {Logical Grammar}: {CatLog3}}, year = {2017} } @Article{ MuellerPotentialStructure, author = {Stefan Müller}, journal = {Linguistic Issues in Language Technology}, note = {\toappear}, title = {Complex Predicates: {Structure}, Potential Structure and Underspecification}, year = {2018} } @InCollection{ MuellerCurrentApproaches, author = {Stefan Müller and Antonio {Machicao y Priemer}}, crossref = {KMR2018a-ed}, title = {Mary's Introduction to {HPSG}} } @Article{ MuellerLexicalism, author = {Stefan Müller}, journal = {Language}, number = {1}, pages = {e1--e13}, title = {The End of Lexicalism as We Know It?}, volume = {94}, year = {2018} } @Misc{ Sag2013a, author = {Ivan A. 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Bergen and Nancy Chang}, crossref = {OF2005a-ed}, pages = {147--190}, title = {{Embodied Construction Grammar} in Simulation-Based Language Understanding} } @Book{ Bresnan2001a, address = {Oxford, UK/Cambridge, USA}, author = {Joan Bresnan}, publisher = {Blackwell}, title = {{Lexical-Functional Syntax}}, year = {2001} } @InProceedings{ MOe2013a, address = {Stanford, CA}, author = {Stefan Müller and Bjarne Ørsnes}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {20th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, Freie Universität Berlin}}, editor = {Stefan Müller}, pages = {140--160}, publisher = {CSLI Publications}, title = {Passive in {Danish}, {English}, and {German}}, year = {2013} } @InProceedings{ LK2017a, author = {Timm Lichte and Laura Kallmeyer}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {AAAI 2017 Spring Symposium on Computational Construction Grammar and Natural Language Understanding}}, publisher = {Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence}, series = {Technical Report SS-17-02}, title = {{Tree-Adjoining Grammar}: {A} Tree-based Constructionist Grammar Framework for Natural Language Understanding}, year = {2017} } @Article{ MuellerFCG, author = {Stefan Müller}, doi = {10.1075/cf.9.1.05mul}, journal = {Constructions and Frames}, number = {1}, pages = {139--174}, title = {{Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar}, {Sign-Based Construction Grammar}, and {Fluid Construction Grammar}: {Commonalities} and Differences}, volume = {9}, year = {2017} } @Book{ BATW2015a, address = {Oxford, UK/Cambridge, USA}, author = {Joan Bresnan and Ash Asudeh and Ida Toivonen and Stephen Mark Wechsler}, booktitle = {Lexical-Functional Syntax}, doi = {10.1002/9781119105664}, edition = {2}, isbn = {9781119105664}, publisher = {Blackwell Publishing Ltd}, title = {Lexical-Functional Syntax}, year = {2015} } @InProceedings{ BB2011b-u, author = {Solveig Bosse and Benjamin Bruening}, crossref = {wccfl2011}, pages = {69--77}, title = {Benefactive Versus Experiencer Datives} } @InProceedings{ Toivonen2013a, author = {Ida Toivonen}, crossref = {BK2013a-ed}, pages = {503--523}, title = {English Benefactive {NPs}} } @InCollection{ Crysmann2013a, author = {Berthold Crysmann}, crossref = {WSW2009a-ed}, pages = {369--396}, title = {On the Locality of Complement Clause and Relative Clause Extraposition} } @TechReport{ SAJ88a-u, author = {Yves Schabes and Anne Abeillé and Aravind K. Joshi}, institution = {University of Pennsylvania Department of Computer and Information Science}, number = {MS-CIS-88-65.}, title = {Parsing Strategies with `Lexicalized' Grammars: {Application} to {Tree Adjoining Grammars}}, type = {Technical Report}, year = {1988} } @Misc{ Haider2016b, author = {Hubert Haider}, howpublished = {Ms. Universität Salzburg}, title = {On Predicting Resultative Adjective Constructions}, year = {2016} } @InProceedings{ Kibort2008a, author = {Anna Kibort}, crossref = {BK2008a-ed}, pages = {312--332}, title = {On the Syntax of Ditransitive Constructions} } @Article{ Crysmann2016a, author = {Crysmann, Berthold}, journal = {Journal of Language Modelling}, number = {2}, pages = {463--512}, title = {Representing Morphological Tone in a Computational Grammar of {Hausa}}, volume = {3}, year = {2016} } @InProceedings{ MBS2015a-u, author = {Moeljadi, David and Bond, Francis and Song, Sanghoun}, crossref = {GEAF2015}, pages = {9--16}, title = {Building an {HPSG}-Based {Indonesian} Resource Grammar} } @Book{ MuellerLFGphrasal, address = {Berlin}, author = {Stefan Müller}, note = {\toappear}, publisher = {Language Science Press}, series = {Conceptual Foundations of Language Science}, title = {Phrasal Constructions, Derivational Morphology, Constituent Structure and (Cross-Linguistic) Generalizations: {A} Discussion of Template-Based Phrasal {LFG} Approaches}, url = {http://hpsg.hu-berlin.de/~stefan/Pub/phrasal-lfg.html}, urldate = {2018-03-20}, year = {2018} } @InProceedings{ Alsina96a, author = {Alex Alsina}, crossref = {BK96a-ed}, title = {Resultatives: {A} Joint Operation of Semantic and Syntactic Structures} } @Article{ ADT2013a, author = {Ash Asudeh and Mary Dalrymple and Ida Toivonen}, journal = {Journal of Language Modelling}, number = {1}, pages = {1--54}, title = {Constructions with Lexical Integrity}, volume = {1}, year = {2013} } @InProceedings{ ADT2008a, author = {Ash Asudeh and Mary Dalrymple and Ida Toivonen}, crossref = {BK2008a-ed}, title = {Constructions with Lexical Integrity: {Templates} as the Lexicon-Syntax Interface} } @InCollection{ Moortgat2011a-u, author = {Moortgat, Michael}, crossref = {vBtM2011a-ed}, pages = {95--179}, title = {Categorial Type Logics} } @InCollection{ Stabler2010a, author = {Edward P. Stabler}, crossref = {vBtM2011a-ed}, pages = {395--414}, title = {After {Governement and Binding Theory}} } @Book{ MuellerGT-Eng1, address = {Berlin}, author = {Stefan Müller}, booktitle = {Grammatical Theory: {From} {Transformational Grammar} to Constraint-Based Approaches}, doi = {10.17169/langsci.b25.167}, number = {1}, publisher = {Language Science Press}, series = {Textbooks in Language Sciences}, title = {Grammatical Theory: {From} {Transformational Grammar} to Constraint-Based Approaches}, year = {2016} } @InCollection{ Dowty97a-u, author = {Dowty, David}, booktitle = {Structures and Norms in Science}, editor = {Maria Luisa Dalla Chiara and Kees Doets and Daniele Mundici and Johan Van Benthem}, number = {260}, pages = {347--368}, publisher = {Springer}, series = {Synthese Library}, title = {Non-constituent Coordination, Wrapping, and {Multimodal Categorial Grammars}: {Syntactic} Form as Logical Form}, year = {1997} } @TechReport{ Chang2008a-u, authauthor = {Chang, Nancy}, author = {Chang, Nancy Chih-Lin}, institution = {Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, University of California at Berkeley}, number = {UCB/EECS-2009-24}, title = {Constructing Grammar: {A} Computational Model of the Emergence of Early Constructions}, type = {Technical Report}, year = {2008} } @Book{ Steels2015a-u, address = {Berlin}, author = {Luc Steels}, booktitle = {The {Talking Heads} Experiment: {Origins} of Words and Meanings}, number = {1}, publisher = {Language Science Press}, series = {Computational Models of Language Evolution}, title = {The {Talking Heads} Experiment: {Origins} of Words and Meanings}, year = {2015} } @InCollection{ Joshi85a-u, author = {Joshi, Aravind K.}, booktitle = {Natural Language Parsing}, editor = {David Dowty and Lauri Karttunen and Arnold Zwicky}, pages = {206--250}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, title = {{Tree Adjoining Grammars}: {How} Much Context-Sensitivity is Required to Provide Reasonable Structural Descriptions?}, year = {1985} } @Misc{ Gallmann2003a, author = {Peter Gallmann}, howpublished = {Lecture notes {Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena}}, title = {{Grundlagen der deutschen Grammatik}}, url = {http://www.syntax-theorie.de}, urldate = {2018-02-25}, year = {2003} } @Misc{ FSP2016a, author = {Antonio Fabregas and Tom Stroik and Michael Putnam}, howpublished = {Ms.\ Penn State University}, title = {Is Simplest Merge too simple?}, year = {2016} } @InCollection{ Meurer2009a-u, author = {Meurer, Paul}, crossref = {BGL2009a-ed}, pages = {1--15}, title = {A Computational Grammar for {Georgian}} } @Book{ Starosta88a-u, address = {London}, author = {Stanley Starosta}, publisher = {Pinter Publishers}, series = {Open Linguistics Series}, title = {The Case for {Lexicase}}, year = {1988} } @Misc{ KSF2015a, authauthor = {Paul Kay and Ivan A. Sag and Dan Flickinger}, author = {Paul Kay and Ivan A. Sag and Daniel P. 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Bender}, crossref = {Mueller2008a-ed}, pages = {6--24}, title = {Radical Non-Configurationality without Shuffle Operators: {An} Analysis of {Wambaya}} } @InProceedings{ Bender2008b-u, author = {Bender, Emily M.}, crossref = {acl2008:hlt}, pages = {977--985}, title = {Evaluating a Crosslinguistic Grammar Resource: {A} Case Study of {Wambaya}}, url = {http://aclweb.org/anthology/P08-1111}, urldate = {2018-02-25} } @InCollection{ BS2005a, author = {Bender, Emily M. and Melanie Siegel}, crossref = {IJCNLP2004}, pages = {626--635}, title = {Implementing the Syntax of {Japanese} Numeral Classifiers} } @InCollection{ Berman96a-u, author = {Judith Berman}, crossref = {BF96a-u}, pages = {11--96}, title = {{Eine LFG-Grammatik des Deutschen}} } @InProceedings{ Berman99a, author = {Judith Berman}, crossref = {BK99a-ed}, title = {Does {German} Satisfy the {Subject Condition}?} } @InProceedings{ BC2010a, author = {Felix Bildhauer and Philippa Helen Cook}, crossref = {Mueller2010a-ed}, pages = {68--79}, title = {German Multiple Fronting and Expected Topic-Hood} } @InProceedings{ BGM93a-u, author = {Blackburn, Patrick and Gardent, Claire and Meyer-Viol, Wilfried}, crossref = {eacl93}, pages = {21--29}, title = {Talking about Trees} } @InProceedings{ BH86a-u, author = {Hans-Ulrich Block and Rudolf Hunze}, crossref = {coling86}, pages = {490--493}, title = {Incremental Construction of C- and F-Structure in a {LFG}-Parser} } @Unpublished{ Booij2012a-u, author = {Geert E. 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Kaplan}, crossref = {Bresnan82a-ed}, pages = {xvii--lii}, title = {Introduction: Grammars as Mental Representations of Language} } @InProceedings{ Brew95a, author = {Chris Brew}, crossref = {eacl95}, pages = {83--89}, title = {Stochastic {HPSG}} } @InCollection{ Butt97a, author = {Miriam Butt}, crossref = {ABS97a-ed}, pages = {107--149}, title = {Complex predicates in {Urdu}} } @InProceedings{ BDFK99a-u, author = {Miriam Butt and Stefanie Dipper and Anette Frank and Tracy Holloway King}, crossref = {BK99a-ed}, title = {Writing Large-Scale Parallel Grammars for {English}, {French} and {German}} } @InProceedings{ BHKR2007a-u, author = {Miriam Butt and Tracy Holloway King and Sebastian Roth}, crossref = {BK2007a-ed}, pages = {107--127}, title = {{Urdu} Correlatives: {Theoretical} and Implementational Issues} } @InProceedings{ CKZ88a, author = {Jonathan Calder and Ewan Klein and Henk Zeevat}, crossref = {coling88}, pages = {83--86}, title = {{Unification Categorial Grammar}: {A} Concise, Extendable Grammar for Natural Language Processing}, url = {https://aclanthology.info/pdf/C/C88/C88-1018.pdf}, urldate = {2018-03-20} } @InProceedings{ Candito96a, author = {Marie-Hélène Candito}, crossref = {coling96}, pages = {194--199}, title = {A Principle-Based Hierarchical Representation of {LTAGs}} } @InProceedings{ Candito98a, author = {Marie-Hélène Candito}, crossref = {coling98}, pages = {211--217}, title = {Building Parallel {LTAG} for {French} and {Italian}} } @InCollection{ CT88a, author = {Gregory N. Carlson and Michael K. Tanenhaus}, crossref = {Wilkins88a-ed}, pages = {263--289}, title = {Thematic Roles and Language Comprehension} } @InProceedings{ CP96, author = {Bob Carpenter and Gerald Penn}, crossref = {BT96a-ed}, pages = {145--168}, title = {Efficient Parsing of Compiled Typed Attribute Value Logic Grammars} } @InProceedings{ Chaves2009a, author = {Rui P. 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Miller}, booktitle = {Handbook of Mathematical Psychology}, crossref = {LBG63a-ed}, pages = {269--321}, title = {Introduction to the Formal Analysis of Natural Languages}, volume = {2} } @InCollection{ Cinque94a-u, author = {Guglielmo Cinque}, crossref = {CKPRZ94a-ed}, pages = {85--110}, title = {On the Evidence for Partial {N} Movement in the {Romance DP}} } @InProceedings{ CK2001a-u, author = {Lionel Cl\'{e}ment and Kinyon, Alexandra}, crossref = {BK2001a-ed}, title = {{XLFG}---{An} {LFG} Parsing Scheme for {French}} } @InProceedings{ CK2003a-u, author = {Lionel Cl\'{e}ment and Kinyon, Alexandra}, crossref = {acl2003}, pages = {184--191}, title = {Generating Parallel Multilingual {LFG-TAG} Grammars from a {MetaGrammar}} } @InProceedings{ CHS2002a-u, author = {Stephen Clark and Julia Hockenmaier and Mark J. Steedman}, crossref = {acl2002}, pages = {327--334}, title = {Building Deep Dependency Structures with a Wide-Coverage {CCG} Parser}, url = {http://aclweb.org/anthology/P02-1042}, urldate = {2018-02-25} } @InProceedings{ Correra87a, author = {Nelson Correa}, crossref = {acl87}, pages = {45--51}, title = {An {Attribute-Grammar} Implementation of {Government-Binding Theory}} } @InProceedings{ CZ2009a-u, author = {Bart Cramer and Yi Zhang}, crossref = {acl2009:geaf}, pages = {37--45}, title = {Construction of a {German} {HPSG} Grammar from a Detailed Treebank} } @InCollection{ Croft2003a, author = {William Croft}, crossref = {CBDP2003a-ed}, pages = {49--68}, title = {Lexical Rules vs.\ Constructions: {A} False Dichotomy} } @InProceedings{ Crysmann2003c, author = {Berthold Crysmann}, crossref = {FG2003}, pages = {47--62}, title = {An Asymmetric Theory of Peripheral Sharing in {HPSG}: Conjunction Reduction and Coordination of Unlikes} } @InCollection{ Crysmann2004a, author = {Berthold Crysmann}, crossref = {Mueller2004a-ed}, pages = {378--392}, title = {Underspecification of Intersective Modifier Attachment: {Some} Arguments from {German}} } @InProceedings{ Crysmann2005c, author = {Berthold Crysmann}, crossref = {Mueller2005a-ed}, pages = {91--107}, title = {Syncretism in {German}: {A} Unified Approach to Underspecification, Indeterminacy, and Likeness of Case} } @InProceedings{ Crysmann2009a-u, author = {Crysmann, Berthold}, crossref = {acl2009:geaf}, pages = {28--36}, title = {Autosegmental Representations in an {HPSG} of {Hausa}} } @InCollection{ DS91a, author = {Jochen Dörre and Roland Seiffert}, crossref = {HR91a-ed}, pages = {29--38}, title = {A Formalism for Natural Language --- {STUF}} } @InCollection{ Dalrymple2006a, author = {Mary Dalrymple}, crossref = {Brown2006a-ed}, pages = {82--94}, title = {{Lexical Functional Grammar}} } @InProceedings{ DKK2004a, author = {Mary Dalrymple and Ronald M. 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Dowty}, crossref = {CPT89a-ed}, pages = {69--130}, title = {On the Semantic Content of the Notion `Thematic Role'} } @InProceedings{ ED86a-u, author = {Andreas Eisele and Jochen Dorre}, crossref = {coling86}, pages = {551--553}, title = {A {Lexical Functional Grammar} System in {Prolog}} } @InCollection{ Eisenberg92b, author = {Peter Eisenberg}, crossref = {Suchsland92a-ed}, pages = {371--378}, title = {{Platos Problem und die Lernbarkeit der Syntax}} } @InCollection{ Eisenberg94b, author = {Peter Eisenberg}, crossref = {KvdA94a-ed}, pages = {349--387}, title = {{German}} } @InProceedings{ EdSB96a, author = {Louisette Emirkanian and Lyne {Da Sylva} and Lorne H. Bouchard}, crossref = {coling96}, pages = {1024--1027}, title = {The Implementation of a Computational Grammar of {French} Using the {Grammar Development Environment}} } @InProceedings{ Erbach95a, author = {Gregor Erbach}, crossref = {eacl95}, identical = {claus42}, pages = {180--187}, title = {{ProFIT}: Prolog with Features, Inheritance and Templates}, year = {1995} } @InCollection{ Eroms87b-u, author = {Hans-Werner Eroms}, crossref = {CRLG87}, pages = {73--95}, title = {{Passiv und Passivfunktionen im Rahmen einer Dependenzgrammatik}} } @InProceedings{ FK2007a-u, author = {Fang, Ji and King, Tracy Holloway}, crossref = {geaf2007}, pages = {144--160}, title = {An {LFG} {Chinese} Grammar for Machine Use} } @InCollection{ Fanselow2000a, author = {Gisbert Fanselow}, crossref = {BR2000a-ed}, pages = {63--77}, title = {Does Constituent Length Predict {German} Word Order in the {Middle Field}?} } @InCollection{ Fanselow2000b, author = {Gisbert Fanselow}, crossref = {SW2000a-ed}, pages = {173--209}, title = {Optimal Exceptions} } @InCollection{ Fanselow2002a, author = {Gisbert Fanselow}, crossref = {AABG2002a-ed}, pages = {91--127}, title = {Against Remnant {VP}-Movement} } @InCollection{ Fanselow90, author = {Gisbert Fanselow}, crossref = {GS90a-ed}, pages = {113--140}, title = {Scrambling as {NP}-Movement} } @InCollection{ Fanselow92, author = {Gisbert Fanselow}, crossref = {Hoffmann92a-ed}, pages = {276--303}, title = {{"`Ergative"' Verben und die Struktur des deutschen Mittelfelds}} } @InCollection{ Fanselow92b, author = {Gisbert Fanselow}, crossref = {Suchsland92a-ed}, pages = {335--356}, title = {{Zur biologischen Autonomie der Grammatik}} } @InProceedings{ Fillmore88a, author = {Charles J. Fillmore}, crossref = {BLS14}, pages = {35--55}, read = {1}, title = {The Mechanisms of ``{Construction Grammar}''} } @InCollection{ Fillmore99a, author = {Charles J. Fillmore}, crossref = {WKK99a-ed}, pages = {113--128}, title = {Inversion and {Constructional} Inheritance} } @InProceedings{ FK96a, author = {Ingrid Fischer and Martina Keil}, crossref = {coling96}, pages = {388--393}, title = {Parsing Decomposable Idioms} } @InCollection{ Fitch2010a, author = {W. Tecumseh Fitch}, crossref = {LDY2010a-ed}, pages = {73--90}, title = {Three Meanings of ``Recursion'': Key Distinctions for Biolinguistics} } @Article{ Flickinger2000a, authauthor = {Dan Flickinger}, author = {Daniel P. Flickinger}, crossref = {FOUT2000a-ed}, pages = {15--28}, title = {On Building a More Efficient Grammar by Exploiting Types} } @InProceedings{ Flickinger2008a, authauthor = {Dan Flickinger}, author = {Daniel P. Flickinger}, crossref = {Mueller2008a-ed}, pages = {87--94}, title = {Transparent Heads}, url = {http://csli-publications.stanford.edu/HPSG/2008/abstr-flickinger.shtml}, urldate = {2018-02-25} } @InProceedings{ FB2003a, authauthor = {Dan Flickinger and Emily M. Bender}, author = {Daniel P. Flickinger and Emily M. Bender}, crossref = {BFFS2003a-ed}, pages = {33--42}, title = {Compositional Semantics in a Multilingual Grammar Resource} } @InCollection{ FCS2000a, authauthor = {Dan Flickinger and Ann Copestake and Ivan A. Sag}, author = {Daniel P. Flickinger and Ann Copestake and Ivan A. Sag}, crossref = {Wahlster2000a-ed}, pages = {254--263}, title = {{HPSG} Analysis of {English}} } @InProceedings{ FPW85a, authauthor = {Dan Flickinger and Carl J. Pollard and Thomas Wasow}, author = {Daniel P. Flickinger and Carl J. Pollard and Thomas Wasow}, crossref = {acl85}, pages = {262--267}, title = {Structure-Sharing in Lexical Representation} } @InProceedings{ FPB09a-u, author = {Antske Fokkens and Laurie Poulson and Emily M. 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Goldberg}, crossref = {FM2003a-ed}, pages = {117--146}, title = {Words by Default: {The} {Persian Complex Predicate Construction}} } @InCollection{ Green-Grammar-Growth, author = {Georgia M. 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Höhle}, crossref = {Abraham82a-ed}, note = {Republished as \citew{Hoehle2015Explikation}}, pages = {75--153}, title = {{Explikationen für "`normale Betonung"' und "`normale Wortstellung"'}} } @InProceedings{ Hoehle86, author = {Tilman N. Höhle}, crossref = {WWR86a-ed}, note = {Republished as \citew{HoehleMittelfeld}}, pages = {329--340}, title = {{Der Begriff "`Mittelfeld"': Anmerkungen über die Theorie der topologischen Felder}} } @InCollection{ HoehleMittelfeld, author = {Tilman N. Höhle}, crossref = {MRR2018a-ed}, note = {First published as \citew{Hoehle86}}, title = {{Der Begriff "`Mittelfeld"': Anmerkungen über die Theorie der topologischen Felder}} } @InCollection{ Hoehle97a, author = {Tilman N. Höhle}, crossref = {DRS97a-ed}, note = {Republished as \citew{HoehleKomplementierer}}, pages = {107--120}, title = {{Vorangestellte Verben und Komplementierer sind eine natürliche Klasse}} } @InCollection{ HoehleKomplementierer, author = {Tilman N. Höhle}, crossref = {MRR2018a-ed}, note = {First published as \citew{Hoehle97a}}, title = {{Vorangestellte Verben und Komplementierer sind eine natürliche Klasse}} } @InCollection{ Haftka96a, author = {Brigitta Haftka}, crossref = {LZ96a-ed}, pages = {121--141}, title = {{Deutsch ist eine V/2-Sprache mit Verbendstellung und freier Wortfolge}} } @InCollection{ Haider85, author = {Hubert Haider}, crossref = {Abraham85a-ed}, pages = {223--254}, title = {{Über \emph{sein} oder nicht \emph{sein}: Zur Grammatik des Pronomens \emph{sich}}} } @InCollection{ Haider85b, author = {Hubert Haider}, crossref = {Toman85a-ed}, pages = {23--64}, title = {The Case of {German}} } @InCollection{ Haider90a, author = {Hubert Haider}, crossref = {GS90a-ed}, pages = {93--112}, title = {Topicalization and other Puzzles of {German} Syntax} } @InCollection{ Haider90b, author = {Hubert Haider}, crossref = {FF90}, pages = {121--143}, title = {{Pro-bleme?}} } @InCollection{ Haider97a, author = {Hubert Haider}, crossref = {AvG97}, pages = {83--103}, title = {Projective Economy: {On} the Minimal Functional Structure of the {German} Clause} } @InCollection{ Haider97c, author = {Hubert Haider}, crossref = {AH97a-ed}, pages = {17--33}, title = {Typological Implications of a Directionality Constraint on Projections} } @InCollection{ Haider99a, author = {Hubert Haider}, crossref = {Reuland99a-ed}, pages = {31--55}, title = {The License to License: {Structural} Case plus Economy Yields {Burzio's Generalization}} } @InCollection{ HK93a-u, author = {Kenneth Hale and Samuel Jay Keyser}, crossref = {HK93a-ed}, pages = {53--109}, title = {On Argument Structure and the Lexical Expression of Syntactic Relations} } @InCollection{ HK97a-u, author = {Kenneth Hale and Samuel Jay Keyser}, crossref = {ABS97a-ed}, pages = {29--65}, title = {On the Complex Nature of Simple Predicators} } @InCollection{ Haugereid2007a, author = {Petter Haugereid}, crossref = {Mueller2007a-ed}, pages = {120--129}, title = {Decomposed Phrasal Constructions} } @InCollection{ HM94a, author = {Wolfgang Heinz and Johannes Matiasek}, crossref = {NNP94}, pages = {199--236}, title = {Argument Structure and Case Assignment in {German}} } @InProceedings{ Hellan2007a-u, author = {Hellan, Lars}, crossref = {geaf2007}, pages = {161--181}, title = {On `Deep Evaluation' for Individual Computational Grammars and for Cross-Framework Comparison} } @InCollection{ Hellan86a, author = {Lars Hellan}, crossref = {MR86a-ed}, pages = {89--122}, title = {The Headedness of {NPs} in {Norwegian}} } @InProceedings{ HH2004a-u, author = {Hellan, Lars and Petter Haugereid}, crossref = {BFFS2003a-ed}, title = {NorSource -- {An} Excercise in the {Matrix Grammar} Building Design} } @InProceedings{ Hellwig86a-u, author = {Peter Hellwig}, crossref = {coling86}, pages = {195-198}, title = {{Dependency Unification Grammar}} } @InCollection{ HN94a, author = {Erhard W. 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Kaplan and Joan Bresnan}, crossref = {Bresnan82a-ed}, note = {\reprintin \citew[\page 29--130]{DKMZ95a-ed}}, pages = {173--281}, title = {{Lexical-Functional Grammar}: {A} Formal System for Grammatical Representation} } @InCollection{ KZ89a, author = {Ronald M. Kaplan and Annie Zaenen}, crossref = {BK89a-ed}, pages = {17--42}, title = {Long-Distance Dependencies, Constituent Structure and Functional Uncertainty} } @InCollection{ Karlsson90a-u, author = {Karlsson, Fred}, crossref = {coling90}, pages = {168--173}, title = {{Constraint Grammar} as a Framework for Parsing Running Text} } @InCollection{ Karttunen89a-u, author = {Karttunen, Lauri}, crossref = {BK89a-ed}, pages = {43--65}, title = {Radical Lexicalism} } @InCollection{ Kasper94a, author = {Robert T. Kasper}, crossref = {NNP94}, pages = {39--70}, title = {Adjuncts in the {Mittelfeld}} } @InProceedings{ KKNV95a, author = {Robert T. Kasper and Bernd Kiefer and Klaus Netter and K. Vijay-Shanker}, crossref = {acl95}, pages = {92--99}, title = {Compilation of {HPSG} to {TAG}} } @InProceedings{ KP95a, author = {Andreas Kathol and Carl J. Pollard}, crossref = {acl95}, pages = {174--180}, title = {Extraposition via Complex Domain Formation} } @InProceedings{ KP2007a, author = {Tobias Kaufmann and Beat Pfister}, crossref = {Mueller2007a-ed}, pages = {150--162}, title = {Applying Licenser Rules to a Grammar with Continuous Constituents} } @InProceedings{ KP2008a-u, author = {Tobias Kaufmann and Beat Pfister}, crossref = {acl2008:hlt}, pages = {106--113}, title = {Applying a Grammar-based Language Model to a Broadcast-News Transcription Task}, url = {http://www.aclweb.org/anthology/P08-1013}, urldate = {2018-02-25} } @InProceedings{ Kayne2011a, author = {Richard S. 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Kroch}, crossref = {Manaster-Ramer87a-ed}, pages = {143--172}, title = {Unbounded Dependencies and Subjacency in a {Tree Adjoining Grammar}} } @InCollection{ KrochJoshi87a-u, author = {Anthony S. Kroch and Aravind K. Joshi}, crossref = {HO87a-ed}, pages = {107--149}, title = {Analyzing Extraposition in a {Tree Adjoining Grammar}} } @InProceedings{ KDHB2007a, author = {Mary Esther {Kropp Dakubu} and Lars Hellan and Dorothee Beermann}, crossref = {Mueller2007a-ed}, pages = {99--119}, title = {Verb Sequencing Constraints in {Ga}: {Serial} Verb Constructions and the Extended Verb Complex} } @InProceedings{ Kuhn96a, author = {Jonas Kuhn}, crossref = {coling96}, pages = {670--675}, title = {An Underspecified {HPSG} Representation for Information Structure} } @InProceedings{ Kuhns86a, author = {Kuhns, Robert J.}, crossref = {acl86}, pages = {546--550}, title = {A {PROLOG} Implementation of {Government-Binding Theory}} } @InCollection{ Langacker2000a, author = {Ronald W. 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Levine and Walt Detmar Meurers}, crossref = {Brown2006a-ed}, pages = {237--252}, title = {{Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar}: {Linguistic} Approach, Formal Foundations, and Computational Realization}, year = {2006} } @InCollection{ GMueller2011a, author = {Gereon Müller}, crossref = {EHP2011a-ed}, pages = {211--249}, title = {{Regeln oder Konstruktionen? Von verblosen Direktiven zur sequentiellen Nominalreduplikation}} } @InCollection{ GMueller96b, author = {Gereon Müller}, crossref = {LP96a-ed}, pages = {213--243}, title = {On Extraposition and Successive Cyclycity} } @InProceedings{ Mueller2002c, address = {Trento}, author = {Stefan Müller}, booktitle = {Proceedings of {Formal Grammar 2002}}, crossref = {FG2002}, editor = {Gerhard Jäger and Paola Monachesi and Gerald Penn and Shuly Wintner}, pages = {113--124}, title = {Multiple Frontings in {German}}, year = {2002} } @InCollection{ Mueller2002d, author = {Stefan Müller}, crossref = {DJMU2002a-ed}, pages = {119--139}, title = {Syntax or Morphology: {German} Particle Verbs Revisited} } @InCollection{ Mueller2004c, address = {Stanford, CA}, author = {Stefan Müller}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {11th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, Center for Computational Linguistics, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven}}, editor = {Stefan Müller}, pages = {202--222}, publisher = {CSLI Publications}, title = {An Analysis of Depictive Secondary Predicates in {German} without Discontinuous Constituents}, year = {2004} } @InProceedings{ Mueller96a, address = {Copenhagen, Denmark}, author = {Stefan Müller}, booktitle = {Proceedings of {COLING-96: 16th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING96). Copenhagen, Denmark, August} 5--9, 1996}, editor = {{Jun-ichi} Tsuji}, pages = {800--805}, publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics}, title = {Yet another Paper about Partial Verb Phrase Fronting in {German}}, year = {1996} } @InCollection{ MuellerHPSGHandbook, address = {Berlin}, author = {Stefan Müller}, booktitle = {Syntax -- {Theory} and Analysis: {An} International Handbook}, edition = {2}, editor = {Tibor Kiss and Artemis Alexiadou}, number = {42.2}, pages = {937--973}, publisher = {Walter de Gruyter}, series = {Handbooks of Linguistics and Communication Science}, title = {{HPSG} -- {A} Synopsis}, year = {2015} } @InCollection{ Meurers99a, author = {Walt Detmar Meurers}, crossref = {WKK99a-ed}, pages = {129--144}, title = {German Partial-{VP} Fronting Revisited}, year = {1999} } @InProceedings{ MdKM2003a, author = {Walt Detmar Meurers and Kordula {De Kuthy} and Vanessa Metcalf}, crossref = {BFFS2003a-ed}, pages = {83--90}, title = {Modularity of Grammatical Constraints in {HPSG}-Based Grammar Implementations}, url = {http://www.sfs.uni-tuebingen.de/~dm/papers/meurers-dekuthy-metcalf-03.html}, urldate = {2008-02-22} } @InCollection{ MM2009a, author = {Walt Detmar Meurers and Stefan Müller}, chapter = {42}, crossref = {LK2009a-ed}, pages = {920--933}, title = {Corpora and Syntax} } @InProceedings{ MPR2002a-u, author = {Walt Detmar Meurers and Gerald Penn and Frank Richter}, crossref = {radev:brew:02}, pages = {18--25}, title = {A Web-Based Instructional Platform for Constraint"=Based Grammar Formalisms and Parsing} } @InCollection{ Michaelis2006a, author = {Laura A. Michaelis}, crossref = {Brown2006a-ed}, pages = {73--84}, title = {{Construction Grammar}}, year = {2006} } @InCollection{ MNT2005a-u, author = {Miyao, Yusuke and Takashi Ninomiya and Jun'ichi Tsujii}, crossref = {IJCNLP2004}, pages = {684--693}, title = {Corpus-oriented Grammar Development for Acquiring a {Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar} from the {Penn Treebank}} } @InProceedings{ MCKRZ89a-u, author = {Marc Moens and Jo Calder and Ewan Klein and Mike Reape and Henk Zeevat}, crossref = {eacl89}, pages = {174--181}, title = {Expressing Generalizations in Unification-Based Grammar Formalisms} } @InCollection{ Monachesi98a, author = {Paola Monachesi}, crossref = {HKN98a-ed}, pages = {313--368}, title = {{Italian} Restructuring Verbs: {A} Lexical Analysis} } @InProceedings{ Netter92, author = {Klaus Netter}, crossref = {Goerz92a-ed}, pages = {218--227}, title = {On Non-Head Non-Movement: {An} {HPSG} Treatment of Finite Verb Position in {German}} } @InCollection{ Netter94, author = {Klaus Netter}, crossref = {NNP94}, pages = {297--340}, title = {Towards a Theory of Functional Heads: {German} Nominal Phrases} } @InProceedings{ NP2004a, author = {Anne Neville and Patrizia Paggio}, crossref = {FG2001}, pages = {246--259}, title = {Developing a {Danish} Grammar in the {GRASP} Project: {A} Construction-Based Approach to Topology and Extraction in {Danish}} } @InCollection{ Noonan94a, address = {Amsterdam}, author = {Michael Noonan}, booktitle = {Voice: Form and Function}, crossref = {FH94a-ed}, editor = {Barbara Fox and Paul J. Hopper}, number = {27}, pages = {279--311}, publisher = {John Benjamins Publishing Co.}, series = {Typological Studies in Language}, title = {A Tale of Two Passives in {Irish}} } @InProceedings{ NB94, author = {van Noord, Gertjan and Gosse Bouma}, crossref = {coling94}, pages = {250--256}, title = {The Scope of Adjuncts and the Processing of Lexical Rules} } @InCollection{ Pafel93b-u, author = {Jürgen Pafel}, crossref = {dABLPT93a-ed}, pages = {191--245}, title = {{Ein Überblick über die Extraktion aus Nominalphrasen im Deutschen}} } @InProceedings{ Penn2004a-u, author = {Penn, Gerald}, crossref = {acl2004}, pages = {239--246}, title = {Balancing Clarity and Efficiency in Typed Feature Logic Through Delaying} } @InCollection{ Pollard88a, author = {Carl J. Pollard}, crossref = {OBW88a-ed}, pages = {391--415}, title = {{Categorial Grammar} and {Phrase Structure Grammar}: {An} Excursion on the Syntax-Semantics Frontier} } @InCollection{ Pollard94a, author = {Carl J. Pollard}, crossref = {NNP94}, pages = {273--296}, title = {Toward a Unified Account of Passive in {German}} } @InCollection{ Pollard99a, author = {Carl J. Pollard}, crossref = {WKK99a-ed}, pages = {281--298}, title = {Strong Generative Capacity in {HPSG}} } @InCollection{ Pollard90a-Eng, author = {Carl J. Pollard}, crossref = {BvH96a-ed}, note = {Published version of a Ms. dated January 1990}, pages = {279--305}, title = {On Head Non-Movement}, year = {1996} } @InCollection{ Prze99, author = {Adam Przepiórkowski}, crossref = {WKK99a-ed}, pages = {231--245}, title = {On Case Assignment and ``Adjuncts as Complements''}, year = {1999} } @InProceedings{ Pullum2007a, author = {Pullum, Geoffrey K.}, crossref = {RK2007a-ed}, pages = {1--10}, title = {The Evolution of Model-Theoretic Frameworks in Linguistics} } @InCollection{ Pullum77a, author = {Geoffrey K. 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Pulman}, crossref = {eacl85}, pages = {128--135}, title = {A Parser That Doesn't} } @InCollection{ PCShandbookCxG, author = {Friedemann Pulvermüller and Bert Cappelle and Yury Shtyrov}, crossref = {HandbookCxG}, pages = {397--416}, title = {Brain Basis of Meaning, Words, Constructions, and Grammar} } @InCollection{ Reape94a, author = {Mike Reape}, crossref = {NNP94}, pages = {151--198}, title = {Domain Union and Word Order Variation in {German}} } @InCollection{ Reis82, author = {Marga Reis}, crossref = {Abraham82a-ed}, pages = {171--211}, title = {{Zum Subjektbegriff im Deutschen}} } @InProceedings{ Resnik92a, author = {Philip Resnik}, crossref = {coling92}, pages = {418--424}, title = {Probabilistic {Tree-Adjoining Grammar} as a Framework for Statistical Natural Language Processing} } @InProceedings{ Richter2007a, author = {Frank Richter}, crossref = {RK2007a-ed}, pages = {101--110}, title = {Closer to the Truth: {A} New Model Theory for {HPSG}} } @InProceedings{ RS2009a, author = {Frank Richter and Manfred Sailer}, crossref = {Mueller2009a-ed}, pages = {297--317}, title = {Phraseological Clauses as {Constructions} in {HPSG}} } @InProceedings{ RS99a, author = {Frank Richter and Manfred Sailer}, crossref = {Kordoni99a-ed}, pages = {116--154}, title = {Lexicalizing the Left Periphery of {German} Finite Sentences} } @InProceedings{ RS99b-u, author = {Frank Richter and Manfred Sailer}, crossref = {Kordoni99a-ed}, pages = {231--300}, title = {A Lexicalist Collocation Analysis of Sentential Negation in {French}} } @InProceedings{ RKKCMJ2002a-u, author = {Riezler, Stefan and Tracy Holloway King and Ronald M. Kaplan and Richard Crouch and John T. {Maxwell III} and Mark Johnson}, crossref = {acl2002}, pages = {271--278}, title = {Parsing the {Wall Street Journal} using a {Lexical-Functional Grammar} and Discriminative Estimation Techniques} } @InCollection{ Rizzi82b, author = {Luigi Rizzi}, crossref = {Rizzi82a-ed}, pages = {49--76}, title = {Violations of the \emph{wh} Island Constraint and the {Subjacency Condition}} } @InCollection{ Rohrer96a, author = {Christian Rohrer}, crossref = {HB96a-ed}, pages = {89--108}, title = {{Fakultativ kohärente Infinitkonstruktionen im Deutschen und deren Behandlung in der Lexikalisch Funktionalen Grammatik}} } @InCollection{ Sag2007a, author = {Ivan A. Sag}, crossref = {Mueller2007a-ed}, pages = {394--414}, title = {Remarks on Locality} } @InCollection{ Sag2012a, author = {Ivan A. Sag}, crossref = {BS2012a-ed}, pages = {69--202}, read = {1}, title = {{Sign-Based Construction Grammar}: {An} Informal Synopsis} } @InCollection{ SW2011a, author = {Ivan A. Sag and Thomas Wasow}, crossref = {BB2011a}, pages = {359--377}, title = {Performance-Compatible Competence Grammar} } @InProceedings{ SJ96a, author = {Sarkar, Anoop and Joshi, Aravind K.}, crossref = {coling96}, pages = {610--615}, title = {Coordination in {Tree Adjoining Grammars}: Formalization and Implementation} } @InProceedings{ STRD96a-u, author = {Paul Schmidt and Axel Theofilidis and Sibylle Rieder and Thierry Declerck}, crossref = {coling96}, doi = {10.3115/992628.992679}, pages = {286--291}, title = {Lean Formalisms, Linguistic Theory, and Applications: Grammar Development in {ALEP}} } @InCollection{ Siegel2000a, author = {Melanie Siegel}, crossref = {Wahlster2000a-ed}, pages = {264--279}, title = {{HPSG} Analysis of {Japanese}} } @Book{ SBB2016a, address = {Stanford, CA}, author = {Siegel, Melanie and Bender, Emily M. and Bond, Francis}, publisher = {CSLI Publications}, series = {CSLI Studies in Computational Linguistics}, title = {Jacy: {An} Implemented Grammar of {Japanese}}, year = {2016} } @InCollection{ Simpson2003a, author = {Jane Simpson}, crossref = {HSB2003a-ed}, pages = {69--106}, title = {Depictives in {English} and {Warlpiri}} } @InCollection{ Simpson2005a, author = {Jane Simpson}, crossref = {BHK2005a-ed}, pages = {149--161}, title = {Resultatives} } @InCollection{ Simpson83a, author = {Jane Simpson}, crossref = {LRZ83a-ed}, note = {\reprint \citew{Simpson2005a}}, pages = {143--157}, title = {Resultatives} } @InProceedings{ SS2003a, author = {Soehn, Jan-Philipp and Sailer, Manfred}, crossref = {FG2003}, pages = {149--161}, title = {At First Blush on Tenterhooks: {About} Selectional Restrictions Imposed by Nonheads}, url = {http://csli-publications.stanford.edu/FG/2003/soehn.pdf}, urldate = {2018-02-25} } @InCollection{ Stabler2010b, author = {Edward P. 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{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} 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Slobin and Karl Zimmer}, number = {8}, publisher = {John Benjamins Publishing Co.}, series = {Typological Studies in Language}, title = {Studies in {Turkish} Linguistics}, year = {1986} } @Book{ Vulchanova2005, address = {Oslo, Norway}, author = {Mila Vulchanova and Tor {\r{A}}farli}, booktitle = {Grammar and Beyond---{Essays} in Honour of {Lars Hellan}}, publisher = {Novus Press}, title = {Grammar and Beyond---{Essays} in Honour of {Lars Hellan}}, year = {2005} } @TechReport{ BC2008a-u, author = {Ant\'onio Branco and Francisco Costa}, institution = {Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ci\^encias, Departamento de Inform\'atica}, number = {TR-2008-17}, title = {A Computational Grammar for Deep Linguistic Processing of {Portuguese: LXGram}, version {A.4.1}}, year = {2008} } @Book{ BKNS99a-ed, address = {Stanford, CA}, author = {Miriam Butt and Tracy Holloway King and María-Eugenia Niño and Frédérique Segond}, number = {95}, publisher = {CSLI Publications}, series = {CSLI Lecture Notes}, title = {A Grammar Writer's Cookbook}, year = {1999} } @Book{ dABLPT93a-ed, address = {Tübingen}, booktitle = {{Extraktion im Deutschen I}}, editor = {Franz-Josef d'Avis and Sigrid Beck and Uli Lutz and Jürgen Pafel and Susanne Trissler}, number = {\Nr 34}, publisher = {Eberhard-Karls-Uni\-ver\-si\-tät Tübingen}, series = {Arbeitspapiere des SFB 340}, title = {{Extraktion im Deutschen I}}, year = {1993} } @Book{ dAL97a-ed, address = {Tübingen}, booktitle = {{Zur Satzstruktur im Deutschen}}, editor = {Franz-Josef d'Avis and Uli Lutz}, number = {\Nr 90}, publisher = {Eberhard-Karls-Uni\-ver\-si\-tät Tübingen}, series = {Arbeitspapiere des SFB 340}, title = {{Zur Satzstruktur im Deutschen}}, year = {1997} } @Book{ vdHulst2010a-ed, address = {Berlin}, booktitle = {Recursion in Human Language}, editor = {Harry {van der Hulst}}, number = {104}, publisher = {Mouton de Gruyter}, series = {Studies in Generative Grammar}, title = {Recursion in Human Language}, year = {2010} } @Book{ OF2005a-ed, address = {Amsterdam}, booktitle = {{Construction Grammars}: {Cognitive} Grounding and Theoretical Extensions}, editor = {Jan-Ola Östman and Mirjam Fried}, publisher = {John Benjamins Publishing Co.}, title = {{Construction Grammars}: {Cognitive} Grounding and Theoretical Extensions}, year = {2005} } @Book{ AEEHHL2006a-ed, address = {Berlin}, booktitle = {{Dependenz und Valenz} / {Dependency} and Valency: {Ein internationales Handbuch der zeitgenössischen Forschung} / {An} International Handbook of Contemporary Research}, editor = {Ágel, Vilmos and Eichinger, Ludwig M. and Eroms, Hans-Werner and Hellwig, Peter and Heringer, Hans Jürgen and Lobin, Henning}, publisher = {Walter de Gruyter}, series = {Hand\-bü\-cher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft}, title = {{Dependenz und Valenz} / {Dependency} and Valency: {Ein internationales Handbuch der zeitgenössischen Forschung} / {An} International Handbook of Contemporary Research}, volume = {25.2}, year = {2006} } @Book{ AEEHHL2003a-ed, address = {Berlin}, booktitle = {{Dependenz und Valenz} / {Dependency} and Valency: {Ein internationales Handbuch der zeitgenössischen Forschung} / {An} International Handbook of Contemporary Research}, editor = {Ágel, Vilmos and Eichinger, Ludwig M. and Eroms, Hans-Werner and Hellwig, Peter and Heringer, Hans Jürgen and Lobin, Henning}, publisher = {Walter de Gruyter}, series = {Hand\-bü\-cher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft}, title = {{Dependenz und Valenz} / {Dependency} and Valency: {Ein internationales Handbuch der zeitgenössischen Forschung} / {An} International Handbook of Contemporary Research}, volume = {25.1}, year = {2003} } @Book{ AR2000a-ed, address = {Stanford, CA}, booktitle = {{Tree Adjoining Grammars}: Formalisms, Linguistic Analysis and Processing}, editor = {Abeillé, Anne and Owen Rambow}, number = {156}, publisher = {CSLI Publications}, series = {CSLI Lecture Notes}, title = {{Tree Adjoining Grammars}: Formalisms, Linguistic Analysis and Processing}, year = {2000} } @Proceedings{ eacl95, address = {Dublin}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {Seventh Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics}}, editor = {Steven P. Abney and Erhard W. Hinrichs}, publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics}, title = {Proceedings of the {Seventh Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics}}, year = {1995} } @Book{ Abraham85a-ed, address = {Tübingen}, booktitle = {{Erklärende Syntax des Deutschen}}, editor = {Werner Abraham}, number = {25}, publisher = {\original Gunter Narr Verlag \jetzt Stauffenburg Verlag}, series = {Studien zur deutschen Grammatik}, title = {{Erklärende Syntax des Deutschen}}, year = {1985} } @Book{ Abraham83a-ed, address = {Amsterdam}, booktitle = {On the Formal Syntax of the {Westgermania: Papers from the 3rd Groningen Grammar Talks, Groningen, January 1981}}, editor = {Werner Abraham}, number = {3}, publisher = {John Benjamins Publishing Co.}, series = {Linguistik Aktuell/""Linguistics Today}, title = {On the Formal Syntax of the {Westgermania: Papers from the 3rd Groningen Grammar Talks, Groningen, January 1981}}, year = {1983} } @Book{ Abraham82a-ed, address = {Tübingen}, booktitle = {{Satzglieder im Deutschen -- Vorschläge zur syntaktischen, semantischen und pragmatischen Fundierung}}, editor = {Werner Abraham}, number = {15}, publisher = {\original Gunter Narr Verlag \jetzt Stauffenburg Verlag}, series = {Studien zur deutschen Grammatik}, title = {{Satzglieder im Deutschen -- Vorschläge zur syntaktischen, semantischen und pragmatischen Fundierung}}, year = {1982} } @Book{ AvG97, address = {Tübingen}, booktitle = {{German}: {Syntactic} Problems---{Problematic} Syntax}, editor = {Werner Abraham and Elly {van Gelderen}}, number = {374}, publisher = {Max Niemeyer Verlag}, series = {Linguistische Arbeiten}, title = {{German}: {Syntactic} Problems---{Problematic} Syntax}, year = {1997} } @Book{ AdM86a-ed, address = {Amsterdam}, booktitle = {Topic, Focus, and Configurationality: {Papers} from the {6th Groningen Grammar Talks, Groningen, 1984}}, editor = {Werner Abraham and S. de Meij}, number = {4}, publisher = {John Benjamins Publishing Co.}, series = {Linguistik Aktuell/""Linguistics Today}, title = {Topic, Focus, and Configurationality: {Papers} from the {6th Groningen Grammar Talks, Groningen, 1984}}, year = {1986} } @Book{ AABG2002a-ed, address = {Amsterdam}, booktitle = {Dimensions of Movement: {From} Features to Remnants}, editor = {Artemis Alexiadou and Elena Anagnostopoulou and Sjef Barbiers and Hans-Martin Gärtner}, number = {48}, publisher = {John Benjamins Publishing Co.}, series = {Linguistik Aktuell/""Linguistics Today}, title = {Dimensions of Movement: {From} Features to Remnants}, year = {2002} } @Book{ AH97a-ed, address = {Amsterdam}, booktitle = {Studies on {Universal Grammar} and Typological Variation}, editor = {Artemis Alexiadou and T. Alan Hall}, number = {13}, publisher = {John Benjamins Publishing Co.}, series = {Linguistik Aktuell/""Linguistics Today}, title = {Studies on {Universal Grammar} and Typological Variation}, year = {1997} } @Book{ KA2015a-ed, address = {Berlin}, booktitle = {Syntax -- Theory and Analysis: {An} International Handbook}, edition = {2}, editor = {Tibor Kiss and Artemis Alexiadou}, publisher = {Mouton de Gruyter}, series = {Handbooks of Linguistics and Communication Science}, title = {Syntax -- Theory and Analysis: {An} International Handbook}, volume = {42}, year = {2015} } @Book{ ABS97a-ed, address = {Stanford, CA}, booktitle = {Complex Predicates}, editor = {Alex Alsina and Joan Bresnan and Peter Sells}, number = {64}, publisher = {CSLI Publications}, series = {CSLI Lecture Notes}, title = {Complex Predicates}, year = {1997} } @Book{ AK73a-ed, address = {New York}, booktitle = {A Festschrift for {Morris Halle}}, editor = {Stephen R. Anderson and Paul Kiparsky}, publisher = {Holt, Rinehart \& Winston}, title = {A Festschrift for {Morris Halle}}, year = {1973} } @Book{ ASR87a-ed, address = {Tübingen}, booktitle = {{Neuere Forschungen zur Wortbildung und Histographie: Festgabe für Herbert E.\ Brekle zum 50.\ Geburtstag}}, editor = {Brigitte Asbach-Schnitker and Johannes Roggenhofer}, number = {284}, publisher = {Gunter Narr Verlag}, series = {Tübinger Beiträge zur Linguistik}, title = {{Neuere Forschungen zur Wortbildung und Histographie: Festgabe für Herbert E.\ Brekle zum 50.\ Geburtstag}}, year = {1987} } @Proceedings{ BLS14, address = {Berkeley, CA}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {14th Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society}}, editor = {Shelley Axmaker and Annie Jaisser and Helen Singmaster}, publisher = {Berkeley Linguistics Society}, year = {1988} } @Book{ BK89a-ed, address = {Chicago/London}, booktitle = {Alternative Conceptions of Phrase Structure}, editor = {Mark R. Baltin and Anthony S. Kroch}, publisher = {The University of Chicago Press}, title = {Alternative Conceptions of Phrase Structure}, year = {1989} } @Book{ BK2000b-ed, address = {Stanford, CA}, booktitle = {Usage-Based Models of Language}, editor = {Barlow, Michael and Suzanne Kemmer}, publisher = {CSLI Publications}, title = {Usage-Based Models of Language}, year = {2000} } @Book{ BR2000a-ed, address = {Tübingen}, booktitle = {{Von der Philologie zur Grammatiktheorie: Peter Suchsland zum 65.\ Geburtstag}}, editor = {Josef Bayer and Christine Römer}, publisher = {Max Niemeyer Verlag}, title = {{Von der Philologie zur Grammatiktheorie: Peter Suchsland zum 65.\ Geburtstag}}, year = {2000} } @Proceedings{ BFFS2003a-ed, address = {Vienna, Austria}, autheditor = {Emily M. Bender and Dan Flickinger and Frederik Fouvry and Melanie Siegel}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {ESSLLI 2003 Workshop ``Ideas and Strategies for Multilingual Grammar Development''}}, editor = {Emily M. Bender and Daniel P. Flickinger and Frederik Fouvry and Melanie Siegel}, title = {Proceedings of the {ESSLLI 2003 Workshop ``Ideas and Strategies for Multilingual Grammar Development''}}, year = {2003} } @Proceedings{ acl86, address = {Columbia University, New York}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {Twenty-Fourth Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics}}, editor = {Alan W. Biermann}, organization = {Association for Computational Linguistics}, title = {Proceedings of the {Twenty-Fourth Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics}}, year = {1986} } @Book{ BH70a-ed, address = {The Hague/Paris}, booktitle = {Progress in Linguistics}, editor = {Manfred Bierwisch and Karl Erich Heidolph}, publisher = {Mouton}, title = {Progress in Linguistics}, year = {1970} } @Proceedings{ BM97a-ed, address = {Austin, Texas}, booktitle = {{Texas Linguistic Forum} 38: {The} Syntax and Semantics of Predication: {Proceedings of the 1997 Texas Linguistics Society Conference}}, editor = {Ralph C. Blight and Michelle J. Moosally}, publisher = {University of Texas, Department of Linguistics}, title = {Texas Linguistic Forum 38: {The} Syntax and Semantics of Predication: {Proceedings of the 1997 Texas Linguistics Society Conference}}, year = {1997} } @Book{ BS2012a-ed, address = {Stanford, CA}, booktitle = {{Sign-based Construction Grammar}}, editor = {Hans C. Boas and Ivan A. Sag}, number = {193}, publisher = {CSLI Publications}, series = {CSLI Lecture Notes}, title = {{Sign-based Construction Grammar}}, year = {2012} } @Book{ Boeckx2011a-ed, address = {Oxford}, booktitle = {The {Oxford} Handbook of Linguistic {Minimalism}}, editor = {Cedric Boeckx}, publisher = {Oxford University Press}, series = {Oxford Handbooks in Linguistics}, title = {The {Oxford} Handbook of Linguistic {Minimalism}}, year = {2011} } @Book{ BCH2006a-ed, address = {Paris}, booktitle = {Empirical Issues in Formal Syntax and Semantics}, editor = {Olivier Bonami and Cabredo Hofherr, Patricia}, publisher = {CNRS}, title = {Empirical Issues in Formal Syntax and Semantics}, url = {http://www.cssp.cnrs.fr/eiss6/}, urldate = {2018-02-25}, volume = {6}, year = {2006} } @Book{ BB2011a, address = {Oxford, UK/""Cambridge, MA}, booktitle = {Non-Transformational Syntax: {Formal} and Explicit Models of Grammar: {A} Guide to Current Models}, editor = {Borsley, Robert D. and Kersti Börjars}, publisher = {Blackwell Publishing Ltd}, title = {Non-Transformational Syntax: {Formal} and Explicit Models of Grammar: {A} Guide to Current Models}, year = {2011} } @Book{ BvdS99a-ed, address = {Cambridge, UK}, booktitle = {Focus: {Linguistic}, Cognitive, and Computational Perspectives}, editor = {Peter Bosch and Rob {van der Sandt}}, note = {Rev. papers orig. presented at a conference held 1994, Schloss Wolfsbrunnen, Germany}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, series = {Studies in Natural Language Processing}, title = {Focus: {Linguistic}, Cognitive, and Computational Perspectives}, year = {1999} } @Book{ Bresnan82a-ed, address = {Cambridge, MA/""London}, booktitle = {The Mental Representation of Grammatical Relations}, editor = {Joan Bresnan}, publisher = {MIT Press}, series = {MIT Press Series on Cognitive Theory and Mental Representation}, title = {The Mental Representation of Grammatical Relations}, year = {1982} } @Book{ BCdP93a-ed, address = {Cambridge, UK}, booktitle = {Inheritance, Defaults, and the Lexicon}, editor = {Ted Briscoe and Ann Copestake and Valeria de Paiva}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, title = {Inheritance, Defaults, and the Lexicon}, year = {1993} } @Book{ Brown2006a-ed, address = {Oxford}, booktitle = {The Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics}, edition = {2}, editor = {Keith Brown}, publisher = {Elsevier Science Publisher B.V. (North-Holland)}, title = {The Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics}, year = {2006} } @Book{ BvH96a-ed, address = {Berlin}, booktitle = {Discontinuous Constituency}, editor = {Harry Bunt and Arthur van Horck}, number = {6}, publisher = {Mouton de Gruyter}, series = {Natural Language Processing}, title = {Discontinuous Constituency}, year = {1996} } @Proceedings{ BT96a-ed, address = {Dordrecht}, booktitle = {Recent Advances in Parsing Technology}, editor = {Bunt, Harry and Tomita, Masaru}, number = {1}, publisher = {Kluwer Academic Publishers}, series = {Text, Speech and Language Technology}, title = {Recent Advances in Parsing Technology}, year = {1996} } @Proceedings{ BK2009a-ed, address = {Stanford, CA}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {LFG 2009} Conference}, editor = {Miriam Butt and Tracy Holloway King}, publisher = {CSLI Publications}, title = {Proceedings of the {LFG 2009} Conference}, url = {http://csli-publications.stanford.edu/LFG/14/}, urldate = {2018-02-25}, year = {2009} } @Proceedings{ BK2008a-ed, address = {Stanford, CA}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {LFG 2008} Conference}, editor = {Miriam Butt and Tracy Holloway King}, publisher = {CSLI Publications}, title = {Proceedings of the {LFG 2008} Conference}, url = {http://csli-publications.stanford.edu/LFG/13/}, urldate = {2018-02-25}, year = {2008} } @Proceedings{ BK2007a-ed, address = {Stanford, CA}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {LFG 2007} Conference}, editor = {Miriam Butt and Tracy Holloway King}, publisher = {CSLI Publications}, title = {Proceedings of the {LFG 2007} Conference}, url = {http://csli-publications.stanford.edu/LFG/12/}, urldate = {2018-02-25}, year = {2007} } @Proceedings{ BK2006a-ed, address = {Stanford, CA}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {LFG 2006} Conference}, editor = {Miriam Butt and Tracy Holloway King}, publisher = {CSLI Publications}, title = {Proceedings of the {LFG 2006} Conference}, url = {http://csli-publications.stanford.edu/LFG/11/}, urldate = {2018-02-25}, year = {2006} } @Book{ BHK2005a-ed, address = {Stanford, CA}, booktitle = {Lexical Semantics in {LFG}}, checkseries = {Studies in Constraint"=Based Lexicalism}, editor = {Miriam Butt and Tracy Holloway King}, publisher = {CSLI Publications}, title = {Lexical Semantics in {LFG}}, year = {2005} } @Proceedings{ BK2005a-ed, address = {Stanford, CA}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {LFG 2005} Conference}, editor = {Miriam Butt and Tracy Holloway King}, publisher = {CSLI Publications}, title = {Proceedings of the {LFG 2005} Conference}, url = {http://csli-publications.stanford.edu/LFG/10/}, urldate = {2018-02-25}, year = {2005} } @Proceedings{ BK2004a-ed, address = {Stanford, CA}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {LFG 2004} Conference}, editor = {Miriam Butt and Tracy Holloway King}, publisher = {CSLI Publications}, title = {Proceedings of the {LFG 2004} Conference}, url = {http://csli-publications.stanford.edu/LFG/9/}, urldate = {2018-02-25}, year = {2004} } @Proceedings{ BK2003a-ed, address = {Stanford, CA}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {LFG 2003} Conference}, editor = {Miriam Butt and Tracy Holloway King}, publisher = {CSLI Publications}, title = {Proceedings of the {LFG 2003} Conference}, year = {2003} } @Proceedings{ BK2002a-ed, address = {Stanford, CA}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {LFG 2002} Conference}, editor = {Miriam Butt and Tracy Holloway King}, publisher = {CSLI Publications}, title = {Proceedings of the {LFG 2002} Conference}, url = {http://csli-publications.stanford.edu/LFG/7/}, urldate = {2018-02-25}, year = {2002} } @Proceedings{ BK2001a-ed, address = {Stanford, CA}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {LFG 2001} Conference}, editor = {Miriam Butt and Tracy Holloway King}, publisher = {CSLI Publications}, title = {Proceedings of the {LFG 2001} Conference}, url = {http://csli-publications.stanford.edu/LFG/6/}, urldate = {2018-02-25}, year = {2001} } @Proceedings{ BK2000a-ed, address = {Stanford, CA}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {LFG 2000} Conference}, editor = {Miriam Butt and Tracy Holloway King}, publisher = {CSLI Publications}, title = {Proceedings of the {LFG 2000} Conference}, url = {http://csli-publications.stanford.edu/LFG/5/}, urldate = {2018-02-25}, year = {2000} } @Proceedings{ BK99a-ed, address = {Stanford, CA}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {LFG '99} Conference, {University of Manchester}}, editor = {Miriam Butt and Tracy Holloway King}, publisher = {CSLI Publications}, title = {Proceedings of the {LFG '99} Conference, {University of Manchester}}, url = {http://csli-publications.stanford.edu/LFG/4/}, urldate = {2018-02-25}, year = {1999} } @Proceedings{ BK96a-ed, address = {Stanford, CA}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {LFG '96} Conference, {Rank Xerox, Grenoble}}, editor = {Miriam Butt and Tracy Holloway King}, publisher = {CSLI Publications}, title = {Proceedings of the {LFG '96} Conference, {Rank Xerox, Grenoble}}, url = {http://csli-publications.stanford.edu/LFG/1/}, urldate = {2018-02-25}, year = {1996} } @Book{ CRLG87, address = {Tübingen}, booktitle = {{Das Passiv im Deutschen}}, editor = {{Centre de Recherche en Linguistique Germanique (Nice)}}, number = {183}, publisher = {Max Niemeyer Verlag}, series = {Linguistische Arbeiten}, title = {{Das Passiv im Deutschen}}, year = {1987} } @Proceedings{ wccfl2008, address = {Somerville, MA}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {26th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics}}, editor = {Charles B. Chang and Hannah J. Haynie}, publisher = {Cascadilla Proceedings Project}, title = {Proceedings of the {26th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics}}, year = {2008} } @Proceedings{ wccfl2009, address = {Somerville, MA}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {27th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics}}, editor = {Natasha Abner and Jason Bishop}, publisher = {Cascadilla Proceedings Project}, title = {Proceedings of the {26th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics}}, year = {2008} } @Book{ CPT89a-ed, address = {Dordrecht}, booktitle = {Properties, Types and Meaning}, editor = {Gennaro Chierchia and Barbara H. Partee and Raymond Turner}, publisher = {Kluwer Academic Publishers}, series = {Studies in Linguistics and Philosophy}, title = {Properties, Types and Meaning}, volume = {2}, year = {1989} } @Book{ CKPRZ94a-ed, address = {Washington, D.C.}, booktitle = {Paths Towards {Universal Grammar}: {Studies} in Honor of {Richard S. Kayne}}, editor = {Guglielmo Cinque and Jan Koster and Jean-Yves Pollock and Luigi Rizzi and Raffaella Zanuttini}, publisher = {Georgetown University Press}, title = {Paths Towards {Universal Grammar}: {Studies} in Honor of {Richard S. Kayne}}, year = {1994} } @Proceedings{ geaf2008, address = {Manchester, England}, booktitle = {Coling 2008: {Proceedings} of the {Workshop on Grammar Engineering Across Frameworks}}, editor = {Stephen Clark and Tracy Holloway King}, publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics}, title = {Coling 2008: {Proceedings} of the {Workshop on Grammar Engineering Across Frameworks}}, year = {2008} } @Book{ CS77a-ed, address = {New York, San Francisco, London}, booktitle = {Grammatical Relations}, editor = {Peter Cole and Jerrold M. Sadock}, number = {8}, publisher = {Academic Press}, series = {Syntax and Semantics}, title = {Grammatical Relations}, year = {1977} } @Book{ CMP90, address = {Stanford, CA}, booktitle = {{Situation Theory} and Its Applications}, editor = {Robin Cooper and Kuniaki Mukai and John Perry}, number = {22}, publisher = {CSLI Publications}, series = {CSLI Lecture Notes}, title = {{Situation Theory} and Its Applications}, volume = {1}, year = {1990} } @Book{ CBDP2003a-ed, address = {Amsterdam}, booktitle = {Motivation in Language: {Studies} in Honour of {Günter Radden}}, editor = {Hubert Cuyckens and Thomas Berg and René Dirven and Klaus-Uwe Panther}, publisher = {John Benjamins Publishing Co.}, title = {Motivation in Language: {Studies} in honour of {Günter Radden}}, year = {2003} } @Book{ DRS97a-ed, address = {Tübingen}, booktitle = {{Sprache im Fokus: Festschrift für Heinz Vater zum 65.\,Geburtstag}}, editor = {Christa Dürscheid and Karl Heinz Ramers and Monika Schwarz}, publisher = {Max Niemeyer Verlag}, title = {{Sprache im Fokus: Festschrift für Heinz Vater zum 65.\,Geburtstag}}, year = {1997} } @Proceedings{ acl99, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {Thirty-Seventh Annual Meeting of the ACL}}, editor = {Robert Dale and Ken Church}, organization = {Association for Computational Linguistics}, title = {Proceedings of the {Thirty-Seventh Annual Meeting of the ACL}}, year = {1999} } @Book{ DKMZ95a-ed, address = {Stanford, CA}, booktitle = {Formal Issues in {Lexical-Functional Grammar}}, editor = {Mary Dalrymple and Ronald M. Kaplan and John T. {Maxwell III} and Annie Zaenen}, number = {47}, publisher = {CSLI Publications}, series = {CSLI Lecture Notes}, title = {Formal Issues in {Lexical-Functional Grammar}}, year = {1995} } @Book{ DJMU2002a-ed, address = {Berlin}, booktitle = {Verb-Par\-ti\-cle Explorations}, editor = {Nicole Dehé and Ray S. Jackendoff and Andrew McIntyre and Silke Urban}, number = {1}, publisher = {Mouton de Gruyter}, series = {Interface Explorations}, title = {Verb-Par\-ti\-cle Explorations}, year = {2002} } @Book{ EHP2011a-ed, address = {Berlin}, booktitle = {{Sprachliches Wissen zwischen Lexikon und Grammatik}}, editor = {Stefan Engelberg and Anke Holler and Kristel Proost}, publisher = {de Gruyter}, series = {Institut für Deutsche Sprache, Jahrbuch 2010}, title = {{Sprachliches Wissen zwischen Lexikon und Grammatik}}, year = {2011} } @Book{ IDS97, address = {Berlin}, all_author = {Gisela Zifonun and Ludger Hoffmann and Bruno Strecker and Joachim Ballweg and Ursula Brauße and Eva Breindel and Ulrich Engel and Helmut Frosch and Ursula Hoberg and Klaus Vorderwülbecke}, booktitle = {{Grammatik der deutschen Sprache}}, editor = {Hans-Werner Eroms and Gerhard Stickel and Gisela Zifonun}, publisher = {Walter de Gruyter}, series = {Schriften des Instituts für deutsche Sprache}, title = {{Grammatik der deutschen Sprache}}, volume = {7}, year = {1997} } @Book{ EvR2006a-ed, address = {Oxford}, booktitle = {The {Blackwell} Companion to Syntax}, editor = {Martin Everaert and Henk van Riemsdijk and Rob Goedemans and Bart Hollebrandse}, publisher = {Blackwell Publishing Ltd}, series = {Blackwell Handbooks in Linguistics}, title = {The {Blackwell} Companion to Syntax}, year = {2006} } @Book{ FF90, address = {Tübingen}, booktitle = {{Strukturen und Merkmale syntaktischer Kategorien}}, editor = {Gisbert Fanselow and Sascha W. Felix}, number = {39}, publisher = {\original Gunter Narr Verlag \jetzt Stauffenburg Verlag}, series = {Studien zur deutschen Grammatik}, title = {{Strukturen und Merkmale syntaktischer Kategorien}}, year = {1990} } @Book{ FS2006a-ed, address = {Tübingen}, booktitle = {{Konstruktionsgrammatik: Von der Anwendung zur Theorie}}, editor = {Kerstin Fischer and Anatol Stefanowitsch}, number = {40}, publisher = {Stauffenburg Verlag}, series = {Stauffenburg Linguistik}, title = {{Konstruktionsgrammatik: Von der Anwendung zur Theorie}}, year = {2006} } @Proceedings{ FK2001a-ed, autheditor = {Dan Flickinger and Andreas Kathol}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {HPSG-2000 Conference, University of California, Berkeley}}, editor = {Daniel P. Flickinger and Andreas Kathol}, publisher = {CSLI Publications}, title = {Proceedings of the {HPSG-2000 Conference, University of California, Berkeley}}, url = {http://csli-publications.stanford.edu/HPSG/1/}, urldate = {2018-02-25}, year = {2001} } @Book{ KF64a-ed, address = {Englewood Cliffs, NJ}, booktitle = {The Structure of Language}, editor = {Fodor, Jerry A. and Katz, Jerrold J.}, publisher = {Prentice-Hall}, title = {The Structure of Language}, year = {1964} } @Book{ FH94a-ed, address = {Amsterdam}, editor = {Barbara A. Fox and Paul J. Hopper}, number = {27}, publisher = {John Benjamins Publishing Co.}, series = {Typological Studies in Language}, title = {Voice: Form and Function}, year = {1994} } @Book{ FM2003a-ed, address = {Stanford, CA}, booktitle = {Mismatch: Form-function Incongruity and the Architecture of Grammar}, editor = {Elaine J. Francis and Laura A. Michaelis}, number = {163}, publisher = {CSLI Publications}, series = {CSLI Lecture Notes}, title = {Mismatch: Form-function Incongruity and the Architecture of Grammar}, year = {2003} } @Book{ GS90a-ed, address = {Amsterdam}, booktitle = {{Scrambling and Barriers}}, editor = {Günther Grewendorf and Wolfgang Sternefeld}, number = {5}, publisher = {John Benjamins Publishing Co.}, series = {Linguistik Aktuell/""Linguistics Today}, title = {Scrambling and Barriers}, year = {1990} } @Proceedings{ Goerz92a-ed, address = {Berlin}, booktitle = {{Konvens 92. 1.\,Konferenz "`Verarbeitung natürlicher Sprache"'. Nürn\-berg 7.--9.\,Oktober 1992}}, editor = {Günther Görz}, publisher = {Springer Verlag}, series = {Informatik aktuell}, title = {{Konvens 92. 1.\,Konferenz "`Verarbeitung natürlicher Sprache"'. Nürn\-berg7.--9.\,Oktober 1992}}, year = {1992} } @Book{ Haftka94a-ed, address = {Opladen}, booktitle = {{Was determiniert Wortstellungsvariation? Studien zu einem Interaktionsfeld von Grammatik, Pragmatik und Sprachtypologie}}, editor = {Brigitta Haftka}, publisher = {Westdeutscher Verlag}, title = {{Was determiniert Wortstellungsvariation? Studien zu einem Interaktionsfeld von Grammatik, Pragmatik und Sprachtypologie}}, year = {1994} } @Book{ HN91a-ed, address = {Dordrecht}, booktitle = {Representation and Derivation in the Theory of Grammar}, editor = {Hubert Haider and Klaus Netter}, number = {22}, publisher = {Kluwer Academic Publishers}, series = {Studies in Natural Language and Linguistic Theory}, title = {Representation and Derivation in the Theory of Grammar}, year = {1991} } @Book{ HK93a-ed, address = {Cambridge, MA/""London}, booktitle = {The View from Building 20:\ {Essays} in Linguistics in Honor of {Sylvain Bromberger}}, editor = {Kenneth Hale and Samuel Jay Keyser}, number = {24}, publisher = {MIT Press}, series = {Current Studies in Linguistics}, title = {The View from Building 20:\ Essays in Linguistics in Honor of {Sylvain Bromberger}}, year = {1993} } @Book{ HB96a-ed, address = {Tübingen}, booktitle = {{Wenn die Semantik arbeitet: Klaus Baumgärtner zum 65.\ Geburtstag}}, editor = {Gisela Harras and Manfred Bierwisch}, preis = {168,- DM}, publisher = {Max Niemeyer Verlag}, title = {{Wenn die Semantik arbeitet: Klaus Baumgärtner zum 65.\ Geburtstag}}, year = {1996} } @Book{ HR91a-ed, address = {Berlin}, booktitle = {Text Understanding in {LILOG}}, editor = {Otthein Herzog and Claus-Rainer Rollinger}, number = {546}, publisher = {Springer Verlag}, series = {Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence}, title = {Text Understanding in {LILOG}}, year = {1991} } @Book{ HSB2003a-ed, address = {Oxford}, booktitle = {Secondary Predication and Adverbial Modification: {The} Typology of Depictives}, editor = {Nikolaus P. Himmelmann and Eva Schultze-Berndt}, publisher = {Oxford University Press}, title = {Secondary Predication and Adverbial Modification: {The} Typology of Depictives}, year = {2005} } @Proceedings{ acl2003, address = {Sapporo, Japan}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {41st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics}}, editor = {Erhard Hinrichs and Dan Roth}, publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics}, title = {Proceedings of the {41st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics}}, year = {2003} } @Book{ HKN98a-ed, address = {San Diego}, booktitle = {Complex Predicates in Nonderivational Syntax}, editor = {Erhard W. Hinrichs and Andreas Kathol and Tsuneko Nakazawa}, number = {30}, publisher = {Academic Press}, series = {Syntax and Semantics}, title = {Complex Predicates in Nonderivational Syntax}, year = {1998} } @Book{ HMRSW97a-ed, address = {T\"u\-bing\-en}, booktitle = {{Ein HPSG-Fragment des Deutschen. Teil 1: Theorie}}, editor = {Erhard W. Hinrichs and Walt Detmar Meurers and Frank Richter and Manfred Sailer and Heike Winhart}, publisher = {Eberhard-Karls-Uni\-ver\-si\-tät Tübingen}, series = {Arbeitspapiere des SFB 340}, title = {{Ein HPSG-Fragment des Deutschen. Teil 1: Theorie}}, volume = {\Nr 95}, year = {1997} } @Book{ Hoffmann92a-ed, address = {Berlin}, booktitle = {{Deutsche Syntax: Ansichten und Aussichten}}, editor = {Ludger Hoffmann}, publisher = {de Gruyter}, series = {Institut für deutsche Sprache, Jahrbuch 1991}, title = {{Deutsche Syntax: Ansichten und Aussichten}}, year = {1992} } @Book{ HO87a-ed, address = {New York}, booktitle = {Discontinuous Constituency}, editor = {Geoffrey J. Huck and Almerindo E. Ojeda}, number = {20}, publisher = {Academic Press}, series = {Syntax and Semantics}, title = {Discontinuous Constituency}, year = {1987} } @Proceedings{ acl2002, address = {University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia}, booktitle = {{40th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics}: {Proceedings} of the Conference}, editor = {Pierre Isabelle}, publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics}, title = {{40th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics}: {Proceedings} of the Conference}, url = {http://aclweb.org/anthology/P/P02/}, urldate = {2018-02-25}, year = {2002} } @Book{ JR70, address = {Waltham, MA/""Toronto/""London}, booktitle = {Readings in {English} {Transformational Grammar}}, editor = {Roderick A. Jacobs and Peter S. Rosenbaum}, publisher = {Ginn and Company}, title = {Readings in {English} {Transformational Grammar}}, year = {1970} } @Proceedings{ FG2003, address = {Stanford, CA}, booktitle = {Proceedings of {Formal Grammar 2003, Vienna, Austria}}, editor = {Jäger, Gerhard and Monachesi, Paola and Penn, Gerald and Wintner, Shuly}, publisher = {CSLI Publications}, title = {Proceedings of {Formal Grammar 2003, Vienna, Austria}}, year = {2008} } @Proceedings{ FG2002, address = {Trento}, booktitle = {Proceedings of {Formal Grammar 2002}}, editor = {Gerhard Jäger and Paola Monachesi and Gerald Penn and Shuly Wintner}, title = {Proceedings of {Formal Grammar 2002}}, year = {2002} } @Proceedings{ coling90, address = {Helsinki}, booktitle = {{COLING-90}: {Papers} Presented to the {13th International Conference on Computational Linguistics}}, editor = {Hans Karlgren}, publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics}, title = {{COLING-90}: {Papers} Presented to the {13th International Conference on Computational Linguistics}}, year = {1990} } @Book{ Kenstowicz2001a-ed, address = {Cambridge, MA}, booktitle = {{Ken Hale}: {A} Life in Language}, editor = {Michael Kenstowicz}, publisher = {MIT Press}, title = {{Ken Hale}: {A} Life in Language}, year = {2001} } @Proceedings{ KW03a-ed, address = {Stanford, CA}, booktitle = {The Proceedings of the {9th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar}}, editor = {Jongbok Kim and Stephen Mark Wechsler}, publisher = {CSLI Publications}, title = {The Proceedings of the {9th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar}}, url = {http://csli-publications.stanford.edu/HPSG/3/}, urldate = {2018-03-20}, year = {2003} } @Proceedings{ eacl85, address = {Geneva}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2nd {European Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics}}, editor = {Maghi King}, publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics}, title = {Proceedings of the 2nd {European Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics}}, url = {http://aclweb.org/anthology/E/E85/}, urldate = {2018-02-25}, year = {1985} } @Proceedings{ geaf2007, address = {Stanford, CA}, booktitle = {{Grammar Engineering across Frameworks 2007}}, editor = {Tracy Holloway King and Emily M. Bender}, publisher = {CSLI Publications}, series = {Studies in Computational Linguistics ONLINE}, title = {{Grammar Engineering across Frameworks 2007}}, url = {http://csli-publications.stanford.edu/GEAF/2007/}, urldate = {2018-02-25}, year = {2007} } @Proceedings{ acl2009:geaf, address = {Suntec, Singapore}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2009 {Workshop on Grammar Engineering Across Frameworks (GEAF 2009)}}, editor = {Tracy Holloway King and Marianne Santaholma}, publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics}, title = {Proceedings of the 2009 {Workshop on Grammar Engineering Across Frameworks (GEAF 2009)}}, url = {http://www.aclweb.org/anthology/W/W09/#2600}, urldate = {2018-02-25}, year = {2009} } @Proceedings{ eacl93, address = {Uetrecht}, booktitle = {{Sixth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics. Proceedings} of the Conference}, editor = {Steven Krauwer and Michael Moortgat and Louis des Tombe}, publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics}, title = {{Sixth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics. Proceedings} of the Conference}, year = {1993} } @Proceedings{ KMO96a-ed, address = {Prag}, booktitle = {Proceedings of {Formal Grammar 96}}, editor = {Kruijff, Geert-Jan and Morrill, Glynn V. and Oehrle, Dick}, title = {Proceedings of {Formal Grammar 96}}, year = {1996} } @Book{ KvdA94a-ed, address = {London}, booktitle = {The {Germanic} Languages}, editor = {Ekkehard König and Johan van der Auwera}, publisher = {Routledge}, series = {Routledge Language Family Descriptions}, title = {The {Germanic} Languages}, year = {1994} } @Book{ LMFH2003a-ed, address = {Berlin}, booktitle = {Modifying Adjuncts}, editor = {Ewald Lang and Claudia Maienborn and Cathrine Fabricius-Hansen}, number = {4}, publisher = {Mouton de Gruyter}, series = {Interface Explorations}, title = {Modifying Adjuncts}, year = {2003} } @Book{ LZ96a-ed, address = {Berlin}, booktitle = {Deutsch -- typologisch}, editor = {Ewald Lang and Gisela Zifonun}, publisher = {Walter de Gruyter}, series = {Institut für deutsche Sprache, Jahrbuch 1995}, title = {Deutsch -- typologisch}, year = {1996} } @Book{ LDY2010a-ed, address = {Cambridge, UK}, booktitle = {The Evolution of Human Language: Biolinguistic Perspectives}, editor = {Richard K. Larson and Viviane Déprez and Hiroko Yamakido}, number = {2}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, series = {Approaches to the Evolution of Language}, title = {The Evolution of Human Language: Biolinguistic Perspectives}, year = {2010} } @Book{ LRZ83a-ed, address = {Indiana}, autheditor = {Lori S. Levin and Malka {Rappaport Hovav} and Annie Zaenen}, booktitle = {Papers in {Lexical Functional Grammar}}, editor = {Lori S. Levin and Malka Rappaport and Annie Zaenen}, publisher = {Indiana University Linguistics Club}, title = {Papers in {Lexical Functional Grammar}}, year = {1983} } @Book{ LBG63a-ed, address = {New York}, booktitle = {Handbook of Mathematical Psychology}, editor = {R. Duncan Luce and Robert R. Bush and Eugene Galanter}, publisher = {John Wiley \& Sons, Inc.}, title = {Handbook of Mathematical Psychology}, year = {1963} } @Book{ LP96a-ed, address = {Amsterdam}, booktitle = {On Extraction and Extraposition in {German}}, editor = {Uli Lutz and Jürgen Pafel}, number = {11}, publisher = {John Benjamins Publishing Co.}, series = {Linguistik Aktuell/""Linguistics Today}, title = {On Extraction and Extraposition in {German}}, year = {1996} } @Book{ LK2009a-ed, address = {Berlin}, booktitle = {Corpus Linguistics: {An} International Handbook}, editor = {Anke Lüdeling and Merja Kytö}, publisher = {Mouton de Gruyter}, series = {Hand\-bü\-cher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft}, title = {Corpus Linguistics: {An} International Handbook}, volume = {29}, year = {2009} } @Proceedings{ eacl87, address = {Copenhagen, Denmark}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {Third Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics}}, editor = {Bente Maegaard}, publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics}, title = {Proceedings of the {Third Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics}}, year = {1987} } @Book{ Manaster-Ramer87a-ed, address = {Amsterdam}, booktitle = {Mathematics of Language}, editor = {Alexis Manaster-Ramer}, publisher = {John Benjamins Publishing Co.}, title = {Mathematics of Language}, year = {1987} } @Proceedings{ acl85, address = {Chicago, IL}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {Twenty-Third Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics}}, editor = {Mann, William C.}, organization = {Association for Computational Linguistics}, title = {Proceedings of the {Twenty-Third Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics}}, year = {1985} } @Book{ MK2001a-ed, address = {Stanford, CA}, booktitle = {Constraint"=Based Approaches to {Germanic} Syntax}, editor = {Walt Detmar Meurers and Tibor Kiss}, number = {7}, publisher = {CSLI Publications}, series = {Studies in Constraint"=Based Lexicalism}, title = {Constraint"=Based Approaches to {Germanic} Syntax}, year = {2001} } @Proceedings{ acl2008:hlt, address = {Columbus, Ohio}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {46th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies}}, editor = {Johanna D. Moore and Simone Teufel and James Allan and Sadaoki Furui}, publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics}, title = {Proceedings of the {46th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies}}, url = {http://www.aclweb.org/anthology/P/P08/}, urldate = {2015-12-23}, year = {2008} } @Proceedings{ FG2001, address = {Helsinki}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Joint Meeting of the {6th Conference on Formal Grammar and the 7th Conference on Mathematics of Language}}, editor = {Lawrence S. Moss and Richard T. Oehrle}, number = {53}, publisher = {Elsevier Science Publisher B.V. (North-Holland)}, series = {Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science}, title = {Proceedings of the Joint Meeting of the {6th Conference on Formal Grammar and the 7th Conference on Mathematics of Language}}, year = {2004} } @Book{ MR86a-ed, address = {Dordrecht/Cinnaminson, U.S.A.}, booktitle = {Features and Projections}, editor = {Peter Muysken and {Henk van} Riemsdijk}, publisher = {Foris Publications}, title = {Features and Projections}, year = {1986} } @Book{ MS2001a-ed, address = {Berlin}, booktitle = {Competition in Syntax}, editor = {Müller, Gereon and Wolfgang Sternefeld}, publisher = {Mouton de Gruyter}, title = {Competition in Syntax}, year = {2001} } @Proceedings{ Mueller2013a-ed, address = {Stanford, CA}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {20th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, Freie Universität Berlin}}, editor = {Stefan Müller}, publisher = {CSLI Publications}, title = {Proceedings of the {20th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, Freie Universität Berlin}}, url = {http://csli-publications.stanford.edu/HPSG/2013/}, urldate = {2018-02-25}, year = {2013} } @Proceedings{ Mueller2011a-ed, address = {Stanford, CA}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {18th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, University of Washington}}, c_booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference on {Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar}}, c_title = {Proceedings of the International Conference on {Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar}}, editor = {Stefan Müller}, publisher = {CSLI Publications}, title = {Proceedings of the {18th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, University of Washington}}, url = {http://csli-publications.stanford.edu/HPSG/2011/}, urldate = {2018-02-25}, year = {2011} } @Proceedings{ Mueller2010a-ed, address = {Stanford, CA}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {17th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, Université Paris Diderot}}, editor = {Stefan Müller}, publisher = {CSLI Publications}, title = {Proceedings of the {17th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, Université Paris Diderot}}, url = {http://csli-publications.stanford.edu/HPSG/2010/}, urldate = {2018-02-25}, year = {2010} } @Proceedings{ Mueller2009a-ed, address = {Stanford, CA}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {16th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, University of Göttingen, Germany}}, editor = {Stefan Müller}, publisher = {CSLI Publications}, title = {Proceedings of the {16th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, University of Göttingen, Germany}}, url = {http://csli-publications.stanford.edu/HPSG/2009/}, urldate = {2018-02-25}, year = {2009} } @Proceedings{ Mueller2008a-ed, address = {Stanford, CA}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {15th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar}}, editor = {Stefan Müller}, publisher = {CSLI Publications}, title = {Proceedings of the {15th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar}}, url = {http://csli-publications.stanford.edu/HPSG/2008/}, urldate = {2018-02-25}, year = {2008} } @Proceedings{ Mueller2007a-ed, address = {Stanford, CA}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {14th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar}}, editor = {Stefan Müller}, publisher = {CSLI Publications}, title = {Proceedings of the {14th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar}}, url = {http://csli-publications.stanford.edu/HPSG/2007/}, urldate = {2018-02-25}, year = {2007} } @Proceedings{ Mueller2005a-ed, address = {Stanford, CA}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {12th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, Department of Informatics, University of Lisbon}}, editor = {Stefan Müller}, publisher = {CSLI Publications}, title = {Proceedings of the {12th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, Department of Informatics, University of Lisbon}}, url = {http://csli-publications.stanford.edu/HPSG/2005/}, urldate = {2018-02-25}, year = {2005} } @Proceedings{ Mueller2004a-ed, address = {Stanford, CA}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {11th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, Center for Computational Linguistics, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven}}, editor = {Stefan Müller}, publisher = {CSLI Publications}, title = {Proceedings of the {11th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, Center for Computational Linguistics, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven}}, url = {http://csli-publications.stanford.edu/HPSG/2004/}, urldate = {2018-02-25}, year = {2004} } @Proceedings{ Mueller2003a-ed, address = {Stanford, CA}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {10th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, Michigan State University, East Lansing}}, editor = {Stefan Müller}, publisher = {CSLI Publications}, title = {Proceedings of the {10th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, Michigan State University, East Lansing}}, url = {http://csli-publications.stanford.edu/HPSG/2003/}, urldate = {2018-02-25}, year = {2003} } @Proceedings{ coling94, address = {Kyoto, Japan}, booktitle = {Proceedings of {COLING} 94}, editor = {Makoto Nagao}, publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics}, title = {Proceedings of {COLING} 94}, year = {1994} } @Proceedings{ coling86, address = {University of Bonn}, booktitle = {Proceedings of {COLING} 86}, editor = {Makoto Nagao}, publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics}, title = {Proceedings of {COLING} 86}, year = {1986} } @Book{ NNP94, address = {Stanford, CA}, booktitle = {German in {Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar}}, editor = {John Nerbonne and Klaus Netter and Carl J. Pollard}, number = {46}, publisher = {CSLI Publications}, series = {CSLI Lecture Notes}, title = {German in {Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar}}, year = {1994} } @Book{ OBW88a-ed, address = {Dordrecht}, booktitle = {{Categorial Grammars} and Natural Language Structures}, editor = {Richard Oehrle and Emmon Bach and Deirdre Wheeler}, publisher = {D. Reidel Publishing Company}, title = {{Categorial Grammars} and Natural Language Structures}, year = {1988} } @Proceedings{ EISS2012a, address = {Paris}, booktitle = {Empirical Issues in Syntax and Semantics}, editor = {Christopher Piñón}, publisher = {CNRS}, title = {Empirical Issues in Syntax and Semantics}, volume = {9}, year = {2012} } @Proceedings{ acl94, address = {Las Cruses}, booktitle = {32th {Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics. 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